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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  December 2, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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thanks for being with us tonight. see you tomorrow evening. good night from new york. [♪] trish: the release of the horowitz report into the misuse of fbi resources to spy on an innocent american. the impeachment effort is getting desperate. it's the beginning of the end for the dems. but they are knee deep in a total schiff storm to sight. good evening. as we battle a snowstorm in the northeast, washington is battling a schiff storm of its own making. the president is refusing to testify in this round. why should he? why would he? given the bias, conjecture and
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lack of neutrality in covering this impeachment ordeal, he would have to be crazy to step foot in their courtroom. if only to look at the mainstream media's response to the president traveling to afghanistan to visit the troops. news week tweeted that he's golfing and tweeting. that's what he was doing. there you have it. he went to see our troops. he went to thank them for all their hard work. the fact that they are risking their lives every day to protect all of us so we can have the freedoms we have. it's interpretation versus reality. this is all we have gotten for nearly three straight years from both the media and the left. they say he has done a horrible
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job as president. but the reality is our stock market is at a record high. unemployment is at a record low. you wonder why the president refused to feed the beast. why testify when anything and everything you say will be for certain used against you. there is no benefit of the doubt when it comes to him. all the more reason for the president to revoke bloomberg's' journalist credentials. i used to work there at bloomberg and i used to like to think the place was fair. granted i knew of it had to biases. but to say you will not cover one side of the story as a news organization? that's pathetic. yet it's another example of this
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dangerous path our country is taking as the left tries to limit our first amendment. so kudos, kudos to the president to not partake in that. but let's get back to the trip he took to afghanistan. i want to talk about that. i was curious. how many times did president obama visit our troops on thanksgiving? the answer zero. but he did visit troops in afghanistan on memorial day, during hanukkah and around easter time. when he did go, how did the media react? >> more than 3,500u.s. troops stood dmearg a bagram airfield hangar. >> it takes a long trip to go to afghanistan. props to the president for going
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to afghanistan. i want you to think about what you just saw, their reaction to president obama and compare that to what we saw this past holiday weekend when president trump went to afghanistan. >> today's surprise comes as the president faces blistering criticism. >> it first trip comes among growing tensions. >> the impeachment battle is going on. the president is under attack in all sorts of ways. are we going to see more overseas trips given these photo-op scenarios? trish: the guy can't get a break. you do something good, they attack you. that's all they are capable of. newsflash, that does not and will not resonate with everyday americans. we want a president who does his job. media be damned. joining us, pennsylvania
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congressman, guy rushenthal. he's thanking our troops in afghanistan over thanksgiving, and they can't give him props for that. >> i saw the video and the troops were thrilled to have him there and it looked like the president was enjoying his time there. trish: i guess it doesn't mean anything to the left or the my yeah. it brings us -- left or the media. it brings us back to the schiff show. it's going to move toward the judiciary committee. >> wednesday jerry nadler will hold a hearing and bring in some left-wing college professors and try to put this veneer on the impeachment proceedings to make it look like it's academic and
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impartial and a legal proceeding. he's not going to fool anybody. the american people know this is a political attack job to undo the will of the american people in the 2016 election. trish: it's almost as if they are doing it to themselves. it's over. you look at poll after poll, you look at independent. they are sick of it. they see through it. and yet they are digging their own drive. maybe they have a chance to talk to some of their constituents. >> what's happening is the democrats have backed themselves into a corner because nancy pelosi ceded leadership of this party to aoc and the far left freshmen. this is not the party of jfk. this is not your grandfather's democratic party. for starters i'm not sure if nancy pelosi has the votes to
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get an impeachment vote. i'm not sure she can do it. so if that happens she looks weak. if she do move forward with impeachment this will blow back on them and they will lose ground in those battleground districts. those are districts the democrats hold that trump won. for you to explain you voted to impeach the president -- trish: it won't fly. you mentioned the squad lid by aoc and ilhan omar. my colleague laura ingraham likes to say hit squad. we have sound of ilhan omar likening the president to a mob boss. >> i use examples where you have mob bosses who committed atrocity after atrocity. we got them on one case and they
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get to serve time. >> it sounds like you are artfully making a comparison on the legal less dent to this president and al capone without saying al capone. >> that's rich. the far left democrats are trying to base this entire argument on the quid pro quo theory. you cannot make the argument that zelensky knew there was a quid pro quo. he did not know the said was under review. so for them to prosecute this case when the facts aren't there. i was a prosecutor in the navy. i was a defense attorney. i was a district judge for a period of time. i would not want to prosecute this case and i would not allow this case to go to trial because the evidence isn't there to support what we would call the elements of the case. mexico's hugs, not bullets
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cartel policy not panning out. [gunshots] video capturing an armed convoy of mexican cartel. tom homan says it's time to label these vicious cartels for what they are. they are terrorists. a video from campus reform. far left students calling charlie kirk a fastist and racist. they don't have evidence of this. >> what is charlie said in particular that you disagree with. >> i haven't heard [bleep] trish: charlie kirk is here. he will respond to all of it. it's that time of year again.
