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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  December 3, 2019 5:00am-6:00am EST

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we thank you for being with us. thanks for being with us tonight. see you tomorrow evening. good night from new york. cheryl: breaking news, president trump is speaking in london next to nato's secretary. let's listen in. >> he continues to build his nuclear program. what more -- >> you don't he know that number one, you don't know that very importantly, i have he met and in the meantime we still have peace. we have peace. and at least speaking for myself, i have a very good personal relationship and he has with me, impossibly the only one he has that kind of relationship with in the world. they call it the her mitmit kin. i have a very good relationship.
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if you would have listened to president obama, we would be in world war iii right now. we'll see what happens. we're more powerful militarily than we ever have been and i will tell you, when i took over the united states military, when i became commander in chief, our military was depleted, our military was in trouble. we had old planes. we didn't have ammunition. now we have the most you powerful military we ever had and we're the most powerful country in the world. hopefully we don't have to use it. if we do, we'll use it. if we have to, we'll do it. my relationship with kim jong un is really good. that doesn't mean he won't abide by the agreement. you have to understand, you have to go look at the first agreement that we signed. it said he will denuclearize. that's what it said. i hope he lives up to the agreement. but we're going to find out. now, in the meantime, we're working with south korea because
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it's burden sharing. we're spending a tremendous amount of money to he protect south korea. we think it's fair they pay substantially more. last year, we asked them to pay more. they agreed. i'll say it for the first time. they agreed to pay approximately $500 million a year more for protection. it's 500ed million dollars. $500 million. we only had a month or two before the budget ended so they said no, no. no. they're he verthey're very goods people. they agreed to pay almost $500 million a year more, got them close to $1 billion. that's a lot of money. i did that with a number of phone calls and a meeting. now we're negotiating for them to pay more because the united states is paying a lot of money to protect south korea and we think it's fair they pay up and pay more. we have a very good relationship. we think it's fair that they pay more. i'm not sure if anybody knows.
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did you know about the $500 million that they agreed to pay more? >> no, sir. can you tell us more about it. >> yeah many i me. i met with them six, seven months ago, maybe a little longer and i said you're not paying enough. it's not fair. they were paying less than $500 million a year. and it cost us billions. and i said it's not fair. we do a great job. we have 32,000 soldiers there. costs us many times what you're paying and you have to pay up. and they said, again, in a very good way, very fine negotiation, and they were very close to being at the end of their budget and we agreed to $500 million more. almost. around $500 million. and that got them up to close to a billion dollars from $500 million, less than $500 million. which has been that number for many, many years. decades. and i got $500 million more a
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year. so $500 million a year is a lot of money. still substantially less than it costs. now we're in negotiations for them to pay more. they can do that, because they're a very rich country. you didn't know about that, did you? >> no. that's interesting. >> i wonder if i'll get a good story for that. i don't think so. i don't get good stories. >> is it in america's national security interest to continue to have us in the korean peninsula, in the region. >> it can be debated. i could make arresting pments ah ways. i think if we're going to do it they should burden share more fairly. it's not fair for the united states to defend many countries, not only that country, but many countries where we -- and they're rich countries, there's five other countries i've had the same conversation with. saudi arabia we moved more troops there and they're paying us billions of dollars. you never heard of that before. you never heard of that in your
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whole life. we moved troops, so we pay nothing. people took advantage, the world took advantage of us. we have a good relationship with saudi arabia. but they needed help. they were yotheythey were attac. we just moved a contingent of troops and they're payings us millions of dollars and they're happy to do so. the problem is, nobody ever asked them to do it. until i came along. nobody ever asked. obama didn't ask. bush didn't ask. clinton didn't ask. nobody asked. like they said m to me, but noby ever asked us to do this. i said i know, king, but i'm asking. they already sent is mull i don't thinus millions ofdollars. it's already in the bank. we never had a president that would ask and it's not right. we have many other countries that are doing the same thing.
