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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 10, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EST

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bought bought in my view that were insufficient to justify the steps taken. of course, president trump being president trump said to report it's great for him and prove all his allegations are true. president trump: it was an overthrow of government. this an aattempted overthrow, and a lot of people were in on it, and they got caught. they got caught red-handed. i look forward to the durham report coming out in the not too
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distant future. which is this information plus plus plus. kennedy: he's talking about u.s. attorney john durham. the other shoe due to drop very soon. of course, the u.s. attorney can make criminal referrals. democrats say they don't need the durham report. >> this report conclusively debunks the baseless conspiracy that the investigation into mr. trump's campaign and its ties to russia originated with political bias. let me repeat. so that all of those conspiracy theorists hear it. this report confirms that the predicate for the fbi's investigation was valid and without political bias. kennedy: it was right, it was wrong. the president or his critics. let's meet tonight's party
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panel. emily campagno and former baltimore city crime reporter, michelle ritchie is back. town host of the buy benson show it is guy benson. let's dive into this. i night would be predictable.
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steele worked for the clinton campaign. i think that you know we -- that this makes we wonder if the fbi kind of messed this up so much with such a high profile presidency, then what have they done to say an average american citizen. i think that needs to be looked into. kennedy: that's where we have to be looking. >> a lot of congressmen are coming out and come women are saying we need to reform nice a because this cannot happen. it kind of frustrates me a little bit to see sort of this narrative to say no, this shows the president is wrong in his conspiraciy theories while ignoring that the fbi did make multiple mistakes. kennedy: the fisa abuse can be
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applied to ordinary americans in a number of ways. i hope that's what people look for. the football spiking and the political hair splitting. i hope they look into the structural abuses of fisa. the fact that you can put a bunch of false information on a fisa warrant application, and it gets rubber stamped with no oversight. >> i think we are all hopeful for that. but i don't think that's going to happen. it's concerning that our attorney general came out and said this represents a clear abuse of the surveillance process. when the senate oversight committee drew the same conclusions about the fisa process. they are issues of transparency and the fbi standard to be self-critical.
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what also what the attorney general point out, as the investigation uncovered evidence after evidence that was exculpatory. the investigation continued. he called it investigation soon to the cad i and the presidency. my question essentially is at what point the investigators stopped because the truth has been revealed. or do they stop when they find a modicum of evidence that supports the truth that they were searching for initially. i think the answer is in the impeachment inquiry they were watching today. kennedy: the fact that there is that ex-culpa tory tore -- exculpatory evidence that was ignored. if you are a person who has been wrongly accused of something in this country, look at the forces that can work against you. >> you are not going to get an inspector general report looking
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into it. i want to come back to bruce ohr. bruce ohr's wife was working for fusion gps. kennedy: bruce hor did not disclose that. >> the co-founder of fusion gps, glenn simpson who met with that russian lawyer before and after the trump meeting. he was asked to sit down for interview with the inspector general, he refused to do so, and they couldn't compel him to do so. and ohr should have disclosed all sorts of stuff. there was a paragraph that is damning for him in his misdeeds and lack of ethics trying to prop up christopher steele and trying to get this bad information to the fore. i would love to know what motivated bruce ohr. seriously. that's a question i don't think they can answer. kennedy: he's an attorney that is bound by a much greater
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ethical than the rest of us. let's not forget the judiciary committee had an impeachment hearing and the testimony was testy. republican counsel steve castor and director investigations daniel goldman knead closing arguments about trump's dealing in ukraine. here are the two attorneys with wildly different takes. >> democrats have been searching for a set of facts that could impeach president trump since his inauguration january 20, 2017. >> president trump pressured ukraine to open two investigations to benefit his election campaign. not the u.s. national interests. the president used u.s foreign policy to pressure ukraine to meet his demand.
