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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 2, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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their cash. liz: thank you for having us in your home. thank you for watching. lou dobbs is next right here on the fox business network. have a good evening. [♪] lou: good evening. the party of hate's costume drama goes on in washington where adam schiff's band of radical dimms on the house intelligence committee will meet up with the gang of jerrold nadler and his judiciary bunch. as they try to steal the presidency from the american people and roll back the 2016 election. nadler's judiciary chit he lining up its first public hearings with four law professors wednesday, a time when president trump will be
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overseas meeting and working with nato allies in london. president trump confirmed the white house will not participate in nadler's latest sham act, calling it a disgrace to the country. >> the do-nothing democrats decided when i am going to nato, that was the exact time. one of the most important journeys we make as president. for them to be doing this and putting an impeachment on the table which is a hoax, it's a disgrace. lou: a disgrace. president trump with new ammunition against the radical left and their political theatrics and efforts to absolutely overthrow this president. in an under view with "time" magazine ukrainian president zelensky reiterated saying quote i never talked to the president
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from the position of a quid pro quo. i don't want to us look like beggars. but you have to understand we are at war. if you are our strategic partner, you can't go blocking anything for us. it's about fairness. it's not a quid pro quo. it goes without saying. perhaps jerry nadler and nancy pelosi will think about impeaching zelensky who will not follow their narrative and in fact undercut their efforts to overthrow this president. president trump used the ukrainians comments 0 shine light on the dimms' lack of evidence. president trump: the ukrainian president said strongly that president trump did absolutely nothing wrong. it should be over. but he came out and said president trump did absolutely nothing wrong. and that should end everything.
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but it will never end it because they want to do what they want to do. i think it will be a tremendous boon for the republicans. republicans have never ever been so committed as they are right now and so united. lou: these united republicans released a report tonight writing this, quote. the evidence presented does not prove any of these democratic allegations, and none of the democrats' witnesses testifiedified to having evidence of bribery, extortion, or any high crime or misdemeanor. president trump tweeted this in response. just landed in london. prior to landing i read the republicans' report on the impeachment hoax. great job. read the transcript. shouldn't be allowed.
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can we go to the supreme court to stop? we'll take up that question. joining us is former treasury spokesman and presidential special advisor to the president. tony sayegh. let's start with this florida report. it's stunning stuff. 123 pages discounting every allegation because the democrats failed in one respect over this farcical nonsense that they try to portray as an inquiry. they didn't produce any evidence at all. >> 12 democrats star witnesses testifying and confirming the president did nothing wrong. certainly nothing impeachable. whether it's bribery, extortion, quid pro quo. now we hear from the president of ukraine. he has been consistent. he got the meeting without a
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condition and he got the aid without a precondition. even those who testified against the president confirmed ultimately we have a better policy in ukraine. the president gave them military aid for javelin missiles which even the obama administration refused to do. his policy ultimately got to the right place. lou: today we are getting a look at what nadler has in store for wednesday. bringing in legal scholars. the countless procedural inconsistents shows the lack of seriousness for which you are undertaking these proceedings. that's lawyer-speak for this is
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a horrible travesty against justice, the president and american people. >> it's a totally rigged process. that's why it makes it impossible for to us participate in a fair and impartial way. during the nixon investigation there was bipartisan consensus on what the rules wok. the rules are what they were from the start. adam schiff appoints himself judge, jury and executioner and conducts the hearing in a private bunker in the capitol. not allowing the president to introduce any of his attorneys. the republicans couldn't even introduce rebuttal evidence against the testimony. jerry had in letter wants to us give up our constitutional right to executive privileged and he wants to be able to shut down
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our requests during the hearing. lou: this isn't about fair, as you know it's a simple effort on the part of the radical dimms to overthrow the president of the united states. the republicans continue to talk about partisanship. i for me -- i just simply can't imagine this being partisanship. this is an effort to overturn history. by the way, the radical difficulties are clearly on the wrong side of history here. i believe if this persists into november of next year, god forbid, that the american people reject the democratic party as it has never been rejected in its history. >> the democrats made a colossal political miscalculation. they are setting themselves up for massive failure. they are not listening to what the american people want. which is not the focus of the 8 days of their legislative calendar. on trying to impeach the president on which there is no
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evidence to impeach him of any charge. the usmca, border wall funding, that will be up in the budget that becomes to expire. military funding. democrats have completely shut out the fact that the rest of this country does not think this is important to them. but they are hyper fixated on it. it's not just partisan. it's a lot bigger. it's almost cynical to think these 231 democrats think they can replace the will of the 63 million people who voted for donald trump in 2016. if they disagree with him so much. if they conduct impropriety of any kind. don't try to short-circuit what the will of the people was in 2016. we are within months of votes to be cast in the 2020 election
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process. lou: the radical dimms made it abundantly clear. they meant to stop it. they meant then upon losing the presidential race in 2016, they meant to overthrow him. it has been consistent throughout. the only inconsistency has bent response by the republican party to this overt effort to overthrow the presidency and turn back the will of the american people has been to deal with it as if it were partisan politics. it's far more than that. it is an atrocity committed upon this nation to even go -- to even schedule niece nonsensical hear -- these nonsensical hearings and the republicans have to respond in kind. >> we are ready for this fight because we have the truth on our side. we know the putt has done nothing wrong.
