tv Bulls Bears FOX Business January 23, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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friend, grady trimble in tucson. he comes with the ideas. melissa: 3 thousand planes. connell: market came back today, thank you for joining us, here they are, "bulls and bears." david: president trump raking in big campaign contributions from a new group of first time donors. why they decide to put their money behind the president now. to talk about this and a lot more, we have a very special ed gig edition of "bulls and bears," lou dobbs, charles payne, and kee kennedy. >> what a pressure. lou: yeehaw, wonderful. david: "washington post" reporting that they have identified at least 200 big donors for president trump's reelection who are either new to
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political giving or sat out the last presidential electiontion, they have now infused trump reelection campaign with 20 million dollars, that probably just the begin, lou, what is it about? the people coming? what it is about president trump spes stiffically that brought nonpolitical be people in. lou: the big donors don't have to be brightest people to know it is in their interest for this president to be reelected. markets have have soared, dow up 60% since he was elected. who would you prefer, elizabeth warreno joe biden? his family seems to make a lot of money, but the rift o restaurant of the -- the rest of the country gets left out. charles: not just the dow, we're on a cusp of massive
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housing boom. housing starts at clean year high -- 13 year high, ground intel ogroundswell of opportuni. if you are sitting on the sideline, and you are a political but you want america to be great, you say let me write a check. kennedy: i look at this through my dad's lens, he voted for whoever would do best by the market. i look at this economy, i think a lot of donors that are doing same thing, and a lot of republicans concerned with bloomberg's cash infusion, but there are people who look at bernie sanders and his surge, they resides the -- realize that subtext of his campaign and elizabeth warren as well, they
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despite wealth, they not only have a great recent a resentmend wealthy individual but theyal abhor big business. david: i think kennedy is right, it is fear of the socialist temptation on part of elizabeth warren and bernie sanders, even moderates are pulled into that vortex. there is also -- you and i were looking out your window today, to get personal looking at a building that is being constructed across street, with all business you saw four floors raised in two weeks, this president understands how that is done. he is a first president in my lifetime who has hands on experience of getting job done. lou: he is a builder, also he is
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not looked at enough correctly, a man of immense ideas, a original thinker a dynamo, as a guiding influence. no one has put together the series of policies and proposals he has and then acted on them within 3 years of being elected as he has. this is one of the reasons that dow, housing, as you say, charles, whatever it may be, they are great metrics, but this country is moving against it is moving in a direction of the same vision we shared a century ago, in that sense it is he is historic, he is also the future. it is great fun to watch this month change the tone of the country, by the way you watch people on our screens here at fox, coming to you from senate, from the democratic managers,
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are they a dower lot? they are negative, and represent -- represent tishous -- we know the outcome. the president unites the republican party. david: even ronald reagan, a big conservative, he turned the economy, but he had experience as an actor as a governor, he was a union president, but he was not a builder the way this guy is. i think that business community in america appreciates that this guy knows how to work with people get great big projects done. kennedy: i think out of the obama administration pendulum was swinging in a very opposition direct, this president, whether you like him or not he a very sa
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transformational person. we had a president who was more into cost-cutting, i wish we had that now, calvin coolidge was last president who understood the value of lowering taxes and reducing government spending, we have two parties who are really addicted to that, that is only thing that will slow this kind of growth down. long-term, and i hope that president if he is reelected he work with congress to not be allergic to entitlement reform and make necessary cuts. lou: i don't think you have to worry about congress, congress is not congress in a historic sensor institutional sense, congress now is dominated by a group of ri -- radical dimms whn to over those this president literally, they are subversive, this president, as achieved everything he has done to this point despite the congress and
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opposition resistance. charles: that is the remarkable thing. the president's ability to to compartmentalize these issues and focus on execution. we know that normally lower regulations, but he has been aim to get through despite media being against him, the democrats again him. lou: courts against. charles: this is mind boggling which is key. then, he is unleashed animal spirits. i remember walking in new york at christmastime, you could say, you hate trump but i saw animal spirits on the streets of new york city. david: oh, yeah. lou: that is not always pretty. charles: as long as they are
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carrying shopping bags it is. they love the trump effect. david: some who don't admit it are democrats, flip side democrat 20 withi 20 rival pushg tax plans, breaking down proposal, what they would mean for economy. joe biden's plan will burden rich and do nothing for economic growth, bernie sanders wealth tax would raise a trillion dollar less than he estimate. but still more elizabeth warren's. i think that in fact, they happen to be giving warren and bernie sanders the benefit of the doubt, i think it will be worse if their plans are enacted. but would they undo progress we made. charles, they would, i am worried about them seeing this report, saying you mean i have to tax more? there is no doubt they would undoundo it.
