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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  December 9, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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sidney powell. a reminder to follow me on facebook and instagram. good night from new york. >> we learned our fbi relied entirely on a "national enquirer" style dossier to spy on an innocent american in the trump campaign. the real headline buried in this horowitz report that the main real media does not want to talk about. john durham and attorney general william barr must follow up on. the main real media is touting horowitz' finding there was allegedly no bias in the
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investigation. i am most struck by this. the fact that our fbi relied entirely on a flimsy scandalous steele dossier as the source for its fisa warrant. the fbi never bothered to source the information itself. and they never asked christopher steele, our fbier in bothered to ask christopher steele who was paying him. i mean, that would have derailed things, right? it turns out the clinton camp was. that's who was paying him. the ex-british spy looking to make a buck. all he did was call his russian spy buddies to weave together this elaborate disgusting story line. and these were stories that were most likely fed to christopher
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steele by russia because it was a brilliant opportunity to create a lack of trust in our system and undermine our belief in the united states and our own integrity. so tonight it's confirmed, our fbi fell for all of it. our fbi was fed not only opposition research bought and paid for by clinton's team. but opposition research concocted by the russians. and i quote. we found managers, soup viers and officials in the chain of ask command were aware of information that should have been raised. they also received information directly from persons with direct knowledge of steele's work-related performance. and they were aware of the motivations and potential bias. this unchallenged steele dossier
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made its way to the fbi courtesy of bruce ohr and his wife nellie ohr who worked for gps, the opposition research firm employing mr. christopher steele. and as such, the horowitz report says failing to advice his direct supervisors that he was in communication with steele. it goes on to say no one informed the fbi that steele was desperate that donald trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being the u.s. president. so you have got a biased spy paid by clinton's team bigging up unverified dirt fed to him by the russians and the fbi runs with it? that's what we know. that's what was confirmed. you can call it an error in
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judgment, mr. horowitz. but it's a whole lot worse than that. it reeks of bias. not a single person bothered to question steele's intel. question his sources, question the motive. the fbi just ran with this whole thing and used this dossier to get a fisa warrant to spy on an innocent american, carter page. attorney general bill barr has some significant issues with the up g. findings and he should. i realize horowitz, an obama hold year may not want to take down the whole fbi, so he leaves it to lapses in judge the. but it's bigger than that. the inability of these people and our fbi to ask the most logical basic questions. that in and of itself is bias. meanwhile there are texts talking about the understand
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policy from strzok and page, trump won't become president because we'll quote stop it. amazing how none of this evidence is enough to up reply kate anyone of wrongdoing while they contend that trump should be impeached. >> i think the evidence is overwhelming. >> president trump put himself before the country. >> it's clear the president cares about -- did not care about fighting corruption in ukraine but wanted his on personal interests to be considered. >> president nixon attempted to corrupt elections then tried to cover it up just as we have seen obstruction here. trish: biden is one of 15 candidates. given that the money was in part tied toning corruption in ukraine, it wasn't i will
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logical. it wasn't i will was d it wasn'. paying for a fake dossier to help smear her opponent. the deputy krantz don't see this as a problem? going back to the ukraine phone call transcript in which the president asked zelensky for a favor because we have been through some bad stuff. i want to remind viewers that there is no actual quid pro quo that he stated. he never said i will give you $400 million if you do this for me. how could it be implied with ukraine had no idea the mobby was on hold at the time of the call. president zelensky said he never
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felt that pressure. he said this on four separate occasions, including this instance in september. >> we have i think good phone call. it was normal. we talk about many things. so i think when you read that nobody pushed me. yes. president trump: there was no pressure. trish: we have seen the transcript. we heard from the u.s. ambassador to ukraine. the president told him he wanted nothing from ukraine. but the democrats want to undo the will of the american voters. just 11 months away from the presidential election than let the american people decide themselves. this is what really bugs me. just like the dems have said it's a right-wing conspiracy
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theory. no, no. correct answer is yes, that is a huge conflict of interest and highly inappropriate. now they are out there laughing off any questions about ukraine in 2016, calling that a false narrative. >> these republicans spouting russian propaganda got the good housekeeping seal of approval from the source himself, vladimir putin. trish: the real answer is we don't know what happened. we don't know what happened with ukraine. and any journalist worth his or her salt should be looking at every single angle. don't dismiss something as a conspiracy theory because it doesn't fit neatly into your narrative. there are legitimate questions about many, many things. as for what the president was trying to determine about ukraine and crowdstrike. the reality is in 2016, the dnc
