tv Bulls Bears FOX Business December 13, 2019 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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for christmas gift. >> i am with you. it's been a great week. thank you for being here. that doesn't press, both numbers start right now. >> president trump confirming a phase one trade deal with china has been reached and while a temporary and a seven month trade war between two of the world's largest economy, wall street reaction is raising new concerns whether goes far or not. this is "bulls & bears", i am jackie, joining me on the panel, first let's go straight to edward lawrence at the white house. he has been following all the developments and details of the entire story. reporter: before we get to the china part of this, the u.s.
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trade representative office is officially submitted usmca, the final language of the deal congress has votes scheduled in the ways and means committee on tuesday and then the vote goes to the full house, this is a ratification for the usmca clearing some of that and certainty. china, one long-lasting part of this agreement, the ministration official says there's real enforceable protection for intellectual property of companies. the details of commitment to a number of areas like trade secrets, pharmaceuticals and trademarks and patents a as well as online infringement. it also addresses partly the force transfer of technology by removing the requirement that foreign companies have to partner with the chinese firm. the other big section of this for short-term is agricultural bias. as senior administration official said chinese agreed to buy 40 - 50000000000 about a hundred dollars of agriculture for the next two years. it also has enforceable language.
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the president saying farmers will need to buy bigger tractors. >> they've already stepped it up. my deal with them was two months ago and they had us in good form and i said do me a favor and start buying agriculture, they started their early buying. even before the deal is signed. reporter: the president says china will buy more manufactured goods as well as services from the u.s. and a senior ministration official says all of this adds up to $200 billion for the next two years from the chinese buying from the united states. this agreement is expected to be signed in the first weekend in january from u.s. trade representative robert lighthizer. >> thank you so much for that report. despite new record closes for the s&p and nasdaq, reaction to this deal was muted for today, let's bring in former senior job advisor curtis, if i look at the
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market action and i see it this way, the reaction happened yesterday, all the tweets leading up to this and the president stopped the market up and we got the news we are going to get deal the market got excited. i'm not surprised that we were basically flat and their digesting everything that is happening. others are saying, no the market is worried how detailed this deal will be and how deep ago. >> i can certainly comment trouble souls when it comes to ambassador lighthizer's nobody's fool. he would not agree to something if it cannot be thoroughly enforced because he knows the communist party has a record of cheating. communist killed people, they lie and cheat and robert lighthizer knows that. so he has built into this very strict enforcement mechanism trust but verify it if they don't live up to their end of the agreement, there will be consequences. and that's why we left the
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largest part of the terrorist in place to provide further leverage. the same way that we see the mainstream media can never admit they were wrong when it came to the ig report and all the russia hoax. you see wall street analyst cannot admit that they were wrong. this week, today in particular has seen 100% total vindication of president trump's approach on trade. we are seeing the chinese come to the table and make agreements, and new nafta which is a better deal for american workers and the economy booming despite all the predictions of recession, depression and catastrophe. >> i also want to give you the part of the deal that is the most interesting is the ip protection companies and investors with china. i would say all is predicated on enforcement and it sounds a
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little naïve that because lighthizer is no fool that there will be good enforcement measures, i'd rather see good enforcement measures. other than to stick at coming back at the end chinese, what are the enforcement measures? >> the degree to which we know, there will be a fast-track arbitration, a hotline that's whether it's individual industries or companies or the u.s. government will be able to initiate actions that will require swift arbitration, we will not see a longtime spread out years long process to see a resolution. the resolution will be carried out right up to the principal level, they'll be staff level, high-level officials that will have to resolve this in a short period of time. that is significant because what we seen up until now if the businesses have been reluctant to bring forward complaints
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because of threats with retaliation like we saw give the mba and when they finally did it took years and years of talks and by that time the business were out of business, they were bankrupt. that is over. there will be quick resolution to any problem that arise. >> this is heather, i agree with you, this is a big win for not just the u.s., but i think the chinese economy as well which desperately needs a terrorist to be removed and were addressing intellectual property in the currency manipulation and some concerns with the enforcement mechanism by going past this week and sunday and the chinese had a press conference confirming the phase i deal, what do you think phase ii will look like? >> we are going to see for the development on the structural reform that is needed. for example, the four school version and technology transfer,
