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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 8, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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>> good evening everybody. president trump is back in america back from nato sum where he successfully remindinged justin trudeau french president macron and a handful of their afeet european counterpart that president trump is indeed the heed per of the free world. and they just might. the to pay closer attention when he speak. so chasened alliance today is as a result stronger. now, at home the president taking up a domestic teaching moment we'll call it a teaching mommy for those rhino radical dem and deep start artist who still play at a averting his les pos and had you very presidency.
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president trump today contending with the preposterous speaker pelosi who rushes to wrong side of history seeking to overthrow this historic president who maddens already derange dem who know he's unbeatabled a polls in november and -- they have little left with which to flog their better. the the hapless dems are demanding supreme court consider his fight over the radical left attempts the speaker an cohorts in house still hell bent or frerting will of the people. the pack and constitution give us no choice but to impeach, move forward impeach m of the president. i pray for the president all of the time so don't mess with me when it comeses to words like
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that. >> don't mess with her. well, president trump all returning to take on the chinese communist and their hefty helpers on wall street. contending with american billionaires as well big tech, big business, all seemingly siding with the chinese trying to undercut the president's trade policies and tariffs trying to force him to remove those tariffs that have changed it this country's history and assure that the the president will prevail easer decades of failure by his predecessors in the white house. some of those billionaires very public in their preferences for a trade deal seemingly any deal at any cost no matter the cost to america. investor david rubenstein says trade deal comes soon as hong kong remains unsettled at begs measure a million chinese held in the about chinese internment camp as chinese continue to
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steal hundreds of millions of dollars each year in keep toll and continue against bank and our businesses and government. there's always one thing and if i was in china recently i had a meeting with many other people as well and i had a sense out of that there's something to get done it won't solve all of our problem. it will be a phase one and one phase two will come we don't know but i would be very surprised if the president would go into reelection with overhanging him. >> overhanging him. this, this is exactly what the president intended from beginning of his presidency that is to balance our international trade relationships and four most among relationships requiring balance that with the chinese. many of our billionaires mean to influence apparently the outcome of these china trade talks and again they're very public about it all.
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take steve who claims in his new book that he's been a meet area trump and chinese government the american billionaires and wall street allies appear far closer to the chinese position the chinese agenda. than the agenda of president trump, that is the america first agenda. and that trumped a is afterall the economic agenda that national security agenda that the american people voted for in 2016. and for the president who has stood tall and steady against the base animated interest of the chamber with of commerce, business round table and the the other money interest who seek only their own interest. in collusion with the chinese whether intentional or not the radical dems and rind knows working overtime to object trump and his agenda effect of that is
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to favor the chinese over our own government even those who sometimes seem closest to president are of little help. and often, in fact, detractors here's senator lindsey graham providing today's most redundant and useless comment. he's a fine talker. but not much on the doing. here he is -- the do nothing senator say he will indeed do nothing. [inaudible conversations] >> not going to do that. not going to -- >> no i'm not going to do that and with my phone records -- subpoenaed. >> you're going to at least say that was a flash of candor. speaking of phone calls adam schiff issuing subpoenas to at&t and verizon demanding call log on a number of attorney and journalists and schiff did what you know -- he would do.
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he published them in his 300 page impeachment report. at&t apparently willingly turned over those calls to schiff's intelligence committee without so much as a protest or legal action to block them. in a statement at&t says the -- they are required by law to provide information to government and law enforcement agencies. this is where we reminding you that at&t owns cnn and verizon ceo declares he believes united states and china should just get along and accept that huawei does what it does and shouldn't be bothered and that they should be allowed to do business with huawei whenever they wish. even though the chinese has been theired to be a national security threat against the united states. this is what we're contending with in 2019. china is, of course, cheering
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the radical dems collusion on so many levels, again, whether coincidental or whether it be -- sub conscience whether it be billionaire or big tech opposition to president trade policy and, of course, tariffs or the clear advantage that dems impeachment ruse has about about given chinese in trade talks with the united states. join us tonight citizens united president former trump campaign aid, david bossy great to have you with us. look, i think -- most americans feel much better abouting having the president home. taking on the -- the oppositional forces that have taken him on from the moment almost that he entered race for president and certainly from the moment of -- that he won it. the impeachment moves on. we're assured by nancy pelosi, and i have to say to you, i
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think i'm not alone in this. i truly believe she is doing the republicans and this president a great favor by showing exactly who she is and who her lot really are. >> i think that's exactly right lou they are doing this president a favor and they're doing the republican house and senate candidates a favor. come next november, these are mccarthy tactics that they are using. the smearing this is not an investigation. this is a smear campaign of devin muñiz of john solomon and president if you disagree with with adam schiff, he's going to personally smear you. we need to -- i don't care you know everybody is talking today e oh we should get adam schiff phone records i want his testimony. lou we want adam schiff to answer questions about what he has done what his staff has done and what the whistle-blower did or didn't do with he and his staff at a time before this complaint came forward so there's a lot to get to.
