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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 23, 2020 4:00am-5:00am EST

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lou dobbs is rear next on fox business. [♪] lou: good evening, air force one land an hour ago and president trump just arrived at the white housing after returning from the world economic forum in davos, switzerland. more on the president's reception there and recognition by those elites on his tremendous impact on this economy and the world global trading system. the radical dimms carry out
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their efforts to subvert his presidency. much more on the radical dimms and their cynical efforts to overthrow the trump presidency. president trump meanwhile has been watching throughout the threat of the deadly chinese coronavirus. it haa -- it has killed 17 peop. the epicenter of the breakout, the chinese city of wuhan. the chinese government quarantined wuhan and its 11 million res residents. all flights from wuhan suspend. the virus has spread outside the country, not in great numbers, but with confirmed cases in japan, south korea, taiwan, hong
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kong and tiled. and the first d hong kong and thailand. fan a confirmed case in washington just outside of seattle. and this a suspected case in mexico which remains unconfirmed tonight. the enormous difficulty of screening tourists. 3 million travel to this country each year. two american companies are developing vaccines for the coronavirus. novavax sended the day down 7. moderna gains 21. dr. an though any fauci says the
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risk to the american public as of right now is low. but public health officials are working very early and with incomplete information. >> obviously will the volume of travel from china to other parts of the world including the united states, there will be a risk of someone getting through the screening process and being in the united states. the risk right now to the american public is very low. i don't think the american public as a group should be worried about this. but we particularly the health authorities and other authorities in the government are taking this very seriously. lou: how worried should the american public be? susan li isw here with us with the latest.
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reporter: can you imagine the panic it would spark with a --a city of 11 million quarantined here in this country. we are hearing about a possible case in australia fan one in northern mexico. united airlines said two passengers had to be taken off a flight possibly with coronavirus. china is not known for france parent i. -- transparency. so as president trump says, let's not panic just yet. lou: there is no need for panic. but what appears to be newfound transparency on the part of the chinese government in comparison
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to the way in which they have dealt with previous outbreaks. dr. fauci being particularly complimentary of the chinese for doing so. there is an sun confirmed -- there is an unconfirmed case in france. the outbreak began in chain pa bacchina backin december. reporter: they didn't alert the who of the outbreak of the sars disease. but we had the spread of social media and it's hard to hide from the people of china. when it's concentrated in the hands of one individual you have
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government officials within the local level and afraid to make mistakes. so they don't do anything or say anything. and there are concerns they may be hiding something. lou: susan li, thank you very much. the radical dimms impeachment managers continue to drone on tonight in the senate. adam schiff, adam schiff began the left's opening arguments today accusing president trump of trying to cheat in this year's elections. >> the president's misconducting not be decided at the ballot box. for we cannot be assured that the vote will be fairly won. lou: there you have it. adam schiff saying he doesn't trust our elections.
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he doesn't trust the american people. and why should we trust him? we can be assured of one thing. adam schiff will lie as he did when he claimed there was russia collusion. when he made up a transcript of president trump's phone call with the president of the ukraine. and on and on goes the list of his many lies. his congenital aversion to truth labeled by "politico" as mischaracterization. schiff cite a redacted text message in which parnas tells the rudy giuliani saying there z. but an unredacted version of the text exchange shows it's an interview with burisma founder
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followed by a text message to giuliani who states mr. z answers my brother. it shows how schiff and his party of hate recognize neither law or restraint or aspiration to better conduct. their misconduct will be decided at ballot box. of that schiff can be assured. joining us, run can party chair one -- republican party chairwoman, ronna mcdaniel. the theater is lost on me. i find them boorish, i find them dishonest -- i am talking about the democratic managers -- and i see no reason to watch it or listen to it.
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i have had a belly full of lies. >> you said it, lou. schiff's lies have no bounds. he started with the russia hoax, then he went to the ukraine sham. their impeachment is in shambles. the american people are smarter than that. this all about partisan politics. and you are right. nobody is watching. i was on a plane the other day, nobody was watching. not a single person. they note outcome. the president d they know the outcome. this president is not going to be impeached and he will get reelected. lou: our ratings are very high for both the fox news channel and fox business. i understand the fascination with the process. but to watch continuously what is just lie after lie, and the
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national left' wing media continues to give credence to all of this nonsense. and they puff up with importance when they know it's a fiction, a tragic fiction and an extension from the party of haten -- hate and an attempt to overthrow him. let's listen to the president talk about jerrold nadler. president trump: jerrold nadler. i have known him a long time. he's a sleaze bag. pat cipollone is a high quality human being. i was impressed with that. he had great emotion. pat is a brilliant guy. i have never seen that emotion. it's real emotion. and that's because he knows this is a hoax.