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that is addressed to and further developed in other structural issues of subsidies. in state owned enterprises. and they are already beginning to address the chinese companies acquisition of american companies and porn companies, not for market reasons but to require the technology that they need to supersedes the new united states and economic power. that will be further addressed in phase two. let's be clear, when they talk about pending ip theft and all this technology, is not just about american companies doing business in china it's good for american companies doing business in america. the reason china is stealing this technology is so they can outcompete our technologies and bankrupt them through other effects. subsidies will be another issue that will be addressed on the road. >> i see this as a win-win for both, china and the u.s., i
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waste all the u.s. to enter china relation in three buckets, trade deal, trade controls and enforcement. i think we have all three in this deal. into heather's point, there will be more pressure on phase two, however, when we look at the time between now and novembe november 2020, what are the hiccups, what can go wrong that we need to manage from now to the election. >> you have to look at things like hong kong, the concentration camps, human rights issues, national security issues, i advise everybody, let's broaden this out, china's goal in all of this is to replace america as the number one power in the world, let's be clear the chinese communist party wants to enslave the world, get rid of private property and all of that. so those are some of the hiccups
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that we have to deal with on the road to phase two. >> thank you so much. gary, go ahead. >> i was going to make one comment curtis, maybe i'm a little skeptical to be honest with this whole thing, as you said, china basically wants to supplant the united states as a cybersecurity said, the ip theft is almost impossible to fort even with all the inspections and stuff. that's, number one, comment number two, trump said there would be $200 billion of new buying, didn't we already come down from all the buying that china was doing of agriculture, are we going back to where we were before the tears started? >> it's $200 billion in addition over the baseline of 2017. they're very clear not to break it down into which categories
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because they don't want people running out and buying stocks. >> curtis, great to see you. thank you for joining us. meantime why all top democrats are threatening to avoi boycotte next debate ♪ ♪ most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready.
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pv, symptoms can change so slowly over time you might not notice. but new or changing symptoms can mean your pv is changing. let's change the way we see pv. you track and discuss blood counts with your doctor. but it's just as vital to discuss changing symptoms as well. take notice and take action. discuss counts and symptoms with your doctor. visit >> is the next democratic debate already dead on arrival, all seven candidates who qualify next week are threatening to boycott. hilary vaughn has the details. reporter: the venue for the democratic debate next week at the university will be surrounded by ticklers from a local unit over wages and healthcare issues in all seven that qualify say they will not
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cross that line to get inside which means unless the picket is canceled there will not be any candidates on stage to debate each other in the dispute between the contractor and a local union and lmu is caught in the middle of all of it saying lmu is not an agent or a joint employer and neither are the employees assigned to our campus. after contract negotiations between two service workers at lmu stalled, local 11 is staging a picket line between debate day, the copresident saying, the workers with wages and affordable health insurance before the debate next week and instead workers will be picketing when the candidates come to campus. unite local 11 represents over 32000 hospitality workers in southern california and now they have the backing of all seven major candidates for president that qualify for the debate, one is mayor pete buttigieg tweeted, i take the debate stage to stand up for workers rights and not to
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undermine them, i stand in solidarity with workers and unite at the university and i will not cross the picket line. andrew yang agreeing, saying he will not cross the unite picket line to attend next week's debate. this is not the first union dispute the cause problems for the dnc as a search for a place to hold the debate in los angeles, they had to ditch the first venue at ucla because that was canceled over a union dispute in less than a week out they have a venue but no candidate showing up. >> thank you for that report. gary, what to make of this? >> you do a fabulous job of semi- hosting and kicking off the segment. [laughter] i was blown away. [laughter] >> gary, you must be chomping at
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the union. enough about me. go on. >> unions are vague voting bloc of the left, they don't say, i don't know what's said oxo side of the argument, no, the unions must be right. it's like a presidential candidate speaking out against ethanol and iowa, you just don't do it because you don't want to use a voting block. >> john, i know you like to get in but i want to know what jackie thinks first. maybe we'll get a different perspective. >> my question is this, if you really stand for the workers rights, they are there picketing and making a case, you actually need to have the debate and bring more light to the issue.
