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tv   FBN AM  FOX Business  December 20, 2019 5:00am-6:00am EST

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something we do not want. meanwhile other house democrats seem to be suggesting they prefer never to transmit the articles. fine with me. lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. the gloves came on as the 2020 candidates go head to head in the latest in the democratic debate. where they took on the booming trump economy, billionaire donors and wine wave. we've got the fiery moments for you. deirdre: the pressure is on to get the gifts under the tree, the biggest shopping day of the year is almost here. we'll tell you how the american cons he her is faring. lauren: the rise of skywalker is out. the movie was released last night. we'll give you a review. disney may be on the verge of another billion dollar movie in 2019. it is friday, november 20th, "fbn: a.m." starts right now.
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♪ ♪ santa claus is coming to town. ♪ santa claus is coming to town. ♪ you better watch out. ♪ you better not cry. ♪ you better not pout, i'm telling you why. ♪ santa claus u is coming to to. lauren: welcome to "fbn: a.m.." good morning. i'm lauren simonetti. deirdre: i'm deirdre bolton. lauren: five days until christmas. deirdre: that's right. today is friday. lauren: a lot of investors might be hitting vacation early but still let's take a look at your money. we've certainly seen a strong melt-up after a trio of record closes idea, fractional declines for all three major average as. the nasdaq is down 4 points. it could be on the verge of a seven-day winning streak. investors on mitt particular, phase one of a china deal will be signed next month. deirdre: japan's auto sector falling after the house passing
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the new north american trade deal, usmca, so that kind of weighed on the nikkei. lauren: let's take a look at european stocks this friday. you have up arrows across the board, nice gain in london, the ftse gaining half of 1%. well, from the cloud of impeachment to sunny california, seven of the democratic presidential hopefuls faced off for the final primary debate of the year. it wasn't just president trump caught in their crosshairs. deirdre: they missed no chances to go after each other from everything from their experience to wine wav wine caves. hillary vaughn has details. >> reporter: every candidate on stage decided to go head to head with mayor pete buttigieg who is the current frontrunner in iowa. in particular, senator elizabeth warren tangled with the mayor over high dollar fund raisers
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that he decides to hold behind closed doors, in particular, one that happened in a wine cave with billionaires in attendance. >> so the mayor just recently had a fundraiser that was held in a wine cave full of crystals and served $900 a bottle wine. um, think about who comes to that. he had promised that every fundraiser he would do would be open door but this one was closed door. >> this is the problem with issuing purity tests you cannot yourself pass. if i pledge never to be in the company of a progressive democratic donor, i couldn't be up here. senator, your net worth is 100 times mine. >> i do not sell access to my time. i don't do call time with millionaires and billionaires. >> as of when, senator?
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>> reporter: candidates warren, sanders and biden were asked how they would win over voters that may not be thrilled with president trump personally but are happy with his economy. each candidate insisted that economic gains under trump have actually not benefited the working or middle class and in a rare move, all three candidates also agreed that former president barack obama was wrong when he recently said most problems in the world would be solved if old white men got out of the way. >> senator sanders, you are the oldest candidate on stage this evening. >> and i'm white as well. i've got a lot of respect for barack obama. i think i disagree with him on this one. >> i'm going to guess he wasn't talking about me either. >> senator warren, i would like you to weigh in as well. >> reporter: elizabeth warren was confronted about her wealth tax. some said it is not practical
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and it would be burdensome. her response, oh, they're just wrong. deirdre: thank you so much. before the debate, joe biden joining striking mcdonald's workers on the picket line. they're asking for $15 minimum wage. biden took it a step further. >> we should unionize mcdonald's and that's why i'm here today. not only mcdonald's worksers, i understand lift drivers are here. how many lyft drivers are here? same deal. deirdre: biden expressed his support for mcdonald's raising the minimum wage in a video last month. lauren: impeachment proceedings are at a standstill until 2020. congress leaving for christmas break without sending the articles of impeachment to the senate. deirdre: fox's todd piro is with us now. republicans slamming the impeachment as i'll legitimate
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and illegal -- illlegitimate and illegal. >> this confirms that the house won't send the two articles of impeachment to the senate until next year. nancy pelosi thanking house democrats in a letter for their, quote, moral courage, even quoting shake spear's henry the fifth, we few, we happy few, we band o of brothers. >> when speaker pelosi suggested that house democrats may be too afraid, too afraid to even transmit their shoddy work product to the senate. looks like the prosecutors are getting cold in fron feet in frf the entire countried and second guessing whether they want to go to trial. they said impeachment was so urgent that it couldn't wait for due process, now they're content
