tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business October 24, 2019 4:00am-5:00am EDT
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halloween costume. bye. lou: good evening everybody. president trump today added to his historic record of successes in his first three years in office. president trump pulling off an unimaginable feat at least in the minds of his detractors after unilaterally ordering the withdrawal of our troops from syria just two weeks ago. president trump announced what he termed a permanent cease-fire between turkey and the kurds in syria praising the outcome as one reached by americans that ultimately save lives. the president having a little righteous retribution fun against the fake news geniuses who along with radical dems and
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rhinos criticized his decision and called for an endless continuation of u.s. involvement in what the president termed long bloodstained region. turkey, syria and all forms of the kurds have been fighting for centuries. we have done them a great service and we have done a great job for all of them. and now we are getting out. let someone else fights over this long bloodstained sand. there were some political pundits who responded to turkey's offensive in syria by calling for yet another american military intervention. i don't think so. they are the ones that got us into the middle east mess but never had the vision or the courage to get us out. they just balked. lou: for more on today's
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historic achievement return to chief white house correspondent john roberts. reporter: president trump declared victory for his foreign-policy announcing turkey had agreed to make the five-day long cease-fire with kurdish forces in syria permanent. >> i greet you from the white house to announce a major breakthrough toward achieving a better future for syria and for the middle east through. reporter: president trump lifted sanctions imposed on turkey but added a permanent solution to the turkish kurd conflict would not have been possible without the fighting that erupted after the invasion. >> the suffering of the three-day fight that occurred was directly responsible for her ability to make an agreement with turkey and the kurds i could never have been made without the short-term outburst purport to president trump's leaving it to turkey and russia to patrol the save some established in the agreement. south carolina senator lindsey graham praised the cease-fire
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but worried about what comes next. >> i agree with the president there would have been no cease-fire but he cannot rely on syria, russia or turkey to protect the united states against isis. reporter: the president appeared to get by and from the kurds. syrian leader general tweeting quote we thank president trump for his tireless efforts to stop the brutal turkish attack and jihadist groups on our people. the general thanking the president for the continued support of the kurdish people in president made pained supported various fears. we'll have much more on this outcome that most no one had predict it. former state department senior adviser morgan wright joins us as does lieutenant colonel daniel davis.
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like all of the president's successes it seems the presidents foreign-policy achievement today offering a cease-fire resulted despite the efforts of radical dems in the deep state who are trying to overthrow his presidency whether by hook or by crook. now sources close to u.s. attorney john durham say the investigation into the obvious abuses of the spygate origins has been expanded, expanded because of new evidence that iran has uncovered while in rome with attorney general william barbie jeep intelligence correspondent catherine herridge reports that arab is quote very interested to question former cia director john brennan the former director of national intelligence james clapper as well. both virulent anti-trump critics to say the least. fox today learned of the italian prime minister testified that he
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permitted r to meet with intelligence officials on the russia investigation. also saying the president never once asked him to arrange the meetings that resulted between barr and the italian intelligence. by the way as an aside here i suppose in the future we will have to begin saying there was no quid pro quo in every international agreement that we report or explain for example in trade agreement there was a satisfying level of quid pro quo that is balanced and reciprocal trade. the quid pro quo nonsense will be with us for at least another few weeks. there's a newfound confidence among house republicans. it was only last week a third of house republicans stood with president trump's decision to withdraw our troops from syria, a decision that it now turns out to be a stroke of genius, another historic achievement for our historic president. the president again as he has
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for three straight years proved his detractors wrong. among those detractors two-thirds of the house republicans who voiced their opposition to his troop withdrawal. suddenly the republicans in the house appear to be learning at least in the house. this week there was a daunting. when all 185 house republicans stood with the president on congressman andy big mac's resolution to censure house until chairman adam schiff, the leader of the charade that they call an impeachment inquiry. today gop pulled off a political stunt, a stunt. they are not writing strong letters and they are not just yelling or talking. it was an honest-to-goodness. you see them some would say storming by republican standards
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the illegal dems who are holding secret hearings to unseat the president. the action of these republicans leading adam schiff to suspend today's hearing. republicans, god bless them for actually doing something. i am so impressed. laura cooper secretary of defense after entering the room the republicans congressman doug lamborn ride in bags of chick-fil-a. ranking member jim jordan slammed schiff for his secrecy has said the american people deserve to know who the so-called whistleblower is. >> and 35 members of the house for presenting over. million americans and the only one of those ford and 35 who know the individuals who started this whole thing, the only one is adam schiff. why don't the rest of the snowpacks more importantly why don't the american people know?