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the republican party is more united over this issue than i have seen in my lifetime. towards the institution of the president and toward the american people. this is more than partisanship. this is the most cynical politics we can ever fear would happen in your our democracy. you literally have one group trying to overrun the will of the american people. i think that's why adam schiff and nancy pelosi and now jerry nadler are leading democrats on a very bad path. liz: they are trying to shred the u.s. constitution. it will be interesting to hear what those legal scholars say about that. >> three democrat school sars, one republican. lou: that's an improvement in margins from the previous proceeding in the intelligence committee.
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mexico suffers a weekend filled with deadly cartel violence. we'll take it up with border patrol union president brandon judd. also, president trump's campaign shuts out michael bloomberg's media company for their decidedly unfair idea of reporting and coverage. please stay with us.
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i put it out there with a godaddy website. make the world you want. lou: on wall street stocks moving lower. volume on the big board 3.3 billion shares. crude oil up a percent and a half. gold down a quarter percent. the holiday shopping season off to a strong start. online spending on black friday surpassed $5 billion. president trump imposing steel and aluminum tariffs against brazil and argentina, accusing them of manipulating their currencies to hurt u.s. farmers.
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a new cbs news report finds youtube and its parents company google removed more than 300 trump campaign video ads for violating company policy, whatever that means. the report doesn't say which policies were violated leaving it entirely unclear why the ads were taken down. youtube says their algorithm does not have a concept of political bias. think about that for a moment. the algorithm doesn't have a concept of political bias, therefore, no bias? the 2020 trump campaign is black listing bloomberg news as it's apparently trying to work out a response to youtube and google. the move comes a week after bloomberg announced they will not do investigations of their
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owner who is a democrat national candidate twab nor will they investigate other democratic candidates. just who does that leave? the fellow there, the president of the united states who tweeted mini mike bloomberg instructed his third-rate news organization not to investigate any democrat and go after president trump only. the failing new york times thinks that's okay because their hatred and bias is so great they can't even see straight. it's not okay. joining us, the savant himself, ed rollins. and fox business countrior, michael -- contributor, michael goodwin. algorithms that don't have bias.
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it sound significant. >> it sounds like the artificial intelligence version of the independent panel, take the human element and politic out of things. i think it's creepy that these companies are hiding behind algorithms as though humans didn't create the algorithms in the first place. lou: you know what's impressive, you could only discover in the algorithm, they can only find republicans. >> i'm a believer in free speech and a believer in anything you can put your message out should be allowed. i think all of these industries ought to have oversight by the congress. i think they are totally people's rights and violating this campaign's rights. in the end it won't matter. i just watched michael bloomberg
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spend $40 million and hasn't moved a point and there is not one thing those commercials i can remember. >> maybe he should get an algorithm to do his commercials. >> the bottom line about politics, you find your voters, you communicate with your voters and get them to the polls on election day. lou: one thing that stays relevant is fake news and "newsweek" fired a reporter who wrote an inaccurate story on trump's plans. think of the people who could be out of work for inaccuracies in their reporting. the reporter said jessica kwon. , published an article i isly thursday morning in which she said the president's trip -- the
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before the trip was announced to afghanistan, that how is the president spending thanksgiving? playing golf and more in afghanistan. >> it's an odd situation. it's the usual snark. but how does she miss the trip to afghanistan? if she is covering the white house, is she unplugged and just typing alone and sending it off to the ether on her own without checking in and knowing what's going on? lou: i think they answered your question precisely. >> i was pleased that news week was still in existence. it used to be relevant news coverage. firing the one girl probably eliminated half the staff. lou: we are going to show you one of those things you can't --
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this is fair warning. you can't unsee. this is the former vice president of the united states and democratic frontrunner joe biden and his wife jill as she gesticulates in front of the vice president. he is either -- am i going to describe what you can see? what you see there is pretty much unseeable. your reaction to what we are watching here. >> he's going to bite all the fingers off the girl's hands. lou: do you feel sorry for this man? he apparently does not have anyone who cares enough about him -- this is my opinion purely as so often what i say is -- i think it's sad. he has no one near him close to him who is either saying or being heard by this fellow,
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biden, when they say, you are time has passed. this is a man struggling in public. he is obviously -- he's not himself. >> what's interesting. we were talking early were this video that surfaced a couple years ago about him saying the weirdest things about the hair on his legs. i love to have children sit on my lap. there are so many of these things out there. as you say, somebody who loves him should say to him, joe, let's step aside now and find a graceful way to exit the stage. this is not going to end well. lou: it's not even going well. >> but it will be a disaster at the finish line. >> the last two types he ran for president. he had one delegate. my sense is he will be out in two months.
