tv Trish Regan Primetime FOX Business December 20, 2019 8:00pm-9:00pm EST
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the peach buddha judge rebuttal, i can assure you it was elegant and persuasive and that's it for us tonight. we thank you for joining us. have a great weekend and good night from new york. ♪ trish: tonight senior policy advisor is vilified by the left as the white supremacist speaks out for the very first time, exclusively to me on allegations of white nationalism that leveled him not just bite the democrats but by a former breitbart editor accusing him of radicalizing her with what she calls his right-wing white nationalist ideology. good evening, i'm trish regan. moments before i sat down with mr. miller today in a very wide-ranging interview we talked about a lot of different things, 25 jewish democrats issued a call for president trump to fire wister miller because they say he's a white supremacist who does not belong in the white house. tonight here his exclusive
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reaction. stephen, i appreciate you being here and i have a lot to talk to you about a lot of policy issues i want to get to but i will start with the elephant in the room because the hits keep coming in the left is doubling down on this and they say you are a white nationalist. are you? >> not only am i not anything of the sort but i find the accusation to be profoundly offensive and completely outrageous and it's an attempt on the part of the democratic party to attack and demonize a jewish staffer. make no mistake, there is a deep vein of anti-semitism that is running through today's democratic party. that is why you see the attacks that have been coming from representative omar who has a very sustained and sordid history of anti-semitism and i find it to be one of the most significant problems facing the democratic party today is its
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tolerance for and embrace of anti-semitism, whether in the form of the bds movement, whether in the form of the attacks against the state of israel, whether it's in the form of the left wing anti-semitism on our college campuses - today's democratic party has made friends with anti-semitism. the matter what they try to do they can't cover up that fact and until they stand up to the bds movement and until they stand up to the vicious assault against jewish students on college campuses and the continued attempt to delegitimize israel there will be no war that can say that will change the fact the democratic party of today has become a party that is open to anti-semitism. trish: if you thank you had the same policies but catholic or protestant they would give you a pass? >> i think the fact that they continue to accuse a jew of being a white nationalist is inherently anti-semitic because if you understand anything at
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all you realize that families like mine have been persecuted by individuals holding a white nationalist and a white supremacist ideology but my family for generations going back to eastern europe has been the victims of this ideology. to say to a jewish person that you hold the very ideology that is persecuted your own family is so profoundly inappropriate but more fundamentally -. trish: hurtful, too. there's probably nothing worse you can say about someone and it's the kind of thing where if you're trying to defend yourself against that it almost makes it worse because then the accusations keep flying. i want to point that you said it's anti-semitic and you got 25 jewish house democrats just came out right now and this just a breaking, they write and i quote, your documented support for white nationalist and anti- immigrant is wholly unacceptable and disqualified for a government employee.
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they want you gone, they want the president to fire you. they are pointing to e-mails that you exchanged with the former breitbart editor as proof. what is your response to that? >> couple things. number one, he won't see any my e-mails quoted in that letter because there's nothing wrong in my e-mails or anything i've said unless being proud to be american and send out for american citizens is a crime to which today's democratic party it is a crime. being pro- american to today's democratic party is a thought crime. i will be clear. why do they want to send a letter from jewish members of congress after the sustained assault leveled against me by anti-semitic members like congresswoman omar? because they are trying to cover-up the fact that there is as i said earlier, this vein of anti-semitism that pulses through the democratic party but no amount of distraction, on their part, can cover up what the democratic party is today, a
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party that is comfortable, for example, breaking bread with louis farrakhan. this is the democratic party of the year 2019 and nothing they can do can distract from that. the broader issue, the way that americans are targeted by the left for personal destruction simply for believing that we should have a secure border, for believing that we should have an enforced immigration laws, the way they attack honest, decent patriotic americans should offend every single citizen of this country. it is the new mccarthyism, maryland, untethered from reality and filled with venom and hatred. it all comes down to the fact that they are trying to take down a duly elected president of the united states. this has zero to do with stephen miller read it has anything to do with the fact they're trying to take down a president who is a champion for america and
