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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  January 8, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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but his generous offer of an exit from terror to the iranians. >> i want him to go harder. make the iranians feel more pain. lou: with that, lee smith, we are at the end. see you tomorrow. trish: we should be celebrating the fact that not one single american died in iran's bombing attack on the u.s.24 hours ago in iraq. we should be celebrating the fact that we took out the number one terrorist in the world. as we should be grateful for the fact that tensions seem to be deescalating with iran. democrats are accusing president trump of assassination. questioning better the president of the united states and our military had the authority to take out a terrorist, and trying to blame our conflict with iran
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os political. it shows you the total lack of respect for our men and women literally risking their lives for our freedom. for just a day, just a day, can we not be the united states of america? good evening. i'm trish regan. as iran labeled the u.s. military a terror organization. sadly we saw and we are still seeing tonight some power-hungry politicians seemingly siding with iran. led by the likes of squad member ilhan omar. >> the president of the united states has been goagd iran into war. the occupant of the white house has not done a single thing to stabilize the region. he has done everything to create more tension. trish: she is siding with an iran that chants death to
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america and murdered 1,5. >1,500 of its own people who dared to speak up. these are the people that democrats are siding with? ilhan omar, alexandria ocasio-cortez. robert menendez, elizabeth warren, the list goes on and on. all blaming president trump and the united states for taking out a tear rest who murdered hundreds of americans and hoped to kill more. they shot down a u.s. drone, set oiled field ablaze and murdered hundreds of americans and countless others around the world. >> it is a reminder where donald trump has taken us.
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that's right to the edge of war. the first responsibility of the president of the united states is to keep america safe. and donald trump has a very different strategy. that is to keep escalating, escalating against iran until the world is more dangerous for america. trish: she can't even seem to call the guy who kills americans a terrorist. >> you issued a statement calling soleimani a murderer. then you called him an assassination of a senior military official. >> this isn't a change. the question is what is the response that the president of the united states should make? he's part of a group -- he is a terrorist. he's part of a group that has been designated a terrorist. trish: for the record, he is a
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terrorist, he was a terrorist. so for politicians like her to pretend that somehow he wasn't or suggest that we deserve what we get for taking him out, that's just wrong. >> what it shows is a national security process that is nonexistent tore dysfunctional. the president making decisions by the seat of his pants. he's been erratic and you can successful in almost every other foreign policy endeavor. this one is the most dangerous of all. the question is what unfolds now is in the national security interest of the united states. >> we are supposed to roll over, play dead and hope it goes away. who cares that they didn't comply with the deal they entered into with obama.
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who cares that they tried to blow up a restaurant in washington, d.c. we are supposed to just forget by the in hopes everything will go away and be better. but here is the thing. the world doesn't work that way. all bullies like this iranian general, all they understand is power. they will keep pushing and pushing and pushing until they shall put in check. and president trump is no jeanie cook. president trump also is not barack obama willing to appease the enemy with hundreds of millions in cash in a plane in the middle of the night in order to get returnans to sign on to a deal they didn't bother to abide by. the obama administration new full on some of that money would
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be funding terrorists. >> i think some of it will end up in the hands of the irgc or otheonor -- other entities, somf which are labeled terrorists. i am not going to tell you every component of that can be prevented. we know iran supports hezbollah and the assad regime. it's possible some of the money that iran has is being used for those purposes, too. trish: then why are we doling out cash to terrorists. if you know innocent people will be killed and they will die. that americans could possibly die, why would you allow the funding of it. the reason we are having to confront iran tonight and now is
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thanks to lousive appeasement -- thanks to lousy appeasement policies over the years. and things now have certainly changed. president trump: as long as i'm president of the united states, iran will never be aloud to have a nuclear -- never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon. trish: he also said, importantly, i will work with iran. he said it before. if you are serious, we can do business. but if you pull any you know what, you better be prepared to face the consequences. somehow that is still not acceptable to democrats. president trump launched over 500 drone attacks and took out mohammad bin salmatook --took oo one questioned him.
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we sent a message to iran, a message they needed to hear and we needed to send. but alexandria ocasio-cortez is out there liking tweets from russian state media including a tweet claiming iran doesn't target civilians. false. you want to tell that to the 85 people murdered in 300 injured in iran's bombing of the jewish community center in 1994. hezbollah controlled and funded by iran is a terrorist organization. for a u.s. congresswoman to suggest anything else. for her to agree with russian state misinformation. what does that tell you about her. about are is no better here he is comparing the killing of soleimani to putin's killing.