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lou: congressman jim jordan. her first to guess one of the republicans who stormed today demanding truth transparency and due process for the president of the united states, the democrats of unauthorized impeachment inquiry so-called has become a pathetic exercise in destroying american values such as due process and innocent until proven guilty. joining us tonight congressman andy biggs of arizona house freedom conference cochair of the border security caucus or congressman i'm so doggone proud of you and your colleagues. the first 10085 for the stanford is president and then dozens of you today storming the shifts give. what has gotten a hold of you guys? it's wonderful to see.
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>> may have taken us a while to get rolling but now the stone is rolling and we need to keep it rolling down the hill with greater velocity. i will tell you matt gaetz worked real hard to put this together. we were going to do this last week but we had allies are coming some timely death so we suspended that in steve scalise was there. i will just tell you i think this is going to keep building momentum. we have to because the other side is simply not willing to allow an open and fair and transparent justice filled proceeding. klugh they are trying to overthrow the president congressman. they are running a coup. until this moment you guys have acted like this was a political contest instead of a contest for law order in our constitution and supported this president to see it so broad and complete within the republican party at least in the house. it is to your credit and
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congratulations. >> thank you. i told you before lou democrats viewed this is war. they know it's about power. they know it's about control. republicans are so dos file sometimes because many of my colleagues and many republicans believe this is about the process. it isn't about process. it's about control and what you have going on here is a coup to overthrow an elected properly elected president of the united states and it defies the rule of law. klugh it's been going on for over three years in the enough is enough. i'm glad that you guys to figure that out. talk about process. meanwhile in the chamber across the way the u.s. senate mitch mcconnell the majority leader says to his fellow senators in the conference i understand why some of you don't want to support this president. you really do understand that?
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this is egregiously disloyal on his part, egregiously lacking and just plain guts. then to say focus on process because this is unfair. what is going on over there? >> i can explain the mindset because i don't understand the mindset. i have viewed from day one of the other side is out to basically get this president. they have attacked him and attacked his family and his associates. klugh the house and the senate majority leader mcconnell and your former friend paul ryan the speaker of the house you guys let the democrats steal the election of 2018 and 40 seats with it. it's incredible.
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>> we have to take it back. lou: where's the shame of it and where's the fire in your belly's? i just can't comprehend this as you called it passively. >> up what i'm seeing quite quite frankly is a rekindling of the fire. our conference including her leadership whoever renewed burning and they are so upset. it's part of it is the basis of said of my colleagues have reached a point where there is no return. you you can't allow this to continue. lou: thanks for your leadership. i'm one of those guys that's never going to be satisfied and now that you've got the house rolling i want you to shake mcconnell by the nape of his neck and awaken him.
