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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 12, 2019 12:00am-1:00am EST

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forefront of the movement. but i will take something away for the magazine. because i want to.out that this is the same magazine that depicted a newly elected president term. see you tomorrow. kennedy: zero joe biden, he may have royally just shot himself in the foot according to a new report he is quietly telling staffers that he would almost certainly only run for one term. why on earth would he admit that out loud? one of the main problems with the biden campaign is a lot of people think, including voters, that well, he's too old. if he won he would be 78 on inauguration day. if biden is elected, a prominent advisor to the campaign said, he is going to be 82 years old and four years. and he won't be running for reelection. this is the first time you're doing the math there genius?
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the article goes on to say quote another time biden adviser put it this way he's going into this thinking i want to find a running mate i can turn things over to after four years. but, that's not possible and i will run for reelection. but he is not going to publicly make a one term pledge. later in the day the biden campaign said that's a bunch of malarkey. see what i did there? zero this afternoon fox news reporter pete ducey asked of himself paired watch. >> have you talked your aids about one term pledge? >> i don't have any plans i'm not even there yet. kennedy: he so mad at peter is great. courses denying the report. if he publicly admits that he would lose a ton of support for a number of reasons. among them democrats don't want to have to go after all this and another four years with a very crowded field. he would also be a lame-duck the minute he took the office.
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so is this a real thing or some biden campaign floating a trial balloon to see how goes over with voters? tonight on the party panel kat is here, fox news analysts and haute keeping up with the joneses on fox nations chen it's lawrence jones. and comedian allie green on her maiden boyar on the kennedy appear welcome everyone. >> hi. kennedy: this is really funny is this for the kids, the young people? 's. >> vessel people are saying that are concerned if he's in there for eight years, we won't be having a new fresh blood in there for quite some time. but if i were a democrat, and i was looking at this, i would say that this doesn't look like things are going well, right? because if their top guy, they're thinking may be a way to make people more interested in him would be promising them less of him? that's never a good thing.
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kennedy: said that's like you saying for the vaults i know i train for the pics on the gold medal winter but this time i'm only getting 50 meters. >> if your best less of you? that's not a selling. kennedy: so this is the thing, this is one of those things is almost impossible to cooperate. if the press reacts negatively the biden campaign is going to deny it. and on the finesse again for the biden campaign. it is a something crafty on the campaign just throw it out there to reporters and see i heard that biden is telling us staffers he's only going to do one term because he's so old and incompetent and weak. he can't possibly seek reelection. >> i don't think it's joe biden i think at some campaign advisor this working on a strategy appeared to think it's naïve because these young people they are trying to get, they don't want change for years leaders. they want it now. so i don't think that is coming from them. also joe biden has been in
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office since he is 30. kennedy: that's 91 years old. >> that's more power there's why would it be he would sit out after four years. but i also think that it shows you where the state of the democratic party is. let's throw out everything and see what works. i think biden is good to be the nominee. i think he's going to be a weak nominee and i think that's why you see this campaign is testing all these ideas. kennedy: that's really interesting, that means his vice president whoever he picks him to be. is going to be almost as important as the president nominee his or herself. >> absently that's most important thing. and they weren't just telling his aides it was going number one,. kennedy: maybe he just had to go potty you guys maybe there's a ported john's. we need multiple ported john's on the malarkey tour. i just want a president has to pay full price for a movie ticket and have to drive at night. the whole field is that way it's
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not just the front runners. everyone's too old. kennedy: if biden or debate there can be picking bowles off of each other. >> i would watch that. >> i would watch that. kennedy: and so was varney. and i think somebody made a good.the other day. varney has one gene now than he did through his for his heart attack. they wrote it rooted its pipe and they cleared the blood flow, >> i heard that from a doctor, a cardiologist. kennedy: it might've been someone who performed the procedure. but bernie's got energy. >> he's got energy now. i think there's some compensation because everybody's trying to criticize his age. as someone is been on the campaign trail, he was grumpy before. not energetic, even people who just wanted take a picture with them saying i want to vote for you. you can see this is
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recalculated. he's thinking i just had a heart attack i've got to juice it up. kennedy: i still think it's funny that varney is the choice of much younger voters. like seven millennial's the 30s. >> that because that's what he says is gonna get them everything. they're saying it's my generation and they want free stuff. kennedy: everybody wants free stuff but the real goal is to be so famous and so rich that people automatically give you free stuff. and he drives a new aston marken martin every other quarter. that's true, he's loaded. weiss and he running? kennedy: actually that's a great question. >> is a petition for him to run? kennedy: i would vote right there. if joe biden because the democratic nominee he might get the president a run for his money in texas?
