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tv   Bulls Bears  FOX Business  November 20, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EST

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>> we had a landslide, and they are trying to take it away because they can't do it fairly, but these are bad people. nancy pelosi's incompetent. she's gotten nothing done in congress and now with their big star witness, this was going to be their star witness, i don't know him very well. he wasn't even on my side. he came over to me. i didn't even know that. he came over to me after i defeated other people. i defeated them all. so you know what really we have to learn from this whole thing is the press. [no audio] david: that's happened from time to time. if it starts up again, again, it is a remote from austin, texas, from inside a factory, i think we're back now? let's go back to the president. >> reporter: [inaudible]. >> the whistle-blower is not a
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whistle-blower. he's a fake. everybody knows who the whistle-blower is. the whistle-blower is a political operative. these gentlemen know it. a political operative. if they would have compared what the whistle-blower said, if they would have compared it to what i said in two conversations really, to what i said in the conversation, with the president who i think is a terrific person, of ukraine, he would have said well wait a minute, the whistle-blower said this, and that wasn't the conversation because we have the conversation. also shifty schiff, dishonest, corrupt politician, when he imitated or tried to copy my conversation, he didn't copy it. he made up a conversation, went before congress and made up a phony conversation, just like he does every time he talks. he's a phony. he's very dishonest, very corrupt politician. so instead of -- and look, the
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big upset, as you folks know, was when i released the transcript, because i don't like doing that because you have to keep this very very classified and confidential when you are speaking to heads of state, but i released it because schiff and the whistle-blower made up a phony -- i tell you what. you ought to be ashamed of yourself. the press ought to be ashamed. they ought to end the witch hunt right now. [inaudible]. >> [inaudible]. >> i didn't say that. he's already done the right thing because the president, the president, if you look, of ukraine and his spokesman, the foreign minister, they put out, there was no pressure whatsoever, none whatsoever. you knew that. you knew that very well, but you're fake news. you should be ashamed of yourselves.
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>> [inaudible]. >> -- investigate the bidens mr. president? >> the biden is a whole different story, when you talk corruption, a guy's father becomes vice president and all of a sudden he's millions and millions of dollars. this guy got nothing, got thrown out of the navy, the press doesn't want to report it because the process is dishonest. i think it is a disgrace. i think the whole thing with biden is a disgrace. >> should apple be exempt from china's tariffs? >> we are looking at that. the problem is you have samsung, a great company. it is a competitor of apple. but it is not fair because we had a trade deal with south korea, a great deal with south korea, but we have to treat apple on a somewhat similar basis as we treat samsung.
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now, with all of that being said, we're doing very nicely with china, but i like it the way it is now because we're taking in billions and billions of dollars, and we're giving some of that money to farmers and others, but we are looking at apple. what i wanted apple -- i said some day we're going to see apple building plants in our country, not in china. that's what's happening. it is all happening. it is the american dream. our country has never done better. it's doing better than it's ever done. unemployment at the lowest level. numbers just came out today. african-americans, hispanic americans, asian americans, the lowest they have ever had in the history of our country. we're very happy. >> [inaudible]. >> so i can tell you this, china would much rather make a trade deal than i would. >> [inaudible]. >> i haven't wanted to do it yet
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>> why haven't you wanted to do it? >> because i don't think they are stepping up to the level that i want. >> [inaudible]. -- another round of tariffs could be bad for business and bad for the united states. >> no, here's what i say, what do you know? i put in tariffs. everybody said oh, that's going to be bad for the economy. well, as you just heard from tim cook, we have the strongest economy by far in the world, and we're taking in billions and billions of dollars. so we will see what happens. we are dealing with china. i have a great relationship with president xi. they are a great country, but we're a greater country than china. if i didn't win, right now china would be a bigger economy than the united states. because i won, [inaudible] --
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china's lost probably 25 trillion dollars. we're much bigger than china right now. we're going to keep it that way. thank you all. >> [inaudible]. david: it is a big day for the president of course because of what's happening in washington, but also what is happening in austin, texas. that is where he is with apple ceo tim cook. he's in austin, texas, of course taking some questions, mostly about the impeachment, but talking about china as well. he's at a new apple manufacturing plant. as democrats keep their sights on impeachment, the president keeping his focus on jobs and the economy in his tour, but new 1 billion dollars apple manufacturing plant in austin, texas. apple saying the plant could add 15,000 new jobs to the state as a whole. president trump making his seventh visit to texas so far this year, as he touts the economic growth in a state that's vital to republicans in 2020. hi everybody. i'm david asman. welcome to bulls & bears.
