tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business December 5, 2019 12:00pm-2:00pm EST
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vineyard. pretty good price. >> i'm waiting for my invite. stuart: dream on, son. we're almost out of time. it has been a rock and roll show. a lot of peloton, baby yoda, a lot of impeachment. we did it all. david asman, it is yours. david: i'm david asman in for neil neil can cavuto. nancy pelosi is asking the house move ahead with impeachment. watch. >> the president abused his power for his own political event at the expense of our national security, sadly, but with confidence and humility, with allegiance to our founders, and a heart full of love for
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america, today i am asking our chairman to proceed with articles of impeachment. i commend our committee chairs and their members for their somber approach to actions i whh i wish the president had not made necessary. david: they ask them to move fast so the senate quote, can have a fair trial. edward lawrence with more. reporter: white house press secretary stephanie grisham says the democrats should be ashamed of themselves. house speaker nancy pelosi outlined in the statement that the house is protecting against threats foreign and domestic. she is saying that the house is protect the u.s. constitution. listen to her answer when she was asked if she hated the president? >> this is about the constitution of the united states and the facts that lead to president's violation of his oath of office. as a catholic i resent your
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using the word hate in the sentence that addresses me. i don't hate anyone. >> today with the speaker announcement she has weakened this nation. reporter: that is house minority leader kevin mccarthy, republican saying this is all about politics. now advisors here at the white house hired to handle impeachment are turning this back on democrats. listen. >> as the house is suggesting the president abused this power, it actually is the speaker, adam schiff and jerry nadler who are willing to abuse their power, given to them as a house by the constitution to impeach the president. reporter: the president says on twitter this, it sets a dangerous precedent where impeachment will be used on a regular basis to attack future presidents. you see that tweet there. the president also saying on twitter, that during the senate trial, that they will call hunter biden, adam schiff, house
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speaker nancy pelosi, putting them all on the spot. david, what is next, six committees, according to the house speaker on monday will start with their presentations. back to you. david: edward, thank you. as edward said. more action on monday when evidence is presented to the judiciary committee. so what does this mean for the timeline of the impeachment? house judiciary committee member, colorado republican, ken buck joining me now. congressman, first of all, i would like you to respond to what speaker pelosi said. she claims that the fact of this case are uncontested. how would you respond to that? >> the facts of this case are based on hearsay, they're based on speculation and they are absolutely contested and the speaker knows that. she believes that she can draw certain inferences from the testimony that was given. nobody else believes that. i certainly don't believe that. i think as a prosecutor for 25 years, i want to see the facts, i want to see the documents, i want to see the people and all of that is not present in this
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case. david: she is doing something that she has said repeatedly, beginning as early last january, again in march, saying that she would not do what she is just said she will do, which is bring it to the floor for a vote, impeachment. she said it is, she would not do that, if it is a purely partisan issue. is there any sign that this is anything other than a purely partisan issue? any republicans in the house who will vote for impeachment? >> what she said was it has to be compelling, clear, bipartisan. it is not bipartisan, it is not clear and not compelling. she is doing this for clearly political purposes, i believe the politics will blow up in her face next year. the senate doesn't have to adopt the house narrative in this situation. the senate can go with the truth. it can follow the witnesses. it can go down the path that the evidence takes it. in this case it will embarass the democrats who are in districts that president trump won and will be on the ballot
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with president trump. i think she has problems in her own caucus frankly. david: you know the speaker. you know democrats that come from red districts that voted for donald trump. what kind of pressure was imposed on the speaker to make her change her position on voting for an impeachment that is purely partisan? >> first let me clarify something. i don't know the speaker. i work with the speaker. i have observed the speaker but i believe the speaker sees significant fund-raising gains from what she is doing right now. she will pay the price down the road. i think chichi sees is strengthening her base, solidifying her base, helping whatever presidential candidate represents the democrats in the next election. i don't think that the folks in the middle, the american public appreciates not moving on the u.s. mexico canada trade agreement. david: right. >> not trying to solve immigration. not trying to solve prescription drug price issues. those are things the american public wants congress to work
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on. david: she said you can both investigate and legislate. you're saying that is not possible? >> i think it is absolutely possible but she is not doing it. there is a lot of things that are possible, when you spend all of your time and energy dreaming up factual situation, to try, frankly legal standard to try to impeach this president you're not focused on the people's business. david: now there were two democrats who went with republicans to vote against the impeachment inquiry. will those two democrats continue to vote against impeachment? >> i haven't talked to them but my guess you will see a double-digit number of democrats who do not support the speakers position on impeachment. you will see no republicans who shift over to supporting the speaker on this issue. david: how about in the senate? i know it is a different house but do you think there are any republican senators who will vote against the president when it comes to trial? >> i haven't heard of any. i would be very suspicious,
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there certainly won't be in my opinion, a 2/3 majority to convict this president on the charges, flimsy charges that have been brought against him. david: when do you think it is going to all be over? >> i think this has to be over by the end of february. i think the, senate majority leader mitch mcconnell will try to move this quickly but, there is a lot of investigation that is left to be done because the house hasn't done its job. it hasn't fully developed the record. david: congressman ken buck, great to see you, congressman. thank you for coming in. appreciate it. >> thank you. david: stocks retreating slightly today. they are down about 24 points right now. so who does wall street think will win in 2020 or the impeachment itself and does it matter? carlyle group president david rubenstein telling neil cavuto the following. watch. >> have they factored in his re-election? >> people on wall street like to do bets, they're betters. most people on wall street are willing to venture, say about it, would probably say chances
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are pretty good he will get reelected in part because the economy is in pretty good shape. if the economy goes down for lots of reasons beyond his control, anybody's control it would be different. david: brandywine portfolio manager jack mcintyre on the market impact on the election. i want to first ask jack about the impeachment itself. we saw a big drop in the premarket activity this morning, when speaker pelosi came out at 9:00 a.m. about a half hour before it opened. it is a moderate loss today. we're down about 24 points on the dow. is this, does seem though that it it is beginning to have a slight impact on the market or am i wrong? >> i will put you in the wrong camp. david: okay. >> i think from a market standpoint we don't expect an impeachment. not that there is uncertainty whether he will get reelected or not but no. as we know facts today, yeah the house is going to impeach him. we know that. but the senate will acquit him. i don't think there is enough evidence.
