tv Bulls Bears FOX Business December 2, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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reporter: yeah, all right. thank you. >> the irish man of great, watch it, that is it for us. melissa: "bulls and bears" starts right now. david: fox business abetter, a t trump landing in the dark. for the nato meeting. as democrat continue their impeachment push at home, how much could that under cut the president's trip. this is "bulls and bears," thank you for joining us. hope you had a wonderful thanksgiving, i am david asman, joining me on the panel today. jonathan hoenig. and less peak, we go to blake berman. >> hello, 10:00 tough hearing
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you. i want to tell you here in london, president just landed here. air force one just landed we're expected to see president trump and first lady in london at any moment, they are here over the next couple day, commemorate 70 anniversary of nato alliance, two days worth of meetings, tomorrow at buckingham palace, queen elizabeth will be hosting nato world leaders and heads of state there and over next couple of days, president will have a series of bilateral meetings with mac macron and merkel. the president has been critical over the last few years of many european nations that have yet to spend 2% of their gdp on defense spending, that is target
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set by nato by 2024. >> we're going to london. it will be nato, we're meeting with a lot of countries, they will have to do more burden sharing. reporter: senior administration official leading into the trip said that 5g, china's attempted bailout of -- build out of 5g worldwide would be a part of the meetings david. about 10 days time, sorry i missed your question off of the top, half a world away back to you. david: understood, we'll look forward to your reports, thank you. >> plum president trump blasting democrats for holding impeachment hearings while overseas, telling reporters this
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one of the more critical trips that president can take. >> -- radical left democrats, the do nothing democrats decided, when time going to nato, that is the time, one of the most important journey we make at president, for them to do this, and saying this, putting in impeachment on the table, which is a hoax. to start off with. david: does the string of our economy and prosperity make the impeachment push irrelevant on world stage? liz. we'll go to you with that question. but we'll keep the pictures up. >> i think it is an ornate question that deserves an ornate answer. i think that world leaders are aware that impeachment push is a bias political event taking place in united states i think that reason they are more interested in our economy, that it gives president's good chance of being re-elected.
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that result of that and all those different factors, they are beginning to take him seriously, look what does this nato visit, it is momentous, i think 50 years, american presidents have pushed nato to up their spending, do more for their own defense. guess what, it has happened under president trump. and you know look at macron, and merkel, they are beginning to get it, he may be around for a while, the american first doctrine doe does not mean he ds not want to engage with them but he wants them to help out mission. >> in next days before election, all we will hear from media is impeach the president, all that will matter are the economic numbers, and the markets and
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things surrounding it. if tons of people are still coming off welfare, if the numbers of unemployment for blacks and hispanics are great shape, it will be very tough to beat them, one thing that president needs to do while he is out there is really show that high is the president, show strength, but build some comrade, i think that is what has been missing, the last couple of times over there. and i think he know its, you have seen a better tone from him as he goes there, that will be my expectation over the next couple of days. >> gary and liz, ke we cana, age with those economic numbers and robust performance in u.s. economy. that the president should be enjoying much greater popularity numbers, and beyond the path toward -- with on the path toward the a resounding
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electoral victory in 2020. in terms of international repute, these are tea leaves, they are difficult to read, united states judging from public opinion has rarely been less popular than today, that is a deep, deep dislike of president trump in part. but this impeachment stuff -- >> i have too respectfully disagree, i don't think that president trump's representation is america's representation, i think they are two separate things, impeachment even if you don't like it, it is in the constitution, this part of our system of checks and balances to ensure we're a society of laws, not of individual men. but we talk about greatness of the american economy. that is individual. that is the creative profit seeking entrepreneurs in a free society, america's representation as that capitalist center i thinking stay in tact even if president
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does happen to get impeached, it was during clinton's second term that market soared and clinton popularity as well. david: back too ronald reagan, a time that reagan went to europe, and everyone was racking their brains, about geez europeans don't like us any more because reagan is a cowboy, he will get us in war with soviet union, well, he went to europe, i think end of his first term, or beginning of his sec, u.s. economy was going great guns, get concessions from soviet union, that lead to end of the cold war. this happened before. has it not. >> absolutely, what that had to do with, was leadership, i think that trump also displays leadership, talk about china, all those nato countries, those eu countries, they are also worried about china, they.
