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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  January 30, 2020 4:00am-5:00am EST

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[♪] lou: good evening, everybody, president trump delivering on a campaign promise replace nafta with a better, stronger trade policy with both canada and mexico. the promise fulfilled when he signed the usmca trade deal. president trump telling the american working man and woman how this new deal with be another boon to what is the hottest economy in the world. county report usmca is estimated to add another 2% to our the
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gdp. it will make our blue collar bloom beyond anybody's expectation delivering massive gains to the loyal citizens of tour nation. for the first time in american history we replaced a disastrous trade deal with a fair and reciprocal trade deals that will keep jobs, wealth and growth right here in america. lou: even with all the historic success of his administration, president trump remains the target of the radical dimms who want to overthrow his presidency. in the senate the democratic house managers are doing their worst trying to pick off romney rinos long resistant to the president and his policies. the president called out those romney senators who would side
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with the dimms in their impeachment proceedings. president trump: we have incredible people who work so hard, senators. maybe i am being nice to them because i want their vote -- does that make sense? i don't want to leave anybody out. congressmen, i already got your vote. 196-0, to hell with you. lou: the president's sense of humor on display. the romney sorts need not to bow to the party of hate and their attempt to overthrow the presidency. the president suggested the romney rinos mean to sabotage the republican party and deny the majority leader enough republican votes to block witnesses in the senate trial.
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some republicans expressing optimism that they will be able to block witnesses. in order to do so at least 50 republicans need to vote to block that lengthening of this farce. chuck schumer, nancy pelosi, and the radical dimms will continue this farce and mockery of this constitutional republic. it turns out john bolton has been more of a turncoat than anybody realized. a turncoat against the president hop appointed him to serve in one of the highest positions of national security of any administration. if the the committee chair released a statement claiming bolton urged the chit he to investigate president trump's recall of the ambassador to the
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ukraine, maria yovanovich. on that calm ambassador bolton suggested to me that the committee look into the recall of marie yovanovich. he implied something improper occurred around her removal as our top diplomat in kiev. they have spoke two weeks after bolton was removed from the white house a day after the dimms launched their sham impeachment inquiry. we'll be talking to fred fleitz later in this hour and get this perspective on what has been an extraordinary number of allegations by bolton and his manuscript which we'll also examine in the context of events. the president's support among voters is rising as the radical
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dimms fade everywhere except on capitol hill. if last night is any early indicator, president trump's supporters are glowing number and they are enthusiastically behind the president. president trump held a ra -- a raucous rally in the blue state of new jersey. the president saying in addition to creating millions of jobs his administration is ridding the world of the most dangerous terrorists as well. president trump: weeks ago at my direction the u.s. military launched a flawless precision strike that killed the world's number one terrorist, quassem soleimani. and soleimani was responsible for murdering and wounding thousands of americans and actively planning new attacks.
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but we stopped him cold. [cheers and applause] yet washington democrats like crazy bernie sanders and nervous nancy pelosi, they oppose our action to save american lives. they opposed it. they opposed it. you know the roadside bombs that you see hurting our people and lots of other people so badly in the legs, the arms ride out. soleimani loved that. that was his weapon of choice. we didn't like him. he's not around anymore. comeerthe -- while we are creatg jobs and killing terrorists, the congressional democrats are
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obsessed with hoaxes, witch hunts and partisan crusades. lou: our next guest playing a major role in crafting the president's the peace plan. great to have you with us, brian hook. congratulations on the proposal for middle east peace. your thoughts about the reception and the immediate rejection by the palestinians which i suspect was not unexpected. and your not on the first the palestinian response. >> there is a stereotype emerging around the palestinian leadership. they never miss an opportunity too miss an opportunity. the president put forward a bold vision for peace. it's a big diplomatic accomplishment. he's the first president in
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history to produce the most details plan ever to achieve peace between the palestinians and the israelis. this creates a path for the palestinian people to have a state of their own and it doesn't jeopardize israel's security. israel agreed to a for the first time that defines the borders they need to defend themselves against any attack. this is the best opportunity that president abbas and the palestinian people will have. it's important that they take advantage of this opportunity. but it can only be realized if the palestinians come to the table under the leadership of the united states. lou: have we had much response from our principal allies? >> this what's different from other efforts in the past. you had saudi arabia saying this
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proposal should be the basis for talks between the israelis and the palestinians. at yesterday's announcement with the president you had in the same room, president trump, the present of israel and ambassadors from oman, the united arab emirates and bahrain. we have leaders around the world saying this is the right vision. the parties need to come together and start negotiating. lou: the next steps? >> we hope the palestinians will take a look at this. this has a political plan with a lot of great benefits clawing capital in east jerusalem. it safeguards the biblical sites so that muslims and christians and jews can come and worship freely. there is an economic plan, $50
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billion to the palestinians to get them out of this poverty cycle they are in. but it's important for them to study this 80-page plan and accept the offer from the israelis. lou: turning to iran. we have an update from the pentagon. 50 of our troops suffered some form of concussion, injury in the iranian attack in iraq. give us your best understanding of what their condition is, and how serious the injuries. >> as people may remember, this was the attack that iranians launched in retaliation for killing general soleimani. thank god no americans were killed in that. but as you just said, there were about 50 people who had concussions. 31 have returned to service.