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>> lou i want to bring the senate and to work for us but we have to make sure we don't backslide at all. we have to keep forcing the issue at every turn. i told the president we have got us back. we have to have this back in my colleagues in the house are all on board. we are moving in a unified direction. we need to move with purpose. we have to continue, i don't call these dogs i called the mobilization. lou: i am not a big fan of latin derivatives but when i say stun either way i'm not in any way suggesting a pejorative connotation. i'm breaking like hell on you guys. don't delude it. don't call it a mobilization. call it what it is. you are fighting for freedom. at least, at least the conference is standing up for the president and by the way if
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across the way you see mitch mcconnell tell him to tell the democrats to go to hell. there will be no discussion further. it's illegitimate. it's unconstitutional. it's wrong and it's un-american what adam schiff nancy pelosi and the rest of the radical dems are trying to pull off and it sure as hell is an affront to the american people that they would try to unseat our president as you are demonstrating every day now. we are very proud of you congressman about your colleague standing with you and with this president. >> this president is great and we are going to keep fighting. that's a promise. lou: god bless you. congressman andy biggs. up next americans rising concern about illegal immigrants failing to assimilate and we take it up with u.s. citizenship and immigration services and ken
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cuccinelli and also more on the president foreign-policy success in syria. our panel former state department senior adviser morgan right lieutenant colonel daniel davison up next joe biden once said that he would choose truth over facts or was it facts over truth? i can't remember. he has chosen fiction over reality when it comes to this looming trump economy. the subbot himself ed rollins joins me after the break. stay with us. we will be right ♪
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lou: on wall street stocks closed lou: and wall street stocks close higher the s&p at nine the nasdaq up 16 volume on the big board moving up little but still like trading 3.4 billion shares with mark zuckerberg on capitol hill. you will hear a lot of orders that he was grilled over facebook's failure to protect user data and global cryptocurrency libra. don't believe it. he says he once considered banning political ads on facebook and chose not to and by the way the folksba there on capitol hill chose not to give them too hard of a grilling. they must be looking for a few campaign contributions am just
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guessing. listener ports three times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network. joe biden in pennsylvania today and he criticized the president or joe biden actually said president trump is failing the middle class. listen to this. >> right now under the republican and the trump plan donald trump inherited a strong economy from barack and me. things are beginning to really move and just like everything else he's inherited he's in the midst of squandering it. lou: i guess i should underline the word squandering because he repeated it as if it was powerful in and of itself but let's review the reality. president trump the economy still booming middle-class incomes and matter-of-fact all sectors of income are surging more than half a million new manufacturing jobs created unemployment an all-time low and unemployment rate at a all-time
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low for all races. african-americans, hispanics, asian, women at all-time lows and unemployment. house republicans showed some spine today and the rino resistance among senate republicans didn't falter. the daily caller reported a to contact at all 53 republicans senators quizzing them about impeachment. of those 53 only seven of them would rule out the impeachment of president trump. senator cindy hyde-smith roger wicker thom tillis rob portman jim inhofe mike rounds and jerry miranda explicitly rejecting impeachment straight up together republicans you know how they are. they have something of a distaste for the inquiry by victims but they didn't rule it out because it wouldn't be politically smart of them. they think not to do so. instead of standing for this
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president with principle. the rino reluctance the fact that the president comes in senate majority leader mitch mcconnell is telling senate republicans to defend the president on the unfair process being used by those radical dems in the house. getting victims sole purpose for existence is dover through this -- overthrow the duly elected president using every resource to make that a reality beverly senator lindsey graham is fighting back against the party of hate. graham says he will introduce a radical solution to condemn the cusing for a move that's unlikely to shake the radical dems subversive efforts. the president fed up with rino to never trumper so get this today. the never trumper republicans though not many left her in certain ways worse and more dangerous for country than the do-nothing democrats. watch out for them. they are human.
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our president nailing it to joining us former reagan white house political director "fox business" political analyst ed rollins. human those rhinos and never trumper's. eloquently spoken i thought. brought portman was the director director of omb. he knows what the regulatory stuff that goes through and what have you knows it's perfectly legal what the president did. my sense is every member should be on this list. i'm surprised that rob portman's name is odd because he's a rhino he finds an ambiguous path no matter how indelible the choices are. >> the fact that the money was withheld for brief period of time he understands that an it's
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very important to be in the list. lou: what about biden speaking of the budget. >> joe biden lived in scranton when he was 10 years old he moved out of their. lou: back home. >> he was going to win pennsylvania and he spent most of his time in scranton and they lost that county. lou: here's biden on the campaign trail telling americans not to believe their lying eyes their lying bank balance, their paychecks or the unemployment rate for all americans. the president promised prosperity for all and by god he delivered it straight away. here we are in the third year in the economy still rolling in the markets are still strong. >> if no one is made more money the last three years than joe biden and his kid realistically. lou: it was an international effort i understand. >> it was still money and it's refreshing to hear him say obama
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tonight because usually like he said in the debate last week it was me, me, me, i, i. lou: what i'm waiting for is he referred to barack and me. i'm waiting for barack to refer to joe. we haven't heard that yet. the president more historic achievements today. this president is the end historic achiever a historic president and i truly believe this. part of what galls these radical dems the most in the rhinos is this president has already assured its place prominently in presidential history and there's nothing they can h do. if they would overthrow him he would still be a president of historic successes and achievements in three years am all go down in history for that.