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you guessed it. as if they couldn't go lower. it's time for the liberal media to criticize the first lady's christmas decorations. (chime) (shaq) magenta?
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trish: carter page was
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deliberately spied upon to determine what the threat of donald trump was in 2016. he's knot now calling out the fbi for using an orwellian overreach. referencing george orwell who wrote the book "1984" where people are subjected to a brute cal draconian control. think about china today. and in this case, carter panel is insisting the fbi is acting in an orwellian way with an orwellian overreach because it will not allow him to see an early report of theist g. report which apparently the i.g. felt comfortable showing to cnn and the "new york times." so why not show carter page. he's worried there is damaging information about him and he
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wants a head up on it. this same group describes him as a quote agent of a foreign power in the fisa application. how how can he trust them. is he right? joining me, republican jay somebody chaffetz. i want to know what you think about carter. does he have a point there? have they gotten orwellian with this overreach? do they owe him the courtesy saying this ways we said about you? >> the inspector general, it's common practice, will show snippets of an investigative report to cooperate youive witnesses. so i don't know to what degree they are allowing this out. i do not believe the i.g. allowed the "new york times" or "the washington post" or any other media outfit to get this out there. i think that has been spin.
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part of it is spin. deep in some of those articles they said we haven't read the full report. we haven't seen it, it's not complete. they have disclaimers to it. but the dice point if you are carter page is, they got these applications, they did i file them for a long period of time. but carter page never got charged with anything. and really, you know, it drives the question, what was the predicate to spy and continue spying on donald trump's campaign. carter panel was not an integral part of the campaign, but it was the way to get into the tent and start to look around. trish: i don't care, you can despise donald trump. it doesn't matter. if they can do it to him, they can do it to anyone. they can do it to your candidate, too, next time. there is something at stake here
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as a country in terms of what we stand for. >> that's why it's disgusting and disappointing that the democrats are not overly concerned about this at all. you would think the abuse of police powers to spy on a political campaign would be something that would get some attention from some the democrats. i.g. horowitz, the inspector general put out four report naming the director of the fbi, the deputy director of the fbi, all of these people ruing for prosecution or discipline, and the democrats are yawning like it's not a big deal. but it could easily happen to them if they don't clean up the upper echelon at the fbi. trish: there are more leaks coming out tonight. attorney general bill barr is disputing inspector general michael horowitz's report that reveals the fbi was somehow
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justified in opening a probe into president trump's 2016 campaign. we don't know that's the case. but apparently the attorney general barr is ready to dispute that. that he doesn't agree with it. unconfirmed reports coming from "the washington post." your thoughts on that. >> the inspector general will write a report. but where the rubber meets the road is with durham. whether a recommendation happens or doesn't happen for mr. horowitz is up to the prosecutor. so ultimately attorney general barr gets to do what he want and it will be durham that can bring charges. trish: the left will accuse attorney general barr of being political and doing whatever the president wants. what's your experience with how attorneys general usually
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operate. >> given the history of attorney general barr, he has impeccable credentials. he's not in this to stepping stone to any other job or some cool new business card. i think he's seriously interested in seeing justice applied equally. i have the utmost confidence in the inspector general and also the attorney general. and whether or not to bring charges is ultimately his decision. trish: lisa page is speaking out. she says basically the whole thing is like being punched in the gut. she says my heart dropped to my stomach when i heard that the president was tweeting about me again. is she playing victim card? this is the woman who seemed to have an agenda against the president. >> look, you have the head of
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counter-intelligence, which is a pretty significant job in this countryw in peter strzok and having a love aware with the senior official in the fbi. they put out more than 10,000 texts. people can read it for themselves. but to play the victim card and blame donald trump receive be days before the report comes out. that's precious, isn't it. trish: quickly before i let you go. i know you had your own problems with the deep 8. what do you think transpired in 2016? i think the highest echelon of our intelligence community thought hillary clinton was going to win, they wanted her to win. they did not want donald trump. but thank goodness donald trump won because he's cleaning out this deep state and he need to do more if we'll regain confidence in the intelligence
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agency and the upper echelons of the fbi. trish: it's that time of year again for the media to criticize our first lady's beautiful christmas decorations. >> it goes more to the territory of these people shouldn't be allowed to live. trish: coming up, charlie kirk is here to respond to that student. the hugs not bullets policy is not having the effect mexico would like. [gunfire] trish: former trump acting i.c.e. director tom homan says it's time we label the mexican cartels as the terrorists they are. >> i'm not calling on you, sir.
