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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 3, 2020 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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i guess they do caucus, running unopposed. special coverages of caucuses tonight from iowa, 8:00 p.m. eastern. it starts with neil cavuto, who is sitting standing by ready to take it on. neil, it is yours now. neil: they do caucus in very small numbers. but they do. thank you very much, stuart. iowa kicking off the presidential race, both parties even though the attention is focused on the democrats. voters, investors taking in new economic data ahead of that vote, during that vote. remember kickoff time, 7:00 p.m. iowa time, 8:00 p.m. eastern time. voters are digesting new rules could potentially produce multiple winners in the state. here with more, is "after the bell" co-host connell mcshane in des moines. there is the possibility that you have multiple folks claiming a victory tonight, right? reporter: almost definitely will see at least the claim of that, whether it is interpreted that
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way is another story, neil. it will be a real interesting evening. on top of all that, compared to some extent in past years they're flying blind. the big headline was "the des moines register" poll was supposed to come out on saturday evening. it was canceled. or compromised in some way. supporter of pete buttigieg said his name was left off one survey. they didn't put that out. that gives you an idea where things stand. either way a busy weekend for all these candidates. we were out there on the trail with them as they made the final pitch to voters whether buttigieg or the other front-runners in the race. bernie sanders, joe biden, elizabeth warren. we were at events for all three. interesting in talking to voters you of course, especially at a sanders event where there is a lot of energy from the younger voters get a sense some people are firmly in one camp but also voters we spoke to who still don't know what they're going to do tonight. take a listen. >> i'm still m
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i'm a little embarrassing. i feel almost i don't belong here. i am making up my mind. reporter: kind of funny so hear the woman say feel i don't belong here. she was checking out former vice president biden, trying to get to as many event over the weekend. to your point on the rules it is different this time. it will be interesting how all the coverage is perceived. there will be three results. first preference is number we'll see, tally of that. in order for a candidate to be viable as they call it, he or she has to get to 15%. if a candidate is 15%, everybody in that group stays there. if a candidate is not they can move around. a final alignment comes second. we'll get that number reported to us. at the end of the evening presumably there will abdel gaat count reported. iowa has 41 delegates on the democratic side proportionally awarded. in theory the final number is the number.
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campaigns saying i look i won, i had highest in the first preference. neil: connell, thank you very much. let's get a read who has momentum going into this. that would be bernie sanders for the time-being. today they canceled one last poll that was supposed to give you one final snapshot of the state because of mayor pete buttigieg and his supporters saying he was never even mentioned among candidates. be that as it may, former dnc chairman, ed rendell. the governor is supporting joe biden in this race. always good to have you. how important is it in the myriad of possible outcomes that joe biden at least come out on top in one of them? >> good morning, neil. it is important but it's not fatal. iowa has sort of a sketchy track record predicting the winner in 2018 hillary clinton won iowa. barack obama went on to win the nomination. neil: no, no. in 2018, barack obama won iowa.
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>> i'm sorry, barack obama won iowa. hillary clinton won new hampshire. neil: right. >> after that. in 2016, hillary clinton won narrowly and went on to win the nomination. iowa has a lousy track record of predicting the eventual nominee. it is important for joe biden to do well. by well, means finishing top two or three. close vote total for the people finish on top with him. iowa is not a state that typifies the democratic voter base. it has practically no hispanics and very few african-americans. it isn't really a good test but because it is first it is important. neil: it is consistent, has a way of weeding out the process, whether the winner ultimately gets the nomination has at least four winners have. only one advanced to the white house, barack obama. do you wonder, maybe if it is a mixed affair?