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susan lee is at the new apple facility there in texas. susan? >> yeah, i'm just outside where president trump and tim cook, apple ceo were just speaking to the press. i would also like to highlight that when speaking to tim cook, during their earnings a few weeks ago, tim cook also highlighting his optimism in the u.s. economy as well, as you just heard from president trump. now, it's very interesting to talk about the tariffs that will be imposed on apple iphones and ipads on december 15th, if u.s. china trade talks don't go well enough to repeal those tariffs. as you heard, president trump says that he will review the tariffs, and he says that apple has to be treated the same as samsung, which is still the world's largest smart phone seller even though they don't sell and make as much per phone as apple does, but apple is often reinvesting back into the u.s. economy as well, as you mentioned opening and breaking ground that 1 billion dollars austin campus this morning and also by the way this facility which will compile the mac pro
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which is a high end pc. they are going to invest 200 million dollars to get that facility up and running. that means hundreds of jobs as well, 15,000 as you mentioned in austin. 350 billion dollars in investments from apple over the next ten years or so, back into the u.s. economy and creating what they say over 111,000 jobs. and people want to talk about, yes, tim cook's relationship with president trump since they just seem so i guess different and at odds on different issues, but at the end, they do have a lot of similarities and a lot of things to talk about. that includes china of course and business because both say they are capitalists at heart, including tim cook who says that he's bipartisan and has never invested in a super pac. david? david: could argue the two most powerful men in the world together. they do have a lot in common. let's bring in the panel, scott martin, kristina partsinevelos, carol ross and liz peek. apple is keeping their mac pro production in america.
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the company says the new facility will initially employ 5,000, it has the capacity to add 15,000 new jobs. they also say they will be investing again 350 billion dollars. that's a huge number over the next decade in the u.s. the president touting the strength of all this. the question, liz, is should the president be getting more credit for all of this? >> absolutely. i mean it is the president's pro-growth policies and in particular the tax bill that have really encouraged apple to bring home money. remember, they were the poster child for having accumulated over 300 billion dollars overseas and bringing back a great deal of it because of provisions that the tax bill included. so in doing that, and explaining why it was so good for american workers and the american economy, apple made a pledge that they would indeed build new plants, invest 30 billion dollars in the u.s. this is a real feather in president trump's cap. it is also by the way extremely smart as per susan lee's comments, for tim cook to talk
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to president trump. if he had the input of more of the business community, maybe he would be guided to change his policies in terms of tariffs and so forth and i think tim cook's done a good job of doing that and representing apple's interests. >> liz, i feel like you missed a big part, the fact that the u.s. administration gave ten -- exempted 10 out of the 15 tariff requests that the company put forth. we know that tim apple -- i mean tim cook has been lobbying for quite some time with the president. they had lunch or dinner in august. you're seeing this almost bromance form between the two, but tim cook is doing a great job not only being a ceo but being a lobbyist for his own company so he doesn't have to face the tariffs that so many other corporations in america are facing right now, contributing to the decrease in ceo sentiment. yes, it is a win for the president, by bringing these jobs back, but keep in mind, the apple iphones are still going to be made overseas. there's a huge part of -- that's a huge part of their bread and
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butter. the positive thing, though, is this is about advanced manufacturing. that's a very very positive sign when talking about building the mac book pro and mac book. >> tim apple is the nickname i think they have between the two of them. that's a totally cool thing. [laughter] >> trump needs this, guys. we were up in wisconsin just a couple weeks ago for a shoot and talking about the local economy there and how folks expect, you know, that big factory to be built. now, it is in some question. obviously it's been delayed and it is something that's hopefully coming in 2020 for trump's take because he needs another win like this as we go in through, you know -- certainly yes employment numbers are very good. gdp maybe not so much and obviously some distraction in d.c., so the fact that he's able to get as you guys both pointed out reasons for apple to make this investment in the united states whether it's china trade or as liz pointed out some of the money they had offshore at one point before the corporate tax cut, this is a big win for trump on that side because he needs a victory here.