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no one has been willing to confronts china, until president trump finally stood up, said, hey we'll change the rules of the road. david: there is the president, coming out, landing about 5 minutes ago. he and the first lady. will be there for a couple days, this a very appreciate meeting with heads of nato, this a strim trimmous sum -- tremendous summit, on 70 anniversary of the nato founding, remember everyone scoffed at his attempts to get nato allies to contribute more, saying what is he doing to this alliance? they ponied up 130 billion more than they had in the past. than expected. >> and what they are doing what should be done in first place, when you make a promise to come up with a certain amount of dough to pay into nato you are
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supposed to do it past presidents have turned a blind eye, it is good to see, i tell you i'm hoping, we have a lot of countries over nato that kind of adore socialism, if the president can show who lower taxes and less regulations also do that could help, i go to when france in 2012 did the mailior air a pact and 2015 had to get rid of it because 10,000 millionaires left the country, i think that lessons can be learned there we can take mantle on the economy, what does work. >> i have to say, you are right, europeans did not like ronald reagan the cowboy, but americans ate it up. high represents best of americans. david: because he got the economy moving, let's face it. right now europe is in a very stagnant economy. and at the same time, zach, this
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is a worrisome thing weighing on u.s. economy is whether or not europeans institute these new taxes they have been talking about. the french had a tech tax they play apply, then oecd, may get together with revenue tax, anyway trump could tax them out of that? >> it would help if he were mere willing too engage multilateraly. the tariffs that in place against france and great britain over boeing and airbus or the claims that airbus is getting subsidies, are predate trump, that was an obama era issue. but the laterallism of u.s. trade policy gets in way of the negotiations you are talking
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about. it is hard to dictate other sovereign nations. >> he demonstrate by cuts taxes here that would be best. david: a phase 2 tax plan. >> the more the better, cut taxes and spending. david: i agree with tax cuts, trump administration hitting back against bloomberg news, decided to invest the president not democrats, is that fair? we'll debate it next. ♪
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continue to critique president and his campaign. president trump campaign calling this a new level of bias it will not accept, bloomberg news said they have covered plum president trump fairly since high of a he was a candidate in 2015, is this justifies. >> a question for a question, what if a bloomberg reporter gets dirt on a democratic candidate, what does that report dor now? hand it over to "new york times" or bury it in the desk? their is known as selective journalism, i thought it was supposed to be for all without bias, go straight at it, if something comes up you report it, this is amazing. i don't know if the response is right response but i get the response because this is pure and utter bias, and surprising
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from bloomberg. >> this is censorship, bloomberg news is private, they can cover whatever they want but president shutting down their speech, down ability to cover his campaign. and shy is the president -- he is the president, this is a terrible. president's is to protect speech. >> it not a precedent he is tells obama banned areas people from his campaign, and hillary clinton did the same thing, i know this what aboutism, but this is not such an unprecedented effect. and i would push back, a little bit, yes this is a privately owned company, but are major news organizations considered something of a public vehicle for the dissemination of
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information, and pushing back on medical i-- editor in chief, ths organization. they hate this president, they do everything possible to make economic news sound as grim as possible that is a fact. >> i think saying they hate the president, they may disagree with the president and give vociferous, calling it hatred. they transcend. this organization covering the clinton with v vociferous disagreement that is part of the mix. there are basis in news organizations, the idea that objective truth may be a platonic idea but not the real. and bloomberg organization is in an impossible spot, not saying that sympathetically. if they cover him they will be
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accused of bias or malfeesence. david: jonathan. muck rankin ranking -- muck rak, they are suppose to rake through the muck come up with stories and expose powerful people's weaknesses but it has to be on both sides if it just one side it is not rubbing raking it is -- not muck raking it is opposition research. >> we talked about this. i think bloomberg's decision to not investigate a democrat would hurt their credibility. and president trump as president has that political power, he represents everyone, including supposedly bias bloomberg supporter. >> hol hold on, we know they ara news organization, to me this is now selective news organization that takes away for me
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credibility in knowing they are not reporting on democratic candidates snr? candidates? are you kidding my, i can understand almost on bloomberg himself but all democratic candidates, but when something comes up on trump, you go after him? i am saying a nom sur not sure t move, i think -- >> it is interesting,y think zach is right. it will be interesting to see how to works, you only cover half of this. i would say, summing up maybe, i am happy to see some push back to liberal news media. it seems that there are increase stories of people suing for slander, suing people news organizations for not telling the truth about people. i am vlad to se glad to see thie they have a profound impact on this nation, an election.