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what? a cnn poll shows that texas would vote, how they would vote between tromp and the democratic nominee, the president still head butt neck and neck skirting ahead of biden by just one point leading buttigieg and varney by seven each. will the president find himself sweat like texas deer and a barbecue? or is the lone star state tag read his catch up? it's a better tax business and regulatory climate. and they're bringing their politics with them. so it's not a huge surprise to me even though the president won the state by nine points in 2016. >> the pollsters have been wrong all the time. they said hitler's inner win by a landslide, makes me feel better to watch that when i had a bad day. i don't know how they are employed anymore. i don't to that happening i don't see texas changing anytime soon and they eventually they might. they are having an influx of people from both coast but right now i don't see that happening.
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>> is the text sitting on the panel he think there is some concern we talk about people moving into the state and the progressives have the battleground of texas for a while. what people fail to realize that ted cruz was very unlikable. a lot of people don't like him. >> they thought he was a second coming but he is out of the race. >> it just wasn't a cabaret type as everyone else. >> i think ted cruz is incredibly charming. kennedy: [laughter] >> if he started getting food stuck in the bear to think i would like it more. kennedy: don't remember one of the debates he had a blob on his lip that he quickly ate? it became an internet sensation. like it was a little larva a. >> if i have a son i wanted to be just like ted cruz.
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>> i like the guys politics is just not likable. he is too preachy. >> and that's wise not running in an insurgency against the president. >> he's smart this time. kennedy: does that make joe biden feel good that he's behind by a.? >> no it can't. he might not know. it depends of his people have told him. he's probably like can i get my soup? [laughter] kennedy: if you're at ali's.if you're eating dinner before 4:0e running for president. it's at least 21 hours a day. speedy. >> what's that about joe biden as he is on an actual's talk to the press and talk to the voters but every time he opens his mouth he does damage. you see the campaigns thus less question then old and he does that. kennedy: it's like lame my dog.
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he started sniffing things. next thing you know you are apologizing and paying for people's dry cleaning. [laughter] and then he starts pumping legs, the dog two. [laughter] it's sad. i think the best thing about this race right now is all of these things show, like buttigieg has. elizabeth ward has dropped. and now the table is set for what? it's that for you know it set for, hilary. >> hilary. >> to be fair that your tagamet suit. i know you've been saying that for a long time. >> honestly i just believe she deserves to get in. she deserves a rematch. would she probably put it to bed. >> if she lost again what would
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happen? because she would. kennedy: i would be apoplectic with the dishes and joy. it would be so incredibly satisfying if her supporters, she ran again and they said what happened? >> can i make a prediction? if she does not get in she will be joe biden's running mate. walk my mark my words. >> no because that's the only way should get in. i've watched all the shows were there been female presidents even on tv and fiction they can't get elected. someone has to die. kennedy: it's like a disney movie every mom has to die for that to happen. >> that's only way she could get in if she was in biden's running mate. that's only way she could get them. >> that's what i'm telling you. kennedy: but if she biden's running mate then and four years 700 people would get in the race because they know they are moreover likable than hillary.