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a few months ago, warren was rising in the polls, the market took a hit, medical stocks were down. but there no doubt, whole thing with unravel. and i think that is where the 200 donors come from, i think that is why president trump right now will win by such a margin, so much more significant -- >> not just big money people that benefit from tax cut, 65% of americans. are getting more now from their paycheck as a result of their taxes going down, 6% are paying more. kennedy: hourly wages have gone up, and charles talks a lot about consumer confidence, they all work together, if you remember paul krugman said that -- the liberal economist. david: i try to forget everything he said. kennedy: he said when trump was elected he would have a howling reception it would be so bad for
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the economy. but now people know theis know f his economic plans. thestill might vote for him, thy will have a intimate conversation with themselves, answers that questioning you better off now than you were 4 years ago. david: china silencing critics as expert fear we're not getting fuefull picture from chinese government. can we trust them to give us the facts? >> this virus has spread faster than most thought, china had tried to cover-up what occurred, they are trying to solve the problem and control the narrative, you can't do both. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price invest with confidence.
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dead, more than 570 infected, w.h.o. speaking about it, this afternoon. >> too early to consider that this event is a public health emergency of international concern to the people's republic of china to pursue its policy of transparency sharing data providing alli economy economicn nation about risk management to be ready for a potential evolution of this epidemic. david: is it possible to expect china to be between transparent. lou: i think it is. some might be surprised. charles: i am. lou: they shut down 3 cities, stop the out borne flights to
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hold the line on this coronavirus, they have never behaved this way, this is the most responsible action they could have taken in their responsibilities to world community, i am proud and delighted to see it. am i syste skep tal. david: wuhan has 11 million people, that is 3 more than new york city, emergency new york cit.reporter:network. charles: they remember the sars virus. china has a goal of surpassing america in preeminence. this is currency, this comes with trust, you can't get there if you don't take responsible action. while the world is watching, no one necessarily believes the actual data. i will say world health
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organization, some people fret if it were smaller it would have been declare a global emergency. because of importance of china, ironic on same day as so-called doomsday clock is closer to doom, because of climate change, that could destroy the planet in 20 years, this not an immediate threat. lou: you lost me. charles: something that would destroy world in 30 years, has the world's greatest scientists saying, we never been this close to. but w.h.o. said, this not a big deal. lou: i like the way you meld climate change. and coronavirus. charles: trying to connection the dots. kennedy: i think something to be said for their reac reaction and precarious their economy
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circumstance they cannot ain order another public health blender, they have to put a cap on this, it is cheaper and easier for them quarantine 3 cities than open pandora's box and sicken and kill millions of people across the globe. i'm actually not hysterical with this stuff, i think we're on cusp of so much amazing technology here, if you remember when eastbound -- ebola virus came to u.s., everyone was panicked that tens of thousands of americans would contract it and die, we didn't, we locked it up, that is what we do in united states of america. 1 they do that there will be a full free market clampdown companies that have been chomping at the bit and fighting fda to introduce their nano technology to the marketplace will finally get that chance. david: clearly will hurt china at least in short-term,
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economically. it might play into the fact that make them more mallable for phase two of the china u.s. trade deal. lou: first place to turner those who know what they are talking about when it comes to coronavirus, and app -- epidemics that means dr. anthony -- >> we had him on yesterday. lou: and the fact that he is very optimistic about what china can doe an do and world communin do. that is important. the tone that hassett, is also -- been set is importantism was.kennedy: wash your hands dot touch your face. lou: don't begrudge the chinese a moment of responsibility for taking leadership that is positive, sceb skep skepticism s appropriate, going forward we'll see of what the proved but for
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right now they deserve credit. david: leave that on a positive note, democrat make extreme claims in their attempt to prove president trump abused his power. we'll bring you a live report from capitol hill, and break down what democrats are really trying to accomplishing. if anyone here can figure that out, that is next. when we started our business
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impeachment manager has been on abuse of power. a lot of discussion on bidens, whether or not president was interested in the bidens. potential nexis between president, russia and ukraine. here is house intelligence committee chairman schiff. >> thank god putin said thank god, no body is accusing us any more of interfering with u.s. elections. you got to give donald trump credit for this, he made a religious plan out of putin. but yok i don't think we want pn is be thanking god for president of united states because they don't wish us well. reporter: democrat say that impeachment trial is not about the bidens, but over past two hours house intelligence committee chairman schiff has