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things can change but what we know today, i'm betting in that camp he will not be impeachmented. david: do you think the trade issues and such are more important to the market than the whole impeachment process? >> yeah. i agree. it will be again, i agree with david rubenstein. if trump will get reelected, he will get reelected because the u.s. economy is doing pretty good job next year. for the u.s. economy to be in good shape, we need to make progress on the trade front with u.s. and china trade tensions and get a phase one deal. those things are certainly linked. david: we should remember, by the way, during the impeachment of bill clinton, markets actually rose during the impeachment process from the time he was impeached through the trial. you can have markets improving despite an impeachment. i wonder last year at this time you heard a lot of talk about recession. the fed was raising rates. that led to big drops in the markets but right now you're not hearing much if anything about recession. do you think we will go through to the election in 2020 without
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having one? >> i think we will. yes, as you pointed out the fed has done a 180. it is not just the fed. global monetary policy is stimulative. interesting, back in august a inverted yield curve, everybody talking about recession. i think yield curve was influenced by negative yielding bonds in europe and japan. it didn't give the classic recession signal. the fed is certainly adapted and changed. i think we will continue to do. if we see weakness in the labor market but we don't see that today. so no recession in 2020 is our call. david: what do you expect tomorrow when we get the jobs report? >> so i, you know, we are still in a camp the labor market is still in good shape. any one month you get a lot of volatility. the adp number was weak. claims today were actually pretty good. so i think it will be a number in line with expectations. maybe a little on the weak side but i don't think the labor
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market is going to show deterioration going into 2020. david: jack mcintyre, great to see you, thank you very much. >> my pleasure. david: an end to the megamergers? how elizabeth warren is planning to take them on. that is coming next. catch all that, a lot more tonight on "bulls & bears." you don't want to miss the show i host. on 5:00 p.m. eastern time right here on fox business. we look forward to seeing you there. ♪ ♪
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president. not exactly unexpected but there are some unexpected moves like austan goolsbee, for example, economic advisor for president obama endorsing mayor pete buttigieg. austan will be with us later on in the show, this hour. you don't want to miss that. megamergeers under a megamicroscope. elizabeth warren planning a bill not just banning them going forward but reviewing past decades of deals as well. hill very vaughn is live with more on this. reporter: hi, david. seconds ago i got off the phone with someone who had a chance to look at this draft bill and this person tells me inside of the draft bill senator warren's staff is floating around it would start a process to unwind mergers that have happened retroactively in the past decade, start looking at the megamergers, potentially go back and undo them. some of the ideas been circulated in the draft bill go
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beyond banning megamergers which is something reported to be included in the draft bill but also would do some other things. warren made this a promise of her presidential campaign. i did hear from warren's office today, saying they can't confirm anything, the existence of this draft bill but they did hint something might be coming in the next few months that would coincide with messaging we received from congressman david cicilline office, he is leading the antitrust investigation into a lot of these mergers. their office has indicated that that investigation would be ready to wrap up a few months into 2020. so it certainly, all sides are pointing that you could see some legislation in the springtime next year, looking at antitrust issues, anti-monopoly concerns specifically related to megamergers. here is what the impact of that would be if the bill would just unwind mergers already happened.
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you could see big ones affected by the law. at&t buying time warner. google scooping up youtube, amazon taking up ownership of whole foods and zappos. it goes beyond just looking at mergers. it could evaluate how they will impact not only consumers, entrepreneurs, innovation and privacy. that is something regulatory, they want regulatory agencies to consider before they green light any mergers. it also could mean that they're looking at privacy, this could spell trouble for companies like facebook, google and apple, who has been in the spotlight over privacy concerns. lastly, it would also include special protections for workers in the gig economy, allowing them to unionize. of course that would impact big companies like uber and lyft. david? david: hillary, thank you very much. the trump administration also probing big tech but elizabeth warren as you heard from hillary wants to take it a step further. actually going back to look at old mergers too. charlie gasparino, says the
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threat of litigation is probably what, goose egg, big zero, of successful litigation? >> of this bill being a success is that right there and i'll tell you why. david: that is a good news to a lot of investors by the way. >> she blindsided all her fellow democrats. hillary mentioned david sis little lien. democrats leadership has not been -- david: this is pie in the sky. >> she flopped on "medicare for all." she got crushed. her poll numbers gone down. she is throwing another hail mary to get her thing started again. she did not consult with democratic leadership. they won't comment. the details of this thing, listen, i don't care what warren is saying, there are no details i'm going to break up mergers. the notion of breaking, creating
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a legislation to break up something that has been the courts have ruled is okay, like at&t, time warner, think about that. that's, is that legislation actually pass supreme court muster? this is pie-in-the-sky stuff and it is dangerous stuff because it is unsettling to markets. where warren could have an impact, she would have to be president, okay? so take the legislation out because i don't think that will ever happen. i don't think you could get 60 democrats, democrats controlling senate and house. it would have to be, bulletproof, this legislation for it to go. that is not going to happen. where this could have some impact is if warren becomes president. david: gets sec appointments. >> less sec, more doj, doj antitrust. she would literally have to litigate 10 cases. i mean that's not easy. when would the justice department litigated 10 major mergers all at once? she would have to sue at&t, sue
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facebook, for whatever its whatsapp whatever they bought she doesn't like, you have to go down the line. david: i see your point. >> it tells you where her head is at. david: you bring up a great point, she got so far ahead of herself in the anti-business rhetoric, health care for all is part of it. but that itself, admitting millions of jobs would lost. costing $53 trillion, joe biden has been zooming ahead. we mentioned john kerry is endorsing him. not a big surprise of course. >> right. david: but at the same time, a lot of people were saying a year ago he would never be the nominee. he keeps looking pretty strong. >> i keep telling this around here, everybody around here, not everybody, you no, cavuto no, liz claman, no. said his best day would be first day. guess what, he is leading in the polls. i hate to break it for trump supporters. hard to campaign against 10
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people when they gang up on him. he has a speech impediment. he looks flustered. if he gets through this on one-on-one with trump, he matches really well. now i'm not saying he is a good thing for the economy because joe biden will really raise taxes on middle class people. david: we'll talk about that later in the show. >> austan won't admit it. ask him about the payroll tax. he has massive tax increases that kick in 130 grand a year. remember he has issues there. he is moderate of the field. david: a lot better than liz warren -- >> by the way he would never introduce this. maybe some reviews of deals. he would dance around it to keep the left-wingers quiet, maybe. david: good stuff. charlie, thank you very much. pete buttigieg got a key endorsement from president obama's economic team, austan goolsbee is coming up to tell us all about why he is now endorsing mayor pete. that's next.
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david: spacex taking another shot at the falcon 9 rocket launch today. it should take off in four minutes if everything goes into schedule. it was delayed because of bad weather. mission to the international space station what nasa is calling a robot hotel expected to be attached to the space station. it will be happen four minutes from now. we'll keep you posted. iranian security forces may have killed over 1000 people since protests began. fox news's greg palkot with the latest. reporter: hi, david. this is important new information tracking in the last hour or so. it comes from the special envoy to iran for the united states brian hook telling the press that the death toll from the ongoing protests in iran could have topped one how people. this is much higher than has been thought even this week.
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he did not cite a source. it is pretty serious unrest, broke out middle of last month, triggered by a hike in gas prices by the iranian regime, described as the worst in the 40-year history of ayatollahs there. hook confirmed number of injured in the crackdown could be 2,000 or more. number of arrested, 7,000 or more. hundreds of thousands across the country have been protesting the regime trying to come to grips with it. the envoy also confirmed the other information that has been breaking in the last 14 hours or so, that a u.s. navy destroyer forrest sherman on patrol in the north arabian sea, not far from yemen, seized what he called a significant cache of advanced missile parts thought to be manufactured in iran. it was believed they were on the way to the iranian backed houthi rebels doing battle with forces backed by saudi arabia and united states in northern yemen. the missile parts are being examined by the u.s., crew of
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small boat being brought to a yemen port. iran is banned by the u.n., exporting weaponry especially to yemen. there are a number of new reports of transport of missiles and other weaponry coming from iran, going to other countries in the region. that includes iraq. includes syria, david. to you, i'm sure, we have been reporting that the u.s. is beefing up the presence militarily in the region for the past many months. looks like more trouble to come. back to you. david: by the way, we have more on what iran is doing in iraq coming up next hour in the 1:00 p.m. eastern time hour. thank you very much, greg palkot. despite joe biden being seen as a moderate among democrats he is still proposing tax hikes, significant hikes on both individuals and businesses. who it will impact specifically. that's next. ♪.
