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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  December 23, 2019 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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final thoughts? >> really big deal for boeing. we will have to hear what they have to say. the future of the company is on the line there. >> this was a great year. everyone enjoy their holidays. enjoy your family. a lot to be blessed, america first, the consumers. we will have a great year in 2020. maria: hope see. see you guys then. merry christmas. have a great day, everybody. "varney & company" begins right now. david asman in for stuart this morning. david: good morning, maria. thank you very much. good morning, everyone. i am david asman in for stuart today. let's start with your money. if you remember, it was a year ago tomorrow that the market was in absolute free-fall. not the case today. it's up over 6,000 points since then. the dow is. the dow, s&p and nasdaq were looking at new records today. and the bulls are on the run. 68% of fund managers surveyed by bank of america say a recession in 2020 is unlikely. what a contrast to the democrat candidates who last week took to the debate stage to talk down the economy but it didn't do any
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good. "varney & company" is about to begin. david: let's get right to your money and there is more of it. markets expected to open higher as china cuts tariffs on 850 products. come in, market watcher keith fitz-gerald. will we hit 29k or even 30k before the new year? what do you think? >> that is not as outrageous as it sounds. we are within striking distance of that. we got to have a good broad session, but the lack of headlines that are going to interfere with that is key. i think we will get there. david: you think of what has happened in the past year and again, a lot of it had to do with the fed, wasn't necessarily because of trade policy, the fed was pushing up rates, that was pushing down the market, but 6,000 points since a year ago, and i think the bottom was actually more than 6,000 points,
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when you look at it today. what was happening then that's not happening now besides the fed? >> well, i tell you what, this is a real testimony to the faith and inspiration and innovation that drives this country, because despite a raft of headlines that would have tanked markets a decade ago, people did what they were supposed to do. they concentrated on the future, they concentrated on a great economic number and bet on the right companies. that's taken the market higher and now we have our sights on the future. i think that's good. david: i think there was also some political indecision about what was going to happen with regard to the whole impeachment process. the fact that it has happened, that, you know, we still have to go through the senate trial, obviously, but nobody expects the president to lose in that battle, so he's going to emerge from that. chances are as democrats go down further because of the impeachment, looks like the president's going to be re-elected. that means more tax cuts and more deregulation. >> well, it does.
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you know, impeachment in this case is more of an anti-indicator than a panic indicator. like the democrats, for example, hoped. again, i think that's testimony to the spirit of the american people to what everybody is looking forward to going into 2020. david: keith, we will come back to you in a minute but we want to check boeing because shares halted for news pending. we don't know anything just yet about exactly what is happening. of course, this is premarket. grady trimble is with us now. grady, what can you tell us about what's happening with boeing? reporter: well, as of right now we know the shares are halted this morning. as for why it's all speculation right now. we just have to wait to see what the news is. in the meantime, we wanted to talk about the starliner which landed safely back on earth yesterday in white sands, new mexico. its mission sort of failed last friday after the spacecraft failed to reach the international space station. the capsule was supposed to get into an orbit that it wasn't
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able to because of a timing error so now it's back to work for boeing on that. they are trying to get the starliner ready for a manned mission and are playing catch-up with spacex which has already gotten a capsule to the space station unmanned and now spacex, boeing both trying to get manned capsules to the space station. so this was a test mission. it's okay for things to go wrong, they said, in a test mission. they just have to fix it going forward and we will keep you updated on news about boeing's stock. david: grady trimble, good to see you. thank you very much. back to keith on boeing. what do you think? >> do or die moment. i think this is one of those things where we could be looking potentially at a ceo change, maybe looking at production, maybe a major canceled order. obviously all of this is speculation, but i think the stock potentially is in a world of hurt because this kind of stuff, a halt on a broadly based stock like that, is not normal. david: i got to give you kudos on one stock in particular. amazon. we were talking about it last year. last year at this time, you said buy into it, don't believe the
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fearmongering. it's up 40% since your pick. >> well, tell you what, thanks for remembering that, david. this is a tough business and when you get it right, it's nice to have the validation. david: good work, keith. thank you very much. well, the last saturday before christmas is called super saturday and it's reportedly the biggest shopping day of the year. joining us is gerald storch, former ceo of toys "r" us. how big was it? >> well, it was big. consumers have money, they are excited about the future, and they are spending what they have. every report i have seen says the weekend was very very strong. and of course, e-commerce continues to thrive because they have extended those delivery windows. you can order today and get the product in many cases tomorrow online. if you aren't doing well as a retailer in this environment, there's something wrong with your business strategy or overall direction. you've got to change it. david: a lot of those brick and mortars are doing pretty well, aren't they? they are surprising the people that claim their demise was
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imminent. >> there's a big gap between the ones who are doing it right and those who aren't. david: what are the ones who are doing it right, getting right? >> two things. first, they are providing real value to the customer. people like walmart, target, costco, dollar general, they are doing great. then secondly, they have incorporated e-commerce into their business models so they can deliver that product to you same day from their stores, or you can buy it online and pick up in the stores. walmart is doing great at that, target is doing great at that. they have embraced the internet, brought it into their businesses and made those investments that are required to succeed and they have relevance because the value they offer and you get great deals on, you know, everyday items like grocery or health and beauty care products along with picking up apparel and electronics, et cetera, there. david: thank you very much. we are going back to keith fitz-gerald on draft kings. is that right? hold on.
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keith, hang in there. we've got news on boeing. lauren: boeing is announcing its board of directors announced their current chairman david calhoun as ceo. this is leadership changes. it becomes effective january 13th of 2020. david: it's exactly what keith was saying might happen. keith? >> well, tell you what, something like this is logical because you have a major corporation that handled the crisis badly, didn't demonstrate how they were going to move past it, and it's logical the board will want a clean slate because there's going to be a big mess they will have to deal with in order to put that company back on track. david: they were producing 50 max planes every month in the time between the last crash and now. what do they do with that backlog? that's a tremendous number, i believe, if i'm not mistaken, they have about 400 planes in backlog. >> they do, and they are parked all over the blasted place up here, when you taxi down the runway you see them everywhere. normally a backlog would be good for a company because it means the customers trust it.
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david: not if they are max jets. >> exactly. i don't even want to fly on them. here's the thing, right. now you've got materials for an aircraft that if it is not approved, may never fly again. david: what do you do with those planes? i remember the pictures of post-world war ii, rumors to the contrary, i wasn't there myself, but i do remember those pictures of those vast plane graveyards where you saw, you know, hundreds and hundreds of planes lined up, they were eventually broken up for scrap. is that what's going to happen to these max jets? >> well, tell you what, they've got the potential to redo them. structurally the plane is sound, they can insert new avionics, change up the cargo, do something with them. breaking them up, i have a hard time seeing but they may never fly again in terms of passenger traffic. that's again, a huge sunk cost, make or break moment for boeing. david: what is the new ceo going to do regarding the confidence of consumers? >> i have no idea.
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but he has got a mess on his hands. he's going to have to be reassuring. he's going to have to get out there and fly. he's' going to have to spend time on the production floor. i would want to see a ceo that takes the reins, not sit back and lets everybody else do the dirty work. david: what happens to the stock on the news? you see premarket activity, it's holding steady, up about half a percentage point right now. >> my guess, not looking at my screen, since we are having this conversation, is that traders will bet this is a good thing. they will want to give the new ceo maybe a quarter, maybe quarter and a half, to put some numbers on the board. if he doesn't, the bottom will fall out. david: again, this is premarket activity. we have no idea whether this will hold up when the bell rings. we will see what happens. grady trimble has a little more now on what's happening with boeing. go ahead. reporter: well, the company announced that this change is to provide better transparency and better communication. that's something boeing has obviously struggled with since the grounding of the 737 max. so this new ceo, david calhoun,
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will have his work cut out for him in terms of restoring that. not just with investors but with customers who are planning to get back on these planes once they are back in service. i can tell you, dennis muilenburg is stepping down and i was at some of the congressional hearings earlier this year, and the families of the victims were incredibly unhappy with how he handled that, in particular he hadn't met with them until the hearings a couple of months ago, even though the crashes were several months earlier. so i think that this change in leadership gives boeing an opportunity to kind of have a fresh start going forward, and we'll see how the new ceo handles everything. but transparency is key here, with customers, with investors, and with the regulators, the faa, who is working to get this plane back online. david: what was the final analysis of whether these tests, some of the test pilots, some have just done in virtual
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reality, wasn't actually done with the plane running but in some of the tests that were done on the ground with the plane's guidance system, there were complaints by some of the pilots there. was that seen as being unforgiveable or was it par for the course in tests like this or what? reporter: i think it depends who you ask. but the harshest critics will say that boeing should have done more to make pilots aware of the changes on the 737 max, compared to the previous version of that airline. so now going forward, boeing not only has to fix the issues with the plane that caused these two crashes, but they also have to make sure that pilots are aware of how everything operates when they're taking it up into the air. david: they also have to pay out a lot to the families of the victi victims, correct? reporter: yes. they have started a fund to do that. whether money is enough to make up for something like these two crashes, you know, i would imagine that the families would say no. but yes, they do have a fund
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started and whether they are going to face lawsuits as a result is still tbd. david: great stuff. thank you. we still have keith fitz-gerald with us. we remember those hearings in washington. it didn't appear to me, keith, i don't know whether your impression was different, that muilenburg really did well for himself and tried to make excuses for what happened with the max. >> no, he came off as very disconnected, very aloof. i won't say arrogant but i don't believe that sentiment was far away. he viewed himself as largely untouchable and he let his people handle it which i don't think you do. you want to as a leader, in something like that where customer trust is pivotal to what you do, if i were in that chair, the first thing i would have done is met with the families. david: david calhoun has clearly got a job on his plate right now that he's got to deal with. it's sort of useless to speculate how he does it, but what would you do in terms of trying to reassure the customer base? would you eliminate max?