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violent that plagues american cities, that i want to take that right away. david: here is fox news senior judicial analyst judge andrew napolitano, g good to see, what does this mean for gun owners and manufacturers. >> we don't know until it is decided but two supreme court opinions in modern era upholding right to keep and bear arms only addresses that right in house in the home. in our place of dwelling. if this case goes the way gun rights folks want it to go it would be first that upholds right to carry a weapon outside of the home. david: just to follow-up, heller decision, a lot of people focus on, gave individual rights to gun owners to have a gun in the home, this goes one step beyond. >> heller in the home, mcdonald in the home. one in dc one in chicago, this is a challenge to the
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regulations of city of new york, before they changed it, they didn't want case to go to the supreme court, prohibited you if you lived in new york and own a gun, not carrying but owning, if you wanted to take that gun to another home in another state or another county in new york, or a license shooting range outside of the you, not do it. >> i want to get in weeds oa foa moment, really important part of case they are trying to rule on a law that no longer exists, true supreme court does precedent this, they look for cases to make big grand statements bthis law was changed in anticipation of it being overruled. >> correct. >> they could dismiss this sizeo crime to because law no longer exists. >> real adversity, where about their is no adversity, because
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there is no law to challenge, then case under this theory should be thrown out, this is a little bit of law that remains, you can drive to westchester county and long island, new jersey, but you can't stop on the way. you can't stop for a cup of coffee, because nature calls, you can't stop to visit our mother. >> unof whether able. >unbelievable.>> this is a casen hear this case if they feel in doing so, if there law has been abandoned the te the city mighte back to the law the minute they don't hear it, there is also some wiggle room. >> the wiggle room if the court believes that there will be many, many challenges of which there is just one, or, that lower courts are misinterpreting their two decisions, helder and mcdonald, they have the right case to rule, they can rule once and fore all -- for all.
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>> jonathan? >> thank you judge, in late 19 simpts abou70s about half of amn household owned a gun today less tha35%, do you think people sayi don't en a gun it does not affect me. >> i don't know the answer to, that but i know that the antigun forces, have prep -- perpetrated the myth that cops can take care of us, you talk to cops on the beat their greatest ally are civilians who are armed and trained, they train more frequently than police do. >> i think there is a separate argument there that easy access to guns in the united states, opposed to every other developed society lead on a greater amount. >> -- okay, but.
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>> another another fish. i get most often, e-mails about gun issue, if there is a single mom living in a bad neighborhood, you only equalizer she has to put her on even footing is a gun. >> she has a right to own it. >> right now states may not create an obstacle to owner stip and use of that gun. real estate immediately surrounds the home, this has to do with transporting that gun. >> you raise a points, most gun owners are better trained, how can they train if they cannot go to a gun range. >> i keep hearing that fact they look at this gives them a chance to hook at other cases -- look
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at other cases there is now lot of worry about that as far as gun situation, do you know of any others that could come up. >> there are many cases -- pending supreme court's review this only one they agreed to hear. it takes 4 justice to compel all 9 to hear it not unlikely that 4 conservatives decide it hear it and chief justice will decide with liberals and conclude that because there no adversity there no case, i can not predict which way it will go, i read transcript of oral argument, and chief kest hi kept his cards clo his chest. david: too system -- simplistic. >> they replaced two justice who voted in favor the gun. >> judge napolitano thank you in my pleasure. david: careful on your commute home, the winter weather is slamming parts of the nation, airlines canceling more flights
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today, delays pile up. it not over why the, we're live at airport, that is getting hit hardest, not surprisingly the biggest, that is next. each day our planet awakens with signs of opportunity. but with opportunity comes risk. and to manage this risk, the world turns to cme group. we help farmers lock in future prices, banks manage interest rate changes and airlines hedge fuel costs. all so they can manage their risks and move forward. it's simply a matter of following the signs. they all lead here. cme group - how the world advances. cme group -
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male anchor: update on the cat who captured our hearts. female anchor: how often should you clean your fridge? stay tuned to find out. male anchor: ...this year's most buzzed about premieres... female anchor: makes it red-carpet official with... male anchor: 50 5-star products you can buy online right now male anchor: tributes pouring in from fans... female anchor: her hot new album is just one of the things we talked about. male anchor: beats the odds at the box office to become a rare non-franchise hit. [anchor voices ramp up together becoming indiscernible] you can provide the help and hope that survivors need. david: winter weather wreaking havoc across the country, laguardia is hardest hit, that is where we find christina, new
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york state already declaring a state of emergency, what about there? reporter: david, it is getting worse at pla l.a -- la tblawrd e seeing more and more delays. after the workday, people are going home, and after thanksgiving weekend. and cost to airline is high 4500 for every hour a flight is delayed, ask 63 bucks a passenger for every hour. time is money. i am at american airline. terminal b employed board is covered in yellow, you see 5 cancellations that was not there before. laguardia right now is worst airport for these delays and