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>> as bad as he was an official of the iranian government. if china does that. if russia does that. russia has been implicated with assassinating dissidents. once you are in the business of assassination you unleash some terrible forces. trish: what would bernie sanders and the democrats prefer? let the terrorists assassinate us? should we sit here and wait until they kill everyone they can? then what do we do? retaliate by killing iranian soldiers? why note go after the evil mastermind, the general behind all this stuff as we did. if you think about it. we are saving lives. the strategic warrant and the warranted attacks. the bad guys know they
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themselves can be taken out. we have a deterrent in place. we are showing that we are willing to stick up for our people, that it's not okay to take one american life. in our pledge of allegiance we state we are one nation indivisible under god. let's be that. let's be that indivisible for a day or two in honor of the men and women serving us. this is not a time for politics. this is a time to be the united states of america. we must care about every single american serving our country. it's not okay to sacrifice any of them or sacrifice any of our future to appease a terrorist. and that's in the intel. joining me right now. arizona republican congressman, andy biggs. they are going after the
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president hard. they are going after him saying that somehow he put us in a more dangerous spot. >> they are always going to go after president trump because this for them is a personal-type vendetta. what president trump did was legitimate. even former dhs secretary jeh johnson said he thought he was a legitimate target. he had constitutional authority in my opinion as well. you take out soleimani. and what you saw was a response by the iranians that sent a message that said we have got weapons. and it sent a message saying we don't want to fight with you directly. i think they are wrong. the democrats are flat out wrong. they are playing politics when they start saying we are less safe than we were 24 hours ago or 48 hours ago. and it's being done again.
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and we said it before, some of our colleagues prefer to make the case politically against donald trump. they hate hip so much, they hate him more than they love this country. that's why they play these politics. trish: we have seen this over and over again. it's one thing to be talking about okay, you think he was a russian agent, that was disproven. it's another thing to talk about the ukraine call all of which turned out to be nonsense. now you are talking about our soldiers and their lives, and what they are doing with their lives. and it seems to have taken on a whole new level where this is not good for us, congressman, as a country right now. >> their rhetoric is reckless. it's very dangerous to the men and women.
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but it's also reckless to the fabric of this country when you consider what they are trying to do. they are trying to overthrow the country and they do put our men and women, they put them in jeopardy. trish: they are trying to overthrow the country. i compare it to a hostile takeover because of my business background. but that's what it feels like. >> you have a president who dealt with this -- this thing is potentially moving to a period of de-escalation. and i believe you can start talking everything from disengage' tengagement trying ta rationalization of what's going on with iran. he indicated seriously previously that he's willing to work with iran. and the display you saw of retaliation for killing an
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american and stopping an act in plan actions on behalf of soleimani and the iranians and their proxies, i think it shows the iranians you have somebody who is tough and he also said i am willing to work with you. trish: he's leaving the door open. and that's important in this whole de-escalation process. congressman biggs. thank you so much. the liberal media mourning the death of iran's terrorist general. >> the u.s. has stripped iran of an inspirational military leader. >> they turned him into a martyr if not a saint. >> qassem soleimani, it's difficult to describe how revered he was in iraq. there is a site for liberal
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parents to help them explain the terrorist's untimely death. have you noticed the liberal media has switched to a new anti-trump catch phrase? >> impeachment inquiry, house impeachment. >> war crimes with. >> war crime. >> war crime. trish: retired general jack keane is here to react to the president's big win today. >> we suffered no casualties. all of our soldiers are safe, and only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases. i got it. alexa. start the coffee. set the temperature to 72. start roomba. we got this... don't look. what? don't look.