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wealthy countries. in some countries they don't have money, they're poor and there's tremendous trauma, tremendous problems and things going on that shouldn't be going on and that's a different situation. but we have wealthy countries -- i'm asked japan, i said to prime minister abe, a friend of mine, i said you have to help us out here. we're paying a lot of money. you're a wealthy nation and we're paying for your military, essentially. you have to help us out. and he's going to do a lot. they're all going to do a lot. but they were never asked. >> the china trade deal -- >> i think this is an important point. it's a point nobody probably really knows about. they don't talk about it. but this is the first time i've talked about it publicly. south korea's paying us almost $500 million more and now we're starting a negotiating -- start
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ago negotiation for millions of dollars. >> did you discuss the murder of gentleman m jamal cay kashog. >> yeah, it's brought up. i also brought up, and i'll bring it up right now, the fact that iran is killing perhaps thousands and thousands of people right now as we speak. that's why they cut off the internet. so they cut off the internet so people can't see what's going on. but thousands of people are being killed in iran right now. and, frankly, i don't know how you get in there. i don't know how you do your business but the press ought to get in there and see what's going on. the word is that thousands of people are being killed in iran that are protesting. you're hearing that too, not just small numbers which are bad, big numbers, which are really bad, and really big numbers. >> is there anything you can do
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about that, about the killing in iran, or anything more that you can do or the united states can do. >> i'd rather not say right now. i think it's a terrible thing and i think the world has to be watching. but many people are being killed. many, many people are being killed in iran right now for protesting. for the mere fact that they're protesting. it's a terrible thing. >> -- return to the u.k., will you do that? >> you're talking about the woman who had the accident with the young man on the motorcycle. >> yes, sir. >> well, you know, i had his parents up and they're lovely people and i have spoken to the woman who works for government who has diplomatic immunity and we're trying to work something out. >> mr. president, the trade deal, do you think you'll be able to get it by the end of the year? is that your goal? >> the china trade deal is
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dependent on one thing, do i want to make it. because we're doing very well with china right now and we can do even better with the flick of a pen and china's paying for it. and china has the worst year by far that they've had in 57 years. so we'll see what happens. but we're doing very well right now and i gave the farmers as you know $28 billion and had a lot left over. the farmers were targeted by china. i gave them $28 billion over a two-year period. that got them whole. thats was everything that china took out, i gave them from the tariffs that china paid us and i had billions left over. >> you don't really have a deadline? >> i have no deadline, no. >> mr. president -- >> in some ways, i think it's better to wait until after the election, you want to know the truth. i think in some ways it's better to wait until after the election with china. i'm but i'm not going to say they that. i just think that. i'll just tell you.
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in some ways, i like the idea of waiting until after the election for the china deal. but they want to make a deal now and we'll see whether or not the deal is going to be right. it's got to be right. look, china's been ripping off the united states for many, many years. again, because of leadership or lack of leadership or it -- it's like i told you about the military and the kind of money we're taking in. and, you know, every one of these countries, these are rich countries i'm talking to, they would always say but nobody has ever asked us to do that, like, therefore, why should we do it now. i said well, they haven't because they were foolish but i am. and that's where we are. and that's why with saudi arabia, with south korea, with so many other countries they're paying a lot of money to the united states. that they weren't paying. and they will be paying a lot more. >>.that's a big story, right. that's a big story, you.
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i don't know how you can make that a bad one, but you'll figure a way, right? >> do you think jeremy corbin -- >> i know nothing about the gentleman, really, jeremy corbin, know nothing about him. >> -- [ indiscernible ] >> i think nato should always be in dialogue with russia. i think you can have a very good relationship with russia. i don't think there's any problem at all with the secretary general speaking with russia. i think it's important to do. >> -- the importance of having dialogue with russia, dialogue's our biggest neighbor. we will strive for a better relationship with russia. but we do that based on what we call the dual track approach. we have to be strong.