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cancellations, hopefully it will get better but it looks like storm is still here. david: winter weather likely giving a boost to cyber monday sales. we saw record on-line sales on black friday, but foot traffic dropped more than 6% from last year, is this another nail in the coffin for brick and mortar stores of bad weather. >> there is a huge change toward e-commerce but not real-time as we make it out, e-commerce is less than 20% of all retail sales still. it 15%. amazon is 40% of that. big, and growing 15 or 20% a year, this a industry that agrees 4% that means there is an inflecttion happening but there is a lot of retail in brick and mortar, that will will remain. >> you remind me of blockbuster
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in late 1990ss. >> i remind you of blockbuster. >> oh, he that netflix no one will stop coming to blockbuster. i think you think of drives to parking lot, and parking and getting huggies and gets back to the car, we will laugh about that. it changing, new direction are the experience, major starbucks, roastery, you get to smell coffee. >> i think it is interesting so many stores are doing well this season with on-line effort. walmart was sort of thrown out as a potential compete or because they were not up to speed they are doing well. so are some other company like target. i think it is great they have all upped today game, real question, with this huge sunk in
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spending on line, are people getting what they are buying? the delivery system seem more fragile than the actual purchasing. we'll see, remember last year, amazon did not get everything to everyone by christmas with their change, and loss of partners, i think it i is an -- interesting get your orders in early gle >> on-line could million of us will be shopping on line, people still love shopping, 80% polled like -- when they want something immediately, they want to go to store, but that going away, you better know what the heck you are doing, if you see, best buy is doing well, guess what, circuit city is gone. and you if do well if you know what you are doing you will be in good shape. >> that kmart, a matter of
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getting it right. >> gary generational, no offense to any slightly older viewers, but they like going in, squeezing melons, they like to have that experience in stores. but, millennials, they price compare, they shop on-line, they do it for smartphones. >> the best buy example is important. they are purely people go to the store, they have the geek squad they like to provide service. and -- a renaissance you can buy bag in best buy that you can get on amazon or walmart on-line. david: and china, we brag about 9.4 billion today on cyber monday, they had 38 billion on their singles day for alibaba. >> that is -- chinese example, the delivery time when amazon does one day delivery, that will be 8 hours.
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alibaba is more immediate, you pay with your phone, it ships out you can get it that night. >> by the way, just a little bit, i have seen so many more amazon trucks on road in last month, times 10 from last year. >> they have to. >> yep. >> amazing. david: a condition rel conditio- can't rely on post office alone. >> does bigger mean better? new reports on a apple product, coming next. cologuard: colon cancer screening for people 50
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these phones are amazing. they are amazing considers what iphone was like 10 years ago this changed it, that is wealth creation. i admit maybe there have been slight deterring a in representf the development, it is regulation, i think of orbits would not exist for jimmy carter deregulation of air traveler. >> separate note, i think innovation in apple, the issue is not whether they are innovative but everything that apple does, other people do it, they do it well. they are all doing very similar things with smart devices. and we're not at an inflection point where next new thing.
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that will happen, you know -- >> 5g. >> that is supposed to be a huge. >> that just a faster version of a current technology. >> it allows new technology to come in, i don't know if their is what we're told, a new streaming opportunity, and new robotics. then act waited because of the 5 g . not on a cell phone i don't think. david: they say it could be on one model of 2020 versions. >> all i know is when they came out with the ipod i thought it would be another walk man. so, i am way behind. let me say, when i was in new york city a few weeks ago, it was 1:00 a.m. in morning, i went to apple store, a thousand people in there, they are doing something right. and every time i think they are stopping, they bring something
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new. david: breaking news, u.s. trade rep office ponds to fran's digital tax that targets company like amazon and google, office said that tax discriminates again u.s. companies and will take action, president will meet with french president macron in london. and exploring whether or not to open investigation to digital services in austria, and turkey. >> before we head to a break, "evening edit" with elizabeth bacmacdonald. >> great to see you. we'll break it down, president trump and first lady just arrived in london for the nato summit, a growing number of economists blow up the democrat argument about income inequality even the economist magazine say that democrat libera lib media e
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wrong about it. and lisa page is breaking her silence. lisa page said she has no recollection, no idea about her against trump text but does have free speech rights. david: sounds like a fun show thank you. >> countdown beginning, congress has just 15 days left in session this year, will they fund president trump's border wall before 2020? we'll ask texan republican congressman jodey arrington, he is next. (vo) the moth without hope, struggles in the spider's web. with every attempt to free itself, it only becomes more entangled. unaware that an exhilarating escape is just within reach. defy the laws of human nature.