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would you change the name? would you get rid of those -- that backlog of planes or what? >> tell you what, that's a very logical line of thinking. i would have to have more detail. but to me, a rebranding is good. a re-avionicing which will be very expensive. you have to take those systems out and implement training worldwide because many pilots, particularly from foreign airlines, are trained instruments first, then visual flight rules. we are visual, then instruments, so you could argue the training is not consistent on that airframe. david: i'm wondering about the stock now. it had this extraordinary run-up over the term of donald trump's presidency. a lot of it had to do with some of the military contracts, et cetera. does that rein in, do we see a steady slide in the stock? >> i think we are going to see not a steady slide, but we are certainly not going to see upside, unless again, the new ceo really establishes a clear path to profits and recovery. the military contracts are valuable, they aren't going to go away, and that's the
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redeeming value in boeing if there is one at this point. david: thank you very much, keith. we have on the phone with us ivan feinseth, a boeing analyst. he's on the phone with us right now. i will throw it to you. the replacement of muilenburg, the ceo, with david calhoun, does that stop the slide in the stock? what do you think? >> i think it's a dramatic move. i think it's overdue, unfortunately. it highlights the seriousness of the situation that they have got to move forward. it's going on a year. i think the announcement last week to halt production was a sign saying hey, we need to now address this. this is not a boeing problem. this is an everybody problem. it affects the airlines, it has affected consumers because of the loss of capacity, has caused a significant increase in the price of travel plane tickets, which luckily for the airlines, the economy is so strong and the
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consumer is willing to spend on travel that they didn't really see such a negative impact, but i mean, this is a significant situation, and this is boeing's most important plane. it's their biggest seller. but they still are making and selling the 787 and 777 and getting a lot of, you know, renewal and new military contracts, which is also a big part of their business. but i think this is somewhat overdue. i think it's a positive step as the market hates uncertainty. there was more and more uncertainty of muilenburg's ability to lead and stay in the position, so i think this is a big positive step forward. i think it will mark an upward move in the stock. david: i mentioned to keith fitz-gerald the fact we had 40 planes a month being built since the crash or since the last of the two crashes. that is a tremendous backlog. i know they still have orders
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for the plane but do they run a risk of having a lot of planes that they can't get rid of? >> no, throughout this whole problem there's been no cancellations because the airline industry is so capacity-constrained that they desperately need these new planes, and the fact there's a huge lead time. you can't just say i need a new plane and get one tomorrow, or just switch from boeing to airbus that quickly, because of the lead time. so they have been lucky that these planes are in such demand and there is such need for them that they didn't lose any orders. i'm sure once the plane returns to service, what their goal is to ramp up from the 42 a month they are making or were making to the goal of 57 by stimulate next year. david: stay with us for a second. i think keith is still with us. keith fitz-gerald. could you chime in? do you think it will be that easy to continue to sell these planes, particularly if they
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ramp up production? >> tell you what, respectfully, i disagree very strongly at that. this opens the door for chinese aircraft makers. this opens the door for aircraft -- for airbus. the reason why i say that is because the airlines have adapted to taking this plane out of service. they are remarkably resilient in that capacity. they will find other ways and other airframes to use. to me, this is not an easy come, easy go situation. david: you want to counter that, ivan? >> i disagree. up until unfortunately the recent issue that's been a phenomenal plane and boeing really does focus on pilot ability. it is not designed not to interact with the pilot. they built planes with the understanding that pilots fly them are very experienced, they know how to handle these planes, and they will continue to focus on that. if there really was, in my view,
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a systemic issue, there would have been god forbid more crashes -- not more crashes, but more pilots complaining about the maneuverability of the plane, because when a pilot is flying a plane, if he has an issue, he needs to report back to say having an issue, i need to have the plane looked at -- david: forgive me. we are looking at premarket activity. it's beginning to trade again. again, this is premarket but the trading has continued. it has gone up since the announcement came out. they halted trading for a little bit but you can see it's" 1.5%. year over year it was up from a year ago but as i have been reminding viewers, everybody saw a recession coming a year ago and of course, they were dead wrong about that, but it did go up quite a bit after the december decision by the fed, the realization they had made a mistake and they turned things around, the market took off again. it's way down from its highs in january-february. is it going to go back up to
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those highs, do you think? >> yes, i think that this is a dramatic change and i think as soon as we get some clarity to when the plane will be certified and scheduled to be back in service, you can see the stock i think will be -- david: well, it was $444 a share back i believe it was january or february. so that was $100 above what it is now. you don't think it's going back up to those heights? >> at some point, yes. i think we will see new highs in the stock. if the situation is addressed, which they have been talking about sometime in january, i think that we will see a new all-time high in boeing. i have a buy on the stock. and i think that we will see a new all-time high. david: keith, $446 is what it was on march 1st. think of it. more than 100 points above what it is now. maybe it's not going to top off
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at that level or go as high as ivan would like but do you think it's a buy at what it is selling for now? >> for me, no. again, respectfully, i agree with ivan on many of the points he made. he's a very sharp guy, obviously. but i don't think you can jump right back into this stock. i think the ceo has a much bigger mess on his hands than they are letting on. these are drastic changes and drastic times. give it a quarter, let him prove what he's doing, put some numbers on the board and if ivan's right, then you got plenty of runway, pardon the pun. david: if in fact, you miss that runup, if it goes up to where it was before, up above $400, maybe up to $446, what it topped out as, you miss the runup, keith. >> well, that's a fair assessment but do you really over longer term, if you are a longer term investor and you're looking at the runup associated with military contracts and billions of dollars in backlog, i would submit that's not a big deal in the scheme of things because there's plenty of space ahead of you. david: ivan, what else can the company do? we saw the starliner, well, some
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people viewed it as a disaster but then the company said hey, it wasn't that bad. what is your assessment of that? >> it's important to address the future opportunity of space. i don't think it was a disaster. i don't think -- it was a non-event. just happy it worked, it was launched, and landed successfully. i think when you want to buy a stock and build a position in a good company, keith is right to the point it may take a little time before the stock recovers, but i think you start to buy it, gradual gradually. if it pulls back, average down or if it keeps going, you can average up. by the way, it also has a dividend yield of 2.5% which is pretty good in a 1.7 or so ten-year treasury yield environment. so the dividend's attractive. you get paid to wait and i think
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the benefit of the doubt from here is to the upside in boeing. david: we got a tale of two stocks here from ivan and from keith. we want to bring in somebody who may make the difference. david dietz is here. we see the premarket activity, it's going up significantly now, almost 3% gain. there we go. it just popped up above 3% premarket. that's definitely as a result of the changing of the ceo. would you buy into the stock at this point? >> well, we hold the stock. we held it down. we would selectively continue to add to it, if you have a longer term horizon. put this whole thing in context. we basically have two makers of aircraft around the world, airbus and boeing. we have a situation where air traffic demand is going up 5% per year and that's going to be as long as the eye can see. indeed, these airlines have actually gone up as a whole since this debacle. so demand is very very strong. at a certain point, i think they resolve their problems here, i
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think they are making the right move now because mr. muilenburg was, you know, defensive, part of the position, he was subject of a withering article in the "new york times." i think they have to change the personnel but ultimately, i believe investors should keep their money on boeing. david: ivan, what can you tell us about the new ceo, david calhoun? >> well, he's got experience in plane manufacturing. he seems to be well regarded in the company. but i think change in situations like this usually does mark a bottom of the stock and create the upside. i think that from the beginning, boeing and muilenburg didn't really handle the crisis well. i personally believe that companies, once there's a problem, you got to address it head on. you can't wait, you can't let it fester. this is i think unfortunately, this is long overdue. david: keith, one thing that
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surprised me, although maybe it was -- it shouldn't have, is that airbus wasn't able to take advantage of this more than they have. i guess it would be pretty bad of a plane company, even if they are a competitor, to directly take on a company for a couple of crashes. that's not only hitting below the belt but it may be something that reflects back on them if they, god forbid, have accidents in the future. >> i think that's a very sharp point. you don't want to go grave dancing, particularly when it assumes worldwide global consumer opinion. yes, this is going to factor into the consumer's mind. airbus doesn't really have to do anything. consumers know it. if boeing can't fix it, then that's going to play into them and again, it's going to play into chinese aircraft manufacturing, which is still short and medium haul but it's coming up in boeing and airbus will have to deal with it in the next five years. david: there's another difference between boeing and airbus, even though boeing has a lot of government contracts, it's not a government airline per se.
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airbus, i know they are private, et cetera but at the same time, there's a lot of interference from the eu and that is very often used by investors as a bad sign, no? >> absolutely. there's a lot of reasons why aircraft companies would not want to put too many of their eggs in that airbus basket. of course, what just happened to boeing could also happen to any of these other manufacturers quite frankly. so you look at like southwest airlines which quite frankly has too much in the boeing basket, they are really struggling here. that's a cautionary tale, perhaps this gives an opportunity for the chinese manufacturers, we'll see. i think perhaps this story is not over by a long shot. one of the things that will be very interesting is how the pressure that's going to be on the faa. we have seen, you know, if this spills out into the greater economy and there's a good likelihood there is, ge is shifting production, all sorts of suppliers are being hurt, boeing is so big, and if we see something generally in the numbers, we have seen what's happened to jerome powell running the federal reserve. let's see how the head of the faa handles the potential
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criticism for not pushing this along fast. david: that is one thing that's come out of this controversy. since the crashes, it's whether or not the relationship between boeing and the faa was too height, whether it was a chummy relationship, that maybe the faa wasn't scrutinizing the company as much as they should have. >> well, i mean, that's speculation because the flipside is i believe that the faa did not engage as quickly or try to work with boeing to get the plane back in the air. the head of the faa said he wasn't feeling any pressure, there wasn't any pressure anywhere, either from the u.s. government or from boeing, but i think that the faa should have been more engaged with boeing when this started to get the plane back in the air. as i said, this has not just been a boeing problem. it is an airline consumer and u.s. problem. i think more the opposite with the faa. david: ivan, would you feel
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comfortable flying a 737 max anywhere in the world, in any airline that was controlling it? >> not any airline. david: it's a good distinction. >> yes. i think -- yes, i would get on the plane, and i actually flew on a number of 737 maxes earlier this year before it was grounded. that was the plane that was, you know, primarily being used. but yes, i think the quality of the pilots and the major u.s. airlines are the best. they have years of experience. many learned to fly in the military. so they always say that's why you see pilots with silver hair, because they have been doing it a long time. so absolutely yes. but not just any airline. david: which leads me to ask, is boeing doing enough to make sure
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that pilots from other airlines in other countries, where the training methods are different, need to be addressed by boeing somehow? >> it is part of this process that they are going to be focusing on pilot training. for the functionality of the maneuverability software. david: is there a way they can make that fool-proof for the pilots that may be trained in a way that differs from our training methods? >> i'm not sure. these planes are not built to really be fool-proof. they are built to rely on the pilot's ability. that's boeing's focus. that does differ somewhat from airb airbus. for example, southwest only flies 737s and was the largest user and has the largest number of orders for the max plane, and one of the reasons southwest has done that is it is part of their competitive advantage that they
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only -- the pilots know how to fly every plane that's in the southwest fleet, where a lot of airlines, the pilots' skills are plane-specific. if you needed a pilot to take over from another pilot, you would have to find one that knows the specific plane versus with southwest, they all know how to fly, all know how to fix and have inventory, able to work on 737s only. david: this is more of a consumer-oriented question than a financial one, but the fact is that there were different standards of training for pilots abroad and different airlines, and not to tout the u.s., not to be we're the only ones who do it right, but in fact, in terms of the 737 max, we were the only ones who seemed to be doing it right or at least there were several training methods that were doing it wrong and that had a part to play in the crash. wasn't all boeing's doing, right? >> well, certainly the aif crate
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aviators i talked to say that's the case. we are trained very heavily on visual flight rules first, then go to instruments, then you mesh the two over the tenure of a pilot's life span. but overseas, this became some sort of price add-on option, airlines didn't want to play it, governments who flew the airlines didn't want to pay it. that's on boeing. david: the opening bell is ringing. two days before christmas, as you can see, down at wall street, this on the news the big news for boeing, and boeing, we should mention why we are spending so much time with it, not only does it affect your life in terms of transport but it is also a major component of the dow when it moves up or down, it affects the dow. it can take 100 points off the dow as it did several trading days last week. it is trading up as a result of the fresh news that just came out moments ago about 14, 15 minutes ago that the ceo david muilenburg is going to be replaced by david calhoun. this is a major change at the top of boeing.
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it is viewed as good news by ve investors at least in premarket activity. if we can single out boeing from what's happening with stocks, you see a general upswing in the stock market. the dow is up about 95 points right now. how much of the dow would this be? okay. this would be, just to give idea of how much the dow is weighted by boeing, this would be about a 50 point, 2.5% gain in boeing right now would add about 50 points to the dow jones in general. so it's a huge mark. this is one reason why we can't ignore what happens at boeing. right? >> absolutely. the price weighted dow of course has a big effect but it's more than that, because we have seen concerns now as to the effects in the supply chain and because of course, it's one of the largest private employers in the nation, largest exporter. i think if boeing can restore its health, it bodes well for confidence throughout the
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american economy and thus another reason you are seeing this market react to this good news. david: we should mention, by the way, we have been focusing on the dow. the s&p and nasdaq are now at all-time highs. once again, looks like we will be heading into the new year with all-time highs. i don't know if keith is still with us. he said we will go to 30,000. keith, are you still there? if you are, close to your mark, babe. >> tell you what, it's a great feeling. it was an outside calculation but it's nice to have validation. i still think we will have to fight to get there but we will. david: we are about 1500 points away. that would mean some major, major big days between now and new year's. is there anything on that horizon? we have a couple of smaller things like draft king going public, et cetera, but anything big? we already had the usmca passing. we have new good news from china. that's what's affecting the market now, positive up over 100 points on the dow. anything really big where we could get a 500 point day?
