tv The Claman Countdown FOX Business December 25, 2019 3:00pm-4:01pm EST
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harvey: okay, okay. it's not about me. it's all about me! ( laughing ) you can leave that in, by the way. perfect! harvey levin: the objects people choose to keep in their home define who they are. this is... my friend farrah fawcett, this, she gave me before she passed away. - that's farrah? - doesn't that look like her body? - it-- eh. - yeah, it could be her body. i'm harvey levin. this is the story of a small-town texas girl who transformed herself from a goody two-shoes ballet dancer into one of the most popular angels in the universe. - charlie: good morning, angels. - morning, charlie. harvey: jaclyn smith lived a sheltered life growing up, but her big break on "charlie's angels" put her way outside her comfort home. so, do you consider yourself a sex symbol? no. you know people disagree with you. harvey: and that legendary role opened the door that would transform her
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from a hugely popular television star into a full-blown mogul. i'm listening to somebody as a kid, "i want to be a ballet dancer," and all of a sudden, you're making deals with kmart and max factor. where did you learn this? harvey: but the accolades and riches mean nothing compared to her family, from the daily struggles dealing with the loss of her parents... i saw a grief counselor and i said, "when you cry so much, is this abnormal?" okay, we weren't gonna cry. an elusive quest to find her storybook marriage. there were three marriages that didn't work out. i even hate to say the numbers. i can do that for you, if you'd like. oh, i know you can. harvey: jaclyn smith, the angel turned business tycoon, who proved beyond a shadow of a doubt she's more than just a pretty face. - whoa. hi, harvey. - jaclyn, it is so good seeing you. - it's good to see you. - thank you so much. - i'm very excited. - well, i am, too. it's surreal. - wanna get started? - i do. - let's do it, let's do it. - i do.
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- okay. - so, tell me what these are. oh, wow, okay. - these are christmas ornaments. - okay. and i, you know-- maybe i was 10 years old and my mother and i had a project every christmas to take styrofoam balls and sequin every little sequin on here. - oh, wow. you made these. - so we know how old they are, they're still on our tree. i have many more than what you're seeing here. so, i'm very sentimental about christmas, i'm very sentimental about my family, and so here mom is continually on our christmas tree every year. - so, it's a tradition. - it's a tradition. so, i want to take you back. you've said that you had kind of a fairy tale upbringing. jaclyn: i did. i have never met anybody doing this show - who has said anything close to that. - wow. - so, explain what that means. - so, i'm lucky. i had this beautiful childhood. i had the best of-- my parents, i couldn't imagine being anyone but their daughter, and i knew i was a lucky girl from day one.
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and then i had this grandfather who came into the picture, my mother's father. and it was just this simple childhood. pretension free, you know? such a sense of permanence and belonging and safe place. when you were describing this to me and talking about how you did this with your mom, - you got a little choked up. - yeah. i'm trying-- yeah, i do. i-- i mean, i'm-- yeah. i'm known sort of as, you know, a little bit of a crybaby, but i'm going to try to be brave with you, harvey. i want to be brave. well, no, no, no. i mean-- actually, i think it's the opposite. i find it kind of touching that you still feel as strongly as you do. your mom was your best friend. jaclyn: my best friend. i don't hear that a lot. no? i don't-- you know, and i say to myself, "am i crazy?" i mean, what made it so good? i mean, what-- we were just one, life and limb.
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you could say that somebody whose mom is their best friend growing up is kinda clingy. yeah. you probably would say, "this girl never broke away." i mean, i talked to her 15 times a day when she wasn't here. and, uh, yeah, we had a ball together. tell me what your dream was as a kid. i wanted to be a ballet dancer. i think i was in love with the ballet slippers and the tutu and everything pink. i got to go to class and i was sort of a natural at that, so it was something-- dance sort of helped channel frantic energy of mine, unlike school. i didn't love school. dance taught me discipline, concentration, focus, um, which, you know, is very much a part of working as an actress. it really helped understand body language and movement and how we express ourself with our bodies. when you were growing up, wild streak ever?