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♪. david: mayor pete buttigieg picking up support from former top obama officials including former obama economic council chairman austan goolsbee. austan goolsbee joins us now. thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me back, david. david: why pick mayor pete over the former vice president? >> i will start, you know that we have spoken before. you know i'm for whoever the democratic nominee against
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president trump. david: right. >> i started skeptical of mayor pete. i thought he is a mayor and, i was skeptical. he is very smart. as i got to know him i've been impressed. he has got good ideas and i think donald trump brought us kind after typhoon level of chaos to washington, d.c., and the country needs somebody who is not from that d.c. beltway experience. david: interesting. that is clearly one thing that mayor pete has, that joe biden doesn't. he is more in touch with the heartland but at the same time, i don't see much different, difference in their economic poll sees. am i wrong? >> they have a bunch of things that are similar. look, you know, we've spoken, david. i love the vice president. and i, i appreciated working with him in the administration. if he is the nominee, i'm 100% for him. i think, a, like i say, mayor pete is coming from a d.c. place
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and b he has a good policy ideas i would say are more expansive than the other candidates. as i said, you if you don't say i will offer everything free to everybody, it allows you to concentrate a little more and spread it on to the people that are hardest hit or to be a little more expansive in where you're directing. david: but just generally speaking, sounds like they're pretty similar in your mind, joe biden and mayor pete, in terms of their policies. it is more of a personality thing. you think that mayor pete is younger and from the midwest and, it is more after demographic preference in your view, no? >> well, i don't know. on health care, their plans are fairly similar, though mayor pete's is a little more generous i would say in the, who it is trying to cover. if you just look what the, what
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the cost is. i would say if expressed his views on tax policy. he came out with a number of tax plans this week. what do you think of those tax policies? >> i like a lot of what the vice president said. some of those things that the vice president mentioned are also in mayor pete's plan. david: like what? >> my view is, like the taxing capital gains as ordinary income, for a start. david: uh-huh. >> and i think the backdrop of this, is that donald trump cut taxes $2 trillion for high income people, big corporations. promising massive payouts to the american workers, promising massive increases in the growth rate and in business investment. annan of those things happened. david: whoa, wait a minute, wait a minute. >> they did not happen. david: i got to stop you right there. >> the growth rate are 1%. david: a lot of people would look at extraordinary jobs numbers and look at other things that have happened in terms of
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investment, not necessarily, i agree with you in terms of investment in hardware. >> not necessarily investment. david: one of the most important things that people, that corporations invest in, there has been enormous increase in jobs in the united states. >> and it had nothing to do with the tax cut. there wasn't a tax cut for human capital investment. it was a tax cut for business investment. business investment -- david: business investment came back from ireland and other tax -- >> it is shrinking. david: they came back from the tax havens. >> they didn't. david: corporate rate came down from 21%. >> david you're repeating something that is not a fact. david: sure it is. >> happened for three months t has now been a negative number. literally has been shrinking. investment to gdp ratio is lower than before they passed. david: i agree with you, that the increase for example, in manufacturing sector has slowed down, in fact reversed a little bit but we were lit al -- >> literally negative.
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literally negative. david: 500,000 new manufacturing jobs in the first several, in first two years of trump administration before the. we have had increase of less than 100 how. >> before the tax cut, manufacturing was doing well. david. since the tax cut manufacturing has been doing badly. david: all right. you and i could go on like this for hours. i love it with you, but congratulations. i wish you the very best with mayor pete. tell him we would love to have him on fox business, okay? >> i will give i am a plug. david: much appreciated. good to see you, austan, thank you very much. have fun. all this happening as joe biden is proposing as we were talking about, nearly a trillion dollars in new corporate taxes. geltrude founder says amazing there is no calls for cuts in spending anywhere. how about that. >> what is surprise. overall what joe biden is calling for in addition to the
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corporate tax increases, overall, we're talking about 3.2 trillion in total new taxes. that is being targeted at corporations and quote, unquote, the wealthy, which you know, that is the easy target. what i'm saying here is to say, okay, you're going to bring in, so you say, 3.2 trillion more in dollars. david: right. >> where is it going? and it is just to pay for more stuff. so, the -- david: by the way, that spending, you can point fingers to democrats and republicans. >> no doubt. david: because republicans have not been doing much to cut spending. >> listen. there is no party of fiscal responsibility anymore, david. i mean if you look at how barack obama was spending, we were at a trillion dollars a year in deficit. donald trump is really on the same pace. so we're not seeing any improvement there. david: put up on the screen again, the number,
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$3.4 trillion. that is the amount of money that the vice president says he can get from raising taxes. now very often, when you say you can get that, if you do a static analysis, you just look at the numbers, now how it affects people and their motivations i say they would be very lucky to get $3.4 trillion. sometimes when you raise tax rates, people move out of the country, don't pay any taxes at all. >> you're exactly right and what people don't want to recognize is with the tax cuts that donald trump put in place, david, we're actually collecting more tax revenues than ever before. so i always to back to, we don't have a revenue problem. we have a spending problem. all this plan is by joe biden is more spending and he is moderate because he is not in double-digit trillions in tax increases. david: we have the top, under the biden plan, the top individual rate would go back up to 39.5%. >> right. david: the corporate rate would
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go up from 21% where it is now, to 28% less than where trump was in power but. what effect do the changes have been business in america? >> it will have a negative impact. corporations will always move where they will have the greatest tax advantages. if that means moving out of the united states, so be it. biden is proposing additional taxes for companies that do that but i say those corporate tax attorneys are a heck of of a smarter than people in washington. david: seems they are. kind of like the high-tech industry, when they face off with the politicians, the politicians always lose. same with the the lawyers and accountants, they always seem to within with the tax fights with the politicians. >> they do. david: dan, great to see you. spacex successfully launching the falcon 9 rocket. the mission to the space station includes what nasa is calling a
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but at fidelity, value is more than just talk. we offer commission-free online u.s. stock and etf trades. and, when you open a new fidelity brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate -- that's 21 times more than schwab's. plus, fidelity's leading price improvement on trades saved investors hundreds of millions of dollars last year. that's why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk fidelity. david: well the obamas are making a move. they're reportedly paying $11.75 million for martha's vineyard home that sits on 29-acres. apparently they managed to get it for a lot cheaper than it originally was put on the market for, about half as much. so good for them. gm making an electrifying announcement, teaming up with lg kim to produce battery cells for
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electric cars. jeff flock has all the details on the exciting venture for us. hi, jeff. reporter: david, good to see you. yes a joint venture between the south korean battery maker, lg kim, and gm. see how it breaks down. it is about a $3.2 billion total investment which they share 50/50. it will create 1100 jobs in the lordstown area, that is the area where gm shut down the big assembly plant, costing 5000 folks their jobs. lower cost batteries, that is the goal, the goal of this partnership. david, if there is any doubt that gm is all in for all electric future. you have to listen to mary barra talking to stuart varney on fox business this morning, putting all that doubt to rest. listen. >> we believe in a all-electric future. we believe in the science of global warming. we believe transitioning to evs
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is important part of general motors plan for products going forward. reporter: the only problem with that, right now ev adoption, very, very slim. i'm going to a lot of a dealership here in suburban chicago, they don't even have a single electric chevy bolt for sale. if you look at the sales numbers, the silverado, the big pickup for chevrolet, is big seller, 155,000. the bolt ev is being out sold since canceled chevy impala. but twice a many. battery technology is interesting. once you bring the cost of batteries down, that takes away one barrier to entry for electric vehicles because they're fairly costly. charging, how quick you charge them, the number about of charging stations out there, that is also to be dealt with. gm thinks that it all will be dealt with. we will see. david: we will see. still a hard sell when gas is as
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cheap as it is relatively speaking. jeff, thank you very much. great stuff, appreciate it. billionaire steve cohen just lobbed a big offer up to the new york mets. why it could change everything in baseball. details coming next. ♪. in your printer ready for another school year? what's "cyan" mean? honor roll.
