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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  December 6, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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guests monday. be sure to follow me on twitter @loudobbs, and fib and instagram @loudobbstonight. good night from new york. [♪] trish: okay, america, time to meet your new big brother watching, waiting to grab your phone records. congressman adam schiff is big brother on steroids. new questions surrounding adam schiff's ethical standard or lack thereafter. as he confiscates phone records. quite possibly even mine and maybe yours. schiff has pulled thousands of phone reports with no apparent warrant. and the media is treating this whole thing as a victory.
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>> the referenced calls between rudy giuliani and the office of management and budget. >> rudy giuliani made a number of phone calls according to this log to the white house. >> phone records show extensive communications between giuliani and others involved in the effort to pressure ukraine. trish: this is pretty bad stuff. schiff's move is a disgraceful breach of ethical and legal propriety. how do you get court ordered phone reports without a warrant. a journalists named john solomon who was reporting a whole lot of just rudy was leaking. but instead of a major break through, adam schiff is leaving many americans wondering, can anyone in congress get someone's
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phone records and publish them? i saw how subpoena powers only extended so far. this columnist from the hill, john solomon, accusing john solomon of having a phone conversation? i hate to break it to you, mr. schiff. but that's what the american media does. do you know how many phone calls i make every single day? do you know how many people i talk to? this is what we do. we have conversations with sources. sometimes we report on those conversations and sometimes we don't. conversations are our job. we are free to have them, adam schiff. the last time i checked. the first amendment was an is still in play. as kimberley strassel at the
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"wall street journal" points out, schiff's report means it's open season on the press. why stop at john solomon, adam schiff? this is a mccarthy witch hunt. he's doing a lot of people a lot of harm along the way. namely american citizens. it's clear this is the tip of the iceberg. the left is double down. in their frustrations they are promising to never give up. it's kind of pathetic they have become to this so-called cause and cause it is. >> there is no limit on the number of times the senate can vote to convict or not a president, no limit to the number of times the house can vote into peach a president. we are not going to end investigations because there may be a possible opportunity to do other things at a later time.
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trish: they can gene go and go. a former obama administration official tweeted out a similar sentiment. at what point does this become presidential harassment. plus over two years of our time with mueller. now we are dealing with crane. enough is enough. because as much as you want to keep spewing hate. hate is like the hate we see outside the trump rallies directed at the president's supporters, or the hate that we see at antifa gatherings, where people have gone the beaten up by these thugs. that's somehow think it's right because they don't like what the other side says. as much as columnists at the "new york times" want to write about civil war, 2.0.
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something i'm partially in agreement with them on. and as much as you try to shut down and muzzle the other side. the truth is that in the united states of america, truth always wins. joining me tonight, former trump 2016 deputy campaign manager david bossie. good to see you. adam schiff. you know, i'm not a they will scholar. but i sure don't like the idea of a congress person being able to go out and get all these phone records from anyone they think is worthy of their investigation and then be able to publish them. you think about the thousands and thousands of records that got his hands on, and the innocent people in there. he's going after a journalist? because the journalist had conversations with rudy giuliani? i have had conversations with
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rudy giuliani, too. when does it end? >> it will never end. this is a sickness the democrats have. the way to solve this sickness is to defeat them next november. we have to fight them the way w- the way they are fighting us. they declared war on us and we have to make sure we fight like the wear it is. >> do you feel the republicans are doing enough? are they ready for battle? >> all of us have a different idea of where we should be and what we should be doing. i think we need to be at battle stations every minute of every day. we need to fight every single day. we have a lot of folks who want to go along to get along. what they got sent here to do in washington was to create the jobs, look at the jobs numbers today. it was remarkable and the lowest unemployment in my lifetime.