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lou: referring pat cipollone, the president's attorney. your thoughts on schiff and the radical dimms. and the atmosphere they bring to the swamp in washington, d.c. >> well, i can't overstate how undermining what the democrats are doing is to our democracy. for them to say the president the is trying to steal an election in 2020. the reality is the democrats are trying to steal the election from the american voters who elected donald trump. we don't want to see washington nullify our votes. this is a frightening time for our country. lou: pat cipollone said it to jerrold nadler's face.
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>> and they lied. and lie and lie and lie. for example, for months president trump has repeatedly complained the house denied him the right to the call witnesses and cross panel min witnesses. >> mr. nadler came up here and made false allegations against our team. he made false allegations against all of you. he accused you of a cover-up. he has been making false allegations against the president. the only one who should be embarrassed, mr. nadler, is you. lou: of course nadler is beyond shame, and perhaps embarrassment of any kind. >> absolutely. he set out to impeach this president from day one as has
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democrat party and the media because they were so upset with what the american people decide was best for them in 2016. the president was not allowed to have counsel during the house proceedings. it was a sham. it continues to be a sham. the senate has stayed united and republican party is more united than ever behind our president. lou: the republican conference and the u.s. senate absolutely united and voting united. ronna mcdaniel, always good to see you. president trump is home. he's back in washington. in the white house after two days of advocacy advocating his wildly successful populist agenda to the global elites of
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volume on the big board 3.7 billion shares. crude oil losts almost 3%. silver $17.77 an ounce. president trump back in the white house tonight, returning from a trip to davos where he says the booming economy the talk of the town. president trump: we had conversations with leaders of other countries where we traditionally had deficits. they took a lot of them and they will move them back -- they are not going to move them back, the companies are coming back because everybody wants to be here. lou: joining me, the a be -- the
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savant, ed rollins. let's start with the impeachment hearings. how would you compare this to bill clinton's time on capitol hill. >> this was a play that opened today, you would fire the lead actor and the supporting actors and burn the script. it's very boring and detrimental to them but not the president. lou: the president has prevailed on every one of these votes by a straight party line unified vote. i think many people from surprised to see how unified the republicans are behind this president. >> this is just going to march on. the longer it goes on, the more
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people will be border and they r and they will see there is not there there. lou: people around the world had to listen and pay attention to him because he's the most successful leader so far. you hear all this stuff going on in these foreign countries. but the results are magnificent. he rebuilt the military and has grown the economy. lou: the world trade organization which has been the source of so much frustration and inefficiency in the global trading system. they have to admit now when they say you have to change, they will have to change.
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>> the economy drives the rest of the world and they have to respect that. lou: success beats the hell out of it. >> he's rebuilding everything. lou: at this point, where do we go? this is so sickening to watch this proceeding in the senate. the house managers continuing the same blather, the same venom they have carried throughout. >> to the end it diminishes both pelosi and schiff. and most of the democrats. they will duck for cover. you will see very quickly there will be no interest in the viewership. and they will not get what they thought they were going to get. there is no there there. lou: ed rollins, great to see you. up next we'll take up the rest
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of what has been an extraordinary day on capitol hill. extraordinary in the sense that it is just one canned speech after another. but we'll avoid as much of it as we can. i will tell you about a new piece of legislation that would prohibit the united states from sharing intelligence with any country that signs on with huawei.
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[♪] lou: congressman jimg banks introduced a bill to crack down on huawei's theft of trade secrets. the bill would block the united states from sharing intelligence with any nation that allows huawei to work on their 5g
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networks because it gives them an immediate window into those communications over 5g. joining us is gordon chang. senior fellow at the gai gateste institute. the coronavirus, a lot of concern understandably, it has moved from china to parts of the world nearby and there are just a few cases. but it's clear world health organization is very concerned. >> the important point is this virus spread a lot faster than people thought because china is trying to cover up with occurred. they are trying to solve the problem and control the narrative and you can't do both. there are stories about how people in wuhan who have gone to
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hospitals with virus-like symptoms. doctors refused to say they have got the virus and when they die, there are no autopsies and their bodies are cremated quickly. also from the guardian in england, this is as concern that it's much more serious than china is letting on. lou: talk to dr. fauci from the nih, he's happy with the level of information coming out from china. we are conditioned to say the chinese are not exactly a transparent free society by any stretch of the imagination. they are an author tear yab communist -- they are an
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authoritarian communist nation. but it gives me some pause with the tight fist they have over the outbreak. >> as susan li just said. that is that social media has changed china. the communist party has to adjust to that. they have to be more open. what happened two or three years ago that china refused to share a sample of virus. that triggered concern around the world about the way china was dealing with this. things have gotten better, but they are still covering it up. lou: you are talk about the coronavirus. >> the coronavirus. lou: we have an estimate of 17
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dead. 550 people infected. what do you think is a reasonable number beyond that? >> i don't know. i think you have got to say at least double, maybe triple. china has been able in large part to censor a lot of people and shut them up. this an issue we'll only know about later on. lou: let's go to huawei and jim bank's bill to prohibit the u.s. sharing information with any nation that is implementing huawei with 5g in their system. >> our closest partners, nato allies, look like they will be installing huawei equipment in their 5g networks. they are trying to make a distinction between core and non-core parts of their
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networks. and you can't really do that. we have to convince our partners that we are serious about this. once you put huawei into a network, there are all sorts of things that will occur in the future. lou: the commerce department has been granting 90-day waivers for the fourth generation. the last waiver runt runs out february 18. what do you expect to happening? >> i expect there will be licenses for companies to sell to huawei. this is getting complicated. and we shouldn't be -- lou: it's either a national security threat or it isn't. >> you were right from the beginning about the first waiver. i was wrong.