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spoken about bidens, burriss mark and republican -- burisma, and senator holly. saying democrats cannot have it both way about the bidens. >> house manager went a detailed discussion about burisma and biden. it would prove to be a major area, a number of those statements are tenuous and it shows how central the bidens are on their argument. reporter: that could be an issue with calling witnesses here. you know other thing i noticed in the senate chamber today is that senators seem to be listening more, they are more focused and more dialed in. the first day of the trial, you know it bled from tuesday to 1:50 wednesday morning and everyone was tired, they seem more awake, taking better notes today. david: all right chad thank you. >> yesterday adam schiff made a
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wild claim saying the integrity of 2020 election is at stake. >> the president's misconduct cannot be disietde decided at tt box, we can note be assured that -- cannot be assured that it would be fairly won. kennedy: they are hurting their case, there is nothing to say thaiferrethat evidence we have a republican were on the ballot that somehow winning would mean a compromise of the voting process. if vote can be compromised that will be compromised by any number of actors regardless of money, he say -- party, he is se should not have election at all, i don't think he is a smart man, he does not understand weight and consequences of some of his claims, that in particular, was such a doozy, and twitter exploded when he said that. and i'm wondering how much
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thought is he putting into these statements. charles: disperration, to your point they go so far, they insult everything including the foundation of america, you are telling american voter, your vote does not count, our system does not coup. thicount. this party wants to get rid of election rally college, they want a redo. when they win, it was the american people speaking out again president trump, by they are feeling they are losing in november, saying that because it rigged. that is what he says that is embarrassing, it will hurt them, much more than just for folks who are into watching political, -- apolitical folks are saying what is he talking about. lou: most people listening know they are damn fools in washington, i don't know why
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anyone is attaching any sort of gravity to what they say are do, they are preposterous lill lil y peugds, they have to disengage, and decouple fro democratic par. they must, if we're going to see this republic really thrivism after that cnn debate, and the question that they posed to first bernie sanders, who denies every saying a woman who not noe president, then say taning to eh warren as though it were true, he cannot decouple. lou: they can't. they are owned by corporations. and when the president talks about fake news, we're talking about fake corporations. we're talking fake corporate citizens, what they are doing with their media properties is
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appalling. and it is immoral, and uni uni c unethical. kennedy: it does not do well. >> there is no doubt, i don't know what is -- the tail wagging who. should democrats detach themselves from a media that keeps cheering on this nonsense. lou: who would disengage. charles: democrats. lou: they would be mad, then we would not have a close feedback look. charles: that is only way they would have self reflecttion. kennedy: there is some good news, andrew yang, and bernie sanders are raising a lot of money from people who are disenchanted with way that media is portraying their candidates. david: we'll take about that a
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little bit, breaking news, to bring, update to story. japan health ministry confirming a second case of deadly coronavirus been reported, the man believed to be traveler from wuhan city, he has been hospitalized, we'll continue to monitor this story. >> temperatures running high in campaign trail. did you see, joe biden lashing out at a reporter. we will play the tape, and get a reaction from our panel. at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions, right? we don't have those.
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david: new national poll, showing former new york sthea cy mayor, bloomberg climbs to 4 place. joe biden may be feeling heat from this. >> yesterday, you said you accepted bernie's apology, now you are attacking him, why are you doing that, why was it not enough? >> why, why, why, you getting nervous, man, calm down, it's okay. highe apologized for saying i ws corrupt, he did not say anything about i was telling truth about social security. david: this just biden being
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biden or is pressure getting to him. charles: i think accompanyin a a combination of both. i think that bernie factor more than anything other. bernie has been solid, he catapulted to lead in cnn poll, in iowa, double his lead in new hampshire, he could win first two election get that head of steam biden feels pressure, but how can he go out and fight it. even his handlers are afraid to unleash him. kennedy: nancy pelosi thought he did joe biden a big favor by slow walking impeachment articles to senate, but problem is you have a thousand moments like this, because the press that covering hal -- in iowa, they have nothing else to do, joe biden has been able to fly
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under the radar and take a couple naps a day. he can't do that any more, st is him, and mayor pete, and bloomberg. he will give you more gold every day. he wil will be hounded, they knf they hound him they will get to him. lou: i have nothing to add to that. david: bernie's rise, does that shock you he is leading above biden. lou: it doesn't any more than it shocked me that elizabeth warren of leading 6 weeks ago. they have a populous philosophy in one form or another. and great appeal, have you michael bloomberg entering field, in fourth place now with a quarter billion dollars, it will take him all of two billion to get to 20% that would put him in third place, this is a crazy thing.
