tv Varney Company FOX Business November 8, 2019 9:00am-12:00pm EST
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voters. >> i'm looking at disney, that by the way got amazon on board to support disney plus so disney now has amazon, samsung, lg devices. you can watch content on all of those. already had apple and roku. maria: great stuff. have a great weekend. see you on sunday, everybody. "varney & company" begins right now. stuart, take it away. stuart: good morning, maria. good morning, everyone. mike bloomberg takes the first step in the 2020 election. this is a game changer. we're now looking at a democrat party that rants against the billionaires with a multi-billionaire trying to be its presidential candidate. oh, the mind boggles. bloomberg is 77. he was mayor of new york for 12 years. he's a centrist and he's worth $52 billion. he made that money as a capitalist. this is an obvious challenge for frontrunners warren and sanders, who are socialists. it's a threat to the fading and financially challenged joe biden. the election on the democrat side just got really
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interesting. we are following it vigorously. put disney's stock on the screen, please. that is a rally, a huge gain. okay, their profits are solid, their entertainment division doing very well, but the big deal here is disney plus. the streaming service. ceo bob iger says it's had a trial run in the netherlands, it did well. he says disney plus is ready to go. it's surely the stock of the day. the overall market poised to stay at record highs. on trade, the chinese say both sides have agreed to roll back tariffs. peter navarro told lou dobbs on this network that president trump will make the final decision. you can take that either way, but this market is holding the high ground. the dow is going to be up maybe three, fractional loss for the s&p and the nasdaq. all right. have we got a show for you. the president leaves for georgia shortly. odds are he will talk to reporters, and i'm pretty sure he will say something about mike
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bloomberg. battling billionaires. the very special friday edition of "varney & company" is about to begin. stuart: i'm smiling. you've got to get right at it. bloomberg takes the first step in a run for the presidency. now in politics, it's a bombshell. for democrats it's an earthquake. joining us, bradley tusk. he is a member of the bloomberg political team. ain't you? >> i am. stuart: yes, you are. i'm told bloomberg himself said he couldn't win the presidency, he's a multi-billionaire jewish new yorker and that guy can't win. told you that. >> he has said that. he has said that. look, back in march he decided he wasn't going to run. stuart: what changed? >> something has really changed. two things. one is joe biden is not nearly as strong of a candidate as people expected him to be. two, elizabeth warren is actually within the democratic primary apparently a much stronger candidate than people
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expected to be. i think mike looks at it and says biden doesn't win the primary, warren doesn't seem she can beat trump in the general. if your goal is to defeat trump, i know that's not your view but that's your goal, his view is someone would have to step up. that's why he's thinking of doing it. stuart: is he going to rescue the democrat party from the socialists? >> i think he's going to make the case for why an incredibly competent, ethical, honest person who was a successful business person and great mayor is a better bet than an idealogue. stuart: are guns his principal issue? >> guns are a big issue, climate change -- stuart: but he's not for tax and spend. >> not that i'm aware of. stuart: green new deal. >> no. stuart: that's a big deal, bradley. if you put green new deal on one side, wealth tax, cut that out, massive tax increases on the 1%, you put all that on one side, you have just dismissed the democrat platform. >> yeah, look, mike bloomberg has always been one thing, one thing only. mike bloomberg. he's going to present, if he
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runs, to the voters saying here's who i am, here's what i believe, here's what i have done, if you like it, vote for me. if you don't, don't. should he run, the majority of people decide they like it, he will be president. stuart: you having fun? >> lot of fun. stuart: stay there, please. more for you in just a moment. i want everyone to take a look at disney. dare i call it a juggernaut, up nearly 6% this morning? theme parks doing well, disney plus streaming service launches tuesday. come in, market watcher jonathan hoenig. jonathan, don't you dare pour cold water on a stock that's up nearly 6%. it is a juggernaut, right? >> management matters, stu. not anyone can do it. bob iger created that juggernaut. look at just the past year for disney. the highest grossing year in film and box office history for that company. massive expansion of its theme parks, and finally, what so many of these media companies have been looking for, synergy. everything from its amazon
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distribution deal to its fx and hulu distribution and production deal. this is a company firing on all cylinders. ironically its all time high is a bullish signal. the fact the market is at an all-time high and disney is leading the charge, you can't say it's anything but bullish. stuart: wait a minute. you have been fairly cautious on the overall market. have you rejected that now, changed your mind? >> you cannot fight the tape. if the market's going to fall 30% or 40%, it's going to start by at least not hitting all-time highs day after day after day. the fact disney is capitalizing, this is the epitome of stocks that are really leading the charge. look what disney is doing. it is capitalizing, for example, on its theme park business. that's what its competitors can't do. no kid is saying i want to go to netflix land right now. they are saying i want to go to disneyland. i look at disney and i say could have, should have, would have. this is a stock that's firing on all cylinders and certainly wouldn't sell it short at this point. stuart: is bob iger the best ceo in america today? >> you know, i would hesitate on
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lavishing that type of praise, but bob iger is a great example of the type of ceo that just isn't dime a dozen. a lot of these presidential candidates, elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, would have you believe anyone can be ceo. just open up the mail. bob iger has navigated these very difficult troubled waters. we need more of him not just to pay taxes but to lead great american companies like this. stuart: glad you got that in. you're all right. see you again real soon. thank you. next case, zillow. you think of it, i do, at least, as an online real estate agency. well, it says its house flipping will bring in more than a billion dollars this year. lauren simonetti, are they now developers rather than brokers? lauren: they are high tech online home flippers. they use algorithms to buy, fix up, then sell homes in about a quarter -- two dozen markets throughout the country. but the stock's up almost 10%. you know they're not profitable.
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they have never turned a profit. they do not expect to turn a profit until the year 2024. so yes, it's a great thing that this year, this high tech home flipping, if you will, is going to net them or i should say sales would be as high as $1.25 billion but they are still losing money because it's expensive to do. stuart: but that's a shocker. i didn't know that. i didn't know they never made a profit and they don't expect to make a profit for another four or five years. lauren: they are trying to figure out a way to do that now. i looked at some of the numbers here. they do take a 6% to 9% fee for this flipping which is higher than traditional, but you know, the algorithms can make the wrong bets and the wrong markets and then they have to, you know, pay out for the services that fix the houses up. but they are also in the mortgage business so they are trying to figure out different ways to make this profitable. stuart: i won't argue with a 9% gain. lauren: really nice, right? stuart: good stuff. thanks very much indeed. something tells me i've just got
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to get back to the $52 billion michael bloomberg. no, he's not. the scourge of the billionaires is elizabeth warren. she welcomed him into the race? roll that tape. [ inaudible ] stuart: i wish i could have heard that. i couldn't hear a thing. but i'm told she welcomed him into the race. actually -- >> she endorsed him actually. you didn't hear it. stuart: she did not. >> she said i'm dropping out, he should be the president. stuart: i can't believe she actually welcomed him on to the campaign trail. >> for her message, it makes total sense. they present two very different
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visions for voters in the democratic primary should mike run. she has a really populist message that certainly appeals to the twitter ecosystem and echo chamber, that appeals to a lot of reporters on the left, lot of advocates on the left and definitely some voters on the left and that may be enough to carry her to the win and it may not. but i think what the voters haven't really had yet is a true alternative in someone just as smart as her, just as competent as her and i would argue even more so, just as accomplished as her, even more so, and let the two visions sort of be seen side by side and we'll see what voters prefer. stuart: as a lifelong democrat and i assume you are a lifelong democrat -- >> i'm actually independent. stuart: you are a lot more democrat. >> for purposes of this question i can be a democrat. stuart: for this interview, you are. how do you feel about you being personally responsible for splitting your party? >> if mike runs, you got me for a second, if mike runs, i would say that i don't think elizabeth warren could beat donald trump
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in a general election. it doesn't seem like joe biden is in a position to even win the primary. so if you want a different outcome than trump being reelected, you need to change the inputs. one of the inputs could be mike bloomberg. stuart: i find this fascinating. i'm real glad you're on the show this morning. absolutely perfect timing. bradley tusk, thank you. appreciate it. couple of stocks to look at. how about roku. big drop earlier this week. they had a lackluster forecast in their profit report. not a full recovery from those losses, even though disney plus, the streaming service, starts next week and roku is the streaming device. roku is at $119 this morning. amazon, it will offer disney plus on its fire streaming device. doesn't make much difference to amazon stock. it makes more of a difference to disney, frankly. activision shares down despite making a lot of money from call of duty. the stock is down 1.7%. now, overall, we are flat to -- basically we're flat. leave it at that. down a point on the dow, down
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three on the s&p, down maybe 13 on the nasdaq. that's not a big move. i will repeat. billionaire bloomberg has chucked a hand grenade right into the 2020 democrat presidential race. it's a story we are going to cover all day long, because i like it. i will tell you why this is a game changer for democrats. i've got an editorial on it in the 10:00 hour. president trump leaves the white house later this hour. if he talks to reporters and he probably will, and i think he will likely talk about michael bloomberg, you will find out about it right here. tomorrow, the president attends the biggest college football game of the year. he will be at the lsu/alabama game. first the world series, then mma, now college football. what's with the president and sporting events? guess who's going to answer that question? even i know this man. hall of fame nfl quarterback terry bradshaw, star-studded show. he's next. >> this saturday i'm going to be
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at a certain game. most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. (woman) but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. ♪
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now. this saturday i'm going to be at a certain game. let's see. it's lsu versus a pretty good team from alabama. and i hear, i'm a football fan, i hear you have a great quarterback. we're going to see. stuart: that was the president at a rally last night in louisiana. i thought he kind of bashed alabama right there. he is going to be at the lsu/alabama game tomorrow. by the way, alabama will not punish students who boo the president. i need some expert advice on this one. who better to talk about trump
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in louisiana than shreveport's own, you know him, this is terry bradshaw. >> how do you isolate the kids that boo? that's what i would like to know. by the way, thank you for having me on your show. my people, my people are going to be blown away when they find out i'm on this highly sophisticated intelligent show. i'm telling you. yeah. i've seen them, guys. from where he's from. what part of texas you from, anyway? stuart: what do you think about politics and sport? because i don't like it. >> i don't get involved with politics. you would go crazy. the way our environment is nowadays, it's the most hateful i have ever seen, and really, it's sad. it's sad. as far as sports, i think you have to, look, if the president of the united states wants to come to the game, i mean, think about the office and that's what i think about. the president of the united states wants to come, hey, come
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on, man. i'm thrilled to have him there. that's exactly the way you look at it. you got to put it all aside and look at the office. stuart: when you were winning four super bowl -- it was four, right? late '70s, very early -- >> you did google me. stuart: i did. i did google you. >> yeah. four. four. stuart: you caught me. back in those days, it was never, ever a question of a sporting team dissing a president. never, ever. you wouldn't dream of doing it. >> that's why i said in the climate and atmosphere we are living in today, it has gotten so hateful, so spiteful. i have never seen anything like this. it's fwhot -- as i always said, talk to my friends, look, there's some good over here on the left and good over here to the right. you can't tell me there isn't. there's some good in the middle. we just got to get this all together, get past all this bickering, this hatefulness. i have never seen anything like it. stuart: i am going to watch the alabama/lsu game tomorrow. >> so am i. i'm going to the army/umass game
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tomorrow morning which will be fun up at west point. we are doing our show there sunday. so i'm going to the game. all of us are going to go to the game tomorrow which will be fun. stuart: is alabama the best team at the moment? >> they are hard to -- hard not to like them but lsu, i believe, might be one or two. ohio state might be ahead of alabama. alabama doesn't play anybody. that's the knock on them, they haven't played anybody. two of their great quarterbacks got a high ankle sprain and they have operated on it and lsu is a really good offensive football team. not quite as dominant like alabama on defense. and alabama always seems to beat lsu. always seems to beat lsu. but i didn't go to lsu. i went to louisiana tech. i did have a dream the other night for one reason, i have no idea that lsu won that game. why would that be there? i have no idea. stuart: where do you get your energy from? where do you get this from? you are a natural born performer. you are projecting like nobody
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else. >> i don't know. but i'm having fun here. stuart: coffee? >> i have coffee. pretty much have a jovial look on life. stuart: you do. >> i enjoy life, i enjoy people. if you do that, why shouldn't you have fun? stuart: if you want to come over to my place on sunday morning and watch liverpool play man city, open invitation. i will give you my private jet to fly you down to hoboken, where i live. >> hoboken? stuart: that's where i live. frngs you ha >> you have to fly to hoboken? where is that, new jersey? i don't know. stuart: i do live in new jersey. you think i live in london or something? >> i do a show for mgm and i will be in new jersey december 6th at the mgm. i can't think of the name. stuart: borgata. >> that's it. i'm at the luxor in vegas, then i'm doing -- stuart: i would like to invite you the a soccer game. >> i would go to that. i would be bored out of my mind.
