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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  January 7, 2020 12:00pm-2:01pm EST

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passed the senate finance committee but will be delayed in the full senate by impeachment. our time is up. here is neil cavuto. it is yours. neil: we're following up on the president set to brief congressional leaders on the iran situation. this afternoon the so-called "gang of eight" includes likes of mitch mcconnell, chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, kevin mccarthy. leaders of house and senate in both parties. secretary of state mike pompeo defending the strike that has been a source of this controversy, saying iran will not get a nuclear weapon no matter what. >> if you're looking for imminence, you need to look no further than the days that led up to the strike taken against soleimani. in addition to that, what we can clearly see continuing efforts on behalf of this terrorist to buildout a network of campaign activities that were going to lead potentially to the death of
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many more americans. in the event iranians make another bad choice the president will respond in the way he did last week. i know that the efforts that we have taken, not only last week with the strike against soleimani, but strategy we employed saved american lives. neil: what happens next? what are we worried about happens next especially when the iranians are talking about a swift and immediate response? former u.s. deputy secretary of defense under bush 43, paul wolfowitz on all of that. sir, always good having you. iran is making it very clear that they're not going not to respond. how far do you think they push it? what do you think they're up to? >> look i think both sides don't want to see a larger war. i think that will lead to some restraint. but, they keep saying they're going to respond at time of place of their choosing. which i suppose is consistent with the idea that revenge is a meal best eaten cold as they
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say. i think, i think it is very important to keep an eye on iraq itself. i know everybody is thinking about the possibility of violent actions by iran and by the way a lot of them might have already been planned by soleimani before he was killed. it is not like they're necessarily responding to us but i think the really important stake right now maintain our position in iran, iraq, excuse me. it would be an enormous victory for iran if they were able to see us leave. neil: let me ask you a little bit. much is said of the fact that presidents including your own president bush had a chance to take out soleimani but did not. much say same thing for president obama. there must have been a reason for that. what has it? >> a lot has to do with threat and opportunity. if bush had the opportunity to take out bin laden i'm sure he would have. instead all we had were missile strikes that tents in the middle of nowhere. there was a while thought it
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could be done with an american drone. by the way if that had been done, that would not have stopped the 9/11 attacks. then the 9/11 attacks would seem like a response to killing bin laden actually. we shouldn't -- neil: i apologize. in the case of soleimani were there opportunities there that, he wasn't as high-ranking as he was a little more than a few days ago when he was taken out but were there, you know, efforts on the part of the bush administration to go after this guy, to the degree this administration ultimately dead? >> look i'm not aware of the, i wasn't around during his most active period that actually came after bush. but i, you know to, get this guy with his number one henchmen on an empty road in the middle of the night when no civilians are going to be killed is a rare opportunity and believe me if we had not done that let me say two things, if we had not done that
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i think all the leakers would be coming out of the woodwork, trump missed an incredible opportunity because he wasn't up to it. i will say one other thing president confidentially, if obama were president now we wouldn't see the kind of debate what was done. a lot of it is very personal. neil: during an election year, quite right about that, ambassador. many were advocating reining in the president's war powers. what do you think of that? >> i'm not sure what they have in mind. a lot of constraints on it already. and including, including his own bureaucracy and his own military who were not particularly trigger happy. remember we got to this point in part because there have been, i don't know exactly the count, somewhere between five and 10 significant iranian provocations, including drone strikes on some of the most important oil facilities in the world and we only responded with economic sanctions. a lot of people were saying we
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were being too mild. in hindsight we did it about right. this was the time to do something rapid and bold. neil: you know, ambassador, you touched on the outset here that the iraqis want us out, they say those who expressed that in the form of a resolution mean what they say, they do want us out. let's just dispense with the notion whether that does reflect the view of all the iraqis. that's debatable. what would happen if we left? >> i mean, let's start with the fact that almost half the parliament members boycotted that session because they didn't want to vote the way it would be voted. it is not an overwhelming majority of the parliament. i think they, they suffered enourmously from soleimani. i have seen estimates that as many as 500 iraqi shia, not iraqi sunni protesters, have been shot in the back in his campaign to put down protests
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mounted against the government recently. it is complicated political situation there. i don't think we understand it very well. i know we don't, and i would say one other thing, he is not just a military leader. he was incredibly terrifying force. i think a lot of them were desperately afraid of him and can't be sorry to see him again. they may behave differently over time. i think they see us in many ways as protecting them but then i would have one word of caution for president trump. i think we need to be very careful about our language. we shouldn't threaten them. shouldn't talk about bombing cultural sites. we should recognize the fact more frequently than we do, yes he killed a lot of americans but he killed many more iraqis and many more syrians and probably many more iranians. he was an equal opportunity killer. neil: that he was. in the thousands. paul wolfowitz, thank you, sir.
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>> thank you. neil: markets is taking this in stride. as we've been stressing on variety of shows, if this were a few years ago, we weren't nearly as independent oil player we are now. we're a leading exporter of oil, it would be a very, very different situation. former economist of president ronald reagan, art laffer. art, it is remarkable how the times have changed. if you were to try to make the comparison between start of the iranian revolution and then seizing our hostages in november 1979, what ensued after that, do you envision anything like that now? >> not right now at all. what is happening, we have a very strong economy, with a good set of policies put into place, which is swamping all other sorts of events. it swamps impeachment, it swamps iranian problem, i have a feeling it will continue to swamp those events until we get close to the election. people have to make a choice,
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neil. do they want a good economy or get revenge against trump? when they pulled the ballot, i think they will make it for the economy. we have to wait and see. right now the economy is dominating everything, thank goodness. neil: we always look for so-called black swan developments, something comes out of the blue. it was the collapse of lehman brothers many say precipitated financial meltdown and everything else. is this potentially that? >> no. this is not potentially that at all. i mean, if maybe we're world war or something like that, would be potentially that, but this is not of that level of magnitude. when you consider the size of the u.s. economy, the prosperity of this happening, total employment, all of that, the markets reflect the future of the economy, not the past, they reflect economics, not military action. this is not enough to destablize the u.s. what is enough, neil, in november, the election could be enough to destablize the
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economy dramatically. much of the same way as it did in november of 2016. when, excuse me, november of 2018, when the election swung to obama. that was a huge destabilization, brought about by a change in the election prospects and economics. i don't see that happening now at all, until we get close to the election. if elizabeth warren will be the nominee, if she is going going to win i think that will affect the markets dramatically. neil: you talking about the meltdown had it was ultimately a even race between mccain and barack obama but ultimately handed it to barack obama, is that what you're saying? >> market response to changes in policies. the market fell this anticipation of what changes would be. markets look to the future, not the past. they look more than one year out and reflect what they will be. neil: art laffer.
