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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  December 16, 2019 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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marketplace. they're not asking for tax rebate? >> david, subtext of this is oil is bad. variety alism. david: this market is big enough for anybody. if you have a new product bod -- god bless you. that does it for "bulls & bears." see you next time. liz: the dow hits another record high. congress faces big votes before it breaks for the christmas recess. impeachment on wednesday. nafta 2.0 trade deal on thursday. tonight the debate, president trump getting things done amid what nancy pelosi admits is 2 1/2 year process to get rid of him. this as impeachment is now underwater with voters. more and more voters opposing. new tax how strong the economy and stock market are under president trump. plus, bedlam, chaos, filing breaks out as voters heckle and shout down house intelligence chair adam schiff and his recent event in california.
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we've got the latest. more on critics slamming adam schiff for claiming he was quote unaware, didn't know about the fbi abuses of fisa court. when it was adam schiff who last year attacked republican devin nunez when nunez spelled out the same problems that the doj watchdog had uncovered. schiff claimed last year there were no fbi fisa abuses. that the steele dossier was quote, accurate. tonight the debate is republican devin nunes right that schiff cannot be trusted with oversight duties? the ig reportedly looking at systemic problems with the fbi when it comes to that fisa court. former fbi director james comey evades and dodges in a fox news interview. more on what critics call his non-apology and more information on both comey and adam schiff, serious credibility problems. if you care about civil liberties, if you care about your privacy and your constitutional rights, we'll
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show you exactly where to look in the fisa report. the shocking facts that we keep uncovering. more on media critics saying this is a media scandal. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ liz: welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. let's get the latest on impeachment the full house is expected to vote on two articles of impeachment this coming wednesday. that is the expectation. chad pergram is live on capitol hill with more. chad? reporter: well the big debate right now what would a senate trial look like? the senate minority leader chuck schumer sent a letter to mitch mcconnell the majority leader, laying out a timetable, in january, on the 6th, hearing from impeachment manage earns prosecutors, and managers
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on the ninth. calling for specific witnesses. among others he called for four total. he wants acting white hughes chief of staff mick mulvaney and former national security advisor john bolton. unclear if they cut a deal on this. this is what chuck schumer wants. listen. >> i haven't seen a single good argument about why these witnesses shouldn't testify, or these documents be produced, unless the president has something to hide and his supporters want that information hidden. reporter: in 1999 the key to the senate trial with president clinton was that the minority leader and the majority leader, tom daschle, trent lott, they got together and forged a deal. they weren't going to have witnesses on the senate floor. trent lott i spoke with him recently. he indicate having witnesses testify on the senate floor during an impeachment trial is risky. >> if they don't do this in the right way, if they have witnesses on the floor, i think
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it takes on a context that could be, could be harmful. it is bad enough. if this turns into an absolute mudslinging process, it will make things even worse. reporter: this is what schumer said about that he said we don't even know the evidence that these witnesses would present. it may be exculpatory, it may be incriminating. i followed up asking about the 1999 model with president clinton. this is what schumer said. 1999 was a different case. there were reasons we did not want monica lewinsky to testify. tomorrow morning, 11:00 they go to the house rules committee to set up parameters of debate in the house. they won't actually debate the articles of impeachment on house floor until wednesday. you have to go to the rules committee first to get a rule, determines what the playing field will look like. jim mcgovern of massachusetts is the chair of the rules committee. he indicated to me today he didn't know how long the debate would last. he thought they would wrap up,
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vote on articles of impeachment on wednesday reasoning. it would not drift into thursday. the question on capitol hill how many democrats might vote no. we think it's a handful. president trump started to tweet democrats from vulnerable districts. he says democrats will be absolutely decimated in their districts because of the impeachment hoax. today a bunch of freshman democrats who flipped districts from red to blue, came out in flavor of impeachment among them, elissa slotkin of michigan, jason crow of colorado and ben mcadams of utah. liz: the house is scheduled to got on christmas recess on friday. with a lot to get done. house judiciary chairman, jerry nadler says the president is committing crimes against the constitution. jody hice of georgia. great to see you. your reaction what jerry nadler
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is saying? >> that is absolute absurdity. we had ongoing evidence supporting the president. the fact he has not committed any crimes yet the democrats continue to cry wolf on this issue and it is just another attempt that the democrats are trying to take, that they have been doing ever since the president was inaugurated. they are just trying to get rid of him. they're trying to disenfranchise votes of 63 million americans. they will stop at no links to try to accomplish that. liz: "new york times" conservative columnist david brooks tells pbs, quote, that the articles of impeachment are vague. to him they seem amorphous, not concrete abuses of power, that he can see that are criminal that meet the level of criminality threshold. impeachment is underwater with voters. "real clear politics" average of seven major polls look at that, a little over 47% oppose. a little over 46% support. so, you know, democrats have talked so authoritatively that the facts are there, that the