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what a great game. what's the score? 1-nothing. let's go to the highlights. what highlights? stuart: ladies and gentlemen, i give you terry bradshaw. on his first and possibly last appearance. no, you're welcome back any time. an honor to have you. you can come any time you like. >> i haven't figured this out yet. markets are looking good today, people. stuart: that's the script on the prompter. okay. >> go ahead. here's a look at futures. susan: there you go. stuart: we will see you shortly. check futures. we are down 10 on the dow industrials, fractional loss for the s&p and nasdaq. next case. sears, once america's dominant chain, closing nearly 100 stores. yes, we are talking retail ice age. if we can get over bradshaw, next. >> i used to shop at sears.
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at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your xfinity store today. stuart: we put them on death watch. i figured we would. death watch for sears. they are closing another, what, hundred stores? is that right, to put them on death watch? susan: let's see how long there is in the cash fund.
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sears saved about a year ago but they are closing another 96 stores, 28 in california, eight in puerto rico and many people might be losing their jobs this holiday season as well. stuart: that's not good. all right. we hear you. how about the gap. another weak forecast and the ceo stepping down. i think the stock's going to be down -- ashley: yeah, listen, those same store sales numbers are really weak. across the board. old navy down 4%, banana republic down 3% and the gap itself, sales down 7%. none of this is good. they have had consecutive quarters of this. the ceo is out, they gave no official reason why. a board member is filling in for now. not great times for the gap. down almost 4.5% premarket. stuart: stay there, please. we open this market in literally four and a half minutes' time. less than that, actually. we will be down ever so slightly across the board. back in a moment. ♪ (nationwide jingle)
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learn how homeowners are strategically using a reverse mortgage loan to cover expenses, pay for healthcare, protect investments, and so much more. look, reverse mortgages aren't for everyone but i think i've been 'round long enough to know what's what. i'm proud to be a part of aag, i trust 'em, i think you can too. trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. so you can... retire better. stuart: wouldn't you know it, i'm about to go on the air with the opening of the market and i've got a robocall. ashley: see who it is. stuart: no. you answer, they will never stop calling. let's get more to the point. we have 20 seconds to go. the market opens in those now 15 seconds. we are expecting a flat to slightly lower opening. the main point here is about
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trade. we've got some indeterminate trade news, quite frankly. it's kind of in the middle. it's neither positive nor negative. that may be why we've got a flat to slightly lower opening for the dow. here we go. three, two, one, boom. friday morning, we are off and running and we have opened slightly, what's that, higher? ashley: the dow up 20. stuart: how did that happen? boy, did i get that wrong. that was the robocall. we are up 11 in the early going. there's a lot of red amongst the dow 30. let's wait until they all open and see where we are. how about the nasdaq. have we got that? no, s&p. that's down three points. record high yesterday. how about the nasdaq. that also is on the downside, eight points lower. look at disney, please, bottom right-hand corner of the screen. up about seven bucks. that's 5%. very strong opening for disney. how about zillow? they are doing well with house flipping, of all things. up 11%.
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retail ice age for sears, kmart, closing more stores. they are up two cents, 9%. i call that irrelevant. a weak forecast from the gap and the ceo stepping down. that's down 4.5%. okay. it's been a winning week for stocks. lots of new highs all throughout the week. david dietze is with us, susan and ashley, of course. david, are we in the middle of or just at the start of a nice year-end rally? >> i remain optimistic. the number one overhang was the state of the global economy. we have seen interest rates not just in this country but worldwide go up dramatically, why, because those concerns about the economy are shifting away. meanwhile, we still have very low interest rate environment so pensions, endowments, everyone worldwide is looking for opportunities amid this low interest rate environment. now with recession off the table, go for it. stuart: you got it all in. susan: trade as well. we will be hearing from president trump and i'm sure he will talk about u.s./china trade
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and given that the tariffs have pretty much been telegraphed twhoent they won't be going up in december. stuart: you mean when he's leaving the white house on his way to georgia? susan: i'm sure someone will ask him and i bet the market will like what he has to say. as i said to you, i think the expectation is most people don't think december tariffs will go into effect which is a positive. stuart: okay. let's see what the president says. all right. disney, stock of the day, no question. yes, they made money with their theme parks, made money on the movies like live action "lion king" and they have this streaming service disney plus starts tuesday of next week. i call them a juggernaut. when they are up 5% at $140 a share, i think that's right. it's a juggernaut. >> absolutely. the key new distribution is streaming. they are going to launch disney plus next week. they've got all these great distribution arrangements in place, just signed up amazon. at the same time, content, they are knocking it out of the park. the revenues were -- blew everyone away because at the box
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office last summer, "toy story" et cetera doing so well. they've got it all together. stuart: anybody have something to add? susan: profit was down 50% from a year ago because of the spending that they are using to ramp up production when it comes to disney plus. which will be launching soon. stuart: to me, the thing is they tested disney plus in the netherlands. that was their test market. it went real well so they can execute, they can get it out there, they can distribute it, they did it. that was their trial run. they satart the big deal on tuesday. that's extremely important. susan: they bundle the streaming service as well. hulu, espn, disney tv plus. the one concern you might have is theme parks, especially with revenue at the hong kong disneyland down $275 million because of the ongoing protests and also what about shanghai and the knock-on effect with nationalism? stuart: investors don't particularly care but i take your point. that could be important. moving on, mcdonald's representative democrat ilhan omar has criticized mcdonald's
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over their ex-ceo steve easterbrook's severance package. ashley: $42 million. this is what representative omar had to say. quote, mcdonald's former ceo violated company policy and was awarded almost $42 million. meanwhile, there are hard-working mcdonald's employees who deal with low wages and retaliation for reporting sexual assault. we must and will demand better for the working class. stuart: should we leave it at that? i happen to hear the expression working class used in england, what about the working class. susan: i think it's two different cases especially when easterbrook doubles the stock price in five years. think of the value creation he made for stockholders and should he be compensated for that. i say yes. stuart: i'm with you all the way. susan, you and i agree. susan: i know. very unusual. terry bradshaw. stuart: big board shows a minor loss for the dow. you're off 13 points. there you go. roku, big drop earlier this
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week. it came out with kind of a lackluster forecast. nice bounce today. not all the way back, but it's up 2.3%. $121 on roku. activision making money from this call of duty but i don't know what's gone wrong. the stock is down 2%. okay. alibaba, here's a big deal. they report, they've got their singles day next monday. that is a massive selling operation. the stock has gone straight up this week. i own a little bit of it. it's at $187 as we speak. any comment? susan: singles day will be big. they usually sell about $30 billion. compared that to amazon prime, $4 billion to $7 billion. it's important to note alibaba might be looking at a secondary listing and diluting more shares by selling a second offering on the hong kong stock exchange later this month. $15 billion in stock. stuart: would that dilute my stock? i own it through whatever i own it through. susan: these are new shares, a new stake but there are different ways to play it.
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you might lose in terms of where money moves to play alibaba stock. stuart: $187 as we speak. susan: what was that? stuart: i got buzzed for what? dilute? susan: dilute? really? that makes sense. stuart: get out of here. get out of here. susan: they're just playing. stuart: they toughened up the standards for buzzing. you get that, dietze? watch out, son. rough week for expedia shares, feeling the heat from google. but it's a modest bounce back this morning. it's at $100 a share. same story for booking, the parent company. actually, that's the new name for priceline. booking right now is up 5%. that's a rebound and a half, up $98 at $1,947. okay. the ten-year treasury yield, 1.94%. that is important. as yields go up, that implies economic strength, not just here
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but around the world. am i right? >> absolutely. the concerns about the global recession are now off the table. money is rotating out of fixed income not just in this country but we are seeing, for example, in france and italy, bond yields getting above zero now. even in germany they have come from negative 80 to just negative 30. stuart: what's going on is you sell safe bonds, you take the money and put it into more risky stocks. that's the transfer of money. one market to another. that's what you are seeing. we had the price of gold on the air just a second ago. we are all the way down to $1,460 per ounce. that's a drop and a half. the price of oil, $56 a barrel. got it. latest chapter in the retail ice age, sears and kmart, to close almost 100 stores. i don't know how a stock could be unchanged but -- susan: it's a penny stock. stuart: fractions. ashley: end of the game. >> it's really a sad story about business. five years ago, there were 4,000 sears stores.
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just last february, there were 465 that were hand-picked that could survive. by the time this winter is over there is only going to be 100. even last february they couldn't figure out what was going to work. i think the bottom line is you have to do more than just cost-cutting if you are going to survive as a legacy retailer. stuart: let me ask you this question. is sears absolutely done and say good-bye when eddie lampert stops putting money into it? susan: i think so. eddie lampert with the $5 billion purchase also includes the hardware, the kenmore brand, so that could be taken outside of stores as well. i would say for those of the 96 locations that are closing, 28 in california, talking about thousands of jobs being lost as well. stuart: not good. not good. susan: especially during the holiday period. stuart: another stock that's losing ground would be the gap. gave another weak forecast. the ceo is stepping down. right now, you've got the gap down 5%. >> another sad story. just february, they announced they were going to take their crown jewel, old navy, separate it from the legacy retailers. now they just reported even the
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old navy is losing sales. that was too much for the legacy owners to take. the ceo is out. stuart: okay. here's something which i have a hard time getting to grips with. that would be activision. ashley: what about it? stuart: they are taking it off the screen. here's a company that made $600 million. $600 million came in on their latest call of duty. susan: that's right. downloaded 100 million times in a month. the problem with activision blizzard, i think it's cost as well. don't forget, they are getting into e-sports. they are, i would say, a juggernaut, probably the leader with overwatch call of duty, et cetera, et cetera. this is the future. this is a $600 billion market. ashley: this is all about analysts. their forecast was missing what analysts wanted on net booking sales of $2.65 billion. i know you love the estimates but that is what's hurting the stock, that it's lighter than what people hoped for. stuart: on a friday morning after a fabulous interview with terry bradshaw, you are going to
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raise the expectations thing. ashley: someone had to do it. stuart: last word to you. are we going up from here? >> i do believe we've got a very strong consumer, we've got good sentiment. we just have to get, you know, peter navarro and larry kudlow to agree on one course of action, this market goes higher. stuart: all right. david, thank you very much indeed. it is 9:40. we will move on. have a great weekend. quick check of the big board. barely any movement. we are down eight points, 27,665. the president goes to georgia, as in the state of georgia, southern part of the united states, today. he's going to leave the white house in a couple minutes. we will keep an eye on him. just in case he makes comments to reporters as he usually does. can't wait for that. michael bloomberg considering a run for the president. he's taken the first steps. but wait a minute. he runs a gigantic media empire. so does bloomberg cover all of this, whand what does he do wit his empire if he becomes president? what a story. it's next.
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there is no agreement at this time to remove any of the existing tariffs as a condition of the phase one deal and the only person who can make that decision is president donald j. trump and it's as simple as that. stuart: let's get clear what's going on with trade, and to do that i want to bring in edward lawrence, who just happens to be in new york today. edward, welcome to the program. >> thank you, stu. stuart: here's what i've got. we've got the chinese saying the removal of tariffs is a key condition for signing phase one and that both sides have agreed to roll back tariffs. we've got peter navarro saying yeah, we'll roll back the tariffs when trump says so. where are we? >> we are seeing the internal debate play out within the last 24 hours or so within the white house.
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economic adviser peter navarro saying that yeah, you know, the u.s. will only remove or not put on december 15th tariffs going forward, but in order to get this phase one trade deal, but the chinese are saying that you know, they would like to see the tariffs removed in phases in order to get this trade deal done. the chinese say the u.s. has offered to remove some of the tariffs, not all of the tariffs, and then remove the tariffs after a full trade deal is finished. peter navarro's argument is they would like to see, you know, they need the tariffs to put the phase two and phase three agreements on the table. you know, white house press secretary stephanie grisham this morning saying there is an agreement that some of the, if there is an agreement, some of the tariffs will be removed. so you are seeing this internal debate. stuart: okay. the president will leave the white house shortly to go to the state of georgia in the south. he may well mention this. >> maybe add some clarity. stuart: he could make a decision right there and then. >> exactly. we will watch twitter, too. stuart: yeah, we will.