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no, sorry. i'm boring. i'm boring. i mean, there's nothing salacious. how did boys fit into this as you grew up? oh, there was lots of boys. uh, yeah. yeah, there was boys. a lot of boyfriends. mm-hmm. harvey: i might as well just put it out on the table. i mean, you've been beautiful your whole life. and i'm assuming that played out in school as well. - well, um, you know-- - it has its perks. it does, i mean, but i grew up with very beautiful girls. texas has-- so i didn't feel like a standout. high school, i was a wallflower. my mother said, "no, you're not a wallflower." your mom passed away when she was 95. - right. - this really hit you hard. yeah, i saw a grief counselor, and i said, "when you cry so much, is this abnormal?" and she said, "no, no. those tears put you in contact with that person and those tears are her. and they're very much a part of you, and it puts her right there, right here."
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so, yeah, i had a hard time. - how long ago did she pass away? - eight years. and, um, i read that you still cry every day. yep, every day. doesn't matter. you know, i don't even go to houston because i know that i couldn't handle it. too many memories, and to see her house would be-- their house wouldn't be good. okay, we weren't gonna cry. - anyway, guys-- - i thought we'd at least get through one chapter. yeah, well-- yeah, no. if we talk about them, i'm a goner. ( music playing ) so, what's in the box? whoa, my dream as a little girl-- toe shoes. toe shoes-- as you can see, the box is a little old. and this is an older pair. that was why i went to new york, to study dance. and come home and teach-- open a ballet school and teach in houston, texas--
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which never happened, to my parents' disappointment. what happened to college? did you go? i did go. i went to trinity university for a year, and i thought i could dance there. but my dream was to always go to new york. i had to follow certain rules when i went. i don't know how to take a subway today because daddy said no subways. harvey: he didn't want you to go. jaclyn: did not want me to go. and, um, you know, but i kept at it. i made it two months, from october to december, and something clicked and i thought, "hey, i'm gonna have a career. i need a career. i need to do something," 'cause i didn't want to go back to trinity university. but i did make a living for a while as a dancer. harvey: where'd you dance? well, i danced in central park. well, anybody can do that. i know, that sounded sad, didn't it? no, i did summer stock, okay? - ( laughing ) - yeah. i did-- i got "west side story" with richard chamberlain.
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- wow. - but i turned it down and did a show called "peg o' my heart" with eartha kitt. - so, you were pretty good. - oh, i was good. - ( laughs ) - you don't have to be modest. yeah, no, i was cut out to be a dancer. i just-- you know, i wish i had just kept up my dancing a little longer. your parents supported you when you were in new york. they sure did. did you experience rejection or failure when you started out? i think we all experience some rejection. but in new york, it was sort of, again, like a-- it's different, when i started out. you walk down the street and somebody'd give you a card. so it called my name. i went to new york a lot and i never got a card. well... ( laughs ) no, no. young girls get cards. - gotcha. - yeah. but not all young girls get cards. yeah, young girls get cards.
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in fact, andrea eastman, she ran paramount, she saw me at a theater and said, "you know, i want you to come in for a meeting." so, you short-circuited what most successful people that i've interviewed had to experience. but, perhaps i would've pushed myself more, like i said. you know, maybe if it weren't so cushy and that i just, you know, i liked my life. you know, when they interviewed us on "charlie," i said, "i was happy before this, i'm happy now, and i'm gonna be happy after. that's it." you know, i didn't take it as life or death if this doesn't go over and we're not in the top 10, but i think that's one of the appeals of that show, too, is that we weren't driving, ambitious actresses. you have kind of a remarkable experience. because, honestly, when you say that this is what happened to girls in the '70s. it didn't happen to most girls in the '70s. you just had this charmed kind of existence where you walked down the street and you get a paramount test option or you get a modeling contract. well, you know, yeah, i lucked out.