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for us it's defense and dialogue and that's what we are doing. especially when it comes to arms control. we need to avoid a new arms race, we need to avoid a new cold war. an arms race is dangerous and expensive. russia has violated the treaty which banned all the -- [ indiscernible ] we were able to respond in a unified way. we agreed that russia was in violation. we supported the decision. a treaty won't work if it's not respected by one side. now nato allies are addressing how should we respond. we will respond in a coordinated way together, we will respond in a defensive way. we have to make sure that we provide credible detens cred crd
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defense. we need to see progress with arms control on russia. we will have to find ways to include china. in the future, china has to be part of the arms control efforts. >> i have to say this. russia wants to make a deal on arms control and i terminated the deal because they weren't living up to it and it was an obsolete deal. they weren't living up to it. russia wants to make a deal, as recently as like two weeks ago russia wants to make a deal very much on arms control and nuclear and that's smart. and so do we. we think it will be a good thing. we'll certainly bring in as you know, china, and we may bring them in later or we may bring them in now. but russia wants to do something badly and so do we. it would be a great thing to do. >> mr. president, do you have a -- [ indiscernible ] >> on who?
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>> prince andrew, stepping down from his royal duties. >> i don't know prince andrew but that's a tough story. that's a very tough story. i don't p know him, no. okay. anybody else? thank you. it's interesting, right? thanks, guys. a lot of money. a lot of money. bye, folks. >> thanks, guys. >> come down this way. lauren: president trump just wrapping up a news conference in london at the nato summit. what the president said moved the market from positive tear you tri to negative territory. the president said a china trade deal is dependent on one thing, that's me, do i want to make it. he p wept ohe went on to say i o
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deadline, maybe better to wait until after the election. cheryl: the president asked repeatedly about why the issue of the u.s.-china trade deal was such a big topic at nato. he made several points about that. the one comment, wait until after the he'll ex, w election,e comment was made, the market dropped. a lot of other covere things con this. he was asked about the french digital tax about u.s. technology companies. the president saying of courses against the digital tax because why would he let the french tax facebook and twitter and other tech companies when he in the united states wants to tax them. he talked about defense spending with the saudis and he talked about would he like to see the french leave nato. that's going to be a big topic. emmanuel macron, this is also breaking overnight, emmanuel macron talked about the fact
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that he thinks nato is, quote, brain dead. good morning, i'm cheryl casone. welcome to a very busy hour of "fbn: a.m." lauren: good morning. i'm lauren simonetti. cheryl: the breaking news overnight, it started with these comments from emmanuel macron, france is now calling u.s. tariffs that are threatened by the united states on nearly $2.5 billion of french products, quote, unacceptable. the president said the proposed tariffs are in response to france's new digital services tax on tech companies. the trump administration targeted a list of french of products that include champagne, cheese, handbags, lipstick, france's finance minister said the eu would be ready to respond strongly if the u.s. carries out the threat. lauren: we have perhaps more tariffs on china, tariffs on france, brazil, argentina. the wall street journal put it perfectly this morning. one of the headlines read, mount
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tariff erupts again. tariffs with essentially the rest of the world. cheryl: the president in the press conference we just brought you which by the way was 40 minutes long the president was asked multiple questions about the ig report, he was able to look at it on the plane, we have reported on fox news, he talked about the impeachment hoax, the president asked about plenty of topics. the one thing that impacted your money, look at this, the dow is down 74 points in the premarket. we are very sensitive to the china trade issue. lauren: you were talking about stoltenberg, the nato secretary general, he made comments on china. whats resonated to me is when he said the rise of china is an issue for europe and the united states. as we discuss tariffs on china, phase one of a trade deal, a broader trade deal, do we want a unified force with oura our alln europe, going against china, is that something the president wants to be open to.