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>> so happy to see a politician who is talking about capitalism and growth instead of taking away our money. this is what we should be hearing from every candidate who is running for president and fortunately, we're hearing it out of our current president. i would say that it's also a win for texas. you noticed that they didn't open the plant in illinois that's not friendly to business. it goes to show you that when you are a friend to business, it ends up working out well for -- david: let's look at it from the business side. mac pro is a big-ticket item now, expensive product, does advanced computations. it is exactly what china needs right now. one of their biggest markets for the mac pro is china. if he gets -- if tim cook based on the relationship gets a waiver for the mac pro in china, that's going to mean billions of dollars potentially for apple. >> yeah, of course, as kristina said, he's been advocating very
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successfully for apple. my point is really that business community in america has sort of begun to shun president trump. why would they do that? what we know about this president, he wants to work with people. he started out working with labor, working with business. tim cook is someone who's kind of smart enough to get that, to get the fact that it is going to work not only for apple but also for the united states, but i think this is a terrific achieveme achievement, if you will, and it is at the heart of trump's message, pro manufacturing, pro tech, let's do it here instead of china. david: great for america, great for american jobs and our commerce as well. the white house pushing back after ambassador gordon sondland testified in today's impeachment hearing. former federal prosecutor doug burns has big take aways for us, coming next. utchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. david: a fox business alert, a big blow to china. the house just passing the bill requiring regular reviews of
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hong kong's special financial status. now it heads to the president's desk. we will be speaking with congressman tom reed a moment from now. he's just running from the vote. he will give us the details with what happens now, whether the president will sign this bill, coming up. meanwhile fireworks in today's impeachment hearings during testimony from u.s. ambassador to the eu gordon sondland. edward lawrence has the latest live from inside the beltway. hi, edward. >> hi, david. you just heard the president say it is a witch hunt, it is over. now both republicans and democrats say that ambassador to the eu gordon sondland proved their points. democrats say he confirmed the quid pro quo. republicans say he confirmed specifically there was no quid pro quo. so this is what sondland testified to when he called the president to try and clear up the confusion about what the president wanted. listen. >> i believe i just asked him an open-ended question, mr. chairman. what do you want from ukraine? i keep hearing all these different ideas and theories and
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this and that, what do you want? he just said i want nothing. i want nothing. i want no quid pro quo. >> sondland says that he assumed at the meeting at the white house was predicated on the ukrainian president announcing a corruption investigation into the company connected to hunter biden. still the chairman of the intelligence committee says that he is listening to an impeachable offense committed by the president, even though ukraine received the military aid and they got the visit, the trip to the white house. listen. >> now, they also seem to say that well, they got the money. the money may have been conditioned, but they got the money. yes, they got caught. they got caught. >> and republicans not backing down saying adam schiff is misrepresenting the facts. >> is that your testimony today, ambassador sondland? that you have evidence that donald trump tied the
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investigation to aid. i don't think you are saying that. >> i said repeatedly congressman i was presuming. >> and the answers heard today have been looked through the public lens. both sides seeing what they wanted to hear. back to you guys. david: thank you very much. here now is former federal prosecutor doug burns. today adam schiff essentially is hanging his impeachment on the testimony of ambassador sondland, but as we saw from that report, there are a lot of conflicts with his testimony. >> it is like the old joke in conference rooms, were we watching the same hearing today? okay? and joking aside, you know, testimony is in the eye of the beholder. if i understood it correctly, it is actually pretty interesting. you are seeing a series of pivots which they have to make, a pivot, a pivot. many legal experts say wait a minute, if you were explaining this to a jury, the president was threatening to withhold money in terms of press conference, except for one problem, they got the money and didn't have to do a press
