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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 4, 2019 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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bond, my name is bond, james bond. producers are urging me to move on and talk about the stock market. where the dow industrials are up 200 points on what is considered favorable trade news. again. neil, it is yours. neil: they don't do that if you're italian-american. neil cavuto, hey. thank you, my friend. we got the president leaving a testy nato summit. leaders appeared to mock him behind the scenes. that was the last straw. the president responding right in front of the cameras. take a look. >> [inaudible]. >> he is two-faced. with trudeau he is a nice guy. i find him to be a very nice guy. neil: was all the snickering behind the scenes and when a lot of these guys probably thought their mics were nowhere to catch any of this, they did. we're told it really bothered the president. it was poor form shall we say.
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blake burman with more from london. what is the fall out of this? reporter: neil, of all things at all places it was a hot mic moment from buckingham palace, at least focus of attention, at least a lot, nato gathering earlier today. show you a moment between justin trudeau, emmanuel macron, boris johnson last night, trudeau could be heard talking about those rolling press conferences the president was having from day one of the nato meetings here. watch. >> [inaudible] reporter: that went viral. so this morn, when the president tame here to watford at nato, he was asked about that very
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moment. his first reaction was to launch an insult against trudeau, then he kind of pulled back a little bit and complimented trudeau. he also says he thinks the moment from yesterday when he approached trudeau about canada's defense spending kind of got trudeau a little bit concerned and upset. here was the president. >> he is two-faced. reporter: you think that germany is two-faced? >> trudeau is a nice guy. i find him to be a very nice guy. the truth is i called him out on the fact he is not paying 2% and i guess he is not very happy about it. reporter: unsurprisingly then, the very first question to trudeau in his wrap-up press conference here, was about that moment. >> last night i made a reference to the fact that there was an unscheduled press conference before my meeting with president trump and i was, happy to take part of it. surprised and i think pleased to
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learn that the next g7 will be at camp david. i think that was an unscheduled announcement. i think everyone's team, every different leader has teams who every now and then, their jaws drop at unscheduled surprises like that video itself, for example. reporter: that was trudeau explaining the first part of the comments talking back and forth with johnson and macron, when he says the jaws dropped the trump team, that the g7 would be at camp david. he said the relationship between u.s. and canada is quote, extremely strong. we just played all of that sound there, extremely strong, maybe, maybe not. take it for what it is worth i guess, neil? neil: i want to talk to you after the show. we had a hot mic on you before i threw to you. let's say, thank you very much,
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blake burman at her majesty's kingdom here. does all of this confirm human nature, to you know, snicker and talk behind people's back? this fellow never does that. good historical read on that sort of stuff. carlyle group cofounder, author of the american story, conversations with master historians, of i'm talking with david rubenstein great to have you here. >> pleasure to be here. thank you for having me. neil: these global pow wows, this sort of stuff happens. sometimes it is caught on mic. other times whispered and snickered what do you think? >> most important thing to know when you make sure your mic is on and is not. i try hard to do that i've been caught saying things that i have said. neil: i can't picture mean or nasty things? >> sometimes you say things in private you don't want public. this would not be a such a thing as a summit if there weren't
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something unusual happening. if summits went along smoothly as they are supposed to go, it wouldn't be fun, to cover, right? at a summit there is always something that happens that people didn't anticipate. this summit had some of these things. i think they made great progress on nato related issues. there was concern whether president trump cares about nato or not. he made it clear he thinks nato is important, most people involved with nato do. so i think that is a good thing. neil: do you think, david, this president gets treated differently maybe because he is a bull in a china shop, he is pretty blunt, says what is on his mind in front of cameras, putting other leaders on the spot, they don't flip over him and they make it very clear? >> he has clearly a different approach and personality than people that have that job. it is different, people are getting used to it. clearly the press and others are trying to adjust to it. he has a strong personality.
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i know him somewhat. i would say he is different than other people i've known who is president of the united states. that is not good or bad. he is a different personality and people have to adjust to that. neil: i wonder if there is some calculation going on here, david. he is reaching an american audience? if he is putting them on the defensive, for example, defense spending, to keep up to their nato commitment, that, is something that a lot of americans citizen voters, here say, yeah he is right about that, they should pay up? >> president trump is singularly focused on his base and his appeal to the united states. i think he is less concerned about what people think about him outside of the united states than what he thinks about what they think about him inside of the united states. you can say that is good or bad. that is his focus, maybe more so than other presidents. i don't criticize it. he is focused on what his supporters like. what americans want. i think americans do want others to honor their nato 2% commitment. neil: he has joked, maybe, half
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kiddingly, about how republicans aren't treated as well by europeans as traditionally democrats are. john kennedy was feated as a star. barack obama the same thing. fdr was held in great regards. maybe he had a little bit of ronald reagan got some of that, but took some years but it is harder for republicans to get the same type of reaction? >> there is no doubt that many people in europe have policies that are probably further to the left than the policies of some republicans have and therefore the press and government officials there are probably not in sympathy with some of the things that some republicans have as some of their positions and that may be reflected some of the way they handle things, maybe is reflected in the press but generally everybody in europe really wants nato to be strong. the president wants nato to be strong. i think that is a good thing. while the summit will be remembered for open mic ore so, i think in the end when history is written, yes, president trump
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does support nato and nato is strong. neil: do you think, because he talks about the 160 billion increased funding in nato under his three years, that's the message he wanted to pound? thanks to me, getting in your face about paying up, nato's a lot stronger now? >> financially nato may be stronger. the issue of course, whether that is the message i think he wants to get across, that is a good message. neil: right. >> what does nato really do, what does nato do if russia does something we think is inappropriate. if russia goes further into ukraine what does nato do? if russia were to invade the baltic states, what do we do? that is the issue nato faces it is unclear what nato would do but hopefully nato would respond appropriately. neil: when you talk to the great historians, been at the forefront of covering people, in the case of covering lyndon johnson better than four decades you learn about how historians
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appreciate presidents who appreciate history. i'm wondering, how this president fits into that? >> well, many presidents have been interested in history. they have read history books. they have had historians come in. i don't know if president trump has done that as much but other presidents have done so i think learning what your predecessors did is very important. president trump absorbs information not by reading books, by talking to people. i think he talked to hurt people who are historians what happened in previous presidencies and i think he benefited from that. no doubt when you become president of the united states, you're starting on day one. you don't have the history of the presidency you will after one or two or three years. the president is much more knowledgeable about what previous presidents have had to struggle with. neil: do you look at the backdrop of impeachment hearings starting in the judiciary committee today, that is a pretty alarming backdrop to what is going on right now? >> it is of concern to
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everybody, you have impeachment process. whether you think it is appropriate or not, nobody want to go through impeachment because it disrupts the government. maybe it is appropriate, maybe not. we only had it four times in the country's history. andrew johnson, richard nixon ultimately resigned before the process went forward. bill clinton we're having one as well, perhaps. it is not a great thing for the country to do. members of congress can decide if it is appropriate or not. nobody wants to have a system like this pert -- perpetually having these impeach processes. neil: president thinks that some democrats do, the democrats do? >> i don't think anyone wants to go through a impeachment process. people want the government to work as well as possible. this may be more political than it should be. all impeachment processes are political. andrew johnson's was political. rarely all the case of impeachment process, same party as the president get involved to