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got hacked. instead of turning its server over to the fbi for examination, which you would think they would do, they gave it to crowdstrike. a company whose co-for under and head of technology is a russian ex-pat who happens to be a fellow at the atlantic council. burris that employing the vice president's son to the tube of 80k a month. and highly troubling crowdstrike, at the same time was research can the dnc server also got busted for falsely alleging that russians attacked the computer system. crowdstrike issued an apology and the ministry of defense was forced to take back its allegations. there is a legitimate reason to
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want to know who hacked the dnc. was it the russians, was it ukraine? was it in the u.s.? it could have been an internal job within the campaign itself. we don't know because our government was never allowed to examine the servers. so why quow laugh it off as nothing but a diversion as chuck todd and his staff seem to do. >> do you believeing the crane melded in the elections in 2016. >> i do. too senator, this sort of strikes me as odd. trish: a real jment journalist is interested in getting the truth. whatever that truth may be. the i.g. report was limited in its scope but quite revealing. we need to know what russia was
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doing, what ukraine may have been doing. he ought to know what china was doing. stay tuned, because bill barr and john durham have a whole lot of work today and they said today they dispute the report's conclusion. joining me, former u.s. attorney attorney, guy lewis. i looked at this and said my goodness. my goodness. what kind of fbi do we have that somehow takes a piece of garbage, opposition research that reads like it's written for a 10-year-old except for its contents, and really belongs on the cover of the "national enquirer." what person would take that and not quadruple check it. not ask who was paying for it. why would you take that as gospel.
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>> i was a prosecutor for a long long time, tried a lot of cases and handled returns of you warrants. there is no way that this would ever pass muster in the u.s. attorney's office here in the southern district of florida in miami. when you overlay that with the fact -- one of the cardinal rules as a u.s. attorney as we followed is when you got around election time and especially here in miami, where there is all kind of allegations back and forth about corruption and fraud, with one of the candidates came in and said hey, the other guy is buying votes and stealing the election. whatever action you took was extra ordinarily limited and very, very careful. trish: how do you explain this? and how do you explain horowitz saying there is no bias. nobody stopped to think that
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hey, where did that steele dossier that we are going to base our entire fisa warrants even come from. >> tough know nuke horowitz. we worked together. but to be honest with you, i think he struck out on this one. the report concludes as you indicate that there was no intentional misconduct. again, your intro during -- i went through like you, and went through the report. and i'd pulled out just a few of the choice words and conclusions. and this is me. this is the language from the body of the report. know corroboration. no consideration for contrary facts. no supporting documentation. no verification. failed to disclose sub sources, omitted evidence, lapse in judgment. trust problems. fbi less than candid. that's not my language, not your
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language. that's the report's language. so my question is how do you then conclude after listening to all that, hey, the investigation was kosher? trish: i think they want us to think they are all just income ternlt. it's bert than the alternative which is we have a corrupt fbi. so maybe he's trying to protect some people. but it's not the right thing to do. americans deserve the truth. this is just one step in a much bigger process. i think durham and bar are determined to get to the bottom of it. >> no question about that. both general barr and john durham are going to uncover the truth and they will figure out what went wrong here. trish: it's good to see you. thank you so much. a far-left california college
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student assaulting and threatening to kill a black conservative. >> you are harassing me. that is not okay. that is not okay. you cannot do that. that's battery. that's assault. stop. [bleep] >> henry it's okay. >> you are going to end up dead. trish: wow. that black conservative is here tonight to tell me about his horrific experience. illegal arrests plummeting by 75%. tomi lahren just returned from the border. she has exclusive details. democrats are trying to impeach president trump for a lot of things. far left democrattal green says let's impeach him for slavery. >> we have to deal with the
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originally. another we have to deal with slavery. slavery was the thing that put all of what president trump has done lately into motion. trish: what? president trump is now responsible for slavery. we'll see the full sound and find out whether it makes any sense to republican congressman mike johnson after this. big in. lots of ink. no more cartridges. incredible amount of ink. the epson ecotank. just fill and chill. uh, "fifteen minutes could save you 15%ain? or more on car insurance." i think we're gonna swap over to "over seventy-five years of savings and service." what, we're just gonna swap over? yep. pump the breaks on this, swap it over to that. pump the breaks, and, uh, swap over? that's right. instead of all this that i've already-? yeah.