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president trump: we took decisive action to keep a ruthless terrorist from taking many american lives. the u.s. military eliminated the top terrorist qassem soleimani. we sent a valuable message to terrorists. if you value your own lives don't threaten the american
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people. trish: we are safer tonight, the conflict with iran is deescalating and he's staying with his commitment for no endless wars. president trump: the time has come for the united kingdom, germany, france, russia and china to recognize this reality. they must now break away from the remnants of the iran deal. today i am going to ask nato to become much more involved in the middle east process. trish: you know what? we don't need to be there. we don't need the oil. we have plenty of oil ourselves. president trump single handedly managed to course correct our policy in the middle east. joining me is retired four star
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general jack keane. good to see you. different times, right? you think back over the obama years. and we were giving them $400 million in the middle of the night in cash on pallets on planes. now, you fast forward to today, and we are taking out their top general, their top terrorist. what is your reaction? >> this is only the second time in the 40 years of the islamic republic of iran that they have ever blinged. bling -- every blinked. the first time was with reagan and the persian gulf oil crisis. and they blinked then and they blinked now because someone stood up to them and demonstrated that we are not going to tolerate this kind of behavior. you are not going to kill americans and wound them.
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we are not going to put up with it. this put khomeini in my judgment on his heels. those who say the proxies will be turned loose and they will do what the iranian missiles did not do. that's not going to happen. if the proxies are turned loose and they begin to kill americans they will get the same message back from trump and this administration and iran knows it. they may attack production facilities again. but they will be handoff americans if my judge the because they know what's coming if they do that. trish: what about hezbollah? can they say we can't control what they are doing but we know they do because they are providing the funding for hezbollah. >> hezbollah is a proxy for
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iranians. they are the largest proxy force that the iranians have. and they built -- qassem soleimani built a proxy army that exceed 150,000 based on the hezbollah model. he has it in iraq, afghanistan and pakistan. people don't understand the scale of what he was able to achieve. so a major event. trish: we are safer tonight. this is a kind of course correction, if you would. we have changed how we would respond to something. and we sat buy and kind of just allowed it to happen. and now they know that this president won't. so there are ramifications, there are consequences and there are deterrents. yet you have politicians that would prefer to be president that are out there saying we shouldn't have done this. how do you react to that,
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especially when you couple on the fact they are trying to strip the president of his war powers. >> we have this de-escalation staring us in the face. how anyone can deny that is beyond me. they wanted to run that attack themselves and not have a proxy do it because they wanted to control the outcome. they didn't want the proxies to do it who have a tendency to get emotional and they may not be able to control them. and they wanted a media event for their own people. this was an absolute move in the right direction. trish: general milley did say they were trying to kill americans. he said look, i believe based on what i saw and what i know is they were intending to cause
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structural damage, destroy vehicles, destroy equipment and aircraft and to kill personnel. what do you think of this line of thought that somehow they went easy on us? >> first of all, i don't dispute some of those missiles could have landed on personnel and not just structure. the americans were housed somewhere. they newt attack was coming for hours, so they were well protected in ply judgment. ply -- in my judgment. 15 missiles and a third of them don't work. they put 30 rockets into the last attack, the 11th attack when they wound a serviceman and killed the american citizen. here is what they chose not to do. we have 80,000 troops in the
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region. we have major bases, ground force bases in the region. i am not talking about iraq. we have major air force and naval bases in the region all accessible by iranian missiles. they chose to go near none of those. and they could have killed a significant amount of americans there. why didn't they do that? they clearly knew what the response would be from president trump. trish: next, have you noticed the liberal media switch to a new anti-trump catch phrase. >> an official impeachment inquiry. >> impeachment. >> impeachment inquiry. >> doing so would be considered a war crime. >> a war crime. >> a war crime. trish: former white house press secretary sean spicer after this.
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[♪] >> this attack was motivated by blind ideology and not facts. what made this different that it didn't require notification and consultation with congress. >> you are required to work with congress, mr. president. you are required to abide by the war powers resolution, mr. president. >> it was an assassination. i will do everything i can as a united states senator in terms of the war powers act and defunding any effort of the trump administration to go to war. trish: you see, they couldn't get him on russia and ukraine. why not try iran. according to bernie sanders, going after a terrorist is the hive length an assassination attempt. ilhan omar and alexandria ocasio-cortez, the whole squad
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was there attempting to curtail the president's war powers. nancy pelosi is putting this to a floor vote in the house tomorrow. and the mainstream media right there with them. >> that in fact would be war crime. >> we are talking about war crimes. >> that is a war crime. >> she is saying here is the war crime i want to commit. >> the current truth about our president is he's pro war crimes. trish: it was the democrats who used to fully back the concept of executive war powers. joe biden in 1995 -- >> my bill he new rates five instances where the president may use force. first, without congressional authority at the outset. first to repel an attack owfnlt s. territory or u.s. forces. four, to forestall or retailate
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against specific acts much terrorism. trish: so your embassy is under attack, and you have got a guy that you can take out that you know has killed 600 americans and you suspect wants to kill many, many more, but you can't act? guys don't rewrite the rules here, mr. joe biden especially when president barack obama took out' osama bin laden and launched drone strikes. joining us, former white house press secretary, lawn spicer. they are talking -- sean spicer. they are now talking about getting him on war crimes? that vote is coming tomorrow. somewhat i found fascinating is you condemn a terrorist. and the killing of him. but then say but.