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support a impeachment. it has happened, but generally people of opposition party generally support the impeachment process. neil: talk about your carlisle expertise, financial expertise, made you a multibillionaire. this notion that the markets and president constantly pounds them are inexplicably linked to presidential performance. when they were down, they didn't benefit jimmy carter, they didn't benefit herbert hoover. when they were up certainly benefited hillary clinton through impeachment and ronald reagan. i wonder if the fixation on the markets that he knows about history? it's a nice wind to have your back? >> one thing all presidents recognize, presidents running for president in recessions tend not to get reelected. the last one that got reelected was william mckinley in 1900. when jimmy carter, gerald ford,
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george bush ran through a recession, they didn't get elected. when you know enough about history that you don't get elected, you want to avoid a recession. neil: does he overdo it? >> the president is obsessed with the economy staying strong. he doesn't want a recession in the year he is running for re-election. all presidents want that. some are not being able to prevent that. i worked for jimmy carter. we didn't want a recession. but we had one. george herbert walker bush, was per seized to have recession but it wasn't a recession. neil: it turned around. too late to get benefit of it. >> president trump, i can't speak for him, my impression if he recognizes if i is in recession it will not be great for re-election. if he is not in recession i think his chances getting reelected are reasonably good. neil: do you think a china trade deal would ice the deal here? the president seemed to throw cold water on that, saying we might knot get a deal until
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after the election. that would rattle markets. did yesterday. less so today. >> my view there will be a deal. i don't have any inside information. i can't speak for the administration but i think they're very, very close. i do think there will be announcement not too distant future. there is always one last thing resolid or so. i was in china recently. i had a meeting with many other people as well as xi xinping. i had a sense out of that there is something that is going to get done. it won't solve all of our problems. it will be a phase one. when phase two will campus we don't know. but i would be very surprised if president going into re-election with this overhanging him. neil: i find offended that xi xinping met with you. he did not meet with me. it could have been scheduling. >> i think he wanted to meet with you, but he told me they didn't have your cell phone number but next time -- neil: how did it go? what was his temperament is it how could you read, chinese delegation, what was the read? >> a number of people in the meeting. hank paulson. neil: former treasury secretary. >> henry kissinger, number of
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other people from the united states and elsewhere. there were 30 people in the meeting. he took questions. he wrote down the questions and he answered them in serioum he is obviously a smart person. i met him before. he will not go different from the talking points. he doesn't say things that are a surprise but generally he gave the view he wants a balanced fair, trade agreement with the united states. he made it clear he didn't want to be pushed around. he makes it clear a good trade agreement would be a good thing for both countries. neil: did you get the sense he could wait this out as much the president said he could wake this out? >> i don't think he was trying to say i will wait it out, but he didn't want to say if i don't get the agreement i'm in trouble. no president wants to say i have to have an agreement. president trump's statement, i can't speak for him, i don't think he would say i need to get the treatment soon otherwise i'm in political trouble. he wouldn't say that. he says, i don't have agreement now. i can survive without one. china, i don't have to have one,
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don't feel i'm desperate. i think they're very close. i think they're getting done knot too distant future. neil: can you stay through the next segment? david rubenstein. >> certainly. neil: cofounder of carlyle group. a good book out. an american story. it's a great read on the bigger long term picture by the way is getting short-shrift in our society today, especially with our kids. you heard obviously the latest studies that show china is lapping us when it comes to science and math, when it comes to all of that. david says we're losing sight of other important subjects too. after this. ar and a1c. ar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes
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the first day of impeachment hears. they're talking to professors. not that is a bad thing but they are leading things off. hillary vaughn with the what is going on. reporter: stake out camera a few feet away from me, giving reaction to the first portion of this hearing today, we heard from four different law professors giving the take on the house intelligence committee report, whether or not what is in the report justifies impeachment, rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanors and three of the lawyers that we heard from brought by the democrats today, said they believe what is in this report does rise to that level and does meet the standard for impeachment. but one of the criticisms we heard from ranking member doug collins today, the judiciary committee, chairman, jerry nadler refusal to bring fact witnesses forward in front of the committee. one of the fact witnesses collins wants to hear from house intelligence committee chairman adam schiff. >> mr. chairman, pursuant to rule i move to require the
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attendance and testimony of chairman schiff before this committee and transmit this letter accordingly. >> motion on the table, not debatable. favor of the motion to aye? opposed no. the motion agreed to. >> call the vote. >> clerk call. >> there is vote in the process. >> just remind any note, chairman schiff is coming correct? >> clerk will call the roll. reporter: one of the witnesses today, haw sadder law professor noah feldman says he is using the report to give his thoughts whether or not this rises to the level, meets the standard for impeachment but he made a point to say that it is not his job to evaluate the credibility of what is in that report. the credibility of the witnesses and the information that they brought to the house intelligence committee. republicans was able to bring one witness today, law professor from george washington university. he opened his remarks saying that he did not vote for president trump. he is not a supporter of his but
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he still thinks that what is in this report did not meet the standard for impeachment. >> i'm concerned about lowering impeachment standards to fit a paucity of evidence and an abundance of anger. i believe this impeachment not only fails to satisfy the standard of past impeachments, it would create a dangerous precedent for future impeachments. reporter: neil, we're in a recess right now. when they come back, republicans will get a chance to the question the witnesses. neil. neil: hillary, thank you very, very much. notice on corner of the screen the market is up through the impeachment hearings. impeachment is a non-event at the corner of wall and broad. focused on trade and vagueries of reports that looked awful yesterday when the president seemed to say we might not get a deal until next year's presidential election. others seizing on optimistic reports and sentiment out of beijing this morning and good economic news out of china, it
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is prepared to do something and soon. perception is everything these days. the street does seizes on that. we have the dow jones industrials up 176 points. 24 of 30 components are up. exact reversal what was going on yesterday at this time. keep in mind, markets still within 1 1/2 2% of all-time highs reached a week ago today. back with carlisle chairman, best-selling author, david rubenstein. david, when you look at the backdrop here, i have a crackpot theory. you're an expert. you know i play one on tv. that says the economic environment can make a big difference. it saved bill clinton. i'm not comparing the severity of charges or the high crimes and misdemeanors. it hurt richard nixon. this environment is much like the clinton environment and i have always posited, you know this far better than i do, wall street is not red or blue. it is green. they love making money. they don't want that disrupted.
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>> what wall street likes and what business people like to know what the rules of the game are and they like to know with certainty what will happen down the road. right now most people on wall street have concluded there will probably be an impeachment and not a conviction in the senate. they could be wrong. that is what they think. they don't think there will be disruption of the government. they believe president trump will be in office through the re-election, maybe get reelected there is lot of feeling on wall street he will be reelected. they don't feel right now, there is uncertainty who is running the government next several months. they will take time to deal with the issues. there is no feeling on wall street that president trump is going to be convicted. therefore they don't really take that into account on terms of the impeachment. neil: have they factored in his re-election? >> i think there is, people on wall street like to do bets, because they're betters and so forth. i would say today, most people on wall street who are probably willing to venture, say about them, they would say the chances are he is pretty good, get reelected in part the economy is in pretty good shape.
