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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  October 30, 2019 12:00am-1:01am EDT

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tomorrow night, a big night, marco rubio, and geraldo and mike huckabee, and kennedy, happy kat, see you tomorrow. kennedy: thank you, medicare for all is built on a lie. that is true. a stunning new report claims there is no real way to pay for a dime of it. why are some democratic candidates still trying to shove the socialist nonsense down our collective throat as you know two of top dem contendors build their campaign on medicare for all, but for weeks liz has been dodging question how to finance the plan, today bernie sanders went a te step further, and told cnbc he disnot nee does not neen
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era. >> you are category me to come up with how much, i don't think i have to do that right now. kennedy: you do. what the hell is wrong with you? why have liz and bernie been acting so caging when it comes to paying? the mag does not add -- math does not add up, each offered a tax the rich solution, but if you crunch the numbers that will not work. and they conclude tax increases on high earnings, corporations and financial sector by themselves could not cover much more than one-third of cost of medicare for all. that means the middle class will get the shaft. they will be the ones with the bill, according to crfb report only way to pay for it includes things like a new 32% payroll tax on wages, and 25% income tax
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or more than doubling all individual and corporate income tax rates. never fun to read find print, a lot of people would choke on that before the polls, should far left candidate abandon that charade or keep pushing to bankrupt the nation, party panel, the birthday girl, kat timpf. liberal radio talk show host, leslie marshall and attorney, washington examiner contributor, tyler grant. it would have been a woman panel by tyler wrecked everything. >> i apologize. kennedy: go put on a dress and we'll ask no questions. >> redistribution is found for most people. you can could a good person by
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taking stuff from rich, giving it to the poor, but when the government comes to take your stuff to give to others, then people have an issue. >> i think bernie sanders concedes fact he said he can't draw it out on a white board, health care is complicated when you create a solution for all different problem that exist, that is what you run into problem, main thing, democrats know that campaign promises are free throws, you can say whatever you want but when it comes to governing say, i is too comp kited, other party -- complicated. kennedy: but they don't say, that they blame it on the other party, and they will and they are going to. kennedy: saying republicans are being obstructionist, we could get something better, but may be worse than obama care, bernie says most out agous things, he cannot prove, he gets a pass,
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elizabeth warren pushing same plan all over o of -- her other plans are pretty pragmatic. she has put thought into it, unlike kamala harris. >> elizabeth warren's numbers have within surging, getter more money than bernie and everyone else to democratic stage, she can't just answer the question, bernie answered yeah, middle class will pay taxes, but elizabeth warren will not say that she ignored that question, that a question not just democrat on stage ask but people left and right. majority would like a medicare for all plan, where they keep their insurance if their employer provides it. kennedy: some people want just aatjustscat trove ir
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catastrophic insurance. what happened to those good old days. >> i would like to know how much something will cost before i agree to buy it. and bernie voters don't feel the same way, only thing crazier than him saying i don't know how much it will cost, by the way means, i don't know how much you the taxpayer will pay. that he all supporters who like that is okay. go right ahead. kennedy: why do they give him a pass when they don't understand, they have to pay too? >> maybe they can't afford to pay for health care they go on louis vuitton and grab whatever they like. they go to cash register, and pay 6,000 dollars, and say i guess if you say so, they don't check. kennedy: cheaper than hiring a lawyer if i steal it. you can imagine if your
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boyfriend took you to mickey motto pearls and you picked out a lovely black choker, and you asked how much is this, and he said i don't know, i don't have to know right now. >> i'll tell you after a forcibly take the money from you, which is what the government does. you say whatever it costs, give him full control of your wallet? no wonder you want free stuff, not good with your money. >> a man leads a wallet like a fish needs a bicycle. how much does this plan? you know they go the koch brothers, a conservative organization, it is liberty minded and fair. urban institute came up with same number, how much would smog like this hurt elizabeth warren. >> problem with elizabeth warren campaign she has so many different types of spinning plans, and free throws she hopes
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to throw campaign promises she knows she cannot layout and spin amount of money she would need to fun the programs. kennedy: put aside medicare for all. what about universal child care? universal prek . for giving student loan debt, they all require revenue sources, have you so many streams. >> right, and woo held -- with health care i think that democrats would do well to articulate, when they say health care is a right. kennedy: i don't agree with that, i know that makes me a cold-hearted. >> health care and health insurance are different, no one recognizes that. >> if you lay out what health care as a right means, you ability to go to doctor, and a basic check up and basic things. opposed to super rare
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circumstances. coming up with a way to focus resources to those, would -- >> but that say recipe for nanny state implemenism, once the govn the hook they will find a way to lower cost. >> we already do that. >> medicare. kennedy: there are suggests, no one can taking my step dad's blood pressure saying -- >> last week. kennedy: what is your bmi . >> right now with population the way it is, baby boomers we're entering a time seniors will be majority of the population, and the things i talk about more rare, they are more common we break down. kennedy: medicare for people who are healthy. >> people -- garbage in their -- don't deserve my money, this is judgmental, people who don't exercise, don't medicate, don't watch what they put in their bodies why am i on the hang on
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for their bad choices. >> affordable care act addressed that, they addressed preventive care within the program, and it dondandidnot go far enough. >> want to eat stuff that is not healthy for you, right. >> right. >> then later -- >> go get a great job to pay for our dyal sis. >> that's what i'm doing. >> he is. kennedy: we call it fireball, but. we'll have some later. candidates push this hot bag of garbage they are making gains in early voting states, this is shocking, new hampshire schrodes bernie sanders, and elizabeth warren second biden deep third, former veep trailing uber lefties in iowa too.