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but this president is right. he is on track to do the right thing for american people on economy on our national security. look what he just did at toeon we have these -- parking lots coffee clash, you know, a little boy and girl there talking behind his back he handled it like i would have. this is a strong leader of the free world. who is not going let canadian two face prime minister back had him into a corner. prchl trudeau has proved himself to be a little more than a child. he is -- you know, he's grateful to be in the same room as the president of the united states for cry out loud and on whether i truly believe unworthy of further consideration as so many of the so-called leader of european government. turning back to this nonsense on capitol hill, at what point do the republican just say, this is -- or, you know, do you think that there's any way to avoid
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even the trial and the senate because any -- any defense seems so disgusting that it does in some part legitimatize what radical dems have done here. >> it is a great question lou, and i'll be honest with you there is. what we need to do is make the democrats in the house in those 31 trump districts that donald trump won in 2016, the democrats are currently holding in the house. those seats we need to make them feel pain at home and my organization citizen judd we've ads up on air we're continue over the next two week to make them feel pain at home to make sure people are calling their offices to say, do not vote to impeach this president. this man who was done everything that we put him in there for -- or we're going to remove you and then nancy pelosi is going to have a jailbreak moment. if she gets a lot of pressure from inside of her caucus. that is really the only way and i don't know that we can do that lou. i think maybe the train is left
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the station and i'm a realist but we must not allow them to get a free pass we have to make them feel pain and drop glove on ice and we have to go for it. >> now, because you certainly have -- you know this is a president who has been so wronged by the radical dem and that is the democratic party that has become the party of hate. there has to be a response -- i'm unclear in my own mind as to what it should be and which would assure the greatest punishment for their assault and insult to the american people to this president. to our way of life. i do think, though, that you're talking about commercials, i mean i can see a lot of commercials running now that are going to feature the radical dem. parking lot god father of impeachment al greene himself -- today making it very clear, no limit to the number of time that will try to impeach he's already it was not novel for him to be first with with impeach m.
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he's thinking about happening more times it could go forward. this is what we're dealing. we need had him to keep going and to look at polls over next couple of week polling has turned against impeachment and for this president that's what we need to continue to drive home and we need to make them feel pain eve day. >> you know it is hard to make them l feel pain, though, as you say as a partisan because -- you've got lindsey graham as we just pointed out say he's not going to subpoena adam schiff or he doesn't want to be subpoenaed doesn't have their phone records he doesn't want to give up his phone records so sort of countervailing influence of those swamp creatures to react and precisely that way. this is the same chairman of the judiciary committee in senate said to investigate and investigate and investigate, he has not even looked into whose library suggest their books are overdupe. it is pathetic from republicans
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in the senate. we're going to see on monday with that fisa report right we all know the doji.g. report on a fisa and that's when member in the senate lindsey graham and others are going to be able to actually put up qhal they have been talking about over the last several months. because we must have that happen. and i will just say, it's okay if he doesn't want to subpoena his phone records. but i want to see lindsey graham question adam schiff in senate trial. that actually would be worthwhile and i think lindsey graham it needs to participate in a very big way. remember, he was had an impeachment manager in the the 1990s. you know there was a speak ere of the house who didding nothing and his three yearses -- paul ryan but unless chuck had grassley former chairman return to the post, i mean, he'll be a doing nothing chairman of the judiciary at a time of -- you know, open warfare by the
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democratic party without response from anyone in the senate. it is, it is -- to say the least disappoint. >> what we are frustrated, however, the am of federal judges that this person -- that the senate has put through is tremendous. >> no i understand. this president has historic achee. but that isn't the point. the response has to assure that the second term is also historic. >> david thanks so much. david great to see you president of citizens united up next nancy pelosi's message today to her caucus about about the dems sham impeachment process. mous -- the republicans legal witness lays out the radical dems abuse of power. we'll take it up with form or white water independent ray. stay with us. i'm your 70lb st. bernard puppy,
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law professor jonathon turley today, the stand standout in house judiciary hearing turley ripped apart the dems baseless teams to well to sully and e smear president trump. >> i would also caution you about obstruction it is a crime all with meaning if.
