tv Varney Company FOX Business December 4, 2019 9:00am-12:00pm EST
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there's a real problem with that and that is a solution to speed up the delivery of the generic drugs. maria: that was the issue left on the cutting room floor because of impeachment. >> right. maria: the prescription drugs built as well as usmc. good to see everyone today. thank you so much but have a great day everybody. stuart, takeaway. stuart: good morning, maria and good morning everyone. this is must seek viewing. presidential news conference on the nato summit with a circus in dc as a trump haters fire up impeachment and a stock market that is rallying on another china trade headline. let's start right there. dow industrial will open with a very small gain, not bad, up about 100 points, up 13 for the s&p, nasdaq half a percentage point. the trade headline from bloomberg. the u.s. and china are nearing agreement on which terrorists will be rolled back. instant jump in the stock prices where the computers read that and again has largely held.
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wait 90 minutes and another market move may take over. that's the president. his news conference scheduled for 10:30 a.m. eastern and is speaking just at the democrats gavel to order another impeachment hearing. what a contrast. meanwhile, new york times says this video shows world leaders laughing at our president. really? i think those leaders are astonished at our presidents style. we have more on that shortly. really big development. google, stock is up. found use are stepping aside and [inaudible] will now be fully in charge. maybe they are doing this and they don't have to handle google's mounting red literary challenges and the internal revolt of the company policies. two silicone valley icons are moving aside from one of the most powerful companies in the world. if you are interested in politics and money this is the show for you. "varney & co." is about to
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begin. will ♪ ♪. stuart: the world appears to be talking about a video from the nato summit. it appears to show world leaders talking, at least, about president trump. take a look. roll tape. stuart: joining us now is fox news columnist liz. the times says they are laughing at our presidents. i don't see it that way but how about you? >> i think they're uncomfortable around our president because he comes over and dominates the show. which of those foreign leaders were not happily change place with donald trump, with his economy and if in fact, his
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rising approval rating. the truth is the president has led to a moment in nato where they have to reassess their commitments and reassess their commitments to each other and to the organization. i think they can't believe that after 40 years in america because it finally got done. are they laughing at him? in the same way, you and i laughed when he says something that is hilarious. he is hilarious a good deal of the time. he's unexpected. yes, he says things unexpected and the people who work for them their jaws drop because i never quite sure what will come out next. but the sum total of all that disruption and all that discomfort is that nato is having to face important and serious questions and is totally right to hold their feet to the fire. >> as he's holding that meeting of world leaders and dominating it we have these impeachment hearings starting again here. i don't think today's impeachment hearings we had zero impact on the stock market. they are a circus and nothing
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more but am i wrong? >> they are. but at some point voters had to say what are democrats doing for us? they undermined the president when he goes to an important foreign meeting by timing the impeachment delivery of this impeachment reports just at that moment when he is addressing the world stage. it's unbelievable that they won't pass the you mca and they are - it seems to me that every effort right now is negative not just on the president but on the country and they will pay a price for that next year. stuart: i was astonished to see the new york times take back that approach to that video. it just seems like the media is absolutely desperate to play up impeachment and play down the president and laugh at him. >> they know the impeachment drive is failing with the public right now and it's helping president trump because people are say no, time out. if you don't like president trump go and vote for somebody
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else and they look at who is running on the democratic side and they say maybe they can't win and that is why this impeachment drive becomes ever more important to their prospects. >> i think the democrats will go over the top today. whoever is on the judiciary plot panel, steve cohen, the man who [inaudible] implied the attorney general was a coward and sheila jackson lee who had a few statements in her time et cetera and i think they will go over the top and looked like a circus. i think they will weigh over do it. what do you say, susan? >> i think it will be boring. don't want to spend eight hours listening to constitutional scholars telling me about the constitution? i don't think a lot of viewership will tune into that. stuart: i got this breaking news. just popped up right there. expedia's ceo and cfo resign. the stock is up 3.5%. the chairman of the board -
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>> it has lower bookings as well and competition is coming online off of air b&b and by the way, uber ceo ran expedia for ten years before they moved on to his or her placement has not been doing as well for the stock and company. stuart: the market likes the fact that these have moved on. >> what is that say about the leader? >> humiliating. stuart: a big change at the top of google's apparent alphabet. larry page stepping down, [inaudible] now the ceo. the stock is up seven. jackie is here. jackie, why are page and [inaudible] stepping aside now? >> good morning. they say the letter to the shareholders in a press release that it's a nash natural time to supply our management structure but we've never held onto management roles when they we think there's a better way to run the company. you've got him stepping in and he's taking over the whole
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enchilada including google which generates about 99% of the revenues and i will say this, they will be actively involved in the board. the structure stays the same and they got controlling voting rights. if you ask me or people on the street, they are saying these guys are worth 50 billion or more each and they are stepping back and there's a lot of regulation issues coming in let him handle it. stuart: sometimes known as the adult in the room. [laughter] jackie, thank you. i think we had rather troubling economic news this morning on jobs. only 67,000 new private sector jobs added last month and the columnist john is with us. i find that troubling but what about you? >> troubling but i will not panic yet. let's face it -. stuart: you are not known for panic. >> this reminds us to look for slower growth in the final quarter of 2019. we will common something under 2% and this number on the up
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limit front private sector jobs may be the natural effect where real running out of qualified workers in slower labor force growth and what is troubling is we do have a slowdown by business sales that has been in effect since the second quarter of 2018. we got to do better in terms of business sales and profitability and if we are to remain safely distant from recession. stuart: we have a consumer who is spending a great deal of money doing very well for the economy but the business side of the economy, letting us down so to speak, and we are indeed slowing in the last part of this calendar year. >> and on a policy run we got to make every effort that consumers spending does not slowdown. better yet, consumer spending gains speed and entrance sensitive spending. stuart: what you want done is to lower interest rates.
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>> that is correct. the consensus is looking for two rate cuts later in 2020. cannot have them sooner instead of later? why take that risk? we have low inflation. low in placement expectations and nothing to prevent the flood from cutting bad funds by another quarter of a percentage point and thereby tell the bond market bring that tenure down to about 1.5%. stuart: john lawn stay in line with donald j trump. lower the rates. >> real estate people are good when it comes to predicting interest rates and understanding where yields should be. stuart: the president is a real estate guy. >> yes, he is but i found that out the hard way. [laughter] stuart: breaking news on the new nafta. edward lawrence at the white house for what you have? re/max maneuvering behind the scenes. trade sources are telling us that the democrats wanted more enforcement. a trade source tells house speaker nancy pelosi wanted inspectors to go inside mexican plans to make sure they are
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following the labor deal. i'm being told what is bidding settled upon is a mutual third party. mexico and the u.s. are going to have oversight over this. to get the deal done and make that negotiation. mexico got the u.s. to remove intellectual property protections for biologicals. those are living vaccines and living medicine pharmaceutical industry had protections for ten years inside u.s. mca and that appears to now be removed from mexico to sign onto usmc eight. it allows a generic drug and those mexican plans will be able to reprove reproduce those drugs. pharmaceutical industry says through their r&d they needed that protection for ten years. back to you. stuart: i will read that as a step forward, a positive step forward. >> yes, it appears more likely we would now get to a u.s. mca finale. stuart: all you need is a vote. edward, the keyport joining us for a look at futures.
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maybe the news is helping. up 150 for the dow industrials after two days of big losses paid up across the board this wednesday morning. wait for it. 18% worldwide this year and i know you hate them, who doesn't? were talking to the congers men pushing the bill to stop them. i will ask him, can you stop it once and for all? that congressman is on the shewbread president trump threatening one 100% tariffs on france's luxury goods including alcohol, great news. that's a french brand of vodka. are they spared from the tariffs? i believe they are but are they toasting that? they should be. we have great goose on the show at the nine clock hour. get a subscription for just about everything, bark fox, sends doggy toys and treats right to your door and they have a huge social media following. don't laugh at this. i know you're not a pet owner but they have 11 million followers and the ceo is here with the secret of their
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success. president told that news conference next hour and is in london with the nato leaders. when he speaks you will see it, he writes right here on varney after this. ♪ e company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready.
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stuart: roku took a hit after a downgrade for more than stanley. on the phone we have an analyst who says that stock will hit $200 a share. joining us on the phone is lau laura. $200 a share from about 150 now. make your case, laura. >> sure. we think roku is the winning aggregator in tv contest just like it is user generated space. we value u.s. business and $100 billion. we think over time and over the decades that youtube has taken
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roku does the same thing and that is the first thing. -. stuart: did we just lose? >> a television over five years old you had to buy a new roku. your tv was too old to see does a plus because of the new apps they have so much more bandwid bandwidth. that creates to replace the cycle. stuart: laura, for ordinary investors do you think roku is the stock to buy if you want to buy into the streaming revolution? >> i do. it's a pure play streaming participants. yes. stuart: give me again the timeframe for when it hits $200 a share. >> one year but it's a one-year price target. stuart: we love analysts who are short, sharp and to the point. that was pretty good but within one year, $200 a share from roku on roku so says laura martin pitt thank you for joining us.
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>> my pleasure. stuart: politics dominates the scene these days. come all harris is out of the running for 2020. so when the democrats debate that will be december 19 know person of color on the stage. come on in, herman cain and tell us what you think about that. >> well, i am not surprised that, all harris dropped out, primarily because she had a severe lack of leadership qualities that came through number one. secondly, she was not easy to get in attraction meaning or pulley numbers were in the single digits the whole a while and third she had a lot of staff defections which also indicated a lack of leadership. i don't think she will have an impact on what the democrats have left. it was just a matter of time before she was going to have withdrawal because you have to
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raise money and in order to raise money your poll numbers need to be going up, not down. stuart: do you think - what do you think impact of this will be on the black vote? will some of the lack vote drift over to the republicans? >> i don't think it will have an impact on the black vote. this is why. last week there were two independent polls that said over 30%, closer to 35%, two independent polls said blacks were supporting and approve of president trumps approval rating. black people aren't voting color like maybe they were 50 years ago or like maybe they did when obama ran. no, they understand and they are looking for leadership results which is why i believe that kamala harris dropping out is not going to impact black vote whatsoever. stuart: did you see the hollywood actor, mark ruth lowe, bashing capitalism recently did
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you see he endorsed bernie sanders? what do you make of that? >> i did. i don't think it will have any affect. here is why. bernie's inconsistencies are also starting to come through which is why he's not gaining in the polls. secondly, americans, not hollywood types, are not embracing socialism. that is pure and simple. as a socialism takes a dive so will bernie sanders and everybody else with the socialist ideals. america does not want to become a socialist country. and one other thing, stuart, he's an actor. he pretends to do stuff for a living. i don't think he will impact people who think about the politics or anything like that. this is not the first time that
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hollywood celebrity thought that endorsing somebody would carry weight. all your to do is that bus that was supposed to leave the country with people who didn't like trump if he got elected but they are still here. stuart: will you watch the in circuit impeachment at dc or will you watch the president holding a conference in london? >> i will watch the president because that would be more up to ten. the thing about this president on the world stage is he's not afraid to call people out. that is true leadership. i will not waste my time watching that circus in washington because it still is a sham like a lot of people. they want the media to think they are there and they want the people in the public to think there is they are there but there is no there there but i will listen closely to what the president asked to say. stuart: thank you, herman. i'll tell our viewers what you are seen on the screen is president trump holding a lunch
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meeting with the nato leaders and that is over in london. now he is talking. have we got audio? let's listen. >> will raise it to 3% and 4% but right now we have it but these are countries that have not been delinquent and in some cases, even more than 2% because they feel strongly about what we are doing. that's a sign of respect for the united states paid one of the gentlemen, i won't mention who, set it so important to have the united states as a part of nato because of what we've done and to make you all feel good we will expend under what we've done, two and half trillion dollars in the military, to enact trillion. that is paling in comparison to what were talking about. that's the greatest equipment in the world and every form of equipment known to mankind or will be known to mankind. i want to thank these great countries. they are great.