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>> i tell you, it's going to be the absence of headlines that draws capital in. it's fear of missing out. that's where we have to go. and you know, that's the key, because traders know again, going to the future, not the past. david: tesla shares up 13% last week. that is killing the short sellers, by the way. what's going on there? lauren: last week, the short sellers lost $1.6 billion as we saw tesla shares gained 13% last week alone. okay, it's right near the high hit on friday. it's unbelievable that $420 was that controversial tweet in elon musk about where they would take the company -- anyway, short sellers getting crushed. for the year they have lost almost $2.4 billion. david: every time you count out tesla, it has come back. the short sellers, i would think that by now, you would have to be crazy to sell this stock short. what do you think?
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>> it's hard to justify the valuation but given where we were just last week, all sorts of good news continues to develop. so for example, they did very well with their spacex. they actually beat boeing at outer space. that bodes well for elon musk and his ability to get inninthi done. they are starting a new giga factory, i think tesla has a lot of momentum here. david: i can see not wanting to buy tesla because you think it's too high but would you really sell the stock short? >> no, this trade is the widow maker because nobody who tries it is going to make money. elon musk is a master at public opinion and in creating the dream. that's what he's really using. david: all right. i should just mention, as you look at the dow in triple digits, boeing is now adding 70 points to the dow jones industrial average. so it is an important stock. sorry, what's that?
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76 points to the dow. it is pretty much a one-stock day for the market right now. meanwhile, the co-founder of uber is on track to sell his entire stake in the company. this is a big move. lauren: could happen in the next couple days. travis kalanick still on the board, sold $2.5 billion since early november so what does this mean? what does it say going forward? what does he think about management? we haven't heard a response from the company yet but that's a big stake to be unwinding and unwinding pretty fast. david: what's happening to uber? >> certainly this bodes well for those who are true believers in uber. there's a lot of reasons to be a true believer because the market share leader in the ride hailing industry, of course, through that app they are going into all sorts of other directions including food delivery, international, so forth. you've had this steady drip, drip, drip from the co-founder selling his shares. once that's over, it's going to remove a big amount of supply, the stock could drift higher. david: keith, what do you think?
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>> this is everything that is wrong with the ipo process. you've got into cleno clear pat profitability, a ceo who is getting out of his own cab, pardon the pun. that to me is a major problem because you got to invest with the longer term. he's saying i hit the eject handle right now, i'm out. that's wrong. david: you got to think of fundamentals. not only what keith was saying but also all these city governments that have been doing their best to kill uber in a million different ways. i'm in new york, which has a particular animus against the company, particularly because we have mayor de blasio who is not very business-friendly at all but it's happening in cities worldwide. >> i this i the deank the death much exaggerated -- david: i hope you're right because it's great to have an alternative but it's a tough haul. >> the yellow cabs in the city, but the people who like uber are the users. they find it so convenient. they revolutionize how people
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get the short-term transportation. i would also say they are spending bundles in terms of autonomous driving and new ventures and so forth. they could cut that back and boost profitability quickly if they wanted to. lauren: but this says something about where the founder of this company thinks it's headed, unless he needs cash for some of his other startups. but the ipo price on uber was $45. we were just under $30 moments ago. investors are nervous. david: it's an entire business model, this social sharing network business model they have, kind of ties in with airbnb and some other similar business models. is that business model going to survive? >> you know, it's hard to say. again, this is one of those things where i love uber. i use it all the time. it doesn't necessarily mean it is a great investment. you've got to have a path to profits, the ability to protect margins and a ceo if it's going to be a creator who is a visionary. apple is perhaps the best example of that. david: if there is a consumer base as strong as you and lauren
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and david and i all see it, isn't there a way to sort of jigger all of the problems? >> well, i would say kodak, eastern airlines, no. if there's no path to profitability, doesn't matter what the consumer's opinion is. >> very tricky, because people have looked at the whole world and just a few of the people are now using ride car hailing services so the path to growth is huge, and of course, i have been examining some of the stocks that did the best and worst last decade. one was netflix. it was never cash flow positive. the stock plunged 75% when people said they were incompetent because they would split up their dvds and streaming and it all came back to be the number one stock in the s&p 500. so we need to keep an open mind and have a vision. david: open minds are good. all right. terrific stuff, everybody. again, we don't mean to focus on one stock but as you're looking at the dow, 76 points of that 92-point gain right now on the dow is because of what's happening to boeing.
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one company. but it's significant. a change at the top. the ceo has stepped down, david muilenburg is no longer ceo. now it's david calhoun. we wish him the very best at least for the moment, it's doing terrific things for the stock. as you can see, it's up 3.5% right now, boeing is. let's check the big board because the s&p and nasdaq are setting all-time highs once again. the dow jones industrials up about 90 points but the s&p and nasdaq are in high territory. this is good news. we talk a lot about streaming on this show. there's a lot of them out there. a lot of people ditched cable to sign up but are you really saving money? my next guest has data on that point. speaking of streaming, eddie murphy returned to "snl" this weekend. we've got some clips for you. he joked about bringing half of netflix's budget onstage. we have that clip. you don't want to miss it. and we have another american success story for you. this time, it's all about
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popcorn that's mixed with candy. we know you do it at the theater when you go there. it's called snacks-sational. the stuff is a huge success, even if you don't do it at the theater, you separate your m & ms from your popcorn. we will have them on the show. again, another all-american success story. we love these stories. we will bring it to you coming next. ( ♪ ) sure, the content's easy. but then you have to connect, download, edit, reformat, output, save, send, upload... still uploading... and maybe eventually post. this isn't working. introducing samsung business video solutions. with the galaxy note10, you can shoot, edit and post thumb-stopping videos,
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all from one device. samsung business solutions.
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david: checking the market now, the s&p and the nasdaq are in record territory as the president would say, hope you're not tired of winning but we are doing it again, two days before christmas. dow is close to it, we were up over 100 points. it's now 91 to the plus side on the dow, 89 right now.
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boeing is making up about 76 points of that 89 point gain. we should look at tesla, if we can. because they keep tilling the short sellers. it is up 2.8% right now, up to $416. this is an all-time high for the tesla stock. everybody is always counting out tesla and they do so at their own disadvantage, as short sellers have found a lot of them have been killed by shorting the stock and i'm sure that's making elon musk very happy. let's check on boeing again, if we can switch to that stock, because it is really moving the dow right now. just again, for those who are just tuning in, the ceo of boeing has been changed. david muilenburg, who was pretty much universally seen as not doing a great reassuring job on capitol hill after those two max crashes, what the company is doing to avoid another one, has been replaced by david calhoun. grady trimble is in chicago. he's been covering this story for a long time.
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grady, what's the latest? reporter: we want to give you a little more information about the new ceo, david calhoun. there's going to be a transitionary period before he officially takes over, but he has been named the new ceo. little bit on his background. he's been on the board of directors since 2009 of boeing. he previously was at the private equity firm blackstone since 2014 and before that, he was at ge, where he actually worked in transportation, aircraft engines and the like. so he has quite a bit of extensive background in 20 plus years at general electric. he was also ceo i believe of nielsen. yes. ceo of nielsen from 2014 to 2016. but i think what's pertinent here is his experience with general electric and now the test for him going forward, as you mentioned, is restoring confidence. there's been a lot of people saying that there's not enough transparency with the company, that they kind of hid things under the rug and kept things quiet until it was all uncovered. so now they have to work with
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not only the faa and other regulators across the country on the 737 max crisis, but they have to reassure customers that it's going to be a safe plane to get back on to once the grounding is reversed. on top of that, they have to figure out the production of the plane because as you know, they have been scaling back and scaling back, so now they have to figure out the proper production timeline for that plane before they can get it up and running. some airlines say they are not going to fly it until at least june so they keep pushing things back, and so certainly a lot to take on. he's going to have his hands full, david calhoun, when he takes over. david: i don't know what he did at blackstone, but this might be the perfect connection because he has the experience dealing with engines at ge and blackstone, as financial analysts, they know a lot about how to reassure the markets and individual investors and investor classes about what they're doing to correct any problems. do you have any more specifics about what he was doing at
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blackstone? reporter: let's see. he was a senior managing director and head of private equity for portfolio operations when he was there. i also want to point out, i asked the company if there's any planned phone call for investors with the new ceo or if he's going to hold any press events at all over the next coming days. i didn't hear back on that, but to your point, i think that's going to be a key metric, whenever he appears in public for the first time, he's going to have a lot of questions to answer and his demeanor is going to be judged, because you know, that's something that dennis muilenburg, a lot of people said he was too comfortable and too confident when he was in front of congress. so that will be something people are going to be watching. david: yeah, that first conference is really going to be critical. i don't envy him for the spotlight in that particular role. grady trimble, terrific stuff. we are happy to have you on to tell us about it. thank you very much. let's talk streaming, if we can. netflix came up during a star-studded opening monologue
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on "saturday night live" this weekend. check it out. >> -- half of netflix's budget right here onstage. [ applause ] >> thanks, netflix. >> thanks, netflix. david: now, lauren, those four comedians alone might not actually be half of netflix's budget but it brings up a great point. they are paying these guys a fortune. i don't know how much longer they can afford the put out that much cash. lauren: so $170 million, that's how much eddie murphy, $70 million, david chappell, $60 million, tracy morgan, $40 million to do comedy for netflix. but i got to tell you, this was the first time in more than three decades that eddie murphy was back on "saturday night live" he was hilarious and ratings gold. best ratings for "snl" since melissa mccarthy was sean spicer. two and a half years ago. david: her sean spicer reprieve when she came back. well, it was tremendous, when
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you get these guys together. but again, we have a comedy club on the upper west side of manhattan, a little place where a lot of these guys started out, and you get paid maybe drinks and 50 bucks for the night, you know. to $70 million? lauren: you know, for dave ch chappe chappell, $60 million for three specials. $20 million a pop. david: ain't the market wonderful. if there's a demand for it, they should get it. let's stay on streaming for a moment. does it really save you that much money? joining us is steve beck with cg42. steve, you have research on this. you have actually crunched the numbers. what do you find? >> yeah. the average consumer once they cut the cord, they save about $80 a month. david: that ain't bad. >> yeah, it's pretty significant. that's one of the reasons why we expect in 2020 an additional ten million households will go this route and cut the cord. because again, the savings are
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real and the savings are significant. david: now, there is a question, though, of how many add-ons you have. you have disney plus. of course, netflix is a must-do. amazon prime is a little different because you get it with your membership to prime so it's hard to calculate. but if you add on enough of those streaming services, you could end up eating up that $80 you saved by cutting the cord, no? >> well, you typically add up to, the average household has about 2.3, 2 to 3 services they subscribe to, and it adds up to being about roughly $50 a month. what's interesting, though, is the challenge here is the cable companies are responding. one of the things they're doing is adding a lot of new hidden fees to the bills. so over the course of 2019, the average consumer's cable bill specifically their cable internet bill, found an additional like almost $37, $30,
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$37 worth of fees just being added on and these are convenience fees, high, you know, high bandwidth streaming fees, et cetera, et cetera. so it's not all gravy. there are definite challenges. and the competitive landscape for the over the top services is obviously getting more and more robust and will only get more robust in 2020. what you will see is consumers having to make some hard decisions around where they spend their entertainment dollars. david: it's not hard for me. if i can save between 50 and 80, i'm cutting that cable. simple as that. great to see you. thank you very much for being here. check the dow 30. if we can look at the dow in general, we are up almost 100 points on the dow. again, major part of that is boeing, and the successful, enthusiastic reaction to the change at the top there. they just changed their ceo, announcing that this morning. that is adding 76 points to the dow which just went into triple digit territory.
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remember a particular video of a hacker talking to a young girl in her home via amazon's ring device? really scary stuff, particularly if you have kids. this is as another hack has been exposed. the information of over 3,000 ring users. we are all over it with more on "varney" right after this. (thud) (crash) (grunting) (whistle) play it cool and escape heartburn fast with tums chewy bites cooling sensation. ♪ tum tu-tu-tum tums start your next chapter with a legend. give her an engagement ring that says, "our love is legendary. our love is a diamond." the marilyn monroe collection of fine jewellery. exclusively at zales, the "diamonds are a girl's best friend" store.
