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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  December 22, 2019 5:00am-5:31am EST

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thanks so much for watching "strange inheritance." and remember -- you can't take it with you. [ train whistle blows ] banks, scott perry, have a terrific weekend everybody maria is next. maria: happy weekend everyone, welcome to the program. it analyzes the week that wasn't helps position you for the week ahead. i maria and thanks for joining us. coming up in just a few minutes mice special guests the nfl's chief marketing officer is here. to talk about the league's marketing strategy leading up to the big game. the super bowl in february. and then later in the program the cofounders of welby park appeared talking to me about the changing face of a eyewear and how they created this incredible startup called war be parker. but first investors shrugged off impeachment news this week
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is wall street continued a record run, due in part to strong economic data and the federal reserve and progress on the u.s. china trade front. on friday we got a new gdp number and it was the final reading for the third quarter, and it was up 2.1% for the third quarter. now all phase one of the u.s. china trade deal is done, there are some questions that are lingering. while the chinese honor parts of the agreement like the pact against intellectual property theft? and when can we expect the actual signing to happen of phase one? and is phase two on the horizon of the first quarter customer jointly right now to talk about that a lot more as the founder of the atlas organization, he is author of the book china's vision of victory. in his doctor jonathan ward. jonathan it's a pleasure to have you thinking so much for joining you. >> hello mary it's great to be her. >> 's overuse apprise the president decided to do this phase i deal? do you expect to see the two sides signed this thing? what's your reaction to it?
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>> i think the phase i deal people have been talking about a lot. it takes pressure off the market it takes pressure out of the election cycle for the president. and on the other hand up with the chinese and very interesting spot. because now they have something that if signed, we'll have to see if they honor. so china has broken numerous international agreements and thus the basic nature of our problem with china. after many decades of bringing them into the international order, they are seeking to take it over and expand their power. they are building a giant military, surveillance, and they seek to displace the united states as a dominant superpower overtime. i believe all of their strategies and the chinese language and translate that ought to english so people can understand this. but the bottom line is what them get away with the fairmount in the last couple of decades that really matters when it comes to ip theft, reverse engineering, and all the technologies of the american superpower. and today we have this opportunity to hold them to a certain kind of word. and that puts him in a spot where they have more leverage if they break it. in other ways you can just try
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and hold them on this course to be to our benefit. >> but it should be on the side jonathan china storing's of every day every week and these new cyber rules that china just put in place. and gordon chang writes after all these cybersecurity rules are in place, no foreign company may encrypt data so that cannot be read by the chinese central government or the communist chinese. in other words businesses are required to hand over the encryption keys. are we ever going to be able to protect intellectual property are these new rules in china negating any opportunity to protect our intellectual property? >> i don't think it's really what they want in the long run. i think the reason america companies are in the china market is so they can be reverse engineered. and then china creates national champions and they got the global markets and that's what's coming in the 2020s. it sort of the strength of these new national champions. i mean the trade deal, the problem with which any kind of deals you are relieving this sort of downward pressure on
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the chinese economy. and that's going to give them a whole lot more room to produce, outcompete american companies. not only in the china market and other markets. so when it comes to ip, i mean that's right, the weight of communist party views data and the way they are building their surveillance and keeping tabs on their citizens, creating a social credit score. all this designed it to have a vision of control of the chinese citizen. this is actually been exported around the world. to the idea that you are going to have your private pocket of encrypted data inside the people's republic of china is impossible. and that's with these new data laws in cyber laws make clear. maria: i want to ask you about this new decision from the federal retirement thrift investment board. and this has to do with the federal government's retirement systems thrift savings plan. so this thrift savings plan is under management of $500 billion. it's actually over $600 billion. they want to allocate 10% of that money to mimic that msci
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index. with a show that charted the msci a lot of people wanted invest in the msci because it's a global investing global countries. but when you look at the holdings that has in chinese companies, jonathan, these are companies that are building submarines. they are building the technology used to track citizens, they are building fire jets. all of the things that china will likely be using to become the number one superpower. to fight america. so, and by the way this thrift savings plan, this is the retirement money for military past and present. for government employees, there's a map so the government matches your money when he put some of your money into this 4o1k. and some of these companies in this fund are sanctioned companies. so basically what they're telling us as we are not allowed to do business with these companies, their sanction, but we have our
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military investing in them? we have our military actually funding the development of the weaponry that they are going to use against america? you've got explain this on to me. >> sure, this is incredibly important in the outgoing secretary of the navy actually has an article in the wall street journal in october are right after china's massive military setting american pension funds should not be funding russian china. by the end of the day some of the companies on this list like a pig did china's premier aerospace company. these are companies designing weapons systems to kill american sailors and soldiers. she j pain calls on a regular basis and preparing to fight and win wars in china has made clear it's an extension its goals, whether silent building in the south china sea, in the beginning of a blue water navy. it's essentially going to have a navy that's larger than the u.s. navy over the next decade unless we start doing things. so it's sort of this grotesque turn and u.s. china relations.