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they become friends of mine in many cases. they are respected within their own countries but these are countries that have met the goal of 3% and we have unfortunately large numbers and some are closer than they will be. we received an additional 130 billion dollars a year and i guess if you go back three years it's perhaps even more than that but i've been doing this for three years and the secretary-general will tell you in a few seconds and will say a little bit about it but when i first came it was a roller coaster down and all the way down at the lowest point ever and since then we've gone up massively. it will be by far the highest point ever. great organization and we owe a lot to the secretary-general, he's been fantastic and has done a fantastic job.
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we think we will be up within three years, $400 billion more but in the meantime these are the countries i said i want to take the two presenters to lunch. we called them affectionately them to presenters but i want to take them to lunch but this is a lunch on me and i want to thank you all and if you'd like to say something to the press, you can. in the meantime, i will ask our secretary general to say a few words. >> thank you so much. stuart: the president said the lunch is on me and i'm not sure what he means by that but essentially he's wrapping up the nato meeting. the main area of discussion has been the europeans paying for their own defense. the president went over them urging to pay more and has more out of them but they're still recalcitrance especially germany who are not paying for their own defense. in about one hour the president will hold that news conference and you will see what he's got to say then. of get back to the economy. we have weak numbers on manufacturing data that came out
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on monday. joining us now by special request the national association of manufacturing. jay, welcome back. what will turn manufacturing around? what do you want to see that would really turn manufacturing around? >> two things. first and foremost, we got to get our trade priorities subtle. we have issues obviously with the usmc eight we want to see that caps on and congress to act on that. all of the disagreements were having with china that needs to get resolved as well. stuart: you don't expect that to be resolved in the near - >> i don't think it will be resolved next week for sure but there are certainly big issues that the ministration is tackling with china when we think about intellectual property theft and counterfeiting and all those issues. stuart: tariffs is the sticking point for you. >> tariffs drive up the cost of doing business. no doubt but this is a tool the resident has chosen to employ to get the chinese to the
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negotiating table. they are there and were happy about that. we were the first organization that called for free-trade agreement because we believe so strongly that we need this with one of the other world leading economies. we are hopeful there will be progress but the other issue that has been vexing for manufacturers is you see it in survey after survey and seen it in our ability to respond to a good economy and that is a lack of skilled workers. we have 500,000 open jobs in manufacturing today but stewards, that number -. stuart: half-million open jobs? relatively high-paying jobs. >> highest pain sector. there are a lot of production technician jobs that require logical skills that we had not been teaching in our primary and secondary schools. we are starting to see schools turn to that but we've got catch up to do. over the next few years that 500,000 number will go to
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2.4 million. stuart: how many years? >> before 2028. stuart: literally millions of manufacturing will go unfilled because you don't have the skills available. >> in the most productive part of the economy and - think about how that affects the economy overall. stuart: what about an apprenticeship programs? >> we are working with the ministration and i'm headed from here to indianapolis to meet with the american workforce advisory board. stuart: are you looking for a tax break for manufacturers who have an apprenticeship scheme? >> no, we are just encouraging our manufacturers to do it. they are responding but here is the catch. we got to make sure that local education whether technical schools, community colleges we've got to make sure the curriculum is aligned with what manufacturers need. some manufacturers are talking
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to our local educational institutions but you see these technical schools and community colleges making the turns rapidly. we are pretty encouraged but it will take a lot more effort to get this done. stuart: good luck with that. hate to hear half a million jobs going begging because you can't find skilled workers. >> we are hiring, no question. stuart: thank you for being with us. now, we will open this market in a couple of minutes time with a couple items for you before we go. one of 50-point up for the dow today but of course that does follow two days of serious losses. dow up, s&p up, all of them on the upside. air b&b has removed thousands of listings in boston. that is news to me. what we knew now? >> on december 1, there were 400,000 listings in the boston area but it never has been rapidly brought back down to 7
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737. the city has received - [audio difficulties] stuart: i think your mic is dead. speak up. >> the reason being is because you have to know register your home and there are strict regulations. you have to list the home for nine months every year and apply for license and do it every year to pay a licensing fee but this affects the model of air b&b. other cities, new orleans, san francisco, portland, jersey city, even ontario, canada have put all these new revelations which restrict what you can do to list your home on air b&b. stuart: interesting story. now, look at palatine. we did this story yesterday big time and i think it had impacted they took hits because of that controversial add that some media people accused the ad of
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being sexist. isn't that right? >> i should note the president canceled his press conference. stuart: the president canceled-- >> no. stuart: oh, deere. we'll have to follow through without the president at 10:30. we will - okay, that is what i want. we had this accusation that pelleton ad was sexist but i did not make much of it but the stock dropped precipitously. >> you would assume right away it had a connection to do with the negative backlash online but if you look at just the stock in general it hit an all-time high and over rock territory and 63% of the stock is short so 63% of investors believe the stock will fall so that what it did is raised awareness of the company because everyone was talking about yesterday and investors realize we should sell out
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especially because this company is not even profitable with the last $200 million in fiscal 2019 and they are spending so much on marketing, more than these bikes even cost and so the volatility of the stock is likely to continue regardless of the pr missus which aren't because were talking about it. stuart: once again i thought we had the impact. we are off. thank you. look at this, we are off and running in the market has opened and we have opened to the upside i believe, as expected. just after 9:30, wednesday morning, off and running with about 124 points on the dow and that is not quite a half percentage points. we've got a lot of green, left-hand side of the screen so we are up across the board. check the s&p. where are we now? up about a third of 1% with a solid game with the nasdaq and the technology companies of
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about half a percentage point. nice getting there. i will show you again expedia because their ceo and their cfo have resigned and the stock is up. 6.7%, i guess the market approves of that staffing change. then we have changed at the top of google. the parent company, alphabets, larry page, bryn had stepped down. [inaudible] is now the ci - ceo of that committee. the stock is up. david joins us and have you had imports on why they moved and why they move down now? >> no invasion as to why they move now but i have information that they have not been involved in senior leadership for quite some time. they brought in quite a significant senior team. my old ceo of c morgan stanley has now been a google for some time and capable senior executive and have a good leadership team and these are technology guys. it is fun for them and they are ready to move to something
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different had the adult taken over now. >> it's become unfunded in last five years and that's why they are stepping away. i think timing is a surprise i don't think this fact that they're handing over their ratings as a surprise because that's the reason they even spun out out of alphabet back in 2015 but they knew larry page and brin would take a backseat for the public face of this company and it's interesting and i quite enjoy their goodbye letter as well. the last line says back in 1998 in our stanford dorm room we do not think we would be put on this type of journey. twenty-one years ago. stuart: they come all the way back. ancient history. but the stock is up about seven dollars a share. back about 1300. we just received this. the president has canceled the news conference which had been scheduled for 10:30. i got the tweet.
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today's meetings are over, i will be heading back to washington. we won't be doing a press conference at the close of nato because we did so many over the past two days. safe travels to all. we ran two of those press compasses yesterday first with emmanuel mccone of france and then with justin trudeau of canada. they were fascinating quite frankly and we were glued and i never seen a president like this before but what a shame we will not see him this morning at 10:30 i was looking forward to that. >> is entertaining. stuart: love get back to the market. now component johnson & johnson says it tests show it's a baby powder is a safe that the fda was stoking fears. >> yeah, to third-party did extensive testing and found no trace of that asbestos in any of the baby powder that it looked at but there was or one recall that happened back in last october and still in effect and
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voluntary recall by j and j, single baby powder the did have some trace levels of asbestos contamination from that one single bottle in that particular line is still in recall. other than that j and j says absolutely no trace of asbestos in any bottles to independent labs did 150 tests and found nothing. >> really sad for the trial lawyers today. for the ambulance chasers of our society. jj is one of the most high-quality companies in in our country and have done ample testing and i will tell you you can tell when a company fears about their own risk by what reserves they put away. j&j through the whole time through this opioid case had few reserves aside but they believe they will be victorious, not just in the court of public opinion and the consumers but legally. stuart: i really hope they are paid i hate to see trial lawyers taking down a wonderful company like johnson & johnson.
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>> amen. stuart: moving on, go pro that stock is on the upside and the ceo says we crushed it in early holiday sales. 10% up. >> i know why bronson is laughing right now but basically we heard from [inaudible] that we enjoyed record sales in the kickoff to holiday shopping. and that is why the stock is up 10% trading today but the stock went public, ipo to divide dollars now trading at $24. >> they crushed it because they went from 88 to four. stuart: i did not know that. one time they were at $88 a share? >> i can go on all day on this one. stuart: no wonder why you are smiling. >> he was a huge seller with hundreds of millions in the 70s but the stock was not only
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in the 70s and stayed up there but it hit an an all-time high of 80 but sitting here at four so that is why you laugh when the stock is up 10% and they crushed it and headed down 95%. >> business has been under pressure because of the smart phones so no one goes out to buy a hero camera eight anymore. stuart: but someone did because they crushed it. >> we are six minutes into the trading session wednesday morning and the dow jones averages up a solid 157 points, better than a half percentage point. that is again pretty much across the board. campbell soup cut its sales forecast after sales fell short nonetheless, campbell soup is up a fraction. take a look at the ten year treasury yields. economic indicator but no change there, still at 1.74%. price of gold is still well below 1500 bucks and 1480 to be precise, price of oil still meandering around one at a
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50-dollar value not meandering but up 3% at $57 a share. let's get to our expert on dividends. that would be mr. david bronson paid stark start with the stocks you like. i see property group you like there - >> s&p is up 25% and we have a lot of stocks in our portfolio that has performed extreme the well and some did evaluations and they now look stretched but you have to look to where there has been weakness and yet the story itself is still intact. simon property is not a big on the year and they are offering over 5% dividend yield all paid from net operating income, legitimate cash flow and yet they have the strongest balance sheet of any publicly traded read and in the high quality most base and not jcpenney and sears owner and they own high-quality assets and they have been too reinvented before but you looked at those retailers that went away in the '90s and simon property's have been through this with 97%
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occupancy, more occupancy than they had a year ago. stuart: if i buy that i get 5% dividend and pretty much solid on that one. >> it's grown every year for ten years. stuart: and the possibility of a capital gain as well. >> absolutely. very significant possibility of price and creation. we think it's closer to $200 a share. stuart: i like it. net life. >> metlife is another one. upon the year and in particular up 8% in november alone but it is still not significantly up over the last few years with this extension and that is with interest rates having been significantly low. insurers want net interest margin and want the higher rates. it performed so well in a difficult environment our view is they have even more expansion opportunity. remember they spun off their annuity unit. stuart: what dividend yield doing it now? >> 3.65% and grown about 7% a year.
