tv Kennedy FOX Business January 23, 2020 12:00am-1:00am EST
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basically you might be a white supremacist. and now i got this other doozy of former college professor saying the following traits are white supremacy including being on time. what a world wherein. i'll see you back here tomorrow night, have a good night. kennedy: democrats on the warpath. and they say they've got the president right where they want him. [laughter] republicans are like low year-old fellows we are up next. today democrats started their opening arguments, first up there lead impeachment manager adam shifty schiffer brain shift. claiming the president is the criminal in chief. >> the president is unapologetic, is lawless this bound to the constitution, and the oath of office must be removed from that office. lessie continued to use the vast presidential powers at
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his disposal to seek advantage in the next election. kennedy: new york congressman zeroing and stepping up to the plate laying out his evidence for what he claims the president was up to in ukraine and even compared him to nixon. >> with ambassador yovanovitch out of the way, the first chapter of the ukraine scheme was complete. mr. giuliani and his agents could now apply direct pressure to the ukrainian government to spread these two falsehoods. and who benefited from the scheme? who sent mr. giuliani to ukraine in the first place? of course we could rephrase that question as the former republican leader of the senate howard baker acid in 1973. what did the president know? and when did he know it? kennedy: the president himself still in switzerland, but he
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took some time out of his day to praise shift and nadler for their hard work and patriotism. [laughter] just kidding heating system. >> jerrold nadler i'd known him a long time he's a sleaze bag and everybody knows that. i've known jerry nadler for a long time he's opposed many of my jobs i've got them all successfully built in new york. so we have yet another fight, isn't it amazing. the other side has so lied. i watch the lies from adam schiff. he will stand a look at the microphone, and talk like he is so grieved. he's a major sleaze bag they are very dishonest people. kennedy: major sleaze bags, there you go. so were democrats able to flip any senate republicans today are only strengthen the president's hand? here's me tonight florida republican congressman greg stu b. how are you sir.
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so let us discuss what you have seen thus far in these proceedings. >> at the same show we saw the house and is just palling you see a chairman of the committee completely misrepresents everything that is been going on and is just doing in the senate. i'm looking for the president's council to have their opening statements and what isn't great, with the senate proceedings weikel unlike what happened in the house as you get that here for the president's council. we got to hear from his hous in the house they were not able to cross-examined a single fact witness for any proceeding in the house. so at least in the senate they can present their side of the case. kennedy: do you think the managers are mocking the senate and do you feel like senators you've spoken to feel they are being disrespected and that great chamber?
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>> i think that would be their impression from being talked down to for members of the house. but from the florida centers i've talked to briefly about it, they look at the facts. if you go back to the transcript to go back to the facts, and as a lawyer i was put my lawyer had on. in the constitution it says treason, bribery, high misdemeanors. nowhere in the articles they sent to the senate doesn't even mention anything related to that. and nadler in the clip right before we spoke talked about the clinton impeachment. while clint was actually charged with a crime. he lied to congress, he lied under oath and perjured himself. you don't even have a crime it is even alleged in the articles of impeachment let alone have a basis for that. it's a totally different analysis. kennedy: i think what happened in the house and what happened in the senate, they are designed to be different from each other. and is designed to have this process, this cause and effect.
