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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  January 18, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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soon see. andy biggs great to e see you. >> thank you congressman. see you here tomorrow. good night from washington. . trish: as the dems gear up for their impeachment in the senate. the media criticizes trump's picks for his legal team. america that recognizes the benefits of changes in tax, trade and foreign policy. like this crowd. >> who here watched the democratic debate last night. okay, not many. hop watched the president's rally last night. >> that crowd and this one. each is a complete failure as commander-in-chief.
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the most reckless and incompetent commander-in-chief we have ever lad. >> donald trump is a great national security president. somewhat can you call someone who says clearly racist things? this morning, mr. president. the president of the united states is racist. trish: tonight i want to talk back. statistics, numbers that measure reality. there is a lot of noise out there as you just saw. let's start with jobs. jobs are fundamentally the key to people's happiness. aoc, bernie sanders, people don't want your handouts. they want purpose. the unemployment rate sits at its lowest level in 50 years. better than any other president in modern times. i would be showing this one off if i were on the campaign trail which i think it president is
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doing. look at that. first 35 months of term. he's way up there. he's way up there. >> that's the greatest economy of in our history. we created 7 million jobs since the election including more than 1 million manufacturing and construction jobs. nobody thought that was possible. trish: you want to be proud of that low unemployment rate. this was what america voted for, right? president trump: we'll start winning again. we'll win so much you will get sick and tired of winning. is that possible? you will say please, mr. president, you are winning too much, let's take it ease yesterday. together we'll make america wealthy again. >> we are going to make our country rich as hell. trish: so far so good. fundamentally pretty great. lowest jobless rate on record for quite some time. record stock market. the dow jones industrial average
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on its way to 30,000. it's within earshot. the worker participation rate. american wages are increasing. economists love this economic environment. we got proof today the housing market is heating up. this is because of lower taxes for everyone, news make a lot of money and you live on the east coast. but that's on your local government. it has nothing do with federal rates. he's bringing back the lightbulb. you have got to break some serious glass if you want to do that one. president trump: i brought back the old lightbulb. better light for much less money. somebody said, sir, don't mention the lightbulb. you know, it's hard to make an elegant speech saying i brought back the lightbulb.
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the new lightbulb costs you five types as much and it makes you look orange. i was more interested in the orange than i was in the cost. trish: there is this other big aspect of it to all of it. that's trade. tariffs on goods coming from china. they haven't heard us as much as economists thought they might. they might be encouraging more companies to manufacture in the usa. you know, isn't that the goal of this policy to create more growth in the usa? but all this success, you wouldn't know about it, would you, by watching some of those other news channels. >> right now this is a clear message from investors to donald trump they do not think it's going to be okay. they don't agree with the tactic of using tariffs. >> the to be market plunged after china retaliated against the u.s. with new tariffs.
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>> the dow plunging more than 600 points after china retaliated for higher tariffs imposed by the u.s. last week which could raise the price you pay on thousands of products. trish: part of this is because a lot of these organizations, these journalists, quote-unquote journalist organizations do not understand economics. they don't understand business. of course, that's the benefit of watching this who. fox business. this ways i do. this ways we do. and i understand this better than reports on other networks. this is my career from investment banking. i will tell you something that is not partisan one bit. our economy is doing well. we are adding jobs and we should feel good about that right now. meanwhile, number one and number two at isis is dead. the number one remaining iranian
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terrorist now dead. and yet -- >> this guy was -- as bad as he was an official of the iranian government, and you unleash then, if china does that. if russia does that. russia has been up reply kateed under putin with assassinating dissidents. >> the assassination of quassem soleimani. >> to assassinate soleimani. >> the second most important person in the country assassinated. trish: the fight a great economy, and they fight strong foreign policy with this. >>io biden, hunter biden. it was never about corruption or strictly about burisma. president trump knew exactly what was going on. he was aware of all my movements. i wouldn't do anything without consent of rudy where or the
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president. trish: steve bannon tells me exclusively they are not playing their strongest card here. >> he's the czar of the gifters. if what they are d grifters, ifwear what they are going to do is bring up a good indictment. a guy that's a known grifter. that the foreign minister of the ukraine today said is a liar. he said nothing he said is true. there weren't any meetings like this. if this is the best they do, it's gone from a sham process to an absolute farce. trish: joining me, "turning point usa" founder charlie kirk. there is a lot of good stuff going on. and now this new turn from the dems, lev parnas, what do you think? where is this going? >> i completely agree with the
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previous sentiment that he's the zoofort grifters -- the czar of the grifters. you can see the democrats descending further into their absolute hatred of this presidency. we have to remember, energy independence. we are now finally exporting energy for the first time which is a national security issue more than anything else. not to mention the success in the judiciary. people look at just success that has been achieved in three short years. this will go down as one of the most successful presidencies in american history and definitely in this era we are looking at. but you have power hungry elites who are so committed to destroying this presidency. i get asked the question a lot, why are they so committed to it?
