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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  January 20, 2020 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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>> davos switzerland for the world economic forum. we have an incredible line up of guests. i want to thank michael, kelly and lee always. thank you very much. right now happy anniversary, mr. varney. stuart: dagen, thank you very much indeed. you are all right. good morning to everybody. good morning everyone i should say. welcome everybody to this special tenth anniversary edition. hard to believe we have been doing this for a full decade. it is true. we're still here and going strong. a lot of special guests on the way to our studio. people you have not seen in years. people you see every day and some mystery guests. our producers won't tell me about them. should be entertaining. after all, there's, what, several thousand hours of broadcasting to go at it. plenty of nuggets to rip out of there. this monday morning, we have news, a, we have predictions that the bull market will keep going. peter navarro says the recent trade deal wills juice the
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economy some more and the dow will hit, wait for it, 32,000 this year. that's optimism. we're at 29,000 right now. then there's this, the "new york times" issues its endorsement for the democrat's nominee. the times is the bible of the democrat party and they split their decision. they've endorsed amy klobuchar and elizabeth warren. this is fascinating. not biden, not bernie, not the former mayor of new york, bloomberg, no, left and far left is the times choice. later today, the president flies off to the global elite get together known as davos. picture this, please, the president fresh off trade wins and a growing prosperous economy, addressing over there while the trump haters over here try to impeach him. i'm not keen on the expression but you can't make it up. varney & company the tenth anniversary edition is about to begin. ♪
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stuart: watch out. situation, step aside. i don't have tattoos and i wear a baseball cap the right way around but i'm going to fit right in, google. weather, new york today. it works. and that's new york -- there's a female voice talking to me. today in new york it will be -- >> this amount would make about 12 cookies. stuart: yeah, but $9. someone would walk out of there with a plastic spoon -- that's terrible -- and eat the lot? ♪ ♪ you're simply the best >> let's get ready for varney! sfoet ♪ -- ♪ >> you're going to try. stuart: no, i'm not going to try. boy, that was a good one. i haven't changed a bit, have i?
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>> exactly the same. stuart: thank you my make up room. [laughter] stuart: i appreciate that. lots more still to come. let's get to the news. peter navarro says we will hit 32,000 on the dow, this year. roll tape. >> by the end of the year, we should be well over 32,000, but more importantly, we're going to be growing, i think closer to 3% real gdp than 2%. and we're going to see wages continue to rise, particularly disproportionately to the men and women in this country who work with their hands which is what president trump focuses on in this great manufacturing economy. stuart: what a switch. thanking people who work with their hands in america, how about that. look who is here to kick off this show, keith fitzgerald in new york city, no less. 32,000 on the dow. the bull market lives and runs. what so you?
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>> absolutely possible, definitely likely and highly probable. stuart: really? >> yes, absolutely. stuart: you were the guy -- i know it is on tape somewhere, just a couple weeks ago you said we were going to hit 29,000, maybe 30,000, and now you're up for 32,000 this year? >> absolutely. the amount of capital that has to come to work is still in the trillions of dollars. the hedge funds still have to catch up. we have america working with its hands as mr. navarro pointed out. stuart: i don't get this, you mean the hedge funds have to catch up? aren't they in it already. >> this is the beautiful part of this market, normally it is the retail investor that gets left behind. in this case the retail investor has been in to win it from the very beginning. it is the hedge funds that tried to second guess, got it wrong, bet on a clinton victory, and bet on all kinds of other things and now they have fear of missing out stuart. they are rushing in, because they have to have the names on the -- stuart: do you put much faith in the imf because today they came out and upped their forecast for the global economy saying 3.3%, that's a plus for us, isn't it?
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>> of course it is because we're leading the charge. i mean, that's the thing, the imf is normally -- they are in perfect command of the obvious. but in this case -- [laughter] >> -- they have got the real deal and we are leading the way. stuart: i love sarcasm when it works like that. >> they let me in new york every once in a while. stuart: you belong here. [laughter] stuart: hold on a second. i want to turn to what the president is doing in a few hours, heading off on air force one to davos to address the world elite. meanwhile, meanwhile, the impeachment trial starts in the senate tomorrow. they are trying to kick him out. this sun believable. -- this is unbelievable. i want to bring in mike huckabee, fox news contributor and governor, what do you think of this? i think ridiculous contrast. >> it's an absurdity. i mean, last week the president had an incredible week with the usmca being signed, the china deal being signed, and you have nancy pelosi very soberly and
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prayerfully with the cameras and her lovely pens because she's impeached the president. they have finally done something as democrats but something that will come back to bite them. by the way, varney, can i just congratulate you? i mean you have a show that's lasted nine years longer than the duchess of sussex. you have something to boast about today. [laughter] stuart: you want to get into megxit do you? i don't think you do. if you really want to, go ahead. [laughter] >> i'm leaving that one on the table. let's move on. stuart: okay. stay there for a second, governor. i have got this story and i want you to comment on it. it is about the "new york times." they have revealed their endorsement for the 2020 democrat nomination. ashley? >> elizabeth warren and amy klobuchar. two of them, which is, you know, very interesting. they say warren is the standard-bearer for the democratic left. could she win, they say? challenging but not hard to envision. they call her a gifted
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storyteller. stuart: what? >> whether the story is true or not. stuart: they actually said that? >> she's the gifted storyteller. she has been described that. meanwhile, klobuchar standard-bearer for the party center, very definition of midwestern charisma grit and stick to itness. what's interesting who they didn't endorse, what about joe biden? they say joe biden doesn't go far enough on issues like climate and healthcare. bernie sanders too old they say. would be 79 years old when he was sworn in, recently suffered a heart attack. his health is a serious concern. what about mike bloomberg? they just say no, "new york times" editorial board's aspirations. he reveals more about america's broken system than his likelihood of fixing it. stuart: i don't know where governor huckabee is at this moment. i know he's in front of the
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camera. what do you make of it, gov? >> i'm shocked they have endorsed democrats. i mean, this is something i didn't see coming. how did this happen? [laughter] >> you know, even a broken clock is right twice a day; right? so they are right in saying elizabeth warren is great storyteller. she's told stories about her ethnicity. she's told stories about her pregnancy and getting fired. she's told stories about her entire life. so, yes, she's a great storyteller, and so is the "new york times" and they tell big ones every single day, and that's why people don't trust them and haven't in a long long time. stuart: i want to get serious for a second because i want to talk about joe biden, at a church in columbia, south carolina, he mentioned the ku klux klan and the president in the same sentence. >> they have no idea.
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we're just coming back. stuart: again, governor, your response please? >> joe biden's either very very dishonest or he's incredibly misinformed. how dumb of him to even link the two and then to go back to that charlottesville reference, which has been utterly debunked time and again. it had nothing to do with white nationalists. it had everything to do with whether you keep statues. this is absurd. you know, it is interesting, donald trump got accused of wanting to tear down cultural sites in iran, but you've got the left in america that wants to tear down statues of thomas jefferson and george washington. those are cultural sites. so it's an absurdity, but the fact that joe biden is using a church as his own political pulpit, i hope no one ever accuses evangelicals of getting political again because we will just roll that tape and show it to their faces. stuart: governor i want to thank you for being with always these years. you have been a great part of
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the show and i appreciate it. governor huckabee, thank you, sir. >> i appreciate you. happy anniversary. stuart: thank you, sir. we will see again real soon, i promise thanks. couple individual companies in the news, first of all amazon, they want to change the way you pay. they want to be able to receive payments by reading the palm of your hand. lauren? >> and they're working with visa to do this, to create checkout terminals in brick and mortar stores where you just pay with your palm. why is this so fascinating? well, this is keeping the credit card companies on edge. how do you compete with big tech; right? apple has a credit card. now amazon has -- stuart: like a fortune teller, don't you go and have your palm red or something? -- read or something. >> how much information do you really want amazon to have? not only your personal data but where you shop and what you buy. if visa or mastercard or whoever is in charge of the privacy that does involve the credit cards.
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what do regulators do with this? i have no idea. they are constantly having to play catch up with big tech. stuart: apple has signed actress seinfeld star julia dreyfus to celebrate new shows for apple tv. she's a big name. the population of texas grew by more than the entire population of connecticut between 2010 and 2019. that shouldn't surprise you. americans favor business-friendly states. that's why you are watching this program. we will have that story coming up. yes yes yes, we're celebrating ten years of varney & company today, with some trivia. okay? i'm asking you, loyal viewers, how well do you know me? start with this question. how many grandchildren do i have? and the current count. okay? >> i was going to say -- stuart: the answer after this.
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stuart: yeah why not. before the commercial break, we asked you how many grandchildren do i have? just in case you are interested, and the answer is, nine. >> nine? [laughter] stuart: that's the latest count, okay. i hope that count goes up. >> yes. stuart: i've got a good shot of it doing so, okay, let me move on before we get ridiculous here. in the last decade, the population of texas grew by more than the entire population of connecticut. that's extraordinary. americans for tax reform president is with me now. that is a massive population
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shift. it's sped up recently. my question to you, grover, what are these high tax states going to do? >> they are going to continue to lose citizens until they begin to -- begin to take their taxes down. colorado, which is one of those states that actually just recently voted on the ballot the people of colorado to put a -- to protect and keep a cap on spending, which will force dramatic tax cuts every year into the future, because they can't spend any money that comes in above growth of population and inflation. they had that. democrats wanted to get rid of it. it was put back in. colorado could stabilize. you worry about california, connecticut, new jersey, new york, all loser states, states where more people leave than move in, in substantial numbers, 5% plus of the population have left those states. they are not turning around yet.
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they have stopped a bunch of stupid that they had talked about doing, higher taxes on higher income people, but in california, you saw they basically outlawed the gig economy. they outlawed independent contractors, which makes it very unfriendly to new and innovative business businesses. stuart: okay, next case, i asked white house economist larry kudlow about tax cuts 2.0. listen to his response for a minute. roll tape, please. >> you mentioned the earned income tax credit, that is something we are looking at. we're going to certainly keep the child tax credits and so forth. we might want to make some things permanent stu that weren't permanent both on the individual side and also on the corporate side. i'm thinking especially of expensing -- you know, immediate expensing which is very powerful for business investment. stuart: grover, let's be clear, you only get those tax changes, those tax cuts, those tax
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improvements if president trump is re-elected, and hopefully if he gets -- wins the house as well. that's the only way you get what he is talking about. >> absolutely, in fact, if we don't re-elect the president, hold the senate, and do well with the house, we're going to end up with taxes moving in the other direction. the democrats have promised to abolish all of the trump republican tax cuts. that includes doubling the per child tax credit. and for median income family, $2,000 tax bill. i think it is very helpful for the white house to say this is part two of our tax reform agenda and lay it out. i think you will see a lot of new expansion of iras, 401(k)'s, perhaps a look at lifetime savings accounts and universal savings accounts, ideas that were around during the bush years. stuart: we would love to see some more fiscal stimulus.