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thank you very much. good catching up with you. >> good catching up with you. paul world wits -- world wits did a great job. neil: >> he is impressive man. neil: to complete the trifecta, liz claman at the consumer electronics show in las vegas. she sees gadgets and neat trends before any of of us do what is going on there? >> 7,000 people, maybe 100 exhibitors in 2007. now 175,000. the world's largest tech show. we moved to lg. lg of south korea which is having unbelievable array of all kinds of debuts. i want you to peek over my left shoulder here. you can't see it directly from here, but we just shot you video. this is the oled. organic led new wave wall. it has 200, 55-inch digital
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panels that are signage. what they're trying to do, they're taking it off the wall. they do not want people to feel as they have to be stuck to the wall with their television sets. so they can roll it, they can bend it. these are the 8-ks, neil. these wild animals. i don't know if you read ray brad curry es the belt, where the animals came off the screen and killed all the people? that is what is happening in the 8 million picks cycles in the 8-k televisions. these are the incredibly thin and here and now, but, biggest moment here. i love this, because, our competition said yesterday that nothing gets debuted that is important at ces. let us prove them wrong. these are the rollable tvs. starting at the moment in the cycle, see the boxes down here? these are just bars you can put on say, a tabletop and then, the
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lg rolable tvs can roll down in there. say, neil, your wife really doesn't want to see a honking television set stuck on the wall. or you for example, would like to sigh portait of dogs playing poker on velvet on display. there is the possibility. when you need the tv, it will begin to roll up. what is so interesting about this technology, is, people are so excited. it was only on video last year. debuting as you speak. it can roll from the top down or it can roll from the bottom up. if you sake a side shot, lance, come over with me, you can see how thin it is. with all of the speakers, it is still just this most incredible thing. you know, all day long and tomorrow, fox business is right here at ces 2020. huge debuts. coming up in the next hour,
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neil, arguably one of the hottest attractions here. hyundai's flying taxi. 3:00 p.m. eastern. pat brown of impossible foods. only food company ever invited to set up shop here. foldable lg, sorry, foldable lenovo laptop. our tour behind the scenes of the brand new raiders stadium in las vegas. neil: you are cutting-edge, liz claman, no better person to have over there. michael bloomberg, is there signs he is gaining traction? there are signs he is. fox business invested in you we have january 22nd, 2:00 p.m. eastern time. charles payne will host that. i will be participating. if you want tickets go, to, if you want to be part of it and who wouldn't.
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she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa
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♪. neil: all right. joe biden is in the big apple. looking to rack up big money from fund-raisers. deirdre bolton in the middle of that. reporter: neil, i made a few calls on the low end of joe biden's fund-raising, 250 or $500. the maximum amount of course is $2800 f you measure by money, biden's campaign is gaining steam. in the last three months of the year biden had his best
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fund-raising quarter since he announced running in the spring. in the last three months alone, he raised close to $23 million. a banner moment for him. worth noting, still below senator sanders take for same amount of time. 34 1/2 million dollars in the first quarter of 2019. even behind mayor pete who logged $24.7 million for the last quarter. president trump pretty much blowing everyone away in the money game, drawing in $46 million in the same period. with iowa fast approaching it is worth noting that biden's strategy to accept super-pac money may help him. in the fall his campaign dropped opposition to receiving assistance of super-pacs. a pro-biden group, unite the country is currently running tv ads in iowa supporting him. worth noting, sanders, warren, mayor pete rejected courting pac money. back to you. neil: deirdre, thank you very, very much. it is important to note who
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hangs around with whom here. "judge judy" officially endorsing michael bloomberg for president. take a listen. >> mike bloomberg has done amazing things and will be a truly great president. no one comes close to mike bloomberg executive achievement, government experience and impactful philanthropy. his steady leadership will unite our country and bring us through the very challenging times. neil: we already know that in bloomberg is spending a good deal of money as he targets super tuesday. the strategy he can skip iowa and new hampshire and roll the dice on a good performance on super tuesday. other candidates in the past eschewed early states did something similar. rudy giuliani comes to mind but it doesn't really work out for for him. "real clear politics" associate editor, a.b. stoddard whether this works out for bloomberg. what do you think.
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>> if you look mike bloomberg how many times researched invested time running for president as independent on different party tickets i think there is a method to this seeming madness. i think increasingly party officials are worried that there is going to be a scramble and a muddied outcome in the first four contests. you look at iowa where there is three of them right, pretty much the same, biden, buttigieg, bernie sanders at the same level. things can change and someone will win but maybe not by a lot. maybe it is like a three-way showing. then there is also, sort of fear that there won't be the same winner with momentum behind them in the nevada, south carolina and new hampshire either. making the first four states where everyone invested their time and resources really insignificant. moving this into march with super tuesday potentially being a scramble on the 3rd.
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moving into the middle of the month, i remember a top party strategist telling me last year, i couldn't believe it, this was likely to go into may. but i think their fears might be realized. that is opportunity and opening for mike bloomberg, banking on a muddle in march where he can capitalize on states that can come later. you see he started to rise in the polls a little because of all the millions he has been spending. neil: there is no doubt about it. what you worry, i completely agree with you. i had same sort of scenario here. i look at numbers, the fact a lot of these candidate are still raising a lot of money. so it can keep them in longer than normally the case, given proportional voting we could arrive at the convention without someone having enough to win on the first ballot. then all bets are off. that is i think what michael bloomberg, is a pretty good numbers guy is calculating. do you think that if someone does not then win on the first ballot, all bets are off, all of
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a sudden michael bloomberg's chances rise? >> if we get to a brokered convention it is really anybody's game. i think that people will be panicked, they will be frantic. they will be reassessing their thinking but looking for safety, looking for competence, looking for a wealthy man. neil: i see what you're saying not looking to a joe biden? >> well, we just don't know. neil: that is when the superdelegates come into the picture. >> neil, joe biden's argument been he is the most electable, if he gets to the brokered convex how he can continue to make that argument? i think biden has shot becoming nominee in late spring. bloomberg has an advantage he wants to beat trump so badly, he made the assessment this is worthy investment of all of those ads to try to muddy up trump even if he ends up not coming to the table at the convention and becoming the nominee. neil: he figures he has nothing
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to lose. we'll watch. that is strong position to be in. >> a lot of money, maybe nothing to lose. neil: sort of like, ab, a lot of money. do what you want. >> right. neil: happy new year. >> thanks to you neil. neil: mcdonald's giant on looking to fix the party culture at mcdonald's. who knew there was a party culture at mcdonald's. there apparently was. we make ideas grow. from an everyday solution... to one that can take on a bigger challenge. from packaging tape... to tape that can bond materials to buildings... and planes. one idea can unlock a breadth of solutions. at 3m, we are solving problems that improve lives.