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to sit on their hands. >> reporter: mcconnell and chuck shy you her waiting to -- schumer waiting to map out the senate trial. president trump of course weighing in, quote, so after the democrats gave me no due process in the house, no lawyers, no witnesses, no nothing, they want to tell the t senate how to run their trial. tilely, they have -- actually, they have zero proof of anything. they will never show up. they want out. i want an immediate trial. noah feldman, the law prof who testified for the dems, hads std for a president to be impeached, the house must send it to the senate. this will be something you will hear a lot of folks on the right talk about over the next couple days. lauren: president trump is still considered a threat by democrats to win re-election because of the strong economy and his recent strayed deal with
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mexico and canada, maybe china too. during the impeachment proceedings, the president raised a whopping $5 million on the exact day of the house impeachment vote. his campaign launching the democrats for truffle p trump cn hopes of getting democrats upset about the impeachment hearing to his side. republicans pulled in $26.6 million in november, a record haul for the party. deirdre: usmca passed in the house. president trump and house speaker nancy pelosi both taking credit for the trade deal. pelosi saying the revisions made by the democratic house made the bill passable. the white house for its part saying that the president he deserves cred you i it credit fe agreement. lauren: u.s. attorney john durham's report into the russia inquiry is looking into the former head of the ci a a. the new york times reporting that durham has asked for john brennan's e-mails, call logs and other documents from his time at
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the agency. he wants to find what brennan may have told officials about the steele dossier including former fbi director, jim comey, inspector general michael horowitz's report found the fbi was justified into opening the investigation into president trump's call pain. deirdre: here's r other heads lines keeping news this morning. the u.s. keeping a watchful eye on north korea this holiday season after they promised a christmas surprise earlier this month. they conducted what officials are calling an engine test that experts believe may be part of a space launched vehicle or long range missile and could be a prelude to a possible launch of anism cbm. negotiations between the u.s. and north korea stalled after north korea called for broad sanctions relief. apple wading deep rer into the streaming tv service. they are exploring the
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possibility of a deal with mgm and pac12 come le12collegiate c. it would be the first foray into live sports. nike surprised analysts with quarterly earnings and sales on thursday, it earned 76t earned r share. the company says its jordan brand had its first ever billion dollar quarter thanks to a spike in interest in the product and innovation. today, the u.s. may be closer to sending astronauts into space without having to rely on russia. the capsule is scheduled for the first unmanned launch in just over an hour. if the mission is successful, boeing will start preparing for
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a crewed flight test to the international space station. it is one of two commercial programs with a deal from nasa, the other is the spacex crew dragon capsule. that's what's happening now. lauren: so unbelievable looking at those pictures. record highs for all three major averages yesterday. this morning, a small setback. we get the latest numbers on consumer spending and how fast the economy grew in the third quarter, dow futures down 2 points this morning. coming up, the last debate of the year proving fiery. >> billionaires and wine caves should not pick the next president of the united states. >> senator, your net worth is 100 times mine. lauren: that exchange getting a lot of pick-up this morning. how one democratic candidate is using that exchange over a wine cave to his advantage. your cell phones and apple watches could be playing mind tricks on you. we'll explain when "fbn: a.m." returns. ♪ but i'm a high roller with a
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friday paycheck. ♪ everybody he knows knows i le a good time. ♪ i've just got a figure on the poverty line as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ thlook at all this ink no more bit comes
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big ink tanks. lots of ink. no more cartridges. incredible amount of ink. the epson ecotank. just fill and chill. (brakes screeching) okay. so, today you're going to leave your phone with a guy named flip. (ding) but it's more than your phone, it's your business, your customer data, your sales figures. and who can forget, those happy hour selfies? not flip. (honking, gasping) this isn't working. introducing samsung business security solutions, with knox software. with the galaxy note10, you can remotely wipe data or lock phones, so your business is secure even when your phone isn't. samsung business solutions. you are my diamond. for the diamond in your life, get up to 40% off storewide or get these one of a kind deals at the "you are my diamond" event. exclusively at zales, the diamond store.