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but i do think that even though all of the votes of against the schumer amendments were long party line. i do think we are going to see witnesses at some point after the questions that the senators pose to the house managers and the president's council. i think we are going to see two to three witnesses. have you think those are to be? >> i hope they're going to call the republican witnesses we asked to be called in the house and we were denied to call those witnesses part i hope they call the whistleblower. i hope they call adam schiff it's at what point did the whistleblower contact is office. kennedy: goes to people don't make my podium if we are picking three people with analytical certainty, i would say bolton and mulvaney, those who are pretty solid. and hunter biden. >> and the president said, i think it was today where he said he loved to hear from them. he just has concerns for national security perspective. because there were conversations that obviously
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mick mulvaney and bolton had with the president that would be privileged information. so what point do you draw that line? kennedy: i want to know the truth about that. it seems as though the acting chief of staff the former security advisor could answer certain questions. so if the senators are given parameters that do not fall within executive privilege specifically, i would think those two can answer things. and i don't think that will be totally detrimental to the president. and i think a lot of people watching would appreciate having the air kind of cleared by these two. >> yes i think the american people would like to hear from people like especially the republican witnesses that we had requested. and i think it is important to have that process laid out. but if you go back to the legal side of things, i don't even feel that they have met the constitutional burden and the articles that are before them today. kennedy: i disagree with that i think there's something to
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the arguments that dershowitz and turley have made about whether or not the issues that the house brought up and pass, if they rise to the level of impeachment. i would warn democrats that we really only have two main parties in this country. and the pendulum swings two ways, unlike me on my prom night. it seems like nick simon swings towards the democrat, the structure is going to be so low that we are going to get in the habit of trying and removing presidents if we don't like them. >> and that's what you have here. abuse of power and obstruction of congress and their allegations of obstruction of congress is actually the president exerting his constitutional duties in the executive branch is a coequal branch of government. if they wanted some of those witnesses and they wanted those documents they could've gone to court and got the u.s. supreme court to get those. it has been an interesting experience in this last year sitting through both the
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judiciary committee in dealing with nadler and sitting through some of those secret hearings in the basement and listening to ship and some of those desperate positions. kennedy: congressman think of a much for your time, please come back. now speaking of witnesses, senate minority leader schumer and his little reading glasses still calling -- he should go to warby parker and get an style update on the spectacles. he has more witnesses and evidence to be entered as a trial. >> i don't see how any senator, democratic or republican could sit on the floor and hear adam schiff and not to demand witnesses and documents. kennedy: list of witnesses dems would love to hear from, of course john bolton, mick mulvaney, his advisor robert blair, and potentially a slew of others ironically. the president said he would love to hear from somoza witnesses to. >> i would rather go the long
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way, i would rather interview bolton, i would rather interview a lot of people, the problem with jon is that it's a national security problem. but i would love to have mom mike pompeo but it's a national security problem i would love to have rick barry, he is asked me said i would love to testify he knows this is all a hoax. kennedy: i would like to see rick. he should come on the show. he would love to hear from all of them, but it would be a national security threat. that's a bummer. honestly this trial seems to be sliding off the rails. it's very boring. what's meet tonight's party panel head writer of the best out of your day and a host of the everybody calm down podcasts it's jimmy failla, look at that face. and we've got serve america and fox news director marie is back in action a right turn strategy president and founder of lgbt for trump is chris
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barron. ♪ ♪ so let's talk a little bit about these witnesses. do you disagree that it would be nice to hear from john bolton admit mulvaney? >> maybe but the threshold has to be met that if everything the democrats are saying, let's assume what they're saying is correct. does it reach the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors? i think what alan dershowitz said there's a great article followed up on that bio will chamber and flushing that out more. >> will chamber men will distilled? >> no i think it is important that rand paul said today there are 45 republican senators who would vote for a motion to dismiss. what the democrats have done in their initial two days of this impeachment trial, in the senate, has been to alienate more of the republicans. they have not made the case that this ought to proceed.
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i think in the coming days you are going to see more and more pressure on republicans to step up. if you got 45 now, that's what real leverage looks like. kennedy: it's not because real leverage is a majority. >> right there's more there is going to be more and more pressure on republicans if because democrats have failed to make their case. so far as a whole lot of talk and not much evidence. kennedy: we've all been to a sham wedding where you know it's built on a shaky foundation at best. and you know how it's going to end. it's either going to end an annulment or divorce. everybody knows that big a still have to go along with it. you still have to send the flower girl down the aisle and the preacher has to come out and say look at these two lovebirds. [laughter] but the point is we are arty there. everybody stressed out, we are waiting to have cocktails and snacks and just get the whole thing over with.