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david: data leak at amazon's ring exposed the information of over 3,000 ring users. joining us is tech watcher oz s sultan. is this the new normal? >> unfortunately with ring and some of these home devices, this tends to be. if we look at what's happened over the course of the past even just two years, right, so we've had hacks of the alexa devices, we've had leaks of google's home devices, we've had issues with facebook and messenger which lead to the facebook portal device, now we are doing ring devices. prior to the amazon acquisition, ring had a bunch of security problems. now, in the case of this 8-year-old girl, what ring -- david: let's just play it. for those who haven't seen, the video is worth playing again. it's only eight seconds long. go ahead and play that. >> i'm your best friend. i'm santa claus. i'm santa claus.
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don't you want to be my best friend? david: now, my daughter is grown up but i remember when she was a child. if i heard anything -- first of all, i would rip that thing right out of the wall and i'm sure a lot of people did that. >> that's what's happening. in between this and a potential cryptocurrency hack where they just pop the batteries out of the device, ring is reporting this was a third party hack of passwords. they are saying secure your passwords, change your passwords. but amazon spent a lot of money on advertising this product. you see this product pretty much everywhere for christmas. the question you have to ask and this is the same thing we have talked about in many of these data breaches on this show, equifax, everything else, the marriott hack, why aren't they spending more money on the securitization of a product that's inside your house that's touching data that surrounds your children? and secondarily, if you are going to spend that much money in marketing, something as simple as two-factor authentication could basically prevent this.
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david: anything that endangers your children, that's sacred territory. you don't mess with that. i don't see how they recover from this. oz, great to see you. thank you very much. the fallout from mayor pete's wine cave fund-raiser continues. even actress jane lynch has weighed in. she's going after elizabeth warren for waging class warfare. we've got what she said. more "varney" after this. d my l, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. . . sorry! he's a baby!
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david: it is an exciting day. we're half an hour into trading. we have a big day of news for your money ahead. all-time highs for the s&p and nasdaq. that is great news. the dow is up to triple digits thanks mostly, 60 points of that 100 point gain on the dow is because of boeing doing extremely well of the change of the ceo. that stock is up about $8.70. that is over 2 1/2% gain on boeing as a result of the change.
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we learned in the last hour of course, that ceo dennis muilenburg will step down and replaced by david calhoun. we're getting latest read on new home sales. we always like this number. lauren? lauren: month over month rise 1.3%. 170,000 new homes sold. david: sounds good. jeff zika, circle squared alternative investment. does it sound good to you? >> sounds very good. the like lauren said, rates at his horrific low, encouraging people to buy. employment numbers are great. look at other aspects of real estate, a lot of real estate is doing well because availability at low rates is a good thing. david: individual stocks. tesla hitting all-time high, reportedly making a big year-end sales push.
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cofounder of uber on selling his entire stake in the company. wow. as we heard in the last segment, some investors might think it would be good news. might get investors to get in. other people saying if he is getting out you should get out as well. meanwhile senate majority leader mitch mcconnell wants probe of owner of tjx and marshall's, on allocations it sold recalled goods. you don't do that. back to the market. jeff sica is here. you've been cautious throughout the rally. if people listened to you they would have missed out on a lot of gains? >> i think people would have listened to me they would have missed out on gains but would have also protected themselves from the next downturn. i believe the good defense is the best offense. even though some people have taken money off the table especially in the big tech stocks, i was talking about bank stocks and how bank stocks have a future last year. we had a good year with bank
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stocks and some brick-and-mortar retailers also had a halfway decent year. so there are other places to invest. david: jeff, at this point last year we were about 6,000 point lower on the dow than we are right you no. we've had a year of tremendous gains. mostly because what the fed did, by the way, changed their tactic of continue all rise of rates. was there any point in that year that you said, okay, i can see because the fed changing its tactics now the time to get in? >> i think the fed is a big catalyst. here you have the fed pouring into all the liquidity. i have to say a lot of smart money is is very surprised the fed is this cooperative. is very surprised the market gone to this point. there is a lot of smart money as some reports have shown are taking money off the table. i never said to investors you should be out of the market. i said you should be cautious. when things look great, that is
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the time you should be most cautious because there is complacency and complacency -- to that point, things look great now. you're still cautious? >> i would still be cautious and look to things that haven't done as well. things like banks and maybe stay away from some of the big techs now. david: very good. we have to move on, jeff, thank you very much. we have news on trade. china is going to be cutting tariffs on hundreds of products while president trump says phase one will be signed very shortly. all good news there. hillary vaughn with the latest from d.c. hi, hillary. reporter: david this is coming from china's customs tariffs commission, starting today, they will cut import tariffs on 860 different products many some import taxes will be reduce all the way down to zero. the types of products they are targeting, food products pharmaceuticals, some high-tech products. they will see import taxes go down, starting mid-summer,
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july 1st, 2020. these import tax reductions apply to food products like frozen pork. china has been hit with sweeping problem with the swine flu. so that is something they're looking to bring in as well. frozen avocados. non-frozen orange juice. you're looking at some pharmaceuticals as well. medicines that help with asthma, diabetes medication. those tariffs will go down as well, david. david: hillary, thank you very much. want to switch gears to politics. congress is out of session until january 7th. impeachment is still on everybody's mind. liz harring son is with us. thanks for sticking with us. we had breaking news on boeing. you were very gracious with your time. >> absolutely. david: is impeachment good for you? you look at polls, democrats going down more as they pursue it. they controlled the situation in the house. they don't control the situation in the senate. i'm thinking as the impeachment
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trial gets going it will be even worse for democrats. >> absolutely. it's a complete disaster that nancy pelosi has done with the caucus, back them into a far left corner. they never had facts or evidence. but they could control the process. it is so rigged. yet this is the best they have. the best they have is their own liberal law professors including noah feldman, who says, wait a minute, nancy pelosi, the president isn't impeached until you send over the articles. she has no idea what she's doing. you know, she thinks this is a legacy changer for president trump. this is death nel into her legacy. the first woman to lose the speaker ship not once, but twice because of her disasterous leadership. david: bring it to the economy. we had the debate in addition to everything else that happened last week. we had the democrat debate which joe biden was asked about the jobs that have been created, hundreds of thousands of jobs in
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the gas and oil industry, he was asked whether he would be willing to get rid of the jobs in order to move to a green policy agenda in america. here is how he answered that? >> the answer is yes. the answer is yes, because the opportunity, the opportunity for those workers to transition to high-paying jobs, tom said is real. we're only country only taken great crises turned testimony into enormous opportunities. david: liz, in the first place, oil and gas jobs pay extremely well, much better than the average job of somebody with a college degree. i mean that is just an extraordinarily wrong statement. beyond that, this is the man who promised us during recovery summer, i remember, i don't know if you do? >> oh, i do. david: in 2010 we had recovery summer we spent a trillion dollars trying to get jobs in the country. he said we would get 500,000 jobs a month in that recovery summer. we ended up with a net negative job growth that summer.
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is he really in a position to get rid of hundreds of thousands of good-paying jobs in oil and gas in order to promise something that he couldn't deliver before? >> he has never, this is a guy who has been in the swamp for 50 years. never delivered on promises he made. that recovery summer, we lost jobs. in fact they had to fudge the numbers, they said, oh, these are saved or created. they lied to you then. lying to you now. this guy by own admission, 50 years in the swamp, i have never been gainfully employed in my life. i never cash ad paycheck. same thing he said about his son hunter. he is going to dictate to you where you're going to work. he will take away your job. the first day he will hike your taxes. he will take away your health care as well. how do we know that? he already promising if you like your plan you can keep it. we know how that worked out too. this man has been lying to you for half a century. he never followed through on promises he made.
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this is the best the democrat think they have to win back the rust belt. amazing. under president trump the american dream is back. two years since we passed the tax cut. the average disposable income for everyday households is up $6,000. david: we'll talk more about that in the show. we got a lot of those stats in and they are extraordinary. it is amazing when recovery summer is put into sharp focus how the promises that he made just fell flat, absolutely flat. i want to switch to an international thing in the time left. president trump report he hadly invited boris johnson to the united states in january. are we getting a uk trade deal in the new year, which could boost markets higher? >> president trump keeps his promise. we've seen what he is able to do with u.s., mexico, canada, trade agreement. we have seen what he has done with japan. eu getting them he would
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accountable. china you bet he will move. uk voted for brexit, foreshadowing in 2016 of president trump's victory. the same thing will happen in 2020. we'll get great deals for the american people. because it is america first under president trump and booming economy and he delivers on the promises he made. david: a great friendship between trump and boris johnson which we've seen in the past. that last election sicktry by johnson was extraordinary in the uk. we have to leave it at that thank you for hanging with us. liz harrington from the rnc. >> merry christmas. david: merry christmas to you as well. alabama senator doug jones will probably vote against impeachment if it is sent to the senate. he is going up against jeff sessions. brian kilmeade joins us later to talk about that. it is the holiday shopping season. people are out spending money. later this hour we have a guest says the best gifts to give 24 season are gifts of
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entrepreneurship. we covered the protests in hong kong a lot this year. while that has happening halfway across the world, pro-democracy protests were also happening in lebanon in the middle east. up next we have a activist on the show fighting corruption in lebanon. that's next. ♪. imagine traveling hassle-free with your golf clubs. now you can, with! no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead with makes it fast & easy to get to your golf destination. with just a few clicks or a phone call, we'll pick up and deliver your clubs on-time, guaranteed, for as low as $39.99.
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male anchor: update on the cat who captured our hearts. female anchor: how often should you clean your fridge? stay tuned to find out. male anchor: beats the odds at the box office to become a rare non-franchise hit. you can give help and hope to those in need. david: check the big board. it's a great day on wall street. dow jones industrial average is up over 100 points. s&p and nasdaq are in record territory. a lot of what is happening in the dow is what is happening to boeing. they announced changing leadership at the top. that is having a significant effect on the dow.
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i think about 60 points right now or 65 points on the dow are specifically because of the gains at boeing. meanwhile hong kong wasn't the only place where pro-democracy protests took place this year. they were also happening in lebanon. joining us is an activist. rula, the greatest thing for americans what we were seeing in hong kong, seeing them wave the american flag, the perception of the united states by the protesters, played a part in their demonstrations. is there any similarity what is happening in lebanon? >> no. we're all under one flag. it is the lebanese flag which is an amazing outcome. since the civil war people were more into their parties and their sectarian parties. for the first time, or the second time probably you see all sects united under one flag. david: that is extraordinary because for those who don't remember, there are a lot of
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young people who don't, there have been some awful civil wars in lebanon that led to thousands, hundreds of thousands of deaths. most of those were sectarian. you're saying in this case the protests have nothing to do with sectarian differences? >> no, on the contrary, i think, the protests from the civil war, all parties are sectarian parties. whenever they fight with each other, they just threaten with a new civil war. whenever they come together, seal the country. it seems you have 200, $300 billion i want to be fair, $300 billion. like four to five times the gdp of the countries -- david: you're saying, the parties thattably are always in their own camps but the protests themselves, but are they going outside of the party? >> absolutely. david: this is the beginning after movement trying to dissolve the parties that exist, party politics? >> yes. david: how much success are they
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having? >> we've been left alone. the parties would say, oh, this is american money. this is the cia doing this. when i came to washington to lobby for the revolution be for the exact needs of the revolution, like sanctioning the our politicians, they used to be the warlords in lebanon. all of sudden they decided themselves into politicians, they ended up stealing everything. so the, lebanon is, like financially, can make it out of this crisis but however today you have more than 50%, to 60% of jobless people. we have $200 billion in the bank accounts in switzerland and elsewhere and the in the name of those politicians and their entourage. david: when i said you looked to america for guidance, i didn't mean the cia was getting in there to drive the protest
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movement. absolutely not. what i meant was there any inspiration looking at an alternative to the cronyism that you have now in lebanon? is it an american type of democracy, an american kind of market you would like to orient the country towards? >> i think, there will be a split. in any case, yes, this is the kind of democracy people would look up for. however, i would like to tell you america does not, had not been very, you know, credible with the people in the region because they gave up on the kurds. they gave up so many things. the president obama's years were not even, they were not good. he made a bad deal with iran and gave us up to the muslim brothers in egypt and elsewhere and strengthened iran. so today, with what president trump is trying to do, we're hoping that we will, like, move
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toward more democratic region, more democratic islam which would be a better place for everybody to live. david: stay with us if you can. i want to switch to saudi arabia. they have given a death sentence to five people who were condemned as a result of the can can -- khashoggi murder. lauren. lauren: jamal khashoggi was killed when he went into the consulate in istanbul. five people sentenced to death, three sentenced to jail. total of 24 years. two that were cleared were part of the crown pins of mohammed bin salman. jamal khashoggi very critical of the crown prince. this decision is raising eyebrows today. david: let me ask you about this specifically, because what it applies about the rule of law. our wonderful economic system in the united states would be
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nowhere if it wasn't for our adherence to the rule of law. businesses have to adhere to the rule of law. it is clear to matter what happened with the khashoggi murder, there was a lot of intrigue. whether the crown prince was directly involved. cia said one thing. trump administration officials said something else. it is clear the rule of law has a big question mark over it. how do you establish the rule of law in a place like lebanon which has had civil wars, which has cronyism among the political elite? it's a very difficult thing to establish, isn't it? >> from my perspective, i don't know that most demonstrators would agree with me. i see no other way, placing good judges. in order to form a government of nine months or something. then those judges will use, will use our like, power, international community in order to bring this money back.