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stuart: i get 3.65%. >> and again good price inflation in front of it. stuart: now this, 27 world yankees will be the first major league baseball team to stream live on amazon prime video. big deal spirit big deal for yankee viewership was down 70% last season. they are for alternatives on regular television paid up until now major league baseball owned the right so you can stream but now the owners do have that possibility and the yankees they have a part ownership in the network which helped and amazon bought disney 80% share in the yes network. limited number of games and if this works out it will be shown on amazon prime but long-term goal, we believe is to buy a season package for $99 a year at some time for all the keys games streaming, cutting the cord which is inching because amazon amazon prime air dispersed
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premier game last night. >> they did? >> yes. stuart: now you have my interest. >> in the uk. >> and they also have the rights to nfl, thursday night game. that was a slow dip into broadcasting live sports. stuart: you are telling me that not too far away i could stream live sports which is the reason i got cable tv? >> yes. stuart: here i come. mr. bronson, excellent performance today. nice dividend yields. let's check that big board because we are ten minutes and and up 174 points, about two thirds of 1%, rally all across the board but i will repeat this now but president trump has canceled the scheduled news conference scheduled for 10:30 a.m. eastern and is dominated the stage at nato over the last three days and says it doesn't need to do another press conference. holiday shopping season is in full gear, blowout numbers reported on black friday and
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cyber monday paid consumer on fire national retail federation likes it and they are on the show at 11:00 o'clock a.m. a bill to stop robo calls expected to land on the president's desk sometime next week. i can't wait. i hate those robo calls. i get them during the show. were talking to the congers men who said this will end them all paid he's on the show and i got to see this. ♪ th a guy named flip. (ding) but it's more than your phone, it's your business, your customer data, your sales figures. and who can forget, those happy hour selfies? not flip. (honking, gasping) this isn't working. introducing samsung business security solutions, with knox software. with the galaxy note10, you can remotely wipe data or lock phones, so your business is secure even when your phone isn't. samsung business solutions. even when your phone isn't.
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but at fidelity, value is more than just talk. we offer commission-free online u.s. stock and etf trades. and, when you open a new fidelity brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate -- that's 21 times more than schwab's. plus, fidelity's leading price improvement on trades saved investors hundreds of millions of dollars last year. that's why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk fidelity. stuart: expedia, look at the stock, up 4% and the ceo and cfo stepping down to the market like that. do we have anything more on this? >> the cf of o and ceo, determine who's taking over in the interim says look, leadership changes were made because of disagreements over strategy internally so they will
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now see over the day-to-day operations. stuart: expedia takes a piece out of hotel bookings. >> hotel, train, flight -. stuart: let's talk robo calls. they are awful. up 18% worldwide this calendar year. what's going on? >> 26 billion spam calls between january through october for these are big numbers paid you may be surprised that america is in the top country for robo calls. in fact it only ranks number eight around the world. number one was brazil, believe it or not. then it is peru, chile and indonesia, mexico and south africa even ranked higher than the u.s., as well. people have been trying to stop these robo calls and we had legislation and even they been able to implement these lock capabilities but doesn't come free?
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yes, it does but we will eventually pay for it someday you will spam on didn't have one this morning but i'm waiting. then of course you will get a robo call. i want more on this. i will bring in greg walden, a republican congressman from oregon. congressman, you been on the show before and i believe you got a bill which may at through the house and through the senate and on the president's desk by next week. will you tell me that by next week these things will be stopped cold? >> no, i can't tell you that. these bad actors will continue to try to work around what we put into law but we will do the best we can to work with both department of justice and federal communications commission to make sure they are able to go after these bad actors with real teeth in the law and prosecute these cases but we extend the statute of limitations out for years to one and call on the carriers to use their latest technologies to keep pace and stay ahead hopefully with these illegal scammers and if they don't we
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give the fcc the authority to mandate the carriers implement this new technology and my numbers show 54 billion, 54 billion calls so far this year illegal robo calls in america stuart and in my own district we had 150 million robo calls just last month. 105 and it's outrageous what is happening in the ripoffs that are recurring are horrible. stuart: i don't know what to do. when i get a robo call should i say no, get lost, in which i've answered and now they call me back? >> i let them go to voicemail. stuart: they never go to voicemail. >> here's the deal that i had one go to voicemail last year and it turned out it was the vice president of - but i do not know anyone in greece with that area code and i found out a day or two later i probably should have taken that call. this is what is happening but
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people are getting ripped off. i heard someone was on an organ donation list and got the call that they were going to get an organ but did not take it because they do not reckon eyes the number and hospitals have testified before our committee that their numbers are being spoofed and illegal scammers are calling patients saying i need your credit card and your social security number or whatever it is but we have a special program looking at the healthcare sector itself to develop best practices to prevent that kind of fraud. there is a lot of work that will need to continue to be done and this is like cyber security. it never ends. you try to get the really smart people the ability to innovate and get ahead and then make sure they do. stuart: greg walden, on behalf of myself the entire varney team and every sing-along of of our viewers in america and the rest of the world thank you for your effort to stop the most annoying problem. >> i think it will work out in the senate and i'm sure the president will sign it. stuart: thank you for being on
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the show so consistently. we appreciate it. see you soon. willie nelson quits smoking marijuana. why? >> marijuana stocks tank but - [laughter] eighty-six years old says look, i've had to quit for health reasons. he says of abused my lungs quite a bit in the past so breathing is more difficult and still is touring by the way, 86 years old, amos user of marijuana but also says it saved his life. why? he was a very heavy regular cigarette smoker and trigger insight if i had not taken out marijuana i would have gone down a very different path and he said i smoked my first joint back in 1954 which means he would've been 21 years old at that time. stuart: i think the idea that he quits because for health reasons that is not good for the marijuana business because
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you're putting smoke in your lungs. >> you are putting something in your lungs. stuart: as you see from the stocks they took a hit. [inaudible conversations] >> they been selling it as a -. stuart: much more restrictive but less restrictive, i should say. we will clear this up. willie nelson quits the weed. if you have been avoiding the purchase of those apple air pods because you are afraid you will lose them we just got the thing for you. i was - i have not bought them yet. >> are you hinting at a christmas present? but people have been so afraid of losing their air pods like nordstrom and amazon carry these 60-dollar air pod carrying straps. sixty dollars for straps but that defeats the purpose of having air pods because they are
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supposed to be untethered from your phone. speaking of air pod, big seller for apple. they sold about 3 million on black friday, cyber monday and expected to ship 15 million over the month. 65 million over the year and wearables which are growing 50% for apple is a fortune 200 company if you judge by their sales. incredible. stuart: just the air pods or of fortune 200 business? >> think of the watch along with the air pods. if you look at the numbers, 65 million air pods sold in one year been the cost around $150. that's a lot of money. stuart: check the dow, 30, rally and progress and its widespread, 28 of the dow 30 in the green and only two are in the red. we have ceo of a bark box on the show. they are the guys that send the monthly subscription of tech toys and treats to your door and
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people will get anything delivered these days. what a business. more varney after this. most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. what shines forever? diamonds. what is as rare as true love? diamonds. what lights up every room? diamonds. beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. get 25% off everything,
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including these one-of-a-kind deals at the winter jewelry sale. exclusively at zales, the diamond store. at the winter jewelry sale. (beep) the ink! "cyanara,"idges dad!tates whooshing, booming)an? dad! i'm so hosed. yeah, you are. that can save youh tha lot of trips to the store. get ready for the dean's list. who's dean? when it comes to using data, which is why xfinity mobile is a different kind of wireless network that lets you design your own data. choose unlimited, shared data, or mix lines of each and switch any line, anytime.
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to hundred. there you go been just like that. speak and you shall have it. look at beyond meat. there are some wall street analysts who say that is a little concerned it will take the heat from competitors. the stock is virtually unchanged but up to sense. "star wars" fans. pay attention please. baby yoda dolls are available for preorder. i just can't wait for it. >> i'm sure you can. this was leaked on walmart's page by accident so you may go full throttle at this. motels 11-inch plush the cutie from the movie will be available for $25 available for reorder but apparently you can't get your hands on it with until after christmas but disney says it will be available april 2020 and -. stuart: that supposed to be a christmas present. >> they were a little late.
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the popularity of the child is not necessarily a baby yoda but it is. stuart: somebody dropped a ball. if you can't see that coming is a christmas present there something wrong with your supply chain organizer. >> patel i would say is the winner because hasbro dropped the ball and getting a toy ready for christmas and getting it ready for stork merchandise. stuart: somebody dropped it. not good. resident trumps canceled the scheduled news conference preheat dominated the stage of nato for the last three days and says he does not need to do another press conference. he is out. just as the president commands the world stage the democrats try to kick him out of office paid my take on washington's impeachment circus, that is what it is. you will hear it next. fa . .
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free guide. it's just one of the ways that humana is making healthcare simpler. and when you call, a knowledgeable licensed agent-producer can answer any questions you have, and help you chose the plan that's right for you. the call is free and there's no obligation. you know medicare won't cover all your medical costs, so call now! and see why a medicare supplement plan from a company like humana, just might be the answer. stuart: 10:00 here in new york city. president trump was supposed to be giving a news conference in about a half hour. it has been canceled. we'll get into that in just a moment, why the cancellation. we have a couple ideas on that
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one and we'll fill you in momentarily. first, we're waiting 10 seconds for the latest economic read on the service sector of the economy. called ism services. it is important. it is an idea how we feel how the service sector is doing. it is 10:00 eastern time. the number has been released. we're waiting for it. ashley is pouring over his cut tear. ashley: i'm always pouring over -- 53.9. that is short what we were hoping for. it hasn't been great. september, 52.6, near a three-year low. we came back in october with a 54.7. now we're down to 53.9. still in expansion but modestly so. stuart: not bad. anything above 50 services sector expanding. 53.9 is reading. not bad. look at the market. any reaction there? no. none. we're still up 200 points.
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the news out on the service sector and it had no impact on the market whatsoever. the dow still up 200 points. now this. president trump dominated world stage the past three days. he held what turned out to be multiple news conferences with world leaders sitting next to him, very animated. answered so many questions, seemed news conference for this hour unnecessary. he saw it. don't need it. pity for us we wanted to see what he would say next. we haven't anything like this from any president before. this president gets to the point. he speaks clearly. he challenges his counterparts. this is president donald j. trump and the world is riveted. he moves markets. he moves money. he moves votes. oh, what a contrast with what's happening right now in washington. that's impeachment. just as mr. trump commands the world's attention the democrats try to kick him out of the oval office. it will be a trump-hating
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circus. four constitutional lawyers will make statements about the legality of the president's ukraine phone call. they will be questioned by some of the most radical democrats in the house of representatives. steve cohen, for example, he brought a bucket of friday chicken to a hearing to imply the attorney general was a coward. camilla from socialist sea tell, she accuses the president of witness intimidation. sheila jackson lee, she thought the conestution was 400 years old and neil armstrong landed on mars. that america would tip over because of america's heavy equipment. there is committee chair jerrold nadler battled mr. trump over new york real estate development over 40 years. this is the time which will try to take down the president of the united states. what an hour this is going to be. the circus and the president.