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high ranking iowa democrat told bloomberg news biden could suffer an embe embarrassing defn caucuses after sanders and warren. joseph -- and dine ire irer din. tragedy has lead to fewer gaffes but could questio destroy his c. last month he spent 3 days in iowa. and held numerous high event elsewhere. >> i feel good about what is going on. i think we have all we need to conduct a really successful campaign in all 4 early states, i feel good about it. kennedy: i don't know, i think that biden is running an old fashion outdated campaign. and i thought hillary was like
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90s and i love the 90s but joe is late 80s, he is running against jesse jackson right now, 1988. >> is interesting, his campaign or the democratic staffer said that say problem if he loses iowa that economy true last several democratic primaries were the front ru runner won. i think more of a momentum problem for joe. in south carolina he is way ahead. and i think that -- >> is that enough. >> is that enough? >> so say he -- this conceivab conceivable. we have three months stop acting like 4 years, we have 3 months until iowa, if he loses iowa to liz and new hampshire to bernie is south carolina enough. >> i think it is. you know you have to look at his minority numbers, which are increasing democratic among democrats and among primary voters, one, two, bill clinton did not win iowa, donald trump
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did not win iowa, mitt romney, john mccain, this is a different rain. kennedy: donald trump won new hampshire. >> true. kennedy: i think there is a difference between losing one or both. by the time -- remember -- >> i think that bernie sanders will win. kennedy: time to south carolina my mojo might begun. >> i think that person bern wins neberniesanders wins new hampshe because he is from vermont. >> who else? >> liz warren. >> her numbers are not as strong, they should be stronger in new hampshire. >> 18%. >> bernie sanders is from vermont. kennedy: 3 points behind bernie sanders. >> bernie sanders from verp vrm, they are sister states. >> no spin zone. >> i am sorry. >> i am not spinning. kennedy: i just wanted to say
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that. >> primary voters are generally more progressive. kennedy: attacking liz. >> she is a native american. >> tyler. >> i think that new hampshire is based on like president, new hampshire a better predict or of where democratic party is right now, the base. i think while you know -- >> in socialist toilet is where it is. kennedy: we have so much more. we have unbelievable new details to raid that killed that hell bound isis leader, one involves tracking him down with his dirty underwear, and nancy pelosi taking a big step on her march toward impeachment. does this mean anything?
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i will ask bill clinton impeachment architect, bob barr, he is next. can my side be firm?
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oh, we've got your back. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. and now, save up to $400 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. anna, do you yes! those plans? i just wanted to show you something i've been wor... ♪ james r. and associates. anna speaking... ♪ james r. and associates. anna. ♪ [phone ringing] baker architects. this is anna baker. at northwestern mutual, this is what our version of financial planning looks like. tomorrow is important, but you're ready to bet on yourself today. find an advisor at
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♪ the sun will come out tomorrow ♪ kennedy: there will be sun,
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sunshine, i get my kicks above the waistline. that is last night mouth trumpet song, tomorrow, this week's winner, joe pearl man. have you a plastic trumpet comes your way. soar dor do you? >> against president, and to pit that in english, they are not impeaching him they are just laying ground rules for how they plan to do it, wo white house ts a scam. that is what they said in a statement, trump administration saying quote: >> same day director for european affairs on national security council reportedly testified he listened to president trump's infamous phone call with president of ukraine, he was very concerned.