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it has elements, it has control incase authority. the the record does not publish on strzok in this case. that is what mys steam colleague would say if you accept all of their presumption it would be obstruction. but impeachments have to be based on proof now presumptions. joining us now prominent federal investigate and for the white water investigation robert ray great to have you with us. >> thanks great to be with you. let's start with the three left wing professors. making no pretense of being anything other than committed -- partisans of the highest -- or lowest depends how you want to look. >> well look jonathon turley was the star it goes to show one person who knows what he's talking about beats three people who are biased -- any day. so i, you know, somewhat
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disagree with the president and the democrats didn't even make a -- a pretech to a fairness actually to have a proceeding that looked like there was equal time given to both sides. and so he's right about that. but the, you know, it is funny thing about about doing these hearings you know, the truth and fairness and what is right has a funny way of coming out. and it certainly did today. >> despite no effort whatsoever in fact every east to resist fairness to provide the president due process,ing nothing approaching it that. but you make an interesting point because of their horrible conduct in my opinion particularly professor harlan from stanford bringing in the first couple's son. into that hearing -- that was a cheap shot and i think it was a below the bar of decency. look you know politics is
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hardball. but we don't involve the president's family and particularly a minor child that's out of bowngdz. and the first lady i compliment for not waiting for i was a one to land. >> see in grace as she always does. >> i want to turn to interesting straw strategic element that occurred todays a as much as everyone was fobsed on president sensibly, in this it became about about those three law professors, it became about their -- unwise approach to their testimony. never a good day when witnesses themselves become the focus of the inquiry, that means, i mean, i've tried a lot of case when that happens that's not good. so this was not a good day for the democrats and their engineered impeach m effort. >> so today even the concept to begin with before the actuality -- didn't make a lot of sense.
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suddenly the judiciary committee is taking seriously the constitution, really? and then jonathon tur rei i think pointed we can deal with substance for a moment look he was right on target to say the democrats boundless interpretation or standard list interpretation of abuse of power and indeed bribery, essentially doesn't leave you with any basis to determine what conduct falls over the line with regard to impeachable account and what conduct falls short of that line. and i think he made a, you know, great feignses to really -- tell the congress you ought to think seriously qhab you're doing if you don't have evidence that in connection with call principle basis of this impeach m that the president made a demand or cohearsed or about pressured the president of ukraine you don't have a bribery case and to try to suggest otherwise which is what -- went on todays on law professes and the democratic, you know,
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inquiz tores is frankly doing a great disservice to the country. >> we're going to the substance of the day. outside of this broadcast -- we pointed out that previous presidents has been, in fact, point subpoenas without being even the suggestion. that's most ridiculous motion. you cannot have a system in which had one branch is struggle with another branch over a assertion of privilege. and as a professor turley quiten connection with the dispute between those two branches is a court if the democrats are not prepared to play this out and get a final resolution in the the courts over who is right with regard to win assertion of privilege they shouldn't be left to complain now and make that basis of another impeachment article. i don't know how under any circumstance that could ever be considered to be fair in the the country best interest. >> and unlikely to be politically sustainable. >> right. is it lookout the whole point of this is --
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aren't you trying to persuade, i mean, the only way in impeach system successful is if the democrats do something that persuades other party that they're right. was there any effort really to do that today and if there was. wasn't successful. which means that we're going to have a partisan ill legitimate impeachment east to remove this president from office which is dead on arrival in senate. >> all right. of which it has been ill legitimate from outset because there was never a floor vote unlike previous attempt of impeachment there was wrong headed from outset and nothing approaching here. >> startling to see scwhi hope american preem watching because if they watch today i would be embarrassed. at what i saw. >> well i think probably -- e most americans are just furious that conduct of -- of so-called educated legal scholars three of them and if you press this you're going to pay a price ultimate by with american people that's my firm view. >> and i wish i could argue with
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you but i can't. robert ray thanks so much. great to be with you lou thanks so much. like to hear your thoughts on all of this share your comment follow me on twitter at lou dobbs like me on instagram and follow me on instagram. up north north latest threat to the united states it is a christmas threat so we can aseis that and we will do so with former state department senior advisor christian whiten. stay with us we're coming right back. much more straight ahead. stay with us. peyton, what are we doing here? brad, welcome to peytonville. what's this for? song inspiration. i started in my garage, but nationwide protects so much i had to expand. nationwide helps protect everything you see in here, brad. every family, every business, every dream. see mrs. hoffman? nationwide protects her home and car, but also her dream of retiring to become a yoga instructor. oh, they have backstories. of course they do. here, i got more to show you. keep up, now. a little hustle.