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trish: a source telling fox u.s. attorney general william barr is heading to mexico this week to talk about the mexican cartel terror organizations. once it's been declared and known a country is harboring terror organizations. there are a lot of penalties mexico will have to experience. i want you to see this video. there was a shootout this weekend. look at all those bullet holes in that building. it's disgusting. it's horrific. it truly is a bloody massacre
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what happened. 22 people died. four police officers. 22 people dead. four police officers. all killed in this massive shoot outright there at our border. it comes on the heels of american women and children slaughtered recently at the border. enough is enough. these people are our neighbors. if we cannot manage -- if they cannot manage their own neighborhood, if they don't want to manage their own neighborhood, then you know what? we have got to find a way to inseasonnivize them to -- incentivize them to do it themselves financially. you don't want to call them terror organizations? that's what they are. they are destroying your country, mexico and we don't want them destroying ours.
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joining me, former i.c.e. director, tom homan. walk us through why you think they really are these cartels terror organizations. we saw the video from the weekend. we saw the video of the four women and children killed at the bordered. but again, in your view, given all of your work history, how do they operate like terrorist organizations? >> a couple things. first of all, i think the president is right labeling them terrorist groups. they are a clear and present danger to this country. just under 3,000 people were killed last year from terrorists. but 60,000 americans were murder by the drugs the cartels are smaugleing across the border. it's a threat to human life.
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the cartels don't respect borders. a violent mexico means a violent united states. what we need to do is help mexico with our expertise in financial investigations,ing fringe forensics, chase money. if you take their money, you take their power. then they can't buy off the military and law enforcement and they can't pay their soldiers. mexico can't do it without us. trish: i see that as being critical. you mentioned the money. you go after their money, you are going after the heart of the organization. we can go after their money and figure out how they are transferring their money. you start squeezing that, you tart squeezing them. what's interest being this, it reminds me of what the president did when he threatened tariffs on mexico if they didn't start doing more to police the border. if they weren't willing to keep
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asylum seekers on their side of the border. that kind of incentive sort of reverse incentive really worked. i wonder in this case if mexico is harboring terrorists what other financial penalties can we look at to make members colmes life difficult to incentivize them to do the right thing. >> i would think the president of mexico will come to his senses. thousands of mexican citizens have been assassinated by these cartels. i salute the men and women of law enforcement who died fighting these cartels. but a lot of law enforcement and the military are corrupt. so the president has a huge task. but we need to remember that a safer mexico is a safe united states. my concern is the more violence
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we see in mexico, it's going to affect our immigration policy. some court judge in the 9th circuit saying mexico is no longer a safe third country. you can't return central americans back to mexico. if that happens you will see the immigration surge happen all over again because they can enter the united states and not be placed back in mexico. trish: tom, always good to see you. thank you. coming up. far left students protesting charlie kirk, calling him a fastist. >> what is fascism. >> right now i think any trump supporter is officially a fastist because he is a traitor at this point. trish: charlie kirk will respond to that and tell that student
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what a fascist is. trish: the london terrorist was given a lighter sentence. you wrote israel hypnotized the world. >> i don't know how my comments would be offensive to jewish-americans. >> cair was found after 9/11 because they recognized some people did something. congress really democratized wall street... i wanted to have a firm that wanted to get everybody in. because people couldn't access wall street. we wanted to be agents of change. for the better. ♪
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i can't believe it. that sophie opened up a wormhole through time? (speaking japanese) where am i? (woman speaking french) are you crazy/nuts? cyclist: pip! pip! (woman speaking french) i'm here, look at me. it's completely your fault. (man speaking french) ok? it's me. it's my fault? no, i can't believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my car insurance with geico. (pterodactyl screech) believe it. geico could save you 15% or more on car insurance. trish: a horrific attack on the london bridge over the weekend. an islamic extremist who hates the west and hates freedom, and hates equality. these attacks must stop for good. we can stop them so long as we are willing and recognize the
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reality that some people want to kill us because we live in a free society. as we learn more details about this barbaric animal who prided hem self on his islamic you faith, it's clear he never should have been set free from jail. the liberal elite got their way. he was set free early. and he attacked again. and the same thing could happen here. we have politicians pushing for lenient sentences for brutal terrorists. ilhan omar called for a shorter sentence of a man convicted of joining isis in her state. but remember here is how she talks about terror. >> cair was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something. and that all of us were starting to lose access to our civil