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grover, thank you very much for being with us on a special program. glad you are a part of it. thanks, grover norquist. you know, when you invite keith fitz from the west coast to be here in new york, you better make some space for the man on the show. he's been with us since the very beginning, have you not? >> yes, i have. it's been a real honor. stuart: you haven't aged a bit. we have a few clips, some of these best moments by the way. just watch this. >> professional performance anxiety, do they have a pill for that or something? >> i don't know, somebody's going to invent one. stuart: what is it? >> what i mean by that is that a lot of professionals were surprised by the run off the march 2009 lows. stuart: will we get there? >> i think we will. this is very psychologically important to traders. they want to cross something at that 20,000 level, but i'm convinced the real move, stuart,
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even if we touch it this week is going to be in 2017. stuart: he was right. the real move was 2017. you have been right right from the start. what about people who come on the show and consistently said this market is going up, what's the fundamental reason for that? >> number one, thank you for recognizing that. it is a tough business and very tough to make calls like that. fortunately i have good analytics and look at the numbers and look at where the best companies are going and i prioritize those that have a clear path to profits. stuart: we are still going up some more. >> i believe that. we have headline risk. we might get a pullback here and there, but that's a speed bump in overall scheme of things. growth may slow, but it will not stop. stuart: you haven't changed. you are wearing the same tie -- >> technically, this is a similar tie.
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[laughter] stuart: thanks for all the time you spent with us, keith. you are a valuable player on this program. >> thank you very much. stuart: thank you very much. prince harry, he's addressed his family's exit from the royals, which is as you know is called megxit. we have the details including a potential netflix deal coming up for you. all about it. e a reliable partn. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready. and let me tell you something, rodeo... i wouldn't be here if i thought reverse mortgages took advantage
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>> the decisions that i have made for my wife and i to step back is not one i made lightly. so many months of talks, so many years of challenges, and i know i haven't always gotten it right, but as far as this goes, there really was no other option. what i want to make clear is we're not walking away. and we certainly aren't walking away from you. stuart: prince harry finally broke his silence right there. ashley, here's an opinion, the queen kicked him out even though harry didn't want to go. >> i think that's exactly right. he wanted the best of both worlds, keep one foot in and the other foot out. he wanted to back away but continue to be a royal. you can't do that. the queen was very good in just saying one or the other. in this case it has to be the other. stuart: what this about the lion
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king? >> we have some video of harry, pitching bob iger, the president of disney for his wife to get a voiceover. we have more of that this time with a director at the same event. take a listen. >> [inaudible]. unfortunately, that's the wrong one because the director who basically does the same thing. you seem surprised there. again, an awkward moment pitching his wife for a voiceover role. we know meghan markle got to sign on for some sort of project for disney, we don't know what. but it doesn't look good. a good friend mark stein called it the lowest point in the
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monarchy in 100 years. stuart: not sure i would go that far but it is a low point. that's ash. the markets are closed. yes, they are. we are open. yes, we are. we are continuing our celebration of ten years on the air, this show. coming up, we will take a trip down memory lane with a market watcher. we will be back. at fidelity, online u.s. stocks and etfs are commission-free. and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk a more secure diaper closure. there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. we are people helping people.
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stuart: let me repeat that. markets are closed, but we're open. we're celebrating ten years on the air. look who is here, market watcher shah galani, also of course lauren simonetti and ashley webster. shah, you have been with us from the very begibbing and it's been a great ride -- beginning and it's been a great ride. ladies and gentlemen, watch this. >> look at their chart, it is a one-way ticket higher. there isn't any betting against google. i think the market can double in the next five years. it's got nowhere to go but up. i think the stock maybe goes down to 150. i think it has that far to go. i think it will hopefully go there. i would like to buy it there. hopefully it will hold there. i don't think we're nearly done there yet.
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stuart: that's shah galani making kaurls on -- calls on google and facebook over the years. not bad. by the way, you haven't changed a bit. >> i hope so, a lot of vitamins. stuart: get out of here. [laughter] stuart: okay, let's see now, what do we have here? google, let's concentrate on google for a second. as we heard from shah galani, he liked it, and the company has become a truly -- valuation along with microsoft, apple and a few months ago amazon. let's talk about google. you were saying $1100 a share. you were saying it was going to double. it's gone to 1400 and change. do you think it's going to go to 2,000 and beyond? >> all of the leadership stocks have a lot higher to go, stuart. the market is just now taking a pause. i think we will see another leg higher. and i think if the president is re-elected, we are going to see yet another leg higher. my call which was in april of 17, on your show, when i said the market was going to double.
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the dow was at 27,850. we're two years nine months into that prediction and the market is up 41%. so can we make it by 2022? yes, i think we can. stuart: that would make big techs even more powerful, occupying an even bigger role in our economy and our markets. >> the only threat to them is the possibility that if we get a change in congress, that they go after -- congress goes after them in terms of antitrust or any other terms they want to choose to go after the big tech names. without that, they have free rein. stuart: ashley, did i sell microsoft too early? >> quite possibly, but i'm not feeling bad for you because you made a nice profit anyway. it is not like we should weep for you, but you know, hey, come on. >> you don't want me to answer that. stuart: no, don't. but lauren? >> you still hold some of it? stuart: tiny, tiny bit. >> i think you did okay. stuart: i'm not complaining. but i did sell too early.
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>> you complain every day that you sold too soon. who are you kidding? stuart: quiet on the set. white house trade advisor navarro he says the dow hits 32,000 this year. shah galani? >> yes, absolutely, about 8.9% from where we closed on friday. there's no reason the market cannot get there. i think it possibly could do a 20% year. i just think that there's that much impetus in terms of money coming off the sidelines, in terms of money that's leaving actively managed funds going into passive managed funds. that's going to create a whole cycle where all the big names get bought up. they look good. they look a little frothy. then all of a sudden the earnings justify the p-es. they get bought up again. more money comes in off the sidelines. this is positive feedback. i'm looking for 20% this year. stuart: 20% this year? >> yes. stuart: we're already up -- left hand side of the screen up 60% since the election of donald trump. that's as of the close of
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whenever, 2016. you think another 20%. >> on the dow? >> we absolutely have it in us. the market really has nowhere to go but up. my contention all along when i made the call of the dow doubling is there are fewer shares available to buy every day. because of the buybacks, hundreds of billions of dollars every quarter of buybacks, fewer shares out there, mergers and acquisitions, fewer shares out there. there's more capital being created globally every single day. interest rates are low around the world. that capital is coming into the u.s. it is coming into the stock market. so it's supply and demand equation and stocks win. stuart: we all hope you are right. >> yeah. >> politics, when we get a clearer sense of who the democrat nominee is, do you think that gives us at least a temporary dip in the market, buying opportunity? >> we may see some bumpings in the road -- we may see some bumps in the road, but if the president wins, i think the market will do what it did when
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he won last time, a big leg up. stuart: the ceo of best buy is under investigation. okay? tell us. >> it is interesting. it all started with an anonymous letter to the board of best buy saying that the current ceo, she had an inappropriate romantic relationship with the former best buy senior vice president, before she took over as ceo as last june. so the board now is looking at this saying it takes the allegations of misconduct very seriously. this anonymous letter also went on to talk about steve easterbrook we know what happened to him when he got terminated as ceo of mcdonald's last year. so here we go. stuart: look for better or for worse, can i say this? you can't have a relationship in the office at work. the days of the office romance are gone. >> depends on your position. i disagree. i think if you are ceo, yes. if you are lower down the totem pole, and unless it is
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specifically written that you can't, i don't think that's going to be so much of an issue, but when you are the boss, any other relationship is inappropriate. stuart: so you can have a lateral relationship, but you can't have one person here and one person there. >> i don't think the ceo should be involved with anyone. >> this was before she was ceo. it would have been a lateral relationship. >> ashley may be right. it may be a matter of visibility. if it's a high visibility situation where a ceo is involved, i think it will get a lot of press and it will be a problem there. if it is lateral, lower down, i don't think it will create a lot of news or a lot of problems. stuart: holiday sales 2019, up 4.1% compared the previous year. national retail federation, a frequent guest on the program, joining us now. that was a stellar performance for the retailers. best in how many years? >> best in many years, stuart. you know, listen, it is a perfect anniversary gift for you. we've been talking about retail
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together for many many years. stuart: we have. >> first of all, happy anniversary, quite a milestone, ten years of insight and analysis. if you look back over the last ten years, you see that the retail industry has grown and evolved and changed but continued to add great performance. the holiday season represents that. when we were in new york together last week, we talked about the energy and enthusiasm there. ten years ago, when you started your know, there were 19,000 people at that event. this year, two weeks ago, last week, there were 41,000 people there. so the show's doubled. the nrf as an organization nearly tripled. i think that reflects the energy, enthusiasm, growth and economic activity in retail. we are at an exciting time right now. stuart: do you accept that this economic growth and explosion of retail sales is the result of tax cuts and deregulation? >> listen, stuart, i would like to give you all of the credit for the growth in retail, over the last ten years, your optimism for the industry, but i
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think this administration and this president deserve enormous credit over the last three years. you see what's happened with tax reform, tax rate reductions, regulatory reform. the overall level of optimism and consumer confidence in our economy, and listen, we want every industry to be successful, but we also recognize people don't always understand or even appreciate the role of the retail industry in driving this economy. we are by far the largest private sector employer in the united states, 40 million jobs in the u.s., one out of four americans, more than 20% of gdp, so every industry is great. we want them all to succeed. but retailers and consumers are leading the way, and we've seen that especially over the holiday season in the last couple of years, with the administration's policies. they deserve enormous credit. stuart: thank you very much for being with us on this special show. we appreciate you being with us >> happy an verse, stuart. -- happy anniversary, stuart. stuart: a new report saying we
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americans are binge drinking more than ever. not good for your health. dr. marc siegel joins us next hour. we have a special guest coming up. can you guess who it is? i will give you a clue. this current anchor on the fox news channel started as a reporter at fox business and was a commodities trader at the cme. we'll be back. ♪ whoa, this is awful, try it. oh no, that looks gross what is that? you gotta try it, it's terrible. i don't wanna tray it if it's terrible. it's like mango chutney and burnt hair. no thank you, i have a very sensitive palate. just try it! hey guys, i think we should hurry up. if you taste something bad, you want someone else to try it. it's what you do. i can't get it out of my mouth! if you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. it's what you do. dog, dog, dog. through the at&t network, edge-to-edge intelligence
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gives you the power to see every corner of your growing business. from finding out what's selling best... to managing your fleet... to collaborating remotely with your teams. giving you a nice big edge over your competition. that's the power of edge-to-edge intelligence.