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david: boeing shares falling after company warns of more regulation and possible delays. gerri willis at new york stock exchange with the very latest. >> david, that's right, boeing shares are down after they announced they will have to cut or halt production of their 737 max jet. the reason? new regulatory requirements and
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delays and that is not the only bad news here. the chief engineer in charge of fixing the plane announced his retirement. sticking with the airline industry, ceo oscar munoz of united is out as ceo there but will stay on as executive chairman of the board for 12 months? his replacement? scott kirby who came from american airlines three years ago. munoz is saying, listen to this, united is in a stronger position than ever. if you recall he had a heart transplant three years ago. from the land of retail, there is the stock down half a percent. from the land of retail, the owner of the gucci brand is in talks to buy high-end snow wear maker from italy, montclair for $1 billion. a highly profitable company. a big target in the retail industry. gucci is higher on the news. the company declining to comment to us about this possible deal. back to you. david: good to see you, gerri,
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thank you very much. >> thank you. david: billionaire steve cohen is in talks to buy majority of the new york mets? former miami marlins president dave sampson on another billionaire looking to take control of a franchise in new york. it is not entire control. he will own 80% if he successful but what do you think about this, steve? it has been kind of a joint ownership. the wilpon family had a stake in the mets for 40 years now. they will pull out. but having ownership by 80%. by one person who is very hands on guy, how will that affect the team? >> well i think the first thing we have to do is tell everyone to just keep calm a little bit because this transaction will not impact the team next season. not as though steve cohen is taking over control right now. what we heard from the wilpons directly ward after word leaked probably from the cohen camp yesterday, fred will be the control person for five more
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years. david: wow. >> his son jeff wilpon will be the coo for five more years. my guess this is a path of control, step up type of transaction where each year he will acquire more and more percent until he has got 80% after five years. and then he will take control. david: you know, he is up is a hands on guy. you heard legendary stories about steve cohen hiring and firing people at the drop of a hat. how he is very, very micromanaging of any organization he is with. david, i'm wondering is he going to be able to just sit back and let the wilpons control something he thinks he might, should be in charge of? >> so he will definitely suffer from what i call new owner itis. that is disease every single new owner gets when he or she comes into owning a professional sports team. what it means is, you think just because you can run successfully your own business which has nothing to do with sports, you
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believe you can apply all of those lessons to running your sports team. so they come in like a whirling dervish, make a ton of changes whether technology or personnel. at the end of the day you learn quickly, billionaire or not, winning rings is not easy. david: no it is not. in fact the mets haven't won one in since it '86. still they won one in '86 to that ain't nothing. i wonder what happens if cohen tries to intervene managerially, saying you have to get rid of this person? are the wilpons open to suggestions? >> [laughter]. i have never actually seen wilpons open to suggestions used in the same sentence. that doesn't mean they're good or bad what they do. david: right. >> what the mets fans need to focus on from a on-field standpoint is will there be someone in position to make
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decisions who is actually a baseball person? will the new owner, whenever he comes, will he act differently than how people perceive the wilpons have acted. i should add, not as though the mets have been spending money. they suffer from something that i suffered from, spending money incorrectly and when you do that you're guaranteed to lose a lot of games. david: you're very honest about that but you know, there was another guy who used to spend very freely, he was very hands on guy, his name was george steinbrenner, who had not only financial control of the yankees but also managerial control. he spent a lot of money. he made mistakes but he hit winners quite a bit more often than normal in baseball. do you think that eventually will be the kind of owner that steve cohen will be? >> well, it is funny you mentioned george steinbrenner, as you recall the yankees when i was growing up in new york, i could sit second row behind the
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dugout for practically nothing from the scalpers because they went through that period from the early '80s to the mid '90s, winning nothing. david: i remember. >> then george got suspended as you recall. then he hired joe torre and brian cashman came in. that is when yankee success started. is it a coincidence that they started winning when he stopped meddling as much? david: the answer, it is no coincidence. >> it is no coincidence. now the yankees for the last 10 years, they have not made it back to the world series but they have also changed the way they have spent money. what steve cohen has to do if he ends up taking control of the mets. he to not suffer what i believe the biggest mets issue, their view they're the ugly stepchild in new york city to the new york yankees. he has to sort of take that out of his mind and just be his own organization. not think it is going to be just easy and him making decisions. david: you know, i remember '69 and '86.
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all those yankees fans had to eat a lot of crow, because they proved the yankees were not the only baseball team in new york. they did that very handily. we have to give them credit for that. final word, dave. >> if you're going to be a fan of sports in general, my friend, you will eat a lot more crow than you are strawberries and whipped cream. that is just how it goes. david: david sampson, always a pleasure. thanks very much for being here. >> thank you. david: absolutely. now that speaker pelosi is officially asking house democrats to proceed on impeachment, will big legislative items like usmca for example, funding the government, take a back seat? more on that after this.
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david: welcome back. i'm david asman in for neil cavuto. markets down today on trade uncertainty, and if 2020 candidates have their way, investors may pull back a little more. senator elizabeth warren drafting a bill to block mega-mergers as joe biden is proposing $1 trillion in new corporate taxes and individual taxes. so is the push for higher taxes going to push away voters? to our panel. good to see you all. thanks for being here. kathy, i hear you are in florida. i hope it's nice and warm down there. we are freezing up here. >> i'm sorry. david: that's all right. no problem. we love new york. i remember walter mondale, i'm old enough to admit i remember him, saying on the campaign trail that he would raise taxes, coming out openly saying that in 1984. this was when ronald reagan was running for a second term. that didn't turn out too well for mondale.