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i have come to the conclusion that they are worried that their practices over the last 40 years are being exposed as a farce. farce. an unorthodoxed first-time politician is revealing they have been destroying this country while he's revitalizing. trish: they are talking about putting a socialist in. we have gone the so far away from our center. we are talking about putting bernie sanders or elizabeth ouren in there. you look at cnn, they are in the tank for elizabeth warren. >> the amount of success you articulated, not to mention the other bills he has put in the law, the right to try, the va accountability act, paid family
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leave as part of this omnibus bill. the dishonest hacks moderating that debate did not mention that president trump actually got that passed. this is law of the land. something the left has talked about so long. not to mention prison reform. so it's the tale of two americas. i'll make the argument even further. you have the kingdom of washington, d.c. run by the wisemen of washington who have destroyed both parties the last 40 years. and the rest of the country is final experiencing a remember vawns and revitalization thanks to president trump. every single pocket of this country is better than it was three years ago, the power hungry marxists who want to reverse that. i question their motives for good reason.
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trish: is ilhan omar's anti-israel rhetoric infecting congress? you have 100 democrats signing on to support an anti-israel group, the council on american islamic relations. cair. disgraced fbi director james comey may have to change his story. >> you have did leak memos. is it okay for somebody at the fbi to leak something, an internal document, even if it's not classified? >> i didn't sleek memos. trish: the prosecutors investigating whether he did leak memos. corey lewandowski is here to react. more proof cnn was trying to take down our president at any
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cost. 11 u.s. troomss were actually hurt. remember the president initially said no troops were hurt. >> president trump said there were no casualties. >> iran's missile strike on the bases in iraq did cause u.s. casualties. specifically traumatic brain injuries. trish: are concussions the same thing as casualties. dr. siegel said you don't need a dr. si like liberty mutual.eed a they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere.
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ask. trish: the u.s. military reported that 11 soldiers were being treated for concussions after iran bombed iraqi bases. the media suggested a kinds of conspiracy theory. >> 11 u.s. troops were hurt in last week's iranian missile strikes in iraq. >> there is a lot of dismay that the pentagon didn't come out and say this right away. initially they said no one had been injured. president trump told the public there were no casualties.
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he said no americans were harmed and no casualties. the administration initial told us there were no casualties. it appear now there were. trish: not to downplay a concussion. but is it fair for the media to be saying this? oftentimes concussions don't appear for days. we are talk about a group of people, the mainstream media that never wanted to believe the administration. >> conflicting information about the casualties. in iran they are saying 80 were killed, 200 injured. who do we believe. >> i'm sure there are no casualties. we would be hearing from the u.s. military if there were cass use the. trish: that cbs anchor was thinking the 80 killed that
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iranians were reporting and 200 yard should be trusted more than the u.s. mitt. not that we shouldn't question our government. that's fine. but when we tart want to go believ --when we start wanting e the iranian state first, then there are problems. here to weigh in on this. dr. marc siegel. let's tart with the whole concussion thing. the way you put it, it takes time for people to know about concussions in the first place. it's a little bit of a leak for cnn to say this. >> i can't believe the irresponsibility of people who haven't doctors cup'ing to this idea that something was suppressed without even knowing concussions occur within 7-10
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days. instead of calling our men and would even of our services heroes, they are upping to something nefarious. our mitt is not going to cop and say after the attack, i have a headache. you will try to recould and go back to work. tips when that occurs days later or weeks later they may say up having trouble concentrating, i have a persistent headache. maybe i can't decision make as much as i used to. the military-assess the service men and would even and say i better be on the safe side and fly 8 of them to germany and three of them to kuwait. there was no sign of it right away. that's not surprising to me. most of these sip tops develop later on. that's a physician talking about
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heroes. trish: when you hear journalists talking about those heroes. i think about, you know, we were reporting on it right here. i was sick to my top across. i was really -- i was sick to my stomach. i was worried about them. to hear that there were no cass use the. ieee d there were no casualties. i felt terrific. i don't know that the rest of the media's hearts were in the right place. >> just to put more per peck tough on this. d -- to put more perspective on this. it's amazing our servicemen and would even, they were assessed and somebody was be careful enough to pick it up early on
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and take them out of action to get treatment. i have had many patients who come to me years later, they are having trouble sleeping. 16 missiles went off here, of course there will be concussions happening weeks after. it's not casualties. they were correct to say there were zero casualties. it's a disgrace that that's how it was reported. trish: could the squad's anti-israel rhetoric be affecting congress? 100 congressmen are saying they support cair. does disgraced fbi director james comey -- >> i didn't leak memos.