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president was not having it, and fired back, on twitter. writing: >> is impeachment going to happen? if so, why hasn't anyone made a sexy impeachment halloween costume yet? joining me, former president clinton impeachment manager, and former libertarian nominee for president, bob barr. welcome back. >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: so, how does this look to you today? seems to change every day. >> it is a mess. if you look at it on the surface like too many republicans in congress do, they might say, gee this really nice now we is subpoena witnesses, while have president able to participate. and everything is nice. no, no.
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the fact is that if you cut through all of the clutter in this resolution, and there is a lots of clutter 6 different committees, with jurisdiction, page after page of rules, the bottom line is schiff remains in control, and republicans on the committees cannot do anything without his permission. kennedy: i don't understand that. we're in dangerous territory for them, at some point, the script will flip. and shoe will be on other foot it will be easy for a republican lead house to do the same thing, is adam schiff now in charge of this even though he is chair of intelligence committee becaused iednadlerscrewed up so baddie. >>, it makes no sense, by sense,
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according to rules, fairplay and precedent. but i think reason they want schiff in charge of is not because he is a rocket scientist or a member of mensa. but because the rules of the intelligence committee allow for far great irdpleer flexibility y chairman to withhold information and to do things in secret and decide what will be released and not. kennedy: does that not violate t this mutual am inquiry regular is -- does that not violate what that impeachment resolution inquiry suppose t to do? congress should start behaving like adults. >> they are not going to. as we have talked about before. only commit my house of
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representative with jurisdiction over impeachment is judiciary committee but they are playing second fiddle. kennedy: ha ha that has to hurt jerry nadler. >> it is hoard t hard to tell wt bothers him and does not. -- then they do something, everything which in resolution comes back to the intelligence commit icommittee for final app. kennedy: what happens if they don't have enough to impeach the president, will they admit that. >> they will say, we were just kidding w we didn't mean it, we fooled you, let's go home, nothing to see. kennedy: they are not generating new ideas this say critical
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time. you have a lot of upheaval and chaos within the democrat establishment because, they are not happy with joe biden, not happy with elizabeth warren. and if they are not happy with candidate they better win on ideas, you don't drum up ideas or support for gift ghost ideas if you are sitting around on 6 committees talking about impeachment. >> that is the rea real risk. the perspective they have is simply get trump no matter what, regardless. kennedy: get him next november, have you a year, if he is so untoward and awful and causes so much drama, run someone better, right now they are not doing it bob barr thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, ncaa today making a decision on whether or not to allow athlete to earn
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money. so what does that mean? for those who play the games? memo is next. nothing but net! we call it the mother standard of care.
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kennedy: in a time when college student are treated like clobbering socialist irk children unite that ncaa teaching athlete like hard working adults they are. they spend over 35 hours a week pursuing their athletic dreams mid season, and by profile football and basketball coaching make millions a year. tried stall warts get nothing, snake eyes. dog pooh. following a bill is a they will through california le legislate, grants golden state athlete to profit off their names and
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likeness, ncaa has followed suit, they can earn money they have worked for and will see profit from a lot of work on thing like video games could clothing and other sellable merchandise, they will not be paid too play the sports that is a different story, not of collegiate go getter has wryon's -- ziony, some quit for injury or others end when they leave the halls of academia. they will now be able to pay their rent, 90% of yo off campus full scholarship athlete lift at or below the poverty level. critics of cry gender inequality, look at youtube
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sensation, gymnast caitlin her videos wracked up tens of millions of views, that level would lead to a tidy windfall, but for her, who could not compete with an olympic spot with a broken back this lead to frustration. she ignited well deseved interest forever women's gymnastic team but inspired millions of young athletes too e her sport a try. luckily for the women who will follow her to floor routines of flowy, they may see scratch for their devotion, she will capitalize as boast sh best she can, but because of arcane system she was robbed, i give this libertarian free market decision a perfect 10, hope nuy
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fully keep nba hopefuls in college two years longer so you don't have a league full of lonzo balls that is the momento -- memo. >> ncaa bringing in more than a million bucks every year, soon players will be able to get a sweet taste. what took so long, party panel is pack, kat timpf, leslie har shall, tyler grand, leslie, this passed in the state of california. ncaa was really going to push back on that, say fine we're not going to have an. why did they change course.
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>> not just tide of public opinion was again them, when an individual e leaves college, thy become a professional, they are complicated for that, these individuals on college level, they are filling the seats, they pay those high salaries you pointed out for the coaches and they encourage people too go to school in the sports, they raise the bar. on the university, we see that in states. so, this is the right thing to do. i don't think they did it because it was right thing. >> i don't think -- -- >> i don't think they did it because it right thing either, i think there was just so much pressure, and other states will do what california has done. they see california done it florida does not want to lose out, alabama does not want to lose out on great recruits, as a lawyer?