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north korea warning the united states that it could be only the receiving end of unwelcome and unspecified christmas gift. john wants united states to come up with a new approach to renew talkses and for united states to offer concessions in exchange for an end to north korea's nuclear weapons program. seasons greetings kim jong-un president trump today declared
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u.s. support for those in iran after briefly appearing to indicate oarsz during a meeting with french president macron in a tweet the president made it crystal clear that, quote, the united states of america supports brave people of iran who are protesting for their freedom. we have under the trump administration and always will. joining us tonight christian white senior fellow at the center for national interest former state department senior advisor and trump and george w. bushed aing mrgs good to have you with us. let's start with -- support for the demonstrators throughout now iran. first your assessment of the important of the president clear sport or are those demonstrators for democracy and secondly, how broad and how much wider do you think those demonstrations will go? >> well the support very important if you talk to those from anywhere around world including one who at times come
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across as anti-american and left wing they say privately they like american support it is very important. american support increase the cost of the bad guys the killing or doing away with or incarcerating. the good guy the protesters so this is important and trump has done a complete 180 from obama who sat only his hands and didding nothing. when iranian took to street in 2009 in protest because obama wanted a terrible iran clear deal and economic sanctions in political pressure he put on iran is really put them on their heals. as for the during ability of his moment this is disgusting actually what iranian government is doing really like the ss and their version of the ss which is is revolutionary guard showing up and not even bothering with warning or tears gas just shooting people killing hundreds of people. so it is entirely possible they do e suppress this. i hope they don't and i think they'll have hard time doing it but it should be clear it is a fragile regime with really very
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little internal support. >> a couple of questions -- it be on that. first of all where is the united nations? the united nations seem to have literally disappeared from geopolitics globally. i can't think of an instance in where -- in which they are applying any political pressure in which it is the focus of any global dialogue. it appears to be a -- a hallow empty shell of what was beef it. smtion it is living up to predecessor it is a cost center, a real, you know, consumer of important real estate in new york that could be put to better use. off attending college in madrid and useless activity and they're not alone other groupings especially britain, germany, france, joined by six other european nation hads, so nine
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countries seven of which are anyway members ingame to circumin what they think would get iran around our sanctions. to our supposed best ally in the world working against us. >> of and macron chief among them it appears -- let's go to china. the president today is sending markets we're told reliably there's only one cause when market go down and -- business press is selected. president trump and his announce ms that he might be willing had to consider made a trade deal after the 2020 elections. your thoughts? >> this is a fantastic recognition that china is really done its promises and walked away from its promises on a trade deal and now walking away from it promises in october and trump gave them benefit of the doubt and try to get the the yes but ran out of patience and a lot of us including on this channel say this deal is less likely than financial press and
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great thing yeah we had a bad day in market but it creates certainty and pushes past election and market has been reacting too much to this at the end of the day, 120, 140 billion buck of stuff we export to china that's a drop in the bucket of our economy it is very important to them and it is just half of one point of gdp to us of our 22 trillion dollar economy. so just telling the chinese hey, you know, go ahead and just take a hike. that will be good for our economy, and if ever the democrats will allow u.s. mca nafta replacement to come to a vote that comes to twice as much trade and five times as much u.s. exforce as a china deal so that's where our focus sure. >> it has been amusing to see the president be right on interest rates and school -- jerome powell chair of the federal reserve to be right on tariffs. apply tariffs, it has been now approaching a year and a half. of tariffs and all of the wags in business press and intelligence of the political
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press saying oh, with tariffs, it will tear up the economy, markets will be destroyed. and what fools they look like now. i had to say a little harshly so much fun to see them -- below age and not have a well be proved what they are. christian great to have you with us. thanks so much. >> thanks, lou. up next a retraction today by a mexican government official. shedding some considerable light on the power of the mexican drug cartels. as if we needed a further demonstration, that story much more right after this quick break. what shines forever? diamonds. what is as rare as true love? diamonds. what lights up every room? diamonds. beautiful diamond styles for the diamond in your life.