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edward, welcome to new york. thanks for joining us. appreciate it. check that big board. we are now, what, 15 minutes into the session. down just eight points. now, we have news on joe biden's response to bloomberg, mayor mike bloomberg, former mayor bloomberg, probably getting into the presidential race. what's the news? ashley: this comes from charlie gasparino, who has just put out this note saying that the biden camp taking a bloomberg run seriously. quote, they know his billions are real and liquid which is a bit of a shot at president trump but they believe he's very vulnerable where joe biden is strongest. that would be black voters, particularly in the south, and according to charlie, there is a plan among the biden campaign to hold a press event within the next two weeks with southern black politicians as a show of support for his campaign. stuart: i would say that joe biden is most threatened by a bloomberg candidacy. ashley: of course. stuart: they are both moderates. ashley: absolutely. stuart: except bloomberg's got $52 billion.
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ashley: yes, he does. stuart: a lot of money. i want to bring in the publisher of "forbes." look, rich, welcome to the show. i think this is the first time you have been on for a long, long time at least. welcome. good to see you. >> good morning, stuart. stuart: good morning. i'm sorry. you are a media guy. what does this mean for bloomberg media? because this is a gigantic media operation. >> well, i think over the course of many years, michael bloomberg has built a great company that can be run by others. let us not forget, in 2008, in february, i remember interviewing michael bloomberg, who was then contemplating a run for president, and he thought, he concluded there was not enough room between centrist john mccain and hillary clinton, whom he then presumed would be the democratic nominee. of course, it was barack obama. so i take bloomberg's interest with a grain of salt because he's done this before. stuart: wait a minute. wait a minute. you don't think he's going to make a serious run? he won't follow through on his
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filing the papers today? >> well, yeah, well, those are two different issues. sure, he's going to file for alabama, but i don't think he's going to run. i mean, who is his native constituency? if he thinks suburban -- stuart: wait a minute. wait a minute. wait. he wants to run, he says, i mean, he's taking these first steps because he doesn't like to see the democrat party go over the socialist cliff as it is about to. he doesn't think that joe biden can win. he's putting himself forward as the only candidate who can beat donald trump. that's why he's running. >> well, you know, the fear of elizabeth warren is really prompting him to do this. but i don't think that, you know, the irony is he's going to hurt joe biden, who is the most viable candidate probably. my friend peter robinson at the hoover institute made a great statement the other day. he was being interviewed by ben
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shapiro and he said all biden has to do to become a viable candidate is declare his independence from this idiotic woke culture that is infected the whole democratic party and declare himself a son of scranton, pennsylvania, and go back and you know, talk about jfk and truman and fdr and his role models and he might be viable but he's not doing it. that's why he's weak and it's tempting mike bloomberg to do -- i don't think bloomberg will really ultimately do it. howard schultz made the same conclusion. stuart: you're not supposed to say this in tv news but you know what, only time will tell. thanks for being on the show. good to see you. >> thanks, stu. stuart: sure thing. check the dow 30. where are we after 18 minutes worth of business? looks like a dead heat. about a third in the green, two-thirds in the red. it's a mixed market. right now the dow is up ten points. roku, streaming battle, giving viewers a bevy of new choices. that's great but here's the twist. you might have to buy a new tv
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or device to view all these new streaming services. do you need a new tv? i didn't know that. we will explain it after this break. only one thing's more exciting than than getting a lexus... giving one. this is unbelievable! >>it really is. the lexus december to rembember sales event lease the 2020 rx 350 all wheel drive for $419 a month for 27 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ( ♪ )
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stuart: now, i didn't know this, but bad news if you have an old samsung smart tv or an old roku box. kurt knudsen, cyber guy, am i going to need a new device to access these new streaming services? >> good morning to you. it is my biggest pet peeve, when something's working perfectly well, there's nothing broken about it, and suddenly the powers in tech behind it make it obsolete and they just did that with both samsung 2010 and 2011 sets that end in series c. if it's a c or letter d in the serial number, model number of your model number, rather, of your tv, you can fish through the settings, it will no longer allow the streaming of netflix if you get the native app from that tv.
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however, even though also roku -- many of the roku devices will not allow streaming as well, there's a list of the compatible devices you can see at netflix to find out if yours is affected. what's also frustrating about this, stuart, is that they're not being very transparent about it. so you don't know exactly what devices will come to an end beginning december 1st. like three weeks away from suddenly, you loving watching something on netflix and then poof, it's gone. the good solution, though, find out if you are affected. if you've got to you can buy an amazon fire stick or get a roku device that's more current and you are out of pocket about 30 bucks. stuart: that's not the end of the world. what worries me is i'm going to need a new phone when 5g arrives, aren't i? >> yeah. keep, you know, i would not set the timer on that one just yet. 5g is very slow in this country and then we are encountering a whole new problem with 5g, which is the fact that the 5g signals
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from competing companies are actually canceling each other out. they are creating problems, especially in large urban markets and metro markets where this is going to be the best probably market share for these companies to gather. so don't worry about 5g just yet. let's wait six months, even a year out for something like that. stuart: okay. i can wait. i can definitely wait on that one. >> i know you can. stuart: thanks for joining us. see you soon. thank you. next one, coca-cola rolling out a new sparkling water brand. susan: it's so you, stu. yes, they will roll out coca-cola north america. sparkling water is not you? stuart: soda is dirt cheap. susan: would you stop. this has actual flavors in it. cucumber, strawberry, a hint of caffei caffeine, 35 milligrams. there you go. it's the first coca-cola introduction since 2006. bubbly water is actually very popular in this country. 1.7 billion in sales last year and scoring double digits and
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hard seltzer also something bubbly with a bit more alcohol in it has grown 218% from last year. stuart: bubbly water is kind of popular in this country, she says to me. susan: fyi. stuart: thank you, susan. michael bloomberg, throwing a big wrench into the democrat presidential race. i say his potential run is a game changer. i will tell you why i think that way in my editorial coming up in just a moment. the president is leaving the white house any minute. i think he's going to have a thing to say about michael bloomberg. we are expecting him to talk to reporters. we really hope he does. as soon as he does, we will bring it to you. the president will also be in new york city on monday. he will be the first president to speak at the veterans day parade. pete hegseth, he's a veteran, he's here to talk about the president's patriotism. that will be in the 11:00 hour. we'll be right back. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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stuart: market is heading south. we hear president trump said he is not about to roll back tariffs. okay? so he has come out, this is pretty clear. this is reuters report? ashley: china would like him to do so. china wants to make a trade deal but hang on, basically. stuart: not agreed to it at this point. talking about rolling back tariffs. obviously a negative for china trade. down goes the market. you lost 70 point in a matter of 70 seconds. we're down 55, 54. the market took it as negative, has come down. we also have news on consumer sentiment. that is an important indicator for the economy. ash? ashley: 95.7. a little shy what was hoped for. we have seen improvement in consumer sentiment so important to the economy. september, 90.2. first look at november, 95.7. overall the trend is up.
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consumers seem to be relatively optimistic. stuart: dow industrials down 74 at 27,600. this is all about trade and the latest statement from the president. we're down 85. we'll read this on our president michael bloomberg filed the paperwork to enter the 2020 contest. he was mayor of new york, considered a centrist, 77 years old. he is worth $50 billion. 52 billion actually. he is grenade, chucked right into the democrat race in politics a man with all that money is a game-changer. taking a first step, bloomberg already changed the game. front running democrats, warren and sanders have no time at all for billionaires. they based their campaigns on confiscating their wealth. they rail against the rich.
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but now, they have one of the richest people in the world running against them from inside of the their own party. can you say division, split? idealogical schism? it is right out there in plane sight. bloomberg is considered a moderate. so is joe biden. when a 50 billion-dollar moderate goes up against stumbling moderate, who do you think will win? bloomberg is a huge problem for biden. as for policy, bloomberg's big issue is guns. he spent millions supporting gun control across the country. he will put that right up front. he is capitalist. he want as well-run capitalist economy. surely he has no time for the socialists taking over the party. forget wealth tax. forget "medicare for all." forget the "green new deal." forget massive crippling increases. bloomberg is a guy who pulls democrats away from a socialist cliff.
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wall street will like him. can he win? don't know. one member of his political team told me bloomberg himself think as multibillionaire jewish new yorker is a long shot. taking the first tentative step. bloomberg revealed the unease in democrat party. they are not comfortable with the noisy socialist left. they are not happy with a impeachment that seems like a conspiracy to miss a president they don't like. if anything bloomberg will put sanity in the democrat party a party which bases its appeal on hating the rich, now has to contend with a powerful democrat candidate is extremely rich. it is going to be fun. staying on the bloomberg story, listen to what bradley tusk who is a member of bloomberg's political team right now. here is what he had to say about it last hour. roll tape. >> two things. joe biden not nearly as strong of a candidate as people expected him to be.
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two, elizabeth warren within the democratic primary apparently a much stronger candidate than people expected to be. mike looks at it. warren doesn't seem like she can beat trump in the general f your goal is to beat trump, that is not your view, if that is your goal, someone will have to step up, that is why he is thinking of doing it. stuart: tammy bruce, fox news contributor. i can't get enough the bloomberg story. you think biden is the big loser? >> as you described they're both considered moderates. bloomberg's base is taking away guns. it was about gun control. when he was mayor here, controlling size of drinks and he is still considered a moderate. we have to think how the basic voter would view that. at the same time, there is, it is, he is the opposite of what they has been really energizing the democratic base for the primary season. he is a billionaire. he is somebody who is, you know,
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liking capitalism, all of that. stuart: right. >> so fascinating if they're looking for enthusiasm, if he were to enter, this is not a guarranty get, you're looking at fights within their own celebrity base if you will of candidates. stuart: yeah. >> that will take enthusiasm down. he is not going to be, you know exciting anybody. at this point there has to be a rallying of the base around to be able to win that nomination and then really, in a general, if you're looking at donald trump is the problem, billionaire, who is you know, a moderate, why would you go for someone else who is effectively representing the same thing thing? this is the fight within the democratic party. stuart: the party is split. >> there is chaos. there is no leadership. they recognize, i think what this might mean, they do see perhaps joe biden will become the nominee. worrying about not just, whether he can beat trump. if he is competent, in dealing with the nomination itself. but, the fact that they have gotten this far, remember, also
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the insult, we talked about this when hillary was making some noise. all people up there now have fought for months, if not over a year or two, to get the donations. to get the percentage in the polls. they have done the debates. bloomberg would be walking in without really doing any debating. stuart: yes. >> what kind of insult to all the other candidates would that really be? stuart: he walks in with all other candidates spent millions of and millions of dollars running up to the primaries. he walks in with a personal fortune of $50 billion. he can spend what he likes. >> this could be another effort from the establishment to steal the nomination this is not going to be looked at nicely by the base or by -- stuart: that's war. >> this is what they're fighting against. this arrogance to come in and just suggest i will walk in now when all these people have been doing it the right way, some may be ruining their lives like
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beto. this guy is walking away with having his reputation to some degree ruined. and but at least they went up and were willing to face this. it is interesting though that he is coming in when debates might not remain an issue, right? because i don't know how bloomberg would do in that environment. stuart: you know, it is going to be fun, isn't it? can you imagine more fun than watching this next year roll out with a multibillionaire just jumping right in the middle of the socialist party of america, possibly going up against new york billionaire november next year. this is paradise. >> it is great. the american system allows this i think democrats should fight against it but it is welcome to america, and what makes elections great. we'll make elections great again. it will be fun. stuart: we'll have such fun. can't wait. >> everybody -- ashley: i hear it is mega. >> everybody laughs at me when i
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say a brokered convention but if you have splits and there is no vision and no direction, i don't know, hillary bloomberg? anything is possible at this point. i hope democrats have a good time, figure out the best way to move it forward without destroying everything their base worked for. stuart: just such fun. crack a smile, kid. >> i'm looking forward. i'm being reasonable. stuart: you are, actually. >> i'm enjoying it. stuart: have a great weekend. here is what we're waiting for. president trump speaking to reporters. here is what he has been saying. he says would like a rollback of tariffs but not a complete rollback. he also says china wants to make a deal on trade and the phase one deal will be signed in the united states. ashley: right. stuart: i find that very interesting. now, so that's a negative in some respect force the market but not that negative, that we'll actually sign phase one.