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>> yes. >> yes. >> yes but i still think she could get them. i think she's actually going to get in, she has the potential to take the nomination from joe biden. but it's going to get ugly and i'm gonna tell you why. kennedy: she already stole the nomination from him once when she yelled him out of the way. [inaudible conversations] kennedy: i'd do believe there is an angle to this. >> kennedy, you're missing something. it was stolen from her. the russians. kennedy: and sexist men who force their women who were forced to vote for president trump. kennedy: meanwhile the two-party system is broken, don't ask me why asked the gecko. >> americans political system has been hijacked to insure
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those with power cheat. they control the money, the debates, the primaries, they even draw their own phony districts. so year after year we choose between the lesser of two evils. democrats, republicans, republicans, democrats, and any other environment your competitor would sweep into better serve their constituency. you hate your cable company? here comes streaming. kennedy: we need political streaming. 75-year-old michael douglas he appeared in a ten minute video for a political ad this key group that represents us. is there any chance the united states will become a three party country? or even more? i think that's a great idea. >> i don't think it's just two parties. first volley stop listening to michael douglas when he talked about going down on women because throat cancer. that was the end of women listening to him i believe. kennedy: his wife is really upset about that.
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i did not give you throat cancer. i'll give you a welch weapon is what i will do. [laughter] kennedy: you needed two-party system for complete majority. majority is overrated. i was watching that video editor my myself thinking he's kinda hot which i hate isn't so that's how i knew he agreed with him. kennedy: that great lighting it changes your mind. >> while he looks really good i'm serious. in the two-party system has made it so no one is looking at things objectively to more. no one is looking for truth. everyone is looking at their partisan little lenses and they don't try to see what's really going on. they see how can i spin this for my side. and that's a huge bummer because reality is still gonna be reality to matter what. and we should live in it. that's where we should live. kennedy: any does make a good., it's funny because he's talking,
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this group claimed to talk about aggressiveness but it's all super leftists celebrities are present in the group. but he did make a good.that collaboration is vilified, we saw that even with the president policy yesterday. they were both trying to take credit. >> it's kind of sad because i just watched republicans and the democrats flip sides on the pfizer court. you guys are a bunch of hypocrites taking each opposing positions. i agree with that. but we have to have an honest, conversation of the third party. they suck, they're weak, and although they are libertarians i'm still saying are you kidding me? they never had a shot. kennedy: gary johnson was the best they ever had and he still a punchline. i voted for him on their standard. yes sometimes. >> i couldn't do it. >> really. >> i couldn't do it. >> orlando bloom is a part of this and it's not working so well. i don't think that is the big problem.
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>> of timberlake was to run. >> justin he's healthier now. kennedy: hallelujah justin bieber give me a vote. we've got a brand-new game is called trump or false. you're going to love it. will kat went again? first up those senate judiciary committee battling it out over this week's inspector general's report the biggest topic of the day the insane privacy abuse of the fisa court if they can spy on the president what chance of the rest of us have? that's next.
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female anchor: it's 6:39, time for 'news update' male anchor: update on the cat who captured our hearts. female anchor: how often should you clean your fridge? stay tuned to find out. male anchor: beats the odds at the box office
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to become a rare non-franchise hit. you can give help and hope to those in need.
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[ dramatic music ]ing ] ahhhh! -ahhhh! elliott. you came back!