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american first. trish: are you a scapegoat? by the way, i'll let you answer that first but i want to get back to what they used to say way back when great are you there scapegoat? are they saying you got to get rid of stephen miller because - they got you as the devil incarnate. really. >> i will not take moral lectures from a party that endorses the slaughter of innocent americans in stationary cities. i will not take moral lectures from a party that had zero empathy for the thousands of americans killed by drugs, killed by criminals who have no right to be in our country because they opposed immigration and border control. where is their compassion? where is their empathy? where is their heart and soul for innocent americans killed every single day because of their policies? they have no business lecturing anybody, least of all our president, who is standing strong for the american people like no one has in our
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lifetimes. the truth is they are after this president because he is the man standing between them and the american people. they are determined to target. he is the shield protecting everyday americans, including millions of americans of faith, the democratic party is determined to bulldoze because they want to create their pro- abortion, secular, irreligious, open borders nation of socialism and communism. that is what this is about. it is nothing to do with me. trish: there was a time when they did believe in borders. we played some sound from - you have to go back to the '90s but dianne feinstein one side we will not be the welfare state for mexico, in other words, there was a time - not that long ago when they believed it put americans at an economic disadvantage to be bringing someone in that may cannot support themselves and yet, stephen, this is what we are hearing from democrats today.
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i want to go to some sound from none other than bernie sanders prayed would you insist on a path to citizenship for all 12 million? >> day one we introduce bipartisan legislation which will, in fact, be comprehensive which will result in a path toward citizenship for all of the 11 million who are undocumented. that is what the people of our country want. trish: is there a way to do that? to have a path to citizenship for 11 million people already here illegally in this country? >> i have to honestly - i have to smile at listening to bernie sanders and his complete transformation. bernie sanders - he was always left wing, always a socialist but also used to be a pro- american socialist but he used to be a pro border socialist and he used to be a individual that attacked open borders as an attack on the working poor and
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as an attack on the working class. throughout his career up until he ran for president in 2016 -. trish: and that's because of cheap labor. >> bernie sanders used to take the view that open borders and uncontrolled migration was away to pad profits for corporate america, which it is, while competing wages and crucially a social services for low income americans, depleting healthcare for low income americans, burdening the schools and hospitals for those who need the services the he was more in sync with you. >> bernie sanders used to say a lot of the same things about a migration that many conservatives do today but bernie sanders in today's democratic party realized he had to do a complete transformation. immigration plan on bernie sanders website today is a total and complete nullification and dissolution of national boundaries and national borders but what does that mean? means the decimation of middle income and low income people. it means the destruction of jobs and wages for those who have the
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least. it means the evaporation of many critical public services rate bernie sanders has completely surrendered his populist mantle, as has the whole democratic party. he watched the debate last night and they talked about immigration at length. do you know what they never mentioned once in a debate? american workers. american workers. the idea that immigration policy should serve the needs of american workers first and american taxpayers first, never even came up because today's democratic party has become a party of globalism. they no longer believe in taking care of our own people first. trish: but they need to get elected if so how is that a strategy that ultimately works because if you are saying we will just keep bringing people here and yeah, maybe they take jobs and maybe they're not paying taxes but we are being inclusive and we are so altruistic and good in bringing everyone here and taking care of them - where does that get them, right? those people, at least as it