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ashley: the whole week trade optimism, record after record based on that fact we'll get the phase one deal done and tariffs would be rolled back. the fact the president said no, i have not agreed to do that is a negative. doesn't mean it will not happen. as we live from headline to headline it's a problem. susan: baked into the market we would have roll back in the tariffs. china is negotiating in public. chinese commerce ministry said a thing very rare for them which they expect these tariffs to be rolled back but i wouldn't count it out just yet. it may be a negotiating tactic they want to sign the phase one deal on u.s. soil according to trump. stuart: he has not just spoken about trade in china. he also said, he is expecting to make a final decision on vaping next week. ashley: yeah. stuart: now to some, when you're talking about bloomberg and trade, i guess vaping is to some degree a secondary issue, but nonetheless, he mentioned it. i'm waiting for any headline, if
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he said anything about mike bloomberg's run. so far i have not seen anything. ashley: someone will ask, right? stuart: i would imagine, yeah. he answers all questions. ashley: it has to be in there. stuart: we're waiting to hear, was he asked, what did he say about it. susan: get back to the vaping since you brought it up any ways juul will stop selling mint flavored cartridges. journal of american medical association says juul plays a big roll in vaping. half teens use juul. mint is the most popular flavor so. stuart: one more thing, jump says what he has seen from the impeachment testimony transcripts doesn't hurt him. that is what he said. ashley: first thing he said. stuart: waiting to see if he says something about mike bloomberg. okay we'll wait. dow industrials down 74 points as we speak. the market taking the negative china trade news pretty much in stride. that is not a huge loss.
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27,600. i want to take a look at cillo. i thought the company was a online real estate brokerage. ashley: it was originally. stuart: they made a billion dollars flipping houses in the past year, a billion. the stock is up 9% at $37 a share even though zillow never made a profit, doesn't expect to make a profit until 2024. who better to cover this than joel schulman. you're the entrepreneurial guy. i guess zillow is a entrepreneurial company, right? >> it's a entrepreneurial company as you point out they change the business model. went from a brokerage model which is riskless to becoming a dealer. buying homes flipping them. completely different. margins drop from 92% to 58%. this is not a business that has anywhere near the same risk level, appreciably different risk level they have other issues i'm concerned about.
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stuart: they are a entrepreneurial company? >> they are a entrepreneurial company, they are a entrepreneurial company. we do look at them. i mentioned in past there are certain sectors we're concerned about sometimes entrepreneurs behave differently and real estate is one of those sectors. you saw what happened in wee works with potential self-dealing, concerns about self-dealing, now we're looking at zillow, one of founders, directors, not ceo, has virtually no stock ownership, $400,000 stock ownership. taken out 40 million each of last two years. we're concerned about this type of behavior. not a company we own in our portfolio although we would classify them fairly high level being entrepreneurial. stuart: joel, good stuff indeed. you did not move the market. zillow's stock up 10%. thank you very much indeed. i have to get back to this. what do you have, ashley? ashley: interesting headline. president is thinking about
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attending russia's may day parade. stuart: russia's may day parade? that is headline 1/2. ashley: i saw the headline and did a double-take. stuart: what a show we've got today. terry bradshaw and president might go to the may day parade in moscow. great she. still waiting tape from the president so you can hear and see what he said. as soon as we get it we'll play it for you. china laying down the law to videogamessers. that is interesting. they issued tough restrictions for the work week and weekends. can you believe this? we're all over this. our game expert will be up next. i will talk to two businessmen frequent guests on the program, andy puzder, jon taffer, what do they think of two new york businessman, that would be trump and bloomberg, facing each other in 2020? big show today. we'll be back.
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stuart: what the president had to say to reporters after he was leaving for atlanta moved the market. he would like a roll back in tariffs. not a complete roll back. he says china wants to make a deal on trade, the phase one of the deal will be signed in the united states. that is kind of 6'1", half a dozen of other. not a dramatic statement one way or the other. we have very minor loss for the dow industrials, down about 50 points after the news was -- ashley: right. stuart: that is where we leave it right there. china, listen to this, really laying down some tough rules when it comes to youngsters playing video games. children, i will say kids, kids must use real names and i.d.s,
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got it. no gaming from 10 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. how about that? no more than 90 minutes of gaming on weekdays. know more than three hours on weekends and holidays. i would call that pretty tough. ashley: yeah. stuart: joining us "gamer world news." he is our videogame guy. those seem like very tough restrictions to me as a freewheeling american. why are they doing this? >> so i think it is very interesting these regulations you know. if you look at the way china actually has been regulating the video game industry last couple years, they are increasing worried about videogame addiction and led to decrease in academic performance and myopia in children. stuart: is that true? they discovered addiction or frequent use of videogames actually lowers scholastic achievement? is that true. is that accurate? >> it can especially if you're addicted to it.
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think about the time somebody playing videogames devoted to that, that is taking time from productive activities or school last i can achievement, if you're older from work. stuart: it's a form of control we would not be used to in america? >> i agree. if you want to look at a issue in much more geopolitical way, if you look at xi xinping and his modus on randy, basically he wants control over all aspects of chinese life. in terms of the grand strategy, competing against the united states, they make, you know, they're very clear about trying to outcompete the u.s. in areas of advanced manufacturing, a.i., machine learning. to be able to do that, they need to have a productive user base. this is where the regulations are coming from. stuart: got to tell you, a lot of americans that i know who would love similar regulations but probably not going to get it. hold on for one second for me. look at activision blizzard. they posted strong numbers. the stock is actually down.
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can you tell me -- ashley: all because of outlook on adjusted net revenue for the next quarter. they came in at 2.65 billion, just a little shy of, as to what the analysts had expected. it is a bit harsh. numbers were good, call of duty, black ops, net revenue there. especially for amount of money derived from in game items. they have boxes that they can generate money come, game in strong. stuart: i remember reporting with you, call of duty modern warfare brought in $600 million in three days. that seems to be very, very strong to me, right? >> those numbers very impressive. if you were to compare that to the weekend, first weekend release of the "joker," it made twice as much as the movie. the thing is activision blizzard revenue gone down. third quarter was 1.8 billion, which was lower year after year.
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i think the main problem with the company, that i think some investors are starting to recognize is that there is sort of a lack of innovation within the company itself. if you look at what's been happening over this year, the cadence of releases has been much slower. there hasn't been any new ips. even after bliz conn, there has it been many new ideas. they have too many managers as opposed to videogame developers. if you're in the business of making videogames that is not a good idea. they are starting to right the ship. stuart: i find it fascinating the size of the business. thanks for point it all out. >> my pleasure, stuart. stuart: disney reported theme park numbers, movies, doing well, the big deal is the new streaming service, disney plus. that is why the stock is up 4%. we'll break it down for you in a moment.
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stuart: right. disney launches disney plus on tuesday. kristina partsinevelos is here. because i want to hear about all this money they have spent to get things rolling. >> market rewarding disney in the stock right now. they lost $740 million in the direct to consumer unit and that focuses on the streaming war. that is double the amount of losses compared to last year. stuart: is that a loss or an investment? >> very good question. this could be a huge turning point for bob iger who has been the ceo of the company almost 15 years, the invests they're putting in. loss, $740 million has to do with disney plus, ongoing cost of espn plus.
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as well consolidating hulu from comcast. you wanted to focus on this the fact that there are so many options, great for competition, good for consumers, lots of choices. if we bring up all the options for eyeballs across north america. what will you pick? apple tv launching. nbc peacock. warner media hbo max. amazon prime in the mix. hulu, espn, disney plus. disney plus not expecting to turn a profit until 2024. analysts are still bullish. ubs price targets. definitely room to grow. jpmorgan, 150 bucks. i want to end on one little nugget, the fact that disney plus was launched to early adopters in netherlands. what they are watching are avengers and "star wars." those are the newer franchise,
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not time lis pixar things. that could be issue for north america. you're not attracting families and kids. that will be the bread and butter for disney plus when they launch. getting children, families that watch. obviously growth comes from there. stuart: take your word for it. i'm not sure what i'm talking about here. >> what do you mean you're not sure what you're talking about? stuart: content thing, marvel, "star wars," who it appeals to. >> appealing to a older crowd. that could be a concern they're trying to tap into the younger product with disney plus markets. think of all the movies. stuart: "star wars" appeals to people my age? >> older than young children out there. stuart: okay. nays save, susan. hold on. joel schulman i think is still with us. >> i'm still here. stuart: joel, you, you know, i don't think you can beat disney on content, can you? >> well, not only, that you can't beat them on content, we have have to remember, your last
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guest talked about bread and butter, bread and butter for company, 17 billion in cable revenues, 16 billion in domestic parks, 7 billion on media broadcasts. five, four, three billion collectively. what we're talking about companies -- stuart: microphone, joel. clip it on your tie. i don't care where you put it. keep talking. >> talking about a company that has 17 billion in cable revenues. 16 billion in parks and recreation. massively 7 billion in media broadcasts five and four billion collective. 234 billion-dollar company that has a lot of infrastructure in terms of generating profits and revenues. this media streaming of course is the cherry on the ice cream sundae. analysts are excited about the growth in content that they have. stuart: joel, thank you very much indeed. talking about president trump. he was talking to reporters
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moments ago. he walked out of the white house on his way to atlanta, on to marine one. >> yes. stuart: he made comments to reporters. he said look, he would like to roll back the tariffs but not a complete roll back. >> sorry about the microphone. stuart: that's right all right, joel. you still have it on by the way. we'll turn it off. he want to roll them back. doesn't want a total roll back. this is the president. china wants to make a deal on trade. that is phase one, it will be signed in the u.s., okay? susan: bloomberg, you knew -- stuart: said something? susan: i have known him for a long time. will not do well. will hurt biden. doesn't have the magic. i know him well enough. no one i would rather run against than little michael. ashley: wondering what he would say. that is what we thought. stuart: kind of a nickname. market greeted comment on trade
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with a very, very mild negative. we were down, what, five or 10 points. now we're down 50 point. that is hardly a major reaction against it. the president also what is this about going to russia? ashley: thinking about attending russia's may day parade, may 1st, with the marching through red square, the whole thing. seriously, we feel like it is poking a little bit. stuart: think so? ashley: agitating if you like, but just said that in a throwaway line. interesting. stuart: what about monitors in the studio here? we have msnbc. i would have thought they would have jumped all over the possible visit to the may day parade in moscow. ashley: you think. stuart: they're in commercial. can't tell what they're saying. breaking news. there we go. susan: i was invited. certainly thinking about it. big deal, right in the middle of the political season. leaving wiggle room there. stuart: looking grim. oh, boy.
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might go to russia. he loves the russians. it is laughable. ashley: it is, it is laughable. ashley: yes it is. stuart: when i look other news operations how they treat this president it has become a joke, frankly. that is what it has become here. all right. ashley: as for market, down 50 points. to your point, stu, the reaction to the market is kind of a reaction to the statement. he said, i haven't agreed yet. the chinese want to do a deal. a tepid comment, maybe not as positive as other comments we heard this week, pushed markets into record territory. so today a slight a slight pullback on a slight pull-back on the statement about the china deal. stuart: okay. susan: we'll see what happens. wants to make a deal more than i do, referring to china. interesting both sides are negotiating in public now, both china, commerce ministry and trump administration as well. stuart: okay. okay. we're going to get the tape from the president momentarily.
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before we get that tape, i have with me andy puzder and jon taffer. ashley: wow. stuart: both business guys. what i want to talk about with these two guys, mike bloomberg possibly running for the presidency against another businessman, donald trump. i have only a minute to get the to tape. andy, you first, what do you make of the titan battle of billionaires? >> that is great. helps elizabeth warren. she is my favorite candidate. she and sanders have 40% of the vote. you don't think that a white,fy will be 78 years old a billionaire, used to be a republican will take vote from them. he will take it from biden. it's a help for warren. i hope she is the nominee. stuart: you would. jon taffer, welcome to the show, what do you have to say? >> i think he is comfortable. for most moderate in the democratic party, don't want to go socialist direction. he is a comfortable place to land. i'm also concerned that he is comfortable for independents who
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might not like trump's disposition, find bloomberg a more likeable. i think he could be a comfortable candidate for some of those fringe voters. stuart: gentlemen. thank you very much indeed. pause momentarily. i want more from you later. here is the president. >> come over to see the fake news. what do you have, john? reporter: [inaudible]. >> i'm not concerned about anything. the testimony is all been fine. for the most part i never even heard of these people. i have no idea who they are. they're some very fine people. you have some never-trumpers. it seems nobody has any first-hand knowledge. there is no first-hand knowledge and all that matters is one thing, the stance transcript is perfect. mark levine on television a great constitutional lawyer, he broke it down, what trump said, he was respectful, he said what
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president trump said was perfect on the transcript. what he said on the telephone call with the president of ukraine was perfect. he said no other, nothing else matters. what he said was perfect. and he analyzed it, every line, every paragraph. it was not complex. it was perfect. nothing else matters. with that being said, everyone of those people canceled themselves out. so what they do, they go all over washington. let's find 10 people that hate president trump the most and let's put them up there. now in some cases they really turned out to be very much honest and fair but in no cases i have heard, no cases have i see have i been hurt. reporter: what do you say to people that don't believe you? what do you say to millions don't believe you? >> they should not have public hearings. this is a hoax.