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stuart: on january 20th, apple has signed a major hollywood actress for apple tv. who is it? >> julia louis dreyfus, eight time emmy award winner for her acting career, developmental role, she will executive produce and act. that's all we know.
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but she has transitioned from broadcast, television steinfeld to premium cable, veep on hbo and now to streaming. that's apparently where the money is at. stuart: it seems like the apples of this world are like old fashioned studios. you sign your talent and you lock them in for just you. that's what apple is doing with julia louis dreyfus and other people as well. i have streaming news for you. that's what we have. netflix reports tomorrow, i believe. not sure what to expect from netflix tomorrow. >> it's the first quarter that they will be reporting that their competition has been on-line. apple and disney. so did they lose subscribers? how much are they building their international subscribers? then going forward you have more competition coming on. hbo max for instance. it is getting a bit heated. but netflix has done well.
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if you look at their share price, since disney plus launched netflix stop is up 16%. stuart: 16%, since disney launched. >> yes, since november 12th, better than the s&p 500. stuart: that's impressive. okay. now we have a special guest for you. before the commercial break we asked you this, who said this? this current anchor on the fox news channel started as a reporter at fox business and was a commodities trader at the cme. you were with us from way back when, weren't you? >> and it was an honor and a pleasure to join you at the beginning. i know. i know you love this stuff. there's something about stu you have to know. he's a savvy businessman. he can cut right through when it comes to journalism. stuart has a good heart. i had to get that out there. you are a good man and a family man, stuart varney. stuart: who told you that? [laughter] stuart: let's not go there.
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[laughter] stuart: tomorrow or tonight actually the president heads to davos, switzer land, the forum there. at the same time, back home they are trying to impeach him and throw him out of office. have you ever seen a contrast like that before? >> unbelievable, in the backdrop of this booming economy, stock market hitting all-time highs, and you know stu, it is funny, i saw you on "fox & friends" this morning. it reminded me when i started your show with you, ten years ago, you would say don't say qe. you had a buzzer if we said any jargon on your show. and it works. [buzzer] >> you tell the story so that you bring america along with these business stories. it is great. stuart: look, you don't want jargon qe 3 and all of that. you don't want that to act as a barrier between you and your audience. it is all about money. you talk about jobs, taxes, make it clear cut. you used to do that very well for us, sandra. >> yes, sir. well, you know, so i was
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explaining to our audience before this happened that you are on your set for your show right now because your show is 9:00 a.m. till 12:00 p.m., same time as america's newsroom. this is very special. congrats to you, stu. stuart: thank you very much, indeed, sandra. since you have been with us from the very start, i believe we have a lookback down memory lane of you back in the old days. >> uh-oh. stuart: let's roll that tape. why not. >> women should be more aggressive in getting those positions because they are very good once they get there. they are good decisionmakers. they are calm under pressure. they don't stress out like men do in very tense situations. your lovely producer is pointing out that we match. we planned this turquoise ensemble this morning. it is good to see you. stuart: welcome to the show. do you remember sandra i told you at least five or six years ago that you're on your way to
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being a major league star and you said no no it is never going to happen and look at you now. >> thank you, stuart. you are amazing. charles payne was in one of those shots. he was one of the original company members. he joins us in the next hour. every day we have charles payne here. i wish we could have you every day. the timing of the show is kind of a conflict. stu varney, you are the businessman and we love your show and we love you. happy anniversary. stuart: i can't stand it any longer. time's up. [laughter] >> i have been wanting to have you on the show. it's ed's first day here. it is your ten-year anniversary. your thoughts at this economy we see today, historically. stuart: the american economy that we have now is working, and i think it is working for everybody. we have economic growth. we've got historically low unemployment. we have no inflation. very low interest rates. a housing market which i think is about to take off. and a stock market rally the
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likes of which, you know, i have been doing this for 45 years, and i have not seen anything like this before, and our analysts on the show say yeah, it is going up some more. so, you know, drop by every now and again and check in with what we have got to say. we will keep it going. >> he's proud to be an american. stuart: yes. i am indeed, very proud to be an american. >> stuart varney, this was very fun. thanks for doing this. stuart: thank you very much. >> good luck on the next ten years. stuart: next case, the super bowl, it's set. the chiefs face the 49ers in miami february the 2nd. what i want to know is how much money is being spent on super bowl ads? more varney after this. any comments doug? yeah. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. only pay for what you need with liberty mutual. con liberty mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. only pay for what you need... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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oh no, here comes gthe neighbor probably to brag about how amazing his xfinity customer service is. i'm mike, i'm so busy. good thing xfinity has two-hour appointment windows. they have night and weekend appointments too. he's here. bill? karolyn? nope! no, just a couple of rocks. download the my account app to manage your appointments making today's xfinity customer service simple, easy, awesome. i'll pass.
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stuart: that touchdown did it, didn't it? kansas city chiefs did just punched their tick tote the super bowl. -- ticket to the super bowl. they face the san francisco 49ers, in miami on february 2nd.
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it is on fox. super bowl ads sold out very quickly this year. grady trimble is with us and he's been tracking these commercials. am i right in saying that the trump campaign, facebook and bloomberg, they're spending really big on these ads, is that accurate? >> that's right. let's start with facebook. the company spending 10 million dollars or maybe even more than that on a 60 second spot. it is going to feature sylvester stallone and chris rock. it is the first time ever facebook has had an ad in the super bowl. this is significant, the big spend because the company historically doesn't spend much on advertising, but this time around, they have to repair their reputation, you could say, after years of scandals. they are hoping this ad will show them in a better light. and then we've got bloomberg and president trump, the two of them both spending another at least 10 million dollars on 60 second spots, unlike most of the advertisers, they are candidates, not businesses, and they have a lot of money to
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spend on their campaigns. but unlike a lot of the advertisers, they're not fighting for your money, stuart. their fighting for your vote. stuart: yeah, why am i not surprised. that's what it is all about, isn't it? grady, thanks very much. more on the nfl, a lot of football players are advocating for cbd use. the nfl is teaming up with a cbd company. it is called defy. bring in defy's ceo, welcome to the program. what exactly is this partnership? what are you trying to do here? >> thanks for having us. what i can tell you is that we were one of the attendees at the first annual cbd forum that the nfl held, and they're taking a real look into the health and wellness of their players and how cbd can have an effect on not only pain management but recovery. stuart: is it primarily an anti-inflammatory property that you are going for? >> that's one of the things that
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is highly recognized with the use of cbd. what is happening now with cbd as an industry and as you have leagues like the nfl and bigger companies looking at it is that there needs to be trials and studies done to prove out the effects of cbd. stuart: exactly. i mean, i want to know, does it work? i mean, i've got a lot of opinions saying yes, it works. by the way, we had dukes of hazard actor john schneider on the program last week, and he told us it helped his wife's cancer treatment, not as a cure, but it prepared her for the treatment she was going to get for cancer. in that sense it worked. that's what we're looking for though, isn't it? we want hard objective facts that it works. is that what you are going to get? >> well, true, and that is what needs to happen. there's a lot of testimonials that it works. you know, you can't make claims
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to what it does yet, because those trials haven't been done, but there's certainly a lot of testimonies to say it works including our co founder terrell davis where when we did the research on this, we all started using it, and there was a significant effect on him in particular. stuart: bo, look, thanks for joining us. i don't know how long this testing phase will take. we're eager for the results. defy cbd, thanks for joining us, sir. >> thanks for having me. stuart: got it. later today president trump flies to a small village in the swiss alps called davos. that's where he will address the annual gathering of the global elites. and in a few hours, the president's impeachment trial begins. i call that one extraordinary contrast. my take on that is next. . .
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♪ you're the best, baby you're the best ♪ stuart: what is that song? ashley: james bond movie. carly simon. stuart: that is flattery of course. i will take it. i like it. yes, ladies and gentlemen, if you're joining us this is the day we celebrate the 10th anniversary of "varney & company" on the air. we have come a long way. ashley: don't clap. throw money. stuart: now, everybody, now this. in a few hours president trump flies to a small village in the swiss alps davos. he will address the annual gathering of the global elites and in a few hours the president's impeachment trial begins. how about that? that is a rather stark contrast, isn't it? a successful president very as you democrat party that achieved very little. i say a successful president,
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because he is successful. i call the china deal break through that works for all of us. i call the new nafta, usmca, a vast improvement for everyone, mexico and canada included. i call historic low unemployment a major success. it is classic prosperity. for killing after terrorist who wreaked havoc throughout the mid-east, no apologies required. from davos our president will speak from a position of strength. as he speaks the democrats will try to drag him down. they will call him names. lawyers will swarm all over the phone call to ukraine, imply he is so bad he has to be removed from office but where are the successes of the left? i'm looking. economic growth? no. they will take us into recession. trade deals? no they nitpicked opposed right from day one. jobs? you think the left can create millions and millions of new green jobs? i know sarcasm is a low form of wit, really they have nothing
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going for them. this program has no time for sliming this president or any other. we don't deal in that currency. we support growth and prosperity. we don't care which president delivers it. we have been on the air for 10 years. we've been successful for 10 years. for the next few weeks the rest of the media will be consumed with this narrow spiteful impeachment. we will not. come in fox news contributor david webb. great friend of the program. >> happen anniversary. stuart: get to that later. what a contrast, it is so stark, it is ridiculous. >> it is amazingly stark there are other things on the table we don't have time to list them. the japanese trade deal, the south korean trade deal. the fact a few days ago european nations filed with the wto against china for their activities against those nations. what is going on here? the president goes to davos. all the global elites say it is over. paul krugman response is end of
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the world. they can't compete with america animal spirits, growth, consumer confidence. look at housing, filings, business filings. housing starts. look at real numbers. real drivers. look at nasdaq. historic highs. these don't happen in a vacuum. look at rest of the world markets, stu, they're ben quitting from this. their markets look for better 2020. it is the roaring 2020s and it is here. stuart: we like it. >> i love it. my portfolio loves it. stuart: this is mlk day. i want to play a clip what joe biden said yesterday, the day before martin luther king day. i want to get your reaction to this, and for our viewers, roll tape, please. >> this president has ku klux klans and rest of them they think they have beaten us again but they have no idea. we're just coming back. [applause] stuart: david, just to be clear, in the same sentence, joe biden and kkk, in the same sentence.
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my opinion, out of bounds? >> no, it is way out of bounds. joe biden has been lying to the american people and failing the american people for 44 years, 36 as senator, then eight as vice president. give you idea what the type of man he is is. my good friend michael reagan calls me couple weeks ago. i want to remind me of something. joe biden told him in a closed-door meeting if you do something i don't like i will leak it to the press. this is what he told ronald reagan. there were other people in the room. i dare joe biden to counter that. they're ready to talk. this is the kind of person who has gone to moscow, told them reagan didn't want arms limitation. guess what? reagan got limitation. went there with senator ben cohen at the time. biden put y'all in chains. we'll play the cards because he needs the black vote in the primary. he is a pat threat tick candidate. he is losing to other candidates who are worse than him. because he is unable to break out. and i needs to play this card.