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then there are about 18 or 19 of them who are undergoing just basic medical evaluation. they are receiving the best medical care possible. and we hope they will be able to recover from the concussions and get back to work. lou: i want to turn to iran, the efforts of the house and the senate to rein back presidential authority particularly to wage war against iran. the president stiegh -- saying e house members. vote your conscience. give us the reasoning here and what you expect to be the result. >> these are two dangerous bills being considered tomorrow. as you said, they would restrict the president's ability to protect americans in the region.
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it would also restrict the president's ability to combat terrorism from isis or attacks from iran or attacks orchestrated by iran. so this is an important presidential authority. he's used it very wisely. he has shown restraint at the right time and he has shown strength at the right time as we saw killing quassem soleimani. it's important that the congress support our troops and vote against these two bills tomorrow. lou: brian hook, thank you very much for being with us. turning to the coronavirus. the cases surpassing 2003's sars epidemic. 170 people have died in china. about 8,000 infected worldwide.
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and the vast majority of those in china including the first cases by the way in finland and the united arab emirates. the united states will be joining a world health organization team going to china. the world health organization hosting an emergency meeting tomorrow on whether this outbreak is now what they would deem to be and declare to be a public health emergency. coming up next. john bolton, his betrayal of president trump. what caused the president's former national security advisor to attack his presidency? we'll be talking about the man who is a friend and who has worked with bolton for 30 years. he joins us here tonight. we'll take that with him. also, a new survey finds americans increasingly satisfied with the economy and life in general under this
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administration. we take that up with the savant himself, ed rollins. stay with us. ♪music and (bus sndfx)
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♪what you want, baby i got ♪what you need, you know i got it♪ ♪all i'm askin' is for a little respect♪ excuse me ma'am, would you like to have my seat? ♪r-e-s-p-e-c-t ♪find out what it means to me♪ ♪r-e-s-p-e-c-t ♪take care. tcb, oh ♪(sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me, sock it to me)♪ ♪a little respect
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lou: on wall street stocks closed mixed. the dow up for a second straight day.
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the nasdaq up 5. volume on the big board 3.6 billion shares. crude oil finishing at over $53 a barrel. gold finishing at 1,569. and google temporarily shutting down all of its offices in china as a result of the coronavirus outbreak. google's offices in mainland china, taiwan and hong kong all closed. google issuing temporary travel restrictions for its workers flying to hong kong and china. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. if president trump's rally in wildwood, new jersey, brought democrats, independents and
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people who didn't vote in 2016. it was over 100,000 people who wanted to attend that event. the president's campaign manager, brad parscale said 170,000 people requested tickets for the 7,500 seat wildwood convention center. more than 26% of those attending were registered democrats. more than 10% didn't vote in the last presidential election. new gallup surveys with impressive revelations showing americans have become far more satisfied in a number of areas since the president took office. the largest gains are the economy, national security, it in strength, and race relations all improving dramatically over that time. there have also been major
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satisfaction gains in government? crime reduction policies, the position of minorities in income and wealth distribution and the number of opportunities to get ahead. all indicating nothing but good things for the president as he begins campaigning for reelection in earnest. joining us, former reagan white house political director and fox news analyst, ed rollins. those numbers are impressive. >> the fact that you have 170,000 people go online and ask for tickets. if one of my friends who is a cop here said anything you can do to get me a ticket. to have that outpouring in the midst of this impeachment is amazing. "fox and friends" had a diner of people who had come to that.