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it's a good thing he's killed but. this is a gentleman who has killed hundreds of americans. the blood of hundreds of americans is on his hands and hundreds more throughout the region and the world have died because of his actions and his plots and strategies in that area. but we are debating whether or not was the right thing to do. so far we have seen and limited response by iran. thank god no one was hurt. but i think it president clearly did the right thing. we have rid the world of a bad person. so whether you are going to do it tomorrow, next week, next month. soleimani kills people continuously and plots additional terror plots that threaten the lives of countless people and we are debating whether or not this is a good thing or proportional. trish: they are talking about
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stripping the president of tours that he needs -- of powers he needs. or any future president would need. when you take away the president's ability to respond instantaneously to an actual threat. what are you doing? >> it's not going to happen. to me, though, it says this is where the democratic party today. the thing i find interesting, what the president has done is not just send a message to iran. he sends a message to north korea and every other country in the world, if you touch the hair on the head an american there will be a response. and america will act if threatened. america is gaining that respect and power back again that we lost the last 8-10 years. it's good not just with respect
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to iran, but for the rest of the world to see how this president is going to react. that he has a line that won't be crossed. but the idea that they are talking about war crimes. we killed a man who killed people, killed americans. they should be something as you pointed out earlier in the show that should be celebrated. we have done this in the past coming together and saying this is a good thing whether it's bin land or al-baghdadi. trish: because of politics and we are in an election year, and you have some people who put politics above everything else which is a tragedy. can someone get a tissue for the liberal media? >> the u.s. stripped iran of an inspirational military leader. >> they turned him into a martyr if not a saint. >> soleimani, it's difficult to
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convey how revered he is in iraq. >> a revered military leader. trish: "time" magazine has a guide for parents to help explain to their kids why the so-called revered leader is dead. we have some of the indoctrination excerpts i want you to see. the vice president is informing her of the iran attacks, and she can't pick up the phone. but she can call a vote to condemn the president? brian babin has choice word for speaker pelosi. incredible amount of ink. the epson ecotank. just fill and chill.
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what's the plan here. not to mention we were about to be bombed by iran, and she didn't have the time to answer the vice president's phone call telling her about it. but she has time to stop in at a party which is what she did last night? what the heck is going on. texas republican congressman brian babin. it's good to see you. i don't get it. they are so obsessed with politics and this idea of impeachment or war crimes that they are not willing to think about priorities, about our country, about our soldiers. they are not willing to take a call from the vice president who is about to tell them that iran bombing us? >> there is no question, trish. just think if this resolution they want to us vote on tomorrow had been in force, it might not have been able to get in touch with the speak tore inform her what they had planned for an
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enemy that is imminently attacking us. this tells you the absurdity of this entire thing. we have so much to be doing. we are in a national crisis, on the verge of a war. and let me say this. the iranians have been pat war with us for 40 years. since 1979. it's awful funny when you have turn about like this where the democrats want to limit the powers and authority of the president when they just a few short years ago, the shoe was on the other foot. we are wasting our time on impeachment, we are wasting our time being distracted from national security crisis. all the things we need to be doing for our country, passing the usmca in the senate. getting our border secure which is a huge problem. >> i want to share this with
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you, sir. she is not taking the call from the vice president saying i will call him back because i guess she was meeting with her team. but then she apparently tweeted at 7:31. m., closely monitoring the situation following bombings ginlts s. troops in iraq. so she says she is closely monitoring it. but i want to share with you what was going on at 7:14 in the evening. do we have this picture? someone is tweeting out a picture of nancy pelosi at the opening of a new restaurant. a few minutes prior she is closely monitoring the situation at danny meyer's party? it doesn't look good.