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i don't understand when not showing up and try to find another venue actually does with respect to not standing with the workers. i think it's dodging the issue. i don't know howells to put it. >> i'm assuming everyone from another debate, that's the main issue. this is crazy. if i was one of the candidates, i would've seized the opportunity to sit down with the union as well as the employer to try to broker a deal, why, whether you're successful or not, just the optic of bringing both sites to the table and saying we need to respect the employer's autonomy but as well as the employee's rights. they missed a huge opportunity. >> i think you said that more articulately than i did, i think it's about the issue and these people standing on the stage and being a part of it, if that's
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what they say they're doing the advocating for workers so do that ensure your stuff. >> i am totally okay with not seeing and hearing another democratic debate right now. when i tuned in late at night it was either bashing president trump or bragging rights. that's what even the republican side would do if they were having a debate. bash the current president and then brag about each other and bash each other. what really bothers me, most of the time they're making promises they may not be able to keep like medicare for all, but they can't follow through with these promises and at least president trump whether you like him or not, he's doing everything he said he was going to do, for example pushing back on china and getting a trade deal done. >> i see this as an opportunity for the rnc to look up all the vendors that they're dealing with, go for a checklist, do you have any contracts coming up, any contracts expiring or issues because we don't want the same issue happening during our
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convention next year. >> i think you made a great point that there was an opportunity for one of the democratic candidates to be a leader and raise his or her hand and same going to solve this problem right now. i think the unions look terrible for getting in the way. it's going to be their fault essentially of stopping their own people from debating. >> by that, when you're on the democratic side, it's like mom and apple pie. unions are going to be right regardless of the issue. regardless of how complexes might be. they are going to side with them by default because they want the big voting block. it be the same as the teachers on the picket line. you will not go against him no matter the issue. >> you don't cross the picket line if you're prolabor. >> a house panel taking a big step toward impeaching president trump but there are signs that
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not all house democrats are on board. we will pick it up and more with congressman brad. >> this is a sad day for the country. america needs to hear from the witnesses and we did not get to hear from them here, this was a kangaroo court. ♪ ♪ do you recall, not long ago ♪ we would walk on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows ♪ we would only hold on to let go ♪
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him, they do not produce evidence to support and charge in impeachment, that's a question at the end of the day, that's what were so frustrated. >> a house panel approving two articles of impeachment against president trump, setting the stage for the full house next week. president trump responding earlier today. >> it's a witch-hunt, it's a shame it's a hoax. nothing was done wrong, 0 was done wrong, i think it's a horrible thing to use the tool of impeachment which is supposed to be used in an emergency. >> here is republican congressman, great to see you tonight. thank you for coming on the sh show. >> my pleasure good to be with you. >> some reports that some of the moderate house democrats in the battleground district actually are considering voting against impeachment, any chance this does not get past the house? >> i think they have the votes, i have to be honest with you about that but i think they will
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have to decide who they're gonna let off the hook, especially those in the battleground districts and that's part of the conversation that's going to be taking place. i do think they have the votes in the have to let some people off. this is not been good for them, even to the point where yesterday we saw one of the members on the committee watching golf during the hearing. america is tuning out on this and i'm telling you i'm back at home and back in the district, i'm not getting anybody saying we have to impeach this guy. they are saying get this thing over with because it's ridiculous. >> congressman, democrats say that impeachable offense may not violate a criminal statute and that's what we are seeing and hearing based on a phone call conversation, it's just all hearsay and ethics violation. but is there a crime that was committed, what was the crime that was committed if there is
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was one. >> there wasn't. we never even had anyone or witness say this was an impeachable offense that took place. but of course they change the goal post, quid pro quo, bribery, on and on and they kept changing it and there was not a crime, that's what makes it so shallow and so obviously political, they were determined to do this, keep in mind this started before he got sworn in. there were things in process to triangle after the president of the united states, donald trump, they never let up. when russia collusion failed they went to this. and what threw them off is when the president came out and release the transcript. that threw them off because if he doesn't release the transcript, they can turn that conversation into whatever they wanted. and he saw adam schiff trie tryo do that until he was called out saying this is not what the president said.