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if the economy goes down -- neil: all bets are off. >> beyond anybody's control. it would be different. as we mentioned before presidents generally get reelected when economy looks good. neil: polls were even before john mccain and barack obama and financial meltdown. there was a six to eight point spread john mccain was never able to narrow. >> that is correct. mccain didn't know what to do about it. they asked for suspension. they met with the president. there was no real issue that mccain really had he wanted something to get done. therefore it really didn't help him to have a pause in the campaign. so i think in that particular case, mccain didn't benefit from, what he wanted to do which is bring the people together and have president say something about it. neil: is it your gut right now, that it would be kind of hard to dislodge this thing before the election next year? could be aberrant event i know? >> there is always exogenous event you cannot predict. china, taiwan, iran, israel,
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ukraine, russia. you don't know what will happen. assuming none of those events unpredictable happen, right now economy on reasonably good trajectory. neil: stay here if you can. we glued you to the seat. he has nowhere to go. developments in the bond market to tell you about. stay with us. you're watching fox business. most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready.
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available at... neil: all right, we're up 177 points right now. the flight to quality we're seeing in the bond market yesterday is unwinding today as more people to into stocks. that is not too shocking. what could be shocking developments we don't plan on, the unexpected. bark to david reubenstein, the book, the american story, with conversations with master historians. very timely. we live in historic times. every election we say this is the most consequential election of our times. how do you view it? >> i think everybody says every election is the most consequential as you noted but this one is an important one
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because we've taken a different direction in foreign policy. if we continue the direction for another four or five years, i think clearly allies would look at us differently. i think it's a consequential election. we lived through more consequential elections. 1968 was a very consequential election of course. 1980 was a consequential election. all elections have some consequences. particularly if you have a president that serves for eight years. that makes a big difference. neil: looking at the landscape right now of all the democratic candidates i know kamala harris bowing out but 16 candidates are in. to a man or woman, at a minimum raise taxes. some a little, some quite a bit. how will that go down? >> nobody wants higher taxes generally. maybe some people want higher taxes by a general rule of thumb people don't like higher taxes, that is why taxes are not that high relatively speak because congress feels political pressure -- neil: but they're okay with someone else paying them, aren't they? >> as a general rule as russell long said, don't tax me, tax the
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guy behind the tree, tax somebody else. the problem you only get enough revenue to pay for system we have now, higher growth or cutting spending or higher taxes. cutting spending is very difficult. higher growth is difficult. the easy thing to do is race taxes at some point, you do that after an election if you have enough political power as president of the united states. most people have to address the deficit issue at some point. we're running one trillion dollar annual deficit. 23 trillion of annual debt. many people say it is not a big problem. we can always pay it off. you can't run up this much debt to not worry about it. neil: we owe the money to ourselves, right? >> not really. a lot of debt out there not to ourselves. of 23 trillion eight or nine to ourselves. a lot to foreigners they want to get paid. neil: if they don't, big problem. when you were on, i think "face the nation" you had said i think you need to be able to admit mistakes when you make them, referring to presidents. you need to be able to get along
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with other people. you need to know how to communicate with the american people. certainly on the. on some of the other stuff, admitting mistakes, some of that, not so strong. is that something that we have to see in presidents? is this something that develops as time goes on where you want to see it go on? >> every president has his unique style and president trump's style is somewhat unique. as a general rule of thumb in life i have found that when you admit a mistake, you get some benefit from doing that. i think never admitting a mistake is not a good thing because everybody makes mistakes. as president trump has said, everybody makes mistakes. i think admitting it gets some benefit. he obviously has a different style. i will not criticize it. in my own case i make mistakes every day. i probably made five mistakes on interview already and i probably will pay the price for it, and i recognize if you have some contrition, life is better.
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people that respect people that show contrition. neil: deference to you, maybe there are a lot of mistakes on this show but i blame the crew, right? you're okay with that, right? >> for example, president reagan, president reagan almost faced a potential impeachment over iran-contra. what did he do, he said i'm sorry i made a mistake. neil: so did john kennedy after the bay of pigs fiasco. >> right. it worked. neil: thank you my friend, very, very much. urge you to get the book, the american story, conversations with master historians with perspective of everything we see going on today. stay with us. there's a lot of talk about value out there. but at fidelity, value is more than just talk. we offer commission-free online u.s. stock and etf trades. and, when you open a new fidelity brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate --
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neil: google turning the page because cofounders larry page and sergey brin stepping down from alphabet with sundar pichai set to take over. jackie deangelis has the latest on fast moving story. reporter: good afternoon, neil. sundar pichai will take over as ceo of alphabet and google. cofounder sergey brin, this is interesting, step down as president of alphabet. that role will be eliminated all together. in a letter the cofounder said this, this is natural time to simplify our management structure. we're never ones to hold on management roles when we think there is a better way to run the company. the backstory here in 2016 google reorganized to farm fainter company alphabet, to separate the other bets, initiatives like driverless
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cars. they wanted that to be separate from google and search. the gave running android and chrome before he took over as ceo. page and brin will be remain on the board. they have vote are shares and that structure will not change. if they are uncomfortable with something they will out vote pichai. insiders say this is not surprising. google is gearing up for regulatory challenges. also a time google employees have been speaking out against company policies. the cofounders are stepping away from the job. it is a big job, 900 million in market cap, more than 100,000 employees. the stock is up on the news. pichai has proved himself here as pretty capable. neil: on the heat of the washington hearings, flawlessly. he took all-comers. we'll see what happens. jackie, thank you very, very much. so the search engine shakeup is coming as antitrust probes and criticism over business ties in
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china ramps up. remember all the pressure on facebook and all the problems going on with other tech titans through no fault of their own or laws sy interviews in the media, find themselves ease targets. market watch tech editor jeremy owens, what to make of all of that. it does seem to be open season on these guys. what do you make of it, jerry? >> they kind of deserve it one way. there is the problem that the government does not set any base rules for them. google says we'll take rules. if you want to establish some things, we'll live up to it. i think this is not exactly related to all of the regulatory issues and all of the pressure that has gone on there but i'm sure larry is going to feel great about getting away from that a little bit. neil: i'm wondering where the company goes right now? any concerns that what's building here, because republicans and democrats, if mem my serves me right were angry at google for various reasons and alphabet the parent company. where do you see it going?
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>> well, they have the chance to do some different things now. i wonder if they're going to? seems like they moved to the alphabet structure in 2015 and set it up so they could step away to have the company continue as it is right now. i'm sure that is what they would want to sigh. you have a lot of people saying they will target them, look to break them up. that's a possibility, right? i think that's the key to look for. is, are they going to get this antitrust investigation to a point where they can break up google, break up alphabet. neil: do you see that happening? >> i could definitely see them trying, right? even stuff spinning out android, right? that was a big problem in the eu where they faced a huge fine for forcing oems, manufacturers of smartphones, that use the android operating system, to put google apps on there. they offered the android operating system for free. then they had to put the apps, gmail and chrome and everything else on there.
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that could, that's the problem a lot of people are seeing that could force them to spin that out, right? at the very least we should start getting more information on some of the individual properties such as youtube. neil: got it. thank you very much. jeremy owens, market watch tech editor extraordinaire. >> thank you, neil. neil: i don't know if this is infuriating but spam calls are on the rise. remember the efforts to stop them? they're back with a vengance. how do you clamp down, stop them, get rid of them? they're giving it another go after this. it took over 100 years to perfect this masterpiece of italian design and performance... and about 15 minutes for us to do this. blends right into the italian architecture. no, no, no, no, no.