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>> always a huge what ncaa pulls in and colleges pull in when players get paid, time after time they have been suspended. you have to report what you get in gifts, what you win, your car costs your family car, and all this stuff, serves again the players that just trying it make money. >> one thing to get money get compensated for a shirt you sell, a jersey or likeness in a video game. or people buying any sort of pictures but reggie bush getting a range rover for his girlfriend, come on. >> right. kennedy: it boils down to ucla versus usc. >> the dogs only thing that matter. kennedy: georgia. >> i thought you meant university of washington. >> georgia, never heard of them. >> clat. >kat?>> i was not a college ath,
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but i was on debate team, there was no video game, i would not want to play a debate video game but i would have been a star, and quite kicke -- ticked off if i could not have made money from my debate have game appearance, it does not make sense. i get this, schools pay them, if they do something outside it does not make sense they can't get paid. kennedy: insane. servservitude. >> and i would play a debate video game. >> everyone. >> they would sell everything but you're actual name. number 10, but not tyler grant just number 10, and everyone walk around university of georgia with number 10, i would become on. kennedy: i have a number 3 ucla football jersey. >> you steal aring from him.
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>> josh rosen he is doing a ban up job with the dolphins. >> wire kidding -- we're kidding. narcissists are less likely to see life as stressful. narcissist news bolstered by a canadian study claiming that women are more attracted to psychopaths, a are always at ease and know what to say how to get a woman's attention. leslie, narcissists, they get a bad wrap they wake up of day so self satisfied, you can imagine, that saying i am so grad great. >> i think i just dated them in
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college. ted bundy -- >> you dated ted bundy. >> no. kennedy: highway di how did you escape with your life. >> no, no. kennedy: he was a chat classicay trained harpest. >> i'm just agreeing. how many times doe they say, women are always attracted to -- >> the bad guys. >> right. kennedy: you can say a-holes. >> we'll say -- >> ahole. >> they are, that is they are, tracked to. kennedy: the experts. >> i am expert, i spent my mid 20s in a relationship with a narcissist with no job, he lived in a closet, mean to me, pretty much all of the time, he was very clearly cheating on mee, and i was like he thought he was
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so great, i thought how do i deserve this guy, because they don't blame themselves, it gets flipped on you, we tated for two year -- dated for two years, you are my therapy session, he would not allow me to his apartment while his roommates were people he disney no did not want his rs too know he was dating me. and i said this hurts my feeling, and he said you are crade, crazy, why do i want too there i am so needy. kennedy: they throw uighurs and concentration camp but monsters like that free. >> classic -- >> are you a cyca path. >> no. >> a farce sift. narcissist. >> that what a narcissist would say. kennedy: i am a nice guy. >> i up happy waking up in the
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closet i am the best. >> sorry. >> yes, no. we're having a conversation in dating nationwide about gas lighting, i think a loot of guys have gotten away for a long time impeudinimputing on women probls their own. in some ways i ago. kennedy: what? play the conversation out. >> okay. kennedy: yes. >> >> you know, i think been headlinmade alot of relationshi. kennedy: kat, greatest gift. >> not dating him any more. >> dating a great guy who adores her, happy birthday. >> thank you. kennedy: i hope their is a remarkable year for you. you are the best, you are a great person, you of gip -- >> thank you, love you kennedy. kennedy: hehepparty day, and tho
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much tyler have you all been fantastic. >> thank you. >> safe traveling too l.a. leslie, i know skies are filled with ash. >> yep. kennedy: all right, heard report how u.s. military located isis leader abu bakr al-baghdadi? in bak bacon wrapped tampon, it involves his dirty under square, gross. next. i've always been fascinated by what's next. and still going for my best, even though i live with a higher risk of stroke due to afib not caused by a heart valve problem. so if there's a better treatment than warfarin... i want that too. eliquis. eliquis is proven to reduce stroke risk better than warfarin. plus has significantly less major bleeding than warfarin. eliquis is fda-approved and has both. what's next? reeling in a nice one. don't stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke.