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lou: that's unnecessarily gracious of you. you are right enough that we can forgive that one lapse. gordon chang. you have next, acting department of homeland security director chad wolf. migrants want to go through mexico and some have broken away to cross the you river that separates mexico and guatemala. mexico is warning anybody caught without legal status will be put in detention centers and deported. up next. the corruption of the radical dimms. there is a list laid out in a brand-new blockbuster book "profiles in corruption." pete per swiert
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lou: among the terrific stories we are covering tonight, the impeachment scam goes on.
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schiff said president trump's misconducting not be decided by mere voters at the ballot box. it has to be left to left-wing hacks trying to pretend this is a serious matter. jay sekulow tells fox, president trump in the white house once again saying the booming american economy, the talk of the town over at the world economic form as it should be. and -- adam schiff lying again. and new report shows schiff lied about rudy giuliani and lev parnas. he said mr. z was as reference tto the leader of ukraine.
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but it was a reference to burisma. not once that i recall has he apologized. a 1.5 billion government in funded payday for one of the biden brothers. james biden. executive vice president, despite having no previous experience in construction. but that's not necessary if your name is biden it turns out. that $1.5 million is a familiar number. peter schweizer's book details the biden name. it was a government contract to build 100,000 homes in iraq.
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the title of the new book titled "profiles in corruption." joining us is peter schweizer. president of the government accountability institute. great american. and you have done it again. a blockbuster. that number, 1.5 million. the bidens love that number. >> the biden family. you have five family members involved. i call them the biden five. but they don't sing. it's corruption. i have never seen this before. we talked many times about corruption involving democrats, republicans. maybe there is one family member, maybe there is two. i have never run across one that has five. on top of the fact there are five involved, it's like a corrupt united nations. you have hunter biden doing deals in ukraine and chain pa.
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you have -- in china. you have james with the construction firm set up by a flame friend. they get the contract to build 100,000 homes in iraq. they get contracts to build homes for the state department. then the it just goes on and on and on. lou: they just have a great last name. the a. >> and they seem to have a mid-career change when joe became vice president. it all happened when he was vice president. it wasn't enough when he was a u.s. senator. he was in charge of policy in ukraine and china. you have got the situation? costa rica where he goes down
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and meets with their president. lou: you have to be asking yourself, how is it president barack obama decided his vice president would have a portfolio that included ukraine, china, costa rica. too barack obama participation in some of this. the biden chapter is 70 pages long. but you have two company executives with a company called start-up health. joe biden brings them into the oval office to meet with president obama. the next day they are featured in a federal government conference. then joe biden briefed investors on healthcare policy. obama never asked him and it would have been good for him to know one of the three principals
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in the firm was married to joe biden's daughter. lou: bernie sanders, committed to family values. old towne media. >> yes, bernie sanders has been in public office since the 980s. -- since the 1980s. when he takes the job of mayor of burlington, the first thing he does is hire his girlfriend and later wife jane and puts her on the city council. then he gets jane involved in doing media buying for his congressional campaign. makes $150,000 doing that. 2016. he takes $80 million in a media by puts it into a company
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registered to at rest tension property in virginia. it has no website. it's run by two of jane's friends. $83 million in media buys. the media fee for that is $12 million. where did that $12 million go and who got it. they had to report zero. jane was asked about this. you know what her answer was? she huc -- she hung up the phon. lou: peter goes through a few familiar names like kamala harris. sharsherrod brown.