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neil: yum brands looking to get in the burger business, acquiring habit grill for $375 million. this continue as trend among mid-tier players to consolidate. we might see a lot more of that. this as mcdonald's is dealing with threat from that and others former mcdonald's usa ed rensi that is yum a threat to the golden arches a new ceo tries to
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change the culture at the fast-food giant. ed rensi, how are you? >> i'm doing well, thank you for having me. neil: talk about what is happening in burger land. it is crowded on the top end. high-end burger establishments really taking it on the chin. this was a strategy to go a little bit lower, but consolidate at that end. that is the sweet spot for mcdonald's, that now faces a threat. is this a threat. >> anybody that sells food is a threat to every restaurant including mom in the kitchen at home. the reality of it is, habit burgers got a very nice niche out in california and other places. it is a high quality company. mcdonald's has been competing against them since the late '60s. this is nothing new. they have a much broader menu than mcdonald's with large salads and things of that nature but they're taking food out of the marketplace. it is about market share these days. there are plenty of places to
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eat. any acquisition like this is a threat. yum! brands is well-run, they have a lot of assets, they have a lot of capability. they will grow the business. they didn't buy it to watch it wither away. they will push it, push it hard and i think they will be a formidable competitor. neil: i haven't had a chance to talk to you since the dust-up and former ceo leaving mcdonald's. the new ceo says, this party atmosphere will stop, where managers hang out with workers, that has got to stop, in other words, changing the culture what do you make of it. >> a lot of things come to my mind. first of all for me it is embarrassing. that kind of behavior in this day and age is absolutely unacceptable and should not be tolerated. a lot of things jump into my brain and been on board of directors, chair of governance committee and audit committees. where was the board of directors. if the new ceo knew this was going on, he wants to change the
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culture, what was he talking about with the chairman of the audit committee, the chairman of the governance committee with the chairman of the board? where was the action when this kind of thing was taking place? changing the culture of a company is not an easy thing to do but it is not acceptable under any circumstances. it is embarrassing. but thank god the franchisees run 90% of the restaurants. they're not involved in that kind of nonsense. they run the restaurants every day. they're the great strength of mcdonald's. anytime the company leadership gets out of whack, the franchisees have a way of bringing them back, get them focused and dealing with they should deal with so the customer gets best deal every day. god bless the franchiseees. neil: the franchisees, the company was making money hand over fit, the franchise east, establishment this was a former problem with the last ceo, evidence of a big problem, it wasn't affecting business and same-store sales all the rest, so what did you make of that?
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>> well ultimately it is corrosive. because if you have great, talented people at the lower levels of the company and they think that by currying favorrism with fraternization with senior leadership is the way to get ahead, it starts to destroy the very essence of who you are as a company. mcdonald's has always been built on hard work, devotion to success, staying focused on the vision, not getting off on wild tangents, sticking true to quality service, cleanliness and value. so it is corrosive. over the long term, it is destructive. neil: well-put, ed, thank you very much. good seeing you again. happy new year to you. >> happy new year to you. thank you. neil: elon musk is finding a lot of reasons to dance and celebrate. this proves that you can be worth billions. it doesn't mean you can dance. ♪. turn on my tv and boom,
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has proudly served 100s of 1,000s of clients worldwide. don't wait another minute. call now to purchase 1/10th ounce gold american eagles for the amazing price of only $154.00 each. neil: showing liz claman at consumer electronics show. they have neat bells and whistles. they have gadgets that can get hacked, in fact easier than anytime in the history. hillary vaughn looking how you can prevent your home cameras sufficienting such a fate. reporter: families,
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neighborhoods like this one, put cameras inside around the home because they want to make their families safer. what a lot of people don't realize, how the siders could be easily looking into your security cameras, turning the cameras into surveillance. it happened just last month when a hacker used amazon's ring security camera to talk to an 8-year-old girl in her bedroom. but they didn't hack into the device. they used a program to run email addresses and passwords sold on the dark web, which sign-in information matched with ring devices registered around the country. chief security officer morgan wright walked us through how the device was breached. it took hackers less than five minutes to do it start to finish, using the system to run through quickly emails and passwords. log in as if you were the user. he tells us tech companies need to be held accountable to make it mandatory for people to use two factor authentication before
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putting security cameras in their hands. >> i think it ought to be requirement. same way we have seatbelt laws, doesn't mean people wear them. it ought to be requirement, you cannot open a account, make the account active until you have a user name, good password. now two factor authentication. reporter: neil this all could have been avoided when users were aware of a data breach they immediately changed password which is recommended. people with ring security cameras use that two-factor authentication that is option, so far not required. neil. neil: hillary, thank you very much. hillary vaughn on all of that. meantime if you have any doubt electric is the new wave, tesla is back on fire, consider this, elon musk dancing as tesla stock all-time high, delivering the first cars manufactured in china. and then sold, very soon we're told for the rest of the world. this as sony unveiling its own electric car at ces. that is right. sony. sony.
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not a carmaker, right? the constellation research ceo ray wong on all of this. what do you make of it, ray wong, i apologize. what do you make of all of this? it is certainly spreading out. a lot of players, i guess elon musk is leading the charge? >> elon has a lot to celebrate. he has a gigafactory up. we weren't sure he would pull it off. first cars off the road. the model ys about to roll out to china sometime in 2020. there is a lot going on. the car is the new living room. sony using that as a showcase. i don't think they will produce the cars. because they're significantly, 10 times less parts electric vehicle. you can basically turn that into living room. it will be autonomous in the future. so a lot of people are using that as a showcase for what the future looks like. neil: what do you think will hurt musk more though? the fact the suv the windows weren't bulletproof or the fact that he can't dance? >> i think it is the dance but i
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think that is part of the charm. neil: there you go. >> the bulletproof vehicles on cyber truck it is going to be interesting. if you look at order, taking f-150 market. and truck market that is the next piece they go after. fleets and the trucks. neil: i thought that whole thing was staged. it got far more attention. not dancing stuff. but bulletproof stuff. the dancing stuff could help as well. a lot of doubters on elon musk at the beginning not only doubting what he was building but the future of electric cars itself. where do you see the technology going? we sometimes conflate what is happening on driverless front with general indictment on electric cars but it is two separate issues, isn't it? >> they are two separate issues. even at the, toyota unveiling at ces, yesterday, that they were talking about the future of their cities, right? they were talking about hydrogen would play a roll. electric front, hydrogen front they're looking alternative
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transportation, power sources. electric has a good way to go. with elon going 400,000 vehicles a year. that is the dent in the overall vehicle market. we're at the very beginning of the revolution. we'll run out of key materials. things required to make the batteries. the battery technology will have to keep up if we get to 20, 30, 40% penetration. neil: a lot more places for those batteries. you will need that. they're still few and far between. the trend as you said years ago was very much alive and real. i should have listened to you. ray, thank you very much. be well. >> happy new year. neil: charlie gasparino, reporting that the president's promise to go after iran, and historical sites, it is not the controversy that many are making it out to be. at least from the vantage point of the president, after this.
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neil: boeing and american airlines reaching a settlement on the 737 max compensation in 2019. boeing's stock has been up slightly since the new ceo announced it, optimism that further deals could be scored with other major airlines this much is pretty obvious. the stock is trying to claw its way back. a long way to go. president threatening iranian cultural sites. charlie gasparino reports some trump properties are in the cross-hairs of those in iran. what have we got here? >> people are wondering whether iranian response -- remember they threatened trump properties back, potentially escalating tit-for-tat, attacks on each other. they're threatening mar-a-lago and all other properties. so the question becomes, is there a business impact on mar-a-lago? does anything change? obviously too soon to tell but here is what we do know. i speak with people members of
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various clubs, including mar-a-lago. what changed the last week? what is interesting, right after the embassy attack that, preceded the assassination of soleimani, right? the embassy attack they noticed a noticeable ramp up of security at mar-a-lago. after, the soleimani attack, then they, you know, it was like, you know, that place was locked down pretty tightly. what do we mean by locked down? armed guards. more military personnel. clearly when trump shows up, and he hangs out at the club, a lot more secret service. so, but -- neil: what about when he is not there? >> still. neil: really? >> a ton. i think what we're seeing now, is, you know, if you ever wanted to tell there was going to be something done, which, an assassination attempt, a lot of these members are telling us there was a hint on the ramped up security that came right
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after the embassy attack. that you know, you knew there was going to be a response. trump people, and president himself knew that his properties were in danger of some, potential counterattack. that is what ramped up tremendously. when you get in there, you see people with guns walking around. what about cyber targets? neil: that -- >> that is less after attack on trump companies do youwer if business sufficienters? is there any impact, iranian threat of retaliation. i think cyberattacks is low on the totem poll. what i found fascinating, president and his people were ramping up. they knew that that would be the iranian response, come after his properties. so, the, so if they are going there they will be facing tremendous security. they are prepared.