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david: these judges have to be willing to die for the cause of the rule of law, right? >> we have a few good judges, if they were covered by the security forces and armed forces in lebanon who are funded or, has funding is coming from the u.s., that also we need the u.s. to help us put some sanctions over those who are trying to split the army. david: you're a very brave woman. and there is a lot of very brave people fighting for democracy. we wish you the very best. >> thank you, sir. david: god bless. coming up next we have another american success story. this time all about indulgent popcorn. popcorn mixed candy. the ceo of the brand is on the show next and the brand is doing great. ♪. most people think of verizon
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as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready.
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what are you doing back there, junior? since we're obviously lost, i'm rescheduling my xfinity customer service appointment. ah, relax. i got this. which gps are you using anyway? a little something called instinct. been using it for years. yeah, that's what i'm afraid of. he knows exactly where we're going. my whole body is a compass. oh boy... the my account app makes today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. not my thing.
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david: when you go to the movies how many get a bucket of popcorn with a side order of candy? that sweet and salty mix? one company put together for you so you don't have to buy one of each. joining us frank with snax-satitiona l brands. we talked about how you were doing outsourcing to china, why not? >> we were approached by manufacturers we used, our bags are manufactured in the u.s. cold packed in the u.s. david: attractive looking bags. >> that is the 20-ounce bags we sell in sam's club nationwide. we got manufacturer and copack and purchase products overseas all the time to save a couple
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cents over there. when you sell millions of bags it does add up. we're dedicated to purchasing products and purchasing, and manufacturing our products here in the u.s. david: you might save on margin on the cost if you do it abroad but there are some complications you end up spending more money dealing with foreign governments and regulations, taxes. >> time on the water, everything else. in the case of butter finger, we launched it, it sold so quickly we had to manufacture additional product to get to sam's club nationwide. if we manufactured overseas that would not happen. david: you would not, this is not your business that you've been into for life. your a serial entrepreneur. how did you happen to think this up? >> i went to dairy queen, bought and oreo blizzard and why are we not putting oreos on popcorn. i called mondelez.
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nestle at the time, butter fanger came to us, and we launched butter finger. m and m's the newest launch of twix. nationwide now. m and m with snickers and the mars corporation. david: not only provided with a new product, you provided us with inspiration. it came out as something came out of your head. there are some people think, if they only did this on the market, you could make a lot of money. that is exactly what happened to you. very quickly, you succeeded. >> that's correct. people should, if you have an idea, take that chance and go for it. david: sounds like the american dream all summed up in one sentence. thank you very much. >> appreciate it. david: there is no popcorn without the movies. "star wars" opened this past weekend. it brought in disappointing may sound good, but it is not, 175 million. also "cats" opened up as well, disappointing numbers. both had terrible reviews. are reviews still making it or
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breaking it for the movies out there? that is coming up. ♪. than you. you are my diamond. for the diamond in your life, get up to 40% off storewide
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or get these one of a kind deals at the "you are my diamond" event. exclusively at zales, the diamond store. and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk
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♪ she loves you yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ david: this started it all. do you remember hearing this? lauren: i heard it. i don't remember the time. david: this was the first song i ever heard from the beatles. absolutely. i remember that. i don't remember, i was being rocked in a cradle. this is the first song, really, this is, meet the beatles, that is the song from the meet the
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beatles album i think. let's check the markets. they're still doing great. up triple digits on the dow, just barely. s&p, nasdaq still in record territory. again we got to mention the top news story of the day. boeing decided that it is quits time for ceo dennis muilenburg. he is out amid the company's ongoing problems over their 737 max airplanes. he didn't do so well trying to defend company's actions in front of congress. come in, jack hough, "barron's" seen editor. you have to have the style to sell it to the politicians and muilenburg wasn't able to do that. >> the question now for investors is this the moment have things gotten bad enough? i don't think this is a moment to buy boeing stock. the good news, there is diop poly for wide bod jets. there is no other way to get people around the world.
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the company generates a ton of cash. it has durable financial power. over long term it will be okay. the problem is -- david: we have an analyst who countered that, that it would go up to 446, which was the high last march. >> they're talking about halt of production on 737 max. that is what they're doing now. i don't think this is all clear whether it's a halt or some kind of broader shift. whether they have to stop production or start from scratch on the plane. i think there are deep problems. especially in an era, people book flights online. they see model of plane you will be flying. you can pass things with regulators but if you have a brand not working with flyers, that is problem for airlines buying these planes. david: absolutely. you're out with a "barron's" list with 10 stocks of the decade. i love the fact we're entering into 2020. first of all, roman numerals, mmxx. only time i remember the roman numerals for the new decade.
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i'm good for a year. >> good to see you excited. david: i'm excited about it, but imalso excited about the stocks. tell us with the 10 stocks of the decade. >> everybody talks about the fangs. only one made the top 10 list. if you looked at past decade reinvested dividends, only netflix was at top. destroyed everything else. the best performer. not that they did poorly. david: i'm surprised amazon wasn't on the list. they started the decade so well. >> it just missed making the list but what i was surprised to see, there are companies here on the list that are, like role-ups in industries that you wouldn't think especially sexy like trucking, semiconductors but not the latest, greatest intel type semiconductors, working semiconductors, heavy equipment rental, that sort of thing. there are companies in here, you have, they're well-managed companies, did a good job of buying competitors in their industries, generating more free cash. united rentals and transdigm, old dominion freight line.
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david: retailers like ulta. ulta was not on my list as one of the top retailers. >> this was supposed to be retail armageddon. look at all the stores closing. retailers out there, they took market share. they sell hair care, make up products. david: lauren knows about it. lauren: i know about it. david: i didn't know about it. >> people like the stores. they low cat stores in suburbs where there is not as much competition. they do very well. david: jack hough of baron's, good to see you. latest installment of the "star wars" franchise making a lackluster showing at the box office. lauren, tell us about this. lauren: yes, it was $175.5 million. we were looking for maybe 200 million plus. i think there is "star wars" fatigue out there. they keep putting these out. next one is not coming until 2022. critics say one thing.
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fans say another. if you talk to people who went to see the movie, they loved it. most did love it. even on rotten tomatoes, critics rating is much lower than the fan rating. david: look at what happened with "cats." they low expectations. they managed to meet low expectations. the reviews were just terrible. lauren: to the litter box. first thing this movie cost 100 million dollars to make. taylor swift, jennifer hudson. opening weekend, 6 1/2 million dollars. david: that is a documentary. lauren: trying to counter "star wars." get females to come in. they love musicals and love actresses, singers, yeah. david: all right. didn't work. i think reviews, granted there is a fan base that will go no matter what the review is. they did have an effect for first-timegoers. it is holiday time. people are out shopping for last minute gifts.
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but next we have a guy who has what he calls holiday gifts that could save america. our future. that's that all about? we'll find out next. (classical music playing throughout)
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david: looks like we stablized on the plus side about 100 points for the dow jones industrial average. again a lot of that has to do with one stock, boeing, which is doing extremely well with a change in management at the top. the nasdaq and s&p are doing well. they are in record territory again. meanwhile. speaking of specific stocks, tiktok looking for a global headquarters outside of china. lauren, what cities are they considering? lauren: london, dublin, singapore. not the united states. they don't officially have a headquarters now but their senior executives are in shanghai, that is the china
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image. they have been under criticism and under attack by u.s. senators and by folks, regulators looking into their the owner. they bought musically, it's a u.s. music app, they're looking into national security concerns around this this is rebranding, if you will, of tiktok, setting up headquarters. david: a lot of parents are afraid their kids were addicted to tiktok will be spied upon by some software the company might have because what we heard in the past about chinese companies. i think that is a pr disaster they're trying to thwart. i don't know if they will succeed. lauren: numbers are tremendous. global downloads surpass facebook and snap. 655 million. david: folks under 20 know tic-tac. tiktok, that is another story excuse me. we did a candy segment last
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hour. looking for last minute christmas present for your kids, our next evident guest says these three should be on top, entrepeneur ship training, coding class, travel and new experience could save america. here to explain why, cofounder and ceo of street shares, mark rockefeller. mark, you're really interested in the next generation, trying to save them but how do you convince kids that entrepeneurship is exciting. >> yeah. god morning. happy holidays, christmas to everyone. we have to make entrepreneurship cool again. i think a lot of viewers and grandparents want to see the great economy keep going. for that we simply need more entrepreneurs. we are right now amongst millenials, all-time low. fewer people under the age of 30 own a business now at anytime in the last 25 years. so that is a real problem. so we need to train a generation of entrepreneurs. i think what you give them at
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christmas can certainly be a part of that. david: but how? a lot of people, a lot of entrepreneurs i talked to, they didn't even go to high school. they were just, they have it in their bones, have it in their spirit. they say entrepreneurs are born, not made. i guess you disagree? >> i do. i certainly think that it can be taught. here is an example. i was in new york city in midtown a couple months ago with a 13-year-old relative of mine. we were traveling around, we were walking, talking i was pointing out, i said look for problems. look for pain points. look for inefficiencies right. what are folks struggling with? a woman with a heavy package. there is the trash piling up. these are problems and the key trait of an entrepeneur they seek out problems, try to solve the problems. the bigger the problem, more money they can get and more successful business they can have. i believe mentality searches for problems in life to solve is something that certainly can be taught. david: you also say coding.
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i completely understand. if somebody has coding under their belt, there is no limit what they can do, to the money, whether they want to work for themselves or other companies as well. that is a great thing to have. how do you impart upon young people the importance of that? >> yeah. in the piece i mentioned a couple of sort of tools that you know, parents, grandparents can rely on. one, you start them off very early. there is an app. kind of a cute name, called daisy the dinosaur. it allows kids as young as four to begin coding. david: wow. >> if you have kids. i know i do. my kids spent a lot of time staring at computer screens, right? i want to educate them at the screen. something like daisy dinosaur will certainly do that. there is great tools out there. a lot of viewers will know dave ramsey. he has teen tool box for entrepreneurship. there is a great website called that is a non-profit.