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cheryl: the problem is we're in a fight with macron and the french, not just the digital tax but the comments over the sanctity and mission of nato. the president said he believes -- first off, the funding is an issue. each nato member is supposed to spend 2% of annual gdp on nato. many of the countries, germany still is not coming up and hitting the limits. the president made it clear that the united states is tired of basically subsidizing nato and of course the issue came up with turkey, does turkey get the boot out of nato. the president stood by president erdogan of turkey, i thought that was interesting and he made the comment that they just bought a bunch of f-35 from lockheed martin. lauren: nato being attacked on its 70th anniversary. cheryl: back at a home, retailers are talking about cyber monday. we shattered records. cyber monday raked in more than $9 billion, $11 million spent
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every minute during the peak shopping hours from 11:00 p.m. until 12:00 a.m. eastern time. the online shopping spree kept the top spot as the largest online shopping day in america. smartphones the item of choice, accounting for 33% or $3 billion of cyber monday sales. some other sellers, frozen 2 toys, the nintendo switch, air pods and air fryers. cheryl: amazon revealed it was the single biggest shopping day in company history. take a look at this video. you see protesters gathered outside the penthouse apartment of amazon's ceo, jeff bezos, richest man in the world. they were protesting amazon's treatment of its employees, harsh working conditions at its warehouses. amazon stated they create seres mored morethan 400,000 jobs andg into the any. they committe-- economy.they coe
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minimum wage to $15. we asked does cyber monday have better deals than black friday. 56% of you said no. i thought the deals were so much better yesterday than friday. cheryl: i was out there too, i'm mixed on the deals. brett s wrote to us and said the deals all seem to be for products that no one wants at full price so they're not really deals at all. i had my shopping cart ready and a lot of the things i wanted, lauren, were not on sale. i was a business disappointed yesterday. lauren: maybe the luxury goods. let's take a look at your money. we started with up arrows after a major selloff yesterday. the dow is now down 95, s&p down 9, nasdaq down 35 after the president in london at the nato summit said this. i have no deadline for making a china tde deal. it may be better to wait until a after the election.
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still ahead, a winter storm slamming the northeast, causing travel headaches from the roads to the skies. it's not over yet. what you need to know before you head out the door this tuesday morning. and mar mark ruffalo is claiming capitalism is killing us. what the so-called economic revolution would really mean for america. keep it here on fox business. we're invested in you. ( ♪ )
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so come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today. cheryl: welcome back to "fbn: a.m.." a winter storm slamming the northeast with heavy snow overnight. here in new york, a semi trailer collided with a bus during a snow storm, injuring many passengers. the severe weather wreaking havoc, canceling hundreds of
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flights, delaying thousands across the united states. lauren: janice dean joins us with what to expect on the travel today. is the worst over. janice, good morning. janice: we are finally seeing the storm exit the northeast coast. we have a new storm moving into the west that we're going to watch over the next 24 hours to 48 hours that could cause a lot of problems in terms of heavy rain and mountain he snow. here's what's left of our nor'easter. we'll see the potential for heavy snow across portions of new england. look at the snow totals, over 2 feet of snow in parts of upstate new york, close to 2 feet in vermont and massachusetts. so we got our money's worth in terms of snow out of this storm sis l testimony. -- system of. cooler temperatures as the storm moves out to sea. we'll see the potential for heavy snow across portions of new england. boston could get several inches of snow before all is said and done. the good news is, conditions are improving. back to you. lauren: thank you so much.