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stands now if they are here illegally, stephen, can't vote. i don't understand. is it let's feel better about ourselves that we bring the whole world to your? >> a lot of good questions they are. i'm the last point on voting we should keep in mind that they utterly oppose voter id. they utterly oppose it - even in the states where they say we drive you to a place and create you an id and verify it and go out of her way to make sure you have an id they oppose any form of voter id which means in many states all you have to do to vote is show a [inaudible] and last time i checked most landlords aren't checking your citizenship or you show an electricity bill. last time i checked most electricity comedies are checking yours citizenship either bid in america today and this is what shock to many people were voting on the honor system. just say you're a sudden, great. trish: if you're concerned about election security as a democrat and conservatives are, as well, we should all be concerned about
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election security don't they go hand-in-hand? >> if you learn about foreign interference in election you want to do a little checking to see if only americans are actually voting in our elections. i know it's a crazy idea but the democratic party also of course because of their ideology is willing to sacrifice electoral wins for the punishing americans but i do think they will have an electoral light out as a result of these policies but you talk about inclusivity. let's be clear. donald trump is the president of inclusivity. he's the president on making sure every american of every background can succeed, whether you talking terminal justice reform or the legislation that he passed to give it record funding to a starkly backed colleges and universities or record low unemployment for african-americans, hispanic americans, asian americans, whether the u.s. and ca trade deal which won the support of labor unions - by the way, labor unions also historically used to support strong immigration and border control. all of the things the president is doing is lifting up those who
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have the least and making sure we have a society that is for everyone and he's growing the republic and party. trish: that's a big threat historically. their base has been heavily african-american and you look at polls now and a research said that this president is doing well with a lot of african-american voters, better than 30%. to some people, certainly meant bombers of the media, they might feel counterintuitive but does it come back to basic that people want to believe in their future and economic future and be safe along the way? >> we will do very, very well, as we are, with african-american voters and we will do well with every single category of voter across this country. trish: even though the trying to make you into the white supremacist and thus donald trump into a white supremacist as well. >> the democratic party today traffics lies, hatred and yes, racism. a lot of the projection is involved in the attacks they make.
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they divide people by race. they divide people by color. they try to separate and they try to pull people away from one another and tear at the seams that hold us together. donald trump runs on a one nation conservatism. the idea we are all one country with a shared destiny and a shared future. donald trump is the antiracist president and everyone who works underneath him are absolutely committed to the philosophy of everyone is equal in the eyes of god. frankly, it is hard to understand how the democratic party can attack this president when their party is the one that has neglected and betrayed and hurt and hammered, for example, our inter- cities for decades, for decades and they frankly care more today about helping illegal aliens and foreign citizens than their own constituents, including those who have been left behind. trish: he's just getting
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started. next, stephen miller not holding back one bit against the democratic party, even calling many of the senators who are out to get him quote, lunatics. much more with mr. miller right after this. >> let's be clear, we have seen this week the democratic party in washington take our constitution, set it ablaze, and use it as a kindling to build a bonfire. ♪ (vo) the moth without hope, struggles in the spider's web.
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trish: we are back with my exclusive interview of white house senior policy advisor stephen miller. this is his first interview since allegations of him radicalizing a breitbart editor of a series of e-mails surfaced in the left is calling for president donald trump to fire him. here now, stephen miller himself. they do not like what you're saying and kamala harris is now out writing a letter by signed by 26 fellow senators which he writes, what is driving mr. miller is not national security, as it pertains to the border et cetera, it is white supremacy. have you talked about this with the president now we talked about these hits coming at you? >> the president is too busy running the country to waste his time with the drivel coming from the same lunatics who have been launching a three year campaign of lies, hoaxes and scams against the president.