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viewers can search for coding classes near them. give it as a gift. david: we run out of time. i have to throw in the last thing, which is travel. instead of spending money on toys that fit under the christmas tree. spend it on travel. you and the children will have much richer life. toys are forgotten after couple days. a good trip somewhere isn't forgotten for a lifetime. >> travel expands the mind. david: thank you, mark. for being here. appreciate it. carnival cruise lines apologizing for a crash in mexico. lauren this footage was amazing, everybody who say this. lauren: it's unbelievable. that the is carnival glory. it put a hole in the side right through the dining room when it crashed into another cruise ship. so you have the company sending a letter to guests. they're blaming the weather, winds, and strong currents for that. giving them 100-dollar credit. david: 100-dollar credit? wow. lauren: imagine what you felt like being on the ship, having
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your itinerary disrupted. for people getting on the ship? david: if you were in the back of the ship enjoying a martini, saw the front of another ship coming into your space, that would be a problem. coming january 1st, new taxes that you should know about because they're on whiskey and other spirits and they are going to be going up an astounding, i'm not even going to tell you how much they're going up. wait until you hear how much they will go up if the bill passes congress. how will this affect the small mom-and-pop lick stores? stew leonard joins us next hour. draftkings may be going public. what will that do for the sport's betting world? brian kilmeade, who better to ask. he joins us next. ♪.
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[ dramatic music playing ] [ squeaking ] [ screaming ] elliott? [ gasps ] elliott. you came back! my son. my, my family. lot's changed since you were here. it's called the internet. whoa! -whoa! holiday movies. ♪ i'm dreaming of a white christmas ♪ ♪ family.
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home. woo! [ gasps ] woo-hoo! woo! i'll be right here. ♪ david: checking the big board.
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the dow is going up even more. a lot of factors weighing on the dow. boeing is not only stock doing extremely well. as, we mentioned before, tesla is doing extremely well, but apple is also doing pretty well right now. it is up over 1%. another person who is always up, mr. brian kilmeade. as house speaker nancy pelosi holds on to the articles of impeachment, democrat senator doug jones, he may vote to acquit president trump. take a look at this. >> i've been trying to read this. i'm trying to see if the dots get connected. if that is the case, i think it's a serious matter, i think it is an impeachable matter. but if the dots are not connected, there are other explanations that are consistent with innocence i will go that way too. david: aforementioned brian kilmeade. he joins us now. his tie is undone a little bit, for those listening on the radio. so you get the image. he looks like a great sports
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announcer. i want to get to politics. democrats lived by impeachment. according to senator jones they will not die by impeachment, right? >> we don't know if they will get the impeachment articles. mitch mcconnell was on with us this morning on "fox & friends," i don't know what leverage she thinks she has. i don't want the articles. you keep them. i don't need them. we have a big gained today. we have judges to confirm. if we get it you won't have anything to do with what you're doing here. you can appoint your impeachment managers, when you're ready, republicans are ready to go. what you're talking about with doug jones. he is in an uphill battle. he is trailing two different republican candidates including jeff sessions. it would be right to hold his cards tight to the vest. i can't imagine him voting for it. 47 people will vote with senator schumer. joe manchin is on the shelf. he is liberated. he has five more years left on six-year contract. i'm not sure doug jones surprised anyone.
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i don't think many democrats did connect the dots. they went along trying to damage the president rather than getting to the bottom of the ukraine story. david: they're not blind. they're looking at polls. they're seeing president is doing better. democrats doing worse. people like jones doing swing districts, tough districts, they will not die by this i wonder what you think nancy pelosi is up to. do you think she is working with senator schumer to try to undermine somehow the process that mcconnell has in mind for the impeachment? >> yeah. she is trying to create some type of tension where the people of colorado push senator cory gardner, the people of maine push senator susan collins. the people of north carolina push senator thom tillis, saying we need a trial. if you want to keep your seat, show me that you will attack leadership and get me a trial. if those states don't say it to the vulnerable senate seats, that maybe cost mitch mcconnell his majority, i don't see it. the other theory is, that nancy pelosi thinks she knows
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more information that is coming down the pike. she thinks if she holds on through the holiday, it will come when people are paying attention. david: that is a big. >> that would make stronger case. david: how many times we heard that, the big thing will come? we didn't get him this time but the big thing is coming. we heard that so off then. there is mitch mcconnell's point, when you're negotiating with somebody you have to assume you have something of value for the other person. the impeachment is nothing of value for mcconnell, there is no point him negotiating at all. >> in, out, turn over the page. i was watching sunday shows, you didn't call to hang out with me. i had nothing to do, giants out of it since week three. david: family problems. >> a lot of panelists on sunday shows, people like karen tumulty of "washington post," people have to understand only way to get rid of donald trump is in november. that is the way it will be. david: speaking of, speaking of
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that, "washington post" reporter coming out with his merry impeach-mass note on twitter. karen tumulty, still have reporter instinct in mind but a lot of reporters don't. they, the hell with everything. they're going full out for impeachment? >> nothing you can do about it. people are used to it. it would be different if it was the other way. would make headlines if it is that way. for the most part donald trump complains a lot about it, has people's antenna up for bias in the media. he is taking on fox over and over again when he doesn't get his correct narrative. he is fighter. for "the washington post" to have column, an angle, point of view, comes with getting up in the morning. david: only 20 seconds. republicans in the senate. there are a couple who are no fans of donald trump. could they vote with democrats on impeachment? >> yeah. youbut it is very strange. donald trump did something very smart 3 1/2 weeks ago. he invited senator mitt romney to the white house.
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he invited susan collins to the white house and others. what are you thinking? what do you know? make i can keep our problems from being public. mitt romney kept his powder dry i heard. i don't think it benefits to the people the utah to be a cowboy on this, unless something pops up unless he can't sleep with it. david: we won't go further with who sleeps with who on the show. brian kilmeade you can do that on the radio because you have more latitude. god bless you. >> i can't wait. david: people love their pets. in 2018 people spent record $72 billion on the pets. ceo of barkbox joins us. monthly subscription box daters to pets. coming up next hour, our automotive editor gary gastelu. he has driven all the latest and hottest cars. he will reveal the top pick for
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trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. so you can... retire better. david: 11:00 a.m. in new york city. david asman in for stuart varney. it's christmas eve, eve and the first day of hanukkah but that doesn't mean we are taking any time off at all. let's get started with your money. right now we have a solid rally on our hands. we will get to that in a moment. the dow at new highs of the day. first let's deal with the box office. lauren simonetti is here. let's start with "star wars." didn't get great reviews. lauren: $175.5 million sounds like a lot, little less than expectations. the box office for 2019 is down just so nyou know, but this is the final episode of the skywalker saga and just that
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draws fans despite the reviews. david: now, "cats" also got bad reviews, did badly at the box office. i'm wondering about "jumanji." i love the rock. i love the rock. if you get instagram and have the rock on, you know he gets like five million hits with everything he puts out. lauren: i heard this was good. opening weekend, $26.1 million. david: it's number two. lauren: "cats" opening weekend, $6.5 million. david: keep your eye on "jumanji." lauren: never thought of seeing that but you convinced me. david: i loved the first one but i can only imagine the second with the rock. next one, this is the season of amazon but the best performing large retail stock of the decade is not amazon. lauren, what is it? lauren: ulta, the beaut supply store. isn't that amazing? if you look at the past decade it's up 1,271%. very close to amazon but not as much.
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this is why. their ceo came in in 2013, a rewards program, beauty influencers like the kardashians, and they are not attached to malls. they are in suburban areas. so in a way, it's a different model. that stock is on fire this decade. david: absolutely. china, let's talk about some policy issues now. it is cutting tariffs on hundreds of products as we await completing phase one of the u.s./china trade deal. hillary vaughn is live at the white house with the details. i would just warn people that last may, we thought we had a deal, the chinese delegation here thought we had a deal, the u.s. delegation did. they went back to beijing and beijing just ripped it up. anything could happen. reporter: that's right. but this is actually already announced by china's tariff commission. this applies not just to u.s. imports and goods but also any country that has most favored nation status. they are going to roll out their fifth tariff cut mid-summer, july 1st, 2020 on about 176
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different i.t. products. this is part of their plan to boost imports of high tech equipment and spare parts as they try to boost their own high tech industries in their country. they are also going to be cutting tariffs on any type of product that includes a special iron alloy used in manufacturing high tech products, but also any multi-component circuit memories as well. so this is something that clearly, they are rolling out to not just the u.s. but other countries as well. david: very important. hillary, thank you very much. let's bring in market watcher mark chandler with us. mark, lot of people are saying it's a santa claus rally. i would say this isn't a santa claus rally as it is as it is a donald trump rally. look at what happened with the impeachment beginning to fade as it goes into the senate in terms of an important thing that could stop the president from doing more things, and you look at what's happening on the trade front. that's what's causing the market to rally. it is a donald trump rally. >> it is in the u.s. but you know what's happening, it's not just the u.s. stock market
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that's rallying. europe hit record highs, asia is at the highest for the year. this is a global equity market rally. the u.s. is one of the strongest but it's not the only participant. david: the interesting thing about europe, there were certain countries in europe including the uk, including germany, that were entering into recession. they had the first quarter of recession, two quarters is popularly the definition of a recession. they were almost there. i would argue that it was the united states and the growth here that brought europe out of its recessionary turn. >> yeah, i don't know. europe is having their problems. it's primarily a couple sectors, autos and exports to china. perhaps it was the tariffs on china and the slowing down of china that caused them to go into -- to dip, especially germany. we had a series of such good news, whether it be nafta agreement, nafta 2.0, whether it's the china agreement, or the uk election, everything has turned in favor of investors here as we wind down the year. david: 68% of fund managers now
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say there will be no recession in 2020. if you listen to those same people last year or even a few months ago, it would have been far less than 50% who said no recession in 2020. what changed? >> i think a couple things have changed. one of these agreements, the trade agreement, look at what we have done with canada, mexico, japan, china. david: uk on the horizon. boris is coming to washington, d.c. sometime in january or february. >> a lot of people worry about, though, the next big area that's going to come into the u.s. crosshairs is europe, whether it's the pipeline from russia, whether it's the trade imbalance, whether it's not contributing the nato, the focus will shift more to europe. david: at the same time, if we have a deal, if we forge a deal which shouldn't be difficult with boris johnson after his tremendous victory, he killed the competition in the uk so he pretty much has a free hand, carte blanch to make a deal with the united states, and i don't think there would be much
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opposition from the democrats on any kind of deal with the uk so if we have a deal with the uk, won't that get the europeans worried that they better make a deal with us as well in some way? >> you would hope so. i think it's very complicated. i'm not so sure the next year, that europe has to deal with the uk as well. they are on a one-year sort of stand still before they leave. it will all be about the uk and europe negotiating while the u.s. will probably have to crank up the pressure on europe before there's a resolution. david: boeing. got to talk about the stock that's moving markets today. what do you think about the change at the top at boeing? >> it will come as a surprise to a lot of people. there are a number of missteps and this weekend's attempt to get to the space station was map maybe the last blow. lauren: the exit package for dennis muilenburg who is no longer ceo, $39 million. when you look at boeing's statement, the press release on the leadership changes, oftentimes, i mean, the stock tripled since muilenburg was ceo. there's not one word of praise for his leadership.
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this shows the board is truly trying to distance themselves from muilenburg the way he handled the 737 max crisis. two points on david calhoun, the incoming ceo. he's been on the board of directors since 2009 which means he was there for the decision to launch the 737 max, and not go with another plane. so will he be critiqued as well, perhaps. investors liking this move. the stock is up 2.7% today. david: what do you think about the stock? >> it's interesting. i think it's a long term value. there's not a lot of other companies in that space. like some of the other -- some of the same space, those who have monopoly seem to have a big advantage. david: next case, senator elizabeth warren taking more heat over the weekend for a bit of wine cave hypocrisy all over a similar fund-raiser she held back in 2018. we will get kayleigh mcenany on that. next, will the trump campaign be hosting any wine cave funders of their own any
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time soon. and we will get her take on impeachment. it's brought the campaign some big money. the president's base is obviously fired up about it. is it actually going to benefit the president in 2020? we will be asking. the third hour of "varney & company" is on its way. ♪ than you.