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from what i understand. neil: are you surprised coming back from this, 100 plus selloff, it has been a nonplussed market reaction. is there way of saying we don't think this amounts to anything? >> if you think last time terrorism had huge impact on markets, 9/11. it was existential to the business community. they took out the stock exchange, the new york stock exchange. back then the most of the new york stock exchange were listed stocks. those were big stocks, face it, take out big tech names, most of them, major blue chip corporations in order to trade, if you listed you had to trade almost on the stock exchange. following the change in the way the market is structured, that came, that, that came after 9/11. stocks could trade anywhere. take that out, it lessen the economic impact of a major terrorist attack. now obviously if there is a dirty bomb blowing up middle of
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manhattan, a city like this gets shut down. that is a real problem economically. i will tell you that i spoken with plenty of cia national security people. fbi, they are always on guard for that. our surveillance protective mechanisms on that are very, doesn't mean something can't slip through. but they are always prepared for that. clearly after something like this, all alarms go off. the markets are not trading off another reason, neil. we produce our own oil. neil: that is different world. >> if they want to cut off oil, it will go up. it is not excity essential. we have enough oil. that is one of the best things the trump administration done, take regulatory, remove massive regulation on fracking, all that sort of stuff. neil: thank you very my friend, thank you very much. the administration will meet with congressional leaders, those in the house and senate, to brief more detailed briefing
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for rest of congress tomorrow. we'll keep you posted on that. more after this. so you only pay for what you need. wow. thanks, zoltar. how can i ever repay you? maybe you could free zoltar? thanks, lady. taxi! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ our retirement plan with voya gives us confidence. so we can spend a bit today, knowing we're prepared for tomorrow. wow, do you think you overdid it maybe? overdid what? well planned, well invested, well protected.
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neil: they don't have the pot anymore. illinois pot demand is so high, since it all became legal there is shortage, serious shortage. grady trimble at a dispensary in chicago with all the details. hay grady. reporter: hi, neil. this is the line to get in. but you have to wait two hours to get into the dispensary. the dispensaries had high expectations no pun intended but what they sold exceeded expectations. $11 million of recreational marijuana was sold since it was legalized.
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some was sold to some shops they have to shut down for recreational customers. not that completely run out of product. by law they have to keep the medical marijuana patients supplied before they go to the recreational sales. this particular dispensary i'm at, they didn't have to close because of a shortage but they did any way, because the employees had been working 14 hours a day since beginning of the year. they needed to reset, give them a bit of a break. dispensaries i talk to they're trying to keep up with the high demand. listen. >> when you convert for medical to recreational, there is ramp up time having to expand facilities and also grow the plant. right now illinois is going through ramp up of expansion. there should be triple the amount of capacity than there has in the past for recreational market. >> run into seven dispenries i visited only purchases two. they say they are done for the day. the line will be completely too long. you know it is too long. reporter: one of the challenges
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they face here the supply all has to come from illinois because this is a product that can't cross state lines because, it is illegal federally still. neil? neil: thank you very much, grady. a lot of these who are getting their hands on it are famished because impossible foods is debuting plant based pork in ces in las vegas. all seriousness there is no connection. there is big demand for alternative foods. the next level burger founder ceo is seeing it happen before his ice. next level burger is the america's first 100% plant based burger restaurant. thank you for coming. >> thank you so much, neil. exciting to be here. appreciate the invitation. neil: this is interesting. at first, when the had impossible to eat, all these other, alternatives to the meat. they tried it with chicken. trying wit with pork and all. there must be something to it, because it is growing fast. what are your customers saying? >> well, i think from the
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standpoint of all the things aligning when we started next level burger the term plant based or vegan was on the margins. it has become absolutely part of mainstream. people want their cake to eat it too. whether the doctor telling you to put down a beef burger or your wife chasing you around trying to watch cholesterol. or it is the person that is cognizant of climate change and resource conservation, there are just so many reasons. i think, the question has gone from why eat plant based, to why not? especially when it tastes as good as it does these days. neil: i talked to a lot of doctors from the medical community. heralded good cholesterol aspect of this, still try to warn those who, you know, chowdown on this stuff, be careful, because it isn't 100% healthy. what do you say? >> that is a great question. ultimately it is just like anything else. what are you eating? so you need to be cognizant of what you're eating, where it was
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made of, where it was grown. as america's first 100 plant based burger joint, we didn't just stop there. it is not just about being made out of plants. about being made out of good plants, organically grown, non-gmo, what we wanted to do, take everything awesome for you, and it is good for the planet, that is good for the waistline, put that in one place. so ultimately, just like anything else, you need to be cog any san, what you're putting in your body, whether made out of plants, animal products. neil: you don't have a worry, burger king is discovering beef alternative burgers are cooked on the same, you know, same grills as regular stuff? and that's dispointed a lot of vegetarians and the rest. all your stuff is non-beef, right? >> yes, that's correct. so our, we have seven shops in five cities across three-time zones at this point.
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you can trust every time you walk into next level burger everything inside the four walls is 100% plant based. ultimately i love to see people having more access to more plant based products. if you want to get that one-stop shop experience, next level burger where you need to go. neil: when they come in, and they like the taste of your stuff, all that, is it, is it appeal more to men, to women? is there age demographic? how would you explain? >> that is an awesome question. so when we build next level burger i wanted to make sure we didn't create another plant based concept or vegan concept interested female demographic. i grew up eating lots of meat. by the time i was averaged, i 27 pounds, i'm not kidding neil, red meat a week. i don't know if anybody -- and, yes, yes. breakfast of champions. but, i transferred to a
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plant-based diet. ultimately, my wife who is my partner and cofounder decided to start next level burger, we wanted to make sure -- neil: you're off to the races. cutting you off rudely for this break. best of luck. more after this. invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk
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neil: all right. at the top of the hour, it's the top of everyone's interest, what is iran going to do in response to our taking out its top soldier? it has promised a nightmare response but a lot of people don't know what that nightmare response ultimately will be. we do know that congressional leaders are going to be briefed at 4:00 p.m. eastern time at the white house ahead of what will be a full congressional briefing tomorrow on capitol hill. the u.s. air force meanwhile is sending a message, conducting
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fighter jet drills today, so there's a lot of fast-moving parts to this story. blake burman with more from the white house. reporter: everywhere you look, over here at the white house, the trump administration today putting forth two of its top figures on television to continue to defend the decision that president trump made to take out that iranian general, qassem suleimani. the president's national security adviser robert o'brien saying earlier today that diplomats were in harm's way and he seemingly narrowed down a time frame for when attacks might have been carried out. listen here. >> the intel that we had, the information we had which we believe was very strong showed that suleimani and those he was plotting with were looking to kill american diplomats and soldiers in significant numbers in the coming days and that's why the president authorized the successful operation that was undertaken by the u.s. military. reporter: so you heard o'brien say there that the attacks were in the coming days. afterwards when he spoke to reporters as well on the north
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lawn here at the white house, i asked him about the timing with all of this, about the coming days, what exactly does that mean. he then broadened the scope a bit by saying that the attacks were quote unquote, imminent. meantime, in iran today, that country's foreign minister did a series of interviews with some u.s. outlets. zarif saying this amounts to an armed attack against iran but we will respond, but we will respond proportionally, not disproportionately. he also said should the president, president trump, attack iran's cultural sites, that would amount to war crimes. back in washington, the secretary of state mike pompeo argued that any potential u.s. action would fit within international rules and had this fierce pushback against iran. >> let me tell you who's done damage to the persian culture. it's not the united states of america. it's the ayatollah. the real risk to persian culture does not come from the united states of america.