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it was finally an adult conversation on capitol hill today. the senate judiciary committee took a hard and honest look at the problems raised in the horwitz report. as we talked about on the show a hundred times, the fisa system is out of control, lacking transparency and it operates without almost no oversight. it's no surprise that it was easily manipulated by questionable fbi employees who are going to use their limitless powers and good intentions to easily and kind of legally spy on the man they didn't like. then presidential candidate donald trump. constitutionalist senator mike lee laid out the clear problems
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with the report's conclusion. watch. >> so we are faced with two possibilities. either one, these fbi agents purposefully use the got power the federal government to wage a political war against a presidential candidate they despised. or two, these agents were so incompetent that they allowed a paid foreign political operative to weaponize the fisa program into a spying operation on our arrival presidential political campaign. i'm not sure about you, i'm not sure which one is worse. i am sure that even neither one is acceptable. kennedy: that's right, they were either dumb or bad but that should concern every american citizen that these rules and rubberstamps are very problematics is if one of us would be deemed bad guy. republican lindsey graham is
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always lobbied for secret spy power because they assume they will be finding evil to keep us safe. this flip switch is flipped. let the outrage make this a bipartisan issue that it should've been all along. so how this happen? carter page had russia can contract support to the cia to shed light. the fbi needed a way to people into the trump campaign and this rolodex provided the perfect entrée. but they lied about application to spy on him sailed through. if his actual utility would have been listed he would not have been a target and their hurricane would not have been an impeachment footnote in the fbi investigation. secret judges in the fortress with though with no oversight let alone due process, and who knows how many lives have been disrupted behind the fake safety
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cloak that is in desperate need of a reset. a closed system run by a few people is bad enough, but such a system run by bad people as a threat to our implicit and hard-fought freedom. and for this we need more justice, accountability, and real change before americans can once again trust these tarnished institutions. and that's the memo. even president trump has railed against fisa courts in the past, but will anything actually ever change? her to break it all down cato institute julian sanchez will come back. >> the ethics or have me. >> are we outraged by the contents of the horwitz report? >> there is plain there to be outraged about seek and take pick. but i do think the competing narratives here, both get important things wrong. as democratic reaction as well we didn't find the kind of cartoonish conspiracy that matches some of the more extreme
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things trump has said. so it's total vindication for the fbi which is ridiculous. they have to be smoking something to come away with that conclusion of the report. but the impulse on the other side to force everything into the kind of pre-christian bed of political bias and political polarization, kind of ignores the potentially more disturbing problem. the problem here is fundamentally political bias because that's good news that's easy to fix. maybe there's a handful of bad actors that are mostly moved on or you can fire them. 99% of the phis applications don't have anything to do with domestic partisan politics. so this is a small problem. the way i read the report, the root problem is more a form of confirmation, and institutional bias. and that's a problem that potentially affects a whole lot of phis applications. and that's a problem that is not as easy to fix.
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what you see here is a case where based on pretty limited information, a bunch of investigators, some of whom dislike trump and some didn't. they built kind of a theory of what might be going on. and once that initial application goes in, his new information is flooding in, there is no real revisiting those initial claims to say wait this new information contradict that theory? it's there's there's no oversight, there's actually layers of oversight but they're not designed to catch the problem not giving the full picture to the fisa court that we saw in this case. you had a lot of layers of reviewers checking the fbi case fire file. where the facts in the application match the facts represented in the case file? kennedy: what if your withholding facts? so what if your batter incompetent? if he gets the.we are withholding facts and something that appears to be oversights, it doesn't really work.
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and we also learn from the hearing today, from the inspector general, and i didn't know this that attorneys within the department of justice and fbi can't be investigated. that seems insane. >> one thing that might help -- you know the people doing this don't expect there to be this kind of accountability. this is a case whereto it's obvious to everyone it's a highly sensitive investigative matter. it's a very high profile case it's a potentially explosive. and you see this amazing array of omissions and misrepresentations. the question in the hearing today and i think the key one is if this is what happens in the case you know is gonna get scrutiny after the fact, how bad is it in the 99% of cases that no one cares about. that don't involve the public. kennedy: i think that is most problematic and that's what i was looking for from this particular report. some sort of organized catalog of how fisa can be abused and
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the fact that it was. and ordinary people who are subjects of these secret warrants, they can't defend themselves because there is no inspector general report for them. >> and they're never gonna find out they were spied on. you don't have to be too worried about being caught leaving something out. the most disturbing thing i think we heard from, or one of the many disturbing things in horwitz today, one of the senators asked how uncommon is this? are errors are like this routine? and his answer was it's hard to say, this is the first time we've done a deep dive on a specific phis application. kennedy: yes and we need to continue to do this. but that's way too big of a variable to be just outstanding. we should have more oversight. we should know how these applications are filed. and if there is any follow-up with judges later on because
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right now we just don't know, there is so much in the system that is pretty rotten. julian think is much your time. coming up, the president has tweeted a lot of crazy stuff over the years. we've got a brand-new game for you it's called trump or false. the panel has to decide if these are real or fake tweets from el presidente. you comply along, that's next. i'm your mother in law. and i like to question your every move. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady.
