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tv   Maria Bartiromos Wall Street  FOX Business  January 25, 2020 12:00am-12:30am EST

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there. >> a lot of potential, it's a bet, deafly about. jack: thanks for those ideas to remorse out this weeks of barron' different files on twitter at barron's online, that's all for [♪] lou: good evening, everybody. tonight we are bringing you the latest on the outbreak of the china coronavirus that killed at least 41 people and infected 1,000 others nationwide and around the world. while the virus is still spreading. right now the number of new cases beyond china is not particularly alarming. in the united states a second case has been confirmed. the patient is a chicago woman in her 60s. the centers for disease control said they are monitoring
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potential cases of the coronavirus in 22 different states. they remain confident and optimistic about the relative slow pace of the disease. we'll have the latest for you on what's being done to stop the virus from spreading. we are also bringing you the latest from capitol hill and what appears to be the end of the opening arguments about it radical dimms. their lies and hate directed at the president who continues to surpass any president's record in his first three years in office. it appears most of the invective against the president motivated in most part by adam schiff and his lust for air time. the house managers have given schiff almost a third of the
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allotted 24 hours. that means they won't have equal time with their leader who is still bloviating from the senate floor. it's surely an audition to replace senator feinstein if and when she were to decide to retire. the left-wing media is gushing over shifty schiff. >> i don't bleach:anyone thought it would be such passion from adam schiff. >> it was passionate, thoughtful, cogent, all those things. >> his emotional appeal to a sense of what's right. what is right for the country. >> i heard a powerfully
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emotional direct statement to the senate. lou: they are referring to the senate. he said he doesn't trust the american people to decide who should be president in the 2020 election. tomorrow morning the president's defense team takes over. a weekend date the president has taken issue with. after having been treated unflair in the house and having to endure hour after hour of lies by shifty schiff, just like my lawyers will be forced to start on saturday which is called death valley on tv. the legal team is planning to hold a short session tomorrow, 3-4 hours long.
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the bulk of their arguments will take place on monday and tuesday of next week. the radical dimms talking about joe and hunter biden. so the republicans will likely speak of the bidens' corruption. joining us tonight, one of the members of the president's legal team, congressman jim jordan. he's also the ranking member of the house oversight committee and member of the house judiciary committee. congressman, great to see you. we are in i guess you would call the final throes of the shifty schiff team. what do you make of what they have done over these last few days? >> the 24 hours of talk doesn't mean fact. the four facts that don't
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change. no quid pro quo. president zelensky said there the was no pressure. the cranans said no aid was held up at the time of the call. and there was no investigation before they received the aid. i think it's indicating all thing adjectives used to describe chairman schiff's presentation. it reminds me of president reagan's quote saying it's not reviews that count, it's the box office. if he wins big, we have great candidates we are recruiting. if he wins big we can retake the house. we are helping recruit candidates. i think the president -- there is a good chance he wins in a
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big way. lou: how many people in the house, how many republicans line up behind this president? what we have seen so far shows an unprecedented unification and unity within the party. are you surprised by it in the senate? >> i think we are. we have heard nothing, any republican senators wanting to vote for any of these articles or vote to bring in witnesses. and we haven't even brought in our case yet. you have seen no republicans break rank. we haven't put on our case yet which is so strong on constitutional grounds. the lack of due process in the house proceedings where we couldn't call any witnesses or
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white house counsel there. lou: senator mcconnell says the session tomorrow will begin at 10:00 a.m. and run for several hours. what will happen in that period of time? >> i think they will lay out a framework for what they are going to present. we have been work the white house counsel. the strong constitution arguments they can make. obstruction of congress. obstruction of congress is what the founders called separation of powers. the unfair process that took place in the house. then they can argue the facts. what happened in that short time period when aid was being withheld. lou: to underscore the point you made at the outset of our
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conversation tonight. all of the facts are on the president's side and have been from the moment he was elected. he's also been under assault by the radical dimms trying to block his election or trying to overthrow his presidency. now we learn from the presiding grujt fisa court that two of the carter page fisa warrants have no predication. there was no basis in reason whatsoever to proceed against him. that means the courts were themselves complicit in the corruption pass well as the fbi and justice department. and we still don't have an accounting. >> not yet. the one thing -- we have been talking about this for two years. the only thing we got wrong with what took place with the fbi at
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the fisa court, the only thing we had wrong was it was worse than we thought. we thought they only spied on two americans. it was four. we didn't know they lied to if the fisa court 17 times. we sent a letter to the judge. i hope we get the answers back that we put in the letter mr. meadows and i sent to him last week. what came out today showed how bad this was, and it shows impeachment didn't start july of 2019 with this phone call between president trump and president zelensky. it started in 2016 when they went to the fisa court and lied to the fisa court 17 times. lou: it's absolutely rancid. and it's still not resolved.
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congressman jim jordan at the forefront of trying to make sure it is resolved and justice done. a second confirmed case of the deadly coronavirus in the united states has been confirmed in chicago. the virus also spreading into europe and two confirmed cases in france. there are 41 deaths in china. construction crews working in the epicenter of the virus, the city of wuhan, building a hospital for the patients. 33 million people and 1 cities are under -- and 12 cities are under lockdown. disney shuttingn down in shanghai.
