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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  December 26, 2019 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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states to take this on and provide different coverage. >> the attorney general of texas, ken paxton, merry christmas, happy new year. as you know, lou dobbs is next. gregg: good evening. i'm gregg jarrett sitting in for lou dobbs. president trump unleashing a twitter tirade against the hypocrisy of the radical dimms. he talked about they hit pause after months of saying it was a national security concern. his message was directed mostly at nancy pelosi. the house speaker holding on to two articles of impeachment for
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an 8th day and still refusing to send them over to the u.s. senate for a trial. he predicts her political posturing will even h -- will lo her downfall. president trump: my poll numbers are the highest they have ever been. fundraising is the highest it's ever been. she hates the people to voted for me and the republican party. she won by 63 seats. i think it's going to happen again. gregg: the president lashing out against the radical dimms constant campaign claiming their barrage of spiteful investigations has hammered his ability to work with world leaders. president trump took charge of world matters firing off a new
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warning to the syrian regime and its allies of russia and iran. for details we turn to rich edson traveling with the president in west palm beach, florida. >> in the middle of a 2-week trip to mar-a-lago the president says he's distracted. he said it makes it much more difficult to deal with foreign leaders when i have to constantly defend myself against the do nothing democratsance and their bogus impeachment scam. he called the democrats liars even as they delay the senate trial. >> he has a responsibility to conduct the trial in a way that allows the facts to be heard and let others to make up their own minds, even if his is closed.
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reporter: mick mulvaney and john bolton will be called by the democrats. alaska senator lisa murkowski says she's disturbed hearing mcconnell is in total coordination with the white house. >> if it means i am viewed as one who looks openly and critically at every issue in front of me rather than acting as a rubber stamp for my party or my president, i'm totally good with that. reporter: a world away from palm beach, florida, syrian forces are attacking the final strongholds in i idlet province.
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iran is trying to build a stronger relationship with china and russia. as the trump administration restored strict economic sanctions against iran's top exports. the white house says the president spoke with president el-sisi in egypt and discussed the need to end the war in libya before the country is lost to. gregg: nancy pelosi claims to be disturbed that the senate leader would coordinate with the senate leader and the staff. the alaska senator, one of these targeted in recent weeks by never trump erbil kristol, his
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group. trying to turn murkowski into a yes vote on impeachment. a new report today claims senate republicans think they will be able to pick up one or two democrats on the final votes for each article of impeachment. our first guest has been a staunch supporter of president trump in the house. andy biggs, co-chair of the border security caucus. if the president is such an imminent threat as pelosi has been claiming for several months, which is why she has to rush through the articles of impeachment, then her halting the process seems to make no sense unless she was just lying all along which is my bet. what do you think? >> you are right on. look at it.
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she herself said they have been trying to impeach president trump for 2 1/2 years. then at the end of september she said we have to do this. it's a critical thing. we have to get this done before the election or else he will steal the election. for him to come out and hold the articles and not transmit them to the senate as if that's going to get her leverage. it's just making her look bad. it's a bad faith move on her part. it's bad faith all the way. that's consistent with what we have seen for through years. gregg: lisa murkowski says she is disturbed that mitch mcconnell would coordinate with the white house. she is apparently oblivious that in 1999 tom daschle coordinated closely with the white house.
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he admits it. it's a matter of record. i wouldn't expect her to know it because she is lisa murkowski and she wasn't paying attention then when her dad held her seat. >> to me what's disturbing is she is voicing disconnect with the majority leader. the reality is -- i'll tell you this, republicans, we give so much. we give in all the time. we are the genteel party. we need to be fighting tooth and nail. the democrats basically emasculated the constitution and the house and the senate for the last three years. so i find it intriguing that somebody would say i'm disturbed there has been coordination or discussion going on. consistently and by precedent, that's the norm. i don't think there should be a problem there.