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so go ahead and call for witnesses. it's not going to amount to anything. >> maybe we don't know that. the pressure of the republican senators are feeling are from the polling we have seen in states and across the country that shows overwhelmingly about 80% of americans want witnesses. they want john bolton. kennedy: i want john bolton. >> republican says no one's with first-hand knowledge has testified. so they are preventing them from doing that. we have no idea what they are gonna say by the way, but in the interest of getting. kennedy: i like the known unknown. [laughter] >> i don't know what i would do. i would hide and never come out if that were the case. but here's the thing. we are impeaching a president, there is ample evidence that the president abuse the power of his office.
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>> that is not a real thing. >> would you stop yelling please it means you don't have the argument. >> i actually do. [inaudible] [inaudible] kennedy: it's a time bomb. >> there's ample abuse is saying the present abuses power so let's hear the witnesses who can speak to that. submit your scared that they maybe have something to hide. >> what i would do is i would market this is a sleep aid because it's putting everybody to bed. we only john bolton leading michael bolton. we need somebody to live in this up. the thing is again, the present didn't actually commit this crime that we think he was going to. that's what we are impeaching him over. we are not coming close to meeting the standards. there asking us to make this leap of faith based on the fact that ukraine got their aid. we don't know the investigation happen. but we know we are protecting the world against evil because at the throne mall because he
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wanted to? >> will even have an allegation of a high crime or misdemeanor quote. kennedy: but is the ultimate way that the left is giving in to the weird stuff that the president says. which i don't always disagree with. i think he does himself a great disservice. that this is like if we were impeaching him for having a conversation about putting alligators in a moat. >> that they downplayed in a way that's not feder. the president held up aid. >> but they got it. >> he only released after they. [inaudible] kennedy: i want to make a quick point here. holding up aid, we give aid to way too many people hold it all up. or giving aid to terrorist the way president obama did in that iranian hostage. >> president obama is not being impeached. every republican who brings that up and tries to deflect. kennedy: we hear about it every day from every manager and lawyer comets precedents.
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kennedy: but that's he's not on trial kennedy he is not. kennedy: it's the actions. >> but that's not was on trial president trump said aiding and abetting terrorist. [inaudible] amen i'm with you baby alright sister. >> he said he did not with the investigation go forward he just wanted them to be announced for political reasons he abuse the power of his office. >> that's a copout. [inaudible] it. >> be don't like what is done. [inaudible] adam schiff. [inaudible] kennedy: we are all give a talk at the same time during the break. the panel is sticking around because we are just getting warmed up. the battle between sleepy joanne sanders is going to the streets. why is chelsea gabbert suing hillary clinton for
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$50 million. it's's's's's as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪
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now you can take control of your home wifi and get a notification the instant someone new joins your network. only with xfinity xfi. downlaod the xfi app today. some people say that's ridiculous. age is just an illusion. how you show up for the world, that's what's real. what's your idea? i put it out there with a godaddy website. kennedy: that is right bernie sanders surging, we now have a
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clear two-person top-tier in the 2020 democrat field with multiple polls today showing sanders and biden nodded at the top. so kinky. so flexible. so geriatric. the last few days the two front runners have been sparring over social security, bernie accused biden of quote fighting for decades to cut social security. while biden claims he has been quotes fighting to protect and expand social security for my whole career. biden wasn't too thrilled when asked about the bickering earlier today. watch. >> you have bernie's apology and now. [inaudible] why was in his apology enough mr. vice president? why why why why why are you nervous man calm down. he apologize for saying that i was corrupt. he didn't say anything about whether or not i was telling