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every one was in the loop, his chief of staff, sake were and vice president. fourth, despite the public discovery of this scheme which prompted the president to release the aid, he has not given up. kennedy: then the lawmakers got to cross-examine the lawyers which took longer than a drive from philly to boston. louie gohmert said something that ruffled jerry nadler's feathers. you state your point of order. >> there is no rule nor precedent for anybody being a witness then giving a question -- >> i have ruled. >> the point of order is he's inappropriate to be up here asking questions. >> that's not a point of order. >> how much money do you have to give? kennedy: then the whole thing went off the rails and doug
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collins from georgia tried to find out how doug collins phone records got included in adam schiff's report. >> be careful you are under oath. >> i will go on record and tell you i will not reveal how we co- conducted this investigation. >> i'm done with you right now. you are not answering the question. you are not being honest about this answer. because you know how it is, you are just not answering. kennedy: then he put him in time out. and don't worry, folks, this could be the last hearing before articles much impeachment hit the house floor. they may vote by christmas. will this. >> today was a monumental waste of time. >> louie gohmert made a good
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point. you have a democratic donor-turned lawyer. and went up to the dais and become a questioner. that was wired. then we had literally lawyers arguing with other lawyers for what, 7 hours, about things we all read and watched for the last three weeks. there was no new information. this was a closed environment that could have been con by each side and call it a day. hour a hour of grandstanding with people with no first behind information of what happened after under questioning from other lawyers sniping at each other. kennedy: this is not the pursuit of the truth. this is the political exercise. if you are in 8th grade and taking your first civics class. i also would want to move. >> i think a lot of americans are getting a lesson in such is.
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>> when they go into the senate and decide not to move forward with impeaching trump, not move forward with removing from office. they can say to the american voters like we did everything they said. i am worried about what will happen to them. > >> i'm worried about that. kennedy: a got friend of mine made this point. if they can ram through impeachment in a few weeks, why can't they do the same thing with immigration and usmca. i think that's what's most problematic. it's one thing if we are bored to tears on political folly that
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doesn't get us anywhere. it doesn't tell us anything new. it doesn't shake us to our very foundation the wait' meant to. i would be looking at my congress penn and say what have you done for me lately. >> for us it's a monumental waste of time. i think it' so unfortunate. it's not the process. it's exactly what happened when bias is obvious and when someone is in charge and massively shoves it in the face of everyone else. it made me sad. it reminded me of all the hearings i have been in where the defendant is unfamiliar with the process, doesn't have resources or means, is struggling in the process and the judge doesn't care and runs ram shot or them. quick point about the bias. and it applies to the i.g. report. those attorneys took as true testimony, meaning as someone
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said, of course i'm not biased. kennedy: there was nothing testimonial. they set up the system so they have plausible die my built. we'll talk about hillary clinton. she has another new excuse for why she lost in 2016. person fun fact: 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. including your interest rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right with sofi. check your rate in two minutes or less. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. get a no-fee personal loan are ready for cartridges another school year? what does cyan mean? it means "cyanara," honor roll.
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you're not even one. i don't expect to see bernie sanders and hillary clinton's ugly choir sweater party. the cranky, he blasted the peoples pants for telling howard stern she was quote disappointed that he didn't endorse her sooner and 2016. the nerve of the burn. well time was, you could steal a nomination from a guy and he would jump right on board. and you can pierce sanders has an evidence. varney. >> sorry hillary clinton is rerunning into thousand 16. i had it on to take out a letter from hillary clinton saying thank you varney for working so hard to try to make me the president of the united states. >> i have the letter no one cares about your e-mails but
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they care about the letter. they hillary hullabaloo comes as the other guy she shoved out of the way. joe biden is now trying to box out his own family saying they won't cash and if he's elected. >> they will not be engaged in any foreign business because of what he happened in this administration. >> will joe biden released cut off his kids? and can they land a high-paying job with the clinton administration? former speechwriter bill mcgurn. let's learn with mcgurn. it's monday? so stock budget by the low bit and then we'll get back to varney and hillary because i love that mud wrestling match. >> sewed joe biden says hunter biden will not cash in on foreign entanglements, why not, he did nothing wrong. he did nothing illegal or unethical while but that be a problem. >> i think that's a problem joe's argument that my son did
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nothing wrong but he will not do it again. and his brother to who has been made a little bit of money on the biden name. but how do you do it? you pass a law or do you just decreed to all of the adult members and his family. >> i think he does it with his kingly scepter, hear ye hear ye i hereby declare that mize's on the dimwit double with -- is going to be a lump of coal is probably be working for some sort of coal company. that's what i don't understand to figure out how much corruption is there. joe biden finds out the corruption is all there that's an breeze and as a parent i would pry try to keep my kids out of danger. if there is a crêpe place, and a sketchy part of the world, they are not entangled there. but somehow. >> yeah, what was hunter selling? you've got the name but what's the added value there?