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bloomberg does not have a plan. he does not have a proposal. other than gun control. and he forgets, that the other guy, that he will run against, had a vision, has a vision, and had a plan, and has delivered on all of it, that is president trump. he has not got a chance against this guy. charles: thing about you know bernie and elizabeth warren, combined, always over 40 percent, populous wing to your point is solid, it is not going anywhere. the natural evolution. things that president obama talked about you know, you plant seeds of unfairness, america is not great or not good for everyone, you know we need more taxes and cut rich, and limit what people make, when you plant those needs. davidneed. lou: you did say the years 30 seconds. charles: they sprout, you get a bernie sanders. david: bloomberg trying to lure
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staffers to use expensive campaign gifts, he hands them out in exchange for working for him. promising 3 catere meals a day, iphone 11 and mack brook pro, and press secretary 10,000 a month does this show desperation. kennedy: no, it shows his parenting philosophy, if i buy everyone a horsey they will love me. to lou's point, i don't know what a bloomberg democrat circumstance sidon't know what a lot of times politician promise a bunch of stuff they know they will never deliver on. they are addicted to getting elected. this was this president's first election. you -- for what they promised they will demand a return on their political investment. david: another fox business alert. headline just crossing from
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reuters, president saying he plans to release a middle east peace plan sometimes between now and toys di tuesday before visim israeli prime minister netanyahu to white house, spoken briefly to palistineans and will again, they they first react negatively, but we'll talk again. >> organize labor hitting record lows last year, one in 10 workers represented by a union. what is the reason for this surprising dip? you might not be surprised to find out that unions blame president trump, we'll ask charles payne about this, coming up.
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david: within membership in private sector falling last ye year. points finger at president trump. for decline, saying the decline in union density is not surprising, climate for organizing is more hostile in last year under openly anti-union, trump national labor relation board. charles: i think personal most answered their own economy. we have a booming economy, usually folks organize what they want better wages, and better benefits. and prosperity, you are getting that. unions have been on a decline for a long time, there was a point where we really, americans look the up to unions, some of us old enough to remember old commercial look for union label.
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♪ look for union label ♪ david: i remember. charles: ♪ when you are buying -- >> you read the story about union guys supreme courtin supr, and taking union dues, and putting it behind political parties that you as a union member did not support that is a no-brainer. david: this guy from cornell university showing contempt. it is a rash decision, why should i bother pay $2000 in union dues when i do bet o bettn my own. lou: no question, rationality is not a hallmark of work place academics. but we should keep in focus the
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real prosperous ground for unions, that is as public employees, not by vat. because -- private, private employees make more money, for first time the middle class is growing, this president is focused on american worker, working men, women and their families be last year and we a a saw $5 thousand per house old income increase. kennedy: just look at places like the bankrupt city in california and illinois, look at city of detroit, and amount of work it takes to turn those cities from a lot of damage which has been done by unions, public and private. a lot of people disagree with political contributions their unions make, that is why you see more action in court from teachers to the decisions that charles of references.
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supreme court decision from two years ago. you know people want control over their own finances, and their own decisions political, financial and otherwise. david: we emphasis private unions, public employees, generally are stuck with unions, whether they want it or not. and unions -- lou: they want -- >> strangle hold over politicians. charles: process benefits them, but also, tipl typically hurts e enterprise in those particular cities, those towns when are suffering. lou: the strength of unions in public sector, have you civil service, plus organized labor. representing public employees. it is a awful tough buy in for both school districts -- binding for school districts and any imoft agencgovernment agency to.
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david: we have ta take a break, but first liz macdonald. >> do they convince a divided american public, did democrat convince or alienate influential swing vote republican senators, because of their over the top tough attacks on them. and bernie sanders fundraising hit with a new charge of campaign finance violations, and fisa court, declassified information that fbi not have probable cause to spy on carter page. david: thank you, liz. >> 2020 hopeful elizabeth warren faced with an angry father over her student loan forgiveness plan. wait until you hear this, he gives her an earful, that is next.