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the truth about social security. kennedy: you can get under his skin it's a great why why why why why why why why wiseman better. it's finally narrowed so is it biden bernie at this point? the party panel has a term return. big jim, i will give it to you, i actually did not see this one coming. i thought it was going to be show than i thought liz, but i did not see bernie, biden combo. >> so embarrassing for their party. must be the party of the youth in its two social security's. want you to settle with the game of shuffleboard. it's depressing to me. bernie better hire a food because they don't want him. kennedy: if your time of the democratic establishment, they don't want them. >> nobody likes him hillary's out talking about likability is built on about monogamy. they're both allowed to do it
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and i don't expect to an expert on the subject but have at it. but you can see the hit started because he has the money, he has the momentum surge, and they hate him. i don't blame them for not wanting him because ciampa will beat him and pretty much every state. kennedy: burden, an un- [inaudible] biden is establishing. kennedy: here's the thing the start of the deal, donald these things as personal he does not apologize when he messes up. the president never apologizes for anything. and it can be maddening especially when he's really, really wrong and totally off base. and biden is forced to go back and correct his own record. and i think yes, they make unforced errors, but joe unfortunately admits to them. what advice would you have. >> biden is still beating trump head-to-head in the battleground states that matter. so is bernie, biden is beating
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by more. national polls don't really matter. kennedy: but biden's gone down. >> biden is making the case to voters that all of this is insane, the world is crazy and returns to normalcy. he can wins and places the democrats want to take back in 2018 where they are winning governor races in virginia and kentucky and other places. biden is a candidate not bernie. kennedy: 2016 biden could've done that 2020 is spending an awful lot of time apologizing for his past record, his vote for the iraq war, his criminal justice. >> i think we can still do it, kennedy. kennedy: i do think he can do it but i think democrats will have more buyers remorse with biden them bernie. >> i can't believe i'm about to say this, sumac are you going to endorse bernie? >> i will say that i think bernie may actually be a better match up for democrats against trump and biden. and here's why.
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bernie is the real deal. now think that's real crazy. but he is the real deal. everybody believes what he says. there is nothing calculated about him there is nothing fraudulent or fake. he is who he is. he seems to be taking a page out of the trump playbook from the primary 2016. every time the meteors tablets meant attacked them instead of backing down he doubles down and his people get more and more excited about it. and i think that the problem for democrats will be if biden wins, how angry bernie supporters will be an will feel and say hey we got cheated out of this. kennedy: cnn question they see hillary statement and they see all of this is being forced upon them. [inaudible] kennedy: he's not actually get a win primaries bernie could win primaries. >> biden pitching himself to returning to normal say because normalcy sucks. that's why trump got elected.
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>> is normalcy didn't work for anybody anymore. the economy right now. [inaudible] >> they think they want normalcy. [inaudible] >> the only thing that is changed that's why democrats have won elections we met the only thing that's happened in this country is the amount of power given over their lives reflect the state of the economy and who the best wage earners are the most growth is better the lower end of the economic scale. that's not what it's been characterized that is these handing after the rich and screw in the little guys pray because little guys doing better. kennedy: that is so much better the little guy did been under president obama. >> shout out to the little guy. speedy five lipservice we love a midget tree on the show. but first a member when hillary clinton said tulsa gabbert was a russian asset. will tulsa sure does and now that congress woman is suing
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for 50 million's macaroons. tulsa gabbert is running for president of the united states, position hillary clinton has long coveted but has not been able to attain. in october 2, 0191 or fear of real change in a political party clinton and her allies had long dominated and lied against a perceived rival, tulsa gabbert. so, does this lawsuit have any legs? probably. and it's probably a great server. with me defense attorney and former prosecutor he's worked both sides like a good masseuse, randy is back. welcome randy. >> that's actionable you just call me a masseuse, i am not a masseuse. somebody sue you. kennedy: while there was a special counsel investigation about massage, robert kraft decide, but you say here public figures cannot really