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neil: you always hear food good stories around this time of year. when you hear about meals on wheels, people can't get out to get food for themselves or can't afford food for themselves. it is all because of folks like my next guest, the meals on
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wheels of staten island. ceo in that particular region. a great area. thanks for coming, joseph. >> thanks for having me. neil: we talk about bragging about, surprising demand in this, most surprising communities you would not think it would be a big demand? >> our older adult population is growing rapidly. we have baby boomers aging in. we make a point -- neil: why are you looking at me as you say that? >> no. neil: you're right though. you're absolutely right. >> and it's, we've seen that census explode over the past decade and particularly now. we opened in 1972 as a pilot program. community leaders saw a need. we've been growing constantly since then and we remain committed to never have a waiting list which is part of our census growth. we'll never tell a senior you have to wait until there is a spot available ir. neil: is there means test for it? how does it go? >> our nurses evaluate and we work with senior citizens, management partner to determine
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that people are unable to cook for themselves or shop for themselves. they need healthy nutrition delivered in order to have healthy nutrition. we're for the senate to be able to deliver two meals a day. that has been our standard since we opened. we deliver meals that are responsive to people's dietary requirements. people with diabetes, for example, renal disease. neil: you know for each particular, you know, customer, out of program it for their needs? >> part of their initial assessment. our analysts get information from the physician or family. many of our participants are on ada diet. neil: how do they react when your folks come to their homes? there very receptive. sometimes people coming out of the hospital they need food as part of a discharge plan. sometimes family members if they're involved are concerned about their parent or their relative having healthy nutrition. neil: does the parent or relative fight you? say, my grandkid pushed me into
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this? >> not at all. they're great partners, in fact, part of what we do, because our average age is 84. we have a frail population. there may be instances where the person doesn't answer the door at the time of delivery. our driver, our delivererrer 80% are volunteers. many of those volunteers are retire seniors themselves. if nobody answers the door, it kicks into motion an emergency response on our part. calling a care giver. mom didn't answer the door. i forgot to call you, i'm sorry. she is with me today. she has an appointment. something is not right. i will go out there immediately. we'll send our nurse out there. we save lives. we know we save lives. we have a frail population we're serving. neil: doing something more. not giving enough credit. you listen. you hear them. sometimes just the company matters even more than the food? >> the, we put it on the sail level. that face-to-face contact that the recipient is receiving every
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day. the relationships develop between them, just as important as the food we're delivering. the person knows, sense of security, somebody sees me every day, knows that i'm well. knows that i'm not well. can follow up on that. that sense of security, that check on wellness supports a sense of wellness along with the food. this is healthy nutrition. these are nutritionist monitored diet programs. 1/3 rda, each people responsive to dietary requirements as i mentioned. we feel responsible to keep people healthy. neil: do you compete with church organizations or in conjunction? i know you work with businesses but how do you sort out who does what? >> it is not competition, a matter of collaboration, and being part of the hunger task force includes religious organization is. neil: some communities like mine, they contracted this out to, second, third parties from what used to be volunteer only
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church that kind of thing. >> right, right. we're, from the get-go we've been the sole provider of this service. you mentioned the business community, that is very important partnership for us. it is a wonderful partnership in fact. we partner with organizations like subaru, share the love. with subaru, we receive donations based on a level of participation. the chamber of commerce, the banks in our community support us, in our functions, in our fund-raisers. the supermarkets. labella market on staten island, this is the second year in a row they initiated a drive where customers can give a donation to meals on wheels. i can go on with the business community they're partners what we do. we're serving the same community of staten island. neil: these are remarkable individuals. they lived incredible lives. they're in our own society. >> they are incredible. last count. i was asked to get a count of number of recipient that are veterans and the number is
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almost 300. that is based upon at intake to determine a veterans test. we don't have the number in terms of how many widows of veterans. we could likely have almost all of our recipients are veterans or veterans widows. neil: amazing. we can't forget them. >> our volunteers are wonderful. i have to talk about them, the heart. last night we had the volunteer dinner where we honor the volunteers for service. yesterday was giving tuesday. what i said to volunteers yesterday. for you guys every day of the year is giving. they give year-round. neil: that is very true. that is the beauty. they're not getting paid a penny. doing it out of their heart. >> no. i took volunteers about the argument, i thank you so much for what you do. no, no. i thank you for letting me do this. i say, no i thank you more. that is the kind of argument. neil: my day, thank you. joseph, doing the lord's work. thank you very much. very up lifting. >> can i add one thing i was asked to do? we're building a new facility. we're moving forward with our
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funds. visit our website, meals on wheels staten island or text meals 3131. neil: most certainly is. we'll have it up on our website as well. stick around. >> thank you so much. song by song i try and make it easier for anyone to get help.
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anxiety. depression.
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panic attacks. people don't want to talk about it. so i share it. the struggle and the joy with my mental health. i bare it on a stage, under a spotlight, and invite everyone to join me. what's your mission? use godaddy to help make it happen. make the world you want. neil: you know with everything going on people are forgetting the cbs viacom merger i think is closing today. charlie gasparino, where do we stand? >> before we get into this, i like hotdogs. neil: you to the into a lot of trouble young man. >> people are humorless out there. >> you're hated. >> by the way i prefer those little pigs in a blanket than wine and cheese. pigs in a blanket and beer. neil: you're a man of the people. apparently that did not resonate with some viewers. >> it closes today the deal, at
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market close. so it will be trading combined company under the symbol viac. shari redstone which, who controls it through a holding company called national amusement, controls the combined cbs viacom, will have the controlling shares. those trade under viaca. if you're average shareholder, don't have to look at that. look under viac. huge combined company. not as big as amazon but in terms of pure media plays it is big. 30, 40 billion-dollar market cap. there will be layoffs. here is what i will tell you. tomorrow they will hold the first town hall of the combined company. shari redstone, again, controlling, family member of the redstone family which created both companies under national amusements will be there. bob bakish, ceo of the combined company will be there. joe ianniello, his essentially
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his nominal number two, who runs the cbs unit will be there. bakish will make a presentation i understand. the other two will be there. they will be given after bakish's presentation, i understand there will be unscripted questions given. neil: oh, boy. >> that is where this could get interesting because i can tell you from the phone calls i receive, a lot of rank-and-file are worried about that 500 million-dollar of synergies and cost reductions they're promising wall street to make this merger work and that's going to lead to layoffs. i will say this, the questions are unscripted. from what i understand, when you are chosen you can ask anyone of them whatever you want. they are prepared to answer questions about layoffs and that will be interesting to see, when they say the timing of these layoffs, will begin. you know, you just can't -- neil: isn't bringing the old company back together? >> but you got the get the synergies. got to get synergies.
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a horrible word. you need cost savings to make it works. the streets are looking for, all these companies, ours included are under tremendous pressure to get costs down, to be leaner. obviously the next step grow the share price. neil: sure. >> these are not charities. these are companies, the ceo's have a fiduciary responsibility not to the employees unfortunately you about to the shareholders, no matter how much people try to change that, that's corporate law. there will be cuts and job cuts. that is what the rank-and-file is bracing for. so we might get some daylight on that tomorrow. neil: all right. looking forward to that. charlie gasparino. thank you very much. the dow is up about 200 points here. that despite a weaker read in services. a weaker read in manufacturing. by and large more optimism than certainly yesterday was the case on trade. we'll have more after this.