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lauren: the gloves came off last night at the democratic debate. mayor pete buttigieg was under attack. >> billionaires in wine caves should not pick the next president. >> i am literally the only
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person on this stage who is not a millionaire or a billionaire. we need the support from everybody who is committed to helping us to beat donald trump. [ cheering and applause ] >> we need to get money out of politics. we should run our campaigns on that basis. lauren: so who came out on top and did anyone really stand out from the rest of the pack? we bring in former congressman jack kingston and democratic stademocratstrategist kevin cha. i guess being rich is really bad for the democratic nomination and you don't want to be associated with people that have money. >> i guess so, an attack that was lobbied mainly to pete buttigieg. also person hey got in a one-liner where he brought joe biden into that. i think it was a rough night for pete buttigieg who is being attacked on all sides. he seemed to lose some of the
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calm sort of level-headed demeanor he's had in other debates. i think it got under his skin. he did make a good point about senator warren, the fact that she is a millionaire. so when she uses this rhetoric that tends to attack people with money, she conveniently leaves herself out. i always wondered why she starts her wealth tax at 50 million of net worth when she's t worth a little over 10, why not start at 10 million, include herself in that wealth tax. but i think overall, it was a good night for joe bidens because he avoided being attacked. he seemed sharper than he had in other debates and i think for someone in his position, he's comfortable with other candidates taking shots at each other and being able to stay above the fray. lauren: was this biden's best night? >> i think it was, to the degree he didn't make any mistakes. when he said people don't like this economy, he needs to go to a walmart and see all the christmas shoppers who are enjoying having extra jingle in
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their pocket this time of year. so i think the whole thing, though, was an excruciating snooze fest, three hours. i don't know who watched that voluntarily. there were a lot of those of us in maybe the media or the political world who felt like we needed to watch it to find out one moment. but when they talked about no diversity, they're right. there wasn't a happy person on the stage. there wasn't a person who was -- who had a vision, there wasn't a person who had anything to say besides the usual left wing rhetoric. lauren: they're all trying to pass the progressive pureist test. i'm smiling, jack, as you're speaking because amy klobuchar was talking to peter doocy after the debate, who said i bring snacks and several shoes. i can't wear high heels because the debate is too long. >> i hope caffeine was on the checklist too. surely some of them wanted to fall asleep. lauren: jack was talking about the economy, that joe biden should not have been saying hey, it's not doing well.
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let's look at this poll, kevin, from fox news. it shows that 34% of those asked say they are in a better position now, they're better off now than they were four years ago. is that all democrats have to run on right now? medicare for all and how to pay for it, that proved to be challenging. what can they run on now? is the economy all they've got? >> well, the economy has been strong in terms of jobs being added to the market and people being employed. but i think what democrats need to point to is, hey, what types of jobs are being added. a lot of cases, these jobs may be lower wage or low hours and they're not jobs that are lifting people out of poverty. although the poverty rate continues to fall, it's been falling pretty consistently over the last eight, nine years. a lot of that started under president obama. i think joe biden because of his link to president obama, who started our record-breaking run of expansion, he needs to harp on that, the fact that it's not like the economy was bad under
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president obama. yes, in some ways under president trump it's been better, but he can be trusted with the economy too. and i think that link to obama needs to be highlighted. lauren: kevin, jack, thank you so much for your time. have a beautiful weekend and if we don't see you, merry christmas. >> thank you. >> merry christmas. dagenchris.deirdre: christmas.dd ring camera may be putting you at risk. more details, coming up. also, beware of a streaming scam. >> it's a trap! deirdre: why china saved money on a movie -- why trying to save money on a movie ticket may cost you a whole lot more in the end. you're watching "fbn: a.m." ♪ private eyes, they're watching you. ♪ they see your every move. ♪ private eyes, they're watching you. ♪ private eyes. ♪