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that's the reason there's no -- reporter: you will also remember on sunday, when president trump was making his way back to the white house, he spoke to reporters aboard air force one, reacted to that decision inside of iraq by some members of iraq's parliament who say they want u.s. troops out of that country. the president then told reporters that should that happen, and essentially if a transition of u.s. troops wouldn't go smoothly, then there would be sanctions against iraq. what i can tell you on that front is that right now, there are plans being drawn up at the staff level, at the working level, to cut through that d.c. jargon basically at the lower level, because the president made that statement on sunday, everyone heard it including some of the staff here within the trump administration, so they have been drawing up some preparations should the president at some point want to go down that route. neil? neil: blake burman at the white house, thank you very much. senator joe lieberman tells me the divide on iran here at home is the bigger worry for him.
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>> it would be natural if there was -- were questions about it, but it's not natural that all the questions are coming from democrats and all the praise from republicans, and that tells me that this partisanship that has really disabled our government is now standing in the way of us getting together across party lines, even about the killing of a man who's responsible for the deaths of a lot of americans. neil: a lot of them are saying, senator wyden now going so far as to say it's a wag the dog moment. what do you think? >> it's a reason, i don't think it's a good reason. neil: markets are taking this in relative stride. we are down about 100 points now but we are down a little around 1% since all this started. think about that. what's going on here? hedge fund manager cody willard joins us, anthony chan and
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noelle nickpor. let me get your read on the markets. relatively calm response to this. >> let's get some perspective on the signs of iran's economy and military versus our own. the united states might is, look, the united states gdp is 40 times larger than iran's. the united states spends 50% more on their defense budget every year than iran's entire economy. so it's not like this is a major foe that we have an economic power, military power -- neil: it's a foe with a history of disrupting the middle east, right? >> absolutely, but we have a history of dropping hundreds of thousands of drone bombs on the middle east in the last ten years. i'm not sure another front to the middle east war is really going to derail this bubble blowing bull market. neil: i'm intrigued by the iranian response that it would be proportional response, and not out of proportion.
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i'm wondering what does that mean? take out or try to target top military interests? >> sort of like all these codes, eye for an eye or something very similar, but i think to get back to an excellent point cody made, that is that you got to take into context the iranian economy versus the u.s. first of all, the iranian economy is in dire straits. the economy is not doing so well. they have limitations to some extent. wall street is not reacting or investors are not reacting so negatively because they know that there are levers the u.s. can push to minimize the pushback from iran. for example, if we are willing to give up influence, just like we did in syria, and we walk away, that may be something that may make the iranians happy, obviously it will make the russians happy, it will make maybe even people in iraq happy, and that will probably minimize a lot of this talk about revenge. so wall street thinks that at the end of the day, some sort of compromise will be made to minimize that potential type of
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revenge. neil: prior to taking on this military guy, you know, iran has always been provocative, bombing saudi oil fields, going after oil tankers, so it obviously, you know, doesn't heed what would be common sense and you know, dial it back. now what? >> well, i mean, that's the big question. nobody knows. i think that's why the markets haven't taken a big dive is because they don't know. we don't know -- neil: maybe they assume what everyone has been talking about here. >> well, yeah, we are also in a different position, the united states is, where they were a long time ago when we had an iranian crisis because look at oil. thanks to fracking and where we are, you know, with exploration with oil, we are not as scared as we used to be when it came time for what's iran going to do with the oil. you know, we are in a better position for that. if you look, a lot of people i think it was friday, oil was at
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like 70. you saw a lot of people going toward gold and treasuries. so it's kind of -- neil: that has dissipated, almost washed out here. meantime, i do want to follow another development. ivanka trump getting heat for taking center stage at ces despite her lack of technology experience. she is still chief confidant of her father's so people might not like the fact that she is close to her father and influential in his administration but she is who she is. >> well, i mean, i guess every year, the ces invites people from the white house to speak. trump administration sent ivanka to speak at the thing. neil: was billy carter ever invited? >> i assume he was. nixon's chief technologist might have been invited. neil: did henry kissinger ever go? that would be something. >> that would have been something. neil: what's the big deal? they have hundreds of speakers,
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right? >> yeah. they even have meg whitman there. they have a lot of representation. neil: when she is picked on here because obviously, that's what they are saying, you know, you could have anybody speak here but i was looking at the speakers list, it goes on for pages. >> yeah. i mean, this is just a non-starter, i think. whenever she is asked to do anything, even if it's a broad, you know, especially the democrats, they look at this as it's inappropriate that she's even doing anything at all because it's his daughter. neil: what did you make of the fact that she and her brother, brothers, are mentioned in this long list of potential '24 -- >> i saw that on the hill. neil: she and her brothers were there and i'm thinking could you see that happening? >> oh, i absolutely think 100%. i have told people as a strategist, i told people this, that what is trump going to do
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with that base when he's no longer in office. it's got to pass on somewhere. this is a really riveted base, they love this red meat. don jr. seems to be fitting that bill more so than ivanka. i saw the polls. nikki haley and eric doesn't command that, neither does ivanka, but don jr. is basically an in your face tactic kind of guy, just like his father. i think that base has got to go somewhere and i think that base follows don jr. >> we go from bush to bush to clinton to clinton to trump to trump. i would like to see some fresh blood in there. maybe a non-republican, a non-democrat at some point. a fresh thinker. neil: wow. what do you think of that? the markets respond to totally outside the box. trump was totally outside the box, right? >> i think the market would think it was a breath of fresh air. >> depends what their economic views are. where they align. if you get a breath of fresh air that has a socialist background
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economically, you will be like uh-oh but if you get some guy, someone somewhere in the middle like when obama campaigned, he pretty much campaigned as a centrist, then took off the mask. neil: if the conditions are right, you can look back to 2008 and say if we didn't have a financial meltdown, would barack obama have been elected. the two were running very even, john mccain and he. would a very big liberal new york governor like fdr have a chance against what was once a popular president, herbert hoover, if we didn't have the depression? >> we have talked before about how a lot of trump is purposely betting on a lot of his 2020 election on the economy and how strong it has been. if the economy is still strong in november, you know, trump's probably -- neil: strong economy got ronald reagan elected in a landslide. just the opposite took barack obama to the white house. it's the environment. >> one thing to keep in mind is the incumbent always has the
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advantage because they are in charge of the airplane controls. they are managing the economy until the election. it doesn't always work but it works most of the time. neil: all right. a lot more coming up after this, including uber in the sky. yeah. after this. what a time to be alive. the world is customized to you. built for you. so why isn't it all about you, when it comes to your money? so. what's on your mind? we are edward jones, a 97-year-old firm built for right now. with one financial advisor per office, we're all about knowing what's important to you the one who matters. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual.
