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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 19, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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we want to be too generous and helpful for a little man but we have to watch out for americans. when you have dead and robbed americans that has to stop. >> we have to leave it there thank you. lou dobbs is next ♪ ♪ >> good evening everybody, president trump energetically rallying as enthusiastic supporters in battle creek michigan and around the country for that matter last night. the democratic party today did nohas done what it has for the past three years, stared again into the abyss as radical dems in the left media concocted more bizarre and sinister narratives, speaker publicity declared she would hold up the articles of impeachment the dems have passed and senate majority leader mitch mcconnell today declared pelosi to be afraid to send the articles to the senate. how did investors and markets
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react to all of this dire political theater by moving to new record heights, the house of representatives in the midst of it all, all the drama also passed president trump's usmca, the new trade agreement with canada and mexico. $1.3 trillion worth in a matter of fact, in the midst of all the political turmoil the radical dems aversion for more than three years, president trump succeeded in delivering another major campaign promise. continuing to balance and make reciprocal u.s. trade in with house speaker pelosi decision to delay delivery delivery and with the house now adjourned for the holiday, there will not be any action until early january. the president maintaining that the dems entire process is a hoax, set up and the republicans
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are now winning because of hello sees outright default. for more we turn to chief white house correspondent john roberts. reporter: thank you very much. it's a great honor. >> in the oval office welcoming former democratic congressman jeff van drew to the congressman party he insisted the impact of last night's vote to impeach him is minimal. >> it does not feel like impeachment you know why it's a phony deal and they cheapen the word impeachment, it's an ugly word but they cheapen the word impeachment. >> article two is adopted. >> the president took aim at house speaker nancy pelosi for holding back on sending the articles of impeachment to the senate. >> their playing games and they don't want to put in articles and ridiculous phony articles and i think they're not allowed to do that. >> on capitol hill democrats tried to move past impeachment
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brokvoting to approve the usmcaa margin of 385 - 41. nancy pelosi taking credit for the new trade deal. >> of course will take credit because what he proposed did not fill the bill of what he described. >> at last night's campaign rally, president trump said he did not care who took the credit as long as it got past. >> whatever it takes. >> white house staffer said it was laughable that pelosi would claim the deal as her own. >> it's been sitting on her desk for a year. >> president trump is taking the heat for one moment at the battle creek rally when he criticized michigan democratic debbie dingell and mocked her late husband john asked about it several times in the oval office, he simply ignored the question. lou: thank you very much. earlier tonight on capitol hill, senate majority leader mcconnell declared the senate is at an impasse on how to proceed with
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setting rules for any future trial of the president and mcconnell blasted speaker closely for not sending over her articles of annoyance and hinting there may not be a senate trial of any kind at all. >> some house democrats implied their withholding articles. or some kind of leverage, i admit, i'm not sure what leverage there is in refraining from sending us something we do not want. meanwhile other house democrats seem to be suggesting they prefer never to transmit the articles. fine with me. lou: fine with him. joining us tonight litigator formal federal prosecutor, independent counsel for the whitewater investigation, robert ray, first of all, the majority leader has a sense of humor that is been submerged for some time,
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i love the idea that he could not proceed with the advantage would be not sending over something he did not want. >> on the partisan impeachment front if it's turn for the surreal and the other half, the country is in great hands and things are going really well it's a good dual screen. lou: it is. and in fact as we pull back with the camera, what is revealed is a country in better shape than it has been in decades. workingmen and when women in this country and the beneficiaries of the president who is doing exactly what he said he would do is restore prosperity for all americans. >> the president is evaluated in the eyes of history of whether or not they did and accomplished what they said they would do when they ran for office. >> this president is doing something for all of the future presidents. he sent forward a work schedule that will change their lives
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because they are going to be judged against what he's been able to accomplish. >> is also said something important. lou: he says something important all the time. >> an important marker that this should never be allowed to happen to another president again. lou: i don't know if it will order it won't but i do know that i happen to the best president it could possibly of occurred because this president has a strength and the courage, the moxie, what ever you want to call it to deal with it. he is setting the standard and he's unusual and i don't know anyone else that could have done them it is that straightforward. let's turn to the nonsense of pelosi, we have a lot of people who could emulate her readily across the country. >> i think she needs to stop playing games. on the one hand i don't know if there's a requirement that the articles of impeachment are put in a box and wrapped in paper
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and delivered to the united states senate. the house action, they are done, the over with so when it finally gets there, my view is senator mcconnell says you don't send a startlearticles there's nothings to do, on the other hand if the house is taken in action, i don't know what the democrats expect, there is not. lou: they had a star chamber for three months, it's the same nonsense. >> i don't have any idea what this means. lou: mcconnell is making it clear that he's not playing games and there will be a date and an hour in which he will no- >> i think that is right, we know when that is in january and whoever shows up shows up. if the democrats choose not to show up to bat. lou: i like what the president
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said, it looks like we won by default because she's afraid to send over the articles. >> she does not have the ability or power, she is a speaker of the house but she does not have the ability or power to take to the united states senate what it will do. lou: i want to play something that the president said in battle creek michigan it doesn't feel like being impeached. >> it does not feel like were being impeached. [laughter] the country is doing better than ever before and we did nothing wrong. we did nothing wrong and we have tremendous support in the republican party like we have never had before, nobody has ever had this kind of support. lou: it does not feel like were being impeached. he is right, doug collins was saying that as well.