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lauren: so private information of more than 200 million american facebook users was exposed in the dark web and they're not the only company to have a major data breach. deirdre: joining us now from fox news headlines 24/7 brett larson. brett, first of all, how are hackers getting access again to this data. >> it's not facebook, it's face palm. come on. they are in some instances just scraping through the site and taking publicly available data that's on your facebook page. if your facebook page is visible to people outside of your sphere -- deirdre: what is wrong with facebook? it's a huge company, more than 2 billion use earns. users -- users. why don't they have better gates set up. >> that's a great question
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facebook woulshould be forced t. 267 million user names were found on this site. it's ids, phone numbers and full names. that is information that's publicly available. what you can do with that information is you can potentially get into someones' facebook account and then you're into that spoofing zone where you can send friends messages and say hey, i'm stuck in paris and i need $100 and all this stuff. it's really awful. it was found in an unsecured dark web database. in that instance, you're not going to know it's there until the problem happens. unfortunately, the database was taken down but they don't know if it was copied before it was taken down. so though it doesn't exist any longer -- deirdre: that's why i don't have the same password everywhere, so if people get the basics they can't use it somewhere else. >> ring has the same problem. they just admitted that over 15
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-- excuse me, 1300 e-mail address and password combinations have been found. ring is telling folks to change your password and enable two factor authentication. we mention this a lot, two factor authentication sends you a text message to your phone to ensure it's you. deirdre: and you put the code in from the text. lauren: scammers are even affecting star wars. scammers are out. >> remember when you could go to times square and buy the dvd of the movies. you just gave the guy 10 bucks. in this instance, it's a similar theory. if you google this, you'll find sites, watch it now. it's not really going to be there. you'll put in your credit card information. they're going to steal your credit card. lauren: i love the banner, don't fall for it. >> don't fall for it. jaba -- i don't watch the star
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wars movies. there's a bunch of phony streaming sites that claim to have the black market issue of the movie. just go to the movie theater. deirdre: if you ever feel your phone buzz, samesies, there's like a new buzzing disorder. >> it's called phantom phone syndrome. this has been around for more than a decade a we've been hearing about this. you have your phone in your pocket and you think oh, i think my phone just vibrated and you pull it out and nothing happened. now it's happening to people who wear smart devices, like the apple watch and fit bit, they think the device is vibrating but it's not. lauren: you can catch brett on fox news headlines 24/7 on sirius xm channel 115. deirdre: if you're heading to the weekend week -- heading to e movies or your holiday destination, the weather won't be too cooperative. lauren: janice dean is here
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with the weekend forecast, the early christmas forecast. happy friday. good morning. janice: we have a couple spots that will be difficult to get around but overall the pattern is fairly quiet. it is cold. this is the last day of the really cold air and then things will start to moderate as we get into the weekend. wind chills, single digits, teens but things will improve as we get into saturday. not much happening across the northeast and mid atlantic. the west coast we have active weather with heavy rain moving in and the mountain snow. that's going to be ongoing today through saturday and sunday, unfortunately, all the way down towards the middle portion of california, up towards the northwest where they could get heavy snow and a lot of very heavy rain, so flash flooding is going to be a concern. here's your travel delays or the anticipated travel delays for saturday. definitely the northwest, maybe parts of california along the gulf coast and florida as well. looking good across the
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northeast. ladies, back to you. deirdre: we'll take it. thank you, janice. lauren: bye. have a good weekend. let's take a look at your money. moments ago the dow turned positive, right now, fracaly negative, -- fractionally negative, down 1 point. the democratic candidates trying a bold strategy to unseat president trump. >> i don't think they really do like the economy. >> this economy is not working for most of us. >> actually go after this corrupt president and beat him on the economy where he thinkses he's king. lauren: is attacking the trump economy the best path forward? hitting the road is still bringing in the cash, the top musicians of the decade and the massive amounts of moula they made coming up on "fbn: a.m." as we count down to 2020. new decade. ♪ take my hands and you'll understand. ♪ can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now, can't hurt you now.