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give me one struggle or failure you experienced in your early career. let me think, let me think, let me think. i went in for "goodbye, columbus." ally mcgraw got it. - well, you were in it. - i was a model in it. i was in it. you've done your homework. here's the thing. it's very hard to spot you. that's right. you didn't try to see it, did you? no, i've seen the movie. i don't remember you. yeah, i mean... you didn't-- i was modeling in front of the plaza hotel with some dogs, and no one saw me, not even my parents. so, the listerine commercial was a big deal. - big deal, mm-hmm. - that was your first real-- yeah, first real commercial. and, um, wow. you know, i'd never made that kind of money. what'd you make? do you remember? well, i don't really remember, but i-- quite a few thousand dollars. and then i got a camay commercial, so commercials were very lucrative for me. harvey: max factor, breck. gold formula breck. breck has far less detergent, far more natural ingredients.
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did acting kind of play into this at any point? yeah, i mean, i did audition for a lot of pilots that i did not get, harvey. - ( chuckles ) - okay, congratulations. - you failed at something. - yeah, yeah, yeah. ( music playing ) harvey: "'charlie's angels' is sexy, sexist garbage which aims at the lowest common denominator and hits the bull's-eye." wow, that is not nice, is it?
3:13 pm
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samsung business solutions. here, it all starts withello! hi!... how can i help? a data plan for everyone. everyone? everyone. let's send to everyone! wifi up there? uhh. sure, why not? how'd he get out?! a camera might figure it out. that was easy! glad i could help. at xfinity, we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. so come ask, shop, discover at your local xfinity store today. i need all the breaks as athat i can get.or, at liberty butchemel... cut. liberty mu... line? cut. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. cut. liberty m... am i allowed to riff?
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what if i come out of the water? liberty biberty... cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ( music playing ) so, tell me about the sculpture. okay, my friend farrah fawcett, as you know, was multi-talented, and... that's farrah? well, i think it is farrah, really. doesn't that look like her body? - it-- eh. - yeah, it could be her body. but she did this, and i don't know the exact date she did it, but she gave it to me. when you say she did it, she made-- oh, yeah, she sculpted this. - she did this? - i mean, she loved sculpting. so, this, she gave me the last christmas before she passed away. so you stayed close to her throughout her life. i did. you know, all the girls were close. farrah and i, you know, being from texas, shared a lot of the love of family and some of the same things.
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charlie: morning, bosley. morning, angels. all: morning, charlie. harvey: so let's talk "charlie's angels." i heard that your audition was subpar. it wasn't a good reading. you know, it really wasn't. timing is everything in this career. "switch" was on. how soon do you want him off his feet? at the rate he's winning, you better make it fast. in five minutes, he won't be able to count the thumbs on one hand. that's my girl. and they saw me in that role, and they said, "hey, okay." so, they looked past the audition? they looked past the audition, or i wouldn't have gotten that, probably, from my reading. so, um, when it went on the air, it was a huge hit, but panned by critics. - right. - they called it "jiggle tv." jiggle tv, yes. we were exploited. it was empty head, nothing of value, no depth. but that isn't what the show was. it wasn't meant to be shakespeare. - this huge audience. - you had a huge audience. 36 million people watched this.
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- wow. yeah. - it's unheard of in television today. that-- yeah, today. yeah, it is. i foresee a long and happy relationship with just the two of us. why, because i look like dana cameron? i have affairs with all my models. didn't anyone tell you that? i guess they didn't. so, it really doesn't matter who you look like. oh, i like subtle men, mr. st. claire. so, i'm gonna read you one of the reviews. okay-- ooh, this is gonna be fun. "'charlie's angels' is sexy, sexist garbage which aims at the lowest common denominator and hits the bull's-eye." wow, that is not nice, is it? well, you know what? it didn't kill our show. they couldn't kill it. harvey: this is right around the time when the women's lib movement - was in full force. - jaclyn: mm-hmm. harvey: did you view the characters as feminist? 'cause you could go either way on this. jaclyn: i viewed us as feminist. i viewed us that we were three women in a series,
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not three men. i viewed us that we were, you know, emotionally and financially independent, and they should cheer for us. we always got the bad guy, you know? i don't-- i don't know why they took such a shot at us, like we were just barbie dolls prancing around. ( music playing ) ah! ooh! leave her alone. farrah was the breakout star in this. jaclyn: right. her hair, too. - harvey: her hair. well, that-- - it was the fourth angel. - harvey: that-- ( laughs ) - yes. yes. i never really thought of it that way, - but it's true, isn't it? - and the body didn't help. i mean, hurt. yeah. so, how did you deal with that? because you have three people going in, and kate was really the accomplished actress. she made twice what you made. i think she made 10 thousand and you made five thousand. she did. and then it evened out. but you're right. you're right. and suddenly farrah is the breakout star.