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in other words multiple winners, confusing folks, or first sentiment vote, win on momentum vote. still another on the delegates you know -- that all of a sudden people will say you know what, iowa, you lost your first-in-the-nation status? >> well, i think people will be hesitant to make that move. i actually think, respectfully, it ought to be done. we ought to rotate. when i was party chair in 2000, very interesting, the secretary of state, republican and democrat of the 50 states recommended five regional primaries with 10 states in each primary. the first five months of the year, and they would rotate each presidential election. if you were fifth one year, you were first the next presidential vote. second, four years later, third, eight years later that would be fairer in the sense give all the at the opportunity to be up front. i think something like that is
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probably a better system but, i don't think that will be reviewed until after the election. neil: yeah i think you're right about that. we'll see what happens. governor, always good having you. thank you very much. >> thanks, neil. neil: corner of wall and broad where we stand. we pared our gains considerably with concerns of another u.s. case and still other based on human-to-human contact. this notion this could be spreading a little more out of control than we thought earlier. so that has been weighing on stocks a little bit. very little attention being paid on closing arguments going on capitol hill with the impeachment trial. more focus on the president's state of the union address still scheduled for tomorrow. even in a chamber that will have at least 100 senators the next day, voting whether or not to convict him on these charges, that appears to be a foregone conclusion it won't happy to him. janna caldwell with a read on
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crosscurrents. for now the president seems to enjoy the economic wind at his back. markets seem to be stablizing. he will be pushing that. job picture improving for all sorts of economic groups, how do you think it is going to go over? >> i think he made some tremendous strides and certainly we have an economy like no other. and for a lot of individuals who are typically marginalized throughout the country in certain senses have actually gone up. you talk about the lowest black unemployment rate in the country and there has been a significant targeting of these particular voters. if anybody watched the super bowl yesterday he spent $10 million for an ad talking about criminal justice reform which i think is huge! this president certainly isn't playing around. his accomplishments throughout the multiple sectors is something he has to continue to mention. certainly resonates with his voters, not just his base but independents as well. neil: gianno, i don't want to
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simplify this, get your perspective simply as a african-american, i apologize up front. >> no apology necessary. neil: let me ask you about this notion, iowa having this first-in-the-nation status. you heard all the rap, it is a lily white state. never mind that iowa opened doors to barack obama ultimately his presidency but do you feel for democrats at least, connecting off in iowa sends a wrong signal? some of the candidates from cory booker to castro have indicated that. they don't like that. what do you say? >> well, here's the truth, a lot of folks can focus on south carolina. we're the united states of america, whether it be black, hispanic, asian, whatever, this is our country, no matter how it kicks off it is still kicking off. what democrats should be concerned about is an individual by the name of bernie sanders in 2016 got over two million votes for young people under 30 who has collected 40% of that
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under30 vote, who is really excited about his candidacy. he is potentially going to be the one to win the iowa caucus tonight. that is according to polls that we see time and time again as of late as well as some data driven by the democratic party chairman throughout the different, 99 counties in the state of iowa who believe bernie sanders is going to win. there should be greater consideration among democrats who looked at some of the latest reporting said they're trying to work on a plan to possibly steal the election from bernie sanders again just like they did in 2016. so they have got a lot of issues on their end, not just with bernie sanders who is socialist candidate surely will lose against donald trump but some of these areas which they lacked policy when it comes to african-american issues and these other different groups. now the focus has been fully on socialism. that is a problematic view for a lot of americans, especially in the middle.
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neil: yeah, you never know my friend. there was problematic view of donald trump. democrats hoped and prayed he would be the nominee, right? you never know. >> they, they did hope and pray but let's be honest about this, we have economy on fire. bernie sanders is saying let's tax everybody, give government control of everything else isn't something that will play with republicans, independents and a good majority of democrat as well. neil: i think he is only targeting rich guys like but i could be wrong. >> you too. thank you. neil: always good having you, best-selling author. very good read of what is happening in the country. gianno caldwell. we are covering iowa caucuses tonight. concurrent foreign market reaction. foreign markets look at these closely. begins 8:00 p.m. eastern until ever, we're here for you. when fbn first went on the air we committed a lot of time to doing this. the intersection between washington and wall street. that started with us. we'll continue that because we
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owe that to you, no matter how late it goes especially if they're catering. we'll have more after this. when it comes to using data,
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it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ neil: all right, this is why we essentially halved our gains in the dow. the cdc confirming of a second case what they call person-to-person spreading when it comes to the coronavirus illness here. when they hear stuff like that, the fears that it could be airborne, not only in china where we have multiple confirmations of just that but in other places like the u.s. where this is only the second such time we have a confirmation of that. grady trimble in chicago following all of this. grady, how significant is this?