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this is like the russia witch-hunt. this is continuation. when you look at lawyer for whistle-blower, i thought it would end when the lawyer is so compromised. the lawyer is a bad guy. i thought that was the end of it. this is continuation of the hoax. it is a disgraceful thing. meantime we have best markets we ever had, stock market, best unemployment numbers we've ever had. we have the best employment numbers we've ever had. we have almost 160 million people. we have never been even close to that. but unfortunately you people don't want to talk about that. [reporters shouting questions] reporter: can you tell me whether a tariff roll back will be part of a phase one signing? >> they would like a roll back. i haven't agreed to anything. china would like somewhat after roll back, not a complete roll back, they know i won't do it. they get along very well with china. they want to make a deal. frankly they want to make a deal a lot more than i do. we're very happy.
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i'm taking in billions of dollars. i'm very happy. china would like to make a deal much more than i would. reporter: will you endorse jeff sessions in alabama senate run? >> i haven't gotten involved. he said very nice things about me last night but we'll have to see. i will have to see. i haven't made, i haven't made a determination. go ahead. reporter: [inaudible]. >> i don't even think about it. reporter: what do you say to the millions of people who just don't believe you, that you have something that your transcripts shows that you did something wrong, what do you tell them? >> i tell you what. it's a very simple thing. i had a very good call with the president of ukraine. i assume that is what you're talking about. the call was perfect. now they're after, a second call, which nobody knew b i guess -- they want that call to be produced also. you heard that john. i had a second call with the president, which actually i believe came before this one.
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now they all want that one. if they want it i will give it to them. i haven't seen it recently, but i will give it to them. i had a call before this one with the president of the ukraine. i understand they like it. i have no problem giving it to them. i have no problem. -- [reporters shouting questions] reporter: mr. president, on the bidens did you ask bill barr or anyone in your department of justice to investigate the bidens? if not, you didn't ask them, why would you ask the president of ukraine to do something you weren't willing to ask your own justice department? >> we're looking for corruption. we're giving hundreds of millions of dollars. we're looking for corruption. all you have to do is take a look at biden you will see tremendous corruption. what he did was quid quote pro times 10. be quiet. be quiet. reporter: [inaudible]. reporter: did you ask the doj? >> are you ready? i never spoke to him about
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anything. bill barr can do whatever he wants to do. i saw the same tape on television. the tape shows that joe biden is a crook. he is a 100% crooked. and the fake news, which is you and you. you don't want to do anything about it. reporter: we reported it. >> his son walked out with millions of dollars from ukraine, millions of dollars from china. he doesn't know anything. he walked away with a stash. it is a core result deal. it's a corrupt enterprise. if the press did it right, it is a hell of a story. reporter: figured out where you sign the phase one trade deal yet? >> looking at differ, assuming which get it. i don't like to talk about things until we have them. it could be iowa or farm country or someplace like that. it will be in our country, but it could be, it could be someplace like that. reporter: mar-a-lago? >> no. i think we go more to the farm belt.
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reporter: [inaudible]. >> no i won't. i will see how it all goes. very good candidates. alabama is a place where my approval numbers are very good. i think i won by 42 points. i love alabama. i will watch a very good football game on saturday, which is tomorrow, with lsu. that will grab it. we'll see what happens. he has to the, he has tough competition. football coach is doing very well. you have some good people running in alabama. we'll see what happens. [shouting questions] reporter: [inaudible] >> we'll see what happens. we'll see what happens. we're getting along very well. they want to make the deal far more than i do. i will tell you they want to make it far more than i do. we'll see what happens. we're taking in right now, and you know it, a reporter of finance, you know what i'm saying, they have devalued their
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currency. they hate the tariffs. we're taking in billions of dollars of tariff money from china. i like our situation very much. they want to make a deal much more than i do but we could have a deal. reporter: cooperman said this week if you can't change your behavior you probably shouldn't run again in 2020. what do you say to that? >> you really shape my behavior because from the day i came in here i have had problems phony stuff like a phony dossier that turned out to be false. like false investigations that i have beaten. so a lot of my behavior was shaped by the fake news and by the other side. that was a lot of my behavior. the fact is that we created the greatest economy in the history of our country. with all of that stuff going on behind me, nobody else could have done it. rush limbaugh said, he doesn't know a man in the world that could have done what trump did. i don't know leon cooperman but whoever leon cooperman is, i
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know of him he can have his own view. i'm making him rich. i'm making a lot of other people rich, including working men and will. they have never done so well as they have done right now. our jobs are the best they have ever been. everything about our economy is just about the best it has ever been. including unemployment. so, i think in light of all of the things going on, you know what i mean by that, the fake news, the comeys of the world, all of the bad things, that went on, it is called the swamp. you know what happened? you know what i did? a big favor. i caught the swamp. i caught them all. let's see what happens. nobody else could have done that but me. i caught all of this corruption that was going on and nobody else could have done it. on top of that we have the best economy, greatest economy we've ever had. the best job numbers we ever had, african-american, asian-american, hispanic, the best ever. i think we've done a great job.
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and tell leon, who i have seen, but i don't know, tell him congratulations he did very well with trump. reporter: [inaudible]. >> -- a lot of different things. prime minister modi is a very good friend of mine. you saw me in houston. you saw me at the event. 55,000 people. it was great. and we have a lot of things happening with india. we have a very good relationship with india. reporter: [inaudible] >> he wants me to go there. i will go at some point to india. reporter: [inaudible]. >> my charity was great. i gave a lot of money away. i was sued because in new york it's a hornet's nest they sue you for everything. yet on really bad thing, if you look at that clinton charity, they left her alone. that is one of the reasons people leave new york.
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i gave away $19 million. i took no expense. i took no rent. i took no fees. i took no nothing. 100% of that money was given away. i had to actually go through a process, for years, with new york because you know why? new york is a corrupt state. is a corrupt state. it is a shame. i gave $19 million away. what happened is instead of saying thank you, great, they hit me with a lawsuit. and it was started by a man who had to get out because he beat up women. that is the kind of a place it is. reporter: [inaudible]. >> we'll come out with a very important position on vaping. we have to take care of our kids most importantly. so we'll have an age limit of 21 or so. but we'll be coming out with something next week, very important on vaping. we have a lot of people to look at, including jobs frankly.
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it has become a pretty good industry. we'll take care of that. it is also, when you mentioned vaping, you're talking about e-cigarettes. talking about a lot of different things. we're coming out with a big paper next week. [shouting questions] reporter: [inaudible]. >> we're talking about the age. we're talking about flavors. we're also talking about keeping people working. and you know, there are some pretty good aspects. we're coming out, we're very close to a final report, john. we'll be giving it next week. reporter: industry does support raising age. they don't -- >> we'll be raising the age. we will be doing that. reporter: come back to the first transcript of the call from zelensky on april 21st. it is my understanding that the white house counsel is not particularly keen to release that. will you overrule him? >> well they don't want to give all this information on a scam. it's a witch-hunt. i'm okay with releasing it.
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it doesn't bother me. i know what i said. it was fine, but know they do want to have the second call which is really the first call, the one before this. i had a call. i'm sure it was fine. i mean, i make a lot of calls but i have no problem releasing it. i'm very transparent. nobody is more transparent than i am. if i wasn't, if i didn't release it, it would have been a problem because the fake whistle-blower said something about the call, many things that were wrong. when the whistleblower came forward he talked about this horrible call. it turned out to be a perfect call. as i say, mark levin said this was a perfect call. they lied. they lied. the whole thing is a scam. this is a scam by the democrats to try and win an election. now they want, now they want my first call. i have no problem giving it to them, other than, i don't like giving calls to the media when
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i'm dealing with foreign nations, but i will give it if they want it. reporter: gordon sondland said at beginning of september he presumed there was quid pro quo. there was a phone call to you on september the 9th. had he ever talked to you on the telephone call? >> let me tell you, i hardly know the gentleman, this is the man who said there was no quid pro quo. he still says that. he said that, i said that. he hasn't changed that testimony. this is a man that said, as far as the president is concerned there was no quid pro quo. everybody that testified, even the ones that are trump haters, they have all been fine. they don't have anything. but now they want the first call with the president of ukraine. if they want it i will probably give it to them but they really want it badly. if they want it i will probably give it to them. i don't like doing it, because
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it sets a bad precedent, john. every time president xi calls or somebody calls from china, if i speak to kim jong-un are they worried about me giving the call. in this case because the press is duped by a hoax. in some cases they started hoax i will give the letter if they want it. i will say this about the the call i think that is very real real -- revealing call. reporter: invited to the may day parade? >> i was invited. i'm thinking about it. it is right in the middle of the campaign season. i would certainly think about it. president putin insited me to the -- invited me to, it's a very big deal. celebrating the end of the war, et cetera, et cetera. perfect deal. so i appreciate the invitation. it is right in the middle of political season. so i will see if i can do it. but i would love to go if i
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could. reporter: bill barr and doj are not denying you asked him to have a press conference -- >> they're not saying anything. let me tell you, listen, i never asked them for a press conference. it is fake news by "the washington post" which is fake newspaper. it is fake. it is made up. if i asked bill barr to have a press conference i think he would do it. but i never asked him to have a press conference. why should i? why i didn't do it? because the phone call was perfect. read the transcript of the phone call. nobody has to have a press conference. by the way we confirmed i never asked him. if i did ask him, i never said this yet i don't think i will, i'm sure i won't, but if i asked him to have a press conference i think he would. with that being said, it is fake news. they wrote a fake story. we told them that, before they wrote the story. but today when you tell the press something it is meaningless. because they write whatever, it is all fiction.
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they don't have sources. you know what they do? they make it up. not everybody, not john, not everybody but they make it up. [reporters shouting questions] reporter: [inaudible]. replease the pence transcript as well? >> what they want, my first phone call. i had another phone call. it is very important phone call. and it came to my attention last night that they want the first phone call. now, the problem i have in releasing the first phone call, that was actually the second phone call, and, it is a perfect call. but they found out there is another phone call and that's the first phone call and they want to release and we're considering that. reporter: how about the pence phone call? >> which one? that i don't know. i don't know about any calls. i have no problem. it is up to mike.
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reporter: [inaudible]. >> you know what it is, really? it's a crooked deal. this is like the fake dossier this is look everything else. these are crooked people. they lost an election. they lost it big. it was a landslide from the electoral college standpoint. they lost it big. they still haven't recovered. they will lose again. what they're trying to do is weaken me but it actually made me stronger. if you look at the polls be, my polls are up. fund-raising is through the roof. never has been high. people are angry about it. it made republicans people that vote for me, not just republicans, really angry. really they have become angry because it's a hoax. i'll tell you, whistleblower, i
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call him the fake whistleblower, he gave a fake report of my phone call. when i did it all of sudden, when i released that call, all of sudden everybody disappeared. the whistleblower disappeared. whatever happened to the second whistleblower? why isn't the first whistleblower going to testify anymore? you know why? everything he wrote in that report almost was a lie because he made a phony phone call. my phone call was perfect. he made it sound bad. that is why i had to release. the whistleblower is a disgrace to our country, a disgrace. the whistleblower, because of that should be revealed. his lawyer who said the worst thing possible two years ago, he should be sued and maybe for treason. maybe for treason but he should be sued. his lawyer is a disgrace, a disgrace. then ask him this, where is the second whistleblower, right?