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spent the reality is they are going to throw him out of office. they don't have the votes to do that in the bottom line the more the public gets to see the charade the more inclined they will be to support him. lou: i can't imagine a democrat anywhere in the country other than the coast thinking about running in 2020 because these fools on capitol hill, these radical dems i'm talking about pelosi and schumer and schiff and the like i think they have destroyed the party with this election. >> i agree. lou: i'm accustomed to agreement thanks so much ed rollins. up next the effect immigration is having on the country's national identity. it is having an effect. we will take up the u.s. citizenship and can cuccinelli a man many are pushing for well, the head ofth the department of homeland security. we will talk to him about thatri as well in the president securing a major victory but
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lou: a bipartisan group of five senators led lou: a bipartisan group of five senators led by lindsey graham, that's not lindsey graham talk to the commanding general of the democratic forces. the general central figure right now. senators graham black earned shaheen and blumenthal, can you believe this, urging the state department tonight indeed the secretary of state to expedite a visa for him so he can testify peacefully and profoundly before congress about conditions on the ground in syria. it is bizarre that lindsey graham would be leading that effort in to try to make sense
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of it we are joined tonight by retired army lieutenant colonel dan davis. good to have you with us here. former senior state department visor, great to have you with us morgan and let me start with you dan if i may. this is rather unseemly i think would be kind to center telling the president secretary of state what he should do with the visa for the head of the syrian defense forces after this president has just done something historic like create that cease-fire. your thoughts? >> this is indicative of many in washington. it's so called the political elite that want to keep this there forever the problem is there are many problems with the biggest one is that with ed misunderstanding of what they are accomplishing and there's really not much. president trump is absolutely right to get them out of there.
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i wish he would have got them out in of march of 2018 when he first said that sick or terry defense matters pushback on that until a funny get rid of him and how president trump said he's going to move them out of that's absolutely right answer. lou: i think the pentagon may have figured out the president is willing to watch the generals shed stars at an alarming rate until they give what he says gets done. it's bizarre to me morgan that we are watch in your chain of command challenged pentagon. they don't seem to understand than the commander-in-chief speaks they better listen. >> today is the 36th anniversary of the bombing of the marine corps barracks in beirut lebanon 3221 marines 18 sailors three soldiers and 55 france in the second perpetrated by a random influences in this region. we have got to quitt looking at the so-called parochial and look at the bigger picture. no one has achieved peace in the middle east and for people to keep dying in a pursuit of a
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goal that's unattainable by any one he takes a look at this a lot of these are the right moves to get us out of these things. stuff to find people who say we were against the war before we were for it. that's a john kerryesque approach now we want to be in a war that we are into the first place. lou: there was great clarity 36 years ago and the fact is the president of the united states chose not to even though he is urged by the military-industrial complex and some of the most hawkish h senators in particular ever to launch a full military assault as a result of that and he chose not to. this is i think a critically important time and i think morgan's point about the choice not to go to war is an important one. i thought you were intimating the same thing. this is a historic president for so many reasons. he now is a historic precedent