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reporter: neil, the number of deaths in mainland china from coronavirus have surpassed the number of deaths in the sars outbreak in 2003 and 2003 and. you mentioned cases in the united states. the cdc says there are 11 confirmed cases in the u.s. with two of those being transmitted here from one person to another, close contacts they say. today is also the first full day in which americans returning from the hubay province will be quarantined. americans returning from other parts of china will be monitored and self-quarantined for two weeks. i want to point out shares of pharmaceutical company gilead. the company is testing one of its drugs can be used as a treatment for coronavirus. clinical trials are reportedly taking place in wuhan, the epicenter of the outbreak. apple, on other hand announced over the weekend shutting down all of its stores and offices in
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china. they're planning to do this until february ninth. they already closed three stores in china because of the outbreak. it joins a handful of american companies that have done so, including starbucks which closed more than 2,000 stores. and mcdonald's temporarily shut down restaurants n terms of the stocks today, the dow seems unaffected by coronavirus at least today but in china the first day of trading after an extended holiday the stocks are down there by more than 7%. neil? neil: thank you, my friend, very, very much. the fallout as he was saying was quick and relatively short-lived. we stablized around this up 170 level. to to rebecca wallser. you said the reality what is happening this is largely contained in china. certainly the deaths are mostly in china. the risk of spreading into the
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u.s., the numbers terms much, much smaller by comparison but this is the kind of development that rattles markets. should it? >> well you know, neil, it is kind of interesting, if you look at the last 18 months before phase one got signed, a lot of u.s. multinational corporations had a lot of opportunity to analyze their supply chains in china and make adjustments and get out. apple is one that didn't. all of their supply chainses are from china through china. is why we're positive up, if companies like apple didn't have such a huge supply chain invested invested in chind obviously starbucks and china. i don't want to say this, neil, in china theytrange things, it has led over the years to very unusual virus outbreaks that are new.
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we going to do with that? so carnival now, not going into china. airlines shutting down in china. china is becoming an isolated island if you can call it that unto itself and of course there will be repercussions. neil: about those repercussions, i'm saying this, no one else is saying it if they fall into a slowdown one of the first things smart analysts are talking about or even a brief one, will they make good on promises to buy more goods from us? maybe they will have convenient excuse even if they are not to? >> that's, that's awful. i hate to go there, neil but, definitely something top of mind for all of us, thinking, we got the phase one finally hammered out, now they're isolated from the world. can they actually put their money where their mouth is? i don't know. neil: they have a legitimate excuse. not that it is an excuse. their population is stopped in its tracks. 60 million of its people are quarantined in their cities.
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if life can't get in or out, you can make a legitimate case this is freezing neil, and we all, we all see that. we see the writing on the wall. what we need is, we need australians came out with a live virus. they disseminated through botanists and people across the world. we need some kind of positive, you know, response here as fast as possible because we are so intercorrelated with china especially now with phase one and we want to see it come to fruition so yes, we need them to live up to their promises. certainly this is not their fault and we wouldn't hold this against them but we would count on phase one actually being delivered. neil: you're right. >> shows us how interconnected we all are, right? corporations and ceos take note, if this is how affected you are with china being cut off, what should you do about it? you need to look at that as an
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economic model what you should do. neil: hats off to you, you were one the first to say that in interconnection, when that broken off, you start worrying about the rest of the connection. touche to you, i appreciate that rebecca. stay well. >> thank you, neil. neil: we're following iowa and caucuses i do say caucuses there will be a quite a variety of them. what if i told you 1300 going on throughout the state? i find this norman rockwell iconic. a lot of people criticize why is iowa first off and imagine people gathering in school gyms and cafeterias, stating their will. that is us. very few country have that opportunity, that moment. we do. more after this. your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value
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>> they don't care about lying.