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lauren: here is your morning cheat sheet, the top headlines to get you through the day. the usmca passed in the house, noexpected to create 588,000 jos in the next five years. the senate will vote on it next year, most likely after the impeachment trial if nancy pelosi sends the articles of impeachment to the senate. 267 million mostly american facebook users' ids, names and numbers exposed online and shared on the dark web. the database has been shut down but it was live for two weeks. star wars hit theaters last night. the first show this friday morning is 6:30 a.m. most tickets are already sold out. we'll have a firsthand review coming up. deirdre: what is your argumen argument - what is your argument to the voter watching the debate tonight. you may not like everything president trump does, but they really like this economy and they don't know why they should
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make a change. >> i don't think they really do like the economy. talk to the old neighbors in the middle class neighborhoods. the middle class is getting crushed and the working class has no way up as a consequence of that. >> where i live, folks aren't measuring the economy by how the dow jones is looking. measuring the economy by how they're doing. when you're doing the bills at the end of the month at your kitchen table and you find that even if your wages have gone up, it's not nearly going as fast as the cost of health and housing. this economy is not working for most of us. >> we've got a government that works great for those with money and doesn't work for much of anyone else. >> trump goes around saying the economy is doing great. you know what? real inflation accounted for wages went up last year, 1.1%. that ain't great. deirdre: 2020 democrats taking on the trump economy in last night's debate, hours after all three major indices hit new records.
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the dow the 10000's point sis president trump's election. david nelson joins us now. what do you think about that? the candidates had fiery exchanges with each other. had they want to be the nominee. they're also, whoever it is, is going to have to go against this economy. >> well, for maybe mayor pete, maybe 10,000 points in the dow doesn't mean anything but millions of americans who have money in a 401-k or retirement plan, it obviously means something. i found it intellectually dishonest to paint this as an economy only for billionaires. we have record unemployment for black americans, other people of color. to paint it in that light, your only message is the guy down the street has more money than you, not enough. deirdre: even blue collar workers who have pensions are benefiting even if they don't talk about it ever day. a lot of their retirement and pension money is in the stock market.
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>> tom steyer said if we don't come up with an economic message, we'll look this thing to donald trump. i think that's what mike bloomberg understands and that's why he's coming in the race. deirdre: a lot of independents don't want to necessarily see wealth attacked. >> attacking wealth and attacking the job ge creators -- wealth is portable. as wealth moves out of states, it goes to places like florida, do we want to go back to a system where companies starting to hoard cash overseas. where the cash goes, that's where the jobs go. deirdre: i want to bring you a clip from an interview with the legendary peter lynch. here it is. >> he said more moneys has been lost anticipating a downturn than actually in the downturn. can you explain? >> well, obviously the market's
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gone up ten-fold, so you make more money in the upside. the market's going to be a lot higher 10, 2 20, 30 years from now. trying to predict the get is a waste. so i need the money in the next month. do i need the money in the next year? do i have kids going to college? do i have a wedding coming up? then you're a bad investor. if you keep putting money in, five, 10, 15, 25 years, you should do well. deirdre: one of the biggest names in investing, the man himself. but 2020, what do you expect? we keep talking about these records, the nasdaq hitting its sixth consecutive one yesterday, we're at all-time highs. >> peter makes a great point. it's around this time of year we're asked to make projections going into the next year. let's say you try to time the market and you get out and let's say that you manage to anticipate a big decline. what's going to get you back in? what's going to be the trigger to get you back in, down 10,
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down 20%, i doubt it. my guess is you'll probably get back in at another all-time high and hurt yourself. deirdre: so hold? >> hold steady. deirdre: thank you. so good to see you. lauren: let's get to other headlines making news this morning. footage of convicted sex offender jeffrey p epstein's first suicide attempt has been found. it was originally believed it didn't exist. prosecutors confirmed that video taken outside of his jail cell was preserved. the revelation came during court filings involving epstein's former cell mate who is awaiting trial for quarte quadruple homi. back in i'l august, epstein was found dead in his cell. officials say footage from that doesn't exist. the financial regulatory authority has fined robin hood one and a quarter million dollars for sending trading data to four big wall street firms without making sure customers were getting the best prices for
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their trades. the violations took place in 2016 and 2017 but didn't detail how much harm customers may have suffered. ms. america was a scientist. she did a chemistry demonstration, lab coat and a all. she said she hopes to break steyestereotypes about what it s to be miss america. it comes with a $50,000 scholarship. it was a beautiful decade for u2 which rocked its way to over $1 billion. the rock and a roll hall of famers had five tours between 2009 and 2019 p. 2019. in 2011, the tour took in over $750 million, making it the highest grossing tour ever. the rolling stones came in second with $929,000, followed by ed sheerin and taylor swift.