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let's be clear, we have seen this week the democratic party in washington take our constitution, set it ablaze and use it as kindling to burn up on fire. that is the democratic party of today. democratic party of today endorses the fbi and fbi leadership spying on political campaigns like we are in some sort of banana republic and conducting espionage and surveillance against individuals of that campaign and fabricating and concealing evidence, hiding exculpatory information to a fisa court all to interfere in our elections. democratic party is okay with hillary clinton and the dnc purchasing from a foreign spy disinformation to throw our country into turmoil and that is the democratic party of today. trish: will that come out? we now know john durham is looking into seeking the good
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indication records for john brennan who was director of the cia during that time and i suspect there will be interesting things within that john brennan, don't forget, has effectively at this president of treason. >> yeah, number one. as i said about projection earlier, a lot of the criticisms and attacks the democrats are launching, i can only imagine it stems from their deep-seated guilt about how they betrayed this country for so many years. with respect to the durham investigation we will see where it leads but god willing there will be justice and there will be accountability and this will never happen again to another president. it is scary, though, and frightening, the democrat party that once claimed or pretended or imagined that they cared about civil liberties is now on board with the complete destruction of civil liberties in america and if you look at the so-called impeachment trial
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or so-called impeachment crusade in the house of representatives this demonstrates the fact of the democrats today believe the due process is an obstruction to be removed in their pursuit of political power and make no mistake, they are coming ultimately for all of their political opponents. they believe in the future, as all socialist and communist due, there aren't civil liberties because - it's an obstacle to ultimately imposing their one-size-fits-all vision of government rule on country. trish: you are describing a banana republic. >> that's what they want. trish: to the president take this to a full-blown trial? should be air all the dirty laundry and get everything out, front and center, so there's a disinfectant on all of this because i have a feeling some of this will come out? we will see what happens and in the senate. nancy pelosi is currently engaged in more disreputable industries will behavior and she has so little confidence in the sham process she ran and in an
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effort to try to frame an innocent person. trish: do you think she knows deep down what she did - don't forget she kept saying we need bipartisanship, we need bipartisanship and i will not go down this road and then she did not have it. trish: >> she knows exactly what she has done. as do all the pelosi democrats. there is no sincerity there. it's a pure play for political power but it will backfire horrendously on that because the president is going up in the polls every single day this travesty continues. the thing i want to leave your viewers with on the subject again and it can't be repeated enough is that why are they going after the president? they are going after the president for he is standing of the way of their ultimate vision for how they want to remake and transform this country and it's almost unrecognizable to us. their vision whether it is the
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indoctrination of our children in public schools, whether it is raising taxes to the point in which you can barely even make a living, whether it's complete socialization of our healthcare system, or whether it's riding god out of the public square completely and irrevocably from american life, the president is the one standing in the way, standing in the breach, not only the offending the american people but delivering it for them on a scale unseen in modern history. trish: stephen miller, taking all of my questions, everything one of them had on. you will want to hear his answer to this one. after this. you say you're not a white supremacist but what if something like that means when you say immigration can decimate america? pe♪ yeah, and he wanted someone to help out with chores. so, we got jean-pierre. but one thing we could both agree on was getting geico to help with renters insurance. ♪ yeah, geico did make it easy to switch and save.
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democrats would say you are fear mongering right now and say look, he keeps going to these issues of american future and how it will effectively be decimated and i think you'd told steve bana back in 2016 in a radio interview quote, immigration would basically decimate america. what you mean by that? i think sometimes things get lost in translation and i will give you that. the left likes to run with a headline like that because they can say stephen miller is trying to scare you into some kind of fear that life, as we know it, as white americans will not exist in the future and you say you're not a white supremacist so what something like that to mean when you say immigration could decimate america? >> first of all, the only fear mongering that is happening are from these lawmakers that are engaged in smears against good, upstanding people and most important, our president.