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so you only pay for what you need. i love you! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> joining us tonight to take some of and much more of retired captain of the texas department of public safety jason jones, leading public safety intelligence and kowpt terrorism division, jason good to have you with us. let start start with the governor. taking back husband report he was talking had been 150 people. this was a major -- let's say overexaggeration on his part to go from over 150 down to 0. >> yeah. it really is lou but i have to tell you we have got some real problem down there. what he's referring to -- is recently after a gun battle that occurred just a few days ago saturday actually. you know, it is now result in 23
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people killed in a small community 26 mile from our if border. they, they did involve over 150 in 25 a armor vehicle rolling into that small community and lerlly gunning down for two hour. so -- inch jason say that again. how many vehicle? 6? 26 armor car and other vehicles that were unarmor but we know that many from individuals that were had with the cartel that were aired and are being debriefed as we speak. so -- >> and it was a real mess. it was a large shoot theout. >> we've been reporting on it. to the last few day, and in many the reality here is -- it was those vehicles six -- six of the cartel members and each one of the vehicles 16 of them only 16 of them were killed, by the way. and with that, four police officers and two civilians.
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now, all of those people got away -- way i look at it is that is not a very good frankly body count. if you've got that will kind of firepower or raid against cartel it is look to me like cartel is winning. tnches they are hao and that's the real problem here, and you know this is why you've heard me talk about designating cartel as foreign terrorist organizations. >> i want to stop right there. stop right there. forgive me for interrupting jason jones the the first person on this broadcast to talk about designating the mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations and to explain why it is such an important, important step and the president jason congratulations has taken that step. >> thank you, sir, and thank you to you as well for being willing to have me on and talk about this and really get it out to american because it's about authorities. we need to do things differently than we have traditionally. historically what we're doing in law enforcement is work on the narcotics side of things is work
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short-term, midterm and long-term cases. moving forward with this terrorism designation what this is going to allow us is to do full spectrum operation and so what does that mean? what it really mean is is we're going to be able to get folks out of the united states first. second, e we're going to be able toll deny their visas to enter this country. third attack the money. you know, the intelligence community for a long time has been talking about going after the money. but using our dp of justice molds is a very slow -- very, very out outdated framework. this is going to let us do this very rapidly. fourth it is going to let us really limit their mobility lou globally. and five, to do very -- precision led intenls operations. one we have learned from gorilla warfare and ultimately the war doctrine is it is not effective
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way in which to fight these terrorist organizations. it has to be -- has to be a different approach than we have tried in afghanistan, iraq, you name it. with the cartels -- do you have the sense that lopez is ready to partner in a mature and sensible responsible way with the united states to destroy the cartels that are sucking the blood and the treasure out of his nation? and -- and corrupting this nation had as well and destroying lives here? >> yeah. you know, unfortunately he ran on the molds that what he was going to do was give hug and not bullets, and that is going to change the -- the violence has gone through the roof. you know murder rate last year was around -- just under 34,000 people killed in that country. this year, that number is going to be much higher. this state of tomlipa engulf
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along with many areas throughout mexico he's forced and thankfully because of trump, this is going to happen because i want to tell you. i've been at this for three year lou and state department was not going to back down for one second. and i know his advisory has been tell him not to do this but ftsess that this is right thing to do that we need new authorities. so it is a great, you know, i don't smile a lot about this subject but lately i have to tell you it is fantastic. jason thanks so much. we appreciate it. look forward to talking with you soon. jason jones also tonight president trump campaign shuts out michael bloomberg's media company. for their decidedly unfair idea of reporting and coverage. we'll have that and much more right after the break. please stay with with us.