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lou: right there with the president on this. i like solidarity. the presence of the doesn't feel like it because it's a farce. that is a national left-wing media that are the puppets of the democratic party and particularly the radical dems, they are carrying off an absolute fraud against the american people, the national left-wing media are acting as if this is really serious, the theatrics and bony nonsense. >> in legal terms i get weather here. lou: because you're a smart guy. >> i also think so but that's always something to debate. the bar has been set too low, making the argument for weeks that the democrats walk right into this by not having articles of impeachment that charged a crime, they fail to do that and when it finally gets to the senate i believe a well-founded
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motion to dismiss should be granted by majority of the united states senate and we need to get rid of this and move on in the best interest of the country. lou: we are here because this party decided along with the deep state, the permanent administrative state and bureaucracy they will overthrow our president -- the republican party is united to see that will not happen. lou: by the way that is a major newsbreak and it's wonderful to see. good to see you. up next, china is fighting back against america's huawei. poses agreed national security threat, does it or does it not. what are the national security inflammations of a trade deal of balance reciprocal trade deal with china. doctor michael pillsbury joins us pray also tonight nancy pelosi's pettiness, what is she
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playing that by not sending articles of impeachment to the senate, we will take that up right after the quick messages. stay with us ♪ ♪ liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ skip to the good part with alka-seltzer plus. now with 25% more concentrated power. nothing works faster for powerful cold relief. oh, what a relief it is! so fast! now you can, with! no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead with makes it fast & easy to get to your golf destination. with just a few clicks or a phone call, we'll pick up and deliver your clubs on-time, guaranteed, for as low as $39.99. saves you time and money.
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lou: welcome back, another record-setting day on wall street. despite impeachment, despite big rallies and great conflict on capitol hill. investors not paying much mind, the dow up 830 points securing the 18th record close of the year, the s&p up 14, the 31st record of the year. the nasdaq up 59 points, here you go, 27 records this year so far. on the big board almost 4 billion shares, 3.8, crude oil up half a% over $61 a barrel, gold finishing $1470.20 an ounce. sober up to $17. the house today past president
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trump's historic $1.3 trillion usmc trade deal with canada and mexico, 385 - 41 in the bill heads to the senate but the majority leader mitch mcconnell says they will not be about until after late january. a reminder to listen to my report three times a day "coast to coast" on the salem radio network. house minority leader kevin mccarthy condemning the radical left for their partisan ugly boat last night and mccarthy mocking speaker pelosi for not sending those articles often impeachment to the senate. >> now we have a known speaker of the house that is so embarrassed that she admits the failure that she will not send it to the senate. so embarrassed that i watched in her press conference she would not take your questions. that is not a good legacy to have.