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deirdre: coming up, john brennan and james comey could find themselves in hot water. a brand-new report into the russia inquiry may spell trouble for them. and tension rising in dc as house speaker nancy pelosi holds onthe articles of impeachment against president trump. what it means for the senate trial. you're watching "fbn: a.m." ♪ ready for the showdown. ♪ get ready for the showdown. ♪ it's about to go down. ♪ it's about to -- may your holidays glow bright and all your dreams take flight. lease the c 300 sedan for just $399 a month at the mercedes-benz winter event.
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lauren: with lawmakers returning home for the holidays, the house has no plans to send the articles of impeachment to the senate anytime soon. how long do democrats think they can drag this out. we bring in constitutional lawyer, jenna ellis. how long they can drag this out legally? >> all of this is really unprecedented, lauren, because we're seeing that there's so many unsettled constitutional questions. what's interesting politically is that nancy pelosi of course and the democrats were saying that president trump is an existential threat to our democracy, we have to hurry and rush the impeachment vote. now that she's not getting her way in the senate process, which she has no con constitutional pr to govern, she is withholding delivering the articles until she gets what she thinks is a fair trial.
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constitutionally speaking the senate has sole power to try any impeachment. the question is at what point does jurisdiction transfer to the senate. the vote has occurred. if there's an impeachment absent a delivery, can mcconnell just set a speedy trial deadline and if the house doesn't send managers, just dismiss for failure to pros cute, that's one theory and that's probably constitutionally acceptable. lauren: does president trump want a speeding trial? >> i think he's open to all options. there's no question that given the lack of evidence in this case, the completely sham impeachment, regardless of whether the process is short or long, he will be fully exonerated. the question is how should the t senate manage it best. if there is a summary judgment here and it's dismissed quickly, that would be constitutionally proper. lauren: what do you think pelosi's real strategy is here. is she trying to help those senators who are running for
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president in 2020 and if you look at when we think the senate trial would take place, january, february, yeah, that's when the early voting happens. they would have to be present for the trial and not out campaigning. >> exactly. i don't know if nancy pelosi has a strategy. seems like she's making it up as she goes and this does present a real problem for the senators like warren and sanders and a others who would have to sit for this trial during the iowa caucus and other things really important going into 2020. so we'll see. but i think that it's more just the leverage of the democratic party and they're trying in the house to be the complete tyrants over the entire federal branches and these really constitutionally inappropriate. lauren: our question of the day we asked viewers, are democrats trivializing impeachment and 93% said yes. grant m says pressure is building on politician toss be more representative of their district than following party leaders. and arturo said this. it's a gang mentality in
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washington. the president stepped out of his lane and the gang did a drive-by. so that's a look at how voters, potential votpotential voters ft this. dojohn durham is scrutinizing jn brennan for his role. here's attorney general bill barr. >> i think that one of the problems with what happened was precisely they they pulled the investigation up to the executive floors and it was run and bird-dogged by a very small group of very high level officials and the idea that this was seven layers below him is simply not true. lauren: your response? >> yeah, so bill barr came out very strongly saying that the durham report is going to be more extensive, it's going to go beyond the scope of the fbi and look into private actors and what happened even before and
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after the 2016 election. i think for those of us who saw the ig report as very serious, very critically damaging to just our legitimacy in the fbi, i think we're going to see even more come out with the durham report and it's going to probably spell a little bit of a disaster for the deep states and the implications for brennan and comey here, probably won't be very good. lauren: jenna ellis, thanks for the time. >> thank you. lauren: over to you. deirdre: here's a look at your money right now. take a look at futures, this is after yesterday's all-time highs. so indicating an ever so slightly lower -- we'll call that unchanged, honestly. it's the most wonderful time of the year and the busiest for retail. last minute shoppers may want to get to stores, though, sooner rather than later. we'll tell you why. you might shop or you might go to the movies. if you can't decide whether to watch star wars in chronological order or release order, the big question of the day, we'll tell you about the new way to watch
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the entire saga. lauren: confession, i haven't t seen a single one. deirdre: we need to hear more about that in a minute. we'll be back. ♪ ♪ do you recall, not long ago ♪ we would walk on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows ♪ we would only hold on to let go ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we need someone to lean on ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ we needed somebody to lean on ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ all we need is someone to lean on ♪