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you know what? black people have gotten smarter in this country. they're sit of democrat lies, liberal failures. cities like baltimore, you look at chicago. look at new york city. look what is going on. camden, new jersey, philadelphia. what are the policy, who is making policies in these cities? liberal democrats and progressive for 40 plus years. have you had enough yet? stuart: have you had enough yet? wait, wait, talk about something else. you've been a friend of the show since the very beginning. you've been with us for 10 years. i want our viewers to take a look at one of our favorite memories of you and i. roll it, please. wait, wait. slow mo. you do that for us. then, and then. there you go. that's it. >> that's it, man. stuart: what am i supposed to say? >> hi? [laughter].
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wearing the same vest. by the way i brought something for you. surprise you. president trump's official cufflinks. the new version, just for you, stuart. stuart: i am jealous. i've been wearing the american flag cufflinks. >> when i'm at the white house next time i promise you a pair of these. stuart: thank you very much. if i get there first i will get some myself. appreciate your help. >> happy anniversary, the originator of the bro hug, pastor darrell scott. he joins us later this hour. everybody remembers the bro hug. back to economic success, the president's success story. i have numbers for you. what the markets have done since 2016. a phenomenal performance from the market. the nasdaq is up 80%. come on in, jeff sica, frequent, long term guest on this program. i will say no more than that. got to tell you, jeff, you know for the last three years since the election you've been kind of
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cautious. you know, if i listened to you would have missed all this. >> oh, no. stuart: yes, yes. >> congratulations on the 10 year anniversary by the way. maybe that will help. for me, it is in my nature to be cautious. i know everybody is exuberant. shah and keith are exuberant. it is fine. you know what? i don't doubt the market's ability to continue to move up but i don't like complacency and anything i do, especially investing, so when i find that everybody is too optimistic, i think it is my role in this world to show that, that there are things to keep an eye on. stuart: peter navarro. trade guy, president's trade guy. he says 32,000 on the dow this year. do you think that is overly optimistic? >> first of all i have a great deal of respect for peter navarro but i have a big problem with market forecasts which i
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think are not always well-thought out. i don't necessarily disagree that the market can't to up -- go up but i think we'll hit a wall at 30,000. a lot of people who are very, very invested and they're going to want to pull back and take some money off the table, just because of the appreciation. plus there is headwinds out there. and, it is, happy show. so i'm not going to talk about the headwinds. stuart: it is a happy show. >> yes. stuart: we have been on the air for 10 years. you've been with us, i think since day one, virtually since day one. because of that, of course, we organize a little stroll down memory lane. watch out, jeff. roll tape. jeff, have you seen anything like this before? >> no. this is remarkable but what i have always not seen is about 85% of the gains in the first half of 2018 have been four stocks. this is a market that is doing
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great but is a very narrow market, in my opinion a very dangerous market. it would be an absolute catastrophe if any of those people get elected but. stuart: but? >> but i think president trump needs to really get this china deal done. that is, it is crucial that it gets done. it will hurt him if he doesn't. stuart: got it done, jeff. he got it done. >> yes. he got phase one done, which is great. stuart: oh. >> there is a lot in phase two. but again a happy show. so i keep -- stuart: there you go. thanks for being on the show all these years. it takes great effort but we appreciate it. thanks, jeff. good stuff. david webb, still with me. a very important story here. democrats always crying about the electoral college. now the supreme court says it will decide before the election whether electors from each state are bound to vote for the popular vote winner. how does that affect -- well, that is a disaster. that is -- wait a minute. that would mean one of these
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electors has the power to overrule the vote of the actual voters and people. i think that is utterly wrong. >> what is is, democrats march to power, includes mob rule, urban control and liberal voting states. the electoral college in its brilliance it is representation, we are a constitutional republic. there is a very important part, no matter how many times, even during amendments within the constitution they have upheld it. now we've got some time. they will hear the case in april. looks like we with will have the decision in june just in time. it is very important that we maintain this. there is argument for debating that the electoral college works well, there is not a counter to it in any other system. pure democracy is mob rule, would give them california, illinois, other key states that would give democrats consistent power, for democrats the popular one is vote that matter. bush v. kerry.
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bush won popular vote. doesn't always work in your favor. hypocrisy of the now. this is what they need. stuart: i don't want to see that thank. >> you don't predict the court but the constitution is clear on this. stuart: david, again, thank you very much indeed. >> to another 10 years. stuart: i will drink to that. thanks. big hour coming up for you, we have lots of brexit and "megxit" news for you, who better to break that lot down with nigel farage. he is on our show next hour. coming up we continue our celebration of 10 years on the air. it has been a decade of success and changes. next, we have a guest who made a major life change himself. jonathan morris. he is next. ♪. managing lipids like very high triglycerides, can be tough.
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stuart: yep, 10 years anniversary show today. a lot has changed, especially for our next guests. let me show you this. roll tape. >> bittersweet of course. bitter because so many parts of my ministry that i loved and thrived in. i will always have amazing memories and gratitude to god for those years. i am starting off right now just waiting to hear what god wants of me. i will to slowly, professionally and personally and, i trust that god will lead me. stuart: that's jonathan morris as we call him now, not father jonathan. he left the priesthood. you have gone through some serious changes. are you comfortable now with the
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change you made, the big change you made? >> yeah, i'm very, very happy, very peaceful. there have been huge challenges, personally, professionally but i am very happy. i knew i had to do it. that is because i wanted the freedom in the future, if god grants me that blessing to be married, have a family. i knew i wanted that for a very long time. because of the expectations i felt that i had to live up to, and what other people wanted of me, i didn't make the decision until much later than i probably should have. stuart: all of our viewers want me to ask the obvious question, are you making any progress towards marriage and family? >> we'll talk about that after the show. how about that? but it was a good question. stuart: that's fair. >> very good journalistic question. stuart: don't try to flatter me now. you've been doing it 10 years. let's get serious, people are donating a lot less to churches. the study says, giving is down 50% since 1990. why? >> yes.
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those are donations to churches, down 50%. that is huge. that affects churches just operational expenses but also says a lot about our culture. i think it goes back to since between the year 1936 and 1999, the percentage of people who said belong to a church was 70%. varied one or 2%, between 68 to 70%. between 1999, stuart, and 2020, we dropped 20 points. 50% now say i belong to a church. now, that may be very depressing if you think religion is a good thing in people's lives as i do, i think also there is a cultural shift. i was sitting in church in the back pew. used to bug me when people sit in the back pew. i sit in the back pew now. they would talk about, first of all the basket came around, i reached into my pocket. i didn't have any cash on me, right? people don't carry cash.
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of course donations would be down. but secondly they were trying to get people to sign up to be a member of that parish. i thought, why do i want to sign up? i can just come. i think, there, our culture changed a lot. we're on our phones. we don't want to give our personal information out. stuart: do you think the churches are being almost run like a business to maximize revenue, is there that angle in there? >> no. i don't think so, churches need, helpful for churches for people to sign up. they can send them things. get them to do e-giving, all of that there is natural repulsion, signing up, joining something. we like to live in our little, independent, living spaces. stuart: face it, jonathan, becoming secular? >> yes and no. but you know what? -- stuart: i also get the impression people of faith are looked down on by the secular elites. >> there is some of that.
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i think we also say our country has never been divided as much as it is now. i don't believe that at all! we are constantly on social media. we're constantly getting media input into our lives. what do we believe in as a country? the foundational things we're very united on. rule of law. thank god we believe in the rule of law. it is what separates our country from so many others. secondly we believe it freedom. we believe racism is evil and wrong. many, many other things. we are not as bad off as we like to say very often. stuart: i got to say you're the best dressed former priest i have ever seen in my life. sartorial elegance. i like the color. >> congratulations on 10 years. stuart: we'll see you again soon, jonathan. the market is not open today, it is mlk day. we're looking at various
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companies and stocks. for example, tesla on a absolute tear over the past year. anything more on this? lauren: it is up 22%. only january 20th. isn't that amazing? more than double from the third quarter of last year. there is a lot of fear of missing out. will this stock continue to go up? a lot of people including dan ives, they say yes. when you look at the size of the global ev, electric vehicle market expected to double in four years. still a small percentage t would be 8%, coming from 4%, that is a big increase. stuart: just astonishing. the last trading session was january 18th. ashley: yeah. stuart: at that point tesla had been up 22% since january the 1st. that is really something else again, isn't it. on a tear. lauren: a shorted stock. stuart: the 10th anniversary celebration of the show. special guests coming up. here is a clue to the next special guest. this regular's laugh was offered
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as a free downloadable ring tone in the early days of "varney & company." whose was it? whose laugh became a ring tone? the answer coming up. ♪. most people think of verizon as a reliable phone company. but to businesses, we're a reliable partner. we keep companies ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business. (second man) virtualize their operations. (woman) and build ai customer experiences. (second woman) we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. almost all of the fortune 500 partner with us. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation... verizon keeps business ready.
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>> i love this gig. stuart: that is the laugh that became a ring tone, the laugh of course belongs to none other than than judge andrew napolitano, who has been a part of this show for the past 10 years. judge, before, i don't want to discuss the laugh or the queen but i do want your thought on the duchess of sussex' dad saying harry and meghan have turned the monarchy with a walmart with a crown. i'm sure you have something to say about that even on the phone. go. >> i'm not sure he should be criticizing his daughter so publicly but i will criticize them. they make $7 million a year from harry's grandmother. do you think they will make that up by doing voice overs? i just don't get it. i also don't get the utter fast significance with it, stuart. you've been thinking nothing but this the past two weeks. stuart: me? no, that is not true. i want more of it on the air
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because i think people are talking about it. they're interested in it. especially because i have a british accent. >> it is remarkable the level of interest in the united states. to me the issue is, is financial. how are they possibly going to make the seven million, but the cultural and emotional issue is overwhelming. of course if you look at the front page of today's "new york post," you see that the queen is so distraught she has turned to her son prince andrew for support. this is really insane. stuart: actually, i do take your point there. judge, look, i'm out of time, but thanks so much for being a part of the program. you're a valuable part of the program. respect you entirely. >> stuart, look forward to the next 10 years. stuart: so do i, if i can make it through. thanks, judge. we'll see you soon. yes, we're celebrating 10 years on the air. here is another trivia question for you. which town in the united kingdom am i from?
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the answer after this. ♪. huh, fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. everybody knows that. well, did you know pinocchio was a bad motivational speaker? i look around this room and i see nothing but untapped potential. you have potential. you have-oh boy. geico. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance.