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all were for trump. they were enthusiastic. i think new jersey -- i would put new jersey at top of my list as a potential. lou: it's interesting it could be considered to go from blue to red. but when you see this kind of enthusiasm for the president, and frankly -- this is such a -- so recommend any sent of 2016 -- so reminiscent of 2016. it's counterintuitive. >> in 2016 you had promises. now you have deliveries. promises made, promises kept. it's astounding. lou: it's one of the reasons we are watching this so-called impeachment farce. the democrats know they won't
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beat him at the polls. >> they are going to make a lot of noise and does much as they can. i think they are look at private polls and they aren't doing well either. lou: you think the idea they want any -- for any reason they want to call witnesses as a ruse? >> if they decide to call witnesses you are talking four weeks, pay the weeks the senate d -- 8 weeks the senate not doing anything. lou: let's take a look, if we could. these are folks who want witnesses called amongst the rinos. we call them romney rinos. if we can put that list up here. they are in some ways the usual suspects. susan collins, jame jainls.
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plankford, pat toomey an lindsey graham. lankford -- trouble won oklahoma and pennsylvania. what are these people thinking about? >> the truth of the matter is. even if they go against the president they won't get any democrats. they will lose republican support. that will cost them enormous chances of winning again. if i were mrs. collins, i would say i'm with the president all the way and go out and turn out my base. she is the -- she is the most vulnerable. lou: the president is showing in polls and as we reported in his
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rallies, the campaign is pick up. independents and democrats are being drawn to this president. >> he's doing what reagan did. he has brought in the blue collar people. those are independents and democrats and that's the road to victory. lou: let me put it this way. who else is working for the american worker? the american working man and one and? their families? the middle class. who in the senate and the house is applying that standard? this president is not only doing it. he said he would do it. i' -- he's delivering on it. >> don't forget the military.
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he's rewarding the military for their service. he's giving them equipment and pay increase and everything they need. lou: that's a gift to all americans to preserve our national security. let us say thank you to all of those who serve this nation in uniform. and we don't say it often enough. so let me say it again. thank you. thank you. ed rollins, thank you, sir. this impeachment thing, you think it wraps up friday? >> i really do. lou: i'm feeling a lot better. >> i think the white house team has done a fabulous job beating them back. the idea that chairman of the intelligence committee -- there are no trials in america without witnesses. that's crazy. there are trials every day without witnesses. lou: the left in this thing
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trying -- chuck schumer and pelosi are trying to take over the u.s. senate and running roughshod over mitch mcconnell. somebody needs to tell them to go to hell and this would be a good time for mcconnell to do just that. >> stands with the president. lou: i would like you to rehears that. go to hell, chuck. john bolton's betrayal from this former chief of staff. fred fleitz says what bolton should do with that unpublished manuscript. he will be on the broadcast in just a little while. 200 americans are back in this country from china. they remain in quarantine at a military base in california. will the isolation help prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
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an infectious disease expert says the united states is less prepared to deal with an h prepared to deal with an h epidemic than it w w w w w beware of threatening calls from telephone scammers pretending to be government employees. these calls are not from us! hang up and report the call at:
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[♪] lou: over 200 americans are back in this country after returning from wuhan, china, the epicenter of the coronavirus outbreak. these americans back in california this morning after passing screening tests in both china and the stop in alaska. the returning americans will remain in quarantine. they are being monitored by the cdc for three days at the march air reserve base in riverside county, california. those who show signs of the illness will be tested and held for quarantine for as many as 14 days which is the considered run of this disease from infection.