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i will tell you you get folks like bill kristol out there going after these people, that's a real problem. >> chuck schumer is demanding that witnesses be called. he apparently he has been stricken with a case of amnesia since he argued against witnesses being called in 1999 in the clinton impeachment. isn't this rank hypocrisy from the king of hypocrisy himself schumer? >> i was listening to one of his statements he made earlier this week, and i thought, this guy is just able to go back and forth as the wind blows. that's what we are seeing here. the reality is, the republicans were denied due process in the house. and they will be given their process, the democrats are, by getting to present their case that they brought about by a
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flawed process. for schumer to be railing on this after he took the opposite position 20 years ago is the height of hypocrisy. >> there was no bipartisan support for impeachment in the house. but now there appears to be bipartisan support to acquit in the senate. you may peel off 2 or 3 democrats, including joe manchin of west virginia, doug jones of alabama and maybe krysten sinema * in arizona. >> you might get one or two. i wouldn't expect more than that. krysten sinema and some of these folks are in a tough bind. he run as moderates and vote sometimes as moderates. but the base and their voters the republicans and conservatives with right-leaning
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independents. so it's a tough case for them. gregg: what about motion to dismiss for lack of evidence? would you favor something like that at least to be considered? >> i wouldn't. and i will tell you why. you have to let the sham go on. i think you let the democrats come or. they will try to dust off things in the house. you have to let the world one more time. you have got to let the world see what a big sham this is. gregg: i think you are right. andy biggs. thanks for being with us. still ahead tonight. is the fisa court covering up for the lies and misdeeds of the deep state? we'll ask investigative reporter john solomon who will be with us. the trump economy continues to reach unprecedented heights, farce outpacing any past administration.
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president trump delivers a warning to california's leaders about their growing homeless crisis. we'll take that up and more after these quick messages. [sneeze and sniffles] are you ok? yah, it's just a cold. it's not just a cold if you have high blood pressure. most cold medicines may raise blood pressure. coricidin hbp is the... ...#1 brand that gives... powerful cold relief without raising your blood pressure. thlook at all this ink no more bit comes
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[♪] gregg: investors still finding plenty of cheer after the christmas holiday. all three indices finishing at record closing. for more on the unprecedented achievements of the trump economy we turn to jackie. reporter: the stock market breaking records, all three indices. since president trump was
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elected the dow is up 55%. could the best still be to come. the experts say the second terms of a president's term tend to be the strongest. the president has been fighting for major trade wars to demand if fair play from other countries. where do we go from here? both the usmca and the china trade deal are expected to add substantially to gdp next year. under president trump the market returned 32%. but that's a dramatic bottom that's coincided with the great recession. some would argue the market had nowhere to go but up. it wasn't until more recently the feds started hiking rates, which is a sign of underlying
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strength but could have a chilling effect on the market. the consumer was feeling the effects of tax cuts and low unemployment. technology one of the things fueling the sales, and the nasdaq today. gregg: president trump today calling out the failed leaderedship in california in a tweet he writes, nancy pelosi's district in california has rapidly become one of the worst anywhere in the u.s. when it comes to the homeless and crime. it has gotten so bad so fast, she has lost total control. along with her equally incompetent governor, gavin newsom, it's a sad state. the state has the highest homeless rate.
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and california's poverty rate more than 18%. president trump says if governor newsom doesn't fix the problem, the federal government will get involved. joining me now, marc lotter. good to see you. i lived and worked for a decade in nancy pelosi's district in san francisco. it used to be the cleanest and pristine, beautiful place. now it's a horrendous filthy homeless encampment. 10,000 in san francisco are residing in the streets in homelessness. maybe the president is right. if pelosi or newsom don't do anything about it, should the feds step in? >> this is the epitome of failure of liberal socialist
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policy. this writes their policies led them. they have the highest homeless rates. they have a crime problem. if the president needs to step in, there are things he can do including opening up more facilities. and make sure grants aren't being wasted by california bureaucrats. the first thing governor newsom said is send me more money. that's not the answer. the president needs to come in with solid thinking. he knows a thing or two about real estate. maybe we can get this thing worked out. > gregg: the trump stock market is far outpacing other presidents. the 401k's are making them happier and secure. if people vote their wallets, and i always believed they do. what does that portend for the