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kennedy: long before he became our 45th president donald trump was famous for saying things that would shock the public. that sentence is not grammatically correct, but neither mostly tweets or map to show you. it's our new game called trump or false. i'm going to read a statement, our panelists will guess if it's something donald trump has really tweeted before or during his political rear, or if the statement is false.
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like joe biden is beautiful. okay the panel is in it to win it. kat designer one time winning streak. the share of the rookie touch here we go. is this trump or false. barack obama is a disgrace. no president should hide official documents like birth certificates and tackle returns # impeach now. trump or false? and kat is off to an early lead. all right catnip. >> how does that feel? kennedy: question number two. i have never seen a thin person drinking diet coke. trump or false? and everyone gets it. kat is still in the lead. that was in october of 2012 the more diet coke the more diet you drink the more gay what you
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game. number three trump or false. while at that midler is an extremely attractive woman because i refuse to say that because i am always being politically correct. jumper false? and everyone gets it right. he actually said that in 2012. two minutes before the tweet he said that midler talks about my hair but i won't talk about her ugly face or body. it's a double standard. he's fighting for his ideals that's our president. here's number four. rudy giuliani is a class act all around. he would never do anything illegal. # america's mayor trump or false? and everybody gets that one as well. >> i'm still in the lead. kennedy: here we go number five periods how could hillary failed
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security of states, sold our country to terrorist regimes and she wants you to pay the bill. # just say no. trump or false. >> you copied me. kennedy: and she shouldn't have you are all wrong. you guys are tricky. the producers here at the kennedy daily a shower just that good. and here we are are you ready for number six? what saving a break the tie. or kat move further in the lead. it's freezing and snowing in new york we need global warming. trump or false? kat when you have i can't see? and now allie is tied. >> jokes on you. >> hayes tweeted this a hundred and 27 times. number seven are we feeling this? cats med now. trump or false. are you allowed to impeach a
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president for gross incompetence? trump or false. caps show that to me honey. there we go. and everybody gets that rights. allie and kat have five. >> i'm getting really nervous is the big deal. kennedy: here's number eight. okay don't look so sad. everyone knows i am right. that robert patton's and said dump christian stewart in a couple of years he will thank me. be smart robbers. trump or false? zero the blonds have so much more fun. >> you should be embarrassed you are blowing it. kennedy: heat tweeted about them dating seven times. at real trump robert but i'm right. if you saw the ms. universe girls dude. [laughter]
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i think that was 2012. >> okay. kennedy: number nine are we ready? you're still tied this is frighting. >> you're going down. >> well i'm not scared. >> also. kennedy: rosie o'donnell is named after a flower but stinks like a garbage can. trump or false? zero and everybody got that one right. kat and allie have seven, lawrence now has five. this game is a barnburner folks. anyone can win. number ten, here we go. anthony weiner is one of the few good democrats in congress and good with the ladies. trump or false? >> zero. kennedy: kat you got that right. you said it's real. you can't change your answer's.
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[inaudible] >> you're better than that. kennedy: kat still ahead here's number 11. the u.s. cannot allow ebola infected people back. people that go to faraway places to help out our great, but must suck suffer the consequences. jumper false? >> he definitely said that. kennedy: he did. >> i am the champion. kennedy: heat tweeted over bolide nearly a hundred times. he was one of the first to call for travel banned between south african countries. number 12, are you ready sick of drugs pouring in from mexico. send them all back to buena sarris. i'm sorry buenos aires. and that is a fake one. kat has ten, lawrence has seven allie has eight. >> which means were done?