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[ inaudible conversation ] >> well, he's-two-faced. he's a nice guy. i find him to be a very nice guy but the truth is, i called him out on the fact he's not paying 2% and i guess he's not very happy about it. >> there was an unscheduled press conference before my meeting with president trump and i was happy to take part in it. neil: you might have seen what started all this, you know, this open mic, these comments coming from the leaders. it's impossible to hear. thank god someone in the room put it all up in letters so they could see -- oh, i'm saying these nasty things. you heard about that.
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it's not the first time the president has been on the receiving end of some nasty sniksnik snickering. he's used to it but he was so ticked off he up and left london although to be fair to the president, he took a lot of questions with a lot of leaders, more than any i have seen over these events over the many years, whether you are talking nato, g-7 or g-8, so he just up and left. he's on his way back home. so this tense nato summit meeting coming to a close and the president now looking at hurdles back home. edward lawrence monitoring all of that at the white house where the president will be later today. reporter: yeah, but you didn't see the lashing out the president had over the last g-20 summit where he really lashed out over something he was very upset about, specifically with trudeau. you didn't see that this time. he just as you said, packed up and left because he had talked to the media several times. this administration is juggling a lot of different balls in the
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air, talking trade and impeachment hearings. look at this tweet from the white house press secretary stephanie grisham saying the witnesses in the hearing today, impeachment hearing, made up their minds long before today. the american people are being cheated out of a congress that works for them. one of the items the white house wants done is getting usmca done. house democrats have -- wanted more labor enforcement in this. the haggling over that enforcement has the administration or has allowed mexico to get another concession from the administration through usmca. a trade source tells us that mexico got intellectual property protections for biologics drastically reduced, including living vaccines and medicines. removing this protection is also something democrats wanted because they believe it will get generic drugs to the market sooner. this usmca negotiation still going on as democrats paraded professors in front of the judiciary committee to say the president committed high crimes.
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representative doug collins saying the professors could not have digested all the reports enough to make a decision today. listen. >> don't tell me this is about new evidence and new things and new stuff. we may have a new hearing room, new mics and chairs that aren't comfortable but this is nothing new, folks. this is sad. >> when president trump invited, indeed demanded foreign involvement in our upcoming election, he struck at the very heart of what makes this a republic to which we pledge allegiance. that demand as professor feldman just explained, constituted an abuse of power. reporter: and republicans are saying that this impeachment hearing is not based on facts. they believe the article of impeachment are already being drawn up and republicans are saying that's distracting the administration from other things they need to do as they are coming towards the end of their session this year, and that is the appropriations bills that need to be passed before december 20th and ratifying
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usmca. neil? neil: thank you, edward lawrence at the white house. for those of you tuning in from the very beginning, we had the carlyle group founder, david rubenstein warning that impeachment could push the agenda right off the stage. look at the backdrop of impeachment hearings starting in the judiciary committee today. that's a pretty alarming backdrop to what's going on right now. >> it is of concern. of course, everybody, if you have an impeachment process because whether or not you think it's appropriate, nobody wants to go through impeachment because it disrupts the government. neil: the more important thing he said was he does not think this is going to amount to a hill of beans and wall street is far more worried about the president losing re-election because any democrat who would take over would raise taxes at a minimum. the only issue is by how much. eric cantor joins us, the former house majority leader. very big cheese in the corporate
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world. what do you think of what is going on here? it is obviously a vitriolic, nasty, polarizing environment, but do you see any minds being changed with this impeachment stuff? >> great question, neil. actually, i think the point of your question's a good one. i don't think there will be any surprises. i would guess the american people have already understood that we know the ending to all this. the ending will be nancy pelosi's democratic majority house is going to impeach this president and the republican controlled senate is going to acquit this president. there has been nothing to indicate that that's not going to be -- neil: do you think the good environme environment, whether you have a personal beef with the president or whatever, that is helping him? >> i think the market, if you will, has i believe taken all
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that in and understands the outcome of this. so the unknown about impeachment is its impact on the election. i guess to your point, does that help him, i think so. again, i think what's even more helpful to president trump right now are these extreme economic proposals and these really out of the mainstream legislative agenda that is just constantly coming out of the democratic field right now. neil: rubenstein was saying much the same, at a minimum, i guess joe biden is considered the most [ inaudible ] in that he has only a $3.8 trillion tax revenue hike planned which is a lot less than some of the others, but it will call for bringing the top rate back up to close to 40%, taxing capital gains, at general income levels, and that's the best of the bunch as far as taxes are concerned. how do you think that's going to resonate? >> i think there's a real fear
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on the part of the business community. i think small and medium size businesses already understand the benefits of the trump agenda from an economic standpoint. but i do think -- neil: but they were fearful of bill clinton when he came in. he did raise taxes on the wealthy. of course, he cut other business taxes. you were there for a lot of that. what do you think? >> i think the business community in general writ large is very fearful what the democrats are out there proposing. again, they want more of a government role in our economy, period, the end. that scares a lot of people who are out there taking risks right now. i think, listen, there's also some things that need to get done, could be helpful to the president's re-election. right now, a lot of gyrations in the market are due to uncertainty around trade. every single day it seems like there's a different message coming out of the white house. i think we can just sort of see a lot better, more certain environment for investors in the market if we could get maybe a phase one deal on the china
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issue, if congress would step up, get usmca done, although i'm a little concerned about the latest news out of usmca and whether -- neil: it might not happen. a china deal might not happen before the election. is that posturing? >> i don't think a big china deal was going to happen. i don't think the issues of reforms that we want to see happen in that country are just way too far for beijing to go. neil: let me ask about the political environment. your state, virginia, i think it went from almost a safe red to purple. now it seems pretty blue. i'm wondering about all these republicans in the house and a few in the senate who are not running for re-election. it has a 2018 feel to me. i don't want to take that leap. you know that environment. what are you hearing? >> there's a generational shift going on in both parties. there are a lot of folks who are on the older end of the spectrum, have been in congress for awhile. i don't want to discount the fact that being in the minority
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in the house is very challenging, let's just put it that way. neil: it really is. i mean, you are nothing. >> in the house, simple majority gives you absolute power. neil: it really does. >> so there's that. there's that as well. as far as virginia's concerned, i do think we are a harbinger for the country. what you saw in my state is a lot of suburbs growing and growing and that constituency has become the independent vote. that's become the vote that -- neil: where do you think that vote is going in terms of for the president? >> it went against my party in virginia. i think that we've got a lot of work to do. i think i have been sitting at this table with you prior, and saying my party has a lot to do to figure out how to win the suburbs again. neil: but it sorts through, it's like chewing gum. the guy who beat you gets defeated -- >> the interesting thing about my old district was the most republican district in terms of
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number of votes in the commonwealth of virginia, five years ago, and now it's in the democratic column. again, it goes to show you the nature of the suburban electorate, the educated suburbanite who's got college education. neil: are they trump voters? >> they were not republican voters overall this last election. we'll see. i do think that this extreme agenda being posited by the democratic field is not something suburban electorate wants and they will vote for president trump over this kind of extremity being put out by elizabeth warren, bernie sanders and the rest. neil: again, there's still a very crowded field running. if the democrats coalesce around someone like joe biden, is that the biggest worry republicans have, that he has on paper, at least, the best chance? >> it all comes down to electoral college. as you know, the six states that are going to decide this election, there's growing consensus around this, are
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pennsylvania, michigan, wisconsin, florida, arizona, north carolina. neil: candidates should live in those states and ignore the 44 others. >> then it's that swing electorate within those states that will be getting the most attention. we'll have to see. but i do think a strong economy helps president trump and my party. an uncertain economic outlook is going to be more troubling for us, if that's what happens over the next year. neil: you talk obviously to financial titans. you are one yourself. do they worry about that? >> i think people are very worried about, you know, i think what we are hearing right now is a lot of people trying to convince themselves that elizabeth warren agenda could never get done. i don't believe that. do not count on that. the filibuster rule and all the governors in effect in washington right now, i think you can just, if there's united democratic government, you can kiss that good-bye and you will see some real damaging economic legislation. neil: you are a great student of history. we can both remember when
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everyone dismissed ronald reagan. we can both remember before then they dismissed jimmy carter. they dismissed barack obama and donald trump. more common is the unexpected. >> that's exactly right. i think we ought to fight tofor what we believe in and that's a much more pro-free market agenda being put out there by president trump and the republicans versus what you are going to see by the democrats, much, much more involvement by the federal government in our lives. neil: we will watch it closely. eric cantor, good catching up with you. we have the dow up about 190 points. what's doing it today is sudden optimism about a trade deal that could be scored with china. i know, i know. it was the exact opposite yesterday. yes, it is. it is. after this. (chime)
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(woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready.