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lou: who will be the frontrunner? >> i imagine one of the socialists, bernie and elizabeth warren will be still at the front. lou: socialist is a longer list. >> if they can combine their votes. >> the democrats don't have anybody who is credible at this point. >> when you watch those debates you say is there a president in that crowd or a nominee in that crowd? it's not obvious if there is. >> it's almost as if the democratic national committee went to the white house and asked the president, who are the candidates you would like us to field, and he replied to that list. i can't ebb tell you what the number is. so many have dropped out. so many times i have forgotten over the course of -- two of them nameless and unidentified.
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all right. >> a long way to go. lou: we hardly knew them. ed rollins, michael goodwin. we would like to hear your comments on all this. on a programming note. christian whiton and tom fitton among our guests tomorrow evening. coming right up, former fbi attorney lisa page back in the public eye and she is the one who decided to go there. president trump: i love you peter, i love you, too, lisa. lisa. lisa. oh, god, i love you, lisa. lou: a deadly cartel shootout in
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mexico. attorney general bill barr on his way to meet with the president of mexico. it took over 100 years to perfect this masterpiece of italian design and performance...
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lou: days after the mexican president said he would cooperate in combating cartel violence, attorney general bill barr is heading to mexico this week. it will be the first meeting with mexico since president trump called for the mexican drug cartels to be designated terrorist organizations. mexican security forces reporting that 22 people were killed in a weekend shootout with cartel gunmen 40 miles from texas. in addition to the cartel members, four police officers
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and two you villians were killed. in a separate development, last month's murder of nine americans, six of them children by the cartels, led to the arrests of members of the juarez cartel. joining us, brandon judd, president of the border patrol council. the violence in mexico is ratcheting up. murder rising at last count a little above 2% over last year. this violence near seeing -- near eagle's nest, texas is getting out of hand. >> 80% of mexico is controlled by cartels. we are not talking about they are operating in 80% of mexico. they control 80% of mexico and
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we have politicians in the united states that want policies that would bring these cartels into our country and allow them to operate with impunity within our own country. it's absolutely amazing when you see these things happening. you and i have spoken about this on many occasion. when violence goes up in mexico, it tells you president trump's policies on border security are working and he's making our country a lot safer. lou: i think that's absolutely right, but it should be clearer than ever to the radical dimms, the left wing, the business interests and lobbyists. the chamber of commerce and the business round table, wall street might be paying attention to the fact that our neighbor to the south is in the throes of despair, victims by the hundreds and thousands in mexico of
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cartel violence. the murder rate is rising. the cartel violence itself as they fight for turf and dwindling supply routes and smuggling routes. it's just getting worse. if the president didn't have the guts to say he would designate those cartels as terrorist organizations, i think mexico would be in even greater trouble than it is. >> you hit the nail on the head. when you talk about cartels fighting for turf. that only happens when profits are going down. when profits are up, everybody is happy with the way things are going. but when you have little organizations cropping up and starting to fight the larger cartels like the gulf coast cartels that are established, you know something is wrong and you know our policies are working. going on 23 years as a border patrol agent, i have seen the
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ebbs and flows and i have seen the catalyst that drives violence. the main catalyst, when we do a good job on the border and the administration's policies are the correct policies, we see violence go up in mexico. we don't want to see that. but that's one of the ways we can judge how well we are doing on the border. the president's policies are working. william barr is going down there now. that's another huge win for the president. we are just doing a very good job. lou: it's stunning to see what's happened on that border. building the wall as he promised. it's the early days in the construction of that wall, but it's getting done, and he has money for that purpose that has been denied by both the republican party and the democratic party for years.