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facts are uncontested. watch house speaker nancy pelosi doing just that. >> quid pro quo, bribery, bribery, that is in the constitution, attached to the impeachment proceedings. >> you yourself accused him of bribery. why did you decide not to make bribery one of the articles of impeachment. >> i myself am not a lawyer. sometimes i act like one. not as often as i act as a doctor. i practice medicine on the side without benefit of diploma too. liz: correct me if i'm wrong, the witnesses that the democrats brought forward, did any of them raise their hands yes, we have evidence of bribery? >> that is the whole problem. in fact we have i believe like 3,000 pages of testimony, only one time did the word bribery come up and that was in reference to joe biden of the democrats have been all over the map with this. it was quid pro quo. it was bribery. it was treason. it was extortion.
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now they come up with articles that are extremely vague as you mentioned earlier, that really don't specify anything that the president has done. and frankly they're in trouble with this. some democrats beginning to jump ship. as you referenced we have polls that are against this the people of america are seeing this for what it is. they are seeing this as a total sham, witch-hunt against the president. i believe the democrats will pay heavily for. >> we know that the democrats are pouring millions of dollars into vulnerable politicians districts. republicans are pouring millions of dollars as well. we have reports coming in it looks like house impeachment will happen. we're hearing 20 democrats in districts trump won are expected to vote for it. what are you hearing? >> we're hearing similar type things. there is no question they are going to proceed with this they have too much invested in it not to, i think it is virtually impossible for nancy pelosi to back step at this point. you know, what they are doing is attempting to appeal to their
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radical left-wing socialist base. and as a result, all year long, it has been about things like impeachment. it has been about socialist policies like "green new deal." they have shown themselves absolutely incapable of governing. and we're hearing similar things. they are going to proceed with this. i don't know how many democrats are going to stand with, with pelosi, how many are going to oppose impeachment. that is yet to be seen but they're definitely going to move forward wit. i believe they will pay for it. liz: congressman hice, hope we see you soon. >> looking forward. liz: markets rising for a fourth straight day. president trump, here he is, touting the economy. watch this. >> jobs numbers are incredible, best in 51 years. and i think soon we'll be able to say historic if we go a little bit lower, we'll say, in the history of our country the
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best job numbers. liz: we're also tracking the news that boeing will announce that it is suspending, it did announce it is suspending the production of the 737 max jetliner. that is set to happen in january. kristina partsinevelos joins us on the floor of the new york stock exchange with market action. reporter: another day for the books. all three major averages closing in record territory. much propelled by the u.s.-china trade deal. white house's larry kudlow told fox news that the deal is quote, absolutely done. you include the deal, you include usmca. liquidity entered into the market from federal banks all around the globe. investor sentiment regarding fear of missing out, that is helping markets rally. the dow closing up 100 points. s&p up 22 points. nasdaq higher by 79 points. liz, back to you. liz: kristina, good to see you. here is the next question, will
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democrats face voter rage over impeachment when they go home for this friday on christmas recess? look at this, bedlam, fighting breaking down, voters heckling down calling adam schiff a liar at his own event in glendale, california. that story is next. >> liar. liar. [shouting] liberty mutual customs your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ quitting smoking is freaking, like quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big. so, try making it smaller. and you'll be surprised at how easily starting small... ...can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette
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yes! with comfort and joy. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, 48-month financing on all smart beds. plus free premium delivery when you add a base.ends monday. liz: welcome back. there is growing trouble with what democrats now demand in the nafta 2.0 trade deal. are these poison pills that we warned you about that could ruin the deal? we warned you about this months ago. mexico balking at what democrats want. edward lawrence has the latest from washington. edward? reporter: liz, confusion in mexico over usmca threatens to cause tensions over the trade deal. some mexico senators concerned usmca as ratified would allow u.s. to pick up five inspectors, go into mexican factories to make sure they're comply ant with trade regulations. mexico's top trade negotiator insisted that was not the case and flew to the washington to
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make sure his interpretation held. in a letter released this afternoon by u.s. trade representative robert lighthizer said up to five attaches are there for technical assistance, not inspections, something undersecretary emphatically reiterated. >> anything you ask, reduces the coverage of the negative. there will not be labor inspectors. reporter: mexico already ratified usmca of the house takes the first steps tomorrow in the ways and means committee, setting up ratification vote for the full house on thursday. white house economic advisors feeling good. >> i'm very optimistic it will pass in the house and it will pass in the senate because i think most people understand on balance, more than on balance, this is a pro-growth deal that is going to really help the american economy and the american workforce. reporter: the senate expected to take up ratification after the impeachment trial in january or early february. then canada, will have to ratify usmca.