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david: elizabeth warren is doubling down after criticizing mayor pete's private fund-raiser in a wine cave. watch. >> we have a fundamental question in this country and that is who is our government going to work for, and a big part of that is who's going to get access to the next president of the united states of america. we made a decision as a country decades and decades ago that we
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were not going to let rich people in smoke-filled rooms pick the next president. i think now we should decide that we're not going to let billionaires in wine caves pick the next president. david: jane lynch the actress went after warren for her high and mighty sounding comments. lauren: let's pull up the tweet. this is a good one. she writes billionaires in wine caves have just as much right -- just as much right to say who gets to be president as waitresses and diners and plumbers in my bathroom. class warfare is ugly. elizabeth warren, thanks for listening. david: good for her. as it turns out, elizabeth warren had her own hoity-toity fund-raiser. lauren: yes, june of 2018. melis melissa etheridge was there. if you gave enough money you got a bottle of wine.
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david: joining me is trump 2020 press secretary, kayleigh mcenany. this is delicious. you just love it when these elitists particularly if they are millionaires like liz warren, millionaire socialists, back themselves into a corner in situations like this. >> you certainly do. of course, elizabeth warren has taken money from billionaires, at least 30 between her senate campaign and presidential campaign. this is rife with hypocrisy. democrats are out there, they all want to raise a lot of money, then try to hide the fact that they do, rather than just saying we have raised a lot of money, we are proud of it, americans from all classes support our campaign. instead they engage in this hypocrisy. david: i have to switch over to the impeachment because it is a historic event, particularly because there's never been an impeachment that's been purely partisan as this one is. will that change in the senate? will people like mitt romney and a couple other senators, republicans who don't like president trump, vote with democrats? >> you know, we will see what happens but i think republicans stand united, much as they did
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in the house. the house, of course, it was the bipartisan vote against impeachment. we could potentially even sthee see that in the senate. but i can tell you this. it's going to be adults in the room. it will be fair process. away with the partisan gimmickry and a chance for president trump to share his side of the story via witnesses that he wanted to call all along the house barred from coming to testify. this is going to be adults in the room. it's going to be fair process and the president's side of the story will get out there. david: i understand the president hates this. i would hate to have a mark by my name if i ever was president, which is not going to happen, but he hates the process of being impeached, but you have to face the political reality that in a way, it's helped him because it has exposed the farce that this whole process has been, at least the one that took place in the house. and you see that in a lot of of the polling figures. is it in a strange way helpful to the president, the fact that politically, the fact he was
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impeached? >> well, as nyou know, no one wanted to see this impeachment happen. that being said, it certainly has backfired on democrats. our internal polling shows in the 30 districts where democrats won, where president trump had previously won, by an 11-point margin voters in those districts say we want a new congressman after this impeachment vote. it is backfiring spectacularly on democrats. even in fund-raising, in 48 hours we raised $10 million. that's extraordinary. it's more than joe biden raised in the third quarter. so yeah, it is backfiring and our numbers show it and our data shows it. david: you have nancy pelosi dragging her feet, dragging it at least on into the new year in terms of passing the impeachment on to the senate. could that be good for republicans as a result of what the public thinks about this process? >> yeah, i think it further exposes the process. no doubt about it. everyone, even noah feldman, even the democrat-called witness, the harvard law professor, said oh, wait, he's
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not even actually impeached until you transfer this to the senate. you must do this, nancy pelosi. when your own witnesses are calling out your actions, it's safe to say the rest of the country will, too. david: kayleigh mcenany, good to see you. thank you for being here. appreciate it. quick stock check. if we look at the markets in general, they are doing well. but not all stocks are doing well. uber is one of them. their former chief executive travis kalanick is on track to sell almost his entire stake in the company. he sold off around 90% worth, about $2.5 million. the stock is down around 25 cents, off about a percentage point, down to $30.20. and we've got to check tesla. hitting an all-time high and it hit that magical mark of $420. mr. musk has been tweeting about that for a long time. lauren: let me bring you to august 7th, 2018, the tweet heard round the world. regulatory and wall street, elon musk essentially wrote this, if
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we can pull that up. he said funding secured, basically for taking tesla private at $420 a share. well, today, it did hit, just moments ago, that $420 mark, all-time high. the repercussions of that tweet, $20 million fine from mr. musk, $20 million fine from tesla, he was forced out as chairman. less than a year later the stock hits that number. david: what happens, i wonder. what happens now. does it stay a publicly traded stock or does it go private? >> the shorts are getting -- david: the shorts are getting killed. that clearly is happening. >> people seem to love elon musk as a visionary. they like his erratic ways and the way he thinks. david: we will see what happens. thank you very much. next one, gary gastelu is our top car guy. he's driven a whole slew of fast, fancy and furious cars over the past year, including the mustang shelby. today, he is right outside our
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studio on fox plaza with his pick for the car of the year. ladies and gentlemen, you will not see this one coming. we will unveil it coming next. ♪ (brakes screeching) okay. so, today you're going to leave your phone with a guy named flip. (ding) but it's more than your phone, it's your business, your customer data, your sales figures. and who can forget, those happy hour selfies? not flip. (honking, gasping) this isn't working. introducing samsung business security solutions, with knox software. with the galaxy note10, you can remotely wipe data or lock phones, so your business is secure even when your phone isn't. samsung business solutions.
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david: we have been teasing this all morning long. our top car guy, gary gastelu, has driven a number of really fancy, fast, wonderful cars over the past year. he's finally chosen his choice for car of the year. but i honestly couldn't believe it. gary, when i heard the pick, and i do happen to know what's under that veil, i was shocked. why don't you go ahead with a big reveal. you are on fox square. do it, my friend. >> sure thing. i have driven a lot this year, over 80 cars i got behind the wheel of. mustang shelby, gt500, tesla model 3, but this is the one i have recommended to the most people. it's the toyota rav4 hybrid. i'm not so far out on a limb here. the rav 4 is the best-selling car in america that's not a pickup and the high drybrid mak
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25% of the sales. toyota thinks it could sell maybe 50% hybrid if it could make enough of them. it will be trying to increase production pretty soon. this is why it's great. it gets 40 miles per gallon and it really does. i have driven these hundreds of miles. it's hard to get bad fuel economy in them. lot of room, lot of refinement for five passengers plus with 219 horse power it's the most powerful rav 4 model and it comes standard with all wheel drive. but the i can canner is, this only costs for 2020, $850 more than a conventional rav 4 which only gets 30 miles per ho4 mile. you can make it up at the pump in less than three years. i can't say enough abogood thin about this car. david: are you making a case for a nice safe boring car? you have driven the shelby mustang. you had the most recent jeep you can take through the back country. you are honestly telling me a toyota is a more exciting car
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than a mustang? >> i'm saying it's the best car for the most people, better than any other -- if there was one car made in america or sold in america, actually made in canada, they will make some in america next year, one car sold in america, i would have to say this should be it. as far as excitement is concerned, the time this won me over whis when i was driving across a snowy parking lot and started to give it gas and the rear end started slipping around and i started sliding around like i would in a sports car, i was like wow, this is kind of fun. plus at 40 miles a gallon you just can't beat it. david: haven't car companies been cutting hybrids from their product lines? >> some have, but toyota owns this segment and they have figured out how to do it at a low price and make money off them. in fact, next year, there's going to be a plug-in version of this that's going to have over 302 horse power. i'm telling u that could be a game changer. david: give me the feel of a mustang, sitting on top of a
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mustang with that engine in it, there's just no comparison with an electric or hybrid. >> put three kids in that car and take it for a spin every day. david: i know. i know. all right, gary. great reveal. thank you very much, appreciate it. we are in the final days of 2019 and here's something you may not have heard about. starting on january 1st, taxes on whiskey and other spirits are going to skyrocket by 400%. that's because of a recession oth recession-era tax cut that's going to expire. the owner of several low-cost liquor stores around the northeast will tell us what we can do about that and if nothing, how it will affect the bottom line of these mom and pops. odds are you are on holiday vacation, maybe sipping some whiskey by the fire. i'm jealous of you guys. while it's still on the cheap, we have gotten word a good part of the country may indeed see a white christmas. we will give you the forecast, next. ♪
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david: starting on january 1st, taxes on whiskey and other spirits are expected to rise
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400%. i want to bring in stu leonards. first of all, you talked about president trump extending, this is because we had a tax that was 400% greater than what we do now, wasn't extended but you are saying now president trump has extended it? >> yes. for another year. david: for another year. >> yes. the industry wants it permanent. but just as an example, this is, you know, our business started in connecticut. my father got his sba loan to begin it so i feel for the small businesses. i was just speaking with this g guy, litchfield bourbon in connecticut. david: you don't have to make bourbon in kentucky. it can be make in connecticut. >> it used to be $2.50 a bottle. now it's only 50 cents. so it enabled him to hire marketing people, to hire -- invest in equipment. it's really a small business story.
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he does 50,000 bottles a year now. david: but the possibility, if in fact this tax went on, a 400% increase from where it is now, it would be a lot of small companies, a lot of mom and pops, i mean, you run a huge business, but it's mostly the small and mom and pops that would be hurt. >> the guest you had this morning on entrepreneurship, what we have done is started a stu's tank, and what it is, i started in a milk tank, so what we are able to do now is take these small businesses, let them audition for us and put them in the store. we have four of them today. today is the busiest shopping day for food of the year. david: you came here on the busiest shopping day of the year? my god, that's great. thank you. >> plus we have a great customer over here, too. david: lauren shops at your stores all the time. lauren: i shopped yesterday at stu leonards in new jersey.
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david: what were you doing there? >> i say hi to everybody. david: you can't disguise yourself as a shopper. >> no, no. i could never get on "undercover boss." i went through the store, everybody knows me. that's the way we are. i say happy holidays to everybody. david: bottom line, a year ago, as you remember, all too well, we were in a downward move, the markets were down, we had everybody saying recession, recession, recession. it didn't happen. we made a tremendous recovery. now the market's at new highs. people are -- you see any bad signs at all in the marketplace? >> two indicators i don't think you ever talk about on these shows. one of them is our mashed potato index. the other is our pulled cork index. okay? now -- david: the second one i understand. what is a mashed potato index? >> regular potatoes are about a buck a pound. the ones we mash, our chefs, that are all prepared, are like $4.99 a pound.
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when the market's good, everybody gets mashed. we see an increase in mashed potatoes. chopped garlic, for instance. the chopped garlic rather than the whole cloves, we have seen an increase in that. we could have a garlic index, too. we see signals in the store, even buying high end whiskeys and wines, the pulled cork index, wine is over 50 bucks. go up when the market goes up. we are noticing a little euphoria among our food shoppers. they just feel like times are good and they are starting to buy -- david: so it is a very happy christmas -- >> so far it's good. it's good. david: always a pleasure to see you. thanks for coming in. i know you got to run right back to your store. >> know why? because we have such a great customer. you got a loaded cart. david: ceo of the company with your name. good to see you. >> happy holidays. david: happy holidays to you as well. 115 on the dow and we are at records on the s&p and nasdaq.
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charles payne, remember the doom and gloom people, the one person who held his feet firm to the ground to all the winds that were blowing recession a year ago and even less than that ago, charles stood his ground and turned out to be absolutely -- you know, charles, i'm calling this more a trump rally than a santa claus rally because this really is about all of the policies he's been working on for years, and they are all coming to fruition. charles: 100% correct. i mean, 100% correct. i think the most important thing is on election day, the unleashing of animal spirits. now, you know, success begets success. what happens is almost any economic policy, people have to buy into for it to work and the longer this has gone on, the more people are buying into it, the more people buy into it, the more it goes on. economists call it the virtuous cycle and we are in the midst of it. david: so much so that stu
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leonards left his bourbon shop, he figured he could get another bottle. charles: that's the index, when you leave bourbon behind. david: where do we go from here? is there any ceiling to this current rally? charles: here's my thought. the work i have been doing, i'm looking forward next year, gdp to be over 3% for the year. i'm looking for wage growth to be 4% year over year on average and the s&p to be up at least 15%. there are going to be two dynamic changes from this year to next year. household formation. i'm looking at household formation, you know, we saw that permits number, highest in 13 years. we looked at the home builders index, sentiment index. if you look at the part of prospective buyers kicking the tires, that was the highest in almost two decades. i think that and business investments. particularly intellectual property, equipment, things like that. those are going to be two things that dovetail into higher wages. david: let's put a fine point on what's happening at boeing. the stock is up tremendously. that's one reason why the dow jones industrial is up.