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let's get right at it, shall we. kevin sheridan, former rnc spokesperson. what do you make first of all of the cancellation of this news conference? we're hearing maybe the president was annoyed about the videotape which appeared to show some world leaders having a go at him. why do you think he canceled it for? >> he did take two hours questions yesterday. unlike the previous president he answered questions in rapid fire and four questions in 90 minutes. i think you're seeing, a president on the world stage mixing it up with the world press, the political media here and, world leaders jawboning them about, paying their 2% of nato. stuart: got to tell you, kevin. we're a little disappointed, and i think our viewers are too, we wanted to see the president of the united states addressing the world while this circus goes on in washington, d.c. we wanted to point to a real
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contrast here. there is disappointment. do you share it? >> you get all the images from the last couple days already. i think the president probably had enough of nato he is ready to get on a plane come back here. maybe he wants to watch some of the chaos. we all know he can tweet from air force one. we'll get a live take going. he has been online this morning. you're right, the impeachment circus is going to be nuts today. it is not even clear what these four constitutional lawyers, they're not fact witnesses what they're even going to be doing there, not presenting any evidence,s that for sure. they're giving opinions on subject never been resolved in the 230 year history of the country. we don't know exactly what legal case is required, impeachment requires in a legal case because it's, left vague intentionally. that is up for the members of the elected body, the congress to decide and right now democrats do not have bipartisan
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support in congress. they don't have the support of the american people and they have a vague legal case. so what are they doing? stuart: it's a waste of time, kevin, may i posit that as a suggestion? kevin, thanks for joining us on a very important day. appreciate it. canada's prime minister justin trudeau responded to the video that emerged that showed him and two other world leaders supposedly talking about president trump. what did mr. trudeau say? susan: he said we had a great meeting yesterday in reference to the video, he said there was unscheduled presser, i was happy to take part in it, when trudeau was asked what were you referring to when your jaws dropped? i was surprised, pleased to the learn the next g7 will be held at camp david. he said the relationship between canada and the u.s. is extremely strong. asked if he felt put on the spot by potus yesterday, talked about the defense spending and nato contributions, trudeau said they
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increased defense spending and to 1.4%. you heard him yesterday. president trump said not bad. could improve. they're looking to get 2% of gdp. stuart: i would love to know what the president thinks about the video. susan: he said he was two-faced this morning. stuart: he called canada's trudeau two-faced but a nice guy. ashley: boris johnson uk prime minister, said i have no idea what video you're referring to, called it complete nonsense. i would be laughing not take seriously if i were president of the united states. stuart: that boris. i like that guy. get to money. serious stuff. market watcher jim awad with us right now. welcome back. >> my pleasure. stuart: we're up 206 points on the dow industrials. is this all about the bloomberg report we're trying to figure out which tariffs to lower come december 15th? >> absolutely. trade is the most important
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variable between now and end of the year. stuart: i'm tired of it, i'm tired of it. >> i think we all are but it is like dentist drill. we will know by december 15th what's going to happen. we know the economy is good enough. it looks like fourth quarter profits will not be disappointing. consumer spent nicely over thanksgiving. as you reported looks like impeachment trial is, going to be a non-event. stuart: for the market at least. >> the house will do what they're going to do. senate will reject it. we'll get rid of that uncertainty. only thing standing between us and new highs is trade. it is difficult for all of us as investors reacting to all the latest news. but you do know that this is december 4th. december 15th is 11 days away. so you just sit there, gut it out, don't buy, don't sell. watch. if the market goes down a lot, be a buyer because the fundamentals are basically very -- stuart: really? that is interesting. you would be a buyer? >> on down days.
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i always said don't chase the market up. my last appearance here, you're up 25% this year. you don't want to chase it as it melts up through the end of the year but if you get a correction i think next year should be a positive year. so if you get days like yesterday, those are kinds of days you want to add to positions that you want to hold for 2020. i think we were likely to end a little higher than where we are, assuming the trade issue doesn't blow us up. first half you continue to make progress. we'll stumble into the election and see. but the fundamentals right now are still pretty good. if we can get through trade. stuart: nicely summed up there, jim. stay there for a second. >> sure. stuart: turn to talk about expedia. the ceo, and the cfo have resigned and the stock is up 9%. ashley: the ceo is out as is the cfo alan pickerel.
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barry diller is taking over day-to-day operations. diller sent a memo to employees, calling the shake up unfortunate and a difficult situation. part of a new beginning. expedia delivered a pretty disappointing third quarter report and pretty lackluster out look in the at the least. they're in midst after broad reorganization. they need to focus on their brand. they lacked focus said diller they think they were heading in the wrong direction so they made the change. stuart: interesting to see a stock move up after a personnel change. google, parent company, alphabet, larry page sergey brin stepped down. sundar pichai is now ceo. the stock is up. susan: not that big after surprise. timing might be a little earlier than expected. alphabet was spun out in 2015. part of that was to separate the money making business, search
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and the like from the moonshots, and waymo, which is the self-driving unit as well. these guys, sergey brin, larry page founded google in their dorm room in stanford in 1998. worth combined $100 billion. only 46 years old. they're stepping back from the limelight. when was the last time you saw sergey brin, larry page speak anywhere? stuart: never. susan: this is tough time for the company. they're going through antitrust visions and policing of their websites of their platforms. cultural questions from the walkouts of a lot of google employees and strikes. stuart: they like the change at the top. we now have a 21 point gain from google. i wonder if jim awad has anything to say about going goal? >> this is evolution of the company. it is a logical one. they still control the company. they have veto power. if it doesn't work they can step back in. this is attempt to simplify the
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structure and have new generation if you will, take the next steps as the company facing increasingly challenges competitively and regulatorily. stuart: you approve of this? >> it makes sense. it makes sense but it's a work in progress. if it doesn't work it will be undone. this is powerful company with powerful franchise with real challenges. this seems like a logical move. stuart: you're right. powerful franchise. powerful company. thank you, jim. >> my pleasure. stuart: mike bloomberg is in the single digits in the polls. coming up media watcher howard kurtz will be with us. he says bloomberg needs to start making news or his campaign is doomed. that's interesting. well have to ask him about the president canceling the news conference. has the media ever seen anything like this president? say with us please. second hour of "varney" just getting started. ♪. in your printer ready for another school year? what's "cyan" mean? honor roll.
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stuart: the dow is up 177 points. that is the best part of 2/3 of 1%. take a look at peloton. can you believe the stock dropped nearly 10% yesterday because of the ad which some people thought was sexist. back up today. not much. a 75-cent gain. back to 35 bucks a share. 34.23 actually. layoffs and general motors. layoffs at the detroit plant. grady trimble is there. how many workers and why are they being laid off? reporter: 800 workers all at the general motors detroit assembly plant. stuart, that plant was supposed to go the way of the lordstown assembly plant t would close completely and stop making cars entirely but then the general motors strike happened.
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gm said you know what we'll stop making cars we're making now. we'll make a new electric truck at this plant. in order to do that they have to retool the assembly plant. hence these layoffs. important to tell note general motors told me all 800 workers will have a opportunity of a buy out or transfer to a different plant if they want to key working with the company. stuart: another signal manufacturing is in a little bit of trouble there. that's a fact. grady, thank you very much indeed. see you later. i want to get back to the president of the united states striding across the world stage. what a contrast what is going on in washington, d.c. at the moment, where there is a circus, they're trying to remove the president from office. the president is in london, addressing nato, addressing the world, the democrats in d.c. trying to bring him down. that is extraordinary. van hipp, american defense international. do you agree with this? i find this absolutely astonishing contrast and
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contradiction, the president and the circus. what do you say? >> my oldest son trey was at our house last night. reminded me of something i forgot. he said, dad every time i go overseas they pull this stunt. he reminded me, go back to february of this year when president trump was in vietnam dealing with kim jong-un. that very day is when they announced the michael cohen circus on the hill. stuart: oh. >> again, all i had to say, thank god congress didn't pull these kinds of stunts when harry truman was president. he had to deal with world war ii, the aftermath and deal with the korean war. that is important right now because we just celebrated the 70th anniversary of nato. how did it come about? the whole praise politics stops at the waters edge was a phrase coined by then foreign relations chairman, republican, arthur vandenberg who worked with harry truman to help create nato. so when you're president goes overseas, i don't care whether he is democrat or republican.
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he is our commander-in-chief. we need one voice for our foes and our allies. we need a strong nato more than ever. it is rao he revealed on december 22 m, china, russia, iran, will conduct joint military naval exercises in the indian ocean. but this president can take credit for one thing, this is not the narrative, that the international media wants to put out there, this president has revitalized nato. he has revitalized nato on several fronts. in 2017 nato was still focused on more of the cold war threats. today we're dealing with a cyber threat. today we're dealing with terrorism. i give a lot of credit to general scrapatti. great guy, great general. we're focused on the right mission of nato, largely due to this president. now nato is much more financially stable. four countries, including u.s.,
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beating that 2% gdp obligation of spending towards national security. at end of this year, it will be nine. stoltenberg tells us in 2024, it will be 18. guess what, non-u.s. allies in nato, canada, europeans. they increased defense spending $130 billion since the president took office. that figure will go up to 400 billion in 2024. this president has revitalized nato. nato is stronger today because of his leadership. stuart: that is very interesting, van. i want your comment on the cancellation of the news conference that the president was going to give, now it has been canceled. there is some speculation that it was canceled because of the videotape circulated. i'm sure you have seen it. where some world leaders, trudeau, for example, appear to be laughing at the president. it is on the screen right now. they're talking about the president. there is some speculation that that video led the president to cancel the news conference.
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know anything about this? >> no, i don't. i doubt that. you notice trudeau is backtracking a little bit. i think the president probably had too much fun the last couple days. he enjoyed himself. he had a big time. he set the course. he knows what he has done for nato. no question, some of those folks, they're not having to pay more. nato is stronger today because of it. stuart: van hipp, you're all right. thank you. >> thank you. stuart: take a look at amazon. they have news there, they will start streaming baseball game. not any old baseball game. one team in particular. can you guess which one? of course we'll tell you. have you heard after subscription service for pet supplies once a month. pet owners love them. the ceo is on the show today. they're coming up shortly.
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movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. and will it keep me in the holiday spirit? yes! with comfort and joy. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise. prove. and now, save up to $500 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. stuart: the dow is up 190 points as we speak. why is it up? it started after a report from bloomberg, two sides, u.s. and china nearing agreement on which tariffs will be rolled back. ashley: oil a big story. up more than $2. up they'rely 4%. that is a sector leading the way, opec is meeting this week. energy sector leads up 200 on the dow. all of them on the upside. not huge gains. apple at 261. google is up 23 bucks.