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and eric garcetti. we recommend the book to you highly. it's another blockbuster from peter schweizer who only does blockbusters. up next, the basketball brawl ending last night's game between kansas state and kansas. that's the sort of thing that will end the game right there. it started with the kansas forward block a lay-up then standing over him in a somewhat superior fashion. some would call it taunting. some would call it suicidal. both sides cleared the benches and one raids a stool in a -- raised a stool in a somewhat threatening gesture.
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kansas indefinitely suspending derks souza. and a review is being conducted by both schools. up next, dems in disarray. hillary clinton goes after sanders and gabbard and everyone else. you could be next. by the strolle♪s
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[♪] lou: look out. circus is coming to town. congresswoman and 2020 democratic candidate, tulsi gabbard is suing hillary clinton over inseason waitions gabbard -- over insinuations that gabbard is a russian agent. you can see how that might follow.
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clinton recently drew new division in the democratic primary sweep the stakes saying nobody likes senator sanders. that went over big with senator sanders. tammy bruce is joining us. host of foxnation's "tammy bruce." i love the fact that suddenly it's hillit's hill -- it's hilly unplugged. it's great fun for the rest of us. >> at this rate donald trump will be re-elected in 2024 so she should keep on going. she has managed to bring all americans together. half are deplorables. and the other half are knobs. there is a hashtag on twitter,
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i'm a nobody for bernie. there is no consideration about the impact of what it is she is saying. lou: the democrats are proud of being the party of hate. they hate every one, they hate everything that's american. it's hate hate hate. hillary is taking it to a new level. tulsi gabbard, do you think she'll get the 50 million in our lawsuit. >> there has rarely been repercussions to this type of bad behavior. hillary clinton has deinvolved into this bitter -- -- has devolved into a bitter woman. it's a statement that you can't do these things. when you are a politician and someone calls you a russian
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asset. lou: like hillary called president trump. what do you figure the president could get if tulsi gabbard gets $50 million? we are talking serious numbers. >> it will send a message to the general population it's not okay to do that. nobody thinks the president was a russian agent. lou: but when so many people pretend they do like the left-wing media and the democratic party brimming with vi lerks an -- with vile and had venom. >> that's the kind of damages they would care about, financial damages. things that would set them back a bit. but hillary is doing something that's interesting. i don't know if it's because
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tulsi gabbard endorsed bernie sanders. but there is a fight over who is going to be considered for a second spot, for the ver very -e presidency. it was who should be considered for the second spot. would tulsi gabbard have too much influence at the convention? this is what hillary is thinking. but the bottom line is the president is going to win. lou: i don't want this to go away just because the president is in the white house for another 5, 6 years. i want the democrats to stew on this a bit. first of all, why does anybody care that hillary is upset with bernie sanders or it was actually bernie who should be
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upset. the democratic party is a little confused. >> the chaos we see, the lack of focus and leadership is a direct result of this kind of kultd that hillary tried to create with a lack of regard for anyone else for people coming up from behind. there is no development of leadership because of her own lack of self-esteem. she couldn't get any women who might do well. this is why we see no direction. >> it wasn't like sisterhood thing that she was taking the side of elizabeth warren against bernie. >> that's correct. in the dark of the night drinking chardonnay, that's the only sister she has is herself. lou: thank you for being here and sorting that out. >> we love this country.
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they are having a meltdown. we have the right man in the presidency. lou: and the hell with them. >> we are going to be in good shape. lou: you nailed it. every single point. tammy bruce. stay with us. we are coming right back. ♪ limu emu & doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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managers, the radical dimms, bless their hearts, are droning on still tonight. the president got back just in time. here was his earlier assessment of these folks. president trump: gerald had in letter, i have -- jerrold nadler, i have known him a long time. he's a sleaze bag. pat i am loney is a high quality -- pat cipollone is a high quality human being. i have seen seen that emotion. but that's real emotion because he knows this is a hoax. i'm very proud of the job he did. lou: the president referring his attorney, pat cipollone. i will be on "the greg gutfeld show" this saturday. you can see a skit with tom
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shillue. he does a great job with adam schiff. we thank you for being with us. larry kudlow joins us tomorrow. lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. a new study finds bernie sanders' proposed wealth tax comes up way short, to the tune of $1 trillion, of what he says it will generate as a billionaire candidate may be proving you can buy your way into an election. cheryl: now that the coronavirus has reached u.s. shores, the world's top health officials warn we could be on the brink of a global health emergency as u.s. airports announce new travel restrictions on passengers inbound from china. lauren: our ip, the internet going nuts over the explosive end of mr. peanut. it's thursday, january 23rd. "fbn: a.m." starts right now.


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