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make the world you want. trish: as democrats move forward with impeach many proceedings. the reasons for impeachment get stranger and stranger. first it was because trump was a russian agent or asset. then it was because of kavanaugh, then it was ukraine. now it's because he thinks' a king, nancy pelosi says. now he must be impeached for the original sin of slavery in america. >> i do believe, ma'am, that we have to deal with the original sin. we have to deal with slavery. slavery was the thing that put all of what president trump has done lately into motion. it's insidious racism. the president has played on
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racism and used that as a weapon to galvanize a base of support and mobilize people. trish: somehow he just need to be impeached. if he' not impeached. god forbid, then the american people could actually vote for him again. >> i'm concerned if we don't impeach this president he will get re-elected. >> this isn't just with something that has occurred. it's about preventing a potentially disastrous outcome from occurring next year. >> do you believe we'll have a fair elect in 2020? >> i don't know. the president based on his past performance will do egg he can to make it not a fair election. that guys us the urgency to proceed with this impeachment. trish: you have to impeach hip because americans might like that our you be employment is a
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record low and the stock market a record high. the bottom line is democrats do not trust the american people to elect a president. like everything else, they think they know better than you. they think they know you. better than you know yourself. joining me right now with more on the democrats' lack of truth in the american people, mike johnson, representative johnson, good to see you. >> you said that so well, i don't know how i can improve upon that. we have colleagues, friend of ours who serve in the congress who are so blind by their hatred of donald trump that they seem to have lost their grip of reality. to blame donald trump for slavery. just when you think you heard it all, al green whipped that one
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out. >> he committed to impeach donald trump from the day he took his oath of office. he was one of the leaders and put four resolutions on the house floor to get rid of donald trump all that preceded the all25 phone call which was the subject of the hearing today. these guys made this their predetermined political outcome and they will do apparently anything to achieve that objective. >> i think they are shooting themselves in the foot. i think americans see delight. i think americans are starting to say wait a second. i kind of like the fact i'm getting a bump in my paycheck. i like the fact i have a job and the opportunity to go to another job if this doesn't work out. >> you have got that exactly right. i did two town halls in my district and that's what i heard from a cross-section of the community. people like the way the economy is going. they like the way things are going even on the stage
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overseas. they like the way that donald trump has led the country. they don't always agree werg he says and the way he says it. there are a few presidents everyone agreed with. what we saw today was a charade. 10 hours we were in there. there was no decorum, no due process, no procedure or objection allowed by the republican party. trish: i don't envy you for having to sit through it all. congressman, the president said he's not going to partake. is he right to do that? at some point, it's like enough with your charade. why honor them with the participation in it. >> if he were my cliebt i would have i hip not to show up and participate in the charade. 17 out of 24 of the democrat members of our house judiciary
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committee voted to impeach the president a long time ago. it's completely a circus. trish: coming up, elizabeth warren caught in another lie. >> what do the facts say? >> the facts suggest that you absolutely have a native american ancestry. trish: this lie. >> i don't do big dollar fundraisers. i don't suck up to corporate executives. trish: turns out she does. she is begging the billionaires for cash. coming up, we have the evidence. a far left california college student assaulting and threatening to kill a black conservative. >> what have i said? >> you harassed me. >> that black conservative is here. floyd johnson is speaking out
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trish: a disgusting example of abuse of a conservative on campus. >> that's not okay. that's not okay. you cannot do that. that is battery. that's assault. stop! [bleep] henry, it's okay. >> you are going to end up dead. trish: wow. floyd johnson, the former president of the college republicans in sacramento being attacked by keaton hill allegedly as a result of some online facebook argument on abortion. joining me is the republican student you saw getting attacked
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on that video. floyd, welcome. >> thank you for having me on. trish: this is wait has come to? >> i guess so. on these liberal college campuses, these sort of things just can happen. trish: there was some kind of scuffle about whatever had been said on facebook. but for that to 10 turn into some kind of physical kind of assault. did he assault you? did he punch you? walk us through what you are seeing there. >> there were no close punches thrown. there were slaps thrown in my direction. i was trying to document this and report it to the authorities and to the school. that's where things so i could get what happened out there in the public eye. trish: you did get out there