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you look at the lies, look at the reports that were done that were so false, the level of hypocrisy. so, i'm not sure that they can do it to be honest. i think they just want to win. it doesn't matter how they win. in the meantime i really believe this administration me, and this administration, we've done more than any administration in the history of our country. neil: well the president not surprisingly not a huge fan of this impeachment process, telling our sean hannity, when push comes to shove, it is his record and economic performance that will ultimately decide the next election and americans will overwhelmingly support him. i think i got the gist of that. here to correct me if i'm wrong, fox news contributor, very, have very smart read of politics and politics, liz peek. what he is essentially saying i will address the nation in my state of the union address tuesday night. i will outline everything i've done. i will put up it against the democrats trying to stop me and i will make a very convincing
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argument they should reelect me. will they. >> absolutely. he has a lot of things to run on. the one of the best things he has to run on, obviously signing trade deals. before that, confronting china, exposing china's misdeeds in the world. here we have with the coronavirus another chapter it of china lying to the world. neil: do you think lying or not being able to handle it. >> lying or misrepresenting the numbers, so forth, so on. look, president trump has done a lot for the economy, deregulations which has not been spelled out adequately. he does some of that in the state of the union address. i hope he doesn't talk about impeachment. people are bored out of their skulls about impeachment. what will we do next? let's move forward in this country. don't keep looking back, to look over our shoulder. this thing, impeachment was a political gesture. i think the founders got it exactly right. it should not be a partisan effort. the process has -- neil: it always is, if you think
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about it? >> yes and no, but to boot someone from office it should take both parties. the founders set this up would be required by a 2/3 vote in the senate. process played out. democrats can be angry about the way it happened. they brought this thing. to me it was monumental error from day one. who got tarnished even more than president trump? joe biden. amazing. neil: impeachment always backfire on party leading the charge whether republicans going after bill clinton. >> yeah. neil: initially democrats going after republicans with watergate even though that consumed republicans when the president later resigned but let me get your take on the markets reaction to all of this. because i think the markets to your point, liz, are not focused on impeachment. they're focused on another aspect of china. >> sure. neil: just like when they were focused tick for tick whatever happening on the trade front. we cannot get out of this china fixation, can we?
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>> it is a big part of the world economy. obviously four times when it was when sars hit. that took a bit of a measure too. neil: wow. >> we're looking at what will be the impact on growth? is it just a speed bump in the sense a lot of things we won't buy, won't do in the first quarter get done in the second and third quarter. some of it won't happen. if you shut down a disney theme park, that business will not come back. neil: in hong kong, they're still shut down. do you think if you're the chinese you can come back, say, not use it as an excuse, this will impact our ability to make good at least in the first year on phase one? >> i think absolutely for sure it will. they're just not consuming as much as they might be. neil: right. >> they're not set up infrastructurewise to really avoid being handicapped by this virus. i think there are a lot of sectors. this is what all the analysts on wall street are doing right now. they're sharpening their pencils. trying to figure out how much
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levy's earnings will be hit, how much apple? the market will be a little lower than it was as a result of that. again most of this stuff will be made up down the road i suspect. that is why i think the market has pretty happily recovered some, not all of its losses. neil: you're right. we are back over 200 point gain here. >> sure. neil: a lot of that was based on the person-to-person virus contagion in the united states. someone corrected me we have a dozen such cases worldwide right now. very few considering about 12,000 people, just in this country alone who die of the common flu. nevertheless this year of that is building, appearing to get out of control. the chinese are having a devil of a time getting their hands around it has been compounded by no less than carrie lam in hong kong you need to control this. she is telling her bosses that. we'll obviously continue to watch what is going on that front. we'll continue to watch what is going on with the caucuses to night as this iconic moment in
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american history, quadrennial event as iowa kicks of, state of the union address where the president said he will likely outline everything he is doing right about this we have a lot of live coverage. that takes us into the wee hours on this network tonight into tomorrow. we told you, promised you when this network first started that is what we're going to do. that we'll do it. more after this. there's a company that's talked to even more real people than me: jd power. 448,134 to be exact.