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kennedy: isis terrorist, chief abu bakr al-baghdadi may be dead as a doornail, he is in hell, huffing butt cause and saddam sm hussein. powhouse voted to pass antion sn turkey in response to mil mility
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offenses again the kurds but our troops are not gone in syria, pentagon responsibly using a treasure trova data collected in baghdadi raid to further topple isis, more info trickling out about the raid. tivitemploying -- by testing the dna from his dirty underwear. what does this mean for our kurdish friends you know the good one. joining us mike baker. >> the old underwear trick. kennedy: just swab that sucker and microbes tell you the whole story. >> just get your hands on this. kennedy: i will tell you, i
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don't want civilian to die or the inspect to dry but i am so glad we sent this son of a bitch to headline. >> right. >> you sou assume this announcet of killing this particular psycho path every would say great, well done, great, terrific nice job. congratulations, but no, went 5 finwithin5 minutes to the same . fromy this have have told pelosi to "washington post." kennedy: that is so okay offense too people killed, women raped, and the gay who were killed and into jews who were killed.
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to say he was a. >> he was just a quiet man with anger issues. it is a great score, no doubt. also some people who say, well this is not going to put an end to isis, what are you talking about? of course not but. >> do you know who gets 25 million bounty. >> do i know? i do but i am not going to tell. >> you know? >> i do, i have it written on a piece of paper in my pocket. kennedy: you can be car knack and hold it to your forehead. >> a great cultural pull. isis is still a problem, they retreat to a guerrilla
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insurgent, we took out baghdadi and another potential successor to baghdadi. and we'll continue to do that. nobody should think like with al qaeda, al qaeda still exists, there is an al qaeda affiliate there in northern syria that is creating havoc. but you know, we can't kill our way out, but does not mean we should not make a good fake fake effort. kennedy: i would like to take all bad guys, those who want to kill and murder, and put them in one spot, just drop a giant nuclear weapon on all of them and incinerate there ar their ws murdererrous carcass, thank you. >> thank you. >> topical tomorrow i -- storm s next, , , , we trust usaa more than any other company out there. they give us excellent customer service, every time.
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kennedy: apple's first tv show launched this week, price tag is so big, every kid at the th thed factory has been forced to take a pay cut.
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>> topic one, in minnesota, a viking fan earned his wings. look at that. holy underwear, he threw a paper plain from upper deck. -- keep your shirt on. they are 6-2. their defense is stiffer than larry king av a trip to the love pharmacist. >> they will come back to earth next week, they are up against cacanadacan kansas city chiefs. people of minnesota will send me a pile of super polite pail, they are like canadians, if their leader wore a less offensive halloween costume. >> netflix checking out the speed up feature, viewers can binge watch their shows at twice
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normal speed, they hope they will try other thin like showering, yeah. hollywood not a fan of this speedy shenanigans, judd called if a horrible idea, if anyone knows about horrible ideas is is the guy who helped produce leyna dunham's show. spider-man director, ramsey said, does everything have to be designed for the laid laziest ad most tasteless, this from a man who spending a living catering to adult comic book fans who live with their parents. this just a test, 10,000 people have threatened to stop watching netflix, they are fine. >> topic three. president trump he tried to spied it up at white house today. -- speed it up at white house he gave out candy to tiny
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trick-or-treaters, he is ahead of his time. ♪ kennedy: is that nadler? we're not sure who is the minion costume, say hi to jim acosta and jerry nadler. president puts a candy bar on his head, so does melania. >> trick-or-treat when michelle obama was giving out fruit, heaven forbid joe biden gets elected and starts giving out rolls of pennies, you know back in my day. it would work just as well as bernie sanders but he is so cranky he would not answer the door and then yell at you. president made up for it, he offered the kid free airfare,
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there you go. in once you came. >> viking guy, this would never happen in philly, they don't throw paper planes off upper deck they slow people. >> topic 4. let's head to california. they work on their tackling. yep. this woman was allegedly shoplifting, and store like all people have nothing to hide she ran for it the second the cops walked in, the law manilas owed her in the cop who trackeled had a 14 yard penalty, she is off to jail, and cop to miami he has just been signed by dolphins. not most exciting video in world, it nice to see a woman
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getting taken down in call beside kamala harris, she will turn it around, but she poll 3 points behind the wildfires, and lightly ahead of bedbugs, that lightly ahead of bedbugs, that is good news,
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♪ baby, ricky market, congratulations, thank you for watching best show, best hour of our day or something, i passed out again? follow me on instagram.
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and twitter, and e-mail. and facebook. tomorrow night, scotty martin. guy benson, wednesday night game the following is a sponsored program paid for by my pillow do you find yourself sleeping too hot or too cold, not getting the support you need to help relieve painful pressure points or struggling just to get comfortable? then get ready for a revolutionary, new sleep experience. introducing the my pillow mattress topper, the next generation in sleep innovation from the company that brought you the world's most comfortable pillow. [applause] hello, everyone. i'm tonja waring. thank you so much for being here. it's been an amazing journey


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