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director anthony fauci said the chinese are being more honest than they were ever in the past. >> i was there during the sars epidemic. this time around they are being transparent. lou: the mortality rate for the coronavirus is running at .03%. that's about the same as the h1n1 swine flu. but much lower than the recent outbreaks of other deadly viruses such as sars or mers. president trump make an appearance at the march for life today. pass for robert jeffress joins us next to talk about the president, the upon president
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with the guts to appear in person and support the right to life. joe biden orders the left-wing media not to report facts. we'll take that with up with john solomon. stay with us. much more straight ahead. i'm your mother in law. and i like to question your every move. like this left turn. it's the next one. you always drive this slow? how did you make someone i love? that must be why you're always so late. i do not speed. and that's saving me cash with drivewise. my son, he did say that you were the safe option. and that's the nicest thing you ever said to me. so get allstate. stop bossing. where good drivers save 40% for avoiding mayhem, like me. this is my son's favorite color, you should try it. [mayhem] you always drive like an old lady? [tina] you're an old lady.
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[♪] lou: on wall street today stocks closing lower. the dow fell 170 points. but well off the session lows. the nasdaq down 88. the savants telling us it was primarily because of concerns about the spread of the crone a virus. -- the coronavirus. we might have the expression by many wags in the business press, the fact that earnings have been somewhat disappointing. gold at $1,571 an ounce.
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tesla's market cap surpassed $100 billion. tesla becoming the most valuable u.s. car maker ever earlier this year. listen to my reports coast to coast on the salem radio network. former vice president joe biden told a crowd in iowa that illegal immigrant children are more american than american citizens. >> these kids come, they have done well. most of these kids, there are a lot of them, and they are not just hispanic, they are asian pacific islanders as well and they have done very well. in many cases they are more american than most americans are. they have done well in school and believe the basic principles
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we all share. lou: his campaign is trying to convince the national left-wing media to ignore claims of corruption. a memo from the biden campaign tells reporters to stay clear -- state clearly that they have been discredited and debunked by authoritative sources. biden claims he had no role in the firing. can he explain this video from 2018? >> he said with we are not going to give you the 1 billion dollars. if the prosecutor is not fired, you are not getting the money. son of a [bleep] he got fired.
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lou: joining us, the editor-in-chief of his new media outlet, "just the news. " what do you make of the giuliani campaign telling reporters not to believe their lying eyes. >> joe biden has been trying to censor this from day one. all the rhetoric in the world can't erase the facts on the ground at ukraine. he's not the victim of a smear campaign. he's not the victim of an unfounded conspiracy theory. he's the victim of his own failure to see that when he oversaw ukraine when his son worked with burisma, it seems
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only joe biden doesn't seat wrongdoing in his conduct. lou: let's turn to an abc news report. former giuliani associate igor fruman reporting on a dinner in 2018 in which it's alleged the president said get rid of the former ambassador marie yovanovich. we are told that was turned over to investigators in congress. my question is, she wasn't fired until 14 months later. what in the world is the big deal here? >> early on when i wrote my story everyone said i was the reason she got fired. the concern of the ambassador and her stewardship of the embassy goes back a year before my reporting.
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at the end of the day, the president is going to fire her because he didn't like the color paint she painted her office. it's a red herring. why was our embassy so incompetent that it couldn't fight this issue in ukraine. lou: why don't we understand what is clearly a dissident moment here. there is so much attention on her. and there was so much attention from the left. she had sponsorships from every corner. around her. and we don't understand -- i don't understand why. i haven't seen a written report of why. and it goes on. there has to be more to this story than any of us now understand. >> we know for sure the embassy was funding a group that george
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sors founded. that should be a concern to us. the biggest thing that should concern america, every year we get a new ukrainian prosecutor. and they have done such a terrible job of rooting out corruption. they created a new court in september, they took immunity away from the parliamentary members in ukraine. donald trump forced the first real corruption reforms in ukraine that joe biden and barack obama never accomplished. lou: the radical dimms are bleating nonsense when they should have been talking about the president they put in the white house did nothing for
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ukraine and watched silently as russia took over crimea. can you imagine what would happen if president trump had went in oval office when russia took crimea? >> while that was going on hunter biden was there greasing his pockets from a poor broken country after russia's invasion. $2 million a year. they think what hunter biden did was perfectly fine. lou: they are having trouble with their candidates. when talking about students not having to pay back their student loans, running into parents who had to work two jobs to do just
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that and their children were also working to pay off their loans. john solomon, always delighted to have you with us. thank you so much. john solomon is the editor of "just the news." we urge you to find out what this new media outlet is all about. jeff bezos being played for a fool. federal prosecutors in manhattan have evidence that suggest bezos' girlfriend gave text messages to her brother that he sold to the fashion fall inquirer and then -- sold to the national even firer. the prosecutors are ease's getting whether "national enquirer" publisher american media attempted to extort bezos.
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they are also investigating whether bezos' telephone was hacked by saudi arabia. up next here, the radical dimms rapping up their 24-hours of lies. it has taken days and days to get their story out. now it's the president's legal team's turn and we take that up with special advisor to the president, tony sayegh. president trump commends china for its steps in tackling the outbreak in china. we'll be right back. my money should work as hard as i do. so i use my freedom unlimited card to buy all the latest tech stuff. today, i'm earning on a charger. so, just the charger then? ummm... ♪ ♪
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lou: mexican government officials say they detained 800
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mostly honduran migrants for illegally crossing into mexico from guatemala. they will be processed and sent back home. mexico says they are still searching for 200 people who are at large as they say. joining us tonight is christian whiton, stormer state department senior advisor in the trump and george w. bush administrations. sebastian gorka host of the program "america first." thank you both for being here. christian, let me start with you. the pentagon a -- announcing they are going to fight the ban against u.s. companies selling to huawei? they put out


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