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if you look at one thing, one reason why he lost 49 out of 50 states, a lot of people point to him saying he was going to raise taxes. now you have joe biden saying the same thing. how do you think that's going to affect him? >> well, joe biden is saying he's going to raise taxes for corporations. david: and individuals. he's going to raise the highest rate for individuals as well. >> well, the wealthiest, from what i understand, he's trying to make the difference from the wealthiest and corporations, and corporations did just fine when they had higher taxes. the economy does just fine, corporations survived four years ago, the economy was doing great so a corporation went from 21%, 23%, not a big deal. if we were doing well with higher taxes with these corporations, and these individuals, we will be just fine. we can have higher taxes and a good economy because we had it with obama. david: chris, one of the reasons why corporate tax rates were lowered is because so many
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corporations left the united states because our corporate tax rate was higher, much higher than the average corporate tax rate in the world, and you had places like ireland which a lot of companies, particularly pharmaceuticals among others, were going, when the corporate rate was lowered under the trump plan, a lot of those companies came back to the united states. in fact, the economy is doing better now because of that, is it not? >> well, it is and that's why we have seven million jobs that need to be filled and only half that many looking for jobs. it's had a tremendous impact on our economy but this is really a classic mistake made by presidential campaigns in which they try to get as far to one edge or the other, in this case, far to the left so they can win a primary and try to generate some enthusiasm from the left that is pro-tax increase, and then they will have to roll that back when they get to the general election because it will be very unpopular with an electorate that's pleased with where the economy is going. big greedy corporations are a
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nice populist ploy and it excites the left but when it gets down to it, these are individuals, these are people's jobs and if the tax rate is increased a lot of people will be put out of work that will be sup y upset and you will see the economy start to decline. david: the top rate, kathy was saying it's just for the wealthy. a lot of people who are in business claimed their income as a personal income, not in a corporate sense, therefore they are going to be affected. a lot of these people don't live like wealthy people. they don't buy fancy new mercedes every year. they put all their money back in their family business. >> yeah. absolutely. so you know, taking a sledge hammer against corporations and those who employ people and have small businesses is completely counter to what the american people want. the american people want us to grow that economic pie so when you take money away from corporations and employers, you will have less people employed. you will have less capital investment. you will shrink that pie. that really makes no sense at
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all and of course, that's going to have an adverse effect on the stock market. when you look at the pensions, endowments, people's 401(k)s, that's contrary to what people are working so hard for in this country. david: meanwhile, joe biden just getting an endorsement from former secretary of state john kerry but other top obama officials are endorsing mayor pete buttigieg. last hour, president obama's top economic adviser austan goolsbee told me about his support for mayor pete. take a listen. >> so why mayor pete over the former vice president? >> as i got to know him, i have been impressed and the country needs somebody who is not from that d.c. beltway kind of experience. as i said, if you don't say i'm going to offer everything free to everybody, it allows you to concentrate a little more and spread it on to the people that are hardest hit. david: it wasn't long ago when the party, the democratic party, seemed to be moving far to the left. it looks like now moderates are
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taking back center stage in the democratic party. am i right? >> well, yeah, it looks like they do want a moderate candidate, so mayor pete is that moderate. he's a fresh face and by not endorsing biden, which he worked with, that kind of shows you he wasn't very impressed with biden. so this is a strike against biden, but a plus for mayor pete. he's moderate and they seem to like him more than biden, unfortunately for biden. david: will moderates be harder to beat for donald trump? >> it is but i don't think i put buttigieg in the category of being a moderate. it shows you how far left the democrat party has moved when you classify buttigieg as a moderate. from a political standpoint which is the prism which i analyze these things, this is another massive failure by the biden campaign. with all due respect to goolsbee and the others, these were not high level officials in the
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obama administration. they are people that should have been wrapped up pretty early from the biden campaign in terms of endorsements. the fact they have let that happen, let these people move on and endorse other candidates, i think is why you've got joe biden saying i don't even want obama's endorsement. just shows what a tailspin the campaign is in right now and the enthusiasm is moving to the other candidates. i think that is -- the democrats' best chance to win is probably with joe biden. right now, he seems to be running the worst campaign and i think is going to be as individual the easiest for donald trump to beat in a one-on-one matchup. david: what about wall street? everybody assumes popular culture assumes wall street are all republicans but that's not true. there are a lot of democrats on wall street. are they now beginning to pour money into joe biden that they were reluctant to do so a couple months ago? >> well, certainly, but i mean, this latest development is a real slap in the face to joe biden because when you look at what buttigieg represents, here's a young inexperienced
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person managing like a fifth-rate city in the united states, and of course, the other thing that's very troubling for all americans is his track record with minorities. if you ask minorities in his city whether they are satisfied with what his outreach has been, you will be disappointed in the answer. david: he is getting a lot of support and a lot of money is going his way. meanwhile, nancy pelosi asking house democrats to proceed on articles of impeachment. listen. >> the facts are uncontested. the president abused his power for his own personal political benefit at the expense of our national security by withholding military aid and crucial oval office meeting in exchange for an announcement of an investigation into his political rival. david: but remember when she said this at the beginning of the year. >> if and when the time comes for impeachment, it will have to be something that is such a
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crescendo and bipartisan way. david: the speaker going ahead with a completely partisan impeachment, something she said she wouldn't do. what do you think changed her mind? >> look, i don't think anybody who was observing this from political standpoint thought that the impeachment would not move forward. it's not as if anyone looked and said the democrats analyze and maybe will come to a conclusion that we shouldn't move forward. this was always going to happen. to your point, it's remarkable, doug collins just tweeted a little while ago he was just asked for his witness list by jerry nadler and they haven't even been heard yet. they are moving forward without even hearing witnesses from the republican side which shows the partisan aspects of what speaker pelosi is doing. but one other thing i do think that's been fascinating, you are starting to see cracks in the democratic coalition. you have 31 democrats in districts that trump won that did not want to see this happen. they don't want to have to vote on that. in fact, you are looking at swing states, i will use wisconsin as an example, where a marquette poll came out that shows the number of people opposed to impeachment have now
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doubled. you put all that together, i think pelosi felt pressured she had to move this forward quickly because she saw her democratic caucus starting to collapse and the biggest concern for her is that she takes this to the floor and loses which would be catastrophic for her future as speaker. david: what do you think caused the about-face? she said she wouldn't go ahead with impeachment unless it was bipartisan. it is zero bipartisan. they have no republicans voting for impeachment. what do you think changed her mind? >> well, i actually wrote an op-ed for fox opinion pages on this topic, begging as a democrat, begging speaker pelosi, someone who i have interviewed, to please not do the impeachment, not go with the impeachment hearings, because the voters should decide. however, i think she gave in because she was listening to the squad. people are very guilty of listening to those vibrations coming from a certain part of your party and i think the squad was giving her those good vibrations and she didn't go with her gut. she listened to the squad,
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listened to aoc, less experienced freshman in congress. she made the wrong decision. this impeachment is taking away the voters' right, the democrats' right to kick trump out. it's our turn, not congress's turn to kick him out. we don't have the votes in the senate. it's not going to happen anyway. waste of time. david: to continue with you for a second, what about those democrats in red districts? is there a chance that speaker pelosi won't be speaker after this election? >> it's going to be a big disappointment and in the op-ed i did write that it is going to be a loss for the democratic party because this is a no-win situation. the last two presidents to be impeached never left office. so if he is impeached, if trump is impeached he's not going to leave. pelosi has disappointed the country, her party, all of us who have supported her for all this time. this is a big mistake. absolutely. david: does wall street care at all? we showed earlier in the broadcast how, in fact, during
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the clinton administration, the market kept going up so an impeachment doesn't necessarily auger badly for the markets, right? >> well, absolutely. i think kathy nailed it, because there's no side that's other than totally partisan. there's no move on the part of the senate republicans. wall street is concerned that we are just wasting time here. maybe that's a good thing. the less washington does, the better. but there are things washington should be doing, for example, an infrastructure bill, for example, finalizing the treaty with mexico and canada. to that extent, i think wall street is disappointed with what's going on in terms of the impeachment. david: chris, we hear nancy pelosi now saying, still saying that you can investigate and legislate at the same time. do you think it's possible that follow through on that promise, she may actually put usmca up for a vote? >> well, it's a great question. i think what's going on right now is her members are back home in their districts, they went home for thanksgiving and got a lot of grief from their constituents about not moving
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legislation forward. usmca is the perfect example of that. so yes, i do think it becomes more likely that that is pushed through, because they have to be able to show when they go back home for christmas, they have to be able to show they did something, or you will have certainly 31 democrats in trump districts are going to have a very unpleasant christmas. david: what a great panel. you are a terrific panel. we will have you back for more later in the hour. thank you very much. well, not so secret stockpile. new reports say iran is moving missiles into iraq. how the u.s. is now responding. and don't miss my show "bulls & bears" at 5:00 p.m. eastern time. we debate and break down all of today's top headlines. don't miss it. 5:00 p.m. today. each day our planet awakens with signs of opportunity. but with opportunity comes risk. and to manage this risk, the world turns to cme group. we help farmers lock in future prices,