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conference. david: there was no quid pro o quo. >> it is not more complicated than that. now here comes the pivot they say the only reason they released the money is because whistle-blower came forward and congress started looking at it. but the volley back seriously was president trump on a call in august was quoted by the witness as saying tell him it's going to be good news. that was very powerful and sets up the argument that the president already knew for a while that he was going to -- i thought that was interesting. >> it is carol roth. i'm watching the reactions on twitter. anyone who has been antitrump says oh my goodness, he's toast. and anyone who has been pro trump say wow this is an absolute nothing burger. where do you think this all goes? how does it shake out from here? >> it is kind of a mixed bag from here. as i understand it correctly, you have to put the point on this pencil which is that it's pretty clear that there wasn't
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any kind of -- the point is that there wasn't with respect to the aid, but it appears that there might have been with respect to the meeting. but then comes the next volley back well they met at the u.n. so don't tell me he didn't get a meeting. maybe i'm a little biased myself but my straight legal analysis is that no big earth moved today but they just don't have this case in my view legally. >> it is scott martin. staying on the tennis kind of theme, i'm a tennis player. i thought we saw a passing shoot here, maybe pass court one here. with respect to credibility questions of the ambassador, in the sense of one thing he talked about being not an avid note taker. having to rely on others which he does which has been a crux point in this whole investigation, he said/she said, how does that affect things today with respect to credibility question? >> you are right. he dumped that in the bottom of the net; right? >> yeah. right into the bottom of the net. didn't even go over the net. >> you are right, there were legitimate questions about look,
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he took no notes, etc. made this wild complaint about that material wasn't provided to you and all of that. the reality is i found it interesting too because i said last week, isn't it convenient that when a witness changes their testimony to something that goes anti-president trump all of a sudden oh no the second version is definitely the truth. it doesn't work that way in a trial. either the first one's true or the second one's true. in fairness, a lot of times people adjust their testimony in the later one proves to be true, but again when you mix the politics with the testimony, it really becomes kind of comical honestly. david: doug we have to leave it at that. so sorry. we had to cut it short. headlines out of the uaw. developing details on this, coming next. thousands of women with metastatic breast cancer,
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david: breaking this afternoon, the head of the united autoworkers union gary jones reportedly resigning. this coming just after the executive board filed charges to remove him and regional director vance pearson from their positions and expel them from the union. this is video we got when the fbi raided jones's michigan home back in august. these are stills from that video. both officials are accused of directing false misleading and inaccurate expense records and hiding actual expenses from union accountants. another scandal also coming to light today, federal investigators uncovering details involving uaw leaders accepting bribes from fiat chrysler in order to get an advantage over its competitors. gm is suing fiat over this. is the uaw helping or hurting the auto industry? kristina you have been looking at this. >> this is a huge image crisis
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for the uaw. let's focus on gary jones and vance pearson. pearson was actually charged and arrested for embezzlement of funds, money laundering, they are both being accused of work together and stealing 1 million dollars of member union fees to spend on fancy cars and other things. you have this situation. about two weeks or so to vote and remove them from their roles. then like you mentioned you have gm going after fiat for bribing uaw members and them taking it to get more favorable terms in the labor negotiation contract. so right now you saw -- maybe we could bring it up the share price of both of those companies dropped dramatically. but wow for uaw today. david: carol, you had the union workers out on strike getting $250 a week barely enough to cover food expenses for a week. >> this is a challenge.
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when anybody has a criticism of the free market and they say sometimes there's fraud, there's bad actors in any system, whether it's a free market, whether you have a union, whether you have politics, there's always bad actors any time there's the opportunity to have power. the free market corrects for that, but when you're in a situation like a union or like a government, it's harder to have that level of transparency, and so there's certainly a role for unions, i think. i think they can benefit the workers in some records, but i think that the workers have to understand that when you have that concentrated power of control, that you need to keep track of that as well. >> i have to say this kind of harks back to an era where there was a lot of misdeeds and corruption in cop union ranks in a lot of different industries. i love the fact that elizabeth warren was out there protesting and picketing with those union workers. i mean the union workers and i remember on this show a few months ago saying to someone who knows about these things could they revolt?