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into the public eye. are you going to press charges? >> at this time no. about three hours ago everybody sat down together to make amend and i think we came to an understanding. he apologized for what he did and i accepted his apology. but at the same time get this out there to show to other people, political extreme extre. it feels like the left is emboldened to be physical and vocal to the point where they are bullying in a different kind of way. you see it on social media. you see it in every day life. now people are being told they shouldn't ware a red hat. don't even wear a red hat, you cardinal fans. floyd, are you feeling that there? the school?
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>> yes. sort of like the heckler's veto. even the people who wear red hats are saying you shouldn't wear red hats because that can invoke fear in other people. that's a form of violence and i don't see that. on college campuses where i am, there are a lot of liberal views from professors and the bernie sanders supporters and elizabeth warren views on campus. trish: liberal views are finessing as long as they col rate conservative views. it's academia. >> we are supposed to be able to freely exchange ideas. know where other people are coming from, that sort of thing. trish: thank you for sharing this with us. elizabeth warren caught in another lie. >> what do the facts say? >> the facts suggest you absolutely have a native american ancestry.
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trish: not that lie. that one democrats cared about. i'm talking about this outrageous lie. >> i don't do big dollar fundraisers at all. i don't 60s up to billionaires and corporate executives. trish: it turns out she does. she is out there begging those billionaires for cash. you can see the evidence yourself. (vo) the moth without hope, struggles in the spider's web.
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with every attempt to free itself, it only becomes more entangled. unaware that an exhilarating escape is just within reach. defy the laws of human nature. at the season of audi sales event. most people think as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. quitting smoking is freaking, like quitting every monday hard.
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male anchor: update on the cat who captured our hearts.
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female anchor: how often should you clean your fridge? stay tuned to find out. male anchor: ...this year's most buzzed about premieres... female anchor: makes it red-carpet official with... male anchor: 50 5-star products you can buy online right now male anchor: tributes pouring in from fans... female anchor: her hot new album is just one of the things we talked about. male anchor: beats the odds at the box office to become a rare non-franchise hit. [anchor voices ramp up together becoming indiscernible] you can provide the help and hope that survivors need. trish: elizabeth warren caught in another lie again. this time big money fundraisers. i want you to see her on jimmy kimmel telling the world she totally refuses big donors. >> you know i don't do big dollar fundraisers at all. i don't suck up to big dollar fundraisers and corporate
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executives. democracy can't just be about millionaires and billionaires. trish: if only that were true. right. check out the card that the dnc was handing out for fundraising events headlined by elizabeth warren back in june. see that? that's some pretty big money requests. really big money requests for someone who doesn't do big money fundraising. lying has become synonymous with elizabeth warren. there is the most infamous lie. somewhat do the facts say. >> you absolutely have a native american pedigree. >> many years ago i sometimes identified as native american. never had anything to do with any job i ever got or any benefit. my aunt bee walked by that
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picture at least a thousand times remarked, that her father, my papou had high cheek bones like all of the indians do. trish: the dna test revealed she has as good a shot at being native american as i do, the irish girl. she then there was deal about her pregnancy. >> by the end of the first school year i was quite advisably pregnant and the principal didn't invite me back for the next school year. >> i was visibly pregnant, and the principal did what principals did back in the day, wished made luck, showed me the door and hired someone else for the job. i was visibly pregnant which means the principal wished you
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well and hired someone else for the job. trish: it's a different story than what she used to tell. >> i didn't have the education courses. so i was on an emergency certificate. i went back to graduates school and took calculation needs case. i had a baby and stayed home for a couple years. i was casting about thinking what am i going to do? trish: records from the school show she left on her own will. meanwhile, she got in another recent lie. >> my children went to public school. >> her son did attend a prestigious private school in pennsylvania where tuition now stands at nearly $40,000 a year. so why does elizabeth warren keep on lying to us.