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president trump says he has no deadline for a trade deal with china and ramped up trade tensions with france, threatening tariffs on french imports like champagne and cheese. jill griffith joins us now. good morning. joel, my biggest question to you is, with everything that the president said, that he's willing to wait to make a deal with china, do you think the december 15th tariffs get imposed and if so, what happens to the market? >> well, if the tariffs do get imposed, this threatens the stock market boom that we continue to see. but i think even more importantly, if the tariffs go into effect, it will be a further burden on american consumers and businesses. right now the tariffs that are already in place are costing american families typically up to $800 per year. it's already impacting us, whether we realize it or not. and i really p hope that we see a resolution before the holidays
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because we're already seeing the impacts in materials of that and in terms of slower economic growth. that's partly due to the tariffs that are in effect. lauren: how are the tariffs impacting the american consumer when on cyber monday we spent $9.2 billion online and amazon reporting its biggest selling day ever. >> those are great numbers. as you said, and i think more importantly, it doesn't just show a transformational shift in the way we do commerce but brick and mortar sales on black fridae up by 4%. consumers are feeling the benefits of a strong economy. we have record unemployment and record household income but it could be better. despite the fact we're seeing the prosperity, we know for a fact that the tariffs are making it more expensive for american familiar us liss to thrive and to function. lauren: would it be better -- i think this is something that jens stoltenberg, the secretary general of nato alluded to, and
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he said, the rise of china is an issue for europe and the u.s. as the president hits bill and argentina -- hits brazil and argentina with steel tariffs, threatens france and italy with retaliatory tariffs, everything going on with china, would it be better for the u.s. to form major alliances with europe and ouraour allies, in a communal attack, us versus them, versus china. >> i think we all benefit from a more free flow of both capital and a als also of goods. this isn't a zero sum game. when we levy taxes on our own consumers -- we talk about the french retaliatory tariffs. we may have the legal right to slap retaliatory tariffs on french imports but we're punishing our own consumers for what france is doing to their consumers. if france wants to tax their consumers and limb out mitt liml
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imports from the u.s. and subsidize airbus, that's a shame. it harms us and france. don't let is harm those of us that want to buy a bottle of french wine and enjoy some decent cheese. lauren: you made your point. tariffs are bad for the consumer. thank you very much. cheryl: the war we've got going on with china, the u.s. trade war, it came up again. the president's in london, he just wrapped up a news conference with jens stoltenberg and he made a comment that took the markets down this morning, saying basically he's willing to wait until after the election to sign the u.s.-china trade deal. the dow is down 11 righ 111 rig, nasdaq is down 40 and three quarters. one of the biggest dramas in the business world is getting the hollywood treatment. we're going to be talking about that and, again, a lot more coming up on the president,
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nato, and those comments that are affecting futures. dow down 117. ♪ but i like it, i love it, i want some more of it. ♪ i try so hard, i can't rise above it. ♪ don't know what it is -- i saved hundreds on my car insurance when i switched to geico. and this is how it made me feel. it was like that feeling when you go to taco night at your favorite restaurant. and they're the best-tasting tacos in the entire world. and just when you think it couldn't get any better, they bring you out another taco... ...cuz they made an extra one. ♪ extra taco! geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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lauren: moments ago, president trump wraping up a lengthy, market-moving news conference in london ahead of a packed day of high stakes meetings with world leaders at the nato summit. cheryl: 40 minutes the president was speaking. greg palcot is live in london with what the president hopes to accomplish. there was a lot of things talked about, greg. >> reporter: we're just about two hours into the informal meeting surrounding the 70th anniversary meeting of the nato military alliance here in london. as you can imagine, president trump stepping out front and center, touching on just about everything. remember, it was a working breakfast with the nato
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secretary general jens stoltenberg, but everything was talked about, domestic politics for one. the president blasting democrats for staging impeachment hearings while he's here, calling them a hoax, defending his conversations with the ukrainian president. but then he touched on foreign affairs, particularly for our viewers the chinese trade talks, saying that in fact they could be delayed, a resolution of which could be delayed even after the elections next year, talking about his dealings with korea, talking about his trade dealings with europe and, yes, he talked about nato. he was pretty positive about it, actually. he and the secretary general saying they're bolstering the funding from member countries. he had a lot of nasty stuff to say about french president macron who recently called nato brain dead strategically. here's a bit of what president trump had to say. >> nobody needs nato more than france. you just look back over the last