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could they throw out the management? well, thankfully they have done that now. but as you said, david, these workers really took it on the chin on a month-long strike which my view was seriously elongated by the need of the union leadership to kind of prove their credentials. i think that's really a shame. >> liz, i feel terrible for them, i mean not only from that compensation standpoint but now getting a real view of what the leadership was up to. i mean, you guys mentioned it on the lead in there, ferraris -- >> at least they could have buy an american car. >> they didn't even buy an american car. david: all right, yeah, quickly. >> it goes to show you why automakers are struggling in this country. the unions are killing them. david: to put a fine point on it, chrysler is now a subsidiary of an italian car company. that's because partly because of the unions as well. ten candidates taking the stage tonight for the high-stakes democrat debate in atlanta. we're going to take you there, coming next. (people talking)
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(people talking) for every dollar you spend at a small business, an average of 67 cents stays local. shop small and watch it add up. small business saturday by american express is november 30th. david: ten democrat set to square off for the fifth democratic debate in just hours. hillary vaughan is at the studios with what we can expect tonight. >> ten candidates will be on stage tonight but missing from the pack is former new york city mayor michael bloomberg and former massachusetts governor deval patrick, but the top tier is not shrinking. it is growing with major pete
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buttigieg emerging as front runner in iowa. and also mayor pete has 25% voter support and former vice president joe biden and massachusetts senator warren 10 points behind buttigieg and tied for second place. bernie sanders trailing at third. sanders may be falling behind in early state polls but surging with supporters. their campaign announced they reach 4 million individual donations a milestone they didn't reach last time he ran for president until after the new hampshire primary in 2016. sanders is also making a point to meet with pop stars as part of his debate press and in detroit sanders met with rapper cardi b at the last debate and here in atlanta sanders had a face-to-face with singer ariana grande who tweeted her support for sanders calling him her guy. ariana. david: hillary, we have to leave it at that. thank you very much. between all the talk we're going
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to hear tonight about higher taxes and bigger government, will we hear anything, scott, from democrats about growing businesses in america? >> of course not, david. that's even in light of the apple news we covered about a half hour ago which is great for the state of texas and great for the country. i mean, look, it's funny. they obviously don't want to focus on anything good, but they are running ahead of things to focus on as the bad, because even the stock market, which we always know is a forward discounter. it trades on future expectations, record highs day after day this month. to me you are losing the track to focus on things negatively but they don't want to focus on positive things. >> i think that's right. mayor pete is going to be
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under -- because he's the leader right now. warren's odds of becoming nominee have gone from over 50% according to real clear politics assessment of betting places to now she's lost about 20 points. interestingly, joe biden is continuing to do pretty well. which i think frankly surprises me. >> i want to go back to a comment scott made about the markets being forward thinking. that's perfect because that means the markets don't always represent the economy which often people seem to equate the two. i think that was spot on, scott. you mentioned mayor pete, liz. i think people are scared of mayor pete which is why he will be attacked by a lot of the democrats at the debate tonight. however he is missing the african-american votes. let's see how he tries to appease them. i think unfortunately, much to the detriment of all of us, our viewers and the fact that we are a business channel, there's going to be some hate on capitalism, and that's what i'm expecting to hear tonight. less about the economy and more
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about the wealthy people stealing our money. >> exactly. >> they can't say anything about the economy because the reality is it's incredibly positive. if you look at the employment for african-americans, for hispanics, for women, this is all good news, and that's why they are spending their time gaslighting you and telling you that things aren't going well so far, and unfortunately, that's the play book because they don't want to give the credit to president trump because that's a losing opportunity for them. >> and the stats back up that exact point, carol. back to you, kristina, does that mean to your point that the stock market is forecasting a better economy in the future or worse as far as that decoupling? >> we're going to get into talking about the federal reserve and -- david: oh please, we're not going to do that. [laughter] >> i'm saying right now, a lot of people, the concern, and you can't ignore it is this only has so far to go. we have to be considering the ceo sentiment is very negative and the trade war -- >> the consumer continues to spend, and that is -- we all know, over 70% now of the
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economy and going into this holiday season, if you look at all the data on the consumer, we are probably looking at retail sales being up 4 to 5 percent. david: businesses, carol, continue to hire. the point that i haven't heard yet from democrats, who hires people? it is businesses, whether they're big businesses, corporations, which bernie says are all evil. liz warren says that. or smaller businesses. i haven't heard anything from them about how to make businesses grow better or more efficiently. >> right, they are hating on the job creators. i mean you may not like billionaires or millionaires, but who hires people? is it a billionaire or millionaire or somebody who has no money? of course it is the people who have the money. that's where the capital goes. they can't again make these arguments because it stands against their opportunity to win. it would be great to have somebody come out and say we're going to be pro capitalism and we're going to focus on business because that's what should happen but unfortunately i don't think we will hear that. david: there may be room for
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bloomberg because of that absence tonight. congress taking a stand this hour in support of hong kong activists. details of a brand new bill that is now headed to the president's desk and how china could respond to it. it had an effect on the market today. congressman tom reed just cast his vote on the house floor. he joins us next. that's tom. xpression. but shouldn't somebody be listening? so. let's talk. we're built for hearing what's important to you, one to one. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual.