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a reverse mortgage loan to cover expenses, pay for healthcare, preserve your portfolio, and so much more. look, reverse mortgages aren't for everyone but i think i've been 'round long enough to know what's what. i'm proud to be a part of aag, i trust 'em, i think you can too. trust aag for the best reverse mortgage solutions. so you can... retire better. ♪. ashley: i -- stuart: i accept that. i will accept that. i used to love that song when i was 16 years old. good stuff. i want to do a shoutout for sultan of arizona. ashley: sultan of arizona? stuart: sultan of arizona, that is his email. every friday he sends me a beatles quiz.
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i do my best to respond to him. i send it around to some of my relatives. they try to pass judgment on his quiz. sultan, thank you very much indeed. we're glad you're watching. you are all right, my friend. you are all right. now before the break i asked which town in britain am i from and the answer is? does anybody know? lauren: yeah, we do. stuart: on the air. it is pronounced derby. ashley: not derby. stuart: haven't been back in many, many years. i have serious news on the vaping front. seems everybody is calling from vaping bans but the cdc is moving away from across the board ban. come in dr. marc siegel. they're changing course here. not banning it all completely but maybe restrict it a little bit. you approve of that, don't you? >> i like where they're going, very elegant. a study came out of the uk over the past year, did show that
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there is about 20% chance that i can get a smoker off of tobacco using vaping. so the cdc is now saying, here is when you shouldn't vape e-cigarettes. if you're pregnant. if you're a teen or a child. and if you're not a tobacco smoker. leave the tobacco smokers vaping as an option. it is definitely less dangerous than the lungs for tobacco. stuart: that is a fine position to take. you don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater. vaping is a way to get off smoking. >> correct. stuart: don't throw it out because teens my get it or people use it when they are not supposed to use it. >> this is another category they are attacking which we agree, vaping marijuana type products that led to over 1000 illnesses we've been reporting. stuart: that is the problem. >> that is the main problem. stuart: doctor, stay there for a second. i have sort of a related story here. another cdc, centers for disease control, another one of their studies, says binge-drinking has
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increased. look at this. i'm not sure i understand the statistic, but the average number of drinks consumed by those defined as bing drinksers went from 472 in 2011, to 529 in in 2017. significant number in number of drinks. that is significant increase. look who is here, "bar rescue" guy, jon taffer. why the ink crease? that looks to me like a increase in binge-drinking, why? >> it looks like a bing increase in binge-drinking but doesn't necessarily mean more people are drinking. stuart: true. >> there is a group of population excessive in nature. maybe the excessives are getting a little more excessive. a vast majority of people that drink as you know, stuart, are responsible and don't binge at all. stuart: would you bring drinking age down to 18?
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you can't dripping, encourages them to get out in the woods with a pint of whiskey and get drunk. would you bring the drinking age down? >> i would consider it. when i was younger the drinking age was 18. stuart: me too. >> it became 21 after i was 18. i was in the group allowed to drink under 21 because i turned 18 when the law changed. i didn't see much of a visible difference or a lot of irresponsibility. i tend to agree with you. if it is available younger, people might not abuse it at young age. they might not run into the kids. i remember when i did that when i was a kid. that doesn't serve anybody well. stuart: no, it does not. well-said. jon, stay there for a second. back to doc siegel. binge-drinking. what does do to you? >> people need to understand what is alcohol? it is a poison, stocks inch. if you load the liver up one time with a lot of alcohol, as jon was saying, same people
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drinking a lot, the body can't clear it easily. there is a lot of misnomers with alcohol. you know what is happening with alcohol now? millenials are switching over from beer and wine to something called hard sellers, thinking they're saving calories. i looked it out. a glass of wine, 125 calories. a can of beer, 100 calories. hard sellers 150 calories. you're not doing what you think. they are making the switch over from beer to hard sellers. i want a toast with glass of wine and 10 more years to good health and great show for varney. stuart: we can't drink on live television. >> imaginary glass. stuart: imaginary glass. back back to jon. i know you're starting a brand new chain of bars, taffer's tavern. i got a question. this is fully employed economy. how do you get qualified staff
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for a brand new chain of bars? >> it is not easy, stuart. we have a labor issue, due to the trump economy, everybody is working. so we don't have a big labor pool available. it is not only size of labor pool. it is pay increases now, 15-dollar minimum wages, impact on the restaurant business and a lot of the labor pool are new americans. they don't communicate so well. restaurant industry is very heavy in communication. what we've done we created robotic kitchens. we're building the first one now in atlanta. i'll get you pictures of it, stuart. it is very robotic. we've taken a lot of personnel out of the kitchen. by taking them out of the kitchen, i'm allowed to keep them in the front of the house so service is even better because of robotics. stuart: don't do away with bartenders because a bartender can be a very valuable commodity? >> i know that. absolutely true. stuart, i've got to say i've been on the show with you almost 10 years. i've had the opportunity to watch you behind the scenes
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sitting at the desk with you. you're not only a great guy, you have an incredible love of our country, that comes through in all the passion that you do. you have great humor. i'm honored to call you my friend, buddy. here is to 20 more. stuart: very nice guy and i really appreciate it, jon. 20 more to you. appreciate it. doc siegel still with me, sitting next to me. we're celebrating 10 years. you've been with us during the beginning, during that entire time, get me, make me do one thing. roll tape. dr. marc siegel is here he is going to tell me yet again for the umteenth year in a row why i should get a flu shot. >> i didn't bring you one at least. normally i bring one here to try to get you to take it. we tie you down. stuart: shall we remind everybody last year, when you wanted me to have a flu shot, which turned out, what, 23%
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effective. you wanted me to put factory stuff into my arm with only 23% effective. i'm still not going to do it, no matter what i promised you privately some time ago. >> i want to point out, modern technology, great big business in the united states. we're heading direction of two things that will change your mind. universal flu vaccines that last 10 years. we'll have a flu vaccine in a pill, rather than a shot. when that happens, will i be able to bring the pill to the the set here? , i will think about it. ashley: that means no. >> i want to you protect those around you. stuart: how many years do we get to universal flu shot for a pill. >> about five years. stuart: i expect me to be here in five years? >> no question. i think you're getting better. stuart: you do? >> your show is amazing. great executive producer. stuart: keep flattering. how about me healthwise, how am i doing? >> you're in terrific health. you're weight is good. the cholesterol is good. you get my bill of great health.
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rest of you too. stuart: five more years. five more years. >> five more years. jon said 20 more years. we're going 20. stuart: that's a stretch. doc siegel, thank you very much, sir. great stuff. thank you. former new york city mayor, now presidential hopeful, michael bloomberg unveiled his plan for african-american communities. we'll break it down with pastor darrell scott. we have that clip, yes, we do, the original bro hug next. ♪. at fidelity, online u.s. stocks and etfs are commission-free. and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk i'm part of a community of problem solvers. we make ideas grow. from an everyday solution...
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♪. stuart: there you have it. that is martin luther king memorial in washington, d.c. and this as we observe is martin luther king day.
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joe biden spoke at a church in south carolina. listen to how he wrapped up his address one day before martin luther king day. roll tape, please. >> this president has ku klux klan and the rest of them, they think that they are beating us again but they have no idea. we're just coming back. [applause] stuart: i repeat that in case you couldn't see that very well. the president and ku klux klan think they have got us beat, words to that effect. certainly the former vice president and used the president and kkk in the same sentence. pastor darrell scott, urban revitalization coalition ceo joins us now. pastor, that i have to say i think joe biden played the race card, i think he went too far but what say you, sir? >> i said it on your program actually before the race card is about as worn out as a deck of card in the penitentiary. that proves joe biden doesn't have anything new to talk about.
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he trots out the same old tired narrative associating the president with the ku klux klan, when he had a relationship, he and hillary had and others with the former grand wizard of the ku klux klan, robert byrd. joe biden needs to stand you and apologize and rye pent being one of the architects and promoter of that 1994 clinton crime bill which did i proportionately incarcerated african-americans. it actually did more damage to the black community than the ku klux klan ever did. if he needs to talk about something, he needs to address that. stuart: why is it in a recent poll, eight out of 10 americans say president trump is a racist and had maze racism a bigger problem in america? why such negative numbers? >> you know, stuart, you know full well you can manipulate polling to say what you want it to say. it depends who you're interviewing. if he is going to staunch
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democrats that want to say anything negative about the president, of course he will get the results you're looking for. but to the man on the street, listen, our urban revitalization coalition, america tour, we gone into several democrat strongholds. there are a number of democrat african-american democrats are going to vote for president trump because they are aware of the progress that he has made regarding the black community. with creation of the investment and opportunity act and op zones, criminal justice reform, prison reform, funding for hbcus, low levels of unemployment for the black community. the man on the street knows. those are the people they are not sampling. those are the ones they're not polling. they're picking specific groups, going to them to get desired results they're looking for. stuart: hold on a second please, darrell. michael bloomberg unveiled a plan for black communities and lauren has details. lauren: he calls it the economic justice plan, the goal to
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increase black wealth, tripling in the next decade. how will he do that? $70 billion investment in the disadvantaged communities. ending discriminatory business practices. increasing black homeownership by one million. and creating one hundred thousand new black businesses all in 10 years. stuart: pastor scott, i like the sound of one million black folks getting a home in the next 10 years. what do you say? >> well you know, bloomberg's plan is very unrealistic, when you think about $70 billion spent over the country, that is 50 states. that is about $1.2 billion per state, which is nothing. i can think of $70 billion that could be spent in cleveland, ohio, alone. here we have the president created the investment and opportunity act which incentivizes private investors to invest their money in distressed communities. there are $6 trillion in unrealized and uniced or capital gains money available. we don't have to get bogged down in partisan politics wondering
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where the funding will come from. we don't have to rob peter to pay paul. the president's plan, op zone creation and incentivizes private investors to take the money to invest in communities. our 13 point program model. it includes housing, health and wellness, youth empowerment, educational, a very come hundreds sieve plan, anything bloomberg trying to do, we've already been there, done that and can do it better than he can ever think about it. stuart: that is a response. pastor, we're celebrating 10 years on the air with "varney & company." we want to show the viewers, you know what is coming, one of our favorite moments with you. roll the tape. >> come in. stuart: we're shaking hands. >> dip the shoulder. stuart: dip shoulder. >> not full body contact. stuart: oh, dip towards. >> give me a pat. you're my brother. stuart: two pats. >> or maybe three.
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depends on intensity. stuart: i get three. what a guy. >> you're honorary member of african-american community. stuart: that is high praise indeed. >> that's history. that's history right there. that is history. we just witnessed history. what better day to celebrate the bro hug than martin luther king day. stuart: why not? why not? that's good stuff. pastor darrell scott. you're a good friend to the program. we hope you come back with us the next 10 years. >> listen, we have big things coming up on our revitalize america tour. i want to come in talk about it exclusively with you live on set. stuart: you shall. we welcome you. we'll see you soon, pastor. >> god bless you, god bless you, sir. "new york times" came out endorsing not one, but two candidate for the democrat nomination. next up media watcher howard kurtz joins us. why two from "the new york times"? he will break it down after this.