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lou: joining us tonight byron york, fox business contributor, good to have you with us. let's start would not sending the articles of impeachment that she so desired so many months ago, what is going on? >> it seems a crazy idea, the house just passed these two articles of impeachment and the democrats are going to take them hostage and tried to pressure republicans to hold the trial that they don't want to hold anyway on house terms. it is really odd this started and operable by lawrence tribe and the liberal professor who suggested that. and apparently just caught on, i believe it is on the 16th so this came up really fast. lou: and no one seems to
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understand what advantages gain, what the purposes, may be a sequel to the op-ed by lawrence tribe who is looking more like us and our kissed rather than leftist. remember also the trump russia affair, the reporting of that. lou: i have to interrupt, i'm trying to understand what was the trump russia affair, i thought that was disproved and he was exonerated. >> during whole trump russia investigation all the coverage was predicated on this idea that there is really big news out there, we don't know about it yet but there's bombshells out there waiting to be said discovery. a partly what is going on, some quarters of the democratic house there are people who believe and bombshells out there about trump
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ukraine that have not been discovered yet, what about the money that went to his wife in the southern district of new york is going to do something. that's a perennial among the circles. so they think there's great evidence that the house has ignored by rushing to impeachment. remember they said they had to rush to impeachment because the president opposed an imminent danger to our electoral system. now they want to wait a while and hope something great comes up. that is apparently the thinking behind some of this. lou: that thinking, that is hardly thinking. that is a fantasy, conjuring more crab at the event for three years. don't you believe, i want to know seriously, don't you believe that the radical dems have slightly underestimated the intelligence of the american people because they could just
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check on the most recent polls over the last few weeks in which the president continues to rise, their standing continues to decline in the opposition to impeachment of articles rises steadily through that time. >> they look like fools and they're behaving by fools, i cannot imagine anyone ever trusting them with public office. >> if you look, those trends that you just mentioned, think about yesterday's talk is on passing articles last night, the speaker of the house came out this morning, on wednesday night she impeach the president of the united states and on thursday morning she comes out that she doesn't want to talk about it. then we go into a crazy were holding our own heart articles hostage routine. then you ask yourself given the chains that you mention, is that going to help for democrats, it seems very unlikely that it would. lou: it is so stunning, i want to quote the wall street
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editorial board. i love what they wrote, if we can put this up as a full-screen. they said mr. trump will be acquitted in the senate and democrats may have help mr. trump with reelection. congratulations to the resistance. i truly believe that is the bottom line and if they want to persistent with a stupid idea of delaying sending over the articles of impeachment based on more crab narratives, that is their choice but i think the only beneficiary will be republican candidates in the president being reelected. >> there's two elements of what they're talking about, one the state of the country, you were just talking about what the economic indicators in the records we have had this year in the market and all of the rising
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wages, republicans are very happy with judges being confirmed, there is all that as a result of the term presidency and then there is the feeling and it's really supported by what we've seen today the democrats are not playing fairly trying to get him, they been trying to get him from the very beginning. lou: they been trying to overthrow the president of the united states. >> they wanted to do it would trump russia, now they've done this impeachment and they're doing the wacky trick of not sending the articles over. it gives you the impression that they're not playing fair in the senate and the much smaller world, some of those -- republicans who are said to be wavering, they are actually united with their party by the upper session that the house is not playing fair. lou: even a suggestion with the radical democratic party would
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not be any help whatsoever it would probably be the death as a matter of fact, even the rinos and the people you are referring to. by the way the other chief advantage that has arisen as a result of the sinister nonsense of the left and that is the republican party united in the senate and the house and that augurs well for 2020 as well. you get the last word. >> you are right, what are the things most striking about the house, 0 votes for either article of impeachment, back on october 31 when they have the boat to extend the inquiry republicans were proud of getting 0 votes, they were hoping they could do it again and they did. lou: byron york, thank you so much. we would like to hear your thoughts, share your comments and follow me on twitter at lou
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dobbs, like man facebook and follow me on instagram at "lou dobbs tonight". the republican party and president trump based stronger than ever. we take that up in more with the chair of the republican national committee ronald mcdaniel joined us, stay with us. we'll be right back.
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lou: the president tweeted about the shame impeachment vote in the president saying, after the democrats gave no due process in the house, no lawyers, no witnesses, no nothing they want to tell the senate how to run their trial, they have 0 proof of anything and they will never even show up, they walk out and i want an immediate trial. joining us tonight, republican national committee chair ronald mcdaniel, the president says he wants a trial right now, the
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problem is there are no articles of impeachment in the hands of senator mcconnell. >> isn't crazy nancy pelosi said we have to hurry through this and we cannot give the president due process and can have her letter rebuttal witnesses or his lawyers because he such an imminent threat to the country, they pass it and she says forget it i'm not going to pass it to the senate. what a political stock, how dare she play with our democracy and freedom that way. into treat the president this way, he is right to say this is a sham and he wants the trial because he saying i'm innocent let the american people see the facts for themselves in the be more disgusted by what the democrats are doing. lou: the polls show how the american people feel, they feel like the president has been wronged terribly, the nation has been diffracted in the radical dems are waging war on everything american, our constitution, our president, the american people.