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malign each other. >> is just one of a few things. first of all somebody points out where hillary clinton said that representative gabbert was this candidate being groomed as a third-party candidate. and she's a favorite of the russian. kennedy: >> so go after them should why go after hillary clinton? >> that's with a spokesperson does they deny or confirm what the person they work for said or meant. >> but that's just the beginning of it. opinions are not actionable. there's a thing called the first amendment. you have the right to call me a jerk. you have a right to call me a moron. but i am protected. kennedy: what if i was a secretary of state and i had access to classified information and knew how the world really worked. and how government really implanted people within our system of government to bring
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it down. and because i have that secret information, people trust me more when i disseminate that. so when i make the implication that someone is a russian asset, someone has been planted by the bad guy who are so bad that we had entire special counsel investigation detritus decide how much they actually infiltrated. if i say this infiltration is now manifesting in a political candidates, i think you could have a problem there. >> no for a couple of reasons. using the term grooming, that is an opinion. what is grooming even mean? some people think grooming i went to petco. that's problem one. opinions are not actionable. number two you talk about she's a favorite of the russians, again that is offering an opinion and the test is is it something that is can be proven. kennedy: is an opinion if hillary clinton knows what russians like because she has seen very deep into the annals
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of information pertaining to u.s. and russian security and our strange relationship. she knows what the contents of those annals are. >> the president prides himself on being liked by the russians. what would be so terrible about being liked by the russians? >> the fact that he hillary clinton has railed against the russians and speeches and in her book. and she has painted them as the worst enemy this country could probably possibly have. if donald trump says total see is being groomed by the russians. i love russians. i don't think that's actionable. if hillary clinton says russians are the worst people in the world. >> that's her opinion, opinion is not factual. kennedy: based on her expertise? >> let's not forget about a couple critical things. in number one tab defamation action you have to have
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damages, the representative has no damages. kennedy: we don't know that. >> yes we do she was at 2% in september she was at 3% in november and this podcast was october 19 of 19 so she went up. kennedy: but we cannot make a direct coalition there. randy 11 argue with yourself much fun thank you so much. and coming up doing not only have more the impeachment trap we are playing america's new game fake news or florida or didn't really happen in this sunshine state. test your knowledge with the whole family. whole family. that's next. ♪ ♪ wherever we want to go, autosave your way there with chase. chase. make more of what's yours. from the international fellowship of christians and jews. there is an emergency food crisis for elderly holocaust survivors in the former soviet union.
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helps you live your dreams today. my money should work as hard as i do. that's why i use my freedom unlimited card every time i get gas. give me a little slack! with freedom unlimited, you're always earning. i said i need some slack on pump three! kennedy: what florida is known as the sunshine state but the people there are often behaved like it's the moonshine state. we turn their son choke shenanigans into one of the nation's favorite games here on the cannondale your show. fake news or florida.
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you're going to hear a bunch of outrageous and hilarious headlines and our contestants need to decide if it is fake news orbit actually happened in the state of florida. this game has another twist the one religion fail is can ask questions and i finally get to play game. so jimmy taken away. go here we go start your paddles. cascal county man was arrested for smuggling illegal alpacas after he crashed into a police cruiser. is it set fake news or florida? florida florida florida it is fake news. marie for the win. often running. pride of you marie the woman knows her alpacas. a tampa man was arrested for deluxe after he missed took a drive up atm for a taco bell drive there. it is fake news or something that really happened in the state of florida? everybody goes florida and everybody gets it right. look at that. 28-year-old douglas francisco leslie fell asleep behind the wheel the bank of america. they were forced to bang out his window for ten minutes and