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>> i sat for a good long while in our briefing this afternoon on the iranian situation. i can tell you i left the room knowing full well this president hadder authority, every right and dewey to do we had to do. luckily the 16 ballistic missiles fired at us -- we had no casualties among americans, and it makes one wonder whether that wasn't done on purpose. i think the president made his point. that they had better watch out, be on guard. the loss of american lives at the hand of the iranians and their proxies and terrorists will come at a great price. trish: i will tell you one thing. this president doesn't want war. you know him well. i have spoken with hip at length about his concern about american soldiers and american blood
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being shed in conflicts overseas. he doesn't want that, but at the same time he want to stand up for our country. this is a delicate time. this is a delicate balance there. but i'm very happy that we are seeing a de-escalation. and i hope congressman that you do as well. >> i am too. i can tell you, trish, the president doesn't mean war, he means business. i think he got his point across. i think the democrats know they need to be in harmony with the rest of us. trish: coming up. "time" magazine under fire for publishing a guide helping parents explain to their children why the iranian general killed is dead. we'll show you what it is after this. (whistling)
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they write the situation is dominating the news and children are going to have questions. they go on to suggest a question and answer between a parent and child should 0 go like this. who was soleimani? he was a top military leader in iran, a country in the middle east. that's it. nothing about him being a terrorist that's murdered. thousands including 600 americans. nothing about his brutality and attempt to recreate the persian empire at the expense of every person in his way. nothing about how he attacked our embassy in iraq or nothing about how the obama administration labeled him a terrorist. only he was a top military leader in the middle east. they do get to the terrorist part eventually. but that put that entirely on donald trump. as though donald trump is the only one in the world who actually believes that.
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they suggest we americans tell our little children this. and i quote. president trump has called soleimani a terrorist. he ordered a tacks in the middle east. for this reason trump ordered the u.s. military to kill stohlmany. leader. i'm still struck by that word leader. we are suggesting we tell our kids that a terrorist who murdered our soldiers and i innocent civilians around the world that he's a leader? what kind of danger are they effectively presenting children with when you only have one set of facts. their set of facts. joining me is daily caller's stephanie hamill. what's your reaction to it? >> it's hard to believe that "time" magazine is trying to humanize this terrorist. there was one talking about
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talking about how the people of iran are coping with this and mourning the loss of this military leader. this is really terrible. this is talking points full of mistruths, half-truths. liberal propaganda just to jab at trump. this is a conversation parents should have with their children. but they don't need a full article from "time" magazine. president trump took out a terrorist and the world is better because of it. trish: they don't say terrorist. they call him a military leader in iran. they say that president trump said he was a terrorist. >> i reached out to a couple of friend to see if they are having conversations with their kid about what's going on. a lot of these kids probably don't have an idea where iran is on the map. one of my friends in arizona
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said kids are crying on the playground and wondering if we are going to war i don't think they need the advice and help of "time" magazine. this is about the liberal indoctrination. they want to go after kids at a young age. we have seen this in school course material. this all part of the left's effort. trish: we have seen it throughout the mainstream media. even "the washington post." we were talking about the impeachment thing they sent out. you will recall one of their reporters tweeted out the crowd at soleimani's funeral and actually suggested somehow that was akin to president trump's inauguration. when you talk about inappropriate. these are "washington post" reporters. >> it's amazing what some of
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these reporters will do because they hate the president so much. you one of the articles talks about how the president increases continues between the u.s. and iran because he pulled out of a nuclear deal. the nuclear deal was paving wait for iran to have a nuclear weapon. and during the obama administration there were iranians in the streets chanting "death to america." trish: thank you so much. good to see you. i want to go to kennedy who is joining us for a sneak peek at what's coming up on her show. kennedy: love. i will be indoctrinating the young people in my own ways and it will be racy. now that iran is moving to the back burner. it means impeachment will be front and center. cocaine mitch versus nervous
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bases in iraq. they had a buy run civil aviation authority telling them quote, we will not give the black box to the manufacturer or america. so many questions for them. maybe a neutral country. we'll never know what is going to happen. kennedys next year tomorrow. kennedy: president trump says he wants peace. but they are iranians, they are still furious, and their missile attack was just a slap in the face, so our way back from the brink still on the edge of war? as you know military lost a bunch of missiles that u.s. troops stationed in iraq. sixteen entitle, for fail before impact. fortunately no u.s. or i rocky troops were wounded. and check this out, before and after pictures of one of the bases that was attacked. today the pentagon sang the strike was definitely meant to kill americans. for society u.s. was tipped f


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