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back to you. liz: edward lawrence, thank you so much. okay, we're going to dig into the trade deal, china trade deal later in the show with michael pillsbury. he will be on with us in a few moments. next case, north korea threatening to send, quote a christmas gift to the united states as the dedenuclearization deadline for a deal, it is about to expire. here is president trump threatening, basically responding to this threat. watch this. >> we're watching it. we'll see. i would be disappointed if something would be in the works and if it is, we'll take care of it but we'll see. we're watching it very closely. we're watching north korea. we're watching many places actually very closely but north korea we're watching very closely. liz: let's bring in my next guest, retired four-star general, fox news senior strategic analyst, general jack keane. great to see you, general. >> good to see you, liz. liz: reports are coming in we have a top u.s. diplomat rejecting north korea's hostile
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deadline talks. reports are saying we're not bowing to pongyang. what exactly would that christmas gift from north korea be? >> we can only speculate but i mean north korea threatening is something that has been a pattern of theirs for decades. clearly they're very frustrated because, remember, liz, at the hanoi summit, they wanted complete sanction relief from the united states entirely. they were going to give us hardly anything in return. not a single missile, not a single nuclear weapon would be destroyed and president trump did exactly right thing and walked out of there. so the sanctions now, all these months later, have greater impact. that, they're playing this hand as leverage to try to get us to reduce sanctions. now what could they do to get our attention? i don't think it would be short-range other medium-range rockets which is what they have been firing for the last six months. if they really wanted to do something that will create a crisis, then that will be
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long-range ballistic missiles or a nuclear test. i doubt the nuclear test. but nonetheless, any one of those, i think would forfeit the peace negotiation progress that president trump and kim jong-un have established with the two summits and one impromptu meeting in june. i think it would put us back likely in the crisis again, where we begin to talk about military options back on the table. we'll see whether this is just rhetoric or there is something substantive here that will change the nature of the relationship to date. liz: let's move over to europe and nato. nato chief stoltenberg said nato is now, quote, facing its most complex security environment in history, rising tensions between member countries. threats from russia, terrorism from china. i want to point out that the eurozone is facing its worst economic growth in about seven years. really severe flat-lining
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problem there, almost tipping into recession. your reaction to all of that? >> well, i think there is a point to be made here. the global security situation has clearly worsened with the competition with russia and china and iran's regional objectives which actually impact on europe as well in terms of terrorism and the spread of radical islam despite everyone's best efforts to push back on it. those are threats that they are facing but at the same time they have significantly weakened political leadership in many of the european countries. these social democracies, that have been in existence now have proven to be failed systems in terms of providing for their people, strengthening their economy, you note, the economy is in serious problems. the, problems that they have with unions and defined worker benefit programs are causing significant problems to these
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governments because the weight of all of that on the government does not permit, the weight of that on the private sector does not permit the kind of growth you would see that is taking place in the united states for example. so, yes, i agree with him. these are serious challenges, internally to europe and also externally. at the same time you have britain who wants out of the european union. and that also is reverberating throughout the european union in terms of other countries payment acts with he will. liz: whether other countries will defect. we're not hearing that yet. general jack keane, you're terrific. love your insights. come back soon. okay. that is general jack keane. up next, republican devin nunes, the debate is this, is devin nunes right to say adam schiff cannot be trusted with congressional oversight duties. here is the debate, adam schiff claiming he was quote, unaware of fbi abuses of fisa court when
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adam schiff who last year led the charge in attacking devin nunes when devin nunes spelled out the problem in his memos, the same problem that the doj watchdog found. that debate coming up. tment opportunities firsthand. like a biotech firm that engineers a patient's own cells to fight cancer. this is strategic investing. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price. invest with confidence.