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amazon's up, facebook's up. roku, needham, their analyst on the phone with us this morning raised their price target on roku to $200 a share. no impact on the stock at this moment. it is only up 79 cents. amazon teaming up with, we promised to tell you this, teaming up with the new york yankees to stream their games. is this a big deal? ashley: it's a big deal. on amazon prime. up until now major league baseball owned the rights to all of their teams but the owners managed to get a dole to engage local streaming of the games. the yankees first to sign up. they're working on it. this is not a done deal. yankee viewership on traditional television was down 17% last season. we understand amazon prime will carry or wants to carry a limited number of games next season. the ultimate aim to have season packages about 99 bucks a year.
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this is a big deal. tv sports watching is turning more and more to streaming. stuart: the cord-cutters will notice. ashley: yep. susan: broadcast rights, how much they're worth. stuart: yes. susan: amazon streams nfl games on thursday. stuart: here is the point. yankees have their own network. ashley: the yes, sir network. they own a stake in it. amazon owns 80% of it. makes the whole thing smoother. stuart: now i understand. speculation that the president canceled his news conference scheduled for this hour over this video, you're watching it now, of world leaders chatting about our president, not always kindly. howard kurtz, on that video after this. ♪. most people think of verizon
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as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready.
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♪. ashley: not familiar with this. stuart: i know this one. it is a ringo song of course. ashley: it is? stuart: no the producer suggesting that i have been stumped by the name of this -- i can't seem -- what is the name of this song? what is it? producer, tell me what is it. susan: never give me your money. that is the name of the song. stuart: you never give me your money? you never give me your money? susan: i knew that. stuart: susan li got the name of a beatles song and i did not. take a bow. you did that? susan: producers told me beforehand. stuart: all right. i missed one there. let's move on. the market, we're up 170 points. i believe we got the numbers on oil. ashley: we do. down nearly five million.
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down 4.9 million. a lot larger drewdown than we were expecting. stuart: we used a lot. ashley: used a lot. stuart: okay. ashley: that would put more pressure to move higher. stuart: it should. show me the price of oil. we were $57 a barrel i think earlier. we're up to $58. susan: that is because of the opec meeting to extend the 2020 cuts, or cuts into the 2020. stuart: the sidebar of this, energy sector of the stock market is doing very well as oil prices go up. that i think is the best-performing sector in the overall market in this near 200, 180-point rally for the dow. put the video back on the screen. can't get enough of this thing. it shows world leaders, in particular mr. trudeau, mr. macron, and mr. boris johnson, apparently just talking about the president. you're watching it right now. bring it up full please. have a look.
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>> [inaudible]. stuart: yeah, that jaw drop bit, jaw dropped. canada's prime minister trudeau is responding to the video. come on in blake burman. you were over there. you saw this what is he is saying. reporter: kudos to the colleagues in watford, because justin trudeau held the press conference at nato, the very first questions lobbed in his direction about the video last night at buckingham palace. he was asked what exactly he meant when he was talking to emmanuel macron and boris johnson. this was his response right here from a while ago. listen. >> we had a great meeting yesterday between me and the president. we talked about the kinds of things that really matter to canadians, whether how we've been moving forward on nato,
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whether the progress being made, nafta is going to continue, which we're confident it will. we talked about the challenges of china and we also talked about a few things. last night i made a reference to the fact that there was an unscheduled press conference before my meeting with president trump and i was happy to take part of it. reporter: at one point in the video as well last night in buckingham palace, stuart, justin trudeau talked about president trump's advisors, and how their jaws dropped. one of the follow-up questions to trudeau, what exactly were you referring to about the jaws dropping? he said he was surprised that president trump announced then and there that the g7 next year will be held at camp david. i got to say though, stuart, that had been talked about for a few days, if not even longer than that, so i'm not so sure that was necessarily a jaws drop kind of moment, the g7 announcement at camp david.
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nonetheless it clearly caught trudeau and trump's advisors according to trudeau by surprise. what an interesting moment. stuart: it is. blake burman, thanks very much indeed. i do want to take note of the fact that the "new york times" this morning was trying to make out that the world leaders were laughing at our president. you know, we need a media guy to tell us. who is, oh, howard kurtz. there we are, host of "mediabuzz." howard, i'm astonished that the "new york times" would go to great lengths to imply world leaders are laughing at our guy. what do you say? >> my jaw is dropping that this rices to the level after diplomatic fuss. first of all, president trump had three news conferences yesterday at nato. it was trump tv. justin trudeau was jibing him, he was late or whatever. the jaw-dropping thing, obviously he was not talking about that. he was trying to be diplomatic.
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the president came back at him hard saying as you know, justin trudeau is two-faced. they had this before, good meeting, later trudeau talks about the president, says something that rankles mr. trump. he is not shy letting his annoyance be shown. stuart: i think they are all astonished at this freewheeling, one-of-a-kind president. because you have never seen press conferences like this before. you have never seen a president address any and all questions like this one does. i think they're astonished at him. i don't think they're laughing at him. i think their jaws are dropping at the president. >> usually you have very staid and stiff, questions from two sides for the leaders. trump likes to make the case. they're start he willed that donald trump on this particular trip seems to be defending the nato alliance against criticism of macron. a little bit of role reversal. this president keeps you guessing. stuart: he is striding across
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the world stage while in d.c. they're trying to get him out of office. there is the contradiction. 2020 race, bloomberg, you have written a piece, that bloomberg in single digits needs to start making news and fast. why? bloomberg's in it for the long haul. he has 50 million, billion dollars? >> he could spend billions of dollars of this you can't buy the nomination. where is the bloomberg campaign? all the media people in new york know mike bloomberg quite well after his 12 years as mayor. the only time you hear his voice i approved the advertising blitz. why is he not on sunday shows or cable shows, things that move the conversation? why is he not giving major policy speeches. this is a misstep for a guy coming in late, sees 6%. at the same poll by "the hill" is at 31%. bloomberg needs to mix it up. stuart: why, why would he want to be on the debate side, why would he want to get into the
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iowa and new hampshire and nevada primaries, why? why doesn't he just step back, let the other guys beat each other up and run out of all of their money and step in on march the 3rd for california, super tuesday, walk away having invested $100 million in it, a rise to the top? >> well, first of all that never worked. rudy giuliani tried it in 2008. skip early contests, play them down and get your head handed to you. stuart: rudy didn't have billion dollars. >> that's true. he will not be on the debate stage. he is spending his own money. he doesn't qualify. that is all the more reason he needs to get on camera, get in front of people, get in the batters box, hit major league pitching. you can't wait around, by the time super tuesday come media will be agoing who wins iowa and new hampshire. i think it is late in the game. he did a great job as mayor of new york but it is very different running for president. stuart: on the same day that your piece appeared on, my pierce appeared
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which i said bloomberg will take the nomination. tell me i'm terribly wrong? >> i'm not saying it's impossible for him to win the nomination. i do think it's a long shot but with this front porch strategy he is not out there, not on camera, not persuading americans you might be wrong unless he changes his strategy. stuart: we'll agree to differ, media guy. howard, thanks for joining us. good stuff. check the big board. the rally holds. up close to 200 points. i'm waiting for it. i'm reading the prompter. what it says, we have big update on the baby yoda craze. you might have to wait for them. that's the update, okay? dropped the ball on this one. ashley: i'm crushed. stuart: let's get to barkbox. they are on the show. they deliver boxes of pet toys, treats straight to your door. people get anything delivered these days. these subscription services, you can get anything once a month brought to your door. more "varney" after this.
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♪. stuart: i want it now. these days you can just get about everything delivered to your door in a box like once a month. my next guest's company sends pet toys and treats to your front door in a box once a month. he is back, the cofounder and ceo of bark, delivers barkbox,. >> that's correct. stuart: you were on the show couple years ago? 2014 five years ago. stuart: you said your revenues grown 20 times since you were on the show? >> yes. thank you for that. appreciate it. let's do that again. stuart: you got it. now one of these boxes, i've got
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them right next to me here, they arrive once a month. >> that's right. stuart: it's a box of toys and treats. does the person who receives it, take everything, they don't buy individual items? >> they take it all. it is very customized to them. i told you we are sending 700,000 shipments this month, december. stuart: 700,000? >> 700,000. that is the not cool part. the cool part is, we'll send 140,000 unique assortments. that is how well we know your dogs. you tell us all about your dog, and it is customized to your dog. stuart: i have a couple of collies. >> yes. stuart: ashley has a couple of cocker spaniels. ashley: i do indeed. stuart: if we were subscribers you would send collie related material and spaniel? >> you live in the country, differed size dogs, different breeds, different ages. one thing they have in common, this one here is the mutt cracker theme for the holidays. the theme would be the same.
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stuart: oh, the mutt cracker. dearie me. let's get financial for a second. >> okay. stuart: what is your retention rate? >> 94% every month. stuart: that's good. >> it's great. stuart: because it is hard to cancel? >> it is hard because you love it so much. we make it easy to cancel but have a lot of long term subscribers, commit six or 12 months up front. they get addicted to it. we listen well. so you keep going. stuart: got to have the price. nature of our show. >> $25 a month. stuart: that's not bad. you have 700,000 subscribers at 25 buck as meant? >> that's right. stuart: i'm trying to do the math real fast. >> that is not our only business. we sell the products in target stores, costco. we sell other products like dental products. stuart: you do? >> oh, yeah. stuart: k-9 dental products. not for humans. for dogs? >> for dogs. stuart: there is one more point i got to get out here. you have a team of designers who
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design new toys and new treats, right? >> that's right. we design everything ourselves. we make it all ourselves. stuart: in the united states? >> we make everything edible in the united states. all the toys are made in china. stuart: why did you come up with the sub sings service? you know very hard to cancel with this stream of money coming at you? >> we want to create a monthly experience. i love subscription experiences. having a relationship with a customer, getting to know them, serving them better and better each month. having a conversation with them, so we can serve them better. stuart: you have 11 million followers on social media. >> yeah. stuart: 11 million? >> yes. that is a lot. we do a lot of funny stuff there. dogs are fun. they're not polarizing. everybody loves dogs. you can do ridiculous goofy things with them. so we create great content. people love it. stuart: are you satisfied with this for, 10, 20, 30 more years,
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pet boxes? are you going to branch out to something else? >> oh, we have. i mentioned we branched out into dental. we branched out into home products, dog bed, training pads. collars, anything that looks ugly from another company looks good when we create it. so we put that in your home. stuart: wow. >> yeah. there are a lot of categories in the pet industry. we've just scratched the surface. stuart: matt meeker, you are a success, american success story which we really like. >> thank you. stuart: if you come back five years from now, i expect to see that your business has grown another 20 fold. >> i hope so. stuart: so do i. might be commissionable at that point. matt, you're all right. you have a great company. >> thank you. stuart: thanks for joining us, sir. >> thanks for having me. stuart: yes, sir. from pets, to the baby yoda doll. ashley: oh, god. stuart: are they available, susan? susan: not yet. for preorders, yes you can order them. in fact it was leaked on walmart accidentally. so it is available, yes.