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former state of nevada republican chair, amy tarkanian. does she think we are that naive or dumb that no one will figure it out? >> absolutely she does. she is the epitome of the slick politician that everyone is tired of. that was one of the main reasons why president trump is now president. he's not a slick snake in the blast grass. he's brutally hon jest and tells it like it is. depending on who she is speaking to, here is another one she likes to share. either she is the intellectual professor or she is the young girl who group hardly anything, and you know visibility it depends on who she is talking to. as far as going back to that public school versus private school scenario, i have four kids. they have gone to both public
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and private. i don't say just public to make myself look like i'm more relatable. i don't say just to my private school friends that they only went to private so i can fit in. she is just ridiculous. you can do a whole show on the length of lies. trish: it's nuts. what amazes me is politicians think they can get away with it. people won't see through it. i think part of or problem is she doesn't seem very genuine, amy. she is not. >> that was part of hillary's problem as well. that's why elizabeth warren is seeing her numbers start to tank in the polls. she is starting to panic a bit. you see her and mayor pete buttigieg starting to gang on each some other to take votes away from joe biden. but she knows she is in trouble.
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she is trying to create more relaterrable stories. trish: even though they are fictitious. i like getting big money out of politics. she should practice what she preaches. illegal arrests falling by 70% since may. tomi lahren has exclusive details on president trump's border wallep next. ts of ink. no more cartridges. incredible amount of ink. the epson ecotank. just fill and chill. at chevy, we're all about bringing families together. this time of year, that's really important. so we're making it easier than ever to become part of our family. man: that's why our chevy employee discount is now available to everyone. the chevy price you pay is what we pay.
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trish: over 7% of children in america are the child of at least one illegal immigrants. it's cost $60 billion a year that could go to students who are in this country legally. it's one of the reasons the trump administration keeps pushing stronger borders. and there is some indication the president's tactics are working. we apprehended or turned away 40,000 migrants at the border since november.
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joining me right now, someone who just got back from our southern border. tommy laren, welcome back. good to have you. >> thanks for having me. i just got back a couple days ago from mcdodo mccowan, texas. >> i am happy to report president trump's pop is are work at our southern border. remember when he mexican military responding to calls, cooperating with our border patrol agents and cooperating are cbp. that's the first thing i noticed and why apprehensions are down. beyond that, having those migrants wait in mexico awaiting
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their immigration hearing, that's also done wonders. a lot of those people that would have otherwise made that trip and made that trek are not doing so because they know they will have to wait in mexico. they wanted their free pass into america. and now they have to wait in mexico and they are not coming as fast anymore. trish: when you say sewer come in and you can wait for asylum here. it creates that this unintended consequence of encouraging people to come in here. when you have a kid with you that you are basically going to ease your chances of coming into the country. it creates a perverse kind of inseason 5 for kids to gets trafficked up through our border, tomi. what the president has done, he's basically been able to use a creative approach that doesn't involve getting the democrats on
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board. and instead is using what we have to enforce the law, to enforce our border. >> absolutely. leadership works. this president has shown leadership time and time again. we have to understand and i hope viewers understand the border as a whole is not the same in every area. some areas we are able to build wall. other areas we are not. and we have seen apprehensions go down into credibly low numbers where the border wall is constructed. you put all those things together, we have a safe and secure border. that's happening right now. now our agents are able to do their jobs and they are not being inundated and we don't have the crisis like we saw in the summer. trish: it's interesting to see. it's improved dramatically since may. tomi lahren, thank you. we have a whole lot more coming
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