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the game was set the stage was set, you saw the whole process that there was not fairness taking place and we did not have the ability to call her own witnesses, they told some of the witnesses that they cannot answer questions, it was a charade and i don't know how any lawyer in america could watch this and say this flies right. that certainly does not fall in the lane of true justice in american way. >> good afternoon, i am adam was in ski with fortune magazine. i'm sorry this will not be another question about do you love your wife or how much do you love your wife, you do understand that high crimes and misdemeanors is not meant to be anything having to do with the criminal code, as the political process from beginning to end. that is what in impeachment is about. let me just ask you, do you think that it is right to ask a foreign leader to do a political favor for the president to do that, i'm not asking if you
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think it's a crime, do you think it's right. >> i think whatever you're talking in a negotiation of any type, there are favors to ask and i realize you're not talking about a negotiation. my answer to that, right off the bat, i do think it's very suspect when the democratic national committee and the clean campaign paid christopher steel and foreign entities to dig up dirt, fake dirt as it was -- >> you're not answering my question i only asked you one question. do you think it's right to ask for political favor of a foreign leader. that's all i'm asking you. >> no i don't. but as a matter of fact, what i do think is okay is for presidents of their countries to work on weeding out corruption in their countries especially if the corruption involves both of those countries. so i do believe that is
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something just as we have extradition treaties and other deals made with other countries when it comes to crime and corruption. i think that is something that a president can engage in. when you read that document, people have different opinions of what they read into that document. >> understood, thank you. >> i want to shift gears, we are hearing that you just got the final text of the usmc trade deal and the plan is for your committee to vote on tuesday. any question or reason to think that this will not fail straight through? >> no i do not. we will bring in tuesday and i'm sure people will make points, there's always i don't like this, i don't like that but i think everyone knows this is a good deal and i think people are eager to get it done at this point. it has turned out to be such a good deal. it's too good for too many americans in ohio alone, mexico and canada are top two as far as experts coming out of ohio and a
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great opportunity, if we get this done i think it will be a domino effect, things are looking good in the uk at this point and i think we can get something done with them in japan and i think will make it tougher for china to walk away from a deal. >> it will be extremely tough for the democrats to try to claim credit for getting this deal done when it's actually president trump who ran on and got it done. this is actually good timing, a lot of people are speaking negative, this is good timing because we have the state of the union coming up and that is no better stage for president trump to stand up in front of americans say, another promise made, another promise kept, how do you control the narrative up to that point. >> how do i control? >> as far as republicans to make sure the democrats don't claim victory. >> i don't think they will be able to claim a big victory.
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it's a victory for the country, i'm okay if they want to claim that because it is. throughout this process lighthizer has done a tremendous job with the democrats. he has actually sat down, is done me the first time i heard it and i heard it several times when he would come to the ways and means committee that they would praise him for how much he has worked with them on the upfront and transparent. i think that's a feather in the cap of this ministration and they were ready set it in front of the cameras. if they want to claim a victory, they always do. whether it's a bill or cr, they always do. >> congressman, great to see you. thank you so much for joining us. joe biden out with a new warning to the far left after a massive liberal defeat in the uk, will democrats listen? stay with us ♪ ♪ impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier.
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>> 2020 candidate joe biden given a new warning to the far left after boris johnson weaves conservatives to victory in the uk elections. biden reportedly telling san francisco fundraiser look what happens when the labor party moves so far to the left, it comes up with ideas that are not able to be contained within a rational basis quickly. gary, does he have a point?
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>> he is making two points, the first point is, is the country more to the center the most of the democratic candidates, i think the point is valid. the polls show that. but his subtle point that he's really making, i am in the center, vote for me. unfortunately i think that's a loser, as we've seen biden is a low energy and no charisma whatsoever. if it's vote for biden, i think that is wrong. if it's democratic party should change, by the way there also big spending lefties, he's just a little left so, that's probably correct, i'm not sure they will move more toward the center. i guess we'll see. >> didn't biden have to stop forward, if he didn't wouldn't mayor bloomberg step in and try to steal the thunder. >> he would be considered the other moderate.
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to gary's point, he is trying to stay vote for me at the same time, he has even gone were left with his proposals just to compete with the warnings and the standards of the world, that's the direction the party is going on. i don't think he's a stupid man, he makes a fabulous point, if there was a high energy, more moderate kind of candidate, i don't think bloomberg is a guy. but if there were, it could potentially be a contender. but this party, oddly enough, people say the republican party has lost its way, there's an argument that maybe the democrats have lost their way. >> at least overweight. >> obviously he's being self-serving but that's the definition of a politician. so we can move past that. i think he's making the right observation which is jeremy corbin is a very far left we candidate who got trounced by a highly problematic poorly behaved right -ish wing candidate which does sound very
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familiar. [laughter] >> it's a poorly behaved, is that all objective or subjective opinion? >> i think reasonable people like you and i could agree on boris johnson and donald trump without too much trouble. [laughter] >> one more point to be made about briggs that, people were fed up, that's why they voted for in the first point. tidily when they came to the referendum ice night and came to the polls they said this needs to stop, people were not saying they were going to vote for boris johnson but they did. it's the same thing that happened with president trump in the last election. >> that's exactly what happened, the vote was not left overs right, the vote was are we and or are we out, we want to remain within the european union or do we want out. the people spoke clearly that they do not want to be part of the european union which is a
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pushback in socialism and the broken policies. that has failed look at greece, italy, beautiful countries but the socialistic policies and the welfare entitlement may be worth ethic or lack thereof, i heard the uk was floating the idea of a four-day workweek and that's why boris one, they are saying we believe in hard work and we believe and what america is doing, i think this pushes back against a liberal elite in this country such as a wil elizabeth warren and bernie sanders. i think this is what that is saying. >> speaking of far left ideas, medicare for all is a hot topic in 2020. but do they really know what it's all about. the editor-in-chief, he went to one of the college campuses. find out, we'll be right back. and get your interest rate right so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k.