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how much more could nancy pelosi and chuck schumer hope to accomplish in the short time remaining before the presidential election in november. >> it is really shameful, the president is right when he says they are not just impeaching him, they're impeaching the american people, democrats say to people in my state across the country, your vote did not matter, you did not know what you're doing were smarter here in washington. we know better, were going to use congress and abuse their power and notify the most of 63 million americans uploaded in 2016 to elect donald trump and the american people are not having a parade that's where the rnc is raising record money and people come out to these rallies, they are supporting the president at the highest level we have ever seen. lou: the president, one thing consistent throughout that is the immense support for the president and the rallies and in homes of voters all across the
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country, the discussion has to be, why would anyone vote for democrats after watching the ugliness, the shabby she him that they have carried out while trying to overthrow the president of the united states. the american people have also got to be damn mad about the fact there is still no one being held accountable for what they have done to this president, what they tried to do to the office of the president which is remove him from it. >> if you look at the obstruction chart, if you look at the fisa warrant which we have learned was falsely put forward, the steel dossier and what the fbi did, if you look at the democrats boycotting the inauguration, not my president and nancy pelosi not inviting the president to give the state of the union since day won this
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president has been up against instrumental blogs. he has beaten them in every turn, and the american people have more jobs, higher wages, record low unemployment because he never backs down, we elected a fighter and were in the fight of our lives to keep this democracy strong and they are eroding the balance of power in the democracy that we love and cherish and i'm so grateful the president trump is fighting so strong and were standing with him every step of the way. lou: i'm delighted that the republican party and just about everyone in the country is delighted that the republican party is reunited with this president. i'll put it that way. the republican party was not united behind them for so long. so many voices, so many stupid candidates who did not align themselves with him, some so stupid who held office that would not align themselves with this president. it is so powerful to see them now aligned in support of this president and standing up
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against the wrong that has been done to the nation, this will not be soon forgotten what the democratic party of the deep state did to the american people and to the president they elected. and i sure hope, i sure hope that we see the perpetrator of this front to everything decent about this country and our constitution. i hope they are brought to justice. your thoughts. >> i agree with you. what we have seen we never would've known these things if donald trump had not been elected. we never would've known what the fbi did to spy against a political campaign of a republican during a democrat administration. it is truly frightening and there needs to be accountability, were still going to get the derm report but the voters are so upset and that's why we raised $20 million in november, that has never happened at the rnc. in the last 48 hour setup
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campaign in the rnc has brought in over $10 million. so people are angry, upset, they want to support the president and sewing it was small dollar donations and we want to put in the states to turn up the boat and reelect him, keep the senate and take back the house, it's time to retire nancy pelosi and her divisiveness. lou: you have the candidates in the house race and the candidates in the senate to win, i don't want to see another repeat of 2016, i have to tell you. to see that ground game that i was promised was intact which exploded in to see the house throw away seat after seat after seat. are you going to take it back. >> we picked up two seats in 2018 and the senate. lou: are you going to take back.
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>> were going to take back the house, we have 41 retirements in 2018 we will not have that many retirements, mccarthy is doing a great job recruiting and good candidates in the president on the ball at which will be the best asset in taking back the house. lou: he was on the ballot in 2018 and the house is led by a man who did not have the judgment of the fire hydrant and he refused to follow this president and support him. this minority leader i think will do just exactly what we all hope and that is follow the lead of this president. that will make for a big difference. you get the last 30 seconds. >> i cannot imagine a better choice than following a president who is at 7 million jobs, increase wages and for so many americans the forgotten americans who are not represented in washington, d.c. and who this christmas have more money to spend on their family and feel better about their future because of donald trump. lou: give them hell will you.
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>> i sure will. lou: thank you so much. up next, the trump administration reveals its plans to enforce the phase one trade deal with china. we take that up but more with doctor michael pillsbury and for our national security. right after the quick break. stay with us. local it took over 100 years to perfect this masterpiece of italian design and performance... ...and about 15 minutes for us to paint one neon green and do this. blends right into the italian architecture! ♪ see everything you should never do with an alfa romeo... no no no no no!