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it's one thing we have the strategy for many decades it's called engagement hedge where basically we go in commercially engaged with china in order to make them a partner of the united states and at the same time try to preserve our security and the security of our allies in the asian-pacific and beyond. it's one thing for companies to go in and do business and compete against china corporate's common sort of an unfair market, but it's quite another to be funding, you know the rise of china in such a way words producing human rights atrocities and changing them and million people in concentration camps or fits producing fifth-generation fighter jets that are designed for war thew knighted saints in taiwan and the rest of the pacific. maria: for so much more to say but will leave it there right now. doctor jonathan thank you it's great to see appear jonathan ward. don't go anywhere marketing nfl marketing is will be with nfl marketing is will be with us ♪ do you recall, not long ago ♪ we would walk on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows
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maria: welcome back to the nfl playoffs and the big game right around the corner. and that means big business for the league. tim ellis, the chief marketing officer for the national football league has led a turnaround of the perception over the last year. take a listen. >> well of course we always look at ratings, because that is essential to our overall business strategy. but we also look at engagement rates for fans. and we look at to what degree do the demographics of the fans were bringing in. and i think it's important because as the population ages, in the u.s., it's important we bring in those younger generations to us sensually putrid proof the nfl. so when i first came in, i felt like well things are going very well, the nfl's incredibly healthy and strong. but the younger generations like every brand out there, they are becoming interested in other things. so how do we catch their attention, how do we engage with them, and how do we use that as a strategy to not only
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get in those but a rejuvenate, and make the nfl brand feel more modern and progressive. maria: so you looked at the whole nfl ecosystem and tried to zero in on how you can do that. and you are having a real effect. we were talking about a year ago about falling ratings, your time at the kneeling issue, we were talking about concussions and all the negativity around football. tell me what you did in terms of the nfl ecosystem. >> first i said we have to focus on the joy and love of the game. at first that is the heart of why this game exists. we have to begin to drive our own narrative, not let others tell our story for us. so i began to really focus on how to bring, how to bring breach generations how to bring generations together in such a way that you are exciting and making younger people feel like it was relevant and modern. but at the same time older generations felt good about the game as well. see you weren't ailing those
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generations. so i began to look carefully at what i talked the nfl ecosystem and i look for example at her own websites and that are owned and operated. we've got about 50 people who come in and we call nfl fans, but then i look carefully and say what are the fan bases of the players? and i began to realize collectively they represented about 350 million people. and then i said well let's also look at colleges, and let's look at influencers who like football and so forth. look at their fan bases. and before you know it within the last year, we now have about an 800 million fan base, right? and of course that's much more powerful than only looking at your own operating sites. maria: and you want to find out what's important to them that 800 million people. and in terms of working with colleges, what did that mean? i mean you are working with the ncaa pr teams? their staffers? >> that's right. we work with their staffers
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and we find out, we have an incredible spreadsheet if you will of all of the players and what are their interest, what colleges do they go to, et cetera et cetera et cetera. so all these players come from these various colleges, so we will connect with the colleges, will provide them packages of highlights and also things that they are doing off the field. and then the colleges are so excited about their players, that they begin to kind of amplify that content as well. and then the other thing we do is we actually bring in the pr teams and social media teams and we immerse them in the nfl and what we are doing. so while we can't speak and work with the ncaa athletes, we can speak and work with their teams with their social media teams. and we invite them to our big tent the whole event, like the draft and the draft and the combine, we are essentially taking to some degree was a casual audience and we are bringing them to be a more
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avid audience which is critical for the nfl. maria: all ahead of the hundred year anniversary of the nfl which you are making a lot of ideas around. you've got a big commercial you're going to be running in the super bowl. tell me about the hundred year end what she wants to portray in terms of your marketing. >> well, you know it's been an electrifying you're already with the hundred celebration. as you know we kicked it off with a very big commercial and the super bowl last year using all these legends and current stars. will this year we're going to have a similar approach, but we're going going to be focusing on the youth. it's a passing of the torch. so here's too the next 100 and all the superstars of the next generation. so we are actually doing a big two minute super bowl commercial, which is going to be focused on young people who are actually doing a casting call if you will which is a campaign into itself to find the top 32 players in the country tween ages nine and 12
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boy and girl. maria: i love that. >> yes flag or tackle. it is copying the imagination of all these kids and families. in fact we've already had 20000 submissions for this. it's going to be a tough choice. because i've seen a lot of the videos and they are incredible and they are so much fun. so in the net teams, the clubs are gonna help us pick these kids. so we're gonna have 32 kids, they will actually be and participate in the super bowl spot. i will reveal for the first time right before kickoff. maria: i feel like it doesn't matter what brand you have, you can have the most successful brands like the nfl is, you can have an emerging brand, you can have small, big, they are all trying to get to the same groups of people. everybody's trying to reach that young person, they are trying to reach women as well. you come from activision where you had a great relationship with young boys certainly and ganging. and that's when your verticals? you're looking it like a three legged stool in terms of the
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ways you're going to reach those people. >> we are very disciplined and focused in this area. it's all about gaming, music, and fashion. in fitness of course we get for free because we are sport. big gaming, music, and fashion is what younger people really care about when you look at their habits and what they focus on social media and on youtube. and that also happens to be the things that are players care about. those things. so what we are doing is essentially mash matching passion points of the players in our younger audiences. maria: my thanks to tim ellis stay with this for the ♪
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maria: welcome back would love to look at entrepreneurs and startups on this program.