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and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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neil: do you think a china trade deal would sort of ice the deal here? because the president seemed to throw cold water on that by saying that you know we might not get a deal until after the election. >> my view is that there will be a deal. i don't have any inside information. i can't speak for the administration. but i do think that very very close, i do think there will be an announcement in the not too distant future. neil: all right. international business titan, of course, multibillionaire, founded the carlyle group, a lot more, saying he's optimistic a deal will be had. the markets seem to be betting on that just for today. i always hasten to add for those who are regular viewers of this show that you don't know day by day, tick by tick on something, you just follow a trend. markets have been ignoring any of the volatility around trade in the hopes that one will eventually be scored but they can be set back by disappointment as was the case yesterday and by growing optimism as appears to be the case today.
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that can change literally on a dime or yuan or whatever you want to call it. let's get the read where things are going. we will talk to the former dallas fed adviser danielle dimartino booth and key advisers group co-owner eddie gabore. is it your sense a deal will be done? >> i really am not optimistic that a deal is going to get done and that's my worry right now with the market. i think the market has been pretty complacent probably the last three trading days, just assuming a deal's going to get done. we have come so close so many times and we thought a deal was going to happen and it never did. so right now, from an investor's perspective with the year we've had in the market, i think it's prudent to take some profits right now, take the guessing out of it and whether or not a trade deal is going to happen, and this way you are positioned to be a little more defensive as we head into the next week or so. neil: normally, the fed has come to the rescue, if it's a fear of a slowdown, the federal reserve might have to do something to goose things if it looks like
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this weighs on us. can you envision that? >> well, it's interesting you raise that point, neil, because yesterday, as markets began to kind of sink into a substantial several day little mini correction, if you will, we started to see market pricing move as far as a potential 2020 fed rate cut is concerned. now, this flies in the face of what fed officials contend and most economists, for that matter, but markets have indeed priced in a rate cut for next year, but yesterday what we started to see was that they were pulling that forward into earlier on in 2020. again, the fed's going to have to offset any kind of major disappointment that we see manifest in the stock market if a trade deal is not done, to eddie's point. neil: you know, we have done well all these, what, 15 months or so we started this whole process, 16, i don't know, i can't count anymore, without a deal. i guess there's a limit how much you can push that, but what do you think?
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>> so here's the thing. i think the market -- i think we have kind of overhyped how important a china trade deal actually is to the market, to your point. the market has ignored all of that and has continued to go up because of the fundamentals and frankly here in the u.s., it's really because of the strong consumer. what the market's going to care about the most is not whether or not a deal gets done, it's how much tariffs are going to be added, if any, on that december 15th. if we see a large amount of tariffs added as scheduled, then i think you are going to see a big downturn in the market and you better have your seat belt on tight. neil: well, that would be an ideal environment then, i guess, for bonds. >> it would certainly be an ideal environment for bonds, and we did see after some real carnage in the bond market, we finally saw that big flight to safety trade as we saw yields come down and bond prices conversely go up these last few days. we have actually seen yields stay pretty well behaved.
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it looks like at least one market is paying attention to the weakness in payroll's growth that we saw out of adp. we had the lowest print on the services side of the economy since 2009. so one of the two markets is paying attention to economic fundamentals and the risk that this trade deal might not get done, and i think the fed should probably be paying closer attention to the bond market versus the stock market. neil: they might now. we will watch it very closely. guys, thank you both very, very much. meanwhile, looking at chicago and guns and drugs that are rampant there, now its police department is blaming facebook. cologuard:
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colon cancer screening for people 50 plus at average risk. some things are harder than you thought. and others are easier. like screening for colon cancer with me, cologuard. i'm noninvasive and you use me at home. i'm also effective. i find 92% of colon cancers using dna in your stool. so why wait? cologuard is not for those at high risk for colon cancer. false positive and negative results may occur. ask your healthcare provider if cologuard is right for you. most insured patients pay $0.