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how did you guys handle that? jaclyn: you know, we liked one another, so it wasn't a problem. i liked farrah, so how could i be anything but happy? we were very sad when she left. why'd she want to go? she wanted to do movies. she didn't want to work every day. she said, "you know, this isn't fun." i said, "really?" - so, yeah. - when you-- you know, back then, here you are, everybody would love to have a hit series. you had beyond a hit series. there had to be some animosity, where farrah said, "i'm just gonna go." and here you are thinking, "my god, look at what we've just done and you're trying to derail it." yeah. uh, you're exactly right. when we went back for that second season, we go there, we're made-up, and they go, "we're shutting down the set." and kate's going, "what do you mean you're shutting down the set?" and they locked our makeup rooms, our dressing rooms, everything, and she took her foot and knocked it through the door. - kate did? - she was good to have by your side, yeah.
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at that point, she was very angry. and, um-- but why do you want somebody to do something they don't want to do? they're not going to be good, they're not going to be happy. it's not going to be fun anymore. a very mature way of looking at something, but when you're in the moment and you're riding that wave, and it doesn't come along much in a lifetime, it's gotta be difficult. jaclyn: yeah, we lucked out. we got cheryl. and she was good. and she came in and looked great in a bathing suit, and off we went. things happen for a reason. i don't know, maybe farrah regretted it later. you think she did? i think there was an element of it. so, you got one person who doesn't want to be there after a season, you've got another person you're working with who is filled with piss and vinegar. jaclyn: mm-hmm, right. and then there's you. oh, god, yeah, and i-- oh, wow.
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that's true. yeah, i'm-- i was, yeah, sort of an outcast, i guess. yeah. but, you know, it served me well. i'm still working. look, you know how old i am, so-- but you don't have to say it. yeah, just keep it to yourself, okay? but i'm out here doing it. ( music playing ) farrah's death. i remember the day she died, - and it really moved people. - mm-hmm. but then a few hours later, michael jackson died. - right. - and farrah was not really talked about that much because of that. did that upset you?
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but, you know, they said, "just go for her essence," and that's what we did. you really look like her. jaclyn: well, i mean, i think, at that period, it was-- you know, and i was able to play her young, with curly hair, and before, you know, all the different stages in her life. i voted just for you. no one else. oh. well, it's not every day that someone can vote for her husband to become president of the united states. so, let's talk post-"charlie's angels." you once said, "step by step, we are all living it down." - oh, i did? - yeah. i don't remember any of this. does that ring true? god, i guess i said it. i mean, you've done your research. and i guess we were fighting to be accepted in a more serious light, and certainly this was a step for me. what were your goals after "charlie's angels"?
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really to do good work, to love the script, to do, you know, a more-- with each thing i took on, i wanted it to be different from the last. i wanted to challenge myself, and certainly this one was scary just because we knew her, and how can i be jacqueline kennedy? it suddenly got so big, jack. being first lady? no, being the wife of the president. i can't think of myself as first lady, not yet. right now, i'm the president's wife. so, one of jackie's friends said, "casting that 'charlie's angels' actress to play jackie is worse than signing clint eastwood to portray sir laurence olivier." oh, my gosh! again, i never heard that. i guess i had people protecting me from all this, but i need to know the truth. i think we made a beautiful movie, and i did get nominated for a golden globe. - you got the last laugh. - i got the last laugh, yeah.