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they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room.
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he joined high taxes bunch. michael bloomberg says it is targeting wealthy and corporations. how he does so and who he is targeting gets everybody's attention. get the latest from edward lawrence. reporter: neil, michael bloomberg says the government needs more money. as we do that, he says his 5 trillion-dollar plan will impact .1% of americans. the reach could be greater because he plans to raise the corporate tax rate from 21% to 28%. he targets wealthy americans, putting 5% tax on people making more than five million dollars a year. he wants to raise the top tax bracket back to 39.6%. bloomberg will toughen the estate tax. making capital-gains taxes the same as income tax for people worth more than a million dollars. instead of talking about merits of bloomberg tax plan, when
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interviewed by fox news's sean hannity on sunday, trump talked about bloomberg's appearance. >> when i think of him i think of little. now he wants a box in the debates to stand on. you can be short. why should he get a box to stand on, okay? he wants a box for the debates? why should he be entitled to that? really, does that mean everyone else gets a box? reporter: $5 trillion generated from bloomberg's taxes increases would fund a number of bloomberg's plans according to his campaign. he would use them to pay for a trillion dollars in infrastructure as well as health care, education, and climate change initiatives. now a statement bloomberg says this, quote, those investments require new revenue and a fairer, more progressive tax system that asks wealthy americans like me to pay more. you may see bloomberg on next debate stage in las vegas. that is because the democratic national committee changed the rules involving individual donor
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thresholds. bloomberg is using his own money, not accepting donations. so far that is barring him from the debates. he still needs, neil, 10% in the polling which finishes on february 15th to make it on the debate stage. back to you. neil: thank you very much. we have not looked into the box gate situation and we have not been able to find proof that bloomberg planning to participate in any debates he wants a box, one would come up, should it come up. no proof at all. i don't know where the president got that. we'll be monitoring it. round two, caucusing could swing contest dramatically as rules change this year. i had a good fortune chatting with this fellow in iowa over the weekend. he knows this process more than anybody i talk to. the university, drake political university science professor joins me again. professor, good to have you back. >> thank you, neil. neil: you explained very well how we could have multiple outcomes. if you have multiple, excuse me,
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multiple out comes, doesn't that mean people are going to look at iowa saying, maybe you shouldn't be first-in-the-nation because you're confusing the heck out of people? >> well we've got two ways which people could say ho-hum about iowa. one of course, if you have three or four people, essentially tied together. people will say, what did iowa accomplish other than winnowing field of some other candidates? but also if there is any confusion or ambiguity in terms of who finished first, either by looking at the so-called state delegate equivalent numbers, based on realignment we talked about, or that first choice of people pointing in a different direction. so, 48 states are always unhappy about the position that iowa and new hampshire hold in this nomination process. neil: you're right. >> it needs to be defended every four years unless someone comes up with acceptable alternative to the 48 states. neil: normally someone with a
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heady lead, and people talking about big momentum that bernie sanders has. if he does it strongly as some suspects he might, no way to ascertain that, you usually win on all key categories. momentum when people first gather, that early popular vote read. the delegate read, when people caucus again after the first round, that you could pull off a hat trick, if you will. that there is no doubt. do you envision something that unequivocal? that would require whoever it is to win con stripingly? that is hard to do in your state, isn't it? >> it is. i mean you have had years in which people have won convincingly in recent years with some different candidates participating in the caucuses they're looking for that sling shot into new hampshire which itself would be a slingshot into further states. yes, you want to do well early on to send a signal to the rest
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of the country and activists on your side who are politically engaged and politically knowledgeable think you have the goods. that is the message you want out of the early states when you go to the big states that award big chunks of delegates. neil: what affect does turnout have, professor? for barack obama in 2008 it was record turnout at the time. that propelled his candidacy even though he lost new hampshire. it was a real shrug fight between he and hillary clinton after that. how much do you weigh that. >> my real estate friends tell me three most important factors in real estate are location, location, location. in a electoral politics whether a caucus primary, or general election, are turnout, turnout and turnout. not all groups turn out equally. for example in 2016, 3/4 of participants in the republican caucuses here were 45 and older.