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neil: joe biden making it official, unveiling a plan worth about $3.4 trillion in tax hikes that will include lifting the
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top rate to 39.6% and taking the corporate rate which is right now at around 21%, lifting it to 28%. 21% rate on foreign profits and capped deductions -- capping deductions for the wealthy. he will also tax capital gains at general income rate so you could be, again, charged as high as almost 40% off a capital gains investment. we will keep track of that and how that sorts out, as pricey as a lot of that seems it is among the more affordable tax hikes being proposed by any of the prominent democratic candidates. meantime, hospitals are suing the u.s. government to keep their prices secret. kristina partsinevelos has a lot more on this. what's going on here? reporter: this is actually really an attempt by the hospital groups to shut down the trump administration's central health policy initiative and it's to provide more easy to read price information for patients. so you know, you are not drowning in information. you have the american hospital association and other industry
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groups that are arguing that forcing them to publish the prices they negotiate with insurors violates the first amendment act and extends beyond the affordable care act. we also have the suit, it's a larger document, it reads and i quote, the burden of compliance with the rule is enormous and way out of line with any projected benefits associated with the rule. you have the administration right now that feels that price transparency should drop prices for consumers, but it's also going to cost hospitals $38 million in administrative fees. on the flipside, you have hospitals that disagree, saying if rates are public, some insurors might actually push up their prices to match the competition. overall, you have these hospitals that want a decision on the lawsuit quickly so they don't waste time and money. think of the massive excel documents that you would have and the large millions of numbers in these excel documents. even in the suit, they highlight
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that their websites may not work because of such large files. as of now, the rule is scheduled to take effect as of january 2021. if hospitals don't comply by being transparent, they will be fined $300 a day. let's see where this lawsuit goes. neil: wow. kristina, thank you very much. facebook is under pressure in chicago over illegal gun and drug sales. this is confusing. jeff flock is all over it. what's going on? reporter: well, we did have illegal drug and gun sales before facebook came along but the police in chicago say they are making it worse. it's something called operation facebooked and the police yesterday had some really tough words for facebook. what they did is they looked at these private groups on facebook that you know you can't really see, but you have to get an invitation to. they infiltrated those groups. they made 147 undercover purchases of guns and drugs. they seized four hand guns,
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shotguns, high powered rifle, 23 different kinds of narcotics, 53 people have been arrested. they say it's kind of like a version of the dark web that's more accessible because it's on facebook and they complain facebook is not cooperating. listen to these tough, tough words. >> the truth is, facebook is harboring criminals. criminals know how to use the privacy facebook affords them and they profit from the sale of illegal drugs and dangerous guns. reporter: wow. i will point out that we seized, we, i say, the city of chicago, has seized 10,000 illegal guns so far this year, by far the most in the nation. facebook says it does cooperate. here's their statement. i want to read it correctly. illicit drug and firearm sales have no place on our platform. we remove content and accounts that violate our policy and they say they catch over 97% of drug sale content and 93% of firearm sales content before it gets
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reported to them, but they do admit that you know, if the police set up a phony profile to infiltrate these places and they find out it's phony, they take that down but if you are a member of one of these facebook groups that bought illegal guns, you don't necessarily get taken down from facebook. they say it's all about privacy and fairness. neil: that's a pretty circuitous route but we'll watch it. man, oh, man. jeff, thank you very, very much. meanwhile, get ready for more trade jitters after these jitters. there's a lot of talk about value out there.
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at carvana. [ inaudible conversation ] neil: it's hard to make out even if you are watching on tv. for those of you listening on radio right now, this was a scene earlier this morning, actually from last night, involving a lot of key leaders from around the world snickering and apparently making disparaging kidding comments, they later said, about the president of the united states,
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president trump. long story short, the president obviously taking it in stride but pointing out that he found that one of those participating in that canadian prime minister trudeau was two-faced. anyway, he's gone, he's left. there was no formal press conference at the end even though he had a record number of them duration-wise with a group of different leaders. he didn't really rob the press of any opportunity to hear his points of view on a lot of subjects but on this, he's out. roger, ultimately for the president -- i should say he's former house armed services committee deputy staff director. very good to have you. i apologize for my own confusion there. can you help me with this? i know the president looked just fine. he was telling them how he felt and saying very strongly how he felt to their face.
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they look a little wormy, snickering behind his back. for the audience, it probably mattered to him, for the american audience, all good. what do you think? >> i mean, this is great fodder for the political paparazzi. president trump's got his own style and it gets a lot of commentary. for the american people, they care about two things. a recent reagan national defense survey revealed this. they want to make sure our nata -- nato allies are doing more. they also think it's important for united states to be part of the alliance and that alliance be strong. neil: the president said part of making that alliance strong is everyone, you know, helping to foot the bill. he says in the last three years, whether it represents a 180 on his part, it has gotten stronger and nato is more consequential as a result. what do you make of that? >> absolutely. and the recipient of that message, the most important recipient, is russia. president trump emphasized it, nato has contributed more but
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that's really a bipartisan perspective. republicans and democrats support nato allies contributing more and republican and democratic presidents have advanced this for years. bob gates, republican secretary of defense who served under president obama made a big point of emphasis on getting nato allies to contribute more. president trump certainly shares that view and demands it in his own unique style. neil: how do you think the whole trip went? this was to celebrate the 70th anniversary of nato. it's a pretty crowded group right now. a lot of the other members are leery of having turkey be part of that, while at the same time buying weapons from russia. where is this going? >> turkey situation presents a complication and major issue for the alliance, but to me, this is what the alliance is about. it's about working out differences. president erdogan is there and he has to be engaged. it's better that he's in the tent than out of the tent. that's my perspective. americans want a strong nato. that's clearly a perspective and these get-togethers are not just
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about pictures at buckingham palace. it's about working out the differences. ultimately it's russia that needs to understand nato is going to be equipped, that nato allies will fund their militaries and we can deter russia from troublemaking in the region. neil: do you think that russia, though, has been emboldened to continue sort of getting in nato's face? >> that is certainly their objective. one of the unfortunate consequences of the complicated relationship with turkey is that we haven't done more as an alliance to deter russia from making, you know, problems in europe, particularly eastern europe, particularly in the baltics. if they were more unified they could concentrate on increasing the military presence to demonstrate to the russians we aren't going to tolerate their behavior there. neil: we will watch it crolosel but it is worrisome. hopefully cooler, calmer heads
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neil: elizabeth warren is tweeting right now on the news that [ inaudible ] are stepping down from day-to-day management of alphabet and google more to the point, tweeting out congrats on the move. we do still expect you to testify before congress and changing your title while staying on the board retaining effective control of it will not exempt you from accountability. she's referring to the fact the two men together control more than half of the overall voting shares of the company so just stepping down does not remove their influence so she wants them to chat with her and her
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committee. more on that. meantime, holding the phones. spam robocalls are rising and the devil is in the details how to fix it because we went this way before. they couldn't get it under control. they are trying again. susan li is seeing what they are cooking up. susan: yeah. numbers are startling, as you saw there. the u.s. is ranked only number eighth in the world according to swedish research firm true color. that means there are other countries that have it even worse than we do. the number of robocalls surging in america by 35%, growing faster than the rest of the world, at least the world's average, and saw a record in october of 5.7 billion spam calls. they also scam and steal. 43 million americans were duped last year, losing around $10.5 billion in those fake schemes. number one, who has it the worst? brazil. robocalls increasing there from 30% to 40% in the year. peru is number two, asia is
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number three, mexico number four. given the risks they pose to consumers, especially the elderly and the young, lawmakers across the aisle in both houses have unveiled a compromise bill this month to empower u.s. phone companies so the fcc can punish and sue a robocaller. it also requires phone companies to authenticate the source of the call and ensure this service will be free for all consumers. as always, there is a catch. >> we call on the carriers to use their latest technologies to keep pace and stay ahead hopefully with these illegal scammers, and if they don't, we give the fcc the authority to mandate that the carriers implement this new technology. susan: so the catch is you have to force the carriers to implement the technology but it has to be a system everybody uses in order for it to be effective. of course, getting competitors to agree to something might be a
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little difficult. neil: i guess so. susan, thank you very, very much. meantime, there's a massive truck driver shortage going on in this country. there's a new push to find female recruits. reporter: neil, yes, we are on the road here in york, pennsylvania. i'm with liz myer. she's been a truck driver for more than a decade now. now she's an instructor with a truck driving school here in york. this was not always the career path she intended but i want to know, what is it like to be a woman truck driver in a male dominated industry? >> it's definitely challenging. however, i think that the good outweighs the bad. it's a graeat career to have. it's enough to support your family, you have time at home, you have options. i think it's great, especially for women in this industry. reporter: now as we are seeing the number of women slowly
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starting to increase, getting into the business, in 2003, there were 4.5% of the trucking force made up of women. that has grown to about 6% as of last year, 2018. mentioning the trucking shortage, the american trucking association put out the numbers that the trucking shortage is expected to double over the next decade. companies are now reaching out to women to recruit them. what are you seeing as far as companies doing things to get women into the industry? >> i think there have definitely been a lot of great things. they are doing family passes where you can take your child along or your pet along. i think that's wonderful. i think they are looking into safety issues as well. most companies are just trying to get us back in there. reporter: and training is obviously very important. you use a lot of simulators to get people into the trucks and get them comfortable. tell me about training.