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>> could you imagine i could not have tuned into the account of it on my dads name. >> while the kennedy name? >> yeah could benefit kennedy thing i know people in the art world. >> it depends what name you chose. >> and i was a douglas kennedy down the hall and hide from them. so it switched to varney and hilary. it's getting to be a crowded race. if hillary gets end, and she has this long-winded interview on howard stern. i thought he asked her some good and provocative questions. she was kind of likable for the first time. but i am so sick of her excuses. and now she's disappointed that varney didn't always her sooner. if i was varney i would not have endorsed her at all. i would've flown her the double bird and flew away on the jet. >> it wasn't varney who told her not to go to wisconsin, but it's a whole book were hillary wrote about what happened and who's fault it is, this would happen
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to be varney. you know and that's the amazing things about her. not 2,016 comments everyone else. it. >> it was her it was booktv it was facebook, it was misogyny it was women who are so dumb that listen to the trump loving husband. it doesn't end. so how does that, and that basket of deplorable exclude insert themselves into the race. >> i don't think any of the candidates again like missus clinton's being out there. look if you're a democrat and democratic voter and you wanted to beat trump overall, you want democrats like missus clinton supporting the team. she want her to say she's gonna support whoever the nominee is not reminiscing about 2,016. >> all they have to do is poker and asked one question and then as babar barbara poppe, more excuses. she can't not talk about her
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colossal failure. and she cannot take any responsibility for it. i think that makes a perfect candidate. >> and that's her problem, that's one of the reasons she lost. when she does this you see one of the reason she lost 2,016. >> because she has no political. >> i think people will be sympathetic to varney on this. he's fighting. >> he had a fall heart attack he looks better since his heart attack. >> that's what happens a clear everything out in circulation. they should do that to joe biden and roto-rooter his pipes and get the flow back. and studies as they are rubbing my legs and i liked it. and i like kids on my laps. that's not good. >> we better do it before we get medicare for all. >> everybody's going to get rhoda rooted. how exciting though. such good restaurants. thank you for being here with us i always learn with mcgurn. we were supposed to have chelsea gabbert on but unfortunately she
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canceled at the last minute. she left out of the makeup cherished, she got a phone call, we don't know what went on, whatever happened with her we hope everything is a okay. but just after she canceled she tweeted quote for a number of reasons i have decided not to attend the timber 19th debate regardless of whether or not they are qualifying pulse. i instead choose to spend that precious time directly meeting with and hearing from the people of new hampshire and south carolina. so i guess she's not in the debate. she was super close she was one pole away from qualifying. if we get anymore updates, will bring them to you. right here. but coming up the washington post has a bomb shelter report detailing how the us government and military lied to us about the war in afghanistan. will we ever get out of that hellhole? hellhole? coming up, stay with me. (gentle music)
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- [announcer] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90-years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people,
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some very depressing news out of afghanistan. after 18 years and a trillion dollars which turns out we were lied to about the objectives and outcomes of americans longest war. the washington post filed a four year quest three years ago and finally has gleam 2,000 pages including a report lessons learned which was 11 million-dollar project to teach us how to not completely screw up a country, spend a bunch of monkey, and kill way too many people in the future. the problems in afghanistan have been known for decades. we don't know the place at all, and have no business being there, this from a three-star general douglas lu to frustrated lee served in the afghan wars are for presidents bush and obama. and with past conflicts there, things went from bad to horrific, and just like vietnam the military deep stators tried to spin the losses like an old movie studios press release about a drunken starlet. when americans were being killed they were a lot of good fighters fighting the enemy.