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go beyond the expected. to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond. neil: all right. uber is taking to the skies right now, preparing to launch air taxis, apparently partnering up with hyundai. liz claman is in las vegas with that. uber elevate, is that right?
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liz: yes. this is unbelievable. you know, neil, i have been coming to ces, this is my 14th year at the world's largest consumer electronics show. i have never seen anything like this. this is the hyundai uber transit, the flying taxi. this is a beast. basically what they are trying to do here is show that the future involves point-to-point air travel. know how you just wish you could somehow elevate above all of the traffic in l.a., new york, boston, wherever you are? this vertically takes off, it's got four propellors that are all about ten feet in diameter. it's 50 feet long, 7,000 pounds. once it hovers up carrying about four passengers and yes, a pilot, it then cruises at top speeds of 150 miles per hour. the maximum flight range, 62 miles per hour, about 100 kilometers. it is all electric. it actually charges while it's on the ground. there is reduced noise.
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is it just a pipe dream or reality? let's go talk to uber elevates head of business development, wyatt smith. this is crazy. >> very exciting morning for us. liz: i would imagine. looking at these larger propellors which we just showed, i see on the other end there, these flat different-looking propellors to the right. what are those? >> those are stacked co-rotating propellors that create vertical lift, when the vehicle is in decel mode. when it converts to forward flying, they revert to the fuselage allowing it to cruise. our team worked really hard on the concept over several years and about a year and a half ago, we put forward several designs to the market and it was really exciting to see how the hyundai team ran with that. their engineers really built something special here. liz: so it hovers up from the ground. >> yep. liz: then it starts cruising. how high would it cruise? >> the cruise envelope is between 500 and 2,000 feet which is a really cool way to see a city. for many people, they have not
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had opportunity to do that before. so we are excited for what this will do, democratize access to flight. liz: forgive me, it's also a really nervewracking way of maybe hitting something. >> well, safety is paramount. everything that uber is about, bringing safe and reliable service, the people at hyundai are very committed to that as well. their track record of providing safe, reliable vehicles at scale is going to be a game changer. liz: look behind us on the screen here. you can see a rendering or video of san francisco. >> this is san francisco in 2030. you get a sense about what it would be like to experience the city from the sky. liz: they look remarkably calm. >> yeah. we would be able to push a button and get a flight, use it as a way of getting anywhere within a city to another point. liz: what does the faa say about this? >> we had a great partnership with the faa talking about how this is a safe, reliable way. nothing would start flying until they achieved certification and several companies are out there right now demonstrating pathways towards this. liz: we love innovation. hyundai plus uber, you guys are trying to do it. we will wait to see.
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neil cavuto wants to be among the first in there. >> neil, look forward to giving you a ride. liz: neil? neil: only if i can go with liz. liz: i'm with you all the way. all the way. amazing, isn't it? again, you know, it's about the future, it's about taking moonshots, then sometimes you snag a star and make it happen. we'll see. neil: great job, as always. look forward to more reports in your show later on. meantime, it almost makes you want to dance. elon musk, you see this? it's going viral. that was reminding me of my family at a wedding when they've had one too many. anyway, he's celebrating, you know, making cars in china, selling to the world. susan li on all that. what do you think of his dancing skills? susan: i call it a daddy dance. you know, it's something that maybe i want to have not seen but unfortunately, have. but bit of a strip tease there,
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with the kt jjacket, loosening . neil: ballmer was a much better dancer. remember steve ballmer? susan: bill gates was probably a better dancer. regardless, look, tesla and musk have a lot to celebrate because they did roll out their first model 3s in shanghai and this is the first wholly owned foreign car making factory. gm couldn't do it. it's a big deal. ford couldn't do it. the fact that elon musk was able to deliver, ten months after breaking ground in this factory, this is a big, big win for elon musk and this is why it's also propelled the stock up to record levels. in fact, i was taking a look at the market cap. elon musk and tesla are worth about $79 billion, almost, almost the combined value of ford and gm put together. there's a lot of elation here because this is the biggest car market in the world, talking about china, and he still gets subsidies there so they are able to cut their car prices by 20%. the first model 3s will cost around $43,000. there are head winds.
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this is still a prove-me kind of market since we had electric vehicle sales dropping some 43% in november, but the government -- neil: a lot more players. worldwide he's handling all those. susan: model ys, he's promising to roll off the lot in 2021. that may be lofty since model y was just introduced in march of last year. he's a great salesman. in fact, if you take a look at this, this viral video we keep showing, this is free advertising. neil: by the way, he did the same thing with the bulletproof windows. i think that was staged. by the way, kudos to him because it got played thousands of times more than it would. susan: yes, that's right. according to brand products, apparently he spends zero on advertising. compare that to the billions that general motors and ford spend. yet we talk about elon musk and his wonderful dancing each and every day. but you know, we have wedbush saying if china does work out the way tesla and elon musk have promised, this could be worth $100 more to the share price.
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he will be dancing all the way to the bank. neil: which he's doing already. thank you very much. i would love to catch you dancing. susan: looks something like that. neil: we have to dig that up at family weddings and such. don't ask, do tell. susan: why don't you bust a move? neil: this is a secret. we can't share. all right. in the meantime, there's another major retailer that's shutting its doors. that was expected. what wasn't was how far pier 1 did to do just that. alexa tell me about neptune's sorrow. it's a master stroke of heartache and redemption. the lexus nx. modern utility for modern obstacles. lease the 2020 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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should be an important part of your portfolio, pick up the phone and call and receive the complete guide to buying gold, which will provide you important, never seen before facts and information you should know about making gold, silver and platinum purchases. if you call right now, you can also receive a copy of our new us gold report of 2020. inside, you'll find the top 25 reasons why you need to start owning gold today. - with nearly two decades in business, over a billion dollars in transactions and more than a half a million clients worldwide, us money reserve is one of the most dependable gold distributors in america. neil: another iconic name biting the dust. retailer pier 1 imports closing nearly half of its stores as sales continue to falter. jackie deangelis is outside a big one in edgewater, new
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jersey, with all the details. jackie? jackie: good afternoon, neil. that's right. pier 1 is the latest announcing it's going to be closing 450 stores. the store behind me, not sure if it's on the list, they told me, but of course, this is going to have a big impact. it's a cost-cutting initiative and help to the company to operate more he fsefficiently. remember, earnings yesterday disappointed, sales were down 13% year on year, the company reported a loss of $59 million. the ceo said this. he said fiscal third quarter sales and margins remained under pressure. looking ahead, we believe that we will deliver improved financial results over time as we realize the benefits of our business transformation and cost reduction initiatives. this certainly a part of that. share price down 95% in two years as the retailer is struggling, closing stores certainly one way to help reduce overhead, but also could lead to
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layoffs. speculation that roughly 300 employees could lose their jobs as a result of this. now, remember, competition is fierce, especially in the e-commerce space. big stores like this are very costly to operate because of that overhead, and of course, brick and mortar has been struggling. pier 1, the latest to take this big hit. neil: very sad. iconic name. another one in trouble. thank you very, very much. in the meantime, whatever you think of stocks right now, gold of course has been shining. in fact, it's at seven-year highs. goldman sachs says you should count on gold. should you? after this.