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2020 presidential election? >> game over. people do vote with their wallets. it was james carville who said, it's the economy, stupid. when you look at this economic boom under president trump. whether it's growing wages or record-shattering stock market. these are people's retirement fund. savings for people, kids, so they can go to college. that's what these gains mean for so many people. compared to what we were just talking about, you can go back to california where they have crime and homeless problems or keep what you have got and we'll make it even better. gregg: tom steyer and michael bloomberg have spent money on tv and digital media promoting themselves but they are still bottom dwellers. does this suggest the democrats
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have no appetite for a couple cold front rich guys trying to buy the presidency. >> if you are broke like bind or a billionaire like those two. it's their message. they don't have a message resonating with the american people. they are in denial of economic growth. they want to give free medical care to illegal immigrants. not one of them running for president has any kind of message that will resonate with people across america. especially middle america. the story in "politico" said democratic insiders and party leaders believe bernie sanders could win the nomination which is a hell of a comeback for somebody they wrote off two or
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three months ago. would donald trump relish a contest against a democrat socialist? >> you never should wish for your opponent because you could get that. i can't see how the american people can get behind somebody who says i want to kick millions of people off their jobs and go to some of these crazy policies he's endorsing. trillions in spending. that's not the american way. if he is the nominee, that's a race we'll have fun with. but i wouldn't be surprised to see a headline next week saying democrats are afraid because bernie sanders might get the nomination. gregg: the "new york times" is suggesting he would be attracted to moderate republicans and independents. >> joe biden is no moderate. he already flip-flopped on a
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policy of 40 years. supports taxpayer funded abortion, getting taxpayer free healthcare. that's not a moderate position. when we are talking about moderate democrats. there are more people who believe the moon landing was a hoax than republicans who won't support this president. we are all in line for president trump. gregg: marc lotter, good to see you. share your comments and follow lou on twitter @loudobbs. like lou on facebook, follow lou on instagram @loudobbstonight. the heritage foundation and pastor robert jeffress join us tomorrow.
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hunter biden's corrupt ways may be catching up to him. we'll take that with corey lewandowski after the break. (siren blaring)
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- [announcer] this is an urgent message from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union. - this is a fight against time. what we're dealing with is coming out, meeting someone who's 85, 90-years old, can't get around, has no food, has no water, and just wants to give up and die. and that's where we come in. we are called to comfort these people, to be a blessing to their lives. - [announcer] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate elderly jewish person for a month. call the number on your screen right now. (somber music) - in ukraine, there's no support network, they don't have food carts
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or neighbors that come in to help. they're turning to us because they have nowhere else to turn. - [announcer] you can send a lifeline to them during this high holy season of hanukkah, please call right now. (somber music) - what i pray is that you won't turn your eyes, but you will look at their suffering and your heart will be changed. - [announcer] for just $25, we'll rush an emergency survival package to help one desperate jewish elderly person for a month. call right now. - god promises to bless those who bless israel, may you be blessed as you bless his children.
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gregg: a private investigation firm alleging in a court filing that joe biden's son hunter bind is the target of several investigation relating to fraud, money laundering and a counterfeiting scheme. the documents coming to light in
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an ongoing case with an arkansas woman who allegedly had his child. joining me, trump campaign manager and senior advisor to the trump campaign. corey lewandowski, happy holidays. great to see you. to what extent are hunter biden's escapade and suspicions of corrupt acts going to damage joe biden's chances of being elected president. >> clearly hunter has been the focal point of the biden campaign now. the president that joe biden has gotten. nobody -- the pass he has gone the on his activities. no one talks about burisma. he's the subject of an ongoing
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lawsuit. the woman is asking how much money he has made the last seven years. the interesting part here is the mainstream media is ignoring this ebb tire story. when joe biden is asked by the, he says it's a family matter and that's the end. can you imagine for one second if donald trump or mike pence had the same issue potentially transpiring and their answer was it's a family matter? there would be merciless attacks on him. gregg: joe biden has been wrestling with his son's activities for years. there is video of tom brokaw calling out potential corruption by his son and it dates back to
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20082008. >> it's not new. remember when joe biden said. he said my office doesn't have time for this right now. they knew about it. we have seen the pictures of hunter and joe golfing with their business partners. something probably illicit took place overseas. it's interesting to know how much money hunter biden made from his father being vice president of the united states. donald trump made a phone call and the house democrats want to impeach him over a phone call and a transcript. joe biden went on television and bragged about the fact that if something didn't transpire, we would withhold a billion dollars. it's a different set of rules. joe biden's worst days are still ahead of him.