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only pay $149-an over 50% savings. read it again, papa? sure. i've got plenty of time. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. stuart: "the new york times" editorial board endorsing not one, but two candidates for the democrat nomination. they say both amy klobuchar and elizabeth warren are their top
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choices, two of them. media buzz host howard kurtz joins us now. what is with "the times," howard? they can't make up their minds? >> as a newspaper veteran i can tell you editorial board at campaign time at one job, to make the case for one candidate. picking two is basically an old-fashioned copout. however careful text you'll analysis shows me is endorsement of amy klobuchar. want me to tell you why? stuart: tell me. >> elizabeth warren as wealth tax, suspects political instincts, unfairly blames the business community from everything from climate change to gun violence. when they get to klobuchar, the senator is definition of charisma and wit. she could unite the party. they are she is in single digits so they figure she can't win but they throw in warren. stuart: when show said that
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warren a storyteller. was that tongue-in-cheek. >> to the extent they do, doesn't hurt toing endorsed for the democratic caucus, that is like chicken soup. "the des moines register" endorsement will be worth the weight in gold in iowa. stuart: this is something we cover ad nauseam. economy, markets booming. president trump on two major trade deals, working on a third in europe. all the mainstream media wants to talk about something else. howard, hold on. just watch this. >> the house will begin formal impeachment inquiry president trump. >> mick mulvaney admitted to the quid pro quo. >> the house committee is about to hear historic testimony about the potential impeachment president donald trump. >> house democrats unveiled two charges against president trump. >> only third president in the nation's history to be impeached. stuart: put it to you again, howard. it is just over the top. it is so constant and so
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one-sided it is over the top. >> well of course all those stories you mentioned, stuart, are being overshadowed as are the iowa caucuses by the way. as is the houston astros cheating scandal but at the same time, it is only the third impeachment trial in american history. all the cable networks including fox are going wall-to-wall when this thing starts tomorrow. and of course it is such a polarized nation, a lot of people are talking about it. i can't say it shouldn't get lots and lots of coverage. stuart: more people are talking about harry and meghan than they are impeachment. that is another story entirely. you've been with us for the last 10 years. look at this, on the screen. i hope you can see it. that is you trying on google glasses. do you remember that? >> i remember it vividly because all the tech write is at time, this is 2013 were saying this is the hot new thing. everyone will be wearing it. i was very skeptical. these people can really hype a product. i said no way will this go mainstream. turns out i was right. congratulations by the way on 10
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years of endurance on cable news wars. stuart: really. i hope that a youngster like you will stay with us for another 10 years. howard kurtz, you sir, are all right. we'll see you soon. >> thanks, stuart. stuart: thank you. next hour, lots of news for you on brexit of course. and now "megxit." who better to break it all down, both stories than nigel farage. he is on the show next hour. next our celebration of 10 years of varney continues. we have a lot of surprises coming up next hour. first here is another guest. here's the clue. this next guest wrote a book that became a play, it is also a former member of the company and is now host of a popular varney spin-off. who is that. ashley: quite a clue. stuart: you probably know. the answer coming up in a moment. ♪.
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stuart: why are we so self- critical? now when i say "we" i mean americans. we seem to beat ourselves up all the time, don't we? we're always doing the wrong thing or thinking the wrong thoughts. it seems to become an american characteristic, at least in the media, and the swamp. i've never believed it. sure, america isn't perfect, but just because everything isn't absolutely wonderful for everyone, there's no reason to condemn the whole enchilada. i became a citizen, i became an american, precisely because i believe america is fundamentally good. our constitution assures us fair play, freedom, and i, like all of us, live in liberty. we are inclusive. look think of it this way. where else in the world can someone with a foreign accent go
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on national television and tell people what's going on, in their society, with a voice like this, i'm an obvious outsider. how come i'm sitting here ten years into a successful news show that bears my name? if we were all so nasty i wouldn't be sitting here. clearly this is not a nation jam packed with shall we say deplorables? it has to be said. i have advantages. i speak english rather well. i was educated on somebody else 's dime and i come from a country, britain, that is a long -standing close allie, just forget the brief unpleasantness a couple of hundred years ago. i have felt the warm embrace of this generous and welcoming country, for 10 years we have as they say accentuated the positive on this program and we're at a point where there's a lot to celebrate. you our viewers have stayed with us. thank you, everyone. i am very grateful for this.
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i became an american citizen, yes, i did. citizenship is more than voting, serving on a jury or getting a passport. it is being part of an idea, a unique idea, that people from all over the world can coming together to the free under the rules and responsibilities of the constitution. >> becoming a u.s. citizen is a very special thing. millions of people want to come to the united states and so through the magic of television i did have a flag flown over the united states capitol that we would like to present to you in coordination with your producers hopefully this reaches you at your desk. stuart: yes, and look at that. would you look at that? >> amazing. >> [applause]
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>> ♪ only in america stuart: there you go that was the music i was waiting for. so now my colleague ashley webster also has a british accent. ashley: america is a very unique place. a, you said this earlier, a very generous country, the people here are incredibly generous and also, like yourself, i have a different accent but i've worked all over the country. i worked in montana, northern california, arizona, wisconsin, go packers, nashville and every stop along the way people treated me with so much warmth and welcoming in even though clearly i wasn't a local guy on local news and its been a real privilege to be able to do that and also this country has so much, there's so much opportunity in this country. we talk about it but you really need to understand the opportunity in this country and the way it enables each individual to do what they want to do, it's down to you. you want to do it you can go out there and get it and i think
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that's remarkable. i don't think that's the case in my hometown in my native country of the uk. stuart: we should stop kicking ourselves, it's much better. ashley: i hate that. stuart: yeah. now hold on a second because before the break, we gave you a clue as to who our next guest is , and this guest wrote a book, it became a play, she's a former member of the company, she's the host of a "varney" & company spin-off, and here she is. no need to guess any longer that is elizabeth macdonald, she is the host of the evening edit. ashley: quite a ride isn't it? liz: yeah, its been great to be with you guys, so my play debuted in england, and they are going to do it again next year, so it's fun. the lives and times of march juror itk em p. stuart: you've got to sit back and watch a little montage of what was produced just for you and your appearances, roll tape.
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>> better corporate leaders. >> do you know why because they're better listeners, what did you say charles? anyway, and they are fair and if you don't like it tough, no i'm kidding. liz: the problem is people weigh ing in on the story saying that's what they call january, just in time for the holidays we have this report that i'll celebrate on the first of the next month and that's what people are saying. >> it's the scope and the details of the china trade deal that's the issue. i don't know why i even said it. stuart: it's good. liz: appreciate your appreciation of whatever it was. ashley: [laughter] stuart: what do you think? liz: well i'm glad i got a chance to look at how i really look and what i say. ashley: [laughter] liz: i hope so. do you remember like ten years ago, financial economic collapse everybody was drinking like the plane was going down but we were here saying hey wait a second what are the policies being
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enacted? they will start to see the state -controlled version of fairness and if you listened to people back then you would have made no money, and if you listen ed to us you'd be like wait a second sit back and sit tight. stuart: on the subject, on that very subject, we need your judgment again. liz: sure. stuart: peter navarro, trade guy says the dow industrials go to 32000, this year. we're at 29 now, he says 32000 this year, what do you say to that? liz: it might. that's a 10% rise, so to 30,000 for the 2% of 32, but anyways, so double-digits are slippery on that. stuart: you have to do the math. liz: and i don't want to make them click off, but here i don't know. i don't know if it'll hit 32000. i think it's a little bitto ppy. stuart: it's a bull market in place. liz: it is in place, but remember the last 10 years they've had three crack-ups. 2015-2016 was pretty bad and on
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the surface it felt like a tight double-digit downdraft, but you saw energy go down 50% and financials go town about 25% and big double-digit rise to the downside, to individual sectors underneath this market, so yes, it feels on the surface great, and i'm saying watch the individual sectors. stuart: yeah, fair enough. but its been pretty much straight up for the ten years, not quite the ten years we've been on the show, that's pretty much straight up. what's next? what have we got that's next? i can't believe it, i'm lost. liz: i think we got to do "the new york times" endorsement. stuart: oh, yeah that is correct , "the new york times" endorsed not one but two candidates for the democrat nomination. they can't make their minds up? liz: it's sort of like so what, so i don't like reading any newspaper endorsing either the president or democrat. it's like who cares. the social media is lit on fire right now reacting to this, that's being okay, self- regarding editors picking who they think will win, who cares?
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it's sort of like listen to hollywood, talk about politics. stuart: they are the bible though. liz: i understand that i get it but do you know what it's one reason why people don't like the media. and so what the social media is reacting to this story of the times endorsing both, they are saying do they have zero self- awareness? do people really care what editorial boards think about it? i know they are a go-to newspaper i get it but in terms of the editorial board and their opinions sometimes people just say well okay, well that's not going to change our opinion about what we feel. do you know what i mean? stuart: i think the democrat party takes its marching orders from the new york times and today is a big setback for joe biden and bernie sanders. liz: understand and i hear what you're saying but i'm talking about the general population. stuart: when are you on tv? liz: 6:00. stuart: weekdays? liz: yes, evening edit thank you for the prompt. stuart: you're welcome. are you enjoying? liz: we're having a great time. we do a jam packed show that's really fast-moving and i'm on a really high story count and boy the guests enjoy it.
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stuart: it's just modeled on us. not really? liz: yes absolutely i'm on your show and i'll say anything you say. >> [buzzer] liz: there you go. stuart: thank you, liz. liz: any time. stuart: we've got to cover this, prince harry breaking his silence in his first comment since the royal megxit. watch this it's brief but just watch it. >> i know i don't always have it right but as far as this goes there really was no other option stuart: sounds like he was kicked out to me but we'll have more on that in a moment withnig el farrag e, what does mr. brexit think about megxit? house democrats rush to get the impeachment vote done, now they're rushing to get witnesses they didn't have time to call earlier, big week in washington and yes, we are on it. guess our guest, question. this veteran journalist started his career on fox news channel in 2005 making his first-ever
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appearance on "varney" & company today. have you any idea who that could be? this is a long shot to get this one right. we'll tell you after the break. >> ♪ ♪ we made usaa insurance for members like kate. a former army medic, made of the flexibility to handle whatever monday has in store and tackle four things at once. so when her car got hit, she didn't worry. she simply filed a claim on her usaa app and said... i got this. usaa insurance is made the way kate needs it - easy. she can even pick her payment plan so it's easy on her budget and her life. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. usaa
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stuart: here is the question before the break, this veteran journalist started his career on fox in 2005 making his first- ever appearance on "varney" & company today. here he is, after a new show, billh emm er reports. >> thank you, it's great to be with you. stuart: you're welcome. >> i want to tell you, you guys have put together a great show today and this is a real tribute to you and you walk around the halls of fox, people love stuart
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"varney." stuart: that's not true. >> you want to debate that? >> [laughter] >> stuart and i go back longer than people realize. stuart: yes, we do. >> the summer of 1995. stuart: yes, it was. i was working the 5 a.m. shift, 5:30 in atlanta for cnn and you were the business anchor who came on at 6:00 a.m. after me. stuart: oh, yes. >> so you and i would always have chats over the satellite in between commercials. stuart: we did. >> i found the kinship with you and then i later found out that he's a geography nut which i like too, and he spent time in africa, as a young man in the country of kenya which i just took a tour to. stuart: oh, you did? do you seekswahilli? >> no, but thank you. stuart: [speaking in a foreign language] >> i've got it. my name is stuart.