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our next guest was once falsely accused of mailing letters with anthrax shortly after september 11. that's why you will probably know his name. but he has so much to commend him. amongst those falsely accusing him was the fbi's james comey and robert mueller. he brought damages against the government which he won. joining us today is dr. steven haskell. he's a former army bio defense researcher. his new book is three seconds to midnight. we are delighted you would take time. i want to understand when your book will be available. >> it's out now on amazon ando,
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ando -- and zon and kindle. it had a later publication date, so it was moved up? >> yes. how concerned are you about what china is facing right now. i say china because obviously all of the deaths reported to this point are in china. and nearly all of the cases remain in china. >> it's not the number of cases i am concerned about that have died. these are still within manageable numbers. the problem is when you have this many people infected, the majority will get better. but they are not at work. and our modern complex
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infrastructures require a constantly healthy workforce to function. we are at a level of complexity of society now where even a small thing can lead to catastrophic disruption. and a drop of society to a lower complexity. lou: you are talking about a different paradigm that i think most of us are familiar with. you are not concerned about the number of deaths. but the number of deaths suggests the mortality rate. the mortality rate as we understand it -- assuming all the reporting we are getting china is accurate -- is somewhere around 3%. that considerably less lethal than was the sars virus in 2003. the number of cases at this point is troubling because it's in 20 countries as of tonight.
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but relatively few cases have spread from the borders of china. >> yes. my concern is for the united states. we have five cases reported here. somewhere around 150 people in quarantine being tested fan watched. this seems to be flair contained. we thanked no cases reported yesterday. i haven't seen cases reported today. this may have been contained which is a good thing. it's a fantastic thing. we have some problems in this country with regards to pandemic preparedness. lou: you created a conundrum for us. i want to hear what appears to be an immensely successful
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containment raises the spectre of failure in our judgment and let's resolve that seeming contradiction right after this commercial break. i will bring you back on the other side of the b b b b b
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lou: we are back with dr. steven hatfill talking about his concerns about the public health system facing a potential
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pandemic. you are worried about the united states, but you think this is contained. what is your principal concern about vulnerabilities within our system. >> our national pandemic plan has been designed for influenza which entails rapid vaccine production and administration of anti-viral drugs until the vaccine is widely available. lou: can we produce drugs fast enough in this case if it were to reach a and dem snik. >> most of our vaccine production is done overseas. lou: but anti-injuries that ants that would, effective.
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>> there has to be a mass flow through screening of drugs. lou: how do we change that? how do we fix that? >> there has to be a new dynamic and more emphasis given on local authority pandemic preparedness. the federal government agreed to in a pandemic plan to create vaccines and provide medical equipment. the hardest part is up to the local authorities. treatment beds available and increased medical personnel. lou: we are getting crushed for time. i will invite you back to continue this discussion in the next week if you would. steven hatfill, doctor, thank you very much. the white house says john
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bolton's upcoming book has classified and top secret information that has to be removed before it can be published. the national security council says the manuscript may not be published or disclosed without the deletion of this information. bolton's attorney says he's the prepared to testify and he will likely discussion that portion of his book. fred fleitz is the president for the center for security policy. you have been very tough on your former colleague and friends, i assume still, john bolton, saying that he has committed one of the greatest sins that you can in government. that's to violate the confidence of the president of the united states. what should he do? >> i believe he should withdraw this book. i their the principle that a
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president should be able to affect candidly with his national security advisors and not be afraid these discussions appear in the media or a book. this is an important principle to keep us safe. i think this book needs to be withdrawn. i don't think it should be published during this presidency and at a minimum it should be withheld until after the election. lou: elliott engle, are you breezed he has taken up the marie yovanovich, the ambassador to the ukraine, her case goes straight to the he will quote engle, the chair of the committee? >> he put out a report today that just after the ambassador was released he suggested it to engle that he investigate the removal of ambassador yovanovich.
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first of all, it's pretty odd that this happened to surface right now. i think the democrats are pretty desperate. if they knew this -- lou: it's clear what they are doing. let's be straightforward here. the democrats visibility only one pans. removing this president from office. this is their last desperate gambit. the timing of this book, the relationships with various agents with engle's committee. this is not an accident of any sort. i haven't met anyone dumb enough to think this is coincidental, have you? >> well, i am troubled by both of those reports. and i am hoping that ambassador bolton will come on the air soon and answer some questions. maybe he will be on your show and you can ask him about these
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two incidents. lou: my guess is that mr. bolton would not even begin to think about it, because he knows exactly how i would proceed with the questioning. and i can't imagine that he would do so. as you well know, i told the man to go to hell months and months ago because of his disloyal dis disthisdisloyalty to this presi. the president gave him the opportunity to serve in one of the highest offices in his administration. and i really am astonished by it. >> he's been a good friends. i think he's an honorable man. i think has serious questions to answer about this book. the developments today.