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where is the witness that gave the whistleblower the information? they all disappeared. because adam schiff is a corrupt politician. he is corrupt he made up a speech and put my voice in it. he made up a speech. had nothing to do with what i said. adam schiff is a corrupt politician, that is not giving us due process. not giving us lawyers, and despite all that we're kicking their ass. reporter: [inaudible]. >> everyone of those people testified absolutely fine for me. they have gone out, they have gone out of their way to find the people that hate donald trump president trump the most. everybody up there has been absolutely fine. i don't even know most of these people. many of these people i never
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heard of. what crooked schiff is doing, he is a corrupt politician. what this corrupt politician does, looks all over, tries to find people that don't like trump and he puts them up. we are winning so big. my polls are highest ever been. i'm leading in all the states, every swing state. fund-raising numbers came in. they're the highest in history. i don't think anybody ever had, tell you what, we are winning so big because we're going along. these are corrupt politicians. that includes nancy pelosi. she is a corrupt politician. should go back to the district which is horrible, it is filthy, it is drug infested. stuff floating out to the ocean. it is being wiped out to the ocean through their drainage system. you have to see what is happening in san francisco. nancy pelosi should focus on her district. these are corrupt politicians. [reporters shouting questions]
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>> we're going to atlanta, we have as you call a black vote, we're doing very well with african-americans. i think a big factor is the fact they're having the best economic year they have ever had in the history of our country. we're going there. we've been invited. i think it will be fantastic. [reporters shouting questions] >> i have known michael bloomberg for a long time. if you go back early on, he said a lot of great things about trump. i know michael. he became just a nothing. he was really a nothing. he is not going to do well. i think he will hurt biden actually. he doesn't have the magic to do well. little michael will fail. he will spend a lot of money. he has got some really big issues. he has some personal problems and he has got a lot of other problems. but i know michael bloomberg fairly well, not too well, well enough, he will not do very well
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and if he did i would be happy. nobody i would rather run against than little michael. that i can tell you. reporter: [inaudible] keeping white house officials going up to give depositions that is evidence that the white house is obstructing, it could lead to article impeachment. >> they're making it up. first of all this thing is phony deal, a phony setup. when you look at the lawyer that got it started, whistleblower lawyer got it started. it's a phony deal. these democrats are corrupt. nancy pelosi is a corrupt politician. shifty schiff is a double corrupt politician. he took my words on the phone call and they were so good he totally changed them. he went before congress. he made a speech before congress. in the speech, john, he said things that were horrible, bore no relationship to the call. then later on he was embarrassed. let me tell you something, schiff is a corrupt politician and our people know it and they
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know it too by the way. just so you know, we have the highest poll numbers, we have the most energy. i was with mitch mcconnell and whole group of people last night. i was with actually, i was with leaders of faith and evangelicals leaders. all of them, they have never had the energy that we've had. we have now in the republican party. beyond the republican party. people that were democrat and they're for trump. we never had the poll reporter: can you explain just so that people understand why you are not allowing people like mick mulvaney and others to comply with subpoenas? >> i don't want to give credibility to a corrupt witch hunt. i would love to have mick go up, frankly. i think he would do great. i would love to have him go up. i would love to have almost every person go up when they know me. what i don't like is when they put all these people i never met before, when they put the head
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of the never trumpers on the stand and even those people were okay, they were fine. those are the people. people i never even heard of. the people that i know, i would love to have them go up. now, the rest is up to the lawyers. i have to do what the lawyers say to a certain extent. not always but you know, to a certain extent. but i will tell you, i like to have the people go up. except one thing. it validates a corrupt investigation. adam schiff, he's a corrupt politician. he's as corrupt as you will ever see. when he makes up my words and reads fake words to congress, and he acts so innocent. he's a corrupt politician. okay. thank you. stuart: okay. he covered a lot of subjects there so let me run through them as fast as i possibly can. number one, he says the president said i'm thinking of going to the mayday parade in moscow next may. that's quite a headline, i would say. secondly, he talked about china trade. he said china wants to make a deal more than i do and he
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hasn't yet agreed to anything. there could be a signing ceremony for phase one, maybe in the united states, maybe in the farm belt. he went right after joe biden and speaker pelosi, and he was talking also about michael bloomberg, who may probably be running for the presidency. called him little michael. andy puzder is with us, former cke restaurant ceo. standout to you? >> his comments about biden. biden's got about 28% of the vote. if bloomberg comes in and takes five percentage points, biden is done. bloomberg could kill biden and advance elizabeth warren. stuart: john tapper is with us, also listening in. he went right after pelosi and bloomberg and little mike. >> i thought it was interesting how he said he wants to run against little mike but you know, when you think about bloomberg's, successful mayor, fantastic resources, was once a republican running as a democrat. trump was once a democrat now running as a republican.
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it's the war billionaire against billionaire but bloomberg makes biden seem irrelevant. if bloomberg jumps in we will stop talking about biden pretty quickly and hunter biden and all of that will i think go up in smoke because of mike bloomberg. stuart: i've only got a few seconds left. andy and john, what do you think we are going to do when the next president rolls around? can you ever repeat, can you ever get another president like this? >> it won't be this entertaining, that's for sure. stuart: i think maybe his opponents call it entertaining as well for a different reason, perhaps. >> almost more fascinating than entertaining because you look at it with such a deep curiosity because you really don't know where he's going next, or the words that he chooses. like little mike. ashley: but he answered every question. he goes up and down the row of reporters and any subject that's asked. deirdre: he doesn't back away from difficult questions. stuart: and he chooses who to speak to, which reporter's questions. he chooses which question to
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answer. he's in control. ashley: complete control. stuart: the old white house press conferences were awful. now he's in control. andy puzder, thanks for joining us. john tapper, great stuff. appreciate you being here. thank you very much indeed. i want to give you the latest on the markets, because it's 11:00 eastern time. right now, we've got the dow industrials down 48 points. we are almost at exactly the same position on the market now as we were when the president started to speak about a half hour ago. so the president's speech, statements, have had no real impact on the market. but when we first got the headlines, we heard there was some negatives on china trade. ashley: slightly negative headline produced a slightly negative move on the dow jones. stuart: to repeat, he said, the president did say we haven't agreed on anything at this point. ashley: with regard to tariff rollback. stuart: they want a deal more than we do. ashley: yes. stuart: really, the trade situation is still very much up in the air. hold on a second. no response on the market.
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we are still down 50 points. ladies and gentlemen, now this. are you a little tired of the endless negativity that's shoved down our throats on a regular basis? well, just wait until next week when the media circus sdendesce on the impeachment hearings. it will be an orgy of pundits proclaiming how bad our president is and how he must be removed from office. it is pathetic and very annoying. a month ago, so-called journalists became armchair wall street analysts, confidently predicting a recession. remember the inverted yield curve? before that, it was obstruction of justice because the president fired james comey and before that it was russia, russia, russia. oh, don't forget income inequality, the most terrible thing ever. aoc, you have only got ten years before the climate will get you. jane fonda thinks it's 11 years. you get the point. life's awful. we are all victims.
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trump's got to go. on this program we see things rather differently. very differently. we see prosperity. a strong economy, rapidly rising wages, especially for low income people. no inflation, cheap gas, except in clueless california, the lowest unemployment rate in a half century and a stock market rally that's enriched tens of millions of americans. we see and celebrate success every day. we bring you an american success story. someone who has built a thriving enterprise from nothing. we're not angry or jealous if someone else is doing well. we are capitalists. we like growth. we want companies to make a profit. we want innovation and innovators make billions, we are here to cheer them on. here comes the weekend. saturday, i'm going to watch alabama play lsu. sunday, i'm going to watch liverpool play man city. on sunday, i shall ignore the impeachment circus. i will sit back and watch the trump economy and the stock
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market rally roll on. i hope you will join us. here comes the third hour of this special friday edition of "varney & company." stuart: all right, all right, all right. i will double down -- calm down and settle down. however -- deirdre: for a minute. stuart: you like that? >> i did. spot-on. perfect to come on the heels of what the president just did, talk about a guy completely undeterred. he walks out, he conducts that press pool like an orchestra, moving up and down the line. stuart: he's in control. >> totally in control. they're not on camera. you can barely hear their questions. he's pointing out his political opponents, the opponents in the media that are coming after him, the endless impeachment hunt whether it's behind closed doors or in the public, is totally rigged against him.
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i have released the transcripts. you saw the teeshirts behind his rally the other night, read the transcript. he's going to the substance of it and saying as you pointed out, whether it was russia or recession or any other made-up witch hunt, he's going to go forward and do what he believes is best for the american people and bring it to the voters. he said a great thing about who he calls little michael, bloomberg. he said he doesn't have the magic. he's right. when is the last time you thought i really want the hear what michael bloomberg has to say about that? he might have made a ton of money and good for him. like you said, as capitalist, we love that. doesn't make him a dynamic political opponent who can move an inch against the best politician we have sooeen in ou lifetime. stuart: i have another one for you. the president will be back in new york city i think monday. he will be speaking at the veterans day parade. first time a president has done that ever, i think, or certainly recently. he seems like he's making a play for the people, reaching over the heads of the media going to the kind of events that people respect and admire and are into.
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that's what he's doing. >> yeah, it's true. and he's also been a president hyper-focused on veterans issues. the way he's reformed the department of veterans affairs which hasn't completely fixed it but at least gives veterans a choice to go to get private care if they can't be seen at the v.a. he's well received by vets and vets groups but the larger point is more important. while they are huddling in the basement, adam schiff and nancy pelosi, trying to impeach him based on a transcript we have all read based on whistleblowers we don't need anymore because there was no whistle to blow and nothing to be seen, he's going rally after rally, ufc fights, the world series, college football games, the veterans day parade and saying when it comes to the basics, i have delivered for you and they are trying to impeach me in the basement of the capitol and ultimately, look at the train wreck that is their democrat party, the field of candidates. why is michael bloomberg getting in? because it's so bad that even michael bloomberg thinks he can get in. stuart: that's true. that's exactly why he's getting in. >> actually. i thought what was said in your last segment was spot on.
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he pulls from joe biden. if you are trying to get in because you don't think elizabeth warren can win because she's too far left, you are tearing yourself down. stuart: now, the president also said he's thinking of heading to moscow for the mayday parade next year. is he taking a poke, deliberately poking his opponents because he knows perfectly well they will go crazy? >> of course he is. he's trolling them as he has from the beginning. because he's not giving in to the false narrative that he's a puppet of moscow. he says listen, i'm the chief diplomat. i'm the commander in chief. this is a political, geopolitical foe or friend or everything in between, sitting with them and talking about the big issues is better than recreating a cold war that he never believed in to begin with. he's got a different view of foreign policy than the establishment has and he's continuing it. again, undeterred. stuart: pete, we had mike rowe on the show yesterday, dirty jobs guy. he's hot on skilled labor. i want to get your take on what he said about the skills gap
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here in america. hold on a second. roll that tape, please. >> the skills gap today, in my opinion, is a result of the removal of shop class and the repeated message that the best path for the most people happens to be the most expensive path. this is why in my opinion, we have 1.6 trillion of student loans on the books, 7.3 million open positions, most of which don't require a for-year degree. we're just disconnected. we're rewarding behavior we should be discouraging. we are lending money we don't have to kids who are never going to be able to pay it back to train them for jobs that don't exist anymore. that's nuts. stuart: the truth is, we don't respect, our culture doesn't respect people who work with their hands. we don't respect skill. we don't. >> the elites don't. the people who tell us that we need to go to the four-year colleges say you better know philosophy but if you're turning a wrench or fixing a plumbing, that's not good enough. regular people understand you
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are going to pay me $25, $30, $35 an hour to do a skilled trade and i can go somewhere where in nine months or 12 months, i can go through a program to get that skill as opposed to being on somebody else's time at a four-year university where i'm paying $70,000 to get a worthless degree? i have had a chance to go to a lot of vocational trade schools recently. gunsmith schools, construction management schools, pipefitting schools. these guys and gals love it. none of the nonsense is there. lot of these guys are using their g.i. bill money. i don't want to go back to college with a bunch of snot-nosed 19-year-olds after carrying a rifle for ten years. i want to get a great skill that pays me a lot of money. it makes sense. again, our blue collar billionaire looks out at these people as the president and says i respect your job, you are a coal miner, god bless you, you drive and power our country. that's how leadership brought that back. stuart: it was the 101st airborne. screaming eagles. pete, got to see you soon. good stuff. what are we doing?