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phillips went to the george washington campus. >> every american deserves healthcare. >> i do support that. >> i do support free healthcare for everybody. >> in general i would say yes, the bernie sanders proposal would be $32 trillion and that would be every american paying about one fifth of their income to fund it. >> is out of concern. >> yes. >> we have to paper? >> if you still have to paper, i do not support that. >> i'm not paying for taxes currently so that's favorable but if i were financially on my own i would say no. >> i'm going to take that as you do not like that. >> the money for the low-income family -- >> you have to pay for, phillips is joining us now, thank you for joining us, is this what do you
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think you hear other college campuses? >> you been over to 100 campuses and talk to thousands of students and that is undoubtedly what i've seen. this is a result of living in could change in campuses you only have the same ideas, no intellectual diversity, students are unable to fathom there's other ideas beyond the progressive propaganda. of course the go along with things like medicare for all without knowing what's in it, you see them change your mind and the positive thing that they're willing to do in another element is a social pressure, the left is been smart in marketing medicare for all and all these three things and compassion, it's about helping poor people, it's about compassion so a lot of people go along with these things because they don't want to be viewed as not having compassion so they say sure i support that, but once that he went in and they change their mind, that's why they're staying away from the no's of the planes because they don't hold up. >> i cannot see her for doing something like this. it's all about education, people
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don't understand what it does have what they're supporting or voting for and when you put it to the kids, you realize they did not want to pay for and that change the tune very quickly. i wonder what would happen if you take the study of little broader and started to ask other americans, i bet you would have a large part of the reaction. my question is this, there also porting it and they're the ones that are pushing forward the bernie sanders and elizabeth warren, when they dig into all the policies, would kids consider changing their vote? >> i think they can start to consider their vote if they have information and right now they simply don't have information, that's white so important, intellectual diversity to let them know their lodge haven' otr ideas. it's interesting with choice elements. the other part of this is you have 100 million plus people kicked off of their plans that they like and forced onto the government plan, that's unfair
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and student after student said i feel like people should be able to choose what they want, they're gonna be kicked off the plane that does not sound right or fair or equitable. when students hear that as well they said i thought were on the side of choice, why are we taking that healthcare trays away from people in a broader electorate. there's a public aim of the 70% of americans had a favorable opinion of unit under medicare for all and once i heard the elements of it in the cost, the number dropped onto the low 30s percentage. when you see candidates like moran and bernie sanders talk about these issues, they want to keep them big, will tax the rich, but once you get down to the actual number, the 32 trillion-dollar number that is larger than every gdp in the earth. that's a lot of money. you cannot just tax the rich to get there. >> you earned another title for doing this on campus, i'm in a call you professor phillips because you're doing more to
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educate the students than the actual professors on campus. this is awesome. we have turned into a nation of slogans and headlines. no one actually looks or read the details so you did an awesome job. how do we do this on a wholesale level? >> i think it starts with holding the universities accountable and making sure there's serving of two in place of ideas where people can hear what is going on and make up their own minds for themselves, and start to holding them accountable not sending your kids to school, let market forces play a factor there and it's interesting, the only person all day i find that opposed medicare for all was a student from venezuela, we have run the video later on this as this sounds nice, i liked it, however, i came here and had to flee my country and don't believe the lie because they want to pay for all these things, i saw firsthand, i would've loved to have a talk to everyone else there.