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his son is an albatross around his neck. it's too bad. you want to keep your family separate when you are in public life. the american people have a right to know how much money he has made. gregg: i want to ask about the inspector general's report. it appears there were 51 inaccurate statements, errors, omissions, deceptions, false rep stations and outright -- representations and outright lies and doctoring by the fbi lawyer. but the fisa court only cares about that particular lawyer. does that suggest to you that the fisa court, you know, isn't taking this seriously and is trying to protect people at the top of the fbi formerly like
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james comey? >> james comey and andy mccabe and lisa page and peter strzok, we know they had an agenda to stop president trump from getting elected. the first fisa application that the fbi submitted to the court was denied because it was so poorly done. then they sole sourced stories and the fisa judge accepted. we would call and john roberts to review the fisa process and hold people accountable. that's a legal document when you sign that fisa application. there is no opportunity to hear the defense side. look what that fisa court did to people like carter page. a man who wasser in charged with a crime, but an american who was being spied on simply because he
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wanted to see donald trump win election. gregg: collier's reaction to this, kumbaya, let us know how you are going to fix the problems. i stead of holding people in contempt during a show-cause hearing. rod rosenstein, all of them signed off on these warrants with faultily information. it's despicable conduct on the part of the fisa court. will justice finally come to the deep state? (classical music playing throughout)
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gregg: welcome back. i'm gregg jarrett sitting in for the vacationing lou dobbs. some stories we are covering, trump's pushback on impeachment. president trump calling nancy pelosi and the democrats hypocrites and liars. lisa murkowski said she is disturbed by mitch mcconnell's working with the trump administration on a senate trial. and president trump saying in
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the governor of california doesn't fiction the problem of homelessness in california, the feds will get involved. the court recorderring the fisa court to review all former applications fox news is reporting the fbi did not require the fbi to double-check other cases where there were errors and deceptions. joining us to talk about it john solomon. i wrote a column that said this feeble reaction by the fisa court and the presiding judge, rosemary collier means the court should be abolished. the message here is this. you can lie to the fisa court and there will be no accountability or punishment. if you get caught the court will
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demand remedies for the future. are you disappointed that more aggressive action hasn't been taken by collier or her boss, the chief justice of the supreme court john roberts? >> i talk to a lot of people, liberals and democrats and big conservatives who are deeply concerned, people who were supportive of the fisa court. mark meadows and jim jordan and lindsey graham. the case where we are spying on the presidential nominee a few weeks before the election because they are too busy to look at the fisa application because they were too busy.
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they want to narrow it down to a couple of questions. i don't think that's the jurisprudence that serves americans well. it's becoming clear either attorney general barr or chief justice roberts are the only two people who can impose discipline because the fbi and the court don't seem to want to get involved. gregg: they lied to us before in fisa court applications. then director mueller promised he would fix it and he didn't. the fbi continued to deceive the fisa court. the court does not work. it needs to be worked into something else. andrew mccabe was fired from the fbi for lying four times. i think we have a graphic about
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his various alleged lies. now of course he sued the government saying you wrongfully terminated me. right. look at those lies on the left behind side of your screen. is this a subterfuge? >> he was in the chain of command that approved this bad fisa. it was on his watch that a lot of these omissions and outright lies were presented to the court. these legal stunts on the side are just a distraction. he and james comey tried to pretend they weren't in this line of approval, yet they were deeply involved. they took this case out of the field and took it into headquarters. now it's time for them to be held accountable. andrew mccabe and james comey were at the head of this machine. so far they have been able to bob and weave. it's time for the courts and
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attorney general barr to mete out some discipline. gregg: the attorney general is seeking john brennan's communications, and i think that would precede the investigation it sell. are they looking into brennan as a potential instigator of what become the russia hoax? >> there are two things to watch for. was the cia meddling or probing trump before the fbi got involved? they lay a bread crumb. another possibility is they are looking at james comey and mccabe for false statements and they might find corroborative evidence that the story james
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comey has been giving in testimony to congress were not true. they are looking at false statement cases against some of the leadership, and brennan's notes and his record could be key evidence against james comey if they took that action. gregg: brennan told congress if i recall, that the dossier was not used as part of the intelligence community assessment. and that's not true. >> the cia was fighting at the last minute to keep it out of the assessment and it made it into some of the foot notes. that's another place where mccabe and comey played a big role. i don't think their stories add up. i would think two guys whose testimony is being looked at closely. gregg: when rats get locked in a