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it's. kennedy: we are not done yet. >> kennedy is meeting to talk to you. here goes the ticker. kennedy: low energy, what's that. this is the last won this is it. this is a two pointer. this is just too good this is last on. low energy jab is a loser at the pole. he should stop embarrassing his family and drop out now. trump or false? when he got kat? >> you are all wrong that means kat wins. >> victory is mine. victory is mine. bowed to me. >> no. >> you are sore loser. >> no you are sore loser. >> you know what i am, the winner. >> you cheated you cheated. kennedy: the two of juergen have to come back for next game night. kat well done. very strong.
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- this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90-years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [announcer] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly jewish person for a month. call the number on your screen right now. (somber music) - in ukraine, there's no support network, they don't have food carts or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [announcer] you can send a lifeline to them
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during this high holy season of hanukkah, please call right now. (somber music) - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [announcer] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate jewish elderly person for a month. call right now. - god promises to bless those who bless israel, may you be blessed as you bless his children.
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kennedy: the taliban is claiming responsibility for a suicide bombing in the used knighted bombing. base in afghanistan. president trump just visited over thanksgiving and after the attack a 12 hour fire fight ensued and all seven assailants were reportedly killed by airstrike to afghan civilians were also killed. it wounded more than 70. this comes just days after us-led peace talks with the taliban resume. president had called off talks in september due to attacks there that killed the honest service mover. is there any hope that we will cnn to this 18 year war, especially after this bomb claiming the u.s. government has been lying to us about this the entire time. here discuss u.s. army combat
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veteran is brian. welcome back. >> thank you. kennedy: what does this bombing say about the state of talks with the taliban. >> it's their statement which is same old taliban, same old suicide bomb. you want more of this just a go-round. kennedy: and i don't think we want more of this. so what the hell are you doing over there. >> oil if you know anyone could politically survive pulling us out of the scanner stand without any sort of demonstrable progress a result, it is trump. because he simply just has to say we are leaving. kennedy: house at different than vietnam. >> afghanistan is different from vietnam because we as a nation are just frankly not connected to her wires like we were in vietnam. keep in mind the bulk of the killing, the dying by americans happens in a relatively short amount of time.
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in about five years, we lost ten times the people we lost in afghanistan in 18 years. and you don't see anything except the usual suspects out of the streets. so it is way different. if trump decided to stay there for 15 to 20 more years, i don't think the american people would really hiccup. except the thing is the cost. the money. if for no demonstrable result, it is finally caught up to us. never mind the lives of the soldiers. it is not justifiable to sit there and just keep doing the same thing. now that we've seen rumsfeld's words as well as the rest of that report, going to war makes you cynical anyway. i went towards a cynic anyway. now reading that report, and reading what guys who are captains in 2,003 and four enough rocks iraq and afghanistan, reading what they tolerated in 2,012 and, 13 and
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14, it's stunning. it's literally repeating the vietnam mistake in driving a war by data. kennedy: yes, but is there a difference and intentions? mcnamara looked at the department of defense and what we were doing in a completely different way. and it was almost the first time metrics were used in warfare. and it had a disastrous result. and one would hope, based on what happened there but we learn from that, i think it's impossible to learn anything from these mistakes. >> i agree and also the other nature, the other difference between vietnam and afghanistan is that we had an ally that we were defending from external aggression. in 1964 that was a no-brainer. whether or not you believed lbj dropped us into vietnam, we would have been there one way or
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another. afghanistan was different. afghanistan could have been a punch of vio 2.0. just kill bin laden, tell the child and nazi nazi, and leave. but instead we did this thing were girls need to go to school. we need to rebuild a country that's never been a country. and all we did was inject directly into their corruption vein, nearly a trillion dollars. we literally shot ourselves in the foot by sending money. kennedy: and what do we have to show for? it's a sad unanswerable question brian thank you so much. >> any time. >> any time. kennedy: to the outside world, you look good,
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nineteen. kennedy: in the report claims that home assistance like the amazon echo have been listening to couples have. so if you see alexis smoking a cigarette, that's why. turn of the volume because this is a topical storm number one. we begin tonight in las vegas where every cowboy has a boy man. oh yeah, were not sure how these little pigeons running around cowboy hats. authorities believe there could have been some foul play.