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>> whether you -- one unclassified memo. trish: federal prosecutors are now investigating whether mr. comey did in fact leak classified information to journalists. corey lewandowski is here. he's reacting to the shocking evidence right after this. president trump: anybody who would like to come with me to the oval office. we'll take pictures behind the resolute decks. it's been a long time. some presidents good, some not so good. but you have got a good one now. even though they are trying to impeachhhhh i'm your 70lb st. bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier.
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trish: james comey under fire,
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investigating how a russian intel document could have been leaked to the media. james comey they think might be the man behind all of it. just like the dirty dossier. this particular russian document is thought to be a total fake. and yet it reportedly played a major role in comey's news conference in 2017. so it makes sense to look into comey. but the left-leaning media is looking for any possible way to blame trump when something doesn't go their way. they are casting comey as the victim. "new york" magazine. barr is going after trump's enemies one by one. cnn, and "the washington post," fears trump is use justice department for political gain.
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they think this is revenge? remember comey has a history of leaking. he even admitted it. >> did you show copies of your memos to anyone outside of the department of justice? >> yes. my judgment was i needed to get that out into the public square. so i asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a report. i asked him to because i thought that night prompt the appointment of a spellings counsel. a good friend of mine who is a professor at columbia law school. trish: i am still dismayed. can you believe it? when i saw that in real-time, i couldn't believe it. he's admitting it. he's a leaker. at the time the president was saying there are people who are
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leaking. comey's number one guy, his right-hand man admitted he lied about his own leaks to the media. doesn't it make total sent to check whether james comey was leak declassified information from russia? joining me, corey lewandowski. corey, good to see you. my gosh, he told susan collins. it was me. >> we know james comey has admitted to lying under oath. we know he's given out classified information. this is a guy with the world's greatest messiah complex. the truth is he ran a dirty fbi, the problems at the top of the
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fbi from james comey to andy mccabe to peter strzok, to lisa page and james baker are well documented. we know his deputy lied under oath on multiple occasions. two fbi agents questioning him. those are felonies that have not been prosecuted. james comey leaked classified information and publicly told everyone about it. when is he going to be prosecuted is the question the american people continue to ask. trish: what do you think? what more is coming out? >> if it were me, i have no say in this thing. on the side of the american people, this guy should be in jail. look what he did to mike flynn. he bragged about the fact that the white house at that time was fairly new. you never contacted the general counsel's office and said to fbi
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agents to take a record of nuke flynn's statement only to change that statement and had him swear to something he probably didn't say. this guy is a dirty cop. trish: i want to switch gears. you are a smart political guy. another smart political guy was on the show last night, steve bannon. he had a lot to say about mike bloomberg. i want to get your response to this. >> i think the republican party has to analyze bloomberg and take him seriously. forget the fact he's kinds of a stiff and not a particularly engaging personality. he detests donald trump personally. it irks him that donald trump
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was able to win against all odds. i think this is a personal thing between him and trump. trish: if you are loaded lininge that, you can just send a billion dollars. what do you think of the mike bloomberg threat? >> you have got a man worth $50 billion, he has a thousand full-time staffers already working for him. if you decide a billion isn't enough, he can spend $2 billion. he spent millions to run for mayor on multiple occasions. he's not going to be the democratic nominee. but when someone has almost un -- unlimited wealth, we have to take him seriously.