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checking bitcoin? yes, we are. why not. $8,700 a coin. it's going nowhere. some of the big streaming names. disney plus launches next week. that's kind of putting the prods on netflix and the others. coming up, mark randolph, netflix co-founder, and their first ceo. i want to know if netflix subscribers are going to jump ship for disney. keep it right here, please. tomorrow, the president will be attending the biggest college football game of the year, lsu/alabama. first, the world series, then mma, now college football. what's this president up to in sporting events? i spoke to terry bradshaw about that earlier today. we will bring you a little of that, too. billionaire, multi-billionaire michael bloomberg has chucked his hand grenade right into the 2020 democrat presidential race. we are covering that story all
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day long. does this signal panic within the democrat party? are they worried about having a viable candidate? ashley: apparently so. stuart: i didn't write that, by the way. of course, we are watching the latest on china trade. president trump says yeah, he's willing to roll back tariffs but not completely. stay with us. this is the third hour of "varney & company." ♪ driverless cars, or trips to mars. no commission. delivery drones, or the latest phones. no commission. no matter what you trade, at fidelity you'll pay no commission for online u.s. equity trades.
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the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network; to find out if you can save on your prescriptions and to get our free decision guide. licensed humana sales agents are standing by, so call now. this saturday i'm going to be at a certain game. let's see. it's lsu versus a pretty good team from alabama. and i hear, you know, i'm a football fan, i hear you have a great quarterback. we're going to see. stuart: that was the president there. that was at the rally in louisiana last night. yes, he will be at the
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lsu/alabama game tomorrow. we had terry bradshaw on the show earlier this morning. here's what he had to say about sport becoming more and more political. roll tape. >> i don't get involved with politics. you would go crazy. the way our environment is nowadays, it's the most hateful i have ever seen, and really, it's sad. it's sad. as far as sports, i think you have to, look, if the president of the united states wants to come to the game, i mean, think about the office and that's what i think about. the president of the united states wants to come, hey, come on, man. i'm thrilled to have him there. that's exactly the way you look at it. stuart: i am with terry bradshaw. ashley: absolutely. respect for the office. no matter what you think of who's in the oval office, respect that office. it just doesn't happen anymore because ever since donald trump became president, it's been open season. you can say what you like because it's donald trump. it's not fair. stuart: it's not right. not right. deirdre: well, i was just going to say i think it's great he's
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going the a game. for all these, whether you are lsu or alabama nuts, that's the game of the season from what i hear. that's great he's going. i hear students are complaining, though, they have to go two hours early because of security. cut down on their tailgating. stuart: you want to see the president of the united states of america at a football game, you can spend an extra two hours to make sure he's safe and you're not carrying a gun. what's wrong with us. next one. we know mike bloomberg is toying with a run for the presidency. i've got that. but this marks a divide among the democrat party. one side, you have elizabeth warren, bernie sanders, they don't really like success and they despise billionaires. here comes bloomberg, running in the same party and he's a very wealthy guy. one of the richest guys in the country. lisa booth is here, fox news contributor. that is a split party if ever i saw one. >> i also just want to say i went to the university of tennessee so i would appreciate the president going to a tennessee game. instead of alabama. you know, it's so interesting,
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too, because bloomberg has previously said he's willing to spend $100 million if he runs. that's a lot of money. stuart: a hundred million? >> a hundred million. particularly if he will get people like joe biden who has only $8.9 million cash on hand. if you are joe biden or elizabeth warren and you have a guy entering the race willing to spend a hundred million, you could potentially be on the receiving end of some of those attacks. the challenge for bloomberg and we will see if this is real, probably next week because the new hampshire filing deadline is next friday, so we will see if he files in new hampshire, if he starts building a campaign apparatus and is actually serious about his intent to run. stuart: i don't think that was a trial balloon. i don't think it was. i think the man is serious. >> he's been flirting with this for awhile. we have seen it in interviews and if you are looking at the field, you are looking at someone like joe biden who people have kind of perceived the frontrunner, he's incredibly vulnerable because people like to point to national polls. national polls don't really tell a story. national polls don't dictate a presidential primary. national polls don't dictate
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even a general election because we don't have an election based on the popular vote. we have an election based on the electoral college. if you look at iowa, look at new hampshire, joe biden is struggling in those states and his fund-raising also tells a story of struggle and problems for joe biden. all the money is coming from big dollar donors, not from those small dollar grassroots kind of support. 38% of his donors already maxed out. that's the challenge. stuart: that's a challenge. can you imagine the politics of what we are about to see, the democrats, almost all of them have staked their -- put their hat on we hate billionaires, we hate the rich, tax them to death, and here you've got one of the richest men in the world in that party running against them. >> what i think is going to be fascinating, i think what would be truly fascinating, look, he's probably not going to be able to get onstage for the november 20th debate but i would love to see michael bloomberg and elizabeth warren goto-to-toe on some of these policy positions
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because she's not been able to articulate or defend her position. she tries to say i've got a plan for everything but she's not been able to articulate it in action. we saw that during the last debate when she was getting skewered on medicare for all, refused to admit the basic fact that everyone knows, including some of her democrat opponents, that the middle class will be paying for medicare for all, that it is not affordable, it is a preposterous idea and you have someone like michael bloomberg who will be able to actually articulate that from an actual practical standpoint. so i would love to see that. what you pointed out earlier, it really does paint the picture of where the democrat party is heading. are they heading in the direction of a more moderate vision or is it bernie sanders and elizabeth warren party? stuart: trying to drag them back. i will tell you one thing. this election on the democrat side just got a whole lot more interesting. and fun. >> yes. it will be fun. stuart: thanks for being with us. thank you very much. i want to bring this to your attention. juul, the vaping company, they stopped selling i believe their
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mint flavored e-cigs. ashley: it's their most popular, especially among youngsters. mint and menthol account for about 60% of sales for juul across the country in the past year. they are getting criticized for not pulling menthol as well but it is a concession. they stopped selling the popular fruit dessert flavors in stores last year and now they stopped selling them online. they are making all of these transitions and of course, we heard from the president as he was heading off to atlanta earlier today talking to reporters and he said his administration will issue a final decision on vaping next week. he didn't give any more details. but they know they are weighing these flavors, the age of use and the industry jobs. it's going to be a big week next week for the vaping companies. stuart: we are showing you altria's stock because altria has a piece of -- deirdre: 35%. stuart: yes, right. next case. canadian rapper drake teaming up with canopy growth. i believe that is a cannabis,
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thc company. we will tell you what they will be doing. another big name in music, kanye west says he's running for president in 2024. seems like everyone and anyone throwing their hat in the ring. i can't wait for it. more "varney" after this. ♪ oh, wow. you two are going to have such a great trip. yeah, have fun! thanks to you, we will. aw, stop. this is why voya helps reach today's goals... ...all while helping you to and through retirement. um, you guys are just going for a week, right? yeah! that's right. can you help with these? oh... um, we're more of the plan, invest and protect kind of help... sorry, little paws, so. but have fun! send a postcard! voya. helping you to and through retirement. ( ♪ )
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stuart: we must have seen this one coming. kanye west, for president, question mark? deirdre: yes. well, he says he is. he actually said when i run for president in 2024, then said what are you all laughing at. so he says in 2024, he will create so many jobs if he gets elected, it seems like he's pretty serious about it. he also says he may change his name so he said he may change it to christian genius billionaire, kanye west, because he said if you just have the billionaire in front of your name, it seems pretty crass. he's reworking the name as well. stuart: got to move on. but i was intrigued he paid his wife kim kardashian a million dollars to pay his clothing line. ashley: what a deal. stuart: i wanted to get it in.
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still on music. drake, who i believe resides in toronto? ashley: he does. canadian musician, very popular. he's coming out with a new cannabis company called the more life grow company of which he will partner with canopy growth, the big canadian marijuana business. he will have 60% of the business. canopy growth will have 40%. it will be grown in toronto and he joins the list of celebrities that have joined with canopy growth. seth rogen, martha stewart and snoop dogg. no big surprise there. he has a bunch of plans. he went up and looked at some of the plants named after -- stuart: look at it, up 3.5 p%. maybe that's linked to drake getting involved. the stock is up today. not done terribly well recently. deirdre: that's probably part of the bump today. ashley: yes. stuart: all right. we love, we love success stories on this program.
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we have a guy who has made big business out of rucksacks, the backpacks. he's got a great story. his company has brought in literally millions of dollars. good story. president trump says he won't roll back all the tariffs, not completely. when he said that, the market headed lower. we will deal a bit more with that because the market is still down. more on this in just a moment. ♪ look, this isn't my first rodeo...
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trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. so you can... retire better. there is no agreement at this time to remove any of the existing tariffs as a condition of the phase one deal and the only person who can make that decision is president donald j. trump and it's as simple as that. stuart: okay. there you have it. top trade guy navarro on with lou on this network last night saying only the president can make a decision on china trade. okay. now, the president has spoken on china trade this morning. our own edward lawrence is with us to break it all down. >> he says he hasn't made a deal yet or decision on making a deal about rolling back tariffs. he says if, though, we have a deal with china, there would be some rollback, partial rollback
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of the tariffs there. stuart: he said the chinese want to make a deal more than we do. >> want to make a deal more than we do. they want the tariffs gone. that is clear from the sources i have, too. stuart: but the president has not said no deal, not -- >> correct. he has not said that. he said he hasn't made a decision on a deal yet. he also says he hasn't made a decision about fully pulling back the tariffs. but you know, the good news here is that they are still looking for a place to have a signing. the president mentioned that today. he talked about iowa, wanting to have it in a farm state. now, we had u.s. sources within the administration telling us they were looking possibly in early december after the nato meetings, somewhere in europe. now the president circling back, doubling down saying he wants to see maybe iowa or another farm country. stuart: he did say he wants a signing? >> he did say he wants a signing. yes. which, this is all semantics right now. it's positive moving forward towards that deal. and that's the way it looks. the question is how do we get there. you know, you have the chinese, we are seeing it play out 24 hours, in the last 24 hours on
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tv in the public space. stuart: from an optics point of view, it wouldn't look real good for xi jinping to be signing in america. that would be like he's coming here to sign trump's deal. >> there are some views that believe yes, he might be looking weak as he comes here, but he is a very strong position. he just recently consolidated even more power in china so he could possibly make that step now. coming here to china, if he wanted to -- coming here to the u.s. stuart: xi jinping did spend time in iowa as a younger man, as i recall. i wasn't there. edward, great to see you in new york. thanks for being here. thank you. elizabeth warren's wealth tax, billionaires like bill gates not big fans as you might expect. now, wait a minute. deirdre, have we got a new editorial from the "new york times" about money? deirdre: yeah. i will quote it directly. the federal government needs a lot more money and they say this is not an endorsement of the particulars of ms. warren's tax plan but, this is the key line, a necessary part of the solution
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is to collect more from those americans who have the most. so that is coming to you from the "new york times." stuart: that's not an endorsement of elizabeth warren's position. ashley: no. deirdre: not at all. stuart: it's criticism of bloomberg who is now running because that editorial just came out. deirdre: it just came out. exactly. so i do not think they took mr. gates' position or rather, mr. bloomberg's position and the potentiality of him throwing his hat in the ring. they say to his credit, this is the "times," gates thinks the wealthy should pay higher taxes but that is not how they behaved on wednesday. they are criticizing his response when he was taking questions from a journalist about paying more taxes. ashley: they actually blame tax cuts for putting us into a situation where we are going to be in a deficit of a trillion dollars this year alone. what about spending? you are spending like drunk sailors, you know, on shore leave. then you are surprised you run out of money so you go back to those that have money and say give us more.
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deirdre: without talking about the fact that billionaires and their companies often invest in the next generation of businesses, which is what keeps us competitive and moving towards innovation. stuart: the "new york times." i'm going to move on. you know, on this program, we love and celebrate success. we like hearing about and celebrating stories like success for you. our next guest is a veteran who built a multi-million dollar backpack company to help protect his wife. i need more on this one for sure. jason mccarthy is with us. he's the ceo of go ruck. welcome to the program. you are a success story so take me from day one, when you started, and bring me to the present. >> sure. 2007 i was in special forces, in iraq. my wife was a case officer in the cia. she was in west africa. so my vacation at the end of that deployment to iraq was to go visit her in west africa. right?
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so it's like coming back from war is not something that you just immediately step out of. it takes a little transitioning, right? made easier by being in war-torn west africa. so special forces has all the best stuff, the best gear, the best equipment, and you live out of your ruck sack. everything that you need, you have on your back. that's sort of the idea. so you have really nice rucksacks. that's how it works. stuart: so you went to west africa to visit your wife who was working there, and you created a backpack for her? >> at that time, i used one of the assault packs that i had in special forces, and i just put stuff in it that she would need in case of a coup. they love a good coup in africa, right? so just stuff that she would need, whereas in iraq we would put bombs and guns and batteries and all the extra stuff and you call it a go bag. i just applied the same lesson of special forces that i had done in war, but applied it for emily in west africa. stuart: so this is one of the, what's it called? goruck? >> this is gr-1.