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>> grow quickly on the current balance question, did you talk to any students who were not idiots who did know that they were in favor for medicare for all and they believed in it and any chance you left them off the videotapes? >> i kept every single student that we videoed, we had one student that said i'm a bernie sanders supporter and when i had all these issues, she said you can't tell me anything i'm going to change my mind, she said there is a certain element we have to realize that you're going to have to for the collective good of society give up your rights, and she did admit and say the only way to make it work is for everybody to give up their rights for the collective good which is a very scary idea. >> thank you so much for joining us. salt, sugar, calories and miles, a new proposal for food labels that researchers say could help tackle the obesity crisis. we have that next. ♪
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>> if you knew you had to walk for nearly an hour to burn off the calories in a chocolate bar, would you still eat it? a new study out in the uk that he not activity labels could motivate people to cut 200 calories a day from their diet it would be three times more likely to get people moving, adam we know you track your steps everyday, it sounds like when they put the calorie content on. >> are you ready for this, i walk the walk and i think this is a great idea. anything that gets people thinking about their fitness and nutrition, it can be a little hokey but if he gets you thinking, it helps. >> i completely agree, i know that's where but once i see a
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whopper has 500 calories or 600 calories, i might think twice but instead of banning a big soda like bloomberg, maybe use you much exercise you need, you eat it and then by palace on. >> was a little skeptical of the whole warning label, this is my being skeptical show, i did not think it would work but i was looking at cigarette usage in late 60s, 68 or so, cigarette usage was 42% of the population, is gone down almost every single year to 14%. i don't know if that's due to the label but it cannot hurt. i guess i'm with adam, i think it's going to be effective as least to deal with the margins. >> i think it's the dumbest
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idea. [laughter] calories, carbohydrates, sugars, great to have on a label, i don't want to see the running man in terms of how many steps you have to do -- and how many miles it did on the bicycle. this is nothing but fat chaining. we should all be against this. [laughter] >> when i'm at a chain restaurant and i see the calories, i will pick a healthier option because you just don't know how many calories they have in your frankly shocked. i think that is interesting but i will disclose as i was preparing for the segment i went and got the staff and myself some brownies because i was thinking about it and one thing led to another. are you feeling lucky on friday the 13th, you might want to play the mega millions 340 million jackpot, what are your odds of winning. ♪
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i wanted more from my copd medicine that's why i've got the power of 1, 2, 3 medicines with trelegy. the only fda-approved once-daily 3-in-1 copd treatment. ♪ trelegy ♪ the power of 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy ♪ 1,2,3 ♪ trelegy man: with trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3, i'm breathing better. trelegy works three ways to open airways, keep them open and reduce inflammation, for 24 hours of better breathing. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. trelegy is not for asthma. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia, and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. think your copd medicine is doing enough? maybe you should think again. ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy and the power of 1, 2, 3.
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♪ trelegy, 1,2,3 man: save at (vo) the flock blindly flying south for the winter. they never stray from their predetermined path. but this season, a more thrilling journey is calling. defy the laws of human nature. at the season of audi sales event. are ready for cartridges another school year? what does cyan mean? it means "cyanara," honor roll. (imitates shell fire, laughs) the ink! daaaad!
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daaaad! i'm so hosed. yeah. you are. (shaq) the epson ecotank printer. no more cartridges! it comes with an incredible amount of ink that can save you a lot of trips to the store. get ready for the dean's list. who's dean? the epson ecotank. just fill and chill. available at... >> friday the 13th brings a lot of luck for one fortunate
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person if they win the mega millions jackpot tonight. $340 million is up for grabs, the largest jackpot since june. the winner would take him a cash portion of more than $230 million. the 24% federal tax would reduce that to approximately 55 million. the odds of winning is one and 302 million. [laughter] there have been several winners on friday the 13th. what would you buy few wonders jackpot. >> i'm not a big spender but i'm sure i can find a lot of things to buy regardless before anyone else enters what they want to buy. this gives you a big fat tax bill when you take the cash option and then still taxes 24% you're only looking at 145 million after that. it does not leave you with much. [laughter]
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>> now that debbie downer has rained on everyone's parade. i think i'd pay off my younger daughter graduate student loan, i'd buy my older daughter and her husband, because they just had a new baby, a bigger house and my wife and i a net debt subscription because i hate flying commercial. [laughter] >> i would never ever play the lottery because it's a coward tax on poor people. we should do away with it. >> you're a debbie downer. >> we use a portion of those winnings to lobby against having exercises on menus, that's what i would do. [laughter] >> i said i would continue to work because i don't know what i would do i would be bored, i would invest, save and field of financial security and take care of my family and donate some. i said that was pretty los lofty
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after the 55 million in taxes. we have to take care of each other. >> so great to see all of you. that is going to do it for "bulls & bears". we always thank you for joining us. ♪ >> even the washington post calling this week a flurry of policymaking that has dazzled official in washington. historic trade deal with china, a revised nasa 2.0. in nearly 740 billion-dollar defense spending bill that establishes a new space force and a potential victory that the supreme court in the spring and president trump can stop to big banks from disclosing his financial records to congress. tonight a wake-up call to democrats here in the radical far left identity victim politics is
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