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david: 2020 democrat elizabeth warren's plan for student loan forgiveness is becoming a hard sell for some financially responsible americans, a father calls her out. >> one question. my daughter is getting out of school, i saved my money. >> god bless you. do i get my money back? >> you pay for people who did not save money, those of us who did the right thing get screwed. >> you don't get screwed. >> we -- my friends bought a car, went on vacation, and i saved my money, i worked double shift, you are laughing. we did the right thing, we get screwed. david: how does she walk away from this. lou: i don't think that she does, we're focusing on it suggests there are a lot of
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people also focusing, the man is right, if you are sitting there borrowing on a fortune as a student in college, moest in cases you pay subsidy for indoctriniation of the left wing academics,. >> snothere is no marketplace, no metric by which you will be judged. and if you walk out with $100,000 in debt, a degree in liberal arts and think you will have a good life, buy a home right away, you are living in lalaland. >> parents have a responsible to tell the kid, don't do did, there are great community colleges and wonderful financial schools. -- technology schedule but turning your futour to an act at
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dim -- an academic, institution. >> elizabeth warren gets 300 thousands a year for teaching one course, that is where your money goes. kennedy: i feel for that dad. the people -- the middle class. who do the right thing, they work hard, they take care of their family be they sacrifice like crazy, they qual-- sacrifice their quality of life to give there are kids a better life, they are not the ones helped out by the socialist program, you. you look at stimulus package, the people who fought and scraped to save their homes, they did not get any help, but if you la lapsed on your mortgae is a check. charles: this is -- think about
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this. she says she'll will pay 50,000 of your student loans in your income up to a hundred grand, and up to 200,000. you have people who did not go to college, okay, this dad i feel bad, but what if you didn't go to college, you work your way up, you are a plumber you have two trucks, you make 200 grand, they take your money and pay someone else's college, think about madness. this is -- they should talk about industrial military complex this is a college industrial complex. lou: least she could do it be more efficient about it. cut out the parents, cut out students, give money to the lift wing professors. right. david: i first heard her talk about how they have to cut their salaries, they can keep getting 300,000. kennedy: the administration, that is what has grown in the colleges. lou is right, the they there are
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other schools. and nontraditional was not going to college, make it on your own scrappy whit. david: those without college education are making -- lou: they are not getting excited about those statistics. but fact, that -- no one is forcing you to go to 4 year school to get in debt, have you a great education waiting for new community college and technology schools and work at night, you remember efficiency of digital universe, distance learning what wrong -- it keeps a lot of left wing professor out of your fate. charles: how about just paying the student loan. lou: why. david: find a way. charles: you take out a loan, pay it. you are being revolutionary.
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♪. david: to end up this extraordinary hour, some extraordinary and unique expressions of hope from our panel for the remainder of 2020. lou, what do you hope for this year? >> i think i have got a clear vision it will be a candy rock mountain. lots of sunshine and lollipops as we move towards election day 2020. the president will be reelected and we're going to see an even greater america as a result. david: the house is going to stay democrat or will it go republican. >> oh, no, it will be go republican. >> i allowedded to housing
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formation and i think that is the bedrock. it will unleash further animal spirits. amazing things going on. the stock market reflects it. but on main street where people really feeling it. it is a locomotive. it going to get stronger. the economy is reigniting right now. it will be wonderful especially for people who pay less attention to what they see on tv, hearings, those kind of things, listen to inner self, inner american. this is my time. this is my time. >> for us. >> we're seeing it. they're coming back to the workforce. they are feeling confident. they want a piece of the action. >> we saw usmca, the first part of the china trade deal and now the president has to have something special to pull out of his sleeve on acquittal day. i it will be the middle east peace plan we heard a taste of. i think the niners will win the super bowl. >> cheat, cheat. excuse me. >> bernie will not be the
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nominee. joe biden will be. bernie will run third party and disrupt the election which i think is great. david: very quickly, i'm glad our president is not a war hawk. i hope for peace that does it for "bulls & bears." liz: president trump on the move this hour. the president will address the republican national committee in miami. we're going to bring you the very latest on that. it is down to the wire for democrats. did they make the case to remove the president based on abuse of power? did they convince a divided american public, that democrats convince or alienate influential swing vote republican senators because of the democrats over the top attacks on these senators? also tonight the debates. are democrats with their overheated heavy-handed rhetoric, are they setting a media narrative to undercut a potential acquittal of the president? a former
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