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meeting someone who's 85, 90-years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [announcer] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly jewish person for a month. call the number on your screen right now. (somber music) - in ukraine, there's no support network, they don't have food carts or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [announcer] you can send a lifeline to them during this high holy season of hanukkah, please call right now.
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(somber music) - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [announcer] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate jewish elderly person for a month. call right now. - god promises to bless those who bless israel, may you be blessed as you bless his children.
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lou: a few stories were covering nancy pelosi refusing to send it over to the senate and mitch mcconnell says he'd be okay if the senate ever received the mark meadows moving on the freedom caucus in the house leaving congress and he reportedly may take on the role with the chopper ministration over campaign and china putting pressure on countries to ban huawei, the ambassador in germany warning of economic consequences if huawei could not participate in the 5g infrastructure in germany, china's ambassador to denmark also warning there will be no economic access without a 5g contract for huawei.
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the house economic director with larry kudlow explaining how the united states will enforce china's trade deal. >> here's the bottom line, if china does not abide and we have a lengthy process crafted by the great bob lighthizer, if they do not abide by the rules and the commitments, then there will be a snap back on tariffs among other things. lou: among other things. joining us now doctor michael pillsbury, director of the center for chinese strategy at the hudson institute and author of the bestseller 100 year marathon leading expert on china and great to have you with us. let's start with phase one, snapback's and such. is this, in your judgment as it stands right now a fully enforceable trade agreement with
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snapback's? >> yes, the trade agreement enforcement mechanism is based on some other enforcement mechanisms by other countries but is been designed for china partly because they cheat so much. it had to be very quick so there will be monthly meetings, quarterly and an appeals mechanism in the decision to snapback the tariffs or administer other kinds of punishment to china. if they are caught cheating. lou: go ahead. >> that's one reason the chinese feel president trump got the best of them at least in the first phase. they have not agreed to this with any other country in the world over. lou: does that give you greater confidence that they will keep their word or does it create rater concern that they will return to reform and renege. >> they could always renege but
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my hunch given claim to knowing the chinese so well, they will test the limits. there will be some cases that the chinese might claim it's private we cannot control it, shame on them here's a $5000 fine, and we will have to say no, this is far more serious than that, the fine is really large and whether the tears will go back on in that sector. if they learn from the first encounter but the mechanism is serious and president trump will punish them if they cheat. after that they will begin to give orders inside the chinese communist party, stop the technology theft and cut it back that's what i'm into spitting will happen in the first two or three months, i don't think the go straight overnight generally 15th, no that will not happen. lou: it will not happen and persisting for a year end half of negotiations they had been stealing intellectual property.
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and technology transfers. and they put into effect a law that gives them access to all of the data of u.s. corporations doing business in china and there has been no response whatsoever from the united states to china's ability to do that to the intellectual property in the physical property of those u.s. companies doing business in china and there will be another iteration of that law on january 1 as well. your sense of what are we doing, this to me strikes me as slightly mad that we have not addressed that because that is something that the grievance has to tour try to to. >> as you say, it will only start when they try to enforce it and go to a company to give us your source code, unlock
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everything. the second that happens the company can file a complaint under the enforcement mechanism and say this is technology transfer. there is already a step to take care of this. lou: is a counterweight to the chinese and iterations of the chinese law. >> it will put pressure on the american company concerned because the chinese are going to be threatening i suspect, a little bit of mafia type language might be used like you better not tell lighthizer what were doing, give us all your source codes. then the company has to decide to want to go the enforcement mechanism and possibly be punished by the chinese or not. and this will be a dilemma for a lot of companies. and especially our billionaires, they prefer to go along with china and they can make a lot of money which some of them have. so our own companies will be tested in are they willing to come forward and make complaints. lou: the degree to which wall street is a beneficiary given
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the need per capita and china in the relationship to the phase one deal and instructor. >> one thing cause them to agree to phase one and also working phase two, they revealed they need about $3 trillion of capital over the next few years, equities, bonds, private equity investment just to keep the system going, the president and larry kudlow in particular has revealed that there is a study group to look into capital restrictions on china in a waiver of their accounting practices in new york and president obama set up in 2013 and quite a few other steps that the president can take in their bitter -- in vancouver is still under house arrest after a year. they tell us how she's like the prince's of china how can we do this. the huawei chief financial officer. >> she is also accused of criminal activity and in theory