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♪. liz: welcome back. we're just about coming in to the bottom of the hour. you're watching fox business network. chaos, fighting broke out at an event featuring house intelligence chair, democrat adam schiff, at his event in glendale, california. voters heckled schiff, interrupted him. called him a liar. watch this. >> liar. liar. liar. liar. liar. liar. liar. liar. liar. liar. liz: okay. this as adam schiff undermines his own credibility yet again. adam schiff refuting to say he
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was wrong about fbi fisa court abuses. now schiff is trying to claim he didn't know about it. watch this. >> i'm certainly willing to admit that the inspector general found serious abuses of fisa that i was unaware of. had i known of them, chris, i would have called out the fbi at the same time, but i think it is only fair to judge what we knew at the time, not what would be revealed two years later. liz: let's bring in former fbi deputy assistant director, danny coulson. glen greenwald says adam schiff is pathological liar, he is pathologically dishonest. that is the quote. is he believable, that devin nunes last year, called reckless false, nunes describing in his memo that the exact same abuses the doj watchdog is now finding? >> it is not believable. first of all, when a member of your committee, if you're from the other party or not, brings you information, you should act on that information. remember the house intelligence
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committee has more access to the department of justice and the fbi and the fisa court documents than any other committee of congress. and if you keep in mind that the that the fisa court is the very most important tool we have. if you have that information, ignored, that calls into question his objectivity and capability. liz: republican devin nunez says adam schiff should not be overseeing anything in congress. what do you think? >> well, i can agree with that. oversight is very important. he failed here. in my business, if you fail, you get fired. so i think he did fail. liz: fox news brit hume slamming schiff, tweeting out what schiff is now saying is quote, bunk. most media echoed the shiverings, what he was saying, attacking devin nunes, again glen greenwald pointing out same problems with adam schiff.
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now move on to president trump demanding apology from james comey, former director of the fbi. james comey did admit in an interview that the fbi did give false information to the fisa court. fisa courts are meant for terrorists going after foreign countries, not for political campaigns. comey only admitting, mr. coulson, he was wrong about being overconfident of fbi procedures. watch comey throw his fbi team under the bus. >> would you agree that the fisa court was also given false information by the fbi? >> i think that's fair. i was overconfident in the procedures that the fbi and justice had built over 20 years. i thought they were robust enough. there was real sloppiness. 17 things that either should have been in the applications or at least discussed, cannot be characterized differently. it was not acceptable. he was right. i was wrong. liz: your reaction? >> he is wrong about time. fisa has been in exist for 40 years, more than 40 years.
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i was involved in passing that legislation on behalf of the fbi. here's the problem with that. this is not a procedural problem. this is a lying problem. this is furnishing false information to the fisa court, doctoring documents so you get your fisa warrant. it race people problem. it's a not a procedural problem. procedures are fine. i've been involved for decades. it is people not being truthful. that is the problem. that is where we should focus. he is parsing his answer here. he is trying to put distance between him and the agents and his own actions. liz: i mean the fisa court, check and balance is the own intelligence security officials bringing action. they don't really have -- >> credibility. liz: it is credibility. remember james comey said last year the steele dossier found to be false, he said it was not a critical part of the fbi probe. watch this. >> there was significant amount of significant material about
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page, why there was probable cause to believe he was an agent of a foreign power. the dossier was not all of that, or part of it to my recollection. liz: here is comey admitting, yeah the steele dossier helped tip over allegations into probable cause. watch this. >> horowitz says it wasn't part as you told bret baier, it wasn't part of a broader mosaic. he said it played essential role establishing probable cause. >> i'm not sure he and i are saying different things. what his report says is that the fbi thought it was a close call, until they got the steele report, put that additional information, that tipped it over to be probable cause. liz: show the viewer why critics are saying comey undermines his credibility. in a january 2017 interview, steele primary source already told the fbi the steele file was flawed. the cia considered it an internet rumor. if you care about civil liberties read pages 186 to 193 of the i.g. report.