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when they were suicide attempts it was sold as evidence of desperation. no one had the nard's to admit we didn't know exactly why we were there or how we could get out and not a soul could define victory. one anonymous source from u.s. agency for international development said we lost objectivity. we were given money, told this minute, and we did without reason. 150,000 people have been killed in that country including 2300 u.s. military personnel and 43,000 afghan civilians. all of whom are mourned and missed in an embarrassing foregone conclusion. even george w. bush said back in 2,000 to quote the history of military heinkel collected in afghanistan has been one of initial success followed by long years of floundering ultimate failure. we are not going to repeat that mistake. if only president bush could have read a copy of lessons learned before he and two successive administration doomed us to repeat that tragic
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history. and that's the memo. kennedy: ride the second of 13,000 soldiers in afghanistan. spieth stocks just restarted after the president suspended them in september after a suicide bombing that killed an american serviceman. after this crazy new report, are those troops coming home anytime soon? or will that create in norma's instability the party panels back. so guy, let's talk about this a little bit. everyone knew going into it that there was no clear way to win a war in afghanistan and here we are, people.out if you were born the day we invaded, you can now
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serve in afghanistan. >> yeah, i think we are fully justified going into afghanistan after 911, i think a nationbuilding project in a place like that is extremely difficult and probably doomed to failure from the start given that approach that we took. i think that there are valid arguments against precipitous pullouts at different times, and often civet that acted as arguments. but if you are asking the american people to make these decisions and terms of the elections that we hold. and you are asking men and women who volunteer to serve this country on those orders and to follow those orders and their families at home to believe in the projects, the government owes us to tell us the truth. and not put a massive spin job on everything. and the fact that this was done across multiple administration and multiple parties for the sake of pr when the reality on the ground is much bleaker, i mean yes were dysfunctional but we are adults and given life and death decisions voters should be
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trusted, maybe not with every single secret, but the broad strokes we deserve better. this is really disgraceful and sad. kennedy: and you have goldstar families in this country, that's 2300 families who will never see their loved one again who have the best of intentions to go over and to preserve our freedoms and theirs. but missteps along the way, and the dishonesty. this is the kind of thing only talk about getting into new conflicts, i hope lawmakers and think tankers look at this report and go that's why we don't get them. that's why we don't commit troops because sometimes it's just impossible to get out. >> i think that's the most egregious thing about that. i know trillion dollars was set on this war, but the most egregious fact as the men and women who died under this assumption that they were going over there to do the right thing. when really no one knew exactly why they were over there to begin with. so i think for these families to
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see this report is really hurtful. i was reading one of the articles and the documentary maker ken burns, this is really great, he said mark twain often says history doesn't repeat itself. but this does seem something we saw with vietnam. and it makes you wonder how often is this happening? do we have troops now deployed in areas where they are telling us that they're there for this, and really they're not. kennedy: and things are going great, knows almost the pottery barn doctrine in : palace misquote is saying is like the pottery barn, you break it you own it. but what he was saying to president buses once you go in and you commit troops like this, he was talking about iraq, but the same thing applies to afghanistan. we go in, we blow bunch of stuff up, and were expected to build bridges and schools over there. and one person the report said that's like pumping kerosene onto a dying campfire. it was actually the worst thing
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we could do. it didn't make anything better for them or for us. >> it so problematic that during those 18 years those issues were raised. it's not like during this time that that voices weren't saying that it was a failure or raising questions. but the answer was always a glowing. the answer was the broad strokes you mentioned. i think in the last couple of years, we've heard a lot of words thrown around like outrage, right? i think this is the kind of thing that deserves the voters in our citizens to be outraged. and this is the kind of thing and the revelation that i hope the lawmakers whose salary we pay for, should take this under their wing and i want answers about this. i'm sick of them covering up answers of things that i care about. kennedy: yes we are justified in our search for vengeance for 911. and that had greater justification than going into iraq. but that's the only reason we were there. and that wasn't the only part of
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the mission. and that's what so problematic because you have some people saying yeah let's go kill the bass towards who killed american citizens. innocent americans on 911 but then you might other people that said no let's turn this into a democracy. no let's stabilize the region involve pakistan. >> which is a wonderful sentiments, but we get hit on 911, the taliban and was harboring al qaeda, they controlled afghanistan so we go over there to try to decimate al qaeda and to be the crab out of the taliban. we did those things and that took a long time and those were good laudable things to do. then you're there, to go back to his analogy. the pottery barn stuff is broken, so what you do? and i understand the thought pattern of okay we have a democracy, we think that's a florist shooting way for humans to succeed and thrive. let's try to set up some sort of semblance of that. and obviously that has been a failure. and it is been a failure that