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- congratulations on that. - thank you. all: good-bye, charlie. when you wrapped "charlie's angels," given what it was, which was just this iconic television show, one of the biggest ever, did you think, realize, fear that you would forever be identified as a charlie's angel? i really didn't fear it. i did not. i have a lot of fears, but that wasn't one. but i didn't overanalyze or project in my life. i really didn't. you never did, really, now that i hear you. from a young age, you weren't thinking, "ten years down the road, i'm doing"-- no, i wasn't. i wasn't. whatever's to be, i'm going to take it as it comes. if it happens, it happens. there are very few actors and actresses in hollywood who live by the mantra, "if it happens, it happens."
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yet it worked out for you. it did work out for me. - it served me well. - kind of spectacularly. yeah. i feel lucky. we were informed today that farrah faucet has died after a long battle with anal cancer. she was 62 years old. farrah's death really affected you, didn't it? jaclyn: yeah, i saw a person really fight hard. i saw the best part of farrah, at the end. you know, one night, she came over, and she said, "you know, i never thought this would happen to me. i maybe saw me having heart problems or this-- but this? never." in my other job, i remember the day she died. we put that up on the website - and it really moved people. - mm-hmm. - but then, a few hours later, michael jackson died. - right. the associated press has just reported a person with knowledge of the situation says michael jackson has died.
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michael jackson, of course, the former king of pop, one of the most famous men on all of the planet... farrah was not really talked about that much because of that. did that upset you? i think it upset people that were close to her, and then she wasn't mentioned in the memorial on the academy awards. and i thought, "well, how could that be? how could they leave her out?" it didn't make sense. harvey: all three original angels had cancer. you're right. you think, what did we do? did we drink something? did we-- you know, did we inhale something? and you had breast cancer. i had breast cancer, mm-hmm. harvey: and kate had breast cancer, as well. jaclyn: yes, early on. she had it much earlier than i did. you're doing good now, that's for sure, right? yeah, i'm good. i'm good. knock on wood. yeah, mm-hmm. ( music playing ) you had training as a ballet dancer...
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- right. - and you end up a mogul. when you started this part of your life, there was really nobody else doing branding. - no. - except you and, around the same time, martha stewart. - right. - was there competition or camaraderie? a more secure diaper closure. there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. we are people helping people. most people think as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us.
3:33 pm
(woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. male anchor: update on the cat who captured our hearts. female anchor: how often should you clean your fridge? stay tuned to find out. male anchor: beats the odds at the box office to become a rare non-franchise hit. you can give help and hope to those in need. male voice: put the keys down, kevin. but i'm gonna drive home. i've taken 25 selfies in the last 10 minutes! male voice: 26. yep, i'm definitely going to call a ride home. [door shuts]
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- jaclyn: right. - harvey: ...and you end up a mogul. how did you learn business? well, i always-- certainly, when i took on kmart, it was not a job or for financial gain. i saw a need that needed to be filled, and that was to give fashion in the mass market. my mother wanted to be a dress designer. she didn't do it, but she always designed for me, and we did it together, and i thought, "hmm, this is gonna be interesting." nah, come on, this has to have some money angle. well, it ended up having the money angle. but you had to know that going in. no, i didn't. just like you say, "did you think 'charlie's angels' would've been a hit?" i didn't. jaclyn vo: my latest spring collection from kmart is designed for all the roles i play. director: roll up! jaclyn: my best supporting role. even my not-so-successful roles. the jaclyn smith spring collection at kmart. yes, kmart. i mean, i took it on really as a challenge, more. and that's what i mean. sometimes things just--
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your instinct about something, and then it cannonballs into something else-- no, it was not about the money, at all. when you started this part of your life, there was really nobody else doing branding. - no. - except you, and around the same time, martha stewart. i'm martha stewart. and i'm kmart's new consultant for entertaining and lifestyle. i'll be helping millions of kmart customers with tips on just about everything for the home and entertaining. so come to kmart. well, to be very honest with you-- she was branding, but i was in kmart and then they brought her in, and i met her at kmart. harvey: you got two strong, ambitious women who are kind of launching their brand at the same time. was there competition or camaraderie? oh, wow, to be in competition with martha? come on, come on. i mean, she was something. you know, when i launched my line, it was a hit right away.