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>> you know what i think is amazing, it gives everyone an opportunity to basically look at what they are going to get into before they get out on the road with the actual real danger, learning how to shift, learning how to double-clutch, learning different scenarios and things that could happen. dangers at intersections, things like that. it's imperative to have. reporter: i will leave you with one final stat. as far as women, they are 20% less likely to get in a crash when driving a truck here like this. back to you. neil: wow. didn't know that. keep that a secret from my wife. thank you very, very much. all right. so let's say you don't really flip over your credit score, it's gotten in the way of getting loans or a host of things. regulators don't flip over it either. they are looking to make a change in this. to "making money" host charles payne. what are they trying to do here? charles: you know, i think they really want to make this a better system. it's not about changing the scores, per se, but i think you've got all these different
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agencies out there, there's a lot of confusion and anger out there among consumers. maybe the government thinks they can get involved and make it so that everyone is more encouraged to use credit but understands the credit system itself. at least that's my interpretation of it. neil: they hope to democratize the process. i know they talk about the fact the way loans are doled out today, it's to the advantage of those who have the income and the means and not those who do not and the chasm widens and all that. is there enough there to justify that or the flipside fear would be we are encouraging risky lending. how do you play that? charles: there was a time i guess maybe it's romanticized now. i think the movie "it's a wonderful life" exemplifies the idea your local banker used to know you and your family so well that they could overlook certain things and you, the person, would make good on these things. as these industries have gotten so large and become centralized,
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the idea is that yeah, of course you've got to have a credit score, you've got to know who's a riskier bet and by the same token, as a nation we want to see people have access to credit. we want to see people have access to banking. i think really, you've got so many new financial technology names in the pipeline, i think they are going to fill that void. i really believe that there's going to be a new era of banking that's going to challenge some of these old behemoths that by the way, make money just by parking it at the federal reserve. there's no incentive for a lot of them to do this and it is a problem in society. obviously if you take greater risk, you know, you want to at least acknowledge it and be able to sort of have a way to mitigate it. neil: we will watch closely. thank you, my friend. great job again with the vice president of the united states. you had to watch that interview, it put a lot of things in perspective including the economic winds the administration is convinced is at its back here. meanwhile, forget about finding a date. how do you find the right dating app? there's a cottage industry growing among all these alternatives that are out there
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neil: online dating is big. that, you probably know. what's getting to be a problem for those who use the sites is well, picking out the right ones to, well, find the right date. global dating apps market is expected now to surpass $8 billion by the year 2024. the league founder and ceo amanda bradford runs a very exclusive app that's designed to connect young professionals. she joins us right now out of san francisco. how does this work? >> hi. we're not just for young professionals. professionals of all ages now. we started in -- about five
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years ago and our whole concept is to have a curated, vetted community of professionals that are ambitious and looking for someone that also has drive and ambition so that's the common thread of our user base. neil: is there an age range or if you are a professional, that's all that matters? >> so we started and it was mostly like 20 to 35 was our sweet spot, but in the last couple years, we have seen it really exploding in the kind of 35 plus age group. neil: interesting. >> we call it the second wave. neil: how do you screen those who want to be on this very exclusive site that they are the real mccoy? >> yeah, so we are selective. we require people to put both their facebook, linkedin, if they have a twitter or instagram, we verify as many social networks as they are willing to give us and we vet each and every individual and then you can pay for membership. if you don't want to give all of your social networks but basically, the way we do it, we
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are kind of putting everybody in one place where everyone knows that the person they are meeting is actually who they say they are, which is a big issue in dating. a lot of people are anonymous, can say they are a nasa rocket scientist when they are not and we actually kind of verify all these things. neil: do they have to meet a good look test? who polices that, or do you? >> so for us, it's not so much about attractiveness. we call it profile quality. what we mean is high resolution photos, all the fields are filled out, you are actually talking to matches and messaging them. we call all of this a league score. you can think of it [ inaudible ] we try to keep the league score high and make sure people are actually being courteous to each other and not ghosting each other and holding people accountable to kind of a higher standard of dating. neil: is there a difference, this is very cliche question, maybe even a dumb one, is there
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a difference between what female professionals are looking for versus male? how does that all play out? >> yeah, there's a lot of interesting insights we can get into one of these days from algorithm, watching people match over the last five years has been quite interesting. what we have found is that for instance, people in the medical industry tend to match at a higher rate. people in the same tech industry tend to match at a high rate. so we do see sort of professional networks being very much significant in the matching. our latest feature is the league live feature which is actually video dating and that's more or less take your typical speed dating, throw it on a phone and put people in a two-minute video chat. that's essentially what we are doing on sunday nights. we have seen for that feature, actually, kind of the older users are more interested in it because they can go on a date in two minutes without leaving their couch so for people in other regions or in places that are harder to date, that feature
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has been kind of skyrocketing in that demo. neil: what is an older user to you? >> i'm aging myself at this point, but you know, when i say older user, i guess what i mean is that our bell curve of age is anywhere from 18 years old all the way to let's say 80 years old but the majority of our users are in their 30s, early 30s, late 30s, early 40s, like i said, we are starting to see some more. when i say older user, maybe someone 50 to, in that 50 to 70 range. they are not going to have 100 dates on a friday night but if they can get on a two-minute video date with someone from a nearby city, that's actually real value for them. neil: yeah. i was just thinking the 80-year-old hunting on the site but that's a whole other show. >> people are living long now. neil: you are absolutely right, amanda. it's a neat idea, neat concept. very good having you. >> thanks for having me.
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neil: all right. wonder what you put on your likes and dislikes. you like prune juice? oil prices are higher. there's a reason for that. it has nothing to do with the sense that the economy could be improving, but that opec is going to be doing some production cutting. we will explore that after this. at fidelity, online u.s. stocks and etfs are commission-free. and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk
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neil: all right. david reubenstein didn't tip his political hand but he told me from the wall street perspective, what wall street would like to see. wall street isn't red or blue it's green. they love money. they love making money and they don't want that disrupted. >> they don't think there will be a disruption of the government. they believe president trump will be in office through the election. neil: his view of things. wall street wants to keep what is going on now? they're not really red, blue they're green. they made a lot of green under this president which is another
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reason why mr. rubenstein is very confident that the impeachment situation will not go anywhere because the economic environment is so food. it helped a fellow person name bill clinton last time we went through this. here is charles payne. charles: i'm charles payne. this is "making money." stocks back in the green. investors stuck on a roller coaster of trade headlines, but missing another monster year if you're paying too much attention. what i think of the wall street temper tantrums and how you should be investing. president trump cancels is long planned press conference as he wraps up the time of the nato summit. after other world leaders were mocking him for talking so much to the press. house judiciary committee beginning its round of impeachment hearing with college professors testifying. the man himself, lou dobbs, will join me in studio later this hour. something tells me has a lot to say about the subject and so


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