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walmart, target. stuart: it is not available. it is not available. susan: for preorders. get it in your hands will be april and may of next year. stuart: that is pathetic. susan: it is. stuart: it is really pathetic. you've an ideal christmas present. ashley: great christmas toy. stuart: related to the man -- mandalorian. susan: "the mandalorian". stuart: they can't get it out on christmas? susan: kudos to hasbro and mattel. they missed out. could have got it early on merchandising. caught them by surprise, popularity. hint, hint, christmas is around the corner. i don't mind getting a plush toy. ashley: wait until april. stuart: wait a second, matt meeker sitting with me still, he is appalled, that is pathetic you can't get into the stores. ashley: angry you are. >> i would be upset with my
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team. susan: mattel up 3%. that does not look pathetic. that is celebratory by the markets. stuart: i'm moving on. i have to tell you, i'm tired of all the back and forth trade headlines. incremental headlines every day. i am all over it. i will take one of our trade experts to task and i will do that after this. ♪. what shines forever? diamonds. what is as rare as true love? diamonds. what lights up every room? diamonds. beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. get 25% off everything, including these one-of-a-kind deals at the winter jewelry sale.
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stuart: we're up, what, 187 points now. that is the best part of, well, .70%. it's a solid rally. it is across the board. take a look at luckin coffee, set for its biggest one-day percentage drop in couple months. this may be profit-taking. the stock is up more than 50% in the past month. no wonder it is down 5% today. that is profit-taking. as opposed to loss giving. look at uber and lyft. whoa, their drivers could soon unionize? there goes the company. ashley: maybe. there is bill introduced next month by a couple of state
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lawmakerses both democrats. what is interesting about this, it could, it could, they could then engage in collective bargaining be seen as price fixing ultimately antitrust. think about it. they could collective bargain for status. that could lead to price fixing because they're going to have to set a certain rate at least to be able to pay salaries and everything. that is antitrust. stuart: so? ashley: so the union option may not, may run up against federal law. how about that? susan: you have a deal against one, you could take it across the other,. ashley: correct. stuart: horrible shame to see a great industry, a -- ashley: this isn't going to happen. let's say it is being introduced. it is not happening. they will debate in albany. we know what albany does. it could run into core problems. stuart: new york, new york. ashley: yes. stuart: i won't finish out that line. ashley: no, don't. stuart: china trade deal.
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we have a report from bloomberg this morning, two sides, u.s. and china are nearing agreement which tariffs will be rolled back. as soon as that was announced, the market went straight up. you ever feel like you're being whipsawed here? curtis ellis, former trump campaign trade advisor with us now. i feel i'm being manipulated. a headline a day. market reacts up and down like this. am i being manipulated? >> that is good question to ask. what we do know, anytime there is a leak in washington, it is somebody furthering their agenda. they have another agenda. we're hearing these anonymous leaks. we're close to a deal. oh, there is no deal. yes, there is a deal. now, yesterday, we heard wilbur ross, day before yesterday, tell you that these tariffs are going into effect if there's no deal. now we hear this anonymous source saying close to negotiating how much of the tariffs are going to be rolled back. stuart: right. >> you can't take anonymous leaks. bob lighthizer, ambassador
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lighthizer run as very tight ship, he does not leak. he does not leak. he is the only man who knows what is going on. everything else is make-believe. stuart: you cut through the nonsense, cut through it all please, give me your opinion, are you going to get a phase one trade deal anytime soon? what do you think? >> i trust president trump. when president trump says, you know, i don't think i need a deal before the election. there is a lot of truth in that. stuart: you don't think we'll get one? >> i would not -- stuart: you're on the spot, curtis. you're good at that, stuart. you let, you let wilbur ross wiggle out of that one. stuart: i did. i did. he is the commerce secretary. you're not. >> as i said ambassador lighthizer is the only man who knows. and president trump. those are the two people who know what's going to happen. if china comes to its senses and decides to agree on an actual, enforceable agreement, which would be of course the first time in history for the chinese
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economist party to do that. stuart: yeah. >> then we will have a phase one deal. stuart: yes, but, you think it is unlikely they will agree to do that? >> let's look at what just happened in washington. we have the hong kong human rights and freedom act. stuart: yep. >> china very upset about that. now we have congress passing the uyghur human rights act, that would put sanctions on china for persecuting, imprisoning muslims. china is not -- they have to save face. they can't be seen accommodating a washington that is not letting china do whatever it wants to do. so there is a lot of moving parts in this. even though these non-trade issues are not linked to trade, let's get real here, folks. the chinese communist party leadership has got a lot of pressures. now we're hearing about leaks coming out of the forbidden city that there is, xi xinping may be in much more precarious position then he makes out to be.
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stuart: oh, that is interesting. curtis, sorry to cut this short. we'll be back with more "varney" after this. step up, please. empty your pockets. looks like you're all set for that business trip. you've got your smartphone, laptop, your other smartphone... woman: is this all the devices you have? your tablet... seriously? smartwatch, your backup tablet, and... woman: anything else in your bag? ...whatever that is. (beeping) this isn't working. introducing samsung mobile workspace solutions.
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so you can... retire better. stuart: what a day, what a show and we still have another hour to go. it's 11:00 o'clock here in the morning at new york city, 8:00 a.m. and calpurnia and the market is up. this is all about hope for a trade deal. everyday a headline, everyday the market moves, sick and tired of it. other big news is president trump on expressly canceled his news conference. there was by collation he canceled because of that video that surfaced of world leaders appearing to make fun of it. the president said look, he's answered enough questions and he's done but he's expected to head back to dc at this hour. look who is here. charles payne, host of "making money". i said several times over the
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last ten minutes and sick and tired of this. you get a headline on trade, leak from someone or other and the market reacts up or down, same almost every single day. i feel like i'm being manipulated. >> one of the things i set a lot in my new book i also say and in some ways ones were things that ever happened for individual investors is financial tv. i hate to say it but honestly - you essentially said the same thing. these are unnamed sources by certain media outlets every single day and more often than not it's bloomberg but anyone and then regurgitated all day long except it's some sort of gospel. they are in negotiations. there is arguments and people storm out the road and come back in the room and it's a typical negotiation just happens to be the biggest trade deal in history of mankind. here is why i hate it because individual investors have been infected. not bite the market swings but
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because they missed it. the nasdaq is up 30% this year, s&p of 25%, dow up 20% and over 400 stocks have to be up most of them 20% or morbid how many people are watching the headlines? i remember when the market was crashing before the recession and that's when local news gets involved. channel five comes up to the house and millie don't worry we will come to you. were down a thousand points but when we make these stairstep moves to the upside it can be 100.0, 70 points there and it's not dramatic but next thing you know it has changed lives if you are participating. stuart: an index like the nasdaq goes up 30% in one calendar year, it reminds me of 1999. charles: absolutely remarkable. except these companies are going up because they're posting great earnings because there is a dramatic shift. all the information we are creating all the information
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that has stored and secured and go from servers into the cloud that is major business and big business. unfortunately i got this situation with the dmv in new york so i can't drive in new york city it's an unmitigated nightmare. stuart: what? do you want to tell us -. charles: i got a speeding ticket but then something they fired me for a ticket in florida from 1991. [laughter] 1991. comedy times have i renewed my license and it interactions and they get on the phone with laura for 30 minutes of florida says we don't know what the hell you're talking about so dmv says send us $100 and that was five weeks ago. five weeks ago. i'm taking these lifts and here's the thing on scene. these gps systems suck. they never get it right. i'm telling the guy don't make it right here in the point i'm trying to make is we got so much more room to go with gps to perfect the cloud, to perfect
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the things that are becoming a part of our daily lives and other things. all these things have so much - they will be more into rations of everything so this could be the beginning. stuart: charles payne ain't selling. charles: i'm looking to buy these. speaking of that, here's a good cell from yesterday. dow jones industrial average and open at 27,501.98. close that 2:75:02 that big surge during points all panic but guess what, someone bought it. it wasn't more and pot investors. i think it was a smart 20. stuart: i've got a negative to raise with you. we heard this morning from adp 67,000 new private sector jobs last month, that's a very low number but i don't care about but that is a low number. troubling for you? charles: yellow flag for me. some of it has been happening six month ago, smaller jobs less
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than 20 employees peaked at around 32,000 and that's been drifting. the needle has moved all year long but some slackers been picked up by big businesses and this is one of the problems with success in an economy like this that you can't find qualified workers and be you can't afford them. honestly, very small businesses are having a tremendous time trying to compete in this economy. stuart: the president of the manufacturing association here half an hour ago and he said look, we've got a half million manufacturing jobs going begging because we can't find somebody who is qualified to do that job. one half million and flowing up from here. charles: it is. we've been hearing about this going back 15 years ago we learn what would we do not have enough folks to work the drum machines and those things. stuart: but that is not a negative for the economy. charles: it's a negative for opportunities missed. in other words, here is the thing, it's not just those hard
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skills but i will be honest, this is anecdotal but i want to the mall with my wife two weeks ago and had not been there in a long time in almost all of our experiences with the cashiers was negative. it was really bad. soft skills - my wife ordered a vegetable pizza we sat down and waited for the buzzer to go off and when she got up the buzzer i said will not have a vegetable pizza. she said what do you mean? i said that woman had no clue what she was doing. she came back and had her money in her hand. they gave me my money back. soft skills doing a cash register. stuart: tonight not just mention this the other day? you go to eight apartment store or mall and you got to stand in line and give them your money because the person who's operating the cash register or computer don't know how to handle credits, returns, substitutions, whatever it is it is so complicated and so new on
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the job that everybody standing around waiting and it's abysmal. charles: you wonder how long this window of opportunity can stay open? i'm glad for getting jobs because a lot of them come out of high school with no skills but it's a cautionary tale that we need to wake up and somehow there's a lot of finger-pointing but as a nation it's all a problem. stuart: before we close out with charles payne, tell us about your interview with vice president pence. charles: yesterday it was a great interview and a great honor. the main point i want to get a new ted curtis ellis here the administration has done so well with tariffs. first of all, let's go back two years we talked about tariffs. you had an endless supply of experts who kept bringing up 1930 [inaudible]. let's remind the audience what happened in 1930 print on the planet was 8%, gdp was 92 billion. three, four years later unemployment was 25% and gdp was 57 billion. that is what the experts promise
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would happen. as far as these headlines are concerned we have 360 billion tariffs on right as we speak at this very second and we manage that with a rip roaring economy throughout. i want to know if the administration is making tariffs permanent, not to size but as a tool. it felt like vice president pence's say no, it will be a tool but it's been an effective tool. i also brought up invincibility in the loss of the faith of this country. stuart: tariffs are not long-term. charles: but they are not factual about using them. they feel like they've been accessible and will pull them out of the quiver anytime you have to. stuart: if i really wanted to watch you -. charles: good time is right about 2:00 o'clock. [laughter] might even make some money check it out. stuart: [inaudible conversations] stuart: you better take a look at expedia.