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this is unbelievable. president trump has been succeeding in doing the things he promised the american people during the campaign and over the last few years all while the sick democrats in the house of representatives are doing everything they can to destroy this country and destroy our constitution. so i feel very strongly that we must fight these folks at every turn. we have to make them feel the pain and show them -- trish: they will feel it when they get to trial in the senate. >> i hope so. we are counting on it. trish: i would suspect the whistleblower gets called. i would suspect adam schiff gets called. i want to know how it is that adam schiff had a staff member who allegedly used to work at the nsc with the alleged whistleblower. and within days he manages to get the skinny on this report
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that was coming down the pipeline. and we know that adam schiff lied on national television telling the world that he and his team had nothing do, no contact with the whistleblower. david, it turns out they did. >> adam schiff is a coward. we know this as a fact because he's not even testifying on monday. before the judiciary committee on the intelligence report. if he understood the importance and he understood all -- he does understand all of what he has done, the mccarthyite tactics that he has been using during this investigation to undermine this president, that's the reason he doesn't want to sit there to answer questions. we'll have our day in the senate. maybe it is, maybe it's not. i want the democrat congressional members in the trump districts to remember next november their vote for impeachment will come back and
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haunt them. trish: i said it yesterday, trump has won 2020 because of the democrats. they did well in mid-terms because they ran on policies and healthcare. maybe the left-wing media is convincing them it's too boring to talk about meaningful stuff that will result in change for everyday americans so they turn to this. this will wind up costing them 2020 in massive ways. >> and i do -- it's important this president wins reelection and we win the house back. then we'll be able to get the things done this president promised for the american people. you look at what he has done so far with strengthening our economy and creating jobs, bringing jobs back from overseas. killing al-baghdadi and decimating isis. you look at all the things he has done. all with his hands tied by these
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congressional sickos in the house of representatives. just what we have been doing. just think what we can be doing as americans together if we didn't have this problem. >> i get frustrated with this. >> it's putin getting the upper harden. they are his pawns. they are doing all the dirty work for him. divide and conquer. the democrats made sure he crosses the finish line. oh, david. it's good to see you. thank you so much. pelosi is not too happy about take something tough questions, shall we say? >> do you hate the president, madame speaker? >> i don't hate anybody. not anybody in the world.
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trish: tonight i'm calling her out because it's a small little dose of what this administration actually faces on a daily basis. >> has the president at any time thought about a second -- that's a ridiculous question. >> that's enough. trish: the vice president's daughter is here to talk about her new book. you don't want to miss that. that liberal professor needs to get her facts straight. remember how she said there are more poor people out there than ever because of president trump. >> you gave more bucs for hillary clinton than the other two? >> i have been giving money to charity recently because of all the poor people in the united
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states. trish: how can she be so unaware of how well the economy is doing. meant face of a global slowdown, the economy soaring. 50-year low for unemployment. 2.5 million americans lifted out of poverty. what dark liberal fantasy is she living in? niger innis will help us set the record straight after this. >> the u.s. could be headed for a recession. >> on the cusp of a recession. >> it's about time we get a recession. >> meant irof tiens of a possible recession. what shines forever? diamonds.
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what is as rare as true love? diamonds. what lights up every room? diamonds. beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life. get 25% off everything, including these one-of-a-kind deals at the winter jewelry sale. exclusively at zales, the diamond store. male anchor: update on the cat who captured our hearts. female anchor: how often should you clean your fridge? stay tuned to find out. male anchor: beats the odds at the box office to become a rare non-franchise hit. you can give help and hope to those in need. (vo) the flock blindly flying south for the winter. they never stray from their predetermined path. but this season, a more thrilling journey is calling.
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trish: first lady melania trump spending time with children who are too sick to leave the hospital for the holidays. she made snowflakes with the children, then she read a book. the tradition dates back 60 years to first lady beth truman. you know the chicken little
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story. the sky's falling. the dems are claiming literally the end of civilization while we are getting record economic numbers. almost every day. do you see this monster? and i mean monster. the jobs report. we are adding all kinds of jobs. way more than anybody thought we were going to add. nancy pelosi is trying to tell everyone if donald trump stays in power, the world will end. watch her try to sell that one. >> civilization as we know it is at stake, and certainly our planet. trish: civilization is at stake because donald trump is a king. i have got to hand it to her. she is trying. it's god to be hard when you have got a job market on fire. i am also talk about
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underemployment which measures if people are working as much as they want to be work. we are doing well. so they can't get him on policy. wages are going up and people are employed. so this is their spin? vote for the democrats if you don't want to see the end of civilization? joining me, niger innis. i thought i had seen it all. he's a russian agent, the manchurian candidate, then we moved on to conjecture about ukraine. then we are hearing he thick he's a king. now he just has to go because it's the end of civilization. >> you have to love queen nancy. she is promoting an alternative universe that most americans go know does not exist. we are essentially at something
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structurally what economists thought was impossible. which was essentially full employment. there are more jobs than there are people to fill it. ing this is the 11th year in a row of economic recovery and growth. but the distinction between the trump recovery and economic growth and the obama recovery. for most of his 8 years in office when you had de facto zero interest rates, you had an investment class recovering. but joe six pack, the guy on main street, not on wall street, they didn't feel that economic boom. with the trump recovery, you have wages starting to grow, and they are growing among the lowest sector of the economy. and you have inflation thought growing at that. so that extra dollar joe six pack is making has more weight