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took many years and cost many lives. if you are straightforward about all of those talking points, and all that explanation i just laid out. here's why the trade-off is worth it. here's the end goal and specifically how were going to do it. that's a debate that had but it's the feeding of the bs. and the taking intelligent and deliberately twisting it to put a happy face on it. on that to me is where it is completely unacceptable. and then it really does cast a pall on the efforts. kennedy: and i hope it breeds a new level of skepticism and american voters. you guys are just fantastic and i love every single one of you so much. i just want to squeeze it in rage as my own. that's inappropriate. [laughter] president trump promised to build the wall on the board of mexico. some people in texas are fighting back. saying they don't want the government taking their land. they have a case
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she looks... kind of like me. yeah. that's because it's your grandma when she was your age. oh wow. that's...that's amazing. oh and she was on the debate team. yeah, that's probably why you're the debate queen. - mmhmm. - i'll take that. look at that smile. i have the same dimples as her. yeah. the same placements and everything. unbelievable. the same placements and everything. i need all the breaks as athat i can get.or, at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff? what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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if president trump wants to build a wall hello will have to build a solid legal team first. the white house was hoping to begin construction on 966 miles of border wall this year, but many private and land owners are fighting the government attempt to seize their land. the standoff could leave to a protracted court battle that hinders the president's quest to fulfill his signature campaign promise not to mention one of the most popular things at rallies. build the wall. can the president and its text is to convince texas to play ball on the wall? or will he win or lose in court. joining me now chief of everything.
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>> kennedy how are you. >> were going to lunch. hi welcome back. so let's talk about this. because this is something that you and i have talked about and we've seen it coming for a long time. because texas landowners are different than landowners throughout the u.s. tell me how. >> i've been told that we have been told not to mess with them. that's what they've heard about texas. this is a totally predictable flaw in a bad plan. this is kind of a signature move for the trump administration to have a totally printable flaw to bad plan. but this one in particular we have people who have bought lands on the border, these are just ordinary americans who wanted to build a house, they want to live there the not bothering anyone. and suddenly they are being told first of all haptic give the government total access to their property for 12 to 18 months which is ridiculous. >> can you imagine a bunch of pencil pushers from the federal
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government poking around your land? >> i live in washington d.c. so i can imagine that. so once that happens they are going to be offered an unfair price that they don't want to take for a land they don't want to sell all the name of building a wall that's not gonna work. >> so how much is the government legally obligated to offer landowners? >> so this is one of things that immediately descends into an absently mock. they are obligated to a fair price but that can be different for different landowners. and an investigation was done that found poor people are much more likely to just take the initial offer. they don't have resources to hire lawyers, thereof ways to fight back, they don't know how the system works. so not only is it hurting private landowners at the border who don't want to own their own business. it's hurting poor people more. >> that's not surprising considering the federal government's track record in this realm. and it's sad people haven't seen
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the movie little pink house. >> in fact they wish more people were more aware of this. eminent domain is often considered one of the basic powers of the federal government and they imagine someone wants to build a highway and would little old ladies houses in the way, okay she has to make a compromise. but in fact that compromise that powers being used all the time in a wide array of services. in this case building a border wall and the people along that property don't agree with it. >> nv think about if there are several tracts of lands put together they say had chain is only as strong as its weakest link, that's what i'm told catherine. so if a few of the land owners decide to sell to the government in one or two don't, you just have a nice little spot with no wall. >> unfortunately that is exactly was going to happen. the federal government is in a take it by force. >> the government is taking, and the end all this is been done at
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the end of a gun. people want to cover that up and use a lot of nice language. kennedy: not hear all the time all the plays, catherine thank you for your brilliance. drivers just wont put their phones down. we need a solution. introducing... smartdogs. the first dogs trained to train humans. stopping drivers from: liking. selfie-ing. and whatever this is. available to the public... never. smartdogs are not the answer. but geico has a simple tip. turn on "do not disturb while driving" mode. brought to you by geico.