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that is the fear mongering. the fear mongering, for example, on the russian hoax for over three years now has done such damage to our democracy and there's no sense of shame, no sense of propriety, let alone an apology from the democrats and the media on the left that has been pushing this hoax for three straight years. again, escort my own case, i devoted my life to trying to bring people together as one american people and that is the cause that animates me and why i was a privilege and honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve this president as a candidate for the presidency and now as our president of the united states. the ideology of white supremacy is hateful and odious to every thing i believe in. those who would falsely label people with that ideology are doing a favor to white supremacists because they are hiding the real sin and hiding
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the real wrongdoers to tarnish and target innocent people and it is hateful, it is disgusting, it is repugnant and revolting and it is yet, one more reason why democrats should not be allowed within 1,000 miles of any actual power because you have seen what they do with even a little taste of power but you saw what they did to brett kavanaugh releasing subjected him to and his family to and what they've done to this president and what they've done to the people in his life. democrats believe anything is justified if it can get them even a little bit of political power. trish: you did not radicalize this editor at breitbart that saying you did? [laughter] trish: she is telling cnn i was radicalize by stephen miller. >> it is all complete and total madness and lunacy. it's a waste of my time. it's a waste of the country's time and a waste of everyone's time. again, it is nothing to do with
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me. it has nothing to do with me and the - the reality is if you want to talk about the substance of policy and immigration and the reality is my family as have so many came here as immigrants to our country. the american dream is made possible and made possible by a system and a body of laws. you heard democrats talking endlessly and, i'll be at falsely, and sink amount easily about the rule of law for weeks now. they don't believe in the rule of law one little bit. they believe the role of themselves. open borders and illegal immigration, the very system that makes the american dream possible which is a system of laws and a system whereby we are not ruled, as they say, by men but by law. illegal immigration and open borders undermines the whole system of laws that makes prosperity possible and makes
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american success possible and that makes our system of government possible. furthermore, who is hurt the most by uncontrolled migration? immigrants themselves. it depletes their wages, is proportionately and hurts them the most and hurts their schools the most. in president trump's vision for america where everybody succeeds and everyone thrives and that all people are equals it is unnecessary to have a responsible immigration policy that allows everyone to climb the ladder to the middle class, not the corporatist open borders immigration policy of the hard left. the hard left is determined to hold down migrants and prevent them from succeeding and i find that to be heinous. trish: is it hard for you sometimes when you get your third grade teacher out there saying horrible things and was rightly fired because of it - you got the left same what said about you and do you ever worry about your own legacy and
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congratulations, by the way, i know you just got engaged at some point you will have a family and do you ever say, you know, i do not quite bargain on this and do not like seeing this written about myself? >> i don't waste a lot of my time thinking about my legacy or thing about my role in life because i have one job right now which is that number one i am paid by the taxpayers to be a public servant and any time i spend thinking about or worrying about myself as a complete and total destruction. .2, if nothing else is recorded about me which is that the people who are close to me and who know me can say that i was a good person that is more sufficient for me and i have absolute and complete confidence that my own morals and values in my own ethics and thirdly, serving this president is all the legacy any person could ever need to because if this president after decades, frankly
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a bipartisan betrayal, whether it's on trade or foreign-policy or whether it be on our nation and our cities or whether it be on the issue of border control this president has reversed decades of washington corruption in washington sellouts and washington but trail delivered to the american people. that is all the legacy i would ever need for all of my life and many lifetimes to follow up for my children and grandchildren and their grandchildren. that is sufficient and frankly, it fills my heart with joy every single day. that is what i am for this christmas, susan. trish: merry christmas but happy hanukkah. happy holidays. the whole lot of it. thank you, stephen. trish: the legal media - they are claiming cadets are rapist. >> flashing will look like a white power symbol on white tv. >> it's often used offensively.
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>> widely known as the white power symbol. trish: these cadets weren't racist at all. this is a totally innocent game all along fruit coming up, a guest who says even if the media apologizes, these kids were already - [inaudible] why is she so dead set on undoing the american vote? my guest is not surprised by her move and calling her out. so am i. republican congressman ralph norman is next. ♪
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leave bleeding gums behind. parodontax. >> i believe the way you do it you have a trial and call witnesses but he will be exonerated not just acquitted but exonerated by the senate in front of the american people and the world and then in november he will be vindicated by the ballot fox. it will be the trial of the century and it will be all over and that's why think it so