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david: a u.s. official saying iranian security forces may have killed more than 1,000 people since protests over gas price hikes started in mid-november. to retired lieutenant general jerry boykin for more on this. general, i want to get to iran but i do want to say that right now, the president is speaking, he's got representatives of the u.n. security council in the white house, and we are getting reports from the scrum as we call it, a group of reporters. as soon as we get that tape playback, we will show it to you. but he's talking about his success at nato. of course, mainstream media was all about this off-camera session that the canadian prime minister and others had suggesting that it was some kind of a joke, the president's nato meeting, but it was pretty successful, was it not? >> yeah, i think it was. i think that we need to understand that president trump, unlike any president before him, has really been able to get nato
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to step up to the plate and start paying their dues, and i think that -- i think that even though they make fun of him, people like macron, who i think is a sad character himself, they make fun of donald trump, i think they also respect donald trump because nobody's had the courage to stand up in front of these other nato leaders and say you're freeloading, it is time for you to pay your dues. david: the obama administration officials apparently are going to make hay with this video that we are seeing in some way to help them in the 2020 election campaign, but they say well, president obama was respected and loved overseas. he did receive a nobel peace prize before he did anything. sometimes it's better to be feared and ridiculed than loved by our foreign allies. right? >> yeah, that's exactly right. look, these leaders, first of all, some of them are so totally out of touch with the realities
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of the threats that nato is confronting today, and they have been so bogged down in economic problems in many of these countries today that nato has not been on their radar screen. nato i think is still today, continues to be a very important entity not only in europe but in the world itself and keep in mind that we've got allies like turkey. turkey is a major factor in not only the middle east but also in the european theater. david: let's talk about one place where we have been bogged down for awhile. there's been a lot of american blood and treasure spilled in iraq. lot of us know very personally, having family members go over there and fight in various wars, yet it appears that the iranians now have a strong foothold in iraq. what's happening with that? >> well, look, this is not new, david. i know it's just being reported again, but in august of 2018, we had reports that they were also moving missiles, short-range
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missiles, into iraq. there should be no surprise here. 60% of the iraqis are shiite muslims. they have been dominated by iran ever since, you know, ever since the united states got in there and these militias which are a major issue there, you know, inside iraq, they are very dangerous. they have killed a lot of kurds, killed a lot of christians and yazidis and it is time, i think, for the united states to take some tough measures with the iraqis for letting them continue to dominate the landscape there in iraq. david: meanwhile, as we mentioned in my introduction, the fact that apparently there are a thousand people have been killed in iran. they are having terrible trouble, as we put the screws on the iranian economy, it seems to be having a lot of effect on the unpopularity of the government there. we just heard that the president in his scrum just said that the
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american people stand behind the iranian people. where do you think that goes? is it conceivable that there could be an uprising that brings down the caliphate as i would call it in iran? >> it's a long shot, david, and the reason it's a long shot is because the iranian revolutionary guard corps is very very powerful. they are the only ones that are armed inside that nation. unless you really have more of an ideological uprising and you can turn the iranian revolutionary guard corps, irgc, to the side of the protesters, it just isn't going to happen, because they have too much control, too much power and the reality is their power is probably equal to that of the supreme council, the mullahs. david: great stuff, general. thank you very much for being with us. lieutenant general jerry boykin on the situation in iran, lot of other parts of the world that need the help of our military.
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meanwhile, we are awaiting president trump's remarks with u.n. security council visiting him down in washington. as soon as we get that, we will play it for you live. stay tuned. there. but at fidelity, value is more than just talk. we offer commission-free online u.s. stock and etf trades. and, when you open a new fidelity brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate -- that's 21 times more than schwab's. plus, fidelity's leading price improvement on trades saved investors hundreds of millions of dollars last year. that's why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk fidelity.
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whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he's a baby! david: once again, we are awaiting tape playback of president trump meeting with representatives of the u.n. security council at the white house. the reason being, the united states assumes the presidency of the security council. it's a rotating position. u.s. ambassador to the united nations will be president of the security council. again, it's a rotating position. the president we know has already said certain things. we have reporters inside that meeting right now sending us out little texts about what he's saying. he's saying the united states may do things to those countries who are not living up to their promises with regard to nato. he's also saying that the united states stands behind the rairann protesters. we are getting word that 1,000
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of them have been killed since these economic protests began. meanwhile, he's again kind of teasing us on china, saying the china trade talks are going well. of course, that blows hot and cold and with it, the market which is down just a tiny bit today, down about 27 points on the dow. forget getting your dinner delivered by uber. what about getting those new pair of shoes in just 30 minutes? uber is now eyeing very fast retail delivery. susan li has the details. hi, susan. susan: the world is changing, our lives are busier and we want everything instantaneously without leaving the comforts of our door and uber wants to be at the forefront of that. >> we can extend that model to essentially every single local retailer here so that anything you want in your city, we can deliver to you hopefully in under 30 minutes. susan: you heard that. they want to deliver everything. they want to be the amazon of delivery going forward.
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so third party sellers like retailers, for instance, restauranteurs will be able to sell their goods on uber's platform and uber will try to get it to you, especially in busy places like new york city, in 30 minutes. for uber, this is a new innovative idea, also expansion at a time when the company is still trying to make money. record loss of over $5 billion in the second quarter of this year, $1 billion loss just in the recent quarter, and for uber eats, they are still losing money, around $300 million in the past three months. in fact, according to analysts, they are subsidizing each and every uber eats delivery by $3. hopefully things will change, especially as they get more of these sellers online. that includes, for instance, a majority stake that they just bought in quarter shop, an online delivery company that operates in mexico, peru, chile and toronto. maybe that will go worldwide. also, we have rachael ray, this partnership between uber and rachael ray where they are delivering rachael ray's meals from her recipes directly to
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those that want it. and this is something that uber is trying to do right now, which is to diversify and hopefully get to profitability outside of taxes and depreciation by the year 2021. but as you know, there are a lot of skeptics out there given that the stock price is still trading below its ipo offer price of $45. but it sounds great. this concept of getting your jeans and kof fecaffeine to you minutes. david: the consumer is the winner at least for the moment. let's hope they do succeed. thank you very much. new details on liz warren lashing out at mega-mergers. the judge weighs in, next. ♪
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1:30 pm
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work can work. find your work at david: fox business just learning the draft bill that elizabeth warren is planning to take on mega-mergers would have within it the federal trade commission signing off on all of the big larger mergers, making that commission kind of a super-agency, if she has her way. the plan looks to review two decades of mergers but can the government retroactively undo mega-mergers that have been completed? judge andrew napolitano on the legal fight ahead if this goes through. >> that is the great question. is it worth what it would cost the government to undo these
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mergers. so -- david: let alone what it costs the economy. >> correct. what it costs the economy would be so catastrophic, i don't think she could get this through the house of representatives now and even a democratic senate. this is a non-starter. but to have a little bit of window into her thinking, she wants to reexamine 20 years of mergers going back to the administration of george h.w. bush, bill clinton, george w. bush, barack obama and then the present administration. david: let me stop you there, put a fine point on that. she wants to go back or take the company that merged 20 years ago and try to undo that? >> completely and totally integrated. the cost would be catastrophic and taxpayers would bear the cost as well as the human beings that would lose their jobs if she tried to undo these mergers. because the fifth amendment prohibits the government from taking property without compensation. if the government signed off on the merger and 20 years later is going to change its mind, it's going to pay for the cost of
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changing its mind. david: very interesting you bring up the constitution, because what she's planning to do with tax policy, having this wealth tax, which she doesn't tax your income, she taxes, she takes away a piece of your property, that's what a wealth tax is, it's a confiscation of property that you have already paid taxes on -- >> can't do it under the constitution. it would require a constitutional amendment. three-fourths of the state legislatures would have to consent. this is another non-starter. i have nothing against her personally. i have friends that knew her since her law school days. but these two proposals separate principled liberals from somebody that is so far to the left, they can't see the destruction that their proposals would cause to innocent human beings if the proposals became law. david: all right. let's move to the impeachment. it's the story of the day. nancy pelosi coming out this morning saying she is moving ahead even though in the past, she said she wouldn't do it unless it was bipartisan.