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they wanted me to go into, you know, home and dishes and that. and i held back. i said, "no, let me concentrate on the apparel." - max factor did not want you to go to kmart. - no, they did not. no, they said, "it's not your customer. please don't. we don't want you to." so, we're gonna take a pause right now because i want to understand this. you are a get-along kind of person, and here you got max factor that, you know, they know exactly what they're doing, they are rooted in their business, and you come along with no business experience. they say, "don't go to kmart," and you say, "i'm doing it." yeah, you know, you're good, because that's an interesting thing you talk about. but what we did, again, is i talked them into cross-merchandising. so, "look, let's put my fragrance in kmart and we give a little sample of my fragrance when they purchase something, and it's gonna up the sales of my fragrance." and it worked. you are an incredibly elegant person.
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do you wear kmart clothes? yes, i do. mm-hmm, i do. - you invested-- - oh, i have skin care! oh, you have skin care, too? jaclyn: my husband did it. it was a labor of love. you know, he's pretty brilliant. uh, he's a pediatric heart surgeon, so i said, "brad, you don't want to do skin care." and he said, "well, you know, they want you to do it." he said, "i could break this down and really understand the chemistry of it." you invested very well. oh, boy, wow. harvey, how do you know? 'cause i read. am i wrong? i did invest. i was a conservative investor with, you know, tax free, but i venture out into the market, into real estate. i'm listening to somebody as a kid who wanted to be a ballet dancer, and all of a sudden you're wheeling and you're dealing and you're making deals with kmart and max factor and you're investing in real estate and stock market. where did you learn this? i-- you know, you read, you learn,
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you surround yourself with smart people. my dad went to college at 16. he was a conservative investor, too. i want to leave a lot for my children. when you do your taxes, do you write down as your profession "actress" or "business person"? actress. mm-hmm. - really? - mm-hmm. - i'm interested in that. - yeah. 'cause it's how i started. it's what opened up everything for me. you know, would i have done kmart without "charlie's angels"? i don't know. i don't know. ( music playing ) i would assume that in hollywood, especially in the '70s and '80s, you must've had interactions with guys that were coming onto you, people in positions of power. right. did you encounter men who crossed the line? yes. did you encounter men who crossed the line? beyond the routine checkups. beyond the not-so-routine cases.
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3:45 pm
it's our most dangerous addiction. and to get the whole world clean? that takes a lot more than an alternative. so we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. materials made from recycled plastic - woven and molded into all the things we consume. we created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. what will you change? make the world you want. ( music playing ) okay, yes, okay. my mother in her beautiful insight said, you know, i probably was ten years old. she said, "this won't thrill you at this age, but these--" you know, "you're daddy gave it to me as a christmas present with my initials, and you'll keep it forever." - just-- it's a hairbrush? - it's a hairbrush, a mirror, a clothes brush, you know?
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"pretty is as pretty does," that's what she told me. was beauty important to you at a young age? jaclyn: you know, i really didn't think about beauty, you know? and that statement that i just said, "pretty is as pretty does," was what they believed, you know? it's really-- it has to be wedded to something a little deeper than the physical. and, certainly, my mother grew older so beautifully, that that was a good role model for me. that is clearly genetic. so do you consider yourself a sex symbol? no. no. mm-mm. - harvey: did you ever? come on. - jaclyn: no. no, i really wasn't. i really-- mm-mm. - harvey: you know people disagree with you, right? - jaclyn: they do? - harvey: yeah. - jaclyn: well, that's good. i like to think-- let's tell everybody that i'm still a sex symbol. now are you being immodest or-- because, really, when you look at it, um, you got a lot of accolades for that. yeah, maybe i just didn't see myself as a sex symbol. i mean, yes, i saw that certain things paved the way.