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indicts the fbi reliance on visably shoddy work, that any rational reasonable intelligence professional would have tossed out, danny. >> absolutely. james comey is doing a great shot shoe here. he is trying to distance himself. by the way, it wasn't a, the dossier was the biggest part of the issue. andrew mccabe said that. without the dossier, we had nothing. so, comey again is parsing here. and he is not being held accountable. one of my colleagues said, that you know, comey played his first away game on national television. he went to a network that asked him hard questions and follow up questions that made him look like he was a liar. i'm afraid that he is. liz: danny, is the media implicated in this or we're doing upcoming segment? your quick take, is this a media scandal as well? they for two years and more talked authoritativelily that this, there were facts in the steele dossier. basically wonder about the 2018
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midterms the mueller report and steele dossier affected democrat victory in the midterms? >> i think so. but you know what? we shouldn't rely on the media. we shouldn't rely on them as, more like entertainment. with certain exceptions, one of the exceptions being your show and shows like yours but we look for facts and, it seems like to me the media now is engaged in editorializing than they are in reporting. i'm not a media expert. i'm a private citizen watches a lot of news. i think they need to be a lot more objective. put things on, on editorial page that belong there. liz: danny coulson, top official at the fbi. great to see you, sir. thank you for your service. >> thank you, ma'am. always a pleasure doing your show. liz: pleasure having you on. okay we have danny pointing out, we do have a growing number of media critics say yes, the media coverage of this fbi abuse scandal and steele dossier is major scandal.
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>> look he also laid out for the american people to see, dozens upon dozens of ways in which the fbi abused and manipulated the fisa court. i think if you know, what he was trying to do, here people, here's the evidence. you make your own judgment and anyone with a brain who looks at this, knows of course there was bias because all of those errors go one direction. liz: that is award winning columnist, book author, "wall street journal" kimberly strassel how the doj watchdog report on fbi abuses of the fisa court to spy on the trump campaign proves there was anti-trump bias at the fbi. let's bring in hair technology foundation, kelce bowler. kimberly strassel says all the arrows point in one direction
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against trump. that is a bias. >> that is hard to argue that is coincidence when all the errors fall against president, you know, against the fisa court in this. you know, if you look at the larger picture, the media narratives coming out for the past two years regarding the russia investigation, regarding the fisa court abuse, the mainstream media was writing off kimberly strassel, mollie hemingway at "the federalist" as conspiracy theorists who are a danger to our country for putting forth their theories that the so-called deep state is abusing their fisa power in opening this investigation into trump campaign officials. then on the other hand, you have the mainstream media, giving each other awards for pedaling a different so-called conspiracy theory that president trump colluded with russia to win the 2016 election. these were two sort of working theories, yet the mainstream media smeared one of them as a conspiracy theory and handed
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each other out awards for the other one. what at the end of the day are we finding out? we're finding out kimberly strassel at "the wall street journal" was write, the writers at "the federalist" were right and the mainstream media will not apologize. liz: critics are saying this is media scandal. here is the media claiming authority live for years that the dossier was correct. >> the dossier corroborated by intelligence community. >> the dossier is far from bogus. >> increasing it is the accurate dossier. >> so far nothing in the dossier has been disapproved. >> the steele dossier just rings true to me. >> what about christopher steele, the mi6 guy famous dossier that is getting a lot more credibility. >> there was no such wiretap activity. >> from intelligence community, many others there was no wiretapping of anybody in the trump campaign. liz: media critics saying this is remarkably incompetent
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analysis. here is msnbc lara o'donnell, former cia director john brennan declaring definitely the false propaganda that robert mueller will be indicting president trump and his family is on the way, they will all go to jail. watch this. >> i don't think robert mueller will want to have the dramatic flair of ides of march when he will be delivering what i think will be his indictments, final indictments as well as the report that he gives to the attorney general. >> you think if anybody from the trump family, extended family will be indicted it would be in the final act of mueller's investigation because bob mueller, his team knows if he were to do something, indicting a trump family member, or if he were to go forward with indictment on criminal conspiracy involving u.s. persons, that would basically be the death knell of the special counsel's office. liz: okay. so we've got the intercepts glen greenwald, matt taibbi of