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clearly it's completely partisan. 100% partisan. so she's reversing on that policy but i want to get your reaction to something jerry nadler, who is head of the judiciary committee, said back in 1998 during the clinton impeachment. take a listen. >> -- must never be a narrowly voted impeachment or an impeachment supported by one of our major political parties and opposed by the other. such an impeachment would produce the divisiveness and bitterness in our politics for years to come and will call into question the very legitimacy of our political institutions. david: he's making a more full case that if you have a completely partisan impeachment which so far, this is, in fact, there were two democrats that joined republicans in voting against the impeachment inquiry, so it's 100% partisan, both jerry nadler and nancy pelosi are on the record saying that's a bad thing. >> i interviewed this morning on
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fox nation john garamendi from california. he's telling me the democrats are of two minds. some of them believe as jerry nadler said in 1998 that this ought not happen unless it's bipartisan and broadly supported not only in the congress but in the country. but the majority, the overwhelming majority of the democrats in the house believe they have a moral, legal and constitutional obligation to do this, irrespective of the likely consequences in the senate and irrespective of the lack of popularity. david: i'm smiling because moral obligation and people inside the congress don't usually go together. but the point is it's a political process. we all, i think, have come to that conclusion about impeachment. we have to be reminded of that every 30 years or so. >> even john turley acknowledges it's a political process. the courts don't decide what bribery is. in an impeachment case, the congress does. david: so if it's a political process, how can it go forward if it's purely partisan?
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that's what the point that nancy pelosi and jerry nadler were making in the past, that because of the fact that if it's just seen as purely partisan, why do we need elections? why don't we just legislate every elective procedure that we have? >> that's the argument, we almost become a parliamentary system that if the president loses the confidence of the house and the senate, he loses his job like a prime minister would in great britain or israel, for example. but look, democrats believe they have a moral obligation. is there a legal case to be made, yes. is there a legal case to be made that there is no grounds for it, yes. we heard both cases made yesterday. people will believe what they want to believe. david: one case was made by three legal scholars who are very partisan, who admitted so and one of those arguments was made against impeachment by a man who voted against trump. so that was a non-partisan view. >> the democrats chose very smart people but people that were so partisan they probably shouldn't have been in that
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environment. they should have chosen some conservative republican professors who voted for trump who said listen -- david: is there anybody like that? i like him personally but here's what he did. you are kind of the reverse of turley on that, aren't you. yeah. all right. judge, wonderful to see you. thank you very much. appreciate it. robbo, no. a new warning about the robot revolution slamming jobs. which cities will be hit the hardest? we will tell you, next. ♪ in your printer ready for another school year? what's "cyan" mean? honor roll. (imitates whooshing, booming) the ink! dad! dad! i'm so hosed. yeah, you are. that can save youh tha lot of trips to the store. get ready for the dean's list.
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and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk david: look at the markets. they're not exactly roaring ahead, but they were negative all morning. they started going negative with nancy pelosi's announcement that was in premarket activity, stayed negative until now. the reason probably being is that we are hearing that the
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president says that something could happen with regard to tariffs on december 15th. now, we don't know exactly what he means by that. in fact, he says we're not discussing that yet, and talks with china are going well, but you know how these markets are. you say anything positive about china, they are up. anything negative about china, they are down. we are also getting a lot of other comments from the president, talking about not only trade, but talking about iran and other things. he's in washington now, back from his trip to nato, to london for the nato conference. he's there with u.n. security council members because the united states is now going to be the president of the security council. that's a rotating position. our ambassador to the u.n. is in the white house along with some other security council members. that's why the president is talking. again, we will be playing for you tape playback what the president said. he's also talking about iran and the protests there which we understand have killed up to 1,000 protesters in iran,
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brought about mostly because of u.s. sanctions against iran, which have made the economy very difficult for people living there, and they are taking it out on the mullahs on the streets. unfortunately, they are paying a high price for it, the protesters. the president commenting that we stand behind those protesters. but again, what's getting interest from the markets, were some positive comments from the president about what's happening in china and in about five seconds, we will hear from the president himself. let's listen. >> we're moving along well. moving along very well. reporter: [ inaudible ]. >> we'll have to see. right now we are moving along. we're not discussing that. but we are having very major discussions on december 15th, something could happen but we are not discussing that yet. we are having very good discussions with china, however. reporter: -- might have on your
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legacy? >> not at all. it's a hoax. it's a hoax. it's a big fat hoax. reporter: officials are saying that you are considering possibly sending more troops to the middle east because of the threat -- >> we will announce whatever we do. we will announce. certainly there might be a threat. if there is a threat, it will be met very strongly. but we will be announcing whatever we may be doing. may or may not be doing. reporter: what would you like to see the u.n. do in regards to iran and the crackdown? >> well, the u.n. has actually been involved very much with us. we are already dealing with the u.n. and dealing very well with the u.n. so they are very much involved with respect to iran and other things with us. thank you all very much. david: the president again, this was just moments ago, this is tape playback. making some positive comments about china, suggesting that there may be things that happen on december 15th. of course, december 15th is when we would see a 15% tax, a tariff, if you will, on a whole
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number of goods between $100 billion and $200 billion worth of goods from china. to "making money" host charles payne. it is amazing, charles, the one thing you can count on with this market, you say something positive, the president says something positive about china, and it goes up again. charles: although, you know, i'm going to push back on this a whole lot, because i think the financial media has been very lazy and disingenuous with this whole thing. nasdaq is up 30% this year. there are $360 billion in tariffs in place, not rumor, not scuttlebutt, in place. we were promised a market crash. so the algorithms and a little bit of knee-jerk stuff here and there, guess what, at the end of the day, when the day oifis ove you will probably have 1200 stocks up, 700 stocks down. david: we have been promised a crashing market ever since the night that president trump was -- remember paul krugman? charles: we got it for a split second until he gave a great
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acceptance speech and people said hey, maybe he's not crazy after all and then started thinking about the other things. low taxes, getting rid of regulations. oh, and the animal spirits out there. i keep insisting to people, just look at the fundamentals, look at our country, look at these fundamentals of the stocks you own and don't let this sort of, you know, this sort of thing because if you look around, there are a lot of people who believe the market is down this year, like folks who aren't paying attention because of these sort of headlines. david: the market is booming, partly because of the fact that we kind of crashed last december, when the fed kept hiking rates, but the bottom line is, just a few months ago, everybody was still talking recession. you're not hearing anybody say that now, are you? charles: it's nuts. i did see a piece in a bloomberg opinion piece yesterday that said it still wasn't out of the realm of possibility. it's unfortunate, to be quite frank with you. it's never out of the realm of possibility. guess what? when people negotiate, when couples fight, there's
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give-and-take so the scuttlebutt, one day china is going to be upset about something, next day america is going to insist on something, and it's called negotiations. we may or may not have a deal -- david: have to disagree. i have been married 30 years. i never had a fight in those 30 years. not once. charles: that's because you have, listen, david, you have an amazing marriage and -- david: bingo. thank you, my friend. good to see you. appreciate it. kanye west looking to bring his sunday service to new york. the details coming next.