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and value than it did during the obama recovery. trish: lower taxes and less in regulation. this is a country filled with tremendous opportunity and tremendous people that want to work hard. you just need to basically get out of the way so that the engine can power itself. that's what i think trump successfully did. i had a feeling he would. even when he was running. i said gosh, this one looks good. really good. and i'm not surprised that our commission responding the what it is. when you think about how it must make life for the democrats. because they get nothing. >> they are desperate. and they are pitching socialism and near communism, if you will, against a booming capitalist enterprise that is the united states of america. i don't think the american people are going to buy it. several polls in the last couple
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weeks have shown within the black community trump's approval rating is between 20% to 30%. trish: when you think about the african-american community in recent history has been devoted to the democratic party and been sort of a lock. if he challenges that, niger, wow. >> then you are talking about an existential threat to the dem that party. trish: i think of all the hard working people in the black community, they want their shot at the american dream, too. you put in socialism, it robs everyone of the chance to really strike it big. that is sort of the -- this is the land of opportunity. i would like to keep it that
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way, niger. >> i would, too. here is another fringe benefit of this booming economy. it gives trump a really good hold card in his struggle with the chinese over rescuing our intellectual property and the number of issues we have with the chinese. the chinese were making a bet he was going to be a one-term president. now we know that's not the case. trish: a rude awakening for them. it's good to see you. thank you. apparently you don't need to be nice, these socialists. a newly hired bernie sanders campaign official for having a history of racial slurs and denigrating remarks directed at gays, jews, women. that about covers it. coming up, we'll hear what he actually says. also coming up just in time for
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christmas. the vice president's daughter is here. she has a new christmas book. we'll talk about that and more with charlotte pence. pelosi is not used to taking tough questions. the daily caller stephanie hamill is in the house. she joins me next. >> has the president at any time thought about stepping down. >> no. i think that's absolutely a ridiculous question. >> that's enough. that's enough. >> pardon me ma'am. >> that's enough. u.s. stock an. and, when you open a new fidelity brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate -- that's 21 times more than schwab's. plus, fidelity's leading price improvement on trades saved investors hundreds of millions of dollars last year. that's why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value
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trish: nancy pelosi showing a dislike for a reporter who asked a provocative question at a press conference yesterday.
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>> don't mess with me when it comes to word like that. trish: she then went on to cnn to dis him a little more. >> why did that elicit such a response from you. >> was that a reporter? is that what reporters do? trish: yes, that's sometimes what reporters do. and reporters have gotten worse and worse and worse. have you followed the president's express conferences in recent years? here is jim acosta not about to let go of that microphone for one second. president trump: that's enough. that's enough. >> pardon me, ma'am. trish: how about this when we found out about the president's
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good health. >> the president is very healthy andr will remain so from the duration of his presidency. >> are you ruling out early on set of alzheimer's. >> a guy who eat macdonald's and drinks diet cokes isn't is as good a shape as you said. >> too much mcdonald's, too many burgers. >> drug addiction? >> any other drugs? >> no be he has no drug addiction. trish: then there was this awkward exchange involving april ryan. >> has the president thought about stepping down before or nows? >> no, i think that's a ridiculous yes. >> mr. president, are you a racist? trish: they yell questions at him. he is the president of the united states. oh, nancy isn't able to take it, i guess. it seems this is what reporters
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do. i don't like it either. but talk about total hypocrisy. nancy pelosi never had a problem with the press issues. she can dish it out. but shy sure can't take it. joining me right now, daily caller stephanie hamill, where has she been? where has she been to ask is this what reporters do? yeah. this is what reporters do. >> there is so much hypocrisy. we would need a 24 hour shower or month-long show to cover it all. this is happening every day by the sycophants in the mainstream media. jim acosta is the king of it and they are praised for it. people aren't crying over it. but i watched a video of vintage nancy pelosi from 1998 where she said quote the republicans were
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paralyzed with hatred towards bill clinton during the impeachment time. i don't know what is in nancy pelosi's heart and neither does james rosen. but what was cut out of this interaction is the question was legitimate. i don't like how he phrased it. but which he went to say was that a lot of the congressional republicans were saying this impeachment effort was coming from a place of dislike. they would like to regain power. we went on to explain the rest of his question, it made sense. trish: to use the term hate. it seems like they hate him. we have run so many of these clips on this show. maxine waters comes to mind where she is effectively encouraging gangs to grew up on people. gang up on anybody who is a
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trump supporter. she wants them to be shamed. eric holder famously saying when they -- ways it, when they go low, we kick them? there is a kind of anger there that is quite powerful and quite on display, stephanie. every uncle day. >> every single day. this is coming from straight news reporters who are there to do a job and ask questions, not insert their feeling. not create some sort of show so they can get famous and sell books and be on other networks to talk about it. it's a disgrace where we are today. i study journalism. this is not what i wanted reporting for. what i'm seeing is an embarrassment to journalists everywhere. trish: schools in general we talked about. you have only to talk to the stanford and harvard professor.