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liberties. trish: i guess we shouldn't be surprised that she wants a shorter sentence for an i.c.e. terrorist. just like those in the u.k. want shorter sentences for isis terrorists who go out and attack again. joining me, dr. zuhdi jasser. i know you said it before and i will get this out of the way. this guy is not representative of your faith. they corrupt and taken islam and the it into something that is violent and horrific. but in the meantime, there are those who want to bury their head in the sand and pretend like that's not happening. people in the u.k. who wanted this guy out early, there are two people that paid the price for that. ilhan omar who wants people set free early that have been convicted of joining isis. is she blind to reality or is
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there something worse going on? >> it has to do with the lens in which we view there is. we are at war. if you view this as a crime problem as many on the left do or view this as the west problem that somehow we deserve this which is how the isis brides attorneys and cair provides. they say it's because of the environment they group in. they blame the west and blame others. ilhan omar when she was on the stump for bernie sanders. she said she joined bernie's campaign because he was going to fight against western imperialism. the u.k. realizes this guy was not only released early, but he was teaching rehab. he was actually involved at cambridge with a program. two of the people he killed were part of the folks were learning from this former radical and he wasn't so former, was he.
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the jihadists are radicalized by weakness. they see the opportunity and it breeds more. the only way to stop it is to have them realize they will be met with 30-40-year sentences. omar's letter to the judge in san diego where she asked for a lighter sentence is emblematic. trish: we are at fault. >> that's the lens. the only way to defeat this is to engage organizations like our movement. that we are against the islamists and their world view and there need to be a nato approach. it includes the u.k. who lets prisoners in italian prisons come back and commit acts like the terror attack on christmas.
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we need a pan-nato approach. trish: it's as though the whole western world is tripping over itself to apologize. i get it, germany has some stuff it will never be done apologizing for. but to say okay, everybody come here and it will be this and see a and you look at the knee eve f sweden. they bring people into their country that they can't handle economically or socially. it's a mess. these people don't really -- they are not gelling well with others there, with the europeans, in some cases with americans. i know that's not an easy thing to say, and nobody wants to be
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unkind. but it's also reality. how much can you take on? >> there is no military solution abroad. when they are here we need to be stripping them of their citizenship. we need to look at vetting immigrants more powerfully against radical islam and ideologies incompatible with western society. when you are sat war, soldiers don't get rehabilitated that are trying to destroy you and destroy your country. this is a long war and we are ignorant to where islam is in its history. whether it be iran, turkey, pakistan, the islamic republic, they are breeding the militants and the media is playing defense. and we need an offense. you don't do an offense by letting them out of prison sat five or six years.
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trish: remember last year when the liberal media called the white house cranberry trees blood trees? this year the media is back. far left protesters at charlie kirk's speech. >> they are full of hate and racism and we don't want this at our campus. >> what did they say that is hateful and racist. trish: you got me there. to the outside world, you look good,
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"thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room.
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>> why do you say that? >> i don't know [bleep] >> don't you think if you are going to attack a guy like that you should have some instances of something he said that are offensive and racist. what did they do that's fastist and racist. >> they are supportive of white supremacist donald trump. >> these people shouldn't be allowed to live. he's a traitor at this point. >> what did he say that's hateful and racist? trish: unbelievable, wow.
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that's hate direct at turning point charlie kirk as he attempted to lecture at the 8 university of north carolina along with lara trump. he's called a racist because anyone who has a didn't view and foreign policy -- you a different view on foreign some i and support president trump. they don't think he has a right to exist. they say he's -- they say he'sa fascist. charlie kirk and tomi lahren. what do have you to say about that. people calling you a fascist. >> little do they know that when we do our campus event at
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turning point u.s.a., anyone who disagrees are allowed to come to the front of the line and ask any question they want. but instead of coming in to have a conversation. they were screaming outside because it made them feel good, not because it did good. this is virtue signaling in real-time. the vfort administration or college professors weren't out encouraging the student to have meaningful conversation. they couldn't say one thing i believe. it's just inyou ebb dough and open-ended insults and things that are completely fake and false. when you don't talk to people, bad things start to happen. trish: they didn't do their research. they have no idea who you are and what you stood for. all they know is you support the president so you must be a bad person. i am all for being able to protest. that's our first amendment.