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"rolling stone" saying this is embarrassing. the that the media hires intelligence officials shape on the public narrative, when they are wrote trained to lie. where are evidence for claims made on the media? where is the pushback from the media? where is their watchdog roll, guys, where is your evidence? seems that the watchdog role for the media failed? >> it absolutely failed. so much of this narrative was pedaled by former cia and fbi officials. it is interesting, any journalist would never trust a source from organization or institution being investigated and yet those were the sources to pedal the russia collusion theory and come out and claim that there was no fisa abuse which of course we now know there certainly was. so these were not reliable sources. you know, in addition to that the media has been relying on anonymous sources. you would think after the lead up to the 2016 election when the media got so much wrong, they
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kind of tried to apologize, said they would change their ways, they haven't done that yet. yet again they're seeing they are refusing to apologize for being wrong. liz: kelce, they sent the narrative for 2 1/2 years. we've got people still in this country listening to them, not apologizing to your point, not setting their erroneous record straight, not saying we were wrong. we made his takes, none of that. but we still have, it is like there are two different worlds split in this country. people who know the truth, who dug into the footnotes of that fisa report from the ig, who see what happened, then there is another world they're being listening to what the media is saying with former intelligence officials as glen greenwald and former fbi officials says, quote, they are trained to lie. we know this for decades these official have been trained to lie and come in to the u.s. media to do this. the problem we don't want this country, as critics say turning into east germany, where we use the federal police force to spy
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on opposition campaign. >> it's a sad state for our media. this is why organizations like fox news and smaller conservative outlets like the daily signal where i work, like "the federalist," which did not stop reporting on all of this, that is why these organizations are so important because so much of the mainstream media sun re-- is unreliable. they refuse to apologize when they get it wrong were kelsey, we'll have you back. >> thank you. liz: lou dobbs with a preview what some cog up on his show. great to see you. >> great to see you, liz. hi from washington, d.c. a big show tonight from washington. "judicial watch"'s president tom fitton with us tonight as acting homeland security secretary, chad wolf, special advisor to the president tony sayeg, our special guest tonight, commerce secretary wilbur ross and congressman matt gaetz with us. all that coming up at the top of the hour. we hope you watch, liz.
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liz: we'll watch, lou. another jam-packed show. great to see you. lou dobbs. update next on president trump getting done, what nancy pelosi finally admits we've been in a 2 1/2 year process to get rid of president trump without proving any crimes and misdemeanors. just want to get rid of him. story coming next. let's be honest, quitting smoking is freaking hard.
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like quitting every monday hard. quitting feels so big. so, try making it smaller. and you'll be surprised at how easily starting small... ...can lead to something big. start stopping with nicorette
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♪. liz: we're digging into the facts. president trump is getting things done including a china trade deal despite little help from house democrats like nancy pelosi who admits democrats, yes, been trying to get rid of president trump for two years without any proof of a crime or misdemeanor. let's bring in my next guest, hudson institute director of chinese strategy, michael pillsbury. great to see you. michael. >> liz, good evening. >> am i wrong? were you at the white house meeting with the president? >> i was at the white house meeting with a lot of his advisors. liz: so what happened? >> i talked with him recently too. liz: what is going on with the china trade deal? is the reporting correct on it? >> i think they're very enthusiastic about the success. i think they believe it will pay off with as much as 3% growth next year in 2020, larry kudlow
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already said that i think they believe they have persuaded the chinese to open up the american market to our investment, our companies, and especially to american exports. so we'll get a huge economic boost out of this. there is a kind of a mystery too, why the critics for the last two years have been saying tariffs are bad. we can't have the tariffs. thin the president succeeds, really spectacularly, and now the critics are saying well, you know, it is not a good enough deal. so i think the white house plans to release the 86-page agreement in a fairly important signing ceremony. let's say in two weeks or so. once it is finished, all the legal adjustments and chinese translation is perfect, this will be a really historic occasion for a celebration. but to get it out in the next two weeks is going to take a lot of effort.