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long period of time. nobody needs nato more than france. and, frankly, the one that benefits really the least is the united states. we benefit the least. we're helping europe. europe unites and they go against a common foe, that may or may not be a foe, can't tell you that. >> reporter: now, remember, the president is meeting with the french president in just a couple of hours, warm-up for that. security a big issue here as 29 leaders including president trump of nato are here in london after that knifing terror attack on london bridge last friday. security will be beefed u up at buckingham palace. we see back on the schedule that president trump will be attending a h a reception at nur
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10 downing street with boris johnson. he was asked whether he supported boris johnson and next week's parliamentary l elections, he stayed remarkably neutral. the favorability rating of president trump in the u.k. is about 18%. he doesn't want to tip the scales against his friend, boris johnson. so we have more meetings going on later today. that session, the reception is tonight and then, yes, a formal meeting of the 29 leaders of nato marking what is a very important anniversary, the 70th anniversary of the founding of this organization aimed at ensuring security here in europe against at that time the soviet union, now a lot more challenges out there, both on the business side and the economic side. back to you. lauren: indeed. greg, thank you very much. cheryl: for more on this, let's bring in lieutenant colonel daniel l davis, a military
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expert for defense priorities. i want to pick up on the china comments. herthe futures are down 123 bece of his comments about the trade deal. there was also a lot of discussion about our military relationship with the chinese and of course the issue of hong kong, which the president has come out in support of those protesters. what do you make of the president's latest comments on china, sir? i think he laid down very firmly what he thinks the united states needs to do across the board because economically and militarily in the region, he wants to push back on some of the things that china is doing and also to make clear that he's not going to give in on any of the fronts here and i think part of it's actually also helping to help his strength on the economic issues by saying we're not going to give in on these issues on the military side as well. cheryl: let's talk about the issue of nato. the president has been very vocal he's frustrated with the
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financial relationship between the united states and our role in nato, in particular the fact that many of these countries are not meeting their targets of 2% annual gdp funding, in particular the germans who say it may not be until 2030. this is a military alliance. this is about protecting not only europe and the united states but protecting our interests in the middle east. >> right. and i think that what you're really seeing here at the 70th anniversary is just a lot of chaos across the board here. what it's really showing that is the geo strategic conditions that started nato in 1945 are radically different than they are today and president trump is very much right on saying, hey, we need to look at how our economic and security relationships with nato are done because right now we are -- american taxpayers are spending way too much on european security and as long as european security is more important to us than to europe, something is out of balance and needs to be
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fixed. cheryl: a couple big things came up from a military and defense perspective during the 40 minute impromptu news conference he gave with jens stoltenberg, with regard to north korea, he said when it comes to the agreement kim jong un said he would denuclearize, he needs to do that. that was very clear. he questionehe was questioned ae defense spending relationship with the saudis. your take on those issues, sir. >> we have to be careful with the north korea situation. just hours ago, they released a statement saying that if we don't engage in more negotiations, we're going to get a christmas surprise that was something we don't want. and they've been signaling that if we don't continue to move down the path of diplomacy that things could get dicey in 2020. that's not going to serve us any good if we go back to the days of 2017. we probablied need to you put more diplomatic interest in that. in regards to saudi arabia, it's great they're spending more money. we need to look at do we need to
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be given additional american troops to saudi arabia at all. we don't have a security relationship with them and i'm not sure that that's in our interest. cheryl: a lot to talk about of turkey, the f-35s, a lot of military discussions this morning on the 70th anniversary of nato. lieutenant davis, thank you, sir. >> my pleasure, thanks. lauren: after 1% declines yesterday, we continue the historically strong month of november with another down day, dow down 118, nasdaq anybodying up 42. -- giving up 42. mike bloomberg taking a bite out of the 2020 race as joe biden says good-bye to president obama. we explain when "fbn: a.m." returns. ♪ it's written in the stars. ♪ a million miles away. ♪ a message to -- no one likes to feel stuck, boxed in, or held back. especially by something like your cloud. it's a problem. but the ibm cloud is different.