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i know, that joke was important is. benefit warrant for poor taste, there wouldn't be a las vegas. personally i don't see the big deal, these aren't the only cowboys on the vegas strip who will tickle you with a feather. they say people may have glued on the stetson's. they're asking the public help in finding the mad hatter's. the review riviera buffet is asking for help eating chicken since i got a larger than normal order this week. topic number two. let's go to san diego are fighting crime is a tall order. yes, officer burnett is a 6-foot eight cop, he wears a size 14 shoe ladies. you know what they say big feats , big lawsuit if i keep going with that joke. as you can see such alley barely fits into his car. don't feel bad hightower, we've got new york cops who are so fat they can barely fit the uniform.
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you can see it on his series. long in order, chinese food, or nypd blue cheese. too many people have watched videos the jumbo jailer he is so tall some people think he could play professional basketball. if that doesn't work, he can always sign with the knicks. topic number three. let's go to kentucky. were crystal meth users found a whole new way to get fried. yep, kentucky cops are looking for a health-conscious junkie after finding 20 pounds of math in an air fryer. hey, just because your high doesn't mean your cholesterol should be two. police say the meth had a street value of $10,000. and once they vouchered that $7,000, they put the entire $5,000 into storage so no one would make off with that two grand. as of tonight, the cooking criminal has not been caught, he very made a mean chicken pot pie. and who could talk about the
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track and cheese. and the chicken all around making. too soon. kentucky police are looking for the meth maestro who was last seen on the set of a new western. yeah, these cowboys won't kill you, but they will destroy your windshield. little tiny hats. topic number four. finally we salute in amazon worker who spilled the beans on his employer. yep, it's amazon truck jackknifed on a california highway, must've been the santa anna. shut down for three hours. it would've been two hours but the driver didn't have prime. needless to say the merge was destroyed so the only way anybody could see the package now is if they get a text from jeff. talk about junk mail. fortunately nobody was hurt but authorities are warning the public to never hire a trucker who gets paid in white cloth and we tried the same thing with my assistant giovanna we haven't seen him in weeks.
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the highly how ballou was cleared up and the driver was last seen going out for dinner. currently he's a real big tipper. according to amazon reserves the people who like that joke also like rim shots, escorting repels, and rubber chickens. sounds kinky. ananananan fun fact: 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. including your interest rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right with sofi. check your rate in two minutes or less. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. get a no-fee personal loan (shaq) (chime) magenta? i hate cartridges! not magenta! not magenta. i'm not going back to the store. magenta! cartridges are so...
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hour 36 in the stakeout. as soon as the homeowners arrive, we'll inform them that liberty mutual customizes home insurance, so they'll only pay for what they need. your turn to keep watch, limu. wake me up if you see anything. [ snoring ] [ loud squawking and siren blaring ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ good hustle, good game, thanks for watching the best hour of your day.
1:00 am
you can follow man twitter an instagram, there are videos there. e-mail, thank you. tamara knight daniel turner, video collection. (doorbell chiming) oh, hey, hi, dean. hey, hi there, uh... bob. (narrator) from the battlefield to the white house, from hollywood to the heartland, america's entertainer was bob hope. oh, this room, it's so dull and depressing tonight. if only there was some way to brighten it. oh, of course. (laughter) (narrator) he was a true patriot.


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