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but i didn't really see that aspect as a sex symbol. but, you know, i think when you're on a show like "charlie's," people see you that way, like a barbie doll or, you know, girl in bathing suit, you know-- that picture haunts me in that white bathing suit. - so maybe that's what did it. - harvey: why does it haunt you? it doesn't haunt me. i'm just a little tired of it, you know? - i'm a little tired of that picture. - but you know what? i'm going to challenge you, because, look, i mean, some people are super smart. - and it's nothing they did, they just are. - right, right, right. and some people are beautiful. so why not embrace it? i do, i do. and it has paved the way and opened doors and given me a career. we want to look the best we can. we want to do the best we can. did producers sometimes dismiss you because you were so good-looking? right. or you didn't get a role. "too glamorous, too--" and even today, when i'm working, it's always, "oh, she's gonna be, you know, editor at 'vogue,'
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or even in a, you know, running a magazine." it's like, yeah, i think today i still do not get the character role that might be the more fun role to do. i would assume that in hollywood, especially in the '70s and '80s, you must have had interactions with guys that were coming on to you, - people in positions of power. - right. did you encounter men who crossed the line? yes. i think everybody does, especially actresses. ( stammers ) every-- you're not gonna escape it. the only way to escape it is take the power back. - how did you do that? - well, i mean, i just walked away from some movies or contracts that i would have done, but i really-- and that doesn't, you know, again, you know, i don't want to put myself up on some pedestal like, "well, she had so much strength to walk away." i guess, you know, who we are originally, our first base of understanding, sort of sees us through.
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and i-- i thought, "well, is any movie worth this? no. is the contract worth this? no." but that's because of my upbringing. i think it just followed me. was sexual harassment rampant in the '70s and '80s, at least things you encountered? i think so, yeah. i think it was. and i just think today, "wow, good. - it's out in the open." - are you a feminist? uh, not-- harvey, come on. not really. but, i mean, i do fight for what i believe in. i, you know, more-- you know, in my own way i would do it. and not stand up and, you know, go a hold a flag. you know why i ask that? because you said something i just found weird. and it doesn't sound like you, but you said it at one point. "i'd love to turn my life over to a man who'd take care of me,
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protect me from this big, bad world." whoa. i wonder. and i'm not even on drugs, so i don't know-- i don't know why i said that because i'm a believer that you protect yourself and you're emotionally independent and your life is better. yeah, i'd like to turn over the running of the house to a man. it's hard. it's harder work than a movie. is it harder for beautiful people to age, do you think? definitely. you know, you're judged, and you're judged whether you, you know, "oh, i thought you were taller. i thought you-- oh, is your hair blonde now?" you know, people just take you in in a way, and even if you're confident, you think, "whoa. hmm. yeah." - is it hard for you? - um, i think i'm, you know, like i said to you, i'm still working. i'm still creative. i'm still at it. - and you know what helps me? - yeah, that you're still beautiful, i know. no. no, my children. i think when you-- your choices put you in a position of feeling
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loved and supported, and you go with it. there were three marriages that didn't work out in a life that was otherwise idyllic. um, i believe in marriage and i-- i finally got it right, but it took a few times, as you know. i even hate to say the numbers, so... i can do that for you, if you'd like. oh, i know you can. oh, yes.
3:54 pm
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wit( music playing )r s pen. this bed i bought probably when i was 20 years old. i saw it in new york in an antique department, and i had to have it, but i couldn't afford it, so i paid it out over two years. - layaway? - layaway. layaway. we have that at kmart and sears. - so i did that. - why so special? yeah, i just love the look of it. it-- it was just sort of a fairy tale. my daughter goes to people like, "yeah, i grew up in this bed." this was my daughter's room. now it's bea's room when she comes to visit. - harvey: your granddaughter? - my granddaughter. i want to talk about family life. so your parents were married for fifty-plus years. - yeah, mm-hmm. - and they-- married until your dad passed away. - right. - and that is a tall order for a kid to look at and say, - "i gotta emulate that," right? - mm-hmm.