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lauren: the impact former new york city mayor michael bloomberg is having on the 2020 presidential primary, the latest poll shows bloomberg jumping ahead of kamala harris to take his place among the top five. joe biden still holds a commanding lead despite a poor showing in iowa. here to break it down, kevin chavits and ken harvey. do you think bloomberg is building momentum here to perhaps jump into the top three? >> i think it would be very difficult because there's still a lot of people in the
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democratic party that aren't very warm to his candidacy. i think it's very interesting because it's clear he has his eyes or his target set on kamala harris. we saw that piece in the new york times that was written by our former staffer, kelly melenbacker who was immediately hired by bloomberg, she was hired two days before that piece came out. it was clear that she got his approval or his blessing to do that, so for someone who people are writing off, senator harris, that is, he's obviously concerned with her enough to authorize that hit piece. i don't think that he has a chance to crack the top three. biden like you said is still very strong. even though warren has lost some momentum, she is still comfortably in third behind sanders. there's not much movement in the top. lauren: do you think joe biden should be worried. he's attacking elizabeth warren, saying she doesn't generate
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excitement. he's attacking pete buttigieg, saying he stole my healthcare proposal. should he be worried? >> he should be worried. i don't think he's going to win the top three primary states. if he loses those three, i think he's going to lose south carolina as well. the reason why bloomberg got into the race is because the field is so weak and the democrat party is worried about their ability to win in november and i think that's what opened up the door for bloomberg to get in. i think you're going to see a pretty interesting race in the democrat party moving forward. lauren: that's an interesting point, kevin. joe biden is known for having strong support among african americans and latinos. do you think he could actually lose south carolina? >> that would be probably the end of his campaign if he does. he's still ahead by a lot and i think he's probably the odds-on favorite and should be at this point, barring a complete collapse in iowa that causes african american voters to sort
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of look at other options. i think that as far as bloomberg is concerned,s he's 234 th in t, we know he's spending a massive amount of money, a. i welcome the ads if they're focused on highlighting the inept tieitude of the trump administration. i'm okay with the money spent in that way. with his record as new york city mayor, the stop and frisk he was an add vo advocate for and some other policies, it will be tough for him to gain traction in the democrat party. lauren: politico running a piece, saying that the former president, barack obama, criticized his vice president, joe biden, as saying he, quote, lacks connection with voters. politico also reporting that joe biden responded. he said he doesn't need the obama endorsement.
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it seems a little bit awkward. i'll let you respond, ted. >> what is awkward is the biden campaign and if you look what happened over the weekend, joe biden's presentation to the american people was embarrassing. i think obama knew that bidens' presentation to america would be embarrassing and he wasn't going to spen expand any political lo. i think he ou understood buy det wasn'bidenwasn't able to connece american people. i think it's wise to stay out and see what's going to happen with the primary. lauren: thank you for joining us this morning. >> thank you. >> god bless. cheryl: we continue to follow breaking news that we got out of london. president trump saying he could see a deal with china after the u.s. election. that's a year away, folks. that really hurt futures this morning. dow down 119. now we're down 124. that was fast. s&p is down 12, nasdaq is down
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42 and three quarters. still ahead, just when you thought the chicken wars were sizzling out, another fast food chain is joining the fight. lauren: that looks good. cheryl: 5:00 in the morning. would you be offended if your significant over gave you a peloton bike. the outrage over a christmas commercial that may have backfired. we are invested in your workout. ♪ new york, concrete jungle where dreams are made of. ♪ diamonds. what is as rare as true love? diamonds. what lights up every room? diamonds. beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. get 25% off everything, including these one-of-a-kind deals at the winter jewelry sale. exclusively at zales, the diamond store.