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has to stand trial. at one point the president tweeted but it was not phase one. but a lot of issues are holding over in the chinese thought they would get solved. they thought huawei with someone how helped by phase one in the campaign against huawei continues around the world. by us. lou: which is a good thing by the way. and our farmers most recently germany appearing to take to heart the warnings that the united states has sent them about the presence of huawei. this is the final word and you get it. >> the federal communication commission said last week that a
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rural area cannot use federal funds to buy huawei equipment, that is a really big message. the chinese are very disappointed about the things they cannot get the deal. i think some of our billionaires told the chinese try is only bluffing and we have it under control, don't worry son other angry at our billionaires and what could be a trap if they get punished for cheating. lou: i will not spend a lot of time worrying about the welfare of our billionaires. [laughter] the high venture inadequate response. in the chinese i'm not going to worry about because they probably know precisely what those billionaires are up to. michael pillsbury, great to have you here. lou: up next, the new details we are learning tonight about the german investigation, stay with us for that, much more straight ahead. memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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lou: breaking news, a new report the u.s. attorney john durham is now examining testimony by former cia director john brennan, the new york times reporting that durham is also asking for brennan's committee kitchen record and william barr telling fox news how much durham's investigation is expanding. >> he is not just looking at
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fbi, he's looking at other agencies and private department and other private actors. so it's a much broader investigation. he is looking at all the conduct of before and after the election. lou: joining us tonight citizen united president former trump campaign aide david, good to see you. let's start with this pelosi saying she is got a spring in her step as a result of the articles but not enough spring apparently to get those articles over to the majority leader of the u.s. senate, your thoughts? >> she's gonna have to have a spring in her step to run ahead of the democrats that are going to be chasing her for costing him her seat, this is going to be a disaster and blow up on them come november. they got their vote in the house of representatives yesterday as reprehensible as it was an embarrassing as it is for the
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american people what they did to this president for doing his job but we are going to make them pay come november. she is going to happen to have her running shoes on. lou: she will have to have her running shoes on because the president wants a trial in mitch mcconnell saying quickly, don't send me the articles of impeachment because i do not want them anyway. what is going to happen here in your best judgment ? >> what i see happening, nancy pelosi recognizing the weakness of her case a little bit too late. what she is running up against is mitch mcconnell senate majority leader who understands the role of the united states senate and understand the constitution and the power that he has and has as the majority leader. he is saying, nancy pelosi, the speaker of the house, you were able to run your investigation your committee hearings in your investigation the way you wanted to under the rules you did but
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we have the ability to set the rules in the senate and we will not be a circus or a clown show like you had adam schiff in the house. lou: your sense with talking with ronald mcdaniel earlier, your sense of how strong are the house candidates this year, how likely is it that the republicans will take back the house? given everything that is happening looks pretty promising. >> there are 31 house districts that donald trump won and 2016 that currently have democrat members of the congress, we are going to target every single one of them and 29 of them voted for impeachment. we will be making them pay come november and i think we need to do it starting right now, we need to set the predicate that this vote for impeachment was against what they were sent to washington to do. lou: thank you for being with us. we appreciate it.
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at the "you are my diamond" event. this is the epson no more buying cartridges.. big ink tanks. lots of ink. print about... this many pages. the epson ecotank. just fill and chill. >> mitch mcconnell mocking nancy pelosi delay tactics on the articles of impeachment. >> democrats imply their withholding articles for some kind of leverage and i admit i am not sure what leverage there
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is in refraining from sending us something we do not want. meanwhile other house democrats seem to be suggesting they prefer never to transmit the articles. fine with me. trish: that is it for us. thank you for being with us. see you tomorrow evening. good night from new york. trish: live tonight from the nation's capital in washington, d.c. here is steve bannon, one of the president's biggest champions, first reaction to the democrat impeachment of donald dave trump. i'm trish regan in d.c. steve bannon is my special guest, his reaction to the democrats total leap, i want you to see this. washington post reporters celebrating the democrats impeachment of president trump tweeting to c5 of jeff bezos washington reports reporters theremi


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