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he's also gone the lopez-obrador do something he said he would never do, and that is send troops to the border. and he has done so by the -- tens of thousands. >> what's sad is president trump has had to fight tooth and nail to get everything he has been able to accomplish. he has had no help from congress. they continue to pushback and that includes republicans. this president has a backbone, he's willing to stand up to the special interests. he's willing to do what's right for the american pool. american -- for the american people. and for that i'm extremely grateful. lou: this is a president who has not been helped and he has had the active opposition of what should be the loyal opposition. they are absolutely
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antithetically opposed to this president and history will hold them accountable for attempting to overthrow this president. mark my word. appreciate it, brandon. up next, deep state agent, lisa page, she was one of the people thrown out of the justice department, the fbi. she plays the victim now. just a week before the long-awaited fisa abuse report is scheduled to drop. we'll have much more on that after this quick break. stay with us. see you on the other side.
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lou: disgraced fbi attorney lisa page breaking her silence. saying i know there is no fathomable way i have committed any crime at all. president trump: said when lisa page talks about being crushed. and how innocent she is. ask her to read peter's insurance policy text to her. joining us, heritage foundation senior legal justice department attorneys joins us.
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let's start with suddenly we have a flue victim this. lisa page. >> i don't know why they consider herb a victim. there is a reason she is no longer working at the fbi. it's because of the unprofessionalism she showed and the partisan bias. at one point she was removed, removed from the investigation of the clinton email. she is not really a victim. she brought what they got on herself. >> so many have committed offenses against law, against regulation in the fbi, and the justice department in point of fact. it's all sitting there in what is unredacted in text, in the testimony. depositions. it goes on and on. none of them have been held accountable. whether you are talking about
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mccabe or comey or go down the list. it is -- to me it's just mind boggling to consider that these people are going to go free as it now appears they are, of any responsibility for their heinous actions against this president and the united states government. >> i have to agree with that. some of them have lost share jobs. but the unprofessionalism that was shown by these folks and potentially unethical behavior and potentially unlawful behavior has destroyed the reputation of the fbi to the point where people don't trust it any more to do an objective investigation. i don't think chris wray has done a good job of trying to police that. i think there ought to be serious considerations given to possible criminal prosecutions. that's the only way the fbi can
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restore its reputation. lou: william barr considered the great hope for justice taking on the attorney general job. has he performed to the level you hoped he would? >> well, yes. remember in addition to the i.g. doing an investigation, for example, of the whole start of this investigation of what turned out to be a hoax, the russian collusion claim. he's got a u.s. attorney looking into possible criminal possible crucial. so it's clear to me he actually wants to hold people responsible if they engaged in misbehavior. so the i.g. report is about to come out. >> you used the word misbehavior and unprofessionalism and unethical and tip told up to unlawful. at what point are we going to call this what it is. the fact of the matter is, we
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have watched absolutely atrocious conduct engaged against the president of the united states. we have written records. we have their messages, their mumma. by the way, where the heck are the strzok memos? three of them written. >> i don't know why it hasn't been released yet. lou: it under lies the attempt top overthrow this president -- to overthrow this president. the act to create a special counsel. no one mentions it or talks about it. what are we doing here? how can we ever have confidence in this government, this justice department or this fbi again when everyone is so, you know, so forgetful about what really does matter here, and that's who is guilty to this affront to the constitution.