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for choosing not to listen to the neocons and the chicken hawks whatever you want to call them who insist and the military-industrial complex of course you want us to continue to spend billions of dollars and the precious blood of our men and women in uniform in the middle east. >> this is the reason why president trump one. he was the only one that was saying wait tohe get of these wars. the american people see there's nothing to gain for us. none of this is for our security. this is for baghdad security and kabul's security. they are tired of seeing our sons and daughters dying in my brothers in arms at seeing them die inferno games or country. it's long been coming and i hope he follows through and does all of it. lou: morgan you get the last 30 seconds. >> there are a lot of reasons td pull back. one of whom them is we have a military that spent a lot as the
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to the american culture bvap find it 54% of voters they surveyed believe thosese immigrants are instead retaining their foreignle cultures. that would make as multicultural i believe. 51% say america should have a national culture and thatt national identity rather than choose a multicultural approach. that is worth thinking about. it's also worth noting that chairman chancellor angola markle she has said in the past or country needs to work harder to bring in more immigrants because of her efforts to create a multicultural society in germany. she now admits her experiment in which millions of immigrants were brought in by her open borders policies has failed. joining us tonight is acting u.s. citizenship and immigration services director ken cuccinelli. it's great to have you with us. >> it's goodd to be with you lou
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palin you are right now getting a lot done. the border is improving and yet we are looking at sanctuary cities most recently county sanctuary to men deported accused of murder. what in the world, what can we do? >> gruesome, gruesome murder. one of these characters have been grabbed for auto theft and i.c.e. sought to deport him. the local law enforcement in seattle king county wouldn't share information or turn them over. they arrested him two more times after that and they still wouldn't turn them over. he ends up with a baseball bat bludgeoning a high schooler to death and ms-13 member along with this cohort who used a machete to chop the kid to pieces and another ms-13 member. this is the fruit of seattle's in king county sanctuary
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policies and they are not unique. this is what happens when you harbor criminals. shockingly enough they commit more crimes. lou: i.c.e. official timothy robbins is in charge of that belief deportation and detention as well. he's pointing out in his testimony they were given 100 of these illegal criminal illegal immigrants referring to their now being released arm to the streets in los angeles alone. that is frightening. >> it is frightening and like i said it has consequences. the first consequence remember this is part of the exercise of the fifth amendment. these are local and state governments they can do their own thing but this is only the second time in american historya i can think of lou when law enforcement at every level
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federal state and local didn't completely set politics aside. i worked in law enforcement for a number of years as attorney general. just setting politics aside to keep our communities safety whether it's local state or our whole country and what are the consequences? the consequences or death and crime that don't have to happen. the federal government's tools here other than going ahead and i.c.e. exercising their powers e people are very limited. i would point out to you though it is harder for i.c.e. to do its job and this is why local politicos do this when they don't have cooperation or at least a backup fromm local authorities. this puts officers at risk. people who are obeying the law enforcing the laws that congress put on the books are being put at risk.
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lou: the radical dems telling everyone they don't care about illegal immigration and they don't care about sex trafficking tens of billions of dollars at the drug cartels are making all of the deadly drugs some sent across the border. want to ask you about a ruling on who could be on the next dhs secretary 100 conservatives and conservative groups advancing your name to be the dhs secretary. what is your thought about the ruling that you and mark morgan at customs and border protection aren't eligible under the law? is pretty fine micromanagement on the part of congress. >> first of all the president, it's his decision and it's an honor to serve in his administration.