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neil: all right. the "new york times" is reporting that [ inaudible ] is suing google claiming the tech giant stole its smart speaker technology. no response from google. if we get any more, we will pass it along. meanwhile, as iran tensions are heating up, goldman sachs is suggesting maybe investors might want to spread the wealth to things like gold. jeff flock and phil flynn at the cme with more on that. reporter: normally phil would say oh, gold, in the throes of a mideast crisis, invest in gold, right, but you agree, actually. >> right. reporter: you agree now, gold may be better? >> i really do. i think it's more of a pure play when it comes to risk aversion. when you look at the big picture, we know iran's ability
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to attack oil infrastructure is limited because they know it might be coming and there's a lot of security right now. reporter: right, and in addition, all the oil we have, phil last week, by the way, apache, you saw activity there, it was beaten down, the stock was. today it was announced there was a huge find of new oil. >> yes. in fact, the biggest up move in the stock in over 40 years. talk about a cinderella story. a lot of people were writing apa apache off. it was the worst performing energy stock of the last decade but we saw some activity, after they had bad earnings, we saw the hedge funds start to double down. there was insider buying so we knew something was going on. it was time to buy it. reporter: oil, but that says oil, there's a lot of oil out there. >> there is. reporter: this means maybe gold -- also, if you think as an investor, like me, you are close to retirement, i can't lose half my money again. i want to be conservative. gold, more so than oil. >> well, you are going to want
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to have that oil because there's always a concern that if you get into some type of conflict, oil demand will be down but the gold will still be your safe haven. reporter: okay. >> the dollar has been a little weaker as well. that helps. reporter: got you. okay, there's your advice for the day. neil: well played. by the way, jeff, i don't know about you, what are you talking about retirement for? reporter: it's all i think about. neil: all right. reporter: by the way, here's one quick one. phil was standing down lower than i am. that's why -- >> thank you. he picked the one day i had to walk through the snow. reporter: the first day we have been able to see eye to eye. >> i had to go down to jeff's level today. sorry about that, guys. neil: thank you very, very much. in the meantime, we are getting word that defense secretary of the united states mark esper will hold a briefing with reporters in about a half hour,
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2:00 p.m. eastern time at the pentagon. now, oil is down from some of the highs that we were seeing as the issue over supply and the fact we have so much oil ourselves, where independent oil exporter, the world's largest exporter of oil so maybe we can weather this. daniel turner says the u.s. can withstand things even if it gets to the point of attack and global oil supplies are threatened. i guess it's how much of an attack and how much the threat ultimately is. what do you think? >> i agree with you. i mean, we are prepared for the future and look, we don't know what tomorrow is going to bring with iran. we pray for peace, we pray that there's nothing bad for our country. but ten years ago, a lot of your audience will remember, sadly there's a lot of voters who don't remember this but 10, 12 years ago, oil hit $146 a barrel. the average american was paying close to $4.50 a gallon at the pump. that didn't happen this time. yesterday, you used the phrase a few times, a muted response to
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this. i love that phrase, because at least in the oil markets, it was a muted response. what's the difference, 12 years ago, we produced five million barrels of oil a day. now we produce close to 13 in america. that difference makes us safe, it makes us energy independent, energy dominant as president trump calls it, and puts us in a tremendous position of leverage. neil: i always wonder, in that scenario, it might be good for us but for much of the world that gets its oil off of those ships that pass through the strait of hormuz and you know, threats on the part of the iranians to sort of bomb that and make that impassable, been awhile since they went that route, but then what? >> you are absolutely right. if something like that were to happen, there's no doubt there would be a change in oil prices. oil prices could escalate dramatically. but in america it will not affect our supply. if i were one of the european countries or countries like china or india, that get a lot of its oil from iran, supply
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issues are a real concern. of course we don't want to see the price of oil go up. we want to protect the oil industry as a whole because it undergirds our economy, but regardless of what happens in the world, america is in a stronger position and i have to question anyone running for office who wants to take us away from that position of strength and make us a weaker country. neil: if they were to do that, they do something crazy, they have done crazy things in the past despite common sense that would tell them it's dangerous, what do you think happens? >> i mean, the repercussions in the market will be tremendous, because energy really runs our entire economy. everything that is manufactured, agriculture, every form of transportation is run by energy. high energy prices are not good for america. again, go back 12 years ago and look at the way we lived our lives. so we don't want to see that happen. but america is in a better position now than ever before and we have to protect that. neil: dan, thank you very, very much. happy new year to you. >> thank you.
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neil: forget just diet and exercise. why some say the key to living longer is all about where you live. after this. ♪ ♪ ♪
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neil: all right. could where you live be the key to living longer? my next guest says a blue zone diet is proving to help americans lead a healthier life. blue zone founder dan bugner on what is behind that push. very good to have you. very interesting, too. i guess the premise of your research is you look at regions, cities in the world that have, you know, the highest rate of people living a long life and very very low level of middle age and related deaths, and it's
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an eclectic bunch of places. explain. >> working with national geographic, it's been a 15-year project to find the statistically longer lived areas. okinawa, japan, longest lived man. longest lived man in sardinia. among the seventh day adventists in and around loma linda, california. we are finding the places where people have the lowest level of chronic disease, heart disease, diabetes, dementia. potentially saving many millions of dollars of unneeded health care costs. neil: is there a theme to their longevity? is there some commonality with their life span? >> there is. i have just written this book, the blue zones kitchen. we reverse engineered and did an analysis of what the people in these places have been eating for the last hundred years, and you see 90% to 100% of their dietary intake comes from
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plant-based foods. the five foods of every longevity place in the world are whole grains, greens, nuts, tubers like sweet potatoes and beans. if you are eating about a cup of beans a day it is probably adding about four years to your life expectancy and cutting the chances of you getting one of the chronic diseases that is costing our country so much. neil: i notice you don't cite italian sausage or processed meats and cheeses. you just didn't research it enough or what? >> well, okay, so -- neil: i'm kidding. >> you never know if you're serious on these big tv shows. neil: you know, it is interesting, there is that idea eat healthy, you eat, you know, lifestyle and all that, what else comes through in your research here? >> well, how long you live is mostly a function of your environment. so you look at places like kentucky, where life expectancy is up to 20 years less than
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places in colorado and in san luis obispo, california. that's not because there are better americans in california or colorado, just that when you live in an environment where the healthy choice is the easy choice, it's easier for people to make the right decisions about their health, way more than trying to get on a diet which only lasts for a few percent of people. even an exercise program which wears out after about nine months. neil: know what's interesting, you know these locales far better than i but i would imagine there isn't a lot of fast food around these areas and to your point, they are just in an environment conducive to doing the right thing, right? >> that's right. we actually get hired by american cities, places like ft. worth, texas, orlando, florida, big island of hawaii, to actually shape environments so that the healthy choice is easier for people, more accessible for people than eating junk food.