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>> i agree with that assessment. i'm hopeful the u.s. attorney, john durham who is looking into this. we know it's turned into a criminal investigation. and if he finds criminal wrongdoing on top of unprofessional behavior, then hopefully the justice department will prosecute the government employees involved in this. that's the only way to make sure this doesn't happen again. lou: almost a year long investigation of this president by the fbi, including months before he was elected. two years, almost of investigation by the special counsel. now this dribble by nancy pelosi and the radical dimtion *, adam schiff and jerrold nadler and the bunch. this is a disgusting assault on the presidency, and on our way of life. yet here we are over three years
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later and we don't have -- our first hope, our first hope is the inspector general. then our second hope is attorney general barr. now our hope is john durham. we have deferred hopes. we have regenerative hopes. we have dashed hopes. where do we go from here? >> the situation is very bad in washington. because democrats are trying to use the impeachment process improperly. they are abusing it, not because the president has committed any offenses, but because they are trying to remove a president they don't like personally whose policies they don't like. >> to hell with the liberal darlings. >> if they take that step, it's a threat to the a diflt our government today and in the future. >> four legal scholars will show up at jerrold nadler's farce, do
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you think a single one of them will have the guts to say this is an affront to the constitution? it is a sordid disgusting atrocity against the american way, and all of you be damnd, it's illegitimate and it's not going to stand? is there one of them who says -- >> i don't know but i hope one of them does. that's what they should say. however much you may not like this president or his policies, it's very clear from the evidence or lack of evidence that was produced during the two weeks of hearings that they have not provided any kind of impeach and offense that no serious wrongdoing by the president. that's what they ought to say. lou: indeed they should. at least the staffed report from the oversight committee and from the intelligence committee, and
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foreign affairs, i believe it is, committees. saying there is no evidence. three committees. >> there was hearsay, speculation, and witnesses who had a difference of opinion about how the president should conduct his foreign policy. none of which is an impeachable offense. lou: bottom line. always great to have you here. thanks so much. up next, billionaires, george soros and charles koch are working together. they hope to influence american foreign policy in a specific direction. and we are going to tell you what that direction is. you will find it surprising, i assure you. you may also find it appalling. we take that up and much more with retired army colonel douglas mcgregor.
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overthrow regimes that do not threaten the united states. does that sound familiar to anyone? talking about ending endless wars and keeping american troops at home and bringing them home from abroad. these two billionaires are trying to ride president trump's intellectual coat tails. they are basically saying they want a new think tank that will actually support all that president trump promised as a candidate and is working toward as a president. that is to create a modest foreign policy and to bring our troops home. and if we are to protect a border, to protect our own. this new institution the koch family and the soros family will create is called the quincy institute for responsible state craft. there is a mouthful. we are told it will open
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wednesday just a few blocks from the white house. isn't that nice? i hope they will give due credit to president trump. joining us, retired army colonel douglas mcgregor. let's start with china and russia. that seems to be the biggest development i can see on the horizon. the two coming together for it in exercises that are of a huge, huge order of magnitude. your thoughts on this. >> i think we have to see iran and russia as limited liability partners. this is by no moans a perm narnlt alliance. in the case of iran, and this is what we are talking about right now. the potential exercises involving the iranians. the pressure is being exerted from tehran that shows some me sure of solidarity with them. iran is in a lot of trouble. the government is on shaky
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ground. they are hoping that this will prop them up somewhat. but beyond that, the russians and the iranians -- the russians and the chinese don't share the same interest in iran. the chinese are interested in using iran as a terminal for the' one belt, one road project and because of their dependence on oil and gas. but russia's interests is far more limited. they are grateful to the iranians for their help in syria against the turks. lou: let's turn to soros and koch. an incredible alliance. seeingly announcing they are putting you have this institute to strategize about what the president of the united states is already doing, that is, working to bring our troops home to create a modest foreign policy in order and commensurate with this nation's history and traditions. >> well, lou, even a broken
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clock is right twice a day, so let's give credit to soros and his partner in crime mr. koch or being right for a change. it's a little late. president trump has usn on that glade path and we are headed in that direction. but mr. soros has helped fund the massive migrations out of central america. both of them support open borders. mr. soros helps fund antifa inside the united states. these two men are sharing responsibilities for the massive criminality pouring into the united states from mexico and the war in mexico no one wants to talk about. lou: colonel, we appreciate you being with us. colonel doug mcgregor. ot jean-p. ot jean-p. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with renters insurance.
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lou: a special advisor to the president, tony sayegh earlier on this broadcast blasted the radical difficulties rrps effort to overthrow this president. >> the fact you have jerry nadler saying we invite to you participate. guess what else he wants to us do? give up our constitutional right to executive privilege and he asserts his own right to shut down of any our requests during the proceedings. lou: that's it for us tonight.
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we thank you for being with us. thanks for being with us tonight. see you tomorrow evening. good night from new york. [♪] trish: the release of the horowitz report into the misuse of fbi resources to spy on an innocent american. the impeachment effort is getting desperate. it's the beginning of the end for the dems. but they are knee deep in a total schiff storm to sight. good evening. as we battle a snowstorm in the northeast, washington is battling a schiff storm of its own making. the president is refusing to testify in this round. why should he? why would he?


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