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important not just for his legacy before his presidency and second turbid he's got to engage in this and take them off. >> we are on the front lines of history tomorrow but he wants a full transparent senate impeachment trial witnesses and all, the whole shebang but he says that is google for the president's legacy and for our country's future. republicans tonight are divided, they are not sure they want to take this chance. of course, it may not be their decision to make right because speaker nancy pelosi still won't tell us whether she will send the articles of impeachment to the senate. how insane is that? insane after all this effort and everything we've been through is a total affront to america raid pelosi is out here using all articles of impeachment to rid the country of our duly elected president canceling out 63 million votes in the process and that is something which should only be done, keep in
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mind, when truly utterly necessary. it should not be out there just trying to damage the president in order to manipulate public opinion. if she doesn't send this to the senate, wow. that tells you something. doesn't it? journey is or will begin succulent congressman it is good to have you here and i will say it again if she actually doesn't send these to the senate in a speedy time it tells us a lot, now doesn't it? >> it does, trish. while is something that all of us said when we heard her do this is all of us remember when she said this president was a threat to democracy this is all about the constitution and here she is rushing it right before christmas to impeach a president, something that has not only been three and 151 years and i don't know what
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leverage she thinks she had on the senate? if she would do this why did she has the senate and why ever publicans had the minority witness and why did she lead us to cross-examine we are allowed to by rules? she's lost it. trish: was it all a sham? it was all just designed to hurt the president and to be political ammunition going into 2020, don't forget congress meant, they are saying out there if he wins it's because foreigners interfered. >> it is but here's the analogy, trish. it's like jumping out of an airplane and she did not put a parachute on. there is no solid landing for the democrats on this bird if it goes through the senate and she finally sends the two articles over then he will call witnesses that she probably does not want to have them testify like hunter biden and like - like the whistleblower. she is in a hard place and trying to appease the socialist
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left. i don't think she knows what to do print she's like a deere in headlights, to be honest with you. trish: and quite literally, she is when she's looking into the camera and has those lights on her. a little overwhelmed in more ways than one. let me ask you. is it important that we get that transparency and isn't an important that we put it all out there because i agree with bannon on this. i'm worried americans will go to bed thinking maybe there was something there and history books will be written as such and we will never know the full extent of what happened and never know the real story, how we get to the truth, congressman if we don't have a legitimate process here. >> i thank you are right. it's the right thing to do. let's examine and let's have a fair trial in front of the senate and although the senate is supposed to take with the house came and there is no specifics and as has been said before that it's a vague - they don't have any thing to go on but i like to see adam schiff
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testify for it he is one fitted the 300 page report and let's let him back that up. let's let him see the whistleblower try to answer questions. let's see hunter biden tied to a client when he received $80,000 every 30 days. let's explain that. i think the america people can either tune and/or tune out but it's the right thing to do but i don't know what mitch mcconnell will do and i will tell you the nancy pelosi trying to use leverage to have her way, it does not sit well with him as it does not with lindsey graham and the other 99 senators. trish: it is all messed up. anyway, enjoy your holiday there in south carolina. merry christmas, congressman. >> merry christmas. trish: remember when media jumped all over this one? >> flashing will look like a white power civil on live tv. >> assign but it is often is used offensively. >> widely known as the white power symbol.
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trish: it turns out these cadets weren't racist, not at all. my next guest was at that army navy game and it never matters but former trump deputy national security adviser casey mcfarland is here and responding to the medias slandering of our future soldiers right after this. ♪ ♪music (children laugh and scream) (dog barking) ♪music it's the final days of the wish list sales event. hurry in to your lincoln dealer today to get this exceptional offer. doctor bob, what should i take for back pain? before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first.
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♪ trish: remember this? the army-navy football game, west point cadet goofing around the fourth there big spring event of the year. remember that, right? that is not how it went down if you listen to the mainstream media. >> students for most west point and the naval academy under scrutiny for flashing a look like a white power symbol on live tv. >> it looks like an upside down [inaudible] assign but it often is used offensively. >> yeah, by white supremacist groups to indicate white power. >> cadets at the game flashed this hand gesture which is widely known as the white power symbol. >> that hand gesture is not a joke. white supremacist latched onto it, not as a symbol of irony but as a symbol of their prevalence. >> whether they are playing this game they had to know it could be interpreted as the white power symbol.