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as you've noted lou we have been very aggressive and i believe very successful. i'm going to work with whoever the president chooses. twith respect to the legal boundaries within which the president has to operate honestly obviously am a lawyer and i do work that federal employee lost is not my thing. i rely on others o for that so m not really in a position to say. i'm going to accept the judgment of the white house and i'm going to work with whoever the president chooses to follow kevin mcaleenan in the secretarial role. we have a lot more to do and we have a lot of opportunity to do it with this president's willingness to leave which frankly is unlike any of his predecessors republican or democrat. i is a manager working in that environment relish the opportunities that he gives us to do that. lou: and the country relishes
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his leadership and the results that you and mark and all of the good people at dhs are bringing challenge. good talking with you ken cuccinelli thanks so much for that next china claims the united states is weaponized in the visa process for chinese citizens. does this affect trade talks? it seems and nothing cuts trade talks. we will take it up with gordon chang right afterererer
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lou: joining me columnist best-selling author, great american gordon it's great to have you with us. let's start with the china trade talks. it's hard to get a read on what'ss. going on particular sie there is no paper is the president saying he will follow here but it seems like an amorphous series of somewhat agreement rather than a rigid and predictable process that results in an agreement. what do you think? >> i think their understandings between u.s. and china but i wouldn't call them a deal because says both sides have said they need additional meetings in order to paper them over. lou: that wasn't interesting
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construction. what the chinese have done this after the october 11 meeting in the oval office vice premier stood there and president trump said look the chinesees are goig to buy a 40 to $50 billion of u.s. agriculture and then after that the news agency which is the official media outlets said we didn't agree to do that. lou: by the way they are apparently buying soybeans in brazil. that's where they upped the ante. that's a hell of a translation problem. >> they got some from the u.s. as well but at the chinese felt there was a deal is up to the vice premier in october on october 11 in the oval office to tell that to president trump. not to do it afterwards which shows the chinese are reneging on the trade agreements with the united states. it's not like the first time they have done this. deal after deal of gil lou. lou: the president making it very clear that he's optimistic
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about anything things are going well. there has been cautioned from some corners of the administration. there is the ubiquitous and constant ambulance of larry kudlow and steve mnuchin. where does that lead us? >> it leads us to the middle of november when president trump met xi jinping the chinese really are at the asia cooperation summit and at that point if they don't have a deal the skeptics will have been right. they are or are going discussions between now and then between lighthizer in the u.s. trade representative in the people in beijing. a maple philby everton -- but they'll be able to make a deal. lou: we are watching steve schwartzman and the boys on wall street. they are operating as unregistered agents of china. they are reportedly inundating
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the white house pressuring the white house or the president as best they can. they have got kudlow and mnuchin operating as internal what would you say cat plus in their views and values as well as the genius over at theou chamber of commere and all the folks they represent this is a corporatist sellout by any name for china against the interest of the united states. >> on the other side lou we have got lou dobbs and most of the american people i think of both political parties because everyone knows china is a bad actor and they always renege on their deals and we can't trust them. i hope that is the sign that you are right i am worried about wall street, chambers of commerce the coke organization being up on the president. lou: i have to say at this point we should remember that would
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make it a fair fight. this president iss committed and he has made it very clear that he is committed to the american working men and women of the middle class in this country and those are the folks who he sees as his base and the essential americans. gordon it's great to have you with us and thank you so much. it will be interesting to see. gordon chang. stay with us. where coming right back with more. we will show you how much more right after these words. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. i wish i could shake your hand. granted. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: welcome back. republican members storming to conduct secret impeachment hearings on capitol hill. congressman andy biggs says it's time for republicans to wake up and to fight. senate republicans are sewed us i'll sometimes because many of my colleagues many republicans believe that this is about process. this is about power. about control and what you have
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going on here is a coup to overthrow an elected properly alike did president of the united states and it defies the rule of law. lou: vice president mike pence tomorrow delivering a speech in washington d.c. on china policy as the united states and china began pick up their paper chase if you will on phase one of the china trade deal. we will see. that's it for us tonight and we thank you for being with us through tomorrow night here a mother as will be mike morgan fred white and charlie hurt. we hope you will join us in her mind her to follow me on twitter @lou dobbs and follow me on instagram atmack "lou dobbs tonight." we thank you for joining us are tonight and we look forward to you joining us tomorrow. see you tomorrow night. good night from new york.
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cheryl: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. mark zuckerberg grilled for six hours over facebook's privacy scandals and he was scolded that americans have lost too much trust in his company to stand by his cryptocurrency plans. lauren: tesla shifting -- tracee: tesla shifting into overdrive, after it crushes its earnings. cheryl: republicans stormed in the closed door testimony yesterday, fed up with democrats's secrecy over the impeachment battle. we're live in washington with how it all went down. tracee: it started a forecast food war and
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