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we know how liberal those institutions are. i guess you can multiply it by a thousand. it's good to see you. thank you so much. this top guy at homeland security telling the "washington examiner," president trump about to slap mortar rivers on mexico if mexico doesn't do more to stop the flow of illegal migrants entering our country. the trump administration warning the remain in mexico policy must go even further. and it must include anyone trying to enter the united states at all. not just hispanics. according to homeland security, border agents are seeing more people from africa and under yeah trying to claim asylum in america. a newly hired bernie sanders campaign official under fire for having a history of racial slurs and denigrating remarks directed as gaze, jews, women.
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that covers it. right? we have a look at what he said. first a horrific attack by a saudi national at u.s. naval air station. florida congressman math matt gaetz says it's an act of terror. kt mcfarland is here to react to it. of verizon as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. at chevy, we're all about bringing families together. this time of year, that's really important.
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trish: apparently you don't need to be nice to be a socialist. i knew that already. a newly hired bernie sanders campaign official under fire for a history of racial slurs and denigrating remarks directed at gaze, jews, women. gordon announced wednesday he had been hired by the campaign. apparently nobody cared or bothered to do a background check. the washington "free beacon"
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found multiple tweets he posted containing' racist and homophobic slurs. known anti-semite linda sarsour whom he welcomed with open arms. >> support of a state like israel that is built on white supremacy. trish: he also likes the whole lefty squad, aoc, ilhan omar. he's made some pretty anti-semitic comments himself, all in his corner. florida congressman matt gaetz is calling it quits. rick scott is demanding review of military programs as new information comes into us about the smoothing at the pensacola naval air station. a shooting that killed four
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including the gunman and injured more than half a dozen. the gunman we learned was a saudi national. a pilot being trained here. >> there is going to be lot of questions about this individual being a foreign national being a part of the saudi air force, then to be here training on our soil. to do this, given this wars a foreign national in the employ of a foreign service, there will be time to do this, but obviously the government saudi arabia needs to make things better for these victims. trish: you bet there are a lot of questions and there will and lot more questions. this gets back to the heart of the immigration issue. why aren't we doing a better job of figuring out who is actually here. who we are writing here. why aren't we screening people? why is it a saudi national, matt gaetz, congressman from florida is saying this is an act of
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terror. why didn't we find nothing his background before we allow him into that naval base? joining me now, former trump national security advisor, kt mcfarland. can we do more? the left will say that's racist or xenophobe you can or who knows what. >> i want to offer my condolences to the navy families and this military and the brave heroes. i'm a navy mom myself and it breaks my heart to think this happened right before christmas in a military town on a navy base. to answer your question, yes, we do train. we have almost 10,000 foreign nationals who train in the united states on american equipment. and the american equipment is sold to them or we give equipment or sell it to them.
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the home country should vet them as well as the united states. but i hope we don't get to the point where we do away with these programs for a couple reasons. first it gives us the ability to connect with young the young officer corps in all these different countries. and they make lifelong friendships. they can share how to train and use the equipment and how to be a good military officer. for example, general sisi during the egyptian revolution. one of the first phone calls he made was to a buddy he had gone to the army war college with years before, and he asked questions. trish: i hear you. what i am concerned about. i don't think anybody is going to say we are going to stop training for our allies. but we have to do a better job
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vetting them within and they have to do a better job vetting them. the only way this works is for to us know who is in our country, kt. >> that's right. trish: if you are coming as part of the saudi military or coming up through the mexican-texas border. we need to know who they are and what their background is. >> the trouble i always had with the i am dwraition issue. the security part of it. we treat everybody the same. we ought to look at the profile. not racial profiling. but behavior profiling. i don't know if the saudi national has been associated with terrorism. you don't want to jump to that conclusion. but there are behavior patterns, whether it's terrorists at home or terrorists that come into the united states from abroad. we should look at those behavior patterns before we let anybody in. we should watch the behavior patterns.