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i've been kicking butt. stuart: [laughter] do you know what we used to call you? >> what's that? stuart: billy the kid. and do you know why? because you looked so young. >> it's for longevity and the gig. stuart: they think that i'm good for another 10 years. >> you're 7-0, right? stuart: 71. >> i'm 55. stuart: i thought you were 44. >> [laughter] well congratulations. stuart: now wait a second. you and i are an investor and you and i occasionally meet in the hallways. >> i think investor is a stretch. i mean maybe a small eye, but i do pay attention to the markets. i'm very intrigued by it. i have, i'll say this. stuart: he's always asking for tips. >> always. through watching people like you and neil and charles and lou, all of the other people who i probably shouldn't name names,
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david asman, liz claman, who am i missing, maria bartiromo, help me out who am i missing? but you guys have taught me so much, and just the intersection of how business and the economy is so relevant to all of our lives and education that i have thoroughly enjoyed. stuart: yeah, yeah, yeah, i've been telling you for years you should get into microsoft and i told him three weeks ago and i sold a chunk of my microsoft. go on. >> can i say this story? three years ago, stu says "go to buy microsoft." it was at 24. lauren: did you? >> no. stuart: [laughter] told you. >> you're right again. stuart: but you're starting a new gig today? >> yes, 3:00 eastern noon on the west coast call and we'll be live on the fox news channel and i'm really very much looking forward to it. stuart: it's all going to be impeachment, impeachment, impeachment, >> maybe 10 years down the road you can come back
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and be on my show. it'll be a little bit of impeachment there, but one year to the date, from the inauguration. is president trump a two-term president or one-term president? his campaign manager answers that exclusively. stuart: oh, so that's a promox for your show. >> share the love. hey i want to thank you for being a friend for so many years and always being able to stop in the hall and talk. you're a good man. stuart: there are no friends in television only temporary allies. did you know that? >> if you choose to believe that if it's your choice i'll still call them friends. stuart: good luck on the new gig >> thank you very much. stuart: markets are closed today but in bringing you corporate news, interesting stuff how about this from amazon? they want to make it possible for you to pay for stuff with a wave of your hand. explain out that works. lauren: they're working with visa to create a checkout terminal where you go into a brick-and-mortar store
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and you buy something like this a few months ago remember amazon owns whole foods, it was all this buzz they were going to start that in whole foods maybe they are but now working with visa to have all of data about you, where you shop and that information right here. stuart: it's like fortune telling. lauren: yeah it is. kind of scary right? stuart: what if it says i'm broke? lauren: [laughter] stuart: that's serious stuff. this is a big money story here. apple has signed julia lewis dr y fus to work with apple tv plus lauren: that's big. she has eight emmys. stuart: but what's she doing? lauren: she will be both acting and producing. we're not exactly sure just yet but apple streaming service, this is a big get for them because they don't have much content. stuart: that's true. lauren: you know her from seinfeld, she's gold. stuart: she also thanked her agents for structuring the deal in such a way that she's made in airpods. which is great. >> i told you that i watch. stuart: yes. >> i know that tim cook is only
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interested in original programming. he said i don't want quantity, i want quality and that's, so she could make a lot of money on this if she produces a few things. stuart: so that's your contribution? lauren: she doesn't need the money. stuart: you've got a show to run get out of here. >> i don't want to leave. it's too much fun. stuart: so look at this it's a blast from the past. lou dobbs is going to join me on this special edition of "varney ." we're talking trump, impeachment , oh, and a special memory shareable with larry kudlow. that's lou on the right. lauren: oh, my gosh! stuart: there we are that's a long time ago. yes, we celebrated 10 years on the air. some of the highlights, next up some predictions that i made. find out if they came true, we'll be back, i promise. the world is built for you.
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so why isn't it all about you when it comes to your money? so. what's on your mind? we are a 97-year-old firm built for right now. edward jones. it's time for investing to feel individual.
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stuart: i'm not gambling my pension money, but i am waiting for charles payne to see the light and include microsoft on his money maker's list. it was a very nice, my visit was a rotten experience, but perhaps this is why online shopping is now king of the hill? they will regulate e-cigarettes to be precise, they will tax e- cigarettes and america wants competent management at the top. economic growth for everyone, prosperity. surely, we've had enough of all governmental the time. that's not what hillary clinton is offering. well, well, well, a few predictions here. ashley: you were standing there, so times have changed we're now sitting down and doing it. stuart: yeah, not bad. back the day, i stood up. ashley: yes. stuart: but with age, you sit down. ashley: [laughter] stuart: the producer says we're going to make him stand up. lauren: [laughter] stuart: oh, my aching back. wait a second we have some more
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for our viewers take a look , another trip down memory lane. roll that tape. the situation is step aside. i don't have tattoos and i wear a baseball cap, the right way around but i'm going to fit right in. google, weather, new york, today it works and that's new york. it's a female voice talking to me. today's new york will be 56 degrees and clear. and it also claims dramatically provocative, and a thoughtful shade. are you provoked by this, ashley ashley: not at all. lauren: it makes this, would make about 12 cookies. stuart: yeah, but $9. lauren: and the calories. stuart: and a plastic spoon, and chow down and eat it? yeah, really, $9? ashley: the outrage. stuart: what do you think i am?
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[laughter] okay. can we get to this? prince harry broke his silence after the queen cut ties between him and the royal family. coming up. nigel farage is going to react to it all, megxit of course and it's a special day, we're celebrating 10 years on the air, after the break, special surprise. don't miss this one. it's all good stuff, i promise. >> ♪ we are family, i got all my sisters and me, we are family ♪ ( ♪ ) ♪ the sun is risin' ♪ ♪ as the day begins ♪ time for reflectin' on family and friends ♪ ♪ and hey, we got somethin' ♪ ♪ just for you (sniffing)
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>> [applause] [applause] lauren: [laughter] stuart: great to see you! >> are you ready for this? are you ready? we're going to give it to you. stuart: good to see you. look at this. >> apparently that was my seat. stuart: you don't look a day older. >> you don't either. charles: oh, we're live?
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stuart: ladies and gentlemen, these are the original company members. ten years ago this is how we started, just taking a seat with his coffee cup, is chris and we have of course tracy burns. >> you almost forgot. stuart: no i did not. at my age you forget a lot of names, but tracy who could forget you and also charles payne. charles: come on. >> >> laura: in has a seat just the right size for me. >> i like this. >> there we go. stuart: now then, do we have a montage from the original company members from way back when? we do, okay let's take that trip down memory lane, ladies and gentlemen roll it. stuart: would you like me to take you out for lunch? >> for the one year anniversary is the paper anniversary. money is made of paper. come on, stu-dog. charles: stu may give us a mark or something like that. seems like every day someone
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comes up to me and says "varney" & company? >> you felt so uncomfortable around us, you said i hope these are on the other end of the studio but in the five years we've got we've all gotten closer haven't we? chris, charles and i cat catapulted this show to where it is today. >> thank you. >> [laughter] charles: [laughter] stuart: that happens to be true. we did well from there on out. >> i had a lot of nerve back then apparently. stuart: but do you have any fond memories of the way back when? >> every single memory was fond >> we really did. even to that point when we were way back here in the back of the studio. charles: [laughter] >> the first show remember it was like i want all the spotlight on me and they can be back there in the dark. i don't really care. stuart: that's not true. you and i used to fight. we did. >> oh, we did. and you still have that wallet welded shut are you taking people out to lunch? stuart: no. >> your kids have gotten
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tattoos by now i'm hoping. stuart: no they have not. ladies and gentlemen there's something about me which you probably don't know. i don't like tattoos and i told all of my children that if they get a tatoo, they're out of the will. >> and still? that's a big old will because you haven't spent a whole lot of that money i can tell you. and you don't like visitors either. i volunteer and say i want to come to your house so badly i'll do yard work and trim the trees and mow the lawn and you still wouldn't let me. you can find anybody's house on google but stu's. >> have we seen the tractor pictures yet? charles: [laughter] stuart: wait a second there's a couple of things which i need to tell our audience. number one, i was once caught driving a tractor in sandals and god rest his soul, never forget it, and second, i don't like visits to my house. i regard my house as my castle.
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i don't like people walking in and judging the quality of my furniture or the carpets or everything else. >> i live down the block and he wouldn't invite me over. >> i was offering free lawn care and i couldn't get over there. charles: [laughter] stuart: have you got anything to add to this charles payne? charles: i'm just thrilled i really am this is beautiful. stuart: i've got some trivia questions. see if you can answer this. first one. which stock did my children tell me to buy when i bought microsoft instead? >> its got to be apple. >> apple. stuart: you're right. it was apple. and i think it was $57 a share or something crazy way down there and i said no i'm buying microsoft but it turned out well >> well that's the whole thing with microsoft and you is the fact that we gave you such a hard time, i relished in that, right? because we're buying new tech and you know, the and you're like no i'm sticking with microsoft, $30, $30, $30. charles: a part of that was out
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of stubbornness let's be honest. >> some days it was the only stock we talked about. >> that stock has gone up five times since he took over, i see that smile on your face. stuart: you think i don't know that? >> he doesn't even get to come over. stuart: nobody comes over. next question. you've got to know the answer to this one. what was my first job here in america? charles: i know you speak swahil i. >> it was before cnn. charles: radio. i think you were radio. stuart: nope. >> [laughter] stuart: no i was a waiter. charles: that makes sense. oh, wow. stuart: with an english accent you could make a fortune. >> and you had the patience to do that, ha? stuart: patience? i have no patience. everybody knows that. next question in which california city was my first on- air job? charles: san francisco. stuart: correct. >> that was cnn with willow.