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kennedy: madonna's oldest daughter making headlines after she participated in a simulated orgy. this happened at the art basil exhibit in miami this weekend. as you can imagine madonna is furious with her daughters. the orgy was simulated step up your game because this is the tropical storm. topic number one. we begin tonight at a florida for dealership where the cars are just flying off the lot. there it is, there, the good thing about buying a car in florida they flow and a free flight. but the managers warning other dealerships to never give a test drive to a guy named mick leven. turns out his steering is super bad. the driver told congress he got dizzy and drove off the road apparently. under twisting all those beer caps made his head spin. that's not true. that turns out he got dizzy
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because he's on a crash diet. start your mouth trump. topic number two, walmart apologizing tonight for selling a sweater. it depicted santa claus with cocaine. although business does explain how we got the energy to fly around the entire world in one night. walmarts on the naughty list. this line dance smells funny to customers. apparently this isn't like kids met when they asked for a white christmas. and the good news boys and girls, santa is still coming. the bad news is it could take a while because the pond is sleigh for a a little more money. you don't need to know what happened to venison. great reindeer. evens the better sausage. walmart has pulled this sweater and has apologized. on the plus side we at least know why missus claus is cranky.
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it turns all that extra snow is no good for your north pole, if you're picking up what i'm putting down and the adult toy factory. topic number three. mug shot monday. the main man who cooked meth and feta means inside a local church. multitasking. this isn't what the pastor meant 20 asked for higher attendance. 33-year-old matthew anderson busted by cops after he allegedly misunderstood the meaning of a bake sale. the police caught him cooking up math and the children's playroom. but there was some confusion because of they sell the smoke coming out the chimney, they thought there is a new pope. found out there was a cardinal and it was all a pipe dream. so sad. and tonight smoking center has confessed to his crimes and has been sentenced to two our fathers and six hail marys and you'll be happy to know we just landed a gig. here imi have so much energy to
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drive everywhere. that's going to hurt the old passenger rating. he is gonna be likely to get half a star i was in the back. topic number four, white castle is recalling its frozen hamburgers out of fear of listeria. severe person who loves the finer things in life, you don't even need to listen to the story. the fda says the recall is not a laughing matter, listeria causes nausea, abdominal pain and extreme diarrhea. yes, but then again sodas white castle. so how are people supposed to know the difference? it's a fair question. long before hbo white castle was the original "game of thrones". the company offering to refund the money customers paid by the frozen food. but they cannot refund the other cost of buying white castle, like your dignity or the 18 beers you had to consider white castle in the first place. i'll my gosh can you smell the mouth trump fumes?
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i'm your mother in law. and i like to question your every move. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady.
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12:59 am
kennedy: it is a mouth trump monday. are you ready? ♪ thank you for watching the
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♪ thank you for watching the best of your day, twitttttttttt hi, everybody. i'm suze orman. now if you are watching this show, i'm here to tell you that the next 30 minutes will be the most important 30 minutes in your entire financial life. so i want you to stick with me here. (male announcer) you work hard to give your children something to build on. i was always trying to think, "how am i gonna get her through college?" i want to have a mechanism in place to make sure that my daughters are well taken care of. i hope to leave my children with something that will help them get set up. (male announcer) don't let your estate get eaten away by unexpected fees and legal expenses


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