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a change at the top, ceo and cfo both of them resigned moving out in the stock is up 6%, one under five dollars a share. then you have roku, analyst on the show this morning told us on the phone that stock will go to $200 a share within the next year. that is what she said but right now at 147 up nearly three dollars. got to get back to the video of president macron and boris johnson and seems like they were chatting about president trump. mr. trudeau responded to that we bring you it all when we come back. and we get the rnc's reaction, that is next. ♪ peyton, what are we doing here? brad, welcome to peytonville. what's this for? song inspiration. i started in my garage, but nationwide protects so much
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i had to expand. nationwide helps protect everything you see in here, brad. every family, every business, every dream. see mrs. hoffman? nationwide protects her home and car, but also her dream of retiring to become a yoga instructor. oh, they have backstories. of course they do. here, i got more to show you. keep up, now. a little hustle.
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just what i wanted another incremental update to the china trade deal. edward lawrence at the white house, keep it short, what do you got? reporter: i'm hearing maybe we should be careful about the reports of how far to go that there's likely to have a china u.s. trade deal by the summer of 15 and i'm told again the tariffs are still set to go into effect on december 15 and there is not a phase one trade deal. i can report that the primary levels or team members here have not talked since one week ago tuesday on the 26 so it's been a while and those are the ones that make the decisions went forward. be careful is what i am being told about the possibly a deal being likely before december 15. again, the administration expecting those tariffs to go forward and to put a damper on anything you are doing and helping your growing out but there you go -. stuart: you did not help me out with the growing but you did
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deliver solid news. solid news is the principles have not talked in eight days. they are the ones making the calls in the decisions that they have not talked to each other in eight days. that is important. reporter: exactly. deputy level is still talking and working on language but the decision-makers have not talked in eight days. stuart: i forgot that deputy level. there you go. thank you, edward. i'm not making fun but acting out my frustration at this constant up and down we know where. charles: but the problem is we can't ignore it. >> the market reacts. stuart: so true. reporter: crazy today selloff based entirely on pessimism that phase i would not actually be outlined before the end of this year. stuart: i feel like an angry old man. get off my lawn. are you still there, edward? i did not mean it like that. [laughter] get off the white house lawn. [laughter] reporter: exactly.
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stuart: thank you, edward. the media and the internet are abuzz over the video showing a group of world leaders apparently talking about the president. if you've not seen it, watch it again but here we go. [laughter] stuart: they liked the bit about the job jobs. >> his team was sitting there and could you see the draw? he was talking about terms team and now we've got more from justin trudeau about the video. here is what he said just in the last hour. roll that tape. >> we had a great meeting yesterday between me and the president. we talked about the kind of things that mattered to
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canadians, whether how we move forward on nato or whether the progress being made and that nafta will continue which we are confident it will. we talked about the challenges of china and talked about a few things. last night i made reference to the fact that there was an unscheduled press conference before my meeting with president trump and i was happy to take part of it. stuart: can i just bring a little reality here? the new york times jumped on that video as a sign the world leaders were laughing at our president. the new york time will do anything to make fun of our president and bring him down. that is the new york times but that is the significance of that video which we have shown you several times. what do you say? >> absolutely ridiculous. wherever mr. trump is he treads new ground and does not thing by convention but they come as across the snobby elitists. stuart: this guy does what this
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guy does. >> but he dominates, too. let's be honest. >> and his team was caught a bit off guard and he did not even note the 40 minute presser was coming which was fine and that is to your point that many people appreciate the fact he breaks the mold. stuart: he sure does. there will never be a president like him again. let's bring in cassie with the republican national committee. what do you make of all of this? >> i think president trump is getting the last laugh. in those unprecedented press comments as he is getting something done. as he noted with trudeau he said what are you up to now under nato spending and he said 1.3, 1.4% and he said will get you up to two and he's gotten over one of the $30 billion from these other nations that have long allowed the united states to float the bill. i think president trump is saying you might laugh while you're glad to enjoy your cocktail but i'm getting things done. stuart: here is something else that struck me. the president of the united states of america striding
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across the world stage, dominating the nato conference of 29 nations, utterly dominates it, and yet in dc you've got a passel of lawyers trying to take him out of office. if ever i saw a contradiction that is a contradiction. >> it's a great side-by-side today of president trump who is fighting for they reckon taxpayers and fighting to get things done and make countries pay their fair share and the democrats in the judiciary committee who are bringing in liberal academics to wax on and give us the world's longest lecture today. great juxtaposition of people working for you, present, and people deciding present job and not the business we prefer them to do like back in the u.s. mca as justin trudeau mentioned. stuart: wouldn't that be nice? cassie, i'm sorry i'm short of time but thank you for weighing in today. we do appreciate it. i'm not done with outrage. i'm not. >> i get that feeling. stuart: here we go. mattel will make plush baby yoga toys available for preorder at
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disney, target, walmart and other stores but here is the outrage. you don't get them and you can't give them to the grandchildren or the children until april, easter. are you kidding me? , on. i'm going crazy. >> take a deep breath. >> don't lie down on the radio for baby yoda. stuart: don't you think someone should have seen this coming? don't they know mandalorian is a big deal on disney plus? kids would want the baby yoda toy for christmas and wouldn't they have organize them back. >> someone is looking for a job if not more than one. >> perhaps they do not realize social media would support the baby yoda would have but i'm sure he was created ahead of time to be extra cute. stuart: it could have been a cabbage patch doll. >> tickle me elmo. stuart: moving on.
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big deep breaths. it's already a blow out holiday season $20 billion spending online, that was alone on thanksgiving we have the head of the national retail federation on the show and i will bet he's got a big smile. guarantee that. [inaudible] stock, destroyed because some call a sexist ad. we are all over that one, too. what a show. >> so much outrage. [laughter] ♪ diamonds. what is as rare as true love? diamonds. what lights up every room? diamonds. beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. get 25% off everything, including these one-of-a-kind deals
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stuart: big drop yesterday with not much of the valves today at 37 cents up so white was a down yesterday? some say it's because of the ad you're looking at it right on the street some thought was sexist. deirdre, was it that ad and sexism that took the turn one stop down? >> yes, plus that this thing is not cheap. it's being made fun of for two things that its success and the husband and the storyline storyline is a husband exercise gives his wife wife exercise for christmas. and some are saying why would a man ever do that for holiday and you look at this lady who looks already pretty fit so people are
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think like great, it lets her go from 116 pounds to 112 pounds and now she's video blogging and these are 2,000-dollar bikes and then pupate the subscription on top of that so the other cracks are in which room and i finally doll house do i put the bike? stuart: sexism? i'm just not buying it. avery air b&b remove thousands of listings in boston. they will tell us why. >> a new regulation about 4,000 of these things with the latest count is 737 so why the big drop? you have to register with the city now and fill out an application form and putting in these new strict rules. they went into effect sunday, december 1. if you live in a property for at least nine months of each year with one host, one property and can't be one house that has several properties were you can't do that anymore plus you have to register every year in boston and pay an annual license fee. other cities are starting to head in a direction and we seen
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new orleans, portland, oregon, jersey city. >> and outright bands. >> this is something that will hurt the business model of air b&b. stuart: and will hurt their trying to do an ipo next year. we got to fix that revelatory problem. i will jump back on the outrage train. why not? rick scott will join us shortly and i want to see what he is a fired up about, impeachment and the circus in washington or is it to trade in the daily headlines? it will not certainly be baby yoda, that's a fact. find out what he is outraged about after this. ♪ step up, please. empty your pockets. looks like you're all set for that business trip. you've got your smartphone, laptop, your other smartphone... woman: is this all the devices you have? your tablet... seriously? smartwatch,
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stuart: precisely at 11:30 a.m. eastern time here in new york city right now the market is still showing that nice, solid again. dow is up 197 and there was another trade headline this morning from bloomberg. i will see us again nearing agreement on which terrorists will be rolled back et cetera et cetera. no other source for that but the market took it, ran with it were up nearly 200. the other big news, president trump unexpectedly canceled his news conference. he is now on his way back to dc. that leaves when i'm calling the
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impeachment circus as the headline political event today. i do mean circus. joining us now senator rick scott, a republican from florida. we are looking at those hearings, mr. senator and all i see is procedural motions interruptions and a circus of lawyers and talking to each other. am i right? is at a circus? >> three ring circus. i don't think is good tv and i don't think the get high ratings out of this and it was interesting because remember how this started? the president supposedly did something wrong in a phone call and ruin their date when he put up the transcript and found out oh, gosh, maybe he did not do anything wrong. you started off what are my outraged at and i started thinking of my list. trillion dollar deficit, $23 trillion worth of debt, no budget, we don't fund our military and the international olympic committee gives the olympics and 22 to communist china or you better have no
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religion because if you do they will put you in jail for and make you reeducate you so there's a whole list of things. eleven months of your pretty dysfunctional and these things will not begin - oh yeah, no secure border, no immigration policies and there's a long list here. stuart: other than that for you having a good time in dc? >> and i'm from florida so it's cold. [laughter] stuart: there is real outrage. you are outraged at china i don't thank you want a trade deal with china, do you? because of what they do with hong kong? >> stuart, it's more than trade. let's remember who she is. general secretary or general secretary of the communist party and he puts a million people in jail for their religion and about human rights, too. you they may take your organs out if you get detained and they would agree they would give the
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hong kong citizens when they took over hong kong basic rights but there trying to take that away. trump would not militarize the south china sea so this is guy that never complies with anything and i just don't believe there will be a deal. stuart: if you don't get the deal and you don't want to do a deal does that really hurt our economy and if so, by how much? >> i'd like to do deal. i think all of us would like to do a deal. you can't do a bad deal that continues to let them steal our technology and not open up the market so if that is the deal maybe they will buy some products for a period of time but remember they promised to buy our agricultural department several times and have not done it. ab they will agree to something like that but usually they will not comply but only do it in their best interest. stuart: those of us in the news business, financial news arena, we are getting sick and tired of these endless headlines quoting unnamed anonymous sources that looks good and bad in this and
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that the market reacts, up and down we go, we are getting sick and tired of this. >> first off, there is not going to be a deal. they can't change their stripes trade they steal and they treat people horribly and they are the biggest polluters in the world, human rights violators, lie, cheat and steal about everything. they lie to us and they act like they got a big market so we need to be nice to you but there will not be a deal. stuart, how many deals would you do with someone that you know has constantly lied? someone you can't trust and that negotiates a deal and then takes back what they agree to? you don't do deals with people like that. stuart: but then we got a new cold war. >> absolutely. this is absolutely the new cold war. here is what i believe. i believe freedom, democracy, basic rights, rule of law that will mean we will continue to
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have a better economy and they will have a tough time. centralized planning has never worked and we beat soviet russia and as we grew up we knew the problem with socialism and i don't understand how the democrats are now believing in socialism and its a great way to run the government or the economy because it doesn't but what china is doing lasts long term. it will not work. hours will work. stuart: mr. senator, you called me down which is a remarkable performance. thanks as always for joining us. thank you, sir. i want to bring in the national federation president on the right hand of your screen but i don't know whether you heard senator rick scott but said look, let's not do a deal with china if it's a bad deal. what do you think would happen