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trish: the left-leaning press labeling these young men is white supremacist without one shred of context, nor evidence but unfortunately i would say for the media they've got egg on their face. they jumped the gun again for the u.s. service academy is clearing the cadets today saying they weren't racist at all but it was a harmless game known as the circle game where one person tries to make another person look at the hand gesture and if the second person looks that they lose and is played by all the kids these days and has nothing to do with white the promises them. joining me right now is former trump deputy national security adviser, kate mcfarlane. good to see you. you were at the game. >> yeah, we go to the army-navy game every year. my daughter was in the class of 2008, my father, late father-in-law was in the class of 38, my husband has gone to the army navy game for 50 or so years and that is meet with my daughter, lieutenant commander
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feel not mcfarland and the whole thing is just nuts. first of all, trish, it's an a-ok symbol. it's a game the college students plate with each other. and if anyone knows anyone about the military realizes it was the first part of american society to be integrated. twenty years before the civil rights legislation and anyone who knows or goes into the naval academy or to west point they understand that it is these are the only universities in the country where you get on totally in on america it doesn't matter if your grandfather went there, it doesn't matter if you play football, you only get in on merit only. the idea that these zealots that these crazed political correctness loonies on the left have to jump on this - it's a joke. trish: i'm afraid to make the a-ok symbol now. i'm like this nowadays read which way - but what is not -
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yeah, it is but i've heard this. i've got kids and everyone is afraid to make the a-ok symbol because it can be misinterpreted and there is this game out there called the circle game that they play and that can be a problem, especially when you deal with the likes of the altar politically correct leftist media. what you think of the media attacking this kid the way they did? you can't take that back. >> look, you know, it's a shame. it's a joke but it's a shame for the kids. what they ought to do is everybody who screwed this up, everyone in the media who jumped as this to some racist conclusion next year they ought to go to the army-navy game. you know why it's called america's game? is a great miracle because at the end of the game the losing side in the winning side walk over to the cadets and this year it was the navy, army lost and they think their anthem and go to the other side and they stand shoulder to shoulder, army navy,
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shoulder to shoulder, black, white, whatever color or gender and it shows you what a great country this can be if we all just take it a little less seriously. come on. trish: i got chills when he said that. it tells you that we are all just americans. we are all americans. army, navy, left or right, we are americans and it's important you. we are member that. i think that gets lost these days. good to see you. merry christmas. >> merry christmas. great to see you. navy beat army. [laughter] trish: president trump reelection campaign is out for the new ad and place like a movie, honestly, like a movie trailer e with a seat in the theater. it is absolutely unbelievable. i would say it's spectacular, that is the producer in me. wow. you've got to see it, next.
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but at fidelity, value is more than just talk. we offer commission-free online u.s. stock and etf trades. and, when you open a new fidelity brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate -- that's 21 times more than schwab's. plus, fidelity's leading price improvement on trades saved investors hundreds of millions of dollars last year. that's why fidelity continues to lead the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk fidelity. trish: sub president trump reelection campaign is out with a brand-new ad. and i've gotta tell you this ad it kinda plays like one of those movie trailers. they have seen on the big screen, it seems like a high-end movie commercial. it's getting a lot of praise. even from the creator of gilbert too thanks it's pretty magnificent. i want you to see it. you've got to see it. watch.
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>> ♪ ♪ ♪ [inaudible] ♪ ♪ ♪. trish: so we didn't see the whole thing, but basically the very end it kind of escalates and it reminds every bun effectively to go out and vote. it's like a release date for a film. see her like on my gosh, what's going to happen. what is going to happen? another four years? i tell you why think this impeachment thing has backfired in ways that democrats never could have even imagine. i think it's done. it is certainly help the
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chances of this president getting another four years. it helps the chances of the republicans taking the entire house. next weekend congressman jim banks, scott perry, have a terrific weekend everybody maria is next. maria: happy weekend everyone, welcome to the program. it analyzes the week that wasn't helps position you for the week ahead. i maria and thanks for joining us. coming up in just a few minutes mice special guests the nfl's chief marketing officer is here. to talk about the league's marketing strategy leading up to the big game. the super bowl in february. and then later in the program the cofounders of welby park appeared talking to me about the changing face of a eyewear and how they created this incredible startup called war be parker. but first investors shrugged off impeachment news this
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