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cage, they begin to gnaw at each other. the latest feud between president trump and the governor of new york. we'll take that up and more when we come back. drivers just wont put their phones down. we need a solution. introducing... smartdogs. the first dogs trained to train humans. stopping drivers from: liking. selfie-ing. and whatever this is. available to the public... never. smartdogs are not the answer. but geico has a simple tip. turn on "do not disturb while driving" mode. brought to you by geico. now you can, with! no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead with makes it fast & easy
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greg: new york governor andrew cuomo block a bill to allow federal judges to give out marriage licenses. he says he can't give more power to judges appointed by the trump administration. a vox article says based solely on objective legal credentials, the average trump appointee has a far more impressive resume than any past president's nominees. joining me now to talk about it. kelly sadler is a special assistant to president trump. kelly, good to see you. essentially, cuomo can't stomach the idea that a trump appointee would preside over a marriage of
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all things. i was trying to think of something more random and senseless and stupid, but i have come up empty because it's andrew cuomo. ways your reaction to this? >> it is just so petty. i mean, for $25 a new yorker can go online and become an official wedding oh officiant. he signed legislation that gave new york access to president trump's tax returns. he signed legislation saying anyone pardoned by the president can face conviction and persecution in new york. when the president left new york to make his official home in florida, andrew cuomo said good
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riddance. gregg: trump had an enormous impact in shape can the judiciary. i mentioned the vox analysis. to their credit, they did an analysis that shows far better credentials. >> this one of president trump's long lasting legacies. 187 federal court nominees. one in four of every federal circuit journal is now a trump appointee. they are all 50 years of age or below. so they will have a lasting impact on these courts. the president is filling the vacancies twice as fast.
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twice as many vacancies. this is one of president trump's real accomplishments. good for the conservative movement and in general. gregg: if you read the "new york times," and i don't recommend it unless you are looking for a good laugh. they say there is a media bias against liz warren and bernie sanders. they call it a centrist bias which i doubt exists because in the mainstream media there is only a liberal bias. >> it was a bizarre article. but i will say that senator sanders in particular has been overlooked by the media. he's been consistently running at the top of the polls. he has a huge grassroots base fueling his organization with money. he's one of the top fundraisers. but he can't get any coverage from the mainstream media. the mainstream media looks like
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they are favoring joe biden and mayor pete. they are the flavors of the month and doing their work to promote them. but elizabeth warren is her own worst enemy. >> elizabeth warren about a week ago was slamming pete buttigieg for holding fundraisers in a wine cave. now it turns out that elizabeth warren held big money don'tor fundraisers adjacent to a wine vault and the high dollar guests were sipping wine that goes for $3,800 a bottle. another example of hypocrisy. >> she is absolutely so disingenuous. she raised money in a bank vault of all places during her senatorial run. she transferred money from her
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senatorial campaign to her presidential campaign. we know she is disingenuous, whether it's her child going to private school which she lied about. or whether it's her dad is a janitor which her brother said she lied ba about. elizabeth warren proved she cannot be trusted and she takes liberties with the truth. gregg: coming up next, we are going to have a rundown of some of our top stories. we'll be right back.
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[♪] gregg: record highs on wall street today. the dow up 106 points for its 21st record close of the year. the s. & p. with a record close. listen to lou's reports three times a day coast to coast on
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the salem radio network. president trump calling out the viciousness of nancy pelosi's party for refusing to send the articles of impeachment over to the senate. >> for her to come out and hold the articles and not transmit them to the senate as if that's going to give her leverage. it's just making her look bad and it's a bad faith move on her part. but that's consistent with everything we have seen for three years. gregg: that's it for us tonight. han von spakovsky and pastor par robert jeffress are with us tomorrow. thanks for joining us. i'm greg jarrett.
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we'll see you back here tomorrow night. [♪] trish: on track for another big economic win. good luck to the socialists trying to win against that. job growth is soaring. wage growth is soaring. nasdaq 9,000 today. yet the president is still out there reworking trade deals to benefit american workers. who knew that these two things, labor markets, meaning workers, and capital markets meaning the business owners and wall street capital that funds them. to who knew they could all


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