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wasn't it? stuart: no i worked onk emo tv. >> oh, god i messed that up. stuart: channel 20 in san francisco. it was auh f station and i put on a business show earlier in the morning, a three-hour business show. those are the days. you're not doing very well, guys what's my favorite movie? you know this. you know this. >> wow. >> his favorite movie? charles: i thought you don't watch movies where did this come from? stuart: ten years ago. >> [laughter] >> mont y python, meaning of life. stuart: close. charles: i knew that. stuart: it was "what about bob." >> that's right. stuart: i just want to run this because i like this and it's my show so i'm going to run it. this is a clip from my favorite movie and this is my favorite clip. roll it. >> if i fake it then i don't have it. it's the same with the cardiac
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arrest. stuart: what do you think? [laughter] perhaps that wasn't the right clip to run. charles: [laughter] stuart: making fun of cardiac arrest. >> that might be you before the show is over for reality. stuart: if you fake it, obviously you don't have it, right? charles: true. >> what about fake it until you make it? i've been doing that my whole career. stuart: [laughter] >> oh, now look at that. >> [laughter] stuart: this is my daughter. this is my daughter. >> you forgot my name earlier too. stuart: it's a huge cake. that gigantic cake. stuart: and i shall pay for this charles: we want a picture. >> and you young lady will take the rest home to your apartment and feed the 5,000 okay? >> yes. stuart: oh, good stuff.
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>> good seeing you. stuart: no it's all going to be eaten here that's a fact. thank you, everybody. that really is wonderful and its been a great 10 years it really has. >> amazing. stuart: are you doing well? >> i'm doing amazing. stuart: amazingly. >> i'm just amazing stuart. stuart: that's accurate. >> oh, yeah. stuart: i am doing amazingly well. >> i'm not even going to argue on that. charles: i will tell you this though. >> there are times that all of us at this desk certainly have gone through this but when people don't believe in us, when we don't feel like we've got a shot when we're down, and you believed in all three of us enough to put us on this show 10 years ago and we owe you a debt of gratitude for that. there are a lot of times people don't believe in us. you leave in us and i owe you, nothing out of my wallet but other than that i owe you everything for doing that. stuart: come on charles. charles: what can i say i've got the spin-off. >> [laughter] charles: i've got the spin-off, so we went from all in the
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family. [laughter] >> i will say, to chris' point, you changed my life for a lot of years because i was home with my kids in the afternoon because of you and you took a shot on me in the mornings because me being out at night was very difficult when my kids were little. stuart: look it's great to have you back. i'm glad everybody is doing so well. thank you for coming in. >> it's good to be here. stuart: one day, one day, i'll buy you lunch that's a fact. charles: okay. stuart: any day now. charles: and the first thing, who knows. stuart: i'd just love another 10 years frankly i really would. thanks, everybody. another blast from the past. lou dobbs and i from earlier, way earlier, in our career. we've come a long way haven't we we'll take you down that memory lane as well as our special ann tenth edition, keep rolling. >> ♪ we are the champions, because we are the champions, of
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the world ♪ i recently spoke to a group of students about being a scientist at 3m. i wanted them to know that innovation is not just about that one 'a-ha' moment. science is a process. it takes time, dedication. it's a journey. we're constantly asking ourselves, 'how can we do things better and better?' what we make has to work. we strive to protect you. at 3m, we're in pursuit of solutions that make people's lives better.
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stuart: look who is here. charles: that is the beatles. stuart: i saw them together. ashley: right there. stuart: lou dobbs is to my right not politically just geographically. lauren: maybe politically. stuart: he's been on the show since the very beginning but actually you and i go back 45 years i think. lou: yes we do. stuart: in fact i've known you longer than almost any other american. lou: can you imagine the envy that statement creates across millions of people in this country? [laughter] stuart: i don't know about that. lou: so it's migrate delight
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that we've been friends and colleagues over that course of that time. it's amazing to think we're marking everything off in decade s and i'm only 57. stuart: of course. lou: and i know the real reason that you got me here. you don't usually get to work with people older than you. stuart: i think that it's appropriate that we put that picture on the air, lou. lou: you always do. even with the anniversary. stuart: i have hair. it's a classic. and you look baby face. lou: substantial i think is, of course my wife says which she would rationalize my being slightly overweight, she says you're big bumped. stuart: [laughter] that's a diplomatic response. lou: very. stuart: let's talk seriously for a second. the president heads to davos this afternoon. lou: yes. stuart: off he goes, he's on the back of the china trade deal, usmca, rip-roaring economy, historically low unemployment, et cetera. lou: and that et cetera goes on
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for pages and pages and pages. stuart: successful president, and he looks over his shoulder back at d.c. and what does he see? lou: snarling all around in the swamp going after him, and they are so pathetic, and they are such obnoxious odor about washington now, because the democratic party has become the party of hate, and they cannot find a program, they can't find an answer, because this president is providing them all. he is truly leading, he's the leader of the free world and there isn't a single area they can contest. nothing looks more silly than saying mike bloomberg saying he can get it done. really? do you see these potholes and this disaster that we call new york city your legacy, mr. bloomberg, and this president has whether it's foreign policy, domestic policy, economic policy, the markets, wealth creation, job creation, you name it 3.5% unemployment,
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wealth, $5,000 last year. stuart: it's the high point of economic and market performance. i mean, i've known you for 40 years. what have we seen more dynamic economy and a more dramatic stock market rally than we've seen in the three years since trump was elected? lou: that's only one of the reasons that i early on said this is a historic president because we have never seen 56% increases in the dow jones industrial. we've never seen 28 per% increases in the s&p like this. we're watching multiples of trillions of dollars being created in these markets, and this economy, and by the way, the fact that the president was able to sign those agreements is because he, for the first time, as president of the united states, since 1888 started providing a way to introduce the idea that this is still the world's only super power. tariffs, tariffs, tariffs and
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you've got failed officials of the trump adminitration who exited early like gary cohen going oh, my gosh the damage was terrible from those tariff. that's right explain to us where that damage is. is it in the labor market, the stock market, the bond market, commodities, derivatives? or how about just general wealth and income for working americans when is the last time the middle class was growing like this? when was the last time wages were growing, and the time is trump time. stuart: you're right. now, i just before you go i want to play this clip of what larry kudlow said about you, on our show, just recently. roll that tape, please. >> there are very few people, very few living people know that on another network, i was the washington correspondent who used to come on at 6:30 in the morning and you were the anchor, with one of the greatest tv moments in history, and lou dobbs was the big boss in those days, and it was another network , and in lieu of cash, he gave me a box of cigars every
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now and then. that was a story. a long time ago. it was about 40 years ago. stuart: larry kudlow was right. you were the big boss, you were the originator of business programming on american television. you did a show called "money line" it was the first all- business show a major success. lou: coast to coast, monday through friday, and a guy named "varney", and another guy named candell, and another guy dobbs, that's the way it began and i would like to point out kudlow, i was the first guy to put him on the air and also when he talks about those cigars he was the one who should have been giving me cigars. stuart: [laughter] what time to night can i see you lou: 7:00 p.m. eastern. stuart: what's it called again? lou: lou dobbs tonight. i learned from the best. stuart: thanks for being with us , thanks for 10 great years, always appreciate it. lou: thank you for 40 plus 5.
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stuart: all the talk in the uk, if you care, and a lot of you do , is about the royals, harry and megan losing their titles. we'll show you what harry had to say about it and get reaction from as could the pond with nigel farage, he's next. >> ♪ i can't get no, satisfaction, i can't get satisfaction ♪ with sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k.
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and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ]
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only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ the decision that i have made for my wife and i to step back is not one i made lightly. it was so many months of talks, after so many years of challenge s, and i know that i haven't always got it right but as far as this goes, there really was no other option. stuart: there you have it prince harry breaking his silence on the news that he and megan are no longer working members of the royal family. from london, guess who? obviously! the man of the hour, is nigel farage and he's joining us now. nigel, in my opinion, the queen kicked harry out. am i going too far? >> no, not at all. what happened was that harry and megan put out a statement nearly two weeks ago saying they wish to keep the titles, keep the
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houses, keep the income, but live on the west coast and make their money in los angeles and elsewhere, and they wanted to have it both ways and they wanted all of the privileges of being royal, but to do none of the work, and then to go off and try to make their fortune and the queen quite rightly has said , you can't do it both. so their titles have been removed for having to repay some money the taxpayers have spent on renovating a house, and this is megxit. this is a hard, clean break. they're gone, and i have to say, i'm sorry about it, because prince harry was an enormously popular member of the royal family. it doesn't do the royal family any good, but i think on balance , rather than stick around and cause trouble, it's better, i think, for our country that she goes and well-done the
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queen. ninety-three years old showing such decisive leadership. stuart: what do you think is the long term outlook here? does harry and megan survive and prosper in north america? >> well megan is now 100 times more famous than she was when she was an actress in suits. i have no doubt, you know, through her friendship with the obamas and oprah winfrey and all of this crowd, i have no doubt she'll make a lot of money, but making lots of money doesn't guarantee happiness and i can see a parallel. in 1936, and those that watched the crown will know this, he fell in love with a woman that wasn't right for the englishthro n e, and went off and lived in indiana paris for decades and all of the photographs of him he looked pretty sad and i hope genuinely on a human level that harry and megan will be happy but whose to say? stuart: whose to say indeed. nigel i just want to take a moment to thank you very much for being with us all these
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years. you started on the program right before the brexit vote and you were right about that and you've been a comentator ever since and its always been appreciated, nigel. >> well thank you and very very happy birthday and well done. stuart: cheers nigel, we'll see you soon. there will be more "varney" tenth anniversary show, after this. >> ♪ have a little help, with my friends ♪ . .
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this round's on me. hey, can you spot me? come on in. find your place today, with silversneakers. included in most medicare advantage plans. enroll today by calling the number on your screen or visit stuart: we're going to show you some people who really make this show happen. these are the behind the scenes people. justin right there, i'm not going to name everybody but these are the valiant people, chris ambrose, big smile, chrissie, good wave. these people get up really early in the morning to put the show
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together. these are the behind the scenes people, long after i left 12 noon they're still there. ashley: not a huge crowd for a three-hour show. it is a lost work. stuart: when you think of the productivity of this program it is remarkable. when we are fully staffed, we have 15 people behind the scenes, 15 people. that is not much, not many, i should say three hours of live broadcasting. ashley: no. stuart: for first time you can see who it is that puts our show on the air. by the way, those people, many of them, get to work way before 5:00 in the morning. could you do that? i mean could you do that on a regular basis? i do. but could you? ashley: not easy. stuart: before we close out this edition, the 10th anniversary edition, there is one last flash back i want to present to you. watch this. zoom in. alexa, who is neil cavuto?
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>> sorry, i didn't understand the question. [laughter]. stuart: what a terrible thing to do to the man who is about to appear on your screen in four seconds time. a big smile, neil. it's yours. neil: i had the gift from the senior staff. looked like they were doing a hostage tape. congratulations young man, you have not aged in 10 years because you were old then. >> he got you back. neil: congratulations stuart, many, many more. meantime we're focusing on this incredible, oh, markets are closed. did you know that? >> i knew that. by the way i wanted to ask, stuart, can he stay out to knife knife -- five in the morning? i


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