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he wants to destroy hip. trish. -- him. trish: let's not forget how mike made his money. he made his money because of the america that existed. and the america we all want to continue existing. capitalism. the life blood of this country that creates people like mike bloomberg. wouldn't that be effectively negating everything he had ever had the opportunity to do? >> these guys are such hypocrites. these are the guys who walk around with armed security guard and tell you you can't own a weapon. they do this every day. wees have seen this type and type again from the you will from wealthy and you extra liberal. they do the exact opposite.
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nancy pelosi, michael bloomberg. they are all anti-second amendment. but they travel around with armed security or armed guards. this is the hypocrisy of the left. the american people are smart. michael's billion dollars won't make him president. donald trump will til get re-elected. trish: nearly 100 democrats say they support an anti-israel islamic group called cair. zuhdi jasser is issuing a dire warning to ilhan omar or anybody else. >> she said up her dream manifested. i'm her free bird. at fisher investments,
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>> you wrote israel hypnotized the world. >> i don't know how my comments would be offensive to jewish americans. >> cair was foundinged after 9/11 because they recognized some people did something. >> in this country that says it's okay for people to push for allegiance for our country. >> the shoulders went up, al qaeda. hezbollah. you don't say america with an intensity. trish: i heard all of that sound before and i still don't quite know what to say. when i see it and i hear it, and you see the smile, and she is making fun of anybody that says hezbollah or al qaeda and gets
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upset when they utter those words, and she wonders why we don't say america the same way we say al qaeda or hezbollah. her anti-semitism and total lack of american patriotism, 9/11, some people did something? she leads the country in this anti-israel and anti-semitic direction is dangerous. per pushing their party towards israel-hating policy. the dems issuing letters of support for the advocacy group cair. an organization with a checkered past linking them to terror groups and anti-semitism. joining me is a man who says they should be truly ashamed. it's insulting to him as an
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american muslim, that americans think cair represents their beliefs. dr. jaser, welcome back. ilhan omar, it's not just her. you are talking about people running for the president of the united states. when you look at this list. i will look at it. we have got elizabeth warren. we have amy globe collare d -- camey klobuchar. they all seem to think that cair is worth supporting. tell us why you say it's not. >> i am so glad you are covering this. hats off to adam for reporting this. it used to be three or four members would raise money for cair.
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they were radioactive to the fbi when they prohibited their agents from partnering from cair because they would not openly condemn hamas and the holyland foundation trial. they have a director out of florida who defends the isis brides. they have a director who won't celebrate memorial day. and they won't raise the american flag for their fellow former employees. to be frank we are witnessing the radicalization of the democratic party. basically half of the democratic caucus in the house telling us muslims we can't do any better than the islamists who are being pushed out of iran. their representatives in america
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are looking the de facto representatives in america for us muslims. studies show they only represent 6% of muslims. trish: it's politicized, right? of religion, dr. jaser? >> it is. the mantra of car cair. they will love to sanction israel. but they stop at sanctioning iran or venezuela. it's about anti-israel. anti-accept touch. the bds movement. they want -- they don't want anything to do with western freedom and separation of church and state. they are on the opposite side ideologically. if we are going to win this as reformers.
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where is elizabeth warren? she wants to work with the linda sarsours. the democratic party is endorsing her. trish: dr. jaser, good to see you, thank you very much. the liberal media loves to promote anti-trump books. they are very light on facts. >> we have a book to talk about. >> every hour that passes we get more from michael wolff about his time in the white house. trish: the latest work of fiction accused president trump of calling his generals babies in a fit of rage. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get.