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then he tried to place a taco bell order. he was had drug dui and drug possession which we should all admit is much healthier than a nude to lube up. what you say? number three hearing a hiccup. i came of a man was busted for drug possession after calling 9112 complained that his son sold him a bad cocaine. is it fake news or florida? it is fake news chris barron yes. you will something under your nose, by the way. [laughter] here we go we will see what arkansas courts are. here we go question number four. so funny they want hunter to testify but is booked on more public right now. [laughter] i'd stay focused, stay focused. at a piggly wiggly grocery store, that's where they have
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elvis sightings, the cashier the piggly wiggly is called a hero after she pulled the stick out by kissing the would-be burglar until he was tackled by store security. is it fake news or florida? >> i got a guy with florida marie gets it right is fake florida. >> isn't how the liberal as the expert on fake news. everybody else. [inaudible] >> i'm not gonna play tomorrow if you're going to be mean. >> marie banging on the garbage can into master question. is that a joke is everyone kidding right now? you're the biggest cheater in the world. a camper buddy hole it together now. their definitive proof of russian collusion is near times. syria and blame the coke in her purse on a gust of wind that blew it and there is a fake news or florida? >> and he just does florida. she was one of the passengers in a car stops or smelled
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marijuana after searching the car found cocaine and marijuana in her purse on her lap. she responded it's a windy day it must've flown to the window it into my purse. >> divided time for every time that happen. having dust for dust it's a rough way to go down. >> now having intervention for mother nature. look at that score. here he got her go. on your site every bigoted trophy anyway. st. petersburg woman ran out of the red lobster with a live lobster after she was refused service because she was drunk. is it fake news or something that really happened in the state of florida? it is florida i write marie. >> don't even have real lobsters. >> it was iraq, is iraq lobster. ♪ ♪ 42-year-old kimberly gable was charged with disorderly intoxication and petty theft after she allegedly. kennedy: that sammy hagar? >> she was also taken for
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being unable to drive 55. get it together baby girl. here's question seven a tampa man was charged with indecent exposure after flashing the camera during his picture with the mall santa. is it fake news or something that happened in the state of florida? it is fake news. fake news. there you go here go here or go here ago. everybody ready. kennedy: is a summer the cup more points? >> i believe this is a bonus of two (and this is the last one it's worth five points. >> a right everybody can win. our editor iri they just talked to my ear. >> vero beach man told police he wasn't drinking and driving, because he only drank at stop signs. that's gotta be florida that's gotta be florida. all right baby baby baby weight she picked florida to marie for the win. give it up for her.
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it's the only thing you're going to win between now and election day. i hope you enjoy. >> in every other election last three years. kennedy: can you come here every night so we can enjoy you. >> aren't here's a description for the win stevens junior was arrested after woman called 911 thing the vehicle behind her set kept hitting her rear bumper and the mcdonald's drive-through line. after he was pulled over police found a bottle of bourbon in the front seat. he told bourbons he wasn't drinking while driving just it stop signs and stop adapters taken to jail as blood alcohol content was twice the legal limits. i can't believe this is even a crime. that's america baby. >> that's like i only text of the stop lights. kennedy: what a great night were getting and on a high note marie one. and thank you jim failure. you think you have a tough time watching adam schiff drone on and on try being a senator and the trial. chad program is got a
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play-by-play of tomorrow's republican defense, that is i'm your 70lb st. bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. hey! my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. who's the dummy now? whoof! whoof! so get allstate where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. sorry! he's a baby!