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it's not racism, it's behavioral. >> i'm so sick of it, kt. you know me. and you know how much i believe in the american dream of and the opportunity for anybody to come here and realize it. legally. not illegally. legally. and the idea that anybody would say if you don't believe somebody could come here illegally, some how that's racist. kt, it's so utterly wrong, it's stooping to such a level that is really shows how much they hate the other side. >> somebody said it very well. they said i'm note against immigration. i'm just in favor of people waiting in line. you want to immigrate to the united states, do it legally. until we can secure our borders and as you point out, know who
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is here, what are they doing, why are they here,. trish: the fact that the left is trying toy paint people, conservatives as mean or racist because they are just asking to make sure that our country is safe, that's wrong. anyway, it's good to see you. thank you so much. it's friday which means it's time to add to aoc's greatest hits. >> how many years until the world ends again? we have 12 years left to cut emissions by at least 50%, if not more. it's a liberal interpretation. is it okay to still have children? trish: the socialist congresswoman is claiming president trump's food stamp revisions would have starved his family. the only problem, the revisions
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only apply to childless adults under 50. but first the vice president's daughter is here tonight to talk about her brand-new christmas book. i am so happy to welcome charlotte pence next. when we were looking for a roommate, he wanted someone super quiet. yeah, and he wanted someone to help out with chores. so, we got jean-pierre. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with renters insurance. ♪ yeah, geico did make it easy to switch and save. ♪ oh no. there's a wall there now. that's too bad. visit and see how easy saving on renters insurance can be. my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower
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[ electrical buzzing ] [ dramatic music playing ] [ squeaking ] [ screaming ] elliott? [ gasps ] elliott. you came back! my son. my, my family. lot's changed since you were here. it's called the internet. whoa! -whoa! holiday movies.
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♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas ♪ ♪ family. home. woo! [ gasps ] woo-hoo! woo! i'll be right here. ♪
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trish: charlottes pence and her mom karen pence are out with a christmas book. marlon bundo's best christmas ever. he goes on a lot of adventures. >> he does. it's been fun to do with my mom so far. we started it actually when i kind of moved out of the house across the country. and it's been a really fun project. this our third one. trish: your mom is an artist and shy has always been an artist.
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she used to paints when you were young, and this is a great way for you to use your story telling skills and for her to get to do the illustrations. >> she was doing watercolor illustrations when we were growing up. she is an art teacher. she is very, very talented. trish: tell me about the bunny. i guess he gets to go to a christmas party at the white house. >> my parents host tons of parties at the residence every year. marlon is trying to help my mom get ready for the parties. so he goes around and meets all of the staff that works so hard every year on the parties, but learns at the end of the day the true meaning of christmas. trish: wow. this is great. i am just looking -- the illustrations really are beautiful. your mom is super talented. i don't know if the viewers can
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see any of this. it's really pretty. and it's nice tore kids to get an inside look. i think kids wonder, wow, what is that like to be in the white house? for you, you are not a little kid anymore *. but there were times i imagine that you were part of politics, right? growing up. what was that like? your dad is out there on stage, and often probably getting attacked because that's the reality of politics. what was that like as his daughter? what is it like now? >> i think the most important thing i learned from watching my parents and watching my dad is seeing that, you know, that's just part of the job. my dad talks a lot about when we see protesters he always said that's what freedom looks like. he has been saying that long before he was vice president. it's really true.
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i think it kind of comes with the territory. it's not ease yesterday to see that. but it's just part of it. trish: i wonder sometimes. it's hard for kids. the whole thing that happened with barron trump getting dragged into the hearings. i am a mom and have three little kids. i can't imagine how hard that would be for parents. i think you were kept enough away from the spotlight. but for them to drag a child into it. that's tough stuff. that just shows you how difficult it is. and the conversation you have to have with your child to say this isn't you. this has nothing to do with you. did you guys ever have conversations like that growing up? >> absolutely. i think there is no space for attacking a politician's child.
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especially when they are not out front going after certain policies. but i do think my parents have kind of shown me at least a little bit how they handle criticism. we definitely talked about that growing up of course. it kind of washes off. trish: ultimately at the end of the day you have to know who you are, and who knows you. because anybody can say anything. >> that's right. the media climate is pretty intense. i think even with this book, a children's book about christmas and the holidays, and we have hanukkah in there, too. i hope to be a little bit after reprieve i think everybody needs right now. trish: i think you are. and certainly marlon is. by the way, marlon is real. marlon actually lives at the vice president's house.
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trish: and he's been upon air force two. >> that's what propelled him to fame. the media thought it was funny that we had a rob it when we moved to washington, d.c. and he has three books now. trish: your parents have always had pets. >> yes. trish: i have to have you sign it for me because i will right my little kids. the socialist congresswoman claims the president's food stamp provisions would have starved her family. but she is dead wrong. and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk what shines forever? diamonds.
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