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it's up 2.5% right now, boeing is. dow jones i guess about 60, 70 points on the dow, because of what's happening at boeing. what do you think about the change at the top there? charles: long overdue. long overdue. i really felt like boeing, when the lion air crash happened, i told my team we need to find some experts on marketing and messaging. not just avionics, the aviation industry, because i thought the company kind of downplayed it a little too much. then of course, the ethiopian air on top of that. just listen, i think a lot of things have happened and we opened our eyes up to the cozy relationship with the faa, you know, just to sort of, this notion that it's no big deal. even in the last earnings report, will it be approved by december. here's the big picture, bigger picture. last week, when it got hit, i told folks if it holds 320 on a closing basis, keep buying, keep adding. here's your numbers. from 2019 to 2038 there will be
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44,000 airplanes delivered, commercial airplanes delivered. they will be worth $6.8 trillion and the servicing on the airplanes around the world will be $9 trillion. so over the next few years we are talking about a $15 trillion, $16 trillion opportunity. really they only have one competitor. david: hold on for a second. you have seen it all over their website. turns out amazon's choice is not the hyped-up endorsement it appears to be. lauren: yeah, the stamp of approval especially for christm christmas, the badge is on it, you buy it. concerns this morning, algorithms, about 1600 listings were manipulated by sellers trying the manipulate the algo so its products would get the best stamp of approval. also, dozens of items have the choice badge but they didn't meet standards for safety. even the standards that amazon had for themselves. finally here, about 540 of amazon's own brands had this. that was a disproportionate number. david: does amazon have to deal
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with this? charles: you know, this morning, paul davis, the second person hired at amazon to do their websites, they've got to be broken up. it's not just elizabeth warrens of the world. david: how would you do that? charles: i'm not sure. he was saying it could be -- you could break it up in two different ways. one would be the cloud business and the other would be sort of, you know, the traditional business that they started out with. you know, amazon, i just think amazon's going to keep pushing the envelope. i don't think there's any limits to -- there's not an industry they are not going to go after. last year i was halfway joking when they announced they would start selling live christmas trees. like anything that someone sells, they will try to sell it. it's unfortunate if they find ways or others find ways to artificially manipulate their products to the top of the list. lauren: what they should separate and this is what paul davis is talking about, the merchant business, where the third party sellers sell on their site, and their own retail business where they sell their own products. david: tough to do, though. they are so integrated, these two sectors.
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charles: it's tough, but not impossible. listen, they are continue to come under a lot of pressure, lot of heat. lot of that comes with success. david: love success. we would rather deal with success problems than failure problems. lauren: pass the bottle. david: charles, thanks a lot. are you dreaming of a white christmas? you will be here thursday, right? charles: absolutely. david: all right. if you are dreaming of a white christmas, if that's the case, you might want to head north. fox news meteorologist joining us now. adam, who is going to be waking up to snow this christmas? >> you kind of said it. you might need to head north. temperatures are a little on the warm side. here's what we are looking at across the country. they are hovering in the 50s, the 40s. not a lot of really cold places across the entire country. actually very warm here on the east. that's going to continue. what about the white christmas? there is where there is currently snow. you see out west, higher elevations, but there are spots where this is receding because the temperature is too warm. within the next couple days you see that fall back a little
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more. extreme new england, that's upstate, then running across the northern plains and then higher elevations out west, it is going to be fairly warm on christmas day. otherwise, are you going to be able to get to christmas? travel isn't looking too bad as of right now. there's a couple of systems we are paying attention to. one out on the west coast that slowed down travel a little in the phoenix area. that is that system. there has been a large, slow-moving low pressure system across the southeast. at this point, very heavy rain in north georgia, south carolina and north carolina. this has been spinning over here for awhile, likely some spots getting four to eight inches. so a real big soggy rain maker over there. but it has not been enough to really slow down travel. these are the current airport delays. you see green absolutely everywhere. despite those systems, travel still looks okay. even as we look towards tomorrow, i think we are mostly clear as this system kind of pushes on out. for travel, it looks good. you said it, snow, probably not too likely but head north. david: adam, thank you very much. now to this. impeachment is on the back
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burner as congress heads home for the holidays but coming up, we've got one of the most quotable people in american politics today. senator john kennedy is on the show. he's a louisiana senator. i want to know what his constituents are saying about impeachment as he's home for the holidays. is it putting a damper on their holiday joy? and we will ask about his colleague, doug jones. he's an alabama senator. he's still on the fence about impeachment. he's a democrat. he might break from his party once the articles hit the senate. is that just to save face in a red-leaning bible belt state? we will ask the senator john kennedy. he is next. ♪ listening and observing are critical skills for scientists at 3m. one of the products i helped develop was a softer, more secure diaper closure. as a mom, i knew it had to work.
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there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. i envisioned what it's like for babies to have diapers around them. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. at the end of the day, we are people helping people.
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david: remember this video? how could you forget. a carnival cruise ship careening into another carnival vessel.
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well, lauren, now the company has some sort of explanation. lauren: yeah. one cruise ship hitting another. imagine that. in a letter, carnival says they are investigating the cause of this but they believe it is due to strong wind gusts and strong current that caused that to happen in mexico. six guests sent to the hospital with minor injuries. it's pretty unbelievable. for anybody who might have been in the dining room when the "glory" hit the "legend" wow. can you imagine that experience? david: all right. no, i can't. no, i can't. i'm not sure a $100 credit on my next cruise would nullify my concerns. lauren: if you chose to leave, i believe you do get a full refund. i just want to clarify that. david: speaking of disasters, you are looking at what's happened at the impeachment process inside the beltway. everybody is gone for the holidays. god bless them, we wish them the best in their home districts but what are their home districts telling them about the job they did at least in the house
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leading to what's going to happen in the senate when it becomes a trial of the president, who has been impeached? let's ask senator john kennedy, republican from the great state of louisiana. what are your constituents telling you, sir? >> well, david, most of my con stic constituents don't have a very high opinion of congress under any circumstances. if you ask them, they will say something to the effect of do members of congress suffer from mental illness, no, most seem to enjoy it. that's their attitude. some are angry. others find this very odd. i find it odd. speaker pelosi is now telling the senate you are prevented or i'm prohibiting you from doing something you really don't want to do unless you do it in a way that i approve of.
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and it's very odd. i mean, what's the old movie line, looks like i picked the wrong week to stop sniffing glue. david: that's from the movie county a "airplane." i spent the weekend looking at old clips from the watergate hearings. of course, nixon left before there was a full impeachment but it essentially was the impeachment process. there was a democrat senator, another southern senator like yourself, named sam ervin who was brilliant. he was a democrat but you would have never known it from the hearings itself because he was pretty much of a non-partisan attack dog. but what he was investigating was a $400,000 slush fund that was used from campaign contributions to the nixon re-elect campaign in order to pay off a burglary where they were trying to steal secrets from another campaign. i mean, there was a clear
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absolute crime that he brilliantly laid out for the american public to see. there weren't any questions about that crime. that's eventually why nixon resigned. you are seeing nothing, nothing close to either the crime or the statesmanship that you saw back then. >> no, and i agree with that. sam ervin was a fine american. not only the substance is different, but the process is different. the president was not afforded due process in the house. i mean, you can't beat a rigged game and the president was not allowed to call his own witnesses, he was not allowed to cross-examine the prosecution's witnesses, he wasn't allowed to offer evidence until the very end, his attorney was not even allowed to participate. and that's why i have said if
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you had been to a carnival it was as fixed as the carnival ring toss. i think the american people see that. david: even some of your democratic colleagues in the senate appear to be seeing that. senator doug jones from alabama may break on impeachment. take a listen to a sound bite from over the weekend of senator jones. >> i have been trying to read this, i'm trying to see if the dots get connected. if that is the case, and i think it's a serious matter, i think it's an impeachable matter, but if those dots aren't connected and there are other explanations that i think are consistent are innocence, i will go that way, too. david: we just have 20 seconds but what do you think? will other senators go the way of senator jones, who appears to be leaning towards acquittal? >> i have a lot of respect for doug jones. he's a very intelligent, thoughtful guy. i don't know how he will vote if we ever get the case, but i think he will listen carefully
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to both sides. that's what i think every senator will do, unlike the process in the house. david: senator john kennedy, a pleasure to see you, senator. thank you very much. and very best to your family. happy holidays. merry christmas. happy new year to you, sir. >> you, too. david. david: thank you very much. coming up next, we've got the creator of a monthly subscription that sends dog toys and products straight to your door. his business is booming. people are spending major cash on their pooches. i want to know why they are spending so much, why is there a $77 billion trend in this business. we will be asking him coming next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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at the "you are my diamond" event. [ drathis holiday... ahhhhh!!! -ahhhhh!!! a distant friend returns... elliott. you came back! and while lots of things have changed... wooooah! -woah! it's called the internet. some things haven't. get ready for a reunion 3 million light years in the making. woohoo! -yeah!
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david: this shouldn't surprise you. 67% of american households own a pet, but this may surprise you. they spent a whopping $72 billion on their furry friends in 2018 alone. that's good news for my next guest, who sells monthly subscription boxes filled with pet toys and treats. we got a picture of it.
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there is the ceo of bark box, right? >> that's correct. david: that it? >> yes. david: you say this last six weeks of the year account for 40% of your sales? >> of our new sales, yes. then we are renewing all year long. david: this is a really critical time of year for you. how is it going so far? >> it's going great. we boom every year about this time, and it's been fantastic this year. the better thing is we have more products beyond just the toys and treats. david: like? >> well, we have a dental product. david: actually, you mentioned that to me. my little dog, i have a havanese, has bad teeth. >> we can't keep it in stock. maybe we will sneak you one. david: okay, great. >> it's hard to keep in stock. we sold out but we will get more. and we have a really popular dog bed that sold on mamazon. we sold over a million dollars of a dog bed. david: how is amazon to work with? >> they're great. david: really helpful to small businesses? >> it's where half of all online shopping originates. if your products aren't there,
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they are nowhere. david: the same kind of followup that customers get, you get -- >> oh, yeah. yeah. david: the b2b is good? >> we enjoy it. they have changed our business in a great way. david: now, congratulations on your success. are you using that success to grow? are you growing your business? are you hiring more people? are you spending more on what you need, computers and stuff? >> absolutely. we spend on diversification into new products like the dental product. we spend on hiring, so we employ today in the u.s. about 600 people. i guess only in the u.s., 600 people. and we spend on building the whole business and bringing more customers to it, but responsibly so this will be our first profitable year all the way through. david: matt, congratulations. this is great. it's a great news story and it's a great business story. great business environment. >> thank you. thanks for having me. david: thank you very much for being here. appreciate it. more "varney & company" after this. ♪
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most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. . .
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david: stay on how much people are spending on their pets. a shocking number of millenials say they put the pet health before their own. lauren? lauren: a information source for medical coverage. here is why. your pet can't communicate to you if they don't feel good. so you're inclined to make sure they're okay where as you might not take yourself to the doctor, you say, it is just a headache, it will go away or something like that. your pet can't speak. david: absolutely. my pet does have ways of communicating but if i was, when i was in my 20s i never went to a doctor. i never went to a doctor in my 30s really. lauren: it is changing.
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more millenials going to a doctor. much 89% have health insurance. only a quarter do annual physical. david: thank you very much. connell mcshane is here for neil. connell: thank you. we wind down the year 2019. seems like every day we're setting new record highs. for the nasdaq it could be eight in a row. focus on the dow, shares of boeing helping to lift the dow today, after ceo of boeing, dennis muilenburg was finally fired. that was the big news of the morning. grady trimble has latest who is taking over for him. maybe what is next for the 737 max. but the stock price is up almost


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