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stuart: i will hold this. it looks very sturdy. >> very sturdy. stuart: what's so special about it? >> a couple things. in special forces you have to carry a lot of weight. not necessarily like this, which we do now for fitness, but just the rucksacks are heavy. stuart: let me feel this. >> that's 20 pounds of awesome right there. so they end up really heavy, bullets weigh a lot, ammo weighs a lot, guns weigh a lot, batteries weigh a lot, stuff like that. you need a lot of support for the shoulder straps, the basics. right? in special forces it's life or death quality standards because when your whole life is on your back, in your rucksack, if that fails that's a really bad day for you. they have to endure anything. stuart: so can i say that you have -- how many have you sold? tens of thousands? million dollars worth? >> we do about $20 million a year. stuart: what? you do $20 million a year? i didn't know that. >> look, nobody loves their
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backpack out there. people have backpacks, nobody really loves it. stuart: from 2007 to now you built a business that does $20 million worth a year? >> yes, sir. stuart: backpacks? >> america is a great country. stuart: yes, sir, it is. put it there, young man. it was great to have you on the show. jason mccarthy. the name of the company is goruck. >> you got it. stuart: that's great. thank you, sir. appreciate it. >> thank you. stuart: one more check of the market. we have moderated the loss. we are down 66 points. now let me tell you about zillow. that stock is soaring, 10% higher. all because of their house flipping business. you know, deirdre, i thought they were just real estate agents. deirdre: it's expected to generate more than a billion dollars for zillow this year and i think why the stock is moving higher, not only that news, but it just shows that the company is diversifying, they are also
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getting into the mortgage business. i think the sum total takeaway is the u.s. housing market is back. stuart: wait a second. did you know they have never, ever made a profit? they don't expect to make a profit until 2024. the stock is up 10%. deirdre: i think because it is showing signs of life. yes, you would have to be feeling pretty bullish. stuart: this is a great country. now, look, we talk a lot about streaming on this program, do it all the time. we talk about who's going to win. coming up, we are talking to the perfect person. netflix's first ceo and co-founder, mark randolph. what's he got to say about disney which launches their streaming service next week? ♪ does your broker offer more than just free trades? fidelity has zero commissions for online u.s. equity trades and etfs, plus zero minimums to open a brokerage account.
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but it ain't that strong. they were way down earlier this week. maybe they've got some competition coming from google. maybe there's other problems. i don't know. but let's check in with jeff hoffman because he helped build sites like expedia and priceline. what's the basic problem here? >> i tell you, they actually have two problems. one of them is google. the fact that their seo, organic search, organic traffic, is down now because google has pushed down, redid the algorithm again, pushed down the free site and are not getting the traffic they used to. they have to spend money in a way they didn't have to before, and the second thing they are battling with google is the fact that google now sends people to google hotel options and google flights. they are competing both with the algorithm and with google itself. that's the first problem they're facing. stuart: google has a lot of power, doesn't it. >> they most certainly do. stuart: they really do. may i suggest another problem.
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if you book through expedia plane or hotel, for example, and you need to make a change, dealing with expedia, dealing with a travel website, is very very difficult. execution is not easy. that's a problem, too, isn't it? >> it is a problem. that's one that google doesn't solve either, obviously. you can't reach them either. but that's the second competition that these travel companies are facing, because the hotels and airlines are now giving a really big push to just get the customer directly. if you think about it, i will just give this as an example. the new hilton commercial, the one with the actress anna kendrick, isn't even about the hotel. it's about the app. they have a whole commercial that says book directly, here's the benefit, use our app. the hotels and airlines are pushing directly saying we will give you service that no online site, google included, can ever give you. they are taking business and it's starting to pay dividends. stuart: that was a real clean-cut examination of the problems of these web sites.
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we thank you, jeff. you know what you're talking about. that really helps us out. good man. thank you very much indeed, sir. appreciate it. okay. it was short but it was good. our next guest, another big guest. co-founder and first ceo of netflix. now he's got a book called "that will never work, the birth of netflix and the amazing life of an idea." i like that title. that's pretty good. the man's name is marc randolph. welcome to the show, marc. good to see you. >> thank you. pleasure to be here. stuart: netflix. >> you've heard of it. stuart: i happen to have a subscription. or i borrow somebody else's but that's another story entirely, of course. okay. look, it's the original streamer. it's the biggest and i think the best streamer. are you worried about disney coming on strong here? >> you know, i think the entry of these new streamers is actually great for people. i mean, i'm not only watching netflix. i'm watching other channels. so myself and everybody else is going to enjoy having many more
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choices. but i don't think people are going to say okay, now that i'm doing disney i'm not going to do netflix. at these prices people will be able to do several services. i think there's room for several strong competitors. stuart: it's not a question of winners and losers. it's a question who will be the top three or four and who will make serious money out of all this, right? >> yes. that's certainly the case. but i think these numbers, you look at what the projections are for the next four or five, six years, even the most optimistic projections for other services don't bring them anywhere close to where netflix is. certainly a long horizon. stuart: you are still beating that drum. still a netflix believer. you still have money in it? >> yes. but i must say, not so much as my lifestyle investment but more as an emotional investment. stuart: is that right? >> absolutely. stuart: now, i'm told that netflix invests, what, $15 billion, i think that was last year, on original content. they are going to invest even more next year, like maybe $18 billion. you're talking serious money
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here. >> it is astounding totals. i don't work for the company now, so i haven't worked there in several years, so i don't know their direct strategy and tactics and specific numbers. i've just seen from the very beginning, in fact, that's what i talk about in the book, where this comes from. this desire to do the right thing for the future and not be beholden to the past, to always be willing to pivot. stuart: because i remember back in the day when netflix would send me movies in the mail, for heaven's sake. you got rid of that real fast, didn't you. >> well, no, we did mail dvds for almost 15 years. in fact, you can still subscribe and get mail dvds. stuart: i can? >> absolutely. in fact, netflix just shipped their five billionth dvd. this is still a real business. certainly not the core business anymore. stuart: yes, but you were so innovative, to see that that may have been a relic of the past and move on to streaming, downloading or whatever you call it, because that's the future. >> absolutely. you know, especially now with this huge streaming war heating up, i think it's very
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informative to look back at the early years of a company and say, a, how did they get there, but more, what cultural things were formed. how did they think and behave, because i think in some ways, those are better clues to what direction a company's going in than looking at current announcements. stuart: the name of the book is the idea you never thought would happen, something like that? >> of course, when i began pitching people about this crazy idea to rent dvds by mail, everyone, my wife included, said that will never work. stuart: what is she saying now? >> she's pretty happy with it. stuart: thank you. you did okay. it must have been crazy back in the day. it must have been real nuts getting things going. >> people think we have always been this international global streaming company, but we were a scrappy startup for years. we were in an old bank building. we kept the dvds in the old safe. we had this green carpet. we used to bring furniture in from home. one time my wife came into the office and she was talking to me and her gaze shifts, she goes
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are those our dining room chairs? stuart: that's great story. i shall read that book. marc randolph, thanks for being with us. >> it's been a pleasure. thank you. stuart: love it. thank you, sir. appreciate it. quick stock check. the market has not moved that much. we are still down, what, 59, 60 points on the dow industrials. i've got it on the screen. activision blizzard, the stock is up 13 cents. strong sales numbers from call of duty and world of warcraft. i don't know what i'm talking about here but i'm told they are -- >> sound like you do. stuart: investors are worried about the lack of innovation. but the stock is recovering a bit there, up 20 cents. $54 a share. now, look at alibaba. we call that china's amazon. now, they are gearing up for a listing on the hong kong stock exchange, trying to raise $15 billion. a bigger story is this. they are prepping for singles day. it comes up monday. it's like amazon prime day, only much, much bigger.
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the stock has reached $186 a share. own a couple shares myself. i'm a happy guy. president trump is now en route to atlanta. he will talk to african-american voters. now, next on this program, i will speak with a guy who spearheaded the black voices for trump coalition. he's next. ♪ great riches will find you when liberty mutual customizes your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you? maybe you could free zoltar? thanks, lady. taxi! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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[ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stuart: two headlines for you on mike bloomberg's possible run for president. number one, bernie sanders, he is already fund-raising off that possible bloomberg run. number two, leon cooperman, big hedge fund guy, now says yes, he would support bloomberg. wall street rallying to its own. next, president trump, he is now en route to atlanta. he's going there to talk straight to the african-american community and african-american voters. he's trying to win them over. paris dennard is with us, part of the newly launched black voices for trump coalition. great to have you on the show. do you think he's going to get a fair hearing? will they hear him out in atlanta today? >> thanks for having me.
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i really appreciate the opportunity. i'm just one of many people who are here in atlanta, georgia today supporting president trump and the trump campaign as they launch this new black voices coalition. the president is excited about being here in atlanta because this is really the renaissance of black america when you look at all the economic development and the opportunities that are here for black americans. you saw so many things were happening, the president is here and i think his message, the inclusive economy that's going on is going to resonate very well with african-american voters cross the country. that's why i am here to help echo that message. stuart: okay, hold on a second, because we had terrence williams on the show earlier. >> he's so good. i saw that. stuart: i want to get your take on what he had to say about the president and the black community. hold on. roll that tape, please. >> i like the fact that he's doing what he said he was going to do, first of all, and i like the things that he's doing for the black community. you know, the black unemployment
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is at an all-time low. at an all-time low. and i thought it would be at an all-time low when barack obama became president because he was a black president, he did all that talk how he was just going to change the whole world, he was going to bring all these jobs back and they never came back. stuart: i think he just said what you said 30 second ago. your thoughts, please? >> you know, terrence is absolutely right. the black unemployment rate under president trump is at a historic low of 5.4%. now, in comparison under the obama/biden administration, it was about averaging around 12.8%. so the economy is doing very very well. over 350,000 people have been lifted out of poverty, black americans lifted out of poverty because of this trump economy, so yes, under this president, black unemployment is low, opportunities are rising. we have jobs and it is a good time for this country, so i think the pitch to black america is look at what the president has said he was going to do.
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the promises made. and look at the promises kept. give him four more years. stuart: paris, great to have you on the show today. don't be a stranger to us. come back soon, okay? >> any time. stuart: yes, sir. thanks, sir. appreciate it. more "varney" after this. ♪ . . listening and observing are critical skills for scientists at 3m.
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one of the products i helped develop was a softer, more secure diaper closure. as a mom, i knew it had to work. there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. i envisioned what it's like for babies to have diapers around them. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. at the end of the day, we are people helping people.
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stuart: there is one huge political story this morning. it is not impeachment that may be next week. frankly it's a sidebar. the big story, that man, left-hand side of your screen. mike bloomberg, former mayor of new york city. a multibillionaire. he is worth $52 billion. he has taken the first steps running for the presidency in
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2020. he has a terrific political organization. he has been thinking about a run for a very long time. he said in march he is not going to run. he has changed his mind evidently. ashley: the statement of candidates who have announced. he is worried that the progressive taken ahold of the party. joe biden, if he is candidate cannot last the course. based on that he says it appears he is, you know, go for it. >> david axelrod of joe biden, he is zombie candidate. disappeared. stuart: got to get this in. terry bradshaw on the show earlier. roll tape. take to you a soccer game. >> i would not go to that. i would bored out of my mind. what a great game. what is the score? 1-0. go to the highlights. stuart: ladies and gentlemen, i bring you terry bradshaw on his first and possibly last appearance. well, look, serious point to be
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made here, right, ash? ash ash yes. stuart: sunday morning 11:30 eastern time watch liverpool play man city. ashley: game of the weekend. stuart: i'm sure neil cavuto will be glued. ain't that right, neil? neil: absolutely. that was very funny. i got a kick out of that. be worried about ticking off billionaires. some may get mad, michael bloomberg apparently gets even. he is apparently entering the 2020 race. he has concerns about the current democratic field. charlie gasparino has been ahead of this long before any of this. let's get right to it, what kind of a chance would he have? >> point out, give the state of play. what we first reported a month ago that michael bloomberg maintain ad campaign office of about six or seven people where they were doing constant polling and what the word is that we reported he did
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