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to our economy into your retail industry if we don't do a deal with china? >> stuart, i did hear senator scott and he has a terrific perspective and made great points. for context we just came off an outstanding holiday weekend and had five days of really incredible economic activity in the united states. 190 million americans were out shopping and that is up almost 50% better than one year ago, substantial growth. the amount of money the chopper spent on gifts this year was up more than 18%. we got more people out shopping and being engaged in commerce and creating those jobs and visiting stores and websites and people spending more money and the economy in the united states is a great place and the administration deserves in on his credit for that. we want to keep the momentum going. there are a lot of issues that senator scott touched on that need to be addressed and we agreed with that. our objective would be let's not
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do anything to interrupt this momentum because were in a good place or not. stuart: last time we saw you, matt, you were looking at the entire holiday time from new year's day with a gain in sales across the board of 2% over last year and are you sticking with that or are you saying may be a bit than 4.2%? >> were always happy to miss and end up on the high side and i think a steward, based on the momentum and we know this is a lot of people have talked about this is a shorter holiday season and you and i notice number 25 is always on the cover 25 weather here or anywhere else in the world and we have fewer days between things giving and christmas so that creates this sense of urgency but the truth is retailers have been ready for this and consumers have been shopping earlier and getting more done sooner and then the three month moving average in the october resale numbers were
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really good, 4.6% in october so a lot of this forward progress, i think based on what we saw this weekend will carry us through the rest of the month of december and we should be on track for a really good holiday season. stuart: when we introduce you earlier we were expecting to see a big smile on her face and we got it. >> we did. stuart: matt, always a pleasure thank you for being with us. either way, the dow is out a few more points. look at the bottom right-hand corner of your screen, up 218 points and that's a high of the day. left-hand side of the screen, go pro up after a record unchanged but record number of holiday sales but of their hero eight camera. record sales. as somebody on the show pointed out earlier that stock was at 88 at one point. now it is $3.86 a share. got that. google, big change at the top. larry page and sergey brin
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stepping down. >> they will remain on the board and i want to make this point they have a special share which retain 50% of the controlling vote so they are still very present and unnamed and insider from the sundar pichai ceo of google which has a search engine -. stuart: why the step down? >> probably not as fun to run a tech company when they built google 20 years ago and now it's about going before congress and answering lawmakers questions about privacy and security and data. stuart: you never seen him interviewed. a cantor member ever seen in recent years larry page or sergey brin had not seen him interviewed. to put them in front of congress if they were called right there that would be a problem. >> yeah, they are engineers and they want to build something. they built something magnificent and that 75% of americans use every single day and they don't want to probably answer questions from lawmakers and sundar pichai has done a good
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job. stuart: here's a story that was buried in the news. joe biden has a plan to pay for all his proposals and he's targeting comedies like amazon and netflix. i think he is saying they will come up with the money. we deal with it next. there's a lot of talk about value out there. but at fidelity, value is more than just talk. we offer commission-free online u.s. stock and etf trades. and, when you open a new fidelity brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate -- that's 21 times more than schwab's. plus, fidelity's leading price improvement on trades saved investors hundreds of millions of dollars last year. that's why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk fidelity. ♪ talk most people think as a reliable phone company.
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stuart: joe biden is telling us how we would plan to pay for his social programs. >> $3.2 trillion is what he wants to spend over ten years. stuart: how does he raise it? >> corporate, amazon and ethics which have not paid federal taxes and i want to underline this legally in the past few years, unfairly or fairly and they have used recalls that are in the law but he says let's change those laws to his
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targeting comedies and those combined to mind because there are behind some of the greatest examples and how they pay their employees in stock. he also wants to raise the corporate tax rate. under the trump administration in announcing that 20 were present and used to be 35% and says let's go to 28% and then wants to raise taxes on the richest members of society back up to 39.6%. stuart: tax corporations, tax businesses in general, tax the rich. >> the theme here is tax. [laughter] stuart: then you spend $3.2 trillion giving it away. >> and then come back to tax them more. >> it is still less than elizabeth warren's 20 trillion plus so he still looks moderate is all i'm saying in this field to some people. stuart: moderation. [laughter] sarcasm is a low form of wit. still holding the hearings and
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there you go, constitutes the lawyers going on and on. i think it is a circus. a spring in north dakota senator kevin kramer who has graciously decided to be with us today. sir, mr. senator, i am absolutely outraged it's a circus going on there. they should be dealing with usmc a and i think you would agree with that. >> do i ever agreed with that. thank you for having me on. i listen to your previous segment about joe biden's 2.2 billion tax increase on job creators and i prefer job creation to wealth redistribution. usmc will certainly do that and furthermore besides showing usmc a trade deal with the number one and number two partners and north dakota is a northern border states and we border canada and they are our number one market as well all of this adds extra leverage to the china deal. every trade deal as leverage to
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negotiating the next trade deal and the president is right for these trade deals but as you said there's a circus going on in the house and it's a distraction for us and our entire country and undermines the president's power and leverage while he deals with leaders from around the world even as we speak. stuart: very good point to bring out. it's a contrast and contradiction in the president of the united states holding court in london in 29 different nations and lanes on the law on all kinds of things. meanwhile, in washington they are trying to take them out of office but they're trying to put them out of the oval office with the passel of law discussing the constitution. it's just outrageous, senator. >> the only thing worse than having liberal law professors teaching at our universities and having them testify in front of congress neither does much for america and so you are exactly right. what arranges me is here we have
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the president on the global stage once again and you will notice that democrats have a tendency to invite into participate in things when he's on the global stage but you may remember d7 when nancy pelosi announced the impeachment proceedings so there's no question they are strategically trying to undermine his good ability on the global stage. guess what? he just plows ahead anyway and does what he needs to do but it would be better if we would join arms and fight for america rather than undermine our president. >> can you tell me over a publican in the senate is rocksolid in rejecting impeachment? >> you may recall that the resolution that lindsey graham but forward a few weeks ago condemning the house process and there are 53 republican senators but 50 voted for that resolution is so rocksolid i think they are largely rocksolid and you can say it without any doubt unless some phenomenal revelation comes forward and nothing has so far.
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there is no way they can get 67 votes in the senate for impeachment when makes the whole thing futile and i'm not sure we won't get every republican and maybe even some democrats to vote against it because more and more the rumblings in this place our democrats went too far and now hurting us. stuart: i think we saved the best to last. we should have come out from the beginning. senator kramer, always a pleasure. >> always mine. thank you, stuart. stuart: constellation rams. that is one of the biggest lego companies on the planet and they are selling their balanced point kraft beer selling it from undisclosed amount and i don't know whether that's a big unit or not but a giant corporation in the stock is down two dollars and that's one and a quarter percent. president trump threatened one 100% tariffs on french goods, including some liquor. next, a leading name in french vodka, gray goose, on the show.
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i need all the breaks as athat i can get.or, at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ stuart: our next guest is [inaudible] how about that for
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pronunciation? [laughter] north america vice president for grey goose. congratulations, welcome to the show. >> thank you for having me. stuart: grey goose is a french maid vodka spirit absolutely made in france between the regions of the breadbasket of europe and [inaudible] which is south of france near bordeaux. stuart: is a grey goose vodka going to be subject to the tariffs if they are imposed by president trump on french luxury products? >> what i've heard in last couple of days, no. it is wine, sparking mine and i heard about cheese but - we want you are home free. you must be ecstatic because that could've hurt your business. >> we are happy obviously. stuart: what i want to talk to you about is your meal kits id idea. you've got this for the holiday time through the early part of
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next year. >> absolutely. stuart: you have a meal kit you will send to people with grey goose involved as well spirit the idea behind it is our give victoria victoriously which is the holiday campaign and the idea behind it is consumers today enjoy the holidays not necessarily because of the gifts under the tree mostly because of time spent with family and friends. so we want to give opportunity to consumers to have moments with the fantastic [inaudible] we partner with cocktail career and you can order of meal with a fantastic chef with his famous roasted chicken. give a meal for eight people in the right ingredients to do a fantastic cocktail with grey goose prepared by a famous bartender as well. give back $20 to support the
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mission of ending hunger in america. stuart: you got the whole lot in 30 seconds but that was brilliant. >> good training. [laughter] stuart: $199 that gets me dinner for eight, what is the meal? turkey? >> give chicken and food from [inaudible] with the whole menu but the cocktail of grey goose is made with peach syrup, rosemary. stuart: we will say beach. has it entered the market yet? spirit has not entered the market. we did an event on the 13th of november to launch this idea and we took over a diner and offered these luxury diners to surprise consumers. stuart: wait, wait, wait. where was the diner? >> in manhattan, just down the
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road. stuart: this interview is over. >> thank you for having me. [laughter] stuart: $199, dinner for eight, includes a bottle of grey goose. thank you. now this, we will tease you with this. a new james bond trailer. we have it. yes, of course, we will play it for you after this. ♪ and let me tell you something, i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage of any american senior, or worse, that it was some way to take your home. it's just a loan designed for older homeowners, and, it's helped over a million americans. a reverse mortgage loan isn't some kind of trick to take your home.
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learn how homeowners are strategically using a reverse mortgage loan to cover expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve your portfolio, and so much more. look, reverse mortgages aren't for everyone but i think i've been 'round long enough to know what's what. i'm proud to be a part of aag, i trust 'em, i think you can too. trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. so you can... retire better. stuart: now the trailer for the new james bond movie is out. you can watch it now. roll it. >> the world's move on, commander bond. >> you're a double o? >> two years. stay in your lane. you get in my way i will -- ♪.
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stuart: that is daniel craig. his last one, i think. the absolute last one. >> he says that a couple times, but this one, in theory is, no time to die, how much more of a modern title. i'm sure. stuart: how about, ashley? i was struck by that strong, british accent. >> yes. stuart: i'm not used to it any longer. i used to live with it. now i'm not used to it, commander bond. >> well, yes. stuart: do you have the same problem that i have, that i had for 40 years? when americans meet you, and you obviously got a british accent, they all want you to say the same thing. say it. say it. my name is bond, james bond. >> i thought ashley was going to say what accent? >> i don't have an accent. stuart: when i was a waiter in connecticut 40 odd years ago, all the time. all the time they would say, say
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it, say it, say it. bond, my name is bond, james bond. producers are urging me to move on and talk about the stock market. where the dow industrials are up 200 points on what is considered favorable trade news. again. neil, it is yours. neil: they don't do that if you're italian-american. neil cavuto, hey. thank you, my friend. we got the president leaving a testy nato summit. leaders appeared to mock him behind the scenes. that was the last straw. the president responding right in front of the cameras. take a look. >> [inaudible]. >> he is two-faced. with trudeau he is a nice guy. i find him to be a very nice guy. neil: was all the snickering behind the scenes and when a lot of these guys probably thought their mics were nowhere to catch any of this, they did. we're told it really bothered the president. it was
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