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eyeglass brand were be parker's change in the face of eyewear using augmenting reality divine the perfect pair of glasses. without having to physically try them on. i talked to war b parker cofounders david gilboa and neil bluhm of all and talk about thy industry watch. >> it's been a fun journey we met the first week of business school along with her to cofounders jeff and andy, we were all just frustrated consumers. i had just lost an expensive pair of glasses and was shocked to learn i was can have to pay $700 for a new pair just didn't make a sense of for technology it's been around for a hardier spirit and i could buy an iphone for less than the cost of a pair of glasses. and so we got together and we ended up bootstrapping the business, launching out of our apartment so we are full-time students. and now nine and a half years later we are over 2000 people, the company's growing really quickly, we have over hundred stores across the country. and it's been a fun journey.
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before you open 33 stores this year alone? >> yeah we opened those stores and we originally started we did it all online. we didn't think we would have stores. our big thesis was if we could design the glasses that we love, manufacture them, and then sell them direct to customers and cut out the middleman, we could bring down glasses from $700 to $95. and the internet enabled us to do that. just through warby but what we found was that there big parts of the but people still continue to like to going to stores. in the early days, we actually got some press in the company took off like a rocketship. so out of our top 16 styles in four weeks. and people started calling up and saying hey could we come to your office to train glasses? we were like working out of our apartment.
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[laughter] maria: so this direct to consumer model has obviously worked for your but you also have the stores. what is the environment like right now? there's so much conversation about a recession, how's business? >> we are having an amazing year end i think that goes back to the fact that we are offering great value to consumers. i'm offering a product that usually will cost $1500 for $95 and were making the experience really convenient and seamless for consumers but consumers have more choice than ever. they have higher expectations than ever. and when they have interacted with the brand online, if they've ordered online and they walk into that store, they expect that someone helping them has that information and data. and we built all her own technology systems, and we find that more and more of our customers are interacting with us through multiple touch points. 75% of people to buy something in her stores, have been to our website first. and they are not just looking up hours of operation or the
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address of that retail store. they're actually shopping and preparing for that visit. and the more of our customers that make the first purchase in a store are making that net net purchase online. and we are having seamless integration to make that is easy as possible. maria: you have the room spending costing buying it online, it's your augmented reality process. it's like you can try on your glasses just by putting your iphone in front of you. tell me how that works. >> in the early days we wanted to help people travel glasses online. and technology just wasn't available. and when iphone ten came out with the ar kit and the few depth camera, we are able to take measurements from 30,000 points on someone's face and actually projects a pair of glasses that's true to scale, and then we built for proprietary algorithm the street a fit. so how would actually fit on your nose bridge. and have created great visualization so we overcame those three technical
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hurdles. sizing, true to scale, and fit, and how it looks. because as theirs' phenomenon the more realistic something looks, the less realistic you perceive it to be. so it has to look really good for it to work. maria: in it so easy, you download the app, you put your phone there and trying all different styles. i love that. so you produce the products, not just in america. you are producing overseas bird where you produce? >> we have a global supply chains very of an optical lab we are cutting lenses and producing fitness classes and shipping them out to customers that are here new york. our frames are produced in italy, japan, and china. maria: my thanks to neil and with warby parker. moore's coming up next.
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maria: welcome back to me right here next week and coming up on the program we've got a big show, got the ceo of verizon joy to me hans messer. my special guest talks about the power of 5g technology. wait till you hear how things will change. plus this weekend over on fox news join me for sunday morning futures on the fox news channel. we've got a big show an exclusive, former democrat turned republican congressman jeff van drew is my special guest. why did he change party affiliations? and what is he expecting on this impeachment situation as well. plus texas senator cruz has a lot to say about the impeachment trial, coming to the senate as well as the malfeasance happening at the fbi. in the 2016 election. catch the show live 10:00 a.m. eastern over on fox news on sunday morning futures. then right here on fox news stop smart every weekday, turning weekdays from six to
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9:00 a.m. eastern for mornings with maria on foxbusiness. i hope you'll start your day with me every weekday. that will do it for us for today, thank you so much for joining us from all of us here at wall street, we all wish you and your family a beautiful christmi'll see you n. 's be nine hello and welcome to the wall street journal at large. we are just days away from christmas when christians around the world celebrate the birth of jesus more than 2000 years ago. since that time of course the church founded by his followers have gone through extraordinary changes. its face the challenges of maternity from reacting initially to the scientific breakthroughs of. [inaudible] that raised about orthodoxy is responding to the calls it should be more open and accessible to the masses. always threads history.


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