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this holiday season, with ancestry. but allstate helps you. with drivewise. feedback that helps you drive safer. and that can lower your cost now that you know the truth... are you in good hands? david: more on the breaking news we brought you earlier in the hour, a bipartisan stand against chinese government repression in hong kong. the house just passing the reconciled hong kong human rights bill, and it will go to the president's desk. china is threatening to take, quote, strong countermeasures if the bill becomes law. one reason the market was down today. joining us now is congressman tom reed. congressman, could this bill kill a china trade deal? >> i really don't see that happening. i think what we did today in the house and senate to send the message that we're going to stand with that freedom, with
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those folks from hong kong, those activists that are stepping forward and send a message we hear ya and send a message to china, you cannot oppress people in this manner. so hopefully the president will sign this and we can get the trade deal done at the same time that we deal with this issue. >> congressman, there was some speculation this morning that because the chinese were going to react quite adversely to this development, president trump may not sign the bill, might send it back to congress for a veto override. he might veto it and ask for an override so that in effect he can say to xi jinping, look, i tried the congress overwhelmed me and sort of be able to kind of pull a political solution out of the air on this. what do you think about that? >> i don't see that, with the vote tallies being what they are, i think obviously that path would not be successful. at the end of the day i think this message is being delivered on hong kong and the bigger issue of a chinese trade deal is obviously something that needs to be taken care of not only for
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american interests but chinese interests and i think we can separate these two things out and china will have to stay at the table and we'll get this negotiated here in short order. >> to that point, congressman, to separate those two, unfortunately you have quite a vocal message coming from china. you have the spokesperson for the foreign ministry saying that china condemns and opposes it. then you have the china's embassy in the united states putting out a tweet, a relatively negative one saying that american people are once again -- sorry, it's abused by some american politicians to justify violence and disorder. so i feel like the message that's coming from there is quite negative. shouldn't that influence a deal that really hasn't gone anywhere? >> well, you know, obviously i understand the chinese position, but we also believe in democracy. we believe in freedom. we believe in sending a message here in america to those that are oppressed that we hear that call of affliction and that we're going to stand with you. now, when you talk about the economic trade deal that's
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potentially coming down the pipeline, i think both countries recognize, we have to take care of the trade deal, and at the same time, diplomatically, we can resolve the issue of hong kong. >> congressman, that's the point, though, right? i mean how is that issue going to be resolved? is it going to be resolved kind of diplomatically or is it going to be resolved on kind of what china feels? that's where getting involved in this especially at this juncture where we are in the trade deal i think poses a lot of risk, don't you? >> i understand that concern, but at some point in time, you have to make sure you send the right message on behalf of democracy and freedom. we'll deal with the economic situation of the trade deal, and i think, yeah, the concern is there, but at the end of the day, when you're looking at economies of both china and america, a deal is in both countries' best interests. i think that's where we will end up, and we will deal with the issue of hong kong in a separate forum in a way that recognizes the people of hong kong at the same time the chinese interests
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as well as us as a democratic leader across the world. >> congressman, it is carol roth. you know, we deal with all kinds of countries that engage in various types of human rights violations. so where is the line in the sand? when is it that we decide that we're going to get involved? >> i think we should always take the responsibility of being the world leader when it comes to freedom and democracy and make sure we stand firm with all of the people of the world that want to embrace democratic freedom and democratic practices, and so that to me -- when you see it repeatedly. you see it with iran. you see it with venezuela. we should be sending messages each and every that we hear those of the afflicted, and at the end of the day, though, we recognize we're also a world based on economy, and with economies that can be resolved at the table rather than weapons and the same thing with human rights issues. we should always send the correct and consistent messages we hear those folks.
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david: is there a red line in the sand that china has to cross before the sanctions would be implemented? that is, would it be a massacre or some -- something in your head in terms of what would trigger the mechanisms for this bill? >> if you saw mass action by the chinese government to take physical action against those that are stepping forward for their own beliefs, if you saw that type of situation, a massacre, a physical attack, the arrest of folks independently in the middle of the night, that type of action would be very concerning to me and probably escalate this further. hopefully folks won't do that and what we will see is both sides stand down, take care of the trade issue and also diplomatically take care of the hong kong human rights issues. david: i think we are seeing arrests in the middle of the night. that's going on, i think. let's pray a massacre doesn't happen.