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kennedy: the senate trial is finally wrapping up for the day, so early. unfortunate democrats still have two more days of arguments. then the president's defense team they take over, fox news congressional correspondent chad pergram on the front line for all that. chad is live from capitol hill. chad was going on? well the senate has just adjourned for the day and they'll come back tomorrow there are two more days for the prosecutors, the house managers to present their case. sixteen hours in the 16 hour
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i'm sorry eight hour crunches. and the defense, the president's legal defense is on saturday. it's very interesting to be in the senate chamber at different points today and see some senators being very diligent with stacks of papers and notebooks and scribbling notes. and then you had others there sitting for a long time and it's a lot of information to digest. some are kind of meandering around the back of the chamber listening. i should note that when they would play video or put up a slide, that the senator's attention, they would focus on that, that something the democrats are doing a lot of. but some like doug jones from alabama was leaning into the back wall if you are ducking and now the cloakroom. the biggest thing on capitol hill is the andy desk. this is a desk that traditionally is assigned it to a senator from pennsylvania because hershey isn't from pennsylvania. and republican senator pat toomey keeps that stocked with candy. if you need a sugar fix that's where to go. that's important for these late nights. they can only have kennedy on the floor, water and milk. in ted cruz point out to that he had take us all milk in they will keep it cold for you in the cloakroom, but senator elizabeth warren a democrat from massachusetts running for president course she told us earlier today that she
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actually snuck in some yogurt people people thought it was milk but she snapped yogurt into this senate impeachment trial. kennedy: really push the boundaries lives. so how did today differ from yesterday. because obviously there were a lot more fireworks, and went well into the early morning this morning. and today, took a different turn, why is that? >> today was a lot more solemn today they were fireworks after midnight early this morning. that's where they had that an amendment to try to subpoenaed john bolton the former national security adviser. all the big action seemed to happen after midnight early this morning at the spirit. the floor. he had john roberts admonishing both sides and you have to memory on the senate. we learned a new word last night i had to look this up and everybody else on capital did petty fogging. which means to put emphasis on petty details and john roberts, he was citing
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presidents from a 1905 supreme court case i'm sorry and 1905 senate and preet peterman trial where they were dealing with this and one of the attorneys for the federal job jumped up and said i don't appreciate you jump up using the word petty fogging and chief raw roberts cited that from the chair last night that is probably the word we will remember most of this impeachment trial. petty fogging, milk, and in the audience not a great attendance there was one protester they had to remove. the first demonstrator we had surprised everybody. he was very loud and you could still hear about in the hall after the capitol hill police pulled them out into the hall. most of milano is in the audience today. you might remember in the fall 2008 she was prominent at the hearings to confirm britt kavanaugh. kennedy: yep she's prominent everywhere summit to get job. the ship something to do. chad thanks for the great reporting, will be talking again in the coming days.
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lucky for her daughters her daughters can't read or write. because this is a topical storm. they are perfect. topic number one. we begin tonight at allen's fieldhouse for the university of kansas be kansas state last night. "after words" they played a low basketball. no this is not inside the senate chamber right now, you must be glad because no one should have to see jerry nadler in shorts. it started out as a real heartfelt turn into a real housewife atlanta episode with dozens of punches in a chair being thrown. you don't expect this kind of wild behavior that invited snoop dogg and a bunch of strippers to come to their midnight madness rally. haven't seen kansas basketball players since the harvard basilar players are charging more money. he suspended the player inside
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is a national embarrassment. but some reason when you google national embarrassment, every stories about adam schiff. so weird. verdun. topic number two. college best buy was not the only sport with the violence problem right now. the philadelphia mascot is been investigated for punching a teenage boy. that sounds pretty hard to believe until you realize the guy inside the costume is from philly. i want to hear that, the most shocking part of the story is that it was only one punch. philadelphia police investigating a report that gritty through the gloves down after a 13 euro boy patted him on the head. now in his defense the rookie should know their place. witnesses say they can't cross the redline during warm-ups which is a huge no-no. unfortunately team says there is no video of the event because apparently they had the same camera firm especially watching jeffrey epstein. # the kid did not punch
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himself. as of tonight he has not been put in the penalty box but it still being investigated. if they do determine he threw a mean right hook he will be sent to all the violent sagas in philly are going that's the fourth line. topic three i know we do a lot of crazy stories during topical storm but this is truly nuts. planters has just announced that mr. peanut has died at the age of 104. so young and not a. in such a shame because most people his age are running for the democrat nomination. unfortunately he won't be one of them because the iconic man is going to be killed during the super bowl commercial that stars wesley snipes. apparently white men can't drive either. wesley snipes acting that in lieu of flowers you send cash to the irs to pay off his tax debt. no charges have been filed and mr. peanut's shell shocking death has police is another suspicious of pitch man he was
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