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yeah, so you found the area. - well, i did. - you found the area. i believe in marriage, and i-- i finally got it right, but it took a few times, as you know. i don't even count the first two, sorry. um, i don't, because i was so innocent. i even hate to say the numbers. - so, um-- - i can do that for you if you'd like. oh, i know you can. oh, yes. uh-huh. but you know what? it's okay. i finally did it, didn't i? and, look, my children's father, you know, he's great now, but he was an alcoholic. he would say it's okay to say it 'cause he's 20 years sober. but it hurt us, and having those kids, we did exactly right. we did that perfectly. and we still are very close because of that. there were three marriages that didn't work out in a life that was otherwise idyllic. jaclyn: yeah, i guess we all have our thing. - harvey: everybody has their thing. - jaclyn: yeah.
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and you said, you know, you're an emotional person. you take things in, and very personally. - right. - it had to be really hard. oh, well, especially with two children, i thought i was gonna die. to hurt them, i felt like i was, you know, gonna just collapse. and i didn't-- i didn't know how to protect them, and perhaps i didn't always do it right. i said, you know, "nothing's gonna change in your life." but things do change, and, yeah, it was difficult. it hurt. it, you know-- it's, you know, you question yourself. so you married dr. bradley allen. jaclyn: uh-huh. he operated-- one of the doctors that operated on my dad. and, um, met him in the hospital, and who would have dreamed, you know? so why do you think this one worked? um, we share the same values. we see life the same way. harvey: i think you have even said that your children...
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- mm-hmm. - ...your love of them borders on obsessive. yeah, obsessive. yep, mm-hmm. so, yeah, and i try to hold back, and i think i've changed over the years, but from that first prenatal vitamin, it's about protect, protect, guide, teach, make sure you catch every raindrop, you know? but it's not, you know, as i've gotten to this point, i realize those raindrops have to fall. and they're gonna be okay. and, you know, you want to-- - can you let go, seriously? - no. - no, i can't let go. - you're very honest. and i can't. and i can't, and i try. and always when i worry and i can't call my mother, and she's gonna say, "honey, everything's gonna be all right." my mommy is caring, considerate, sensitive, and worries about others. i love you, mom. where are you, mom? i love you, mom. how did your grandchild bea change your life?
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oh, well, i need an extra chamber here. she, oh, god, she's just light. and-- and she's just total joy. and i think the great thing about being a grandparent, you really are in the moment. you realize you're in a certain place in your life, and you don't miss the moments. if she, you know, wants to go play on that jungle gym out there, i'm gonna go, and i am gonna stay as long as she wants. you know, you're not punching a clock as much. you're really-- you know this time is valuable. oh, boy, it's valuable. i have to tell you, um, - you surprised me. - really? yeah, you really surprised me. - in what way? - you seem to have your priorities straight and your aspirations straight, and none of this was an accident now that i hear your life story. and it really is impressive, and i'm so glad that you took the time to talk to me.
4:00 pm
- thank you, harvey. - i really mean it. thank you so, so much. it was a very fun, fun interview. and i wasn't too much of a crybaby. just a few-- you cried a little bit, but it's fine. yeah, a little bit. that's good. - okay, i'm sure. - thank you. - thank you, thank you. - thank you so much. harvey levin: the objects people choose to keep in their home define who they are. this is... okay, are we starting? i'm harvey levin. this is the story of one of the most successful tv personalities and music producers in history, simon cowell. but before he became a household name, simon had his fair share of failures that left him flat broke. it's gotta be a little humiliating at 30 years old to fail so hard. but he would bounce back in a big way, producing a slew of shows and then conquering television with "american idol." what do you think of katy perry doing "idol?" good luck. ( laughs ) harvey: his personal life somewhat turbulent. an affair with a married woman would lead to his greatest joy,
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