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>> a new cbs news report finds youtube and its parent google remove more than 300 trump campaign video ads for violating company policy. whatever that means. the report doesn't say which polls were violated. leaving entirely unclear why the ads were taken down by the companies. youtube ceo says their algorithm
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does not have a concept of political bias. think about that one for a mommy. moment algorithm doesn't have a concept of political bias therefore, argo no bias -- algorithm, well the 2020 trump campaign is blacklisting bloomberg news. while it apparently is trying to work out a response to youtube and google. the move come a week after bloomberg announced it would not do investigations of their owner michael bloomberg who is now a democratic presidential candidate nor will they deeply think about or investigate other democratic candidates and just who does that leave, yes, the fellow there, president of the united states. who tonight tweeted, quote, many mike bloomberg has instructed his third rate news organization, not to investigate him or any democrat but go after
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president trump only that failing "new york timeses" think that's okay because their hatred and bias so great they can't even see straight. it is not okay. first lady melania trump not too happy either. wait for air force one to land at andrews air force a p base she decided not to wait. but rather to respond to a stanford professors comints today pamela here's what professor had had to say during had her testimony today about president trump, and the first couple's youngest son barron. contrary to what president trump said article two doesn't give him power to doing anything he want and i'll l give you just one xasm that shows you difference between him and a king which is constitution say there can be no title noable he can't make him a barren. >> the first lady was not amused -- she tweeted this.
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a child should be kept out of politics you should be ashamed of your angry and, obviously, bias public pandering in using a child to do it. later offered an apology somewhat back handed but an apology -- adding she hopes, though, president trump would also apologize for things that he's done that's wrong and coming up here next tonight, the rad cam dems they have a billionaire problem. one of them will take up actually got so many problems are they also got apparently an a old white guy problem too as they have lovingly express it and take that up and more after this break. drivers just wont put their phones down. we need a solution. introducing... smartdogs. the first dogs trained to train humans. stopping drivers from: liking. selfie-ing.
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impeachment advances through the house nancy pelosi today is said to have asked caucus behind closed door a very simple straight forward question. she asked are you a problem with impeachment now is the tile to speak up a source who was in that conference meeting -- tells fox news no one spoke up to object. pelosi does need at least 17 of 31 democrat votes who are in trump one districts if it is to
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pass that nounal is open question tonight joining us former reagan white house political director fox business political analyst himself ed rollins. let's start with you said in on ed that you working for four presidents have never seen partnership like this. i would ask you -- suspect this something more than partisan isship a venom. this was hatred an i've been in fights over the course miff career there was hatred and bitterness and my sense is whatever the out come here, i assume trump wins reelection, it still going to have a group that any day they can still control the majority in the house if they can put something else together and come back at them again the if the the first guy to try to get impeach m johnson a racist and lincoln successor wanted him four or five time before they got impeachment.
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so my sense is message is very clear. we're not going to stop we're going to keep adding, add, adding and bottom lean is going to keep try get stuff out of the courts so even if president wins this which he's going to want in senate. that game is not over. >> well it is not over and i'm not sure quite as dark as your -- intimating here. because the democrats going to become nice guy. no but i do think they're revealing themselves to american people in ways that i don't think they would have -- done had they known how this day was going to pend professor with the ignorance of that reference to the president's and first lady son. you could barely watch those three left wing professors sitting in their chairs just -- just spewing partisan nonsense. at every opportunity -- they were beside themselves. this was nothing. and the problem to bring those
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four witnesses in including but was a democrat to convince the democrats this is why you should impeach him that was whole rash kneel of this whole thing without article on impeachment or crime sales talked over and over again trying to make a case for bribery about thing that happenedded in monarchy, to me what they made me happy watching whole thing today is i didn't become a lawyer and i would think any parent across this country watching a law professor today said i don't my kid to go to law school had and my kid to do something meaningful their live. democrats they have a real problem right now. a lot of pundits picking up on fact that some of their candidate that are seemingly most preferred are older they're whiter, it is not as diversive field as the the democrats have least e those that are speaking up at this point would have preferred. >> they're socialist there's no
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krpght of how you win the medium part of the country which is where with strength of trump was and some of them are socialist -- [laughter] easier to be wealthy like liberal whatever it is. but they don't fit the country. >> yeah. it's -- it's well the 30 trillion deficit. i can remember hear that president trump didn't fit the country too to never get through the primary and do this because he's outspoken and straightforward. some people say even he was too old too rich, whatever. inch well bottom line is he prove them all wrong and maybe someone will come out of this but i doubt it. i doubt it. and -- if this point, you know, how's the bet 17 out of 31 districts needed by nancy pelosi for impeachment. does she get 17 about -- >> so far over the board and saw votes today it was 41 members -- they24-17 with the vote and my e
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is that she'll the beat even in submission and get 215 or 16 whoever take that particular day. ed rollins great to see you. thanks so much. thanks for being with us tonight his new given his outlook on 2020. the blood drop support for 20 entire expectations. that's 80,000 more than the initial expectation for that employment rate meth


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