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deirdre: it's the last weekend before christmas but don't panic. analysts say this year's super saturday will be a big one. consumers may spend north of $30 billion. with us now, burt flicki flicki. great to see you. this saturday, you say this is the busiest shopping day of the year. >> it could be 35 to 37 billion, because retailers
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are doing desperation discounting because muted black friday, so the shoppers are smothering the stores. deirdre: i thought it was a pretty big take this year. >> it was. but it tilted as you reported earlier with lauren in november, it tilted more online for this black friday. so the stores really have a lot of merchandise to sell. deirdre: okay. so you said it could be $35 billion tomorrow only, how does this compare to last year? are we spending more? >> we could spend 5 to 10% more, especially with fewer shopping days between hanukkah and christmas. so everybody's saving. and as lauren told us before the break, the malls are stacking coupons with the store coupons and other online coupons, so the bargains are unbelievable. people are getting products for next to nothing. deirdre: that's good for everybody to hear. so what about mall traffic? we were talking about with you and myself and lauren, talking about how star wars actually may
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help mall foot traffic. >> star wars will definitely help record-breaking opening on star warps. star wars. with so many movie theaters co-located with the stores in shopping malls and shopping centers, that will help. frozen 2 breaking a billion will also help. the u.s., mexico, canada trade agreement with both of us having midwestern roots, farmers getting a break, whether it's the future farmers of america, young men and women there, farmers will spend more in the agricultural regions, that will help too. deirdre: if there's one brand you say this is going to be a winner this holiday season, which is it? i think it's goin-- >> i think it's going to be lowes and off-price burlington. deirdre: thank you. great to see you. happy holidays. lauren: maybe go to the movies. the end of the saga has arrived.
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and mike gunzelman was there at a midnight to see it. he pulled an all a-nighter. he joins us next to let us know if the rise of skywalker rose above the critics. the reviews have not been good. keep it here on "fbn: a.m." ♪
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lauren: it is here, the ninth and final fill -- film of the saga. >> he joins us fresh. [laughter] >> bottom line the movie is awesome. the theaters were absolutely packed. no hits per the opening, the crowd cheered, laughing, responding through movie throughout it. it's been around 42 years now, this this is the ninth movie of the skywalker saga, you have to go into it with open line realizing
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you will not be 100% in love with everything. >> they had to weave in all cast characters, past voices, right, you're saying they nailed it. >> they definitely nailed it for sure. last 3, this is the best 3 in the last 3. lauren: i have not heard that. but i do know that when you love star wars, you're avid fan and you go more than time to the movie theater to this this film, so if you're wrong and the other critics are right, do you think people will say, wasn't so good, i'm not going to go again and that hurts disney in the end. >> will disney break the billion dollar mark, yes, frozen 2, all that. >> record amount of time because they only have 10 days. >> they only have a couple of days, with star wars they sold the all-time record with presale
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tickets, they have that. will i see it again, yes, i will see it again. as far as critics go, 58% on rotten tomatoes approval. 86% of the fans, who cares about the critics, it's the fans that matter, go in, check -- >> what's the number one reason why you liked it so much? >> it completes the story that we have been waiting on for so long. >> ties up a 42-year saga. >> does the best job that they possibly could have done. i like it, go see it. it's for late night. [laughter] >> how many people were dressed up? >> a good amount for sure, it was freezing new york city but people dressed up, a couple of storm trooper helmets.
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lauren: i think your answer is really did, no, because you enjoyed the movie, disney is saying we are saturating the market with others and they are headaching a -- taking a hiatus. >> this is the end of the luke and sky-walker story, this is this end of this era. i loved it, check it out. don't listen to the critics. lauren: you're good luck, you see what markets did as mike gunzelman is talking? it's going to be a good friday. >> whoa! we made it. lauren: mornings with maria start now. maria: good morning to you, happy friday for me as well, everybody, thanks for joining us, i'm maria bartiromo, it is friday december 20th, your top stories right now just before 6:00 a.m. on the east coast. candidates clashing in los
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angeles, democrats battling it out over trade, taxes, the environment and impeachment, we are going to take you there for the highlights, plus a look at who is coming out on top, the impeachment impasse, house speaker nancy pelosi is delaying trial in the senate and sparks pack lash despite the divide usmca passing with broad bipartisan support, market this is morning in record territory once again, investors shrugging off impeachment, nasdaq futures higher by about a point. boeing looks to make history with launch of new passenger spacecraft, the starliner to take off later this hour and we will take you there live, mornings with maria begins right now.


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