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comments on propose duties you of to 100% of some products. congress has 15 days left to get anything done this year, including funding for president trump's border wall. legislature face a december 20 deadline on strike an agreement. democrat interest say window wod new walls, now that i want to block president trump's ability. with us now, texan's republican jodey arrington. when there is no more money coming from congress, what does the president do to fortify the wall. >> he has done all you could do with the limited authority he has, he has declared a national emergency, and utilize the military, i think was responsible thing to do. he has moved money to extent he
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can, he has 75 of 150 miles of border wall, and implementing policy like expedited deportation, and keeping the detainees of illegal immigrants in mexico, striking a deal with them, sadly enough, i think he has gotten mexico to do more to secure our border and stop illegal ill brea immigration bee democratic-lead house. >> congressman how do we move forward? a continuing resolution. >> i hope not that has been par for course for congress. there no real forcing mechanism for us to do it. manage resources responsibly it costs taxpayers to do it start
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and stop, it is terrible for the military, we have to find a compromise, we did it when republicans in in majority my first term, we have proven we can work on bipartisan funding ledglegislation, but under nancy pelosi leadership we have nothing. not just funding but no legislation bipartisan legislation in drug pricing, trade deals, infrastructure, absolutely nothing as been accomplished to help the american people. david: gary? >> continenta congressman, i thu been in the house about three and a half years be how frustrating, that seems something gets done only at the last minute, seems that so many there are working for themselves and not for the people? >> i just got a piece of your question, but -- >> how frustrating? >> absolutely frustrating, when
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american people say, that we play by different sit of rules, they are right. congress is broken. family -- fundamentally, there are reforms for tax code and healthcare, most important reforms we can do to serve the american people, is reforming congress. so it functions so we don't have undeendless cr's and we have a budget. david: we're as you know a business channel, businesses care a lot about trade, they have been frustrated by some trump administration trade policy but in large measures for the usmca, nancy pelosi said they will still negotiating, is it going to pass before the end of the year in. >> i think it will pass, not because nancy pelosi thinks it should pass.
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it is good policy for the american economy. and our workers and farmers. auto industry, it will pass because she the use it as a political chip to get votes for impeachment, if that the way we get it, that good for the american economy, we'll take it. but, that certainly i think her col calculation at-this-point. >> given need of congress, to ratify, why are you not in congress, asserting more authority over trade policy in general. that should be continued to be delegated to future presidents to do that kind of activity? >> well, first of all congress has proven not to be able to accomplish much of anything, i i think that fact that president accomplished a great feat by pre-- restructuring a deal with japan tremendous. and very helpful for continued
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growth after tax cuts, and deregulation. but this one is not just tariffs, this is nontariff trade provision. david: congressman jody ai -- jy arrington ware thankful you made it here through the snow. >> "saturday night live," requiring fans to sign a million dollar contract before they can see his show, next. with sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. get a no-fee personal loan my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. . .
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david: fans of "saturday night live" comedian pete david son say they got a big surprise at one of his latest shows when they were asked to sign a one million dollar non-disclosure agreement. one fan posing details of the nda that purportedly forbids fans giving any interviews, opinions or critiques about the show in any form, including blogs, twitter, facebook,
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instagram or any other social networking. cell phone bans are nothing new in live performance, but, gary what does it say in our society that comics are demanding safe spaces to tell their jokes? >> i think this guy is a wuss, simple as that rickles, carlin, dangerfield, this guy is none of them, simple as that. i don't go to one of his shows. >> i think it is preposterous. i can't imagine people will put up with it. i can't imagine it will be last very long. i don't get it. whether he is afraid of being sued or disliked. >> i think you're missing the point, genius sat rising -- david: what are we >> oh, my god i was hurt, he is racist. look if i'm going to be a comic i'm going to offend and this did taking this to the nth extreme. braille ant publicity. >> brilliant publicity. >> lenny bruce offend ad lot of people. he is a comic and turning over
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in his grave. >> exactly. >> feet davidson is a baby. >> you're wrong. it is not that. >> forbidding people from talking about it on social media. david: we may hear more about this before his next show. we have to leave it at that. that does it for "bulls & bears." see you next time. liz: the sprint to impeachment is about to get more combative as president trump arrives in london with the first lady for the nato summit. reports, iran, china, russia will hold in coming weeks their first ever joint war drills. the president will not testify. danger for democrats. republicans going on offense. they drafted a harsh new report saying democrats have not made their case. the president's threat to hold up ukraine aid due to corruption, the report says it was entirely prudent. the gop plans to call witnesses as democrats still not moving the needle on impeachment wit
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