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trish: some alarming news to share with you. brazil has unveiled its multi million don dolla -- multi millr
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base in antarctica. china is a significant threat, perhaps one of our biggest threats, and we need to keep a close eye on beijing as it tries to increase its presence around the world, including our hemisphere. another week, another tell-all book on the trump administration. this one titled stable genius. excerpts being published. let's just say, he's doing exactly what he said he was going to do. it takes us from the "daily beast" summary. apparently it was a conversation with military brass and they apparently said that look, this is the way it has been done. this is the way it has always been done and and kinds of lost it. he doesn't want to do what's
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always been done. here is the quote. the president reportedly called afghanistan a loser war and told his military you are all losers. we don't want wars anymore. we don't win wars anymore. it's reported that trump was so angry that he wasn't breathing properly. okay. again, i don't entirely dispute that. he told everybody that. he made that loud and clear. he wants to win. if we are going to commit our american men and women to something like that, we have got to win. we have got to win for them. here is my favorite part of the whole thing. even wonder why we aren't getting paid runt for our base in south core red paid d -- why
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we weren't getting paid rent for our base in south korea. he said why not charge them for our services. joining me, kt mcfarland. what i love about this is this is exactly why america sent him there, and this is a tell-all. >> i think your point was good bean aknown plus source. d if it's an anonymous source, chances are it's fake news. in this case i think there is a lot to it. trump was elected to have a different calibration of american policy and he had a lot of resistance early in the administration. i was in a lot of those meetings and i write about them in my book. i do talk about the resistance that trump went up against. and nato. he wanted our nato allies to
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spend more for common defense. he said well we don't want to alienate them. we got a lot of blowback from the globalists. he got a lot of blowback particularly in the middle east where he wants out. he doesn't want to be fighting over the blood soaked land. and he got an he norm russ amount of blowback from general mcmasters and others at the pentagon. he got policy he wanted, now look at the success. trish: i got a kick out of it. i actually appreciated it. the whole bit on south korea. i laughed out loud when i saw that. they are acting like it's outrageous. but it did solidify his concerns
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about nato and the fact we are chipping in all this money. and germany gets away with the benefits of it. they are not contributing their fair share. you put a business owner in there and they are sitting there looking at this in a different way than anybody who spent a career as a politician or community organizer or, you know, the bureaucrats in the state department. >> the first phone call that donald trump had with the german chancellor angela merkel. the first thing she says, what are you going to do with ukraine? he said what are you going to do about ukraine. it's in your neighborhood? the same conversation was had with leader after leader. all of whom expected the united states to pick up the tab for everything.
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blamed for everything. trish: a new sheriff in town. the liberal media love to defend women except when they are conservative. i'm calling out the "new york times." what a time to be alive. the world is customized to you. built for you. so why isn't it all about you, when it comes to your money? so. what's on your mind? we are edward jones, a 97-year-old firm built for right now. with one financial advisor per office, we're all about knowing what's important to you the one who matters. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual.
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trish: [inaudible conversations] >> girls please stop talking please stop talking now. i'm okay with that. [laughter] you know some people don't like it when conservative women speak out. i'm in heavy don't like it when conservatives speak up. right? let alone conservative women. the narrow time that was a new column entitled the view has a meghan mccain problem. oh yeah? why? because she doesn't fold in line with your thinking? because she dared to voice a different opinion? a conservative one? so much for intellectual diversity right? the view, they don't have a meghan mccain problem. the new york times has a conservative women problem. in fact the entire media and all of hollywood has a
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conservative woman problem. think about what they say about a least a phonic kiersten nielsen, the list goes on and on. think about what they say about me? i am somehow a republican melodramatic blonde who reads lines that have been written for me. okay, yeah, i get a little worked up sometimes i'll give you that because i care. i care so much. but for the record, i'm either writing everything i say on this show or i'm ad-libbing with no script whatsoever. i am independent and lower thing lawyer at it, i am not blonde. i'm a brunette, so get your facts right. and you know megan is pretty brilliant on that show. alright with got a big week coming up for you. on monday george papadopoulos congressman greene, congressman batten from texas, we have that impeachment trial starting, right? so make sure you tune in every
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single night here at 8:00 p.m. eastern on fox at business, have a terrific weekend, i will see you monday. maria boucher mono starts right now. maria: happy weekend everybody welcome to the program that positions you for the week ahead. i am maria boucher mono makes was an interview with the nations banker, jamie diamond as we touched on another of topics for the day he gives us hear his outlook for the day. but first it was quite the week on wall street, record-setting across-the-board white house trade advisor peter tavarez here to talk at the impact of the historic week that was. the signing of the trade deal


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