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active living like walking and access to parks is easier than always taking the car. we have seen obesity drop in these cities, ft. worth, texas, we saw about a 6% obesity drop. we saw smoking at the city-wide level drop by about 3%. and gallop estimates we saved ft. worth, texas about $250 million per year in projected health care costs just by shaping the environment to make the easy choice, healthy choice, the easy choice. neil: it's brilliant insight. i'm so happy you're on remote, though. i have been sucking my stomach in the entire time talking to you. >> i think you look pretty good there. neil: really, it's very revealing and very telling, things we're not doing that maybe a lot of these other folks are. thank you, my friend. happy new year. >> happy new year to you. neil: all right. in the meantime, new york officials were reportedly offering amazon upwards of $800 million more in incentives than previously known to get that
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headquarters going. to "making money" host charles payne. charles, that kind of fuels alexandria ocasio-cortez's argument, right, that they were trying to buy their interests, right? charles: you know, there's a few things that make aoc look a lot better today. that revelation, also just the fact that these silicon valley names, these companies are pouring employees into new york city. i mean, they are opening up, they are buying real estate, taking up spaces, they will have tens of thousands of employees working in new york, then a new report out that suggests that these incentives do not work, that you get a small blip within the industry but nothing outside the industry, and that maybe these cities and municipalities have been making big mistakes trying to lure big business in with these sort of incentives. neil: you could also raise the point that the number of jobs generated will justify whatever tax breaks they get. what do you think of that? charles: that's the argument for it, right.
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and according to this study, it's generally an election year official that when you get these incentives in, they get to be pretty high, but essentially what they're saying is historically, they have gone through the work and the national bureau of economic research saying outside of the industry getting a very small spike, maybe 1,000 employees, there has been no benefit. in other words, they're saying that you don't have to do them. neil: interesting stuff. charles: there has not been a meta analysis on it yet like your last guest. neil: this guy has another bestseller if he goes to little italy. we'll see what happens there. thank you, my friend. see you in about 13 minutes. charles payne. more after this. the dow down about 114 points. people think my job is easy. you just go on tv and talk, right? well, each season there's over 1,500 players
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♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ neil: well, mother nature kind of to the rescue. parts of australia relieved by welcomed rain take but officials are still warning that bigger blazes are coming. this as more celebrities are pledging support for australia. fox news correspondent jeff paul continues now from australia with the very very latest. hey, jeff. reporter: yeah, neil, the last few days have been kind of cold and rainy, and that's definitely offered some emotional relief to the folks who have been so severely impacted by the bush fires, but physically, there is still a lot of work to be done with more than 2,000 homes destroyed since these fires began back in september. the financial toll will be immense. people who were forced to evacuate are starting to return home to find that they have lost everything. the insurance council of australia says in the span of just two days, insurance claims
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doubled, reaching to the amount of half a billion u.s. dollars. meanwhile, the fight on the front lines of the fire continues. firefighters wasting no time as that weather improved over the last two days. in new south wales they have been working to contain more than 130 fires still burning, but crews say while they can slow it down, right now they cannot stop it. >> when the good lord opens up the heavens and gives us weeks of rain, it is too large to put out. anything that we're doing just isn't working and that's with all the aircraft as well. reporter: more and more celebrities are now stepping up to help in the recovery effort. actor chris hemsworth, nicole kidman, keith urban, russell crowe, all australian, pledging tens of thousands of dollars.
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margot robbie and hugh jackman are also helping out in the relief efforts. we are hoping by friday that this weather isn't as warm as they are predicting but many people around here bracing for scorching temperatures. neil: incredible. thank you very, very much. meanwhile, we are learning the senate finance committee is sending that trade deal called usmca with the canadians and the mexicans for a vote. edward lawrence has the latest. hey, edward. reporter: yeah, usmca clearing the final hurdle now for the full senate to have that ratification vote. both democrats and republicans on the senate finance committee saying this could be the single biggest economic vote the senate takes all year. >> workers will see thousands of new jobs, particularly in high wage manufacturing industries. businesses will have an agreement that reflect the realities of modern commerce. reporter: senator chuck grassley wants usmca ratified first, as the first vote, but understands the impeachment trial takes
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priority under the constitution. that could push the vote to february. democrats will vote yes on this committee but saying they are taking shots there as to how they came to the agreement. >> overall, i hope this agreement will provide the consistency and stability that the business community needs. at the same time, i worry that the process that led us to this point may result in reduced u.s. credibility and trust from our allies and closest trading partners. reporter: canada's parliament comes back into session on january 27th. i am told from sources there they will take up ratification at that point. mexico has already ratified the new usmca. back to you. neil: thank you very much. meantime, very keen on getting your hands on a 5g phone, you will have to wait awhile. if you are very keen on boeing resolving this entire 737 max issue, you also might have to wait a while, because the company is talking increasingly about having to upgrade software training for everybody.
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♪. neil: they're getting signs of a slower roll out to get fastest connection. analysts saying apple's new 5g i phone could be rolled out later than expect. that 5g may not go mainstream for another coup years. bret larson has more. what is going on here, buddy? reporter: good to see you, neil. the 5g technology is still in the works. we've been talking about it for the past year at consumer electronics show. there is a lot of talk about the 5g technology and the wireless standard. there is physicss math, radio making this 5g work. millimeter waves we're
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specifically talking about. really high frequency waves that bring really fast data speeds. this is where apple might delay for another year. we could potentially see 5g capable iphone come out in 2020 but it may not be able to access the superfast speeds and that may actually not be a problem. in a lot of regions where we have 5g service right now there is spots in texas, they claim there is some service available in new york city. there are spots around california. in those places the 5g service hasn't quite gotten to the point where it is fast on the millimeter wave bands and what is, what we're seeing here at the consumer electronics show when people start talking about 5g, we're seeing more of a device that you will put in the window of your home, maybe put up antenna on your roof. it will access those fast 5g networks. but then it connects to the wi-fi. you have broadband service in
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the home without need for service provided by the cable company or phone company. if apple puts the brakes on this that is probably smart idea. the iphone 11 pro, the lg modem inside has the bandwidth if providers up speed on 4g service they could provide faster service on the existing network. i think more wireless providers go that route, while they tinker around with the millimeter wave service that seems to be sort of the problem. we seen folks get their hands on a 5g headset, go out in the wild, and go to the tower and get great speed but literally turn around and waves slow down. am station at night can cover half the country but fm station
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can only cover 500 miles. neil: i am not aware of what you said. >> you're trying. neil: thank you, when i converse with charles payne who takes us through the next hour. charles, thank you very much. charles: good afternoon. i'm charles payne. this is "making money." breaking at this moment, indices are mixed but we know it could change in a hurry as we saw yesterday with the monster turn around. if the fed would listen to the former chairman the economy and stock market would get the biggest boost ever. do we need it. with rising we're live at consumer electronics show with biggest items turning heads and blowing minds. we get on the floor with awesome new gadgets you can't miss. there is louisiana senator bill cassidy how the trump administration has made america great again. and we're going to go from here.


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