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lauren: the chicken wars are heating up once again. cheryl: you've got to love a story about chicken. tracee carrasco, what you got. tracee: mcdonalds is out with their own chris you b crispy chn
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sandwich. you can only get it in knoxville and houston. this comes as several chains try to compete with popeye's chicken sandwich. the demand was so high after the august debut it sold out after two weeks. it became available again last month. the dramatic rise and fall of wework and adam newman is getting the big screen treatment. they are taking on the project, the troubled shared workplace startup canceled an initial public offer aing in september after investigators raised questions about its mounting losses. and finally, one commercial is sparking controversy. peloton went viral yesterday with an ad promoting its bike. originally released in november, it features a husband gifting his wife on christmas morning with the bike durin. during the 30 seconds it tracks the wife filming her progress through the year before sitting
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down to watch it with her husband. some said it's not okay to give someone that type of present, indicating he felt his wife needed to lose some weight. others said they would not want the bike as a gift. that is what's happening now. cheryl: i love this twitter comment about this commercial, nothing says maybe you should lose a few pounds by giive giftg your rail thin wife a peloton. lauren: i would say thank you, nice expensive gift. cheryl: something seemed off to me, like she was like a deer in the headlights, other m oh, i'mg a bike. tracee: some may think it's rude to give someone an exercise bike, maybe it's the same thing as giving them a gym membership or workout clothes. cheryl: i guess it's a personal- tracee: very personal. cheryl: women are upset on
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twitter. that's our question of the day, would you be offended if your significant other gifted you exercise equipment. lauren: let us know what you think. coming up, a record cyber monday and black friday for online sales. not everyone who got a deal got what they asked for. having holiday guests over isn't always easy but we have a way to make it a little bit better than usual. keep it here on "fbn: a.m.." ♪ there's no place like home for the holidays. ♪ ng south for the winter. they never stray from their predetermined path. but this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. defy the laws of human nature. at the season of audi sales event.
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lauren: more on the products that got us moving backwards. >> yeah, we originally started with headphones and then we went to ware lease airpods and nordstrom is selling 60-dollar airpod straps. sometimes people lose them, that's what headphones were from the beginning. cheryl: like i've had to dig them out of the car and street, i don't think it's a horrible
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thing. >> the post has good -- lauren: it hurts and they fall. >> if you will order that you will know what you want, a london man thought he was order ing an apple watch. unfortunately the make, model and color we don't have it, he's not happy, make sure to check packages when you get them obviously from amazon. >> they could have send a different color and not a plunger. >> new survey by mattress firm 60% that were surveyed, americans that were surveyed will be sending an extended period of time at a family
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member's house, don't be loud, don't come back intoxicated or drunk, that's always a big thing, don't leave a mess or be demanding, the big one is don't overstay your welcome, 3 days, that's the limit, then you to leave. [laughter] lauren: too much. cheryl: don't show up early. lauren: thank you. cheryl: if i say 5:00 o'clock, it's 5:00 o'clock. >> very true, very true. lauren: speaking of showing up early, is maria bartiromo ready? no. cheryl: we should look at futures, folks, we have the president at the top of the show and obviously those comments he made pretty big, we can look at futures right now, down 111, the president came out and the big thing, it was at the end of the press conference that lasted 40 minutes, he will be fine dealing a deal with china, we were up
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and that took us down. maria: sure did. i watched the market reverse course after comments and commentary, good morning, everyone, i'm maria bartiromo, happy tuesday to you, tuesday december 3rd, your top stories right now just before 6:00 a.m. on the east coast, fox business alert right now, fresh trade fears turning markets negative as you just heard futures reversing course this morning, about an hour ago and may wait until 2020 election to inc one that reversed markets, the u.s. set to slap 15% tariff on chinese goods on december 15th, something the chinese are trying to reverse, if the two countries cannot reach a phase 1 agreement the tariffs go into effect. packed first day of news and, of course, packed first day


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