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2/3 of the participants in the democratic caucuses were 45 and older. older folks at least so far don't seem to have much attachment to vice president biden. i should say older folks have that attachment. older folks don't. they're in line with senator sanders. if there is a big bump in turnout among younger democrats that could bode well for bernie sanders or possibly elizabeth warren or pete buttigieg. neil: by the way, if it is a strong night for bernie sanders, i'm going outside of the normal line of questioning here, professor, there is a lot of talk that democrats who are five just about his possible nomination really begin to reconsider the rules. that maybe super tell gates will be able to vote on a first ballot. how do you think that will go down? >> well, sanders argued last time around that he was disadvantaged by the role of the superdelegates. he thought the finks was in for hillary clinton among the super
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delegates. but at the same time, he is somebody running for nomination after party to which he does not claim allegiance. he is an independent. he caucuses with democrats. so, yes he can complain, say if they changed the rules midway, that is not really fair. on other hand democrats might say you're not even an official democrat. you're attempting to take over the main support of the party and so you can't really complain. but either way it turns into a big nasty situation for democrats. neil: it does indeed. professor, you're an encairo media, i appreciate it sir -- encyclopedia. when i can understand it. dennis gold from drake university. it is pretty remarkable. to remind you about iowa, it get as rap of lily white state. keep in mind iowa launched the political campaign of barack obama. think of that.
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neil: all right. oil continuing to slip-sliding away. saudi arabia looking for short term oil production cut in response to the coronavirus sliding away. to the guy they call the cow guy, scott shellady. one of the best reads of commodities going on and much, much more. scott, always great to see you, my friend. do you think this coronavirus going to be our new china trade, you know, anxiety attack? in other words, the markets traded up or down based on whatever was coming out on the trade front or lack thereof. now the same with this virus? >> yeah. the short term, as long as we have the possibility of the markets being surprised by some new announcement or some crazy
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number of deaths, that is going to be the case. so there is going to be a little bit of a pall, a little bit of a black cloud over things. china's oil consumption is expected to drop by at least 20%. there will be some real tangible effects but what markets don't like to be surprised. this is exactly the type of thing that would surprise the market. neil: do you trust info you're getting out of china? >> no, i don't. neil, i was there, december 21st, right? i took my last flight back. i was there for a week. to see what i saw in shenzhen supposed to be their palo alto, where google and facebook -- their likeness of google and facebook. it is so different than an american capitalist country. things are very quiet. there is no homeless people around. it is a town of 13 million people. there was no traffic anywhere. very odd, big, big beautiful buildings with no people. so that right there put me, on
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my heels a little bit about, wait, what is really coming out of here? are they telling me the truth? are there really 13 million people in the city? there is no traffic to the airport. chicago has eight million and you can't get there. i am very suspicious what comes out yes. neil: interest rates are collapsing because of all of this. mortgage rates at three-year lows. that could be sort of like a floor for the markets. what do you think? >> well, it is going to make stocks more attractive. that is what the stock guys will say. i would rather see a little bit of fat in the rates to help all other businesses make money. when we see the