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that is why these critics are slowing things down, because the more people like chuck schumer say, well you sold out, they are admitting they have not seen the trade agreement but already criticizing him. this is the major theme, liz, about unfair criticism everywhere. a lot of people refer to them as the haters. there is almost no better word to use. they just hate president trump. so any kind of success, especially one this historic, seems to bring out even more hatred. i can't explain it, liz. liz: it is an interesting point you're making. you know, we see, we're showing the trump accomplishments, despite no help from the democrats in congress. we know that there has been criticism. here's the thing. every time we hear the media saying, you know things like there will be recession or downturn, people miss out on whopping big bull run. you have s&p 500, michael, is about to, it is returning 250% the past 10 years.
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it took off under president trump. that is more than double the national, double the historical average? >> so these haters have lost a lot of money, liz. that is what you're saying. >> yeah. you know what i want to know? all, like the paul krugmans of the world, larry summers, people who said there will be a crash, do they sell their stock, right, when they told the world that, you know, this is what's happening? that we'll about to enter a downturn because of what president trump is doing? your final word? >> well i think the president's success in trade will be part of his re-election success. he is just delivered campaign promises one after another. he is just seems to ignore the critics. ordinary people like myself, it gets on my nerves when i get criticized, the president seems to be so feisty. more he is criticized more success he delivers for the american people. that is quite extraordinary. the chinese told me about this they admire, respect him pushing through all the criticism,
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getting a trade deal done. michael, great to hear your insights. come back soon. >> appreciate it, liz. liz: coming up, which area, south of which state is now deemed as dangerous as, wait for it, syria? that story next. ♪. >> thanks to our tireless efforts to secure the border, illegal crossings are down 75% since may and the wall is going up at a very rapid pace. ♪. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it,
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>> and republican of north carolina every tweeting out on the push for the u.s. drug cartels, the endangered americans, threaten our national security, the problem is so bad that the u.s. state department had to issue a do not travel advisory to a mexican state that has a 230 million-mile border with the u.s. that's the same destination is syria. let's bring in ice director ronald, let's show the viewer where this 230-mile border is the gulf of mexico south of laredo. now were talking syria over the border. >> this is a problem that existed for some time, that part of the border through laredo is a volatile area of the border
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that we have so this crisis that we have through most of last year, thousands of children and families coming to the border and all the drug smuggling that takes place in south of the li line, many violence over a long period of time where the cartels fight amongst each other for the illicit trade route and they want to dominate the atmosphere as it relates to the culture and then bringing poison into the country, it affects the people who live on the border in every city in the united states. >> we also have this, the mormon family that lost nine family members, they do want the u.s. to designate these drug cartels of terrorists. this is breaking news coming in, a polic doesn't police officersd in one week. that is north of mexico city.
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police officers, a dozen in one week murdered by drug cartel. your reaction. >> that is not good, mexico has serious challenges with the cartel and feel violence and wanted take over the pathway that brings drugs into the united states so we have to help mexico and understand the challenges and do what we can to strengthen the institution and work closely to target these criminals and cartels and people bringing poison intercountry at the border and having a strong border and immigration system that has integrity is impartial what we need to do together to secure the border. >> we also have news coming in a deported ms 13 gang member from mexico arrested and border agent spotted this man illegally crossing walking into arizona. your reaction. >> i'm grateful they were able to capture this individual. if you work and live on the border you understand what the threats look like, ms 13 has no business being in this country although there in many towns and cities in the united states the threat to the folks on the border in mexico on the street
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and also a threat to the homeland security. >> thank you for your service to our country. thank you for coming on. and thank you for having us in your home, thank you for watching. lou dobbs next right here on the fox business network ♪ ♪. lou: good evening everybody, tonight from washington, d.c., the trump administration tonight in a celebratory mood, the president christmas party is underway in the white house this evening and they have a lot to celebrate. an unprecedented array of accomplishments for the first three years of the term presidency. beginning with the us-mexico canada trade agreement, the newest trade deal with china, record high employment, record low minority unemployment rate in the dow jones industrial 10000-point higher than today, donald trump was elected


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