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let's see what's coming up on "evening edit". liz is here. >> we have former reagan economic advisor on out of control liberal college campuses. two people arrested after he tried to give a lecture in new york. the lecture was shut down by student protesters within minutes and the student government reacted by banning. can college allow for the censorship of free speech? they operate on your tuition and tax dollars. plus we have the trump campaign now flying a banner outside of tonight's 2020 democrat debate, happening within a few hours, for all to see. the trump campaign saying your democrat socialist policies will destroy jobs. that debate coming up. david: by the way, art lapper, the kindest, gentlest man -- if they could ban him, a person who is as equitable as anybody in the universe, they can ban anybody. that's a great story. i look forward to that, liz.
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elizabeth: thank you, david. david: uber wants to listen in on your rides. they are trying out a new feature they say is for your own good. don't you hate that phrase? that's coming next. >> they want to record me in the car, while i'm in there, it protects me, protects them, works for me.
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david: listening in, it is kind of scary stuff, uber reportedly planning to start audio recordings of rides in the united states soon after rolling out a pilot program in latin america. kristina, what's up with this? >> i have reached out to uber. they confirmed that they are launching a pilot program in brazil and mexico in december, and then it is not imminent in the united states. they are going to slowly roll it out because it is pilot first. what happens is you enter the car. you can click the safety but on on there. a little shield icon. and let's say, i'm a rider, i
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can record the entire car ride or the driver can do the same. and the reason for this is for safety -- david: on both sides. >> yeah, on both sides because there's been sexual assault cases, rape, harassment. there's one study, there aren't any public numbers, one study washington post did the research for that 300 people were fired or lost their uber status because of sexual misconduct just within a three-year period. and uber is not forced to tell the police of this. so this brings up privacy, brings up -- david: it does indeed. that's the question, panel. are security concerns worth giving up your privacy on uber rides? scott? >> i'm not sure why people are so concerned about privacy when it comes to security. they do kind of go hand in hand in the sense one does help the other. as kristina pointed out they've been behind the scenes or behind the flow on the fact they are stepping up now presumably in mexico and brazil which is an interesting place to start i'm all for it.
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>> let's be clear. you have no privacy when you are in an uber. your driver is listening in to whatever you are doing anyway. you don't have privacy. as long as you opt into it, as long as they are not doing it without your consent, if you are opting into it, i think as a woman who takes these ride sharing services from time to time, that actually gives me an extra level of comfort. i would love to see them take it a step further. >> sorry to interrupt. there's only 11 states that require both parties to opt in. the other states, if you say nothing, then that's deemed consent. >> that's why it is not rolling out in the u.s. because they haven't really solved those problems. what if you have three people in the backseat and only one wants to opt in? there are all kinds of issues. david: most of the panel thinks it is okay. i don't, but we don't have time for me to explain why. who knew political fights when playing the uno card game was such an issue. mattel making a big change to their card deck that's raising
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david: mattel unvailing a new limited edition, nonport so -- partisan uno deck. when other colors. they have a veto card in the deck, are say so political that even card games have to have new rules to block out politics. >> hit th hate the player, don'e the game, i can't imagine anyone not playing uno because of red and blue cards, the fact we're having this discussion, people
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will say this is a fun game to play. they will go out buy it. david: we have a championship player in our midst. >> guilty as changed. champion of my 6 grade, growing up in springfield, ohio, it is true, it a kid's game, they don't talk politic when they play it. this is a ridiculous change, i want old version back. >> i am really just about putting it front of mind, thanksgiving coming up christmas, holiday season you are with kids buy uno, old version new find it. >> you just created an advertisement for them, buy uno. david: they knew when they were doing. >> they are cheering, here we are national network talking about it. >> i can't wait until we have orange and purple checkers. >> that will be the day. david: we have thanksgiving dinners, i wonder if people are talking politics. >> gee, i wonder.
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david: politic its have invaded everything. >> you bust out monopoly game, they will talk about wealth tax. david: then we'll have a socialism game. that is it for "bulls and bears" see you next time. elizabeth: president trump tearing into nancy pelosi, adam schiff, the bidens and media while touring the apple plant in texas with the ceo tim cook. this after high drama on capitol hill, another zig-zag, round of impeachment hearings, frustrating and confusing, today's star witness, son land started -- sondland started off saying that top official tied the quid pro quo to bidenned then it never fell apartment a lot of confusing stuff. debate, how can


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