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david: we have been talking a lot about elizabeth warren's plans on mega-mergers that she's rolling out but apparently she's not too pleased the news got out. charlie gasparino is the one who broke it for us here. what's the details? she's upset that the plans are getting publicity? >> well, i think it's more that the plans aren't ready and she's upset. from what sources are telling us close to warren is that she was ambushed is basically the word of the leak of the plan, that she didn't plan to leak this, that somebody that was advising her or she was bouncing stuff off of leaked it out there, and what we understand is not only is she annoyed that she was ambushed by this, but that the plan is far from finalized and there's no timetable for legislation which is essentially where this would be going in the future, and she's merely seeking input. i guess the best way to put this, david, is when you talk to people close to elizabeth warren, they are starting to throw cold water on the details
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of this thing. my guess is that this was a trial balloon, if you want to parse through some of this stuff, to see what type of reception it would get. it's getting kind of a chilly reception from the democratic leadership. we told you that already, that they were not consulted on this, so you know, her people are kind of at this point, at least the initial read from them, is that they are trying to put the genie back in the bottle. david: good luck with that. >> you know, i don't blame them because this thing is so insane. think about it. this is rationally look at this, you are going to go back and re-litigate at & t/time warner -- david: 20 years, she wants to go back. according to the plans. >> excuse me? david: judge napolitano, we just had him on saying some of these plans we have seen talk about going back 20 years. the companies have been together for 20 years. >> the whole thing is absurd on its face. the only reason why i gave it credence in terms of her
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proposing is because she proposed something as absurd as medicare for all. from a fiscal standpoint, those numbers never worked out. this, just from a structural standpoint of what is the current state of corporate america, i mean, you are going to go back 20 years and unwind deals? but anyway, just the -- what we understand is that her people are throwing somewhat cold water on it saying nothing is finalized, they are just seeking input, lots of stuff is on the table. she was somewhat ambushed by this thing leaking out. and we will just have to see what she has to say. david: i shouldn't read too much into it but again, you see her slipping in the polls and the moderates are coming on strong, not only biden getting sort of a new life but also mayor pete is coming on strong, getting more money. it seems like there's a little bit of disarray going on within the warren campaign. am i correct? >> if this was really like sort of an inadvertent leak, that is disarray. it also could have been a trial balloon. let's see what would happen if we put this out there, what would people say, how would this get digested by the media.
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so you know, listen, i will tell you this, though. you know, the democrats, the woke white progressives control a lot of noise in the democratic party, particularly on twitter. the mainstream democrats who are sort of moderate on fiscal and economic issues, they are of wall street, they are corporate america, they have families, they have jobs, they are capitalists, they know this is crazy. i can't imagine anybody thinks this is a good thing. david: well, apparently she doesn't now. >> we'll see. i want to hear what she has to say. i have a feeling this was a trial balloon they threw out there. just so you know, we covered this like baseball, first inning here, in the first inning, at the bottom of the first inning now, they are throwing some cold water on this idea. david: apparently it's a big error. we will mark it up as that. charlie, thank you very much. nthere's a massive app takig
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over now. jackie deangelis has more on the rise of the app which i know nothing about but now i see why i didn't know much about it. jackie: yeah. the app is where this all started. they have been maximizing the gen-z user. they have 100 million users, 75% under the age of 25. the app has nothing to do with this idea of the vsco girl but it's a viral trend that's come forward. if you are on instagram or searching around the internet, you will see lists of products called vsco girl products, products they are kind of pushing. the tweens have a lot of money and these things range from $5 for a tube of nail polish -- that's a lot of nail polish -- david: ten bottles for $5. jackie: all this trendy stuff. water bottles, scrunchies, glitter phone cases, from $5 anywhere up to like the modern day camera that's $75. there has been a lot of criticism even though it's big business for a lot of stores and a lot of brands that it's
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aspirational. they exclude people, for example, who can't afford to have some of these things. it's a little controversial. stores don't necessarily want to be align with it. at the same time they're not saying we don't want the business because we are talking about millions and millions of dollars in business. as we are heading into the holiday season, you are going to see all these things flying off the shelves. the tweens themselves, they have money from their parents. remember that. they also babysit, for example, or do side jobs. so they have some spending power. they are very different than you and me, in terms of what they want. david: i look at all those nail polish, i don't know how much nail polish costs but i am assuming that's a loss leader, that is, they are losing money on selling ten bottles of nail polish for five bucks, and they are losing money just to bring in more subscribers. jackie: this is the kind of thing, you go into the store for wet n wild nail polish, this is a great deal but all of a sudden you buy this teeshirt for $25, you know, and it's all about self-expression and sort of that
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beachy vibe. it's an interesting trend and you know, we will see what happens. these kids are really gobbling it up. david: jackie deangelis, will i see you on "bulls & bears"? jackie: see you tomorrow. david: see you there. markets rebounding from lows after president trump says something could happen with regard to tariffs on december 15th. not more specific than that. we will tell you more when we come back. nationwide helps you invest for your future, brad. so you can plan for retirement and save for college. oh, that explains this. the nationwide dome. state-of-the-art venue. 80-yard screen. . . peytonville just runnin' away with this one. go peytons. (pop) kind of lackluster. eh, still working out some kinks. who they playing? the brads. worst team in the league. of course. most people think as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ david: market the have moved up a little bit but they're still basically flat and you look at the s&p 500 and the nasdaq for the week, they're on pace for the worst week since september. but again it's turning around a little bit right now. i will be back at 5:00 p.m. eastern with "bulls & bears." we have a great show today. jim sensenbrenner, a member of the house judiciary committee. he was there for the clinton impeachment. he has a lot of details what will coming up in the next couple weeks. that is "bulls & bears" and at 5:00.
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now charles payne. charles: what do you mean you have a great show tonight. you have a great show every day. david: thank you, charles payne. >> president trump says something could happen regarding tariffs on december 15th. believe it or not something could happen. amazing action, folks beneath the surface, there is so much more moving stocks day-to-day than the trading game guessing game. the outrage is over the administration's tightening eligibility for food stamps. some say it is needed to get able-bodied americans in this market. i will get reaction from the actinghi
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