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this letter from the nsc classification and the statement by engle, i finds it extremely troubling. i think ambassador bolton has to answer for these. lou: he has been told by the national security council that he cannot proceed with certain top secret information. but apparently, given the earlier reports, he's taken it up with various friends, associates and colleagues in the national security community, which would seem to be on its face to be a violation of its obligations. what do you think? >> i have not seen the manuscript. lou: if it is classified, he's already seems to me taking some steps that are troubling. >> if those things are true, it's trouble. i also said on my op-ed this week, i think it was a mistake to send a manuscript this
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sensitive to the national security counsel kril which we know is leak-prone in the middle of this impeachment. according to reports many paper copies have been made. the nsc leaks like a suv. -- like a sieve. lou: most of the leaks are not helpful to this president. some of the latary agents say they have made a market of people leaving or thinking of leaving the administration. they are incentivizing it seems some of the complexity here. so you don't like the fact that he did it. you think he ought to throw the manuscript away. he has gone to congress on his own.
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and even though he has obligations under the president's executive privilege, he's gone rogue, hasn't he, fred? >> well, i think ambassador bolton has some serious questions to answer. lou: i'm asking you a question. he looks like he has gone rogue. >> i am just going to say that i think he's an honor panel man and he has serious questions to answer about miss book. lou: an honorable man. is that the way an honorable man would treat the president who gave him an opportunity in or would gratitude be the honorable course in recognizing his responsibilities. >> i have known him for 30 years. he has some troubling questions to answer about this book and he hope he has some good answers.
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lou: fred, i appreciate it. i know it's a difficult time for you. you are the stuff of which good friends are made. i'm shire has precip prokaitd. just kidding. member of the president's legal team debbie lesko next. what happened in the impeachment inquiry brought to you by the radical dimms and the deep state. debbie lesko joins us next. looks like in america.
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lou: congresswoman debbie lesko, member of the president's defense team. rinos want to go bring on witness. the romney rinos. your reaction to their efforts. >> i would definitely advise against it. they are playing into the democrats' hands. this is everything to do with the democrats wanted power. this is a power grab. it always has been. i'm totally convinced even if they called 100 witnesses and every witness was on the side of
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president trump, they would still want to impeach president trump. this is laughable. but it's really sad. you are impeaching the president, and i hear adam schiff when he's answering these questions. keeping on misrepresenting what has been said is disingenuous and that's been his pattern. he makes up stuff, and i guess he's trying to get the american people to believe him. lou: we have had three years of schiff's lying. he's the chair of the house intelligence committee. he's in charge of the house intelligence committee. it boggles my minds to think that he could be in that position. will that -- will these rinos stands up and be responsible or are they so consumed byru d cond
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byruby this the they won't. >> the questioning is continuing to go on. i listened to it all day as much as i could. i had committee hearings myself. but i had staff listening to it when i was in committee hearings actually doing work. lou: good for you congress woman. we are not seeing a lot of that in the senate. >> i was making a beef just yesterday that we have fentanyl drugs an thro d analog that's go expire next week. the democrats did put it up for a vote today sow it passed the senate just a few minutes ago because i think they couldn't even stand it themselves.
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lou: i would like to believe that. there is only one person i see right now working for the american workman and woman working for their families. his name is president trump. thanks so much for being with us. we appreciate. thanks so much. we'll be right back. as a caricature artist, i appreciate what makes each person unique. that's why i like liberty mutual. they get that no two people are alike and customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. almost done. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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lou: that's it for us tonight.
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we highly recommend kt mcfarland's book available foreign preorder "revolution." we'll see you tomorrow night. lauren: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. today the world health organization will decide if the coronavirus is a global health emergency with cases growing by over 1,000 a day. how this virus is affecting travelers and business. dagen: al.>> all eyes on amaz. can they put a slower third quarter profit behind them. lauren: cheryl casone is live in miami this morning. hey, cheryl. cheryl: i'm going to be here through the big game, reporting live for "fbn: a.m.." today we're talking to former nfl star on how players prep p pair for the big game and we have the executi


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