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great, go for it. but the idea of shutting down speech. they are taking it a step too far. it's one thing to say we don't like them and we don't like what they stand for. it would be nice if they knew what you stood for. it's another thing to say they don't have a right to exist which is what we heard from one of those people there. to me that's effectively turning us into a society and country that we are not, and i hope we never will be. >> it's very concerning. it's almost laughable when you look at the videos. i think any reasonable person would look at that and say this is not compelling evidence anyone is a racist or fascist. but the biggest problem we have is young people protesting free speech. they are using their free speech to protest the free speech of others. they don't know what racism,
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farb youism, socialism, and communism is. but they will continue to do it and we can't let them silence us. if they do, they win. trish: the university should be the kind of place where you thrive in speech and listen to all kind of speech. it should be -- you talk about safe spaces on university campuses. a real safe space should be for speech where you can hear all these things thrown around. they should be heard and people should be sable to compute different idea. >> that's exactly right. it's suppose to be a marketplace of ideas where you can have debate and dialogue and discourse. the campuses have become islands of totalitarianism. where students believe just because you disagree with me, you must be a bad person. we as conservatives believe the left are wrong. and you play that out and you
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see the kind of rage that these protesters have. they never met me. they don't know me. they don't know one thing i ever said. think don't know that our organization is proudy one that is very diverse and have much on college and high school campuses representing students all didn't background. instead it makes them feel good because someone told them i'm a bad person. when that happens with no dialogue and discourse and debate you are raising a generation of protesters and activists not educating the next generation. trish: i would say, tom to hurricanes, they are mean about it. i will talk to people on the left that come on these programs, and they say one thing i always say is i get to a chance to speak on fox and i'm treated with respect. i am luke of course, right?
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we believe in dialogue. we want all side heard. respect is so important. there is no respect on the left for the right. and that's a slippery slope, tomi. >> of course it is. they put themselves on this moral pedestal where they think because they are on the left, because they consider themselves somethingists, democratic socialists, bernie sanders supporters, that they stand on a moral high ground. you don't have to go to a charlie kirk event or tomi lahren event. but our college student have to sit threw liberal indoctrination for the classes they are paying for. we have to listen to all the things we don't want to listen to. but they can't stand to have people like us on their campuses. i hope they understand how ridiculous they look and act.
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trish: kennedy joins us with what's coming up on her show at the top of the hour. how are the bugs. kennedy: they were crunchy and delicious. jimmy failla agreed the bugs were better on their own. kat said the ants taste like ants. and charry gasparino wouldn't go near them. we'll go on the hot malarkey tour. we'll go on joe biden's failed adventure. it's going to be a gaffe giraffe in a safari park. trish: thanks, kennedy. the liberal made what proving how low they can go criticizing the first lady's christmas decorations.
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i'm giving it back to the far left media. that's next. your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk
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while our competition continues to talk. (shaq) (chime) magenta? i hate cartridges! not magenta! not magenta. i'm not going back to the store. magenta! cartridges are so... (buzzer) (vo) the epson ecotank. no more cartridges. it comes with an incredible amount of ink that can save you a lot of frustration. ♪ the epson ecotank. just fill and chill! available at... my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to.
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trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain, and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ask your doctor about trulicity.
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>> ♪ ♪ wow, that's amazing. stunning, beautiful display of christmas decorations at the white house that you would not
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know if you read mainstream media's report. the daily beat threat contributes to write about that a assurance. says once again melania trump white house christmas is creepy as hell and they write dear melania, [bleep] ugly. you get the picture. the washington post criticizes her coat calling it ridiculous. i had not even notice the coat, i thought she looked really great and the decorations are really awesome. what is the expression i mom used to tell me, if you don't have something nice to say, don't say it at all. the media could be a little bit more charitable this holiday season. there are christmas decorations for goodness sakes. you know what, they are absolutely beautiful. tomorrow night we have tennessee congressman mark green and we
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will continue to look into the impeachment ordeal, the show moving onto jerry nadler and don't forget matt horowitz report coming out the countdown is on. i'm going to brave the snow on the east coast, slush outside. kennedy is now. >> thank you so much trish. brent andrews very horrible awful budget just got a whole lot worse. his accuser virginia robert sa t down with the bbc and dropped more bombs than the b-52s and their love shack. the question now was the queen's favorite son ever see the inside of a courtroom. a former close friend of jeffrey epstein has been on the hot seat said since his own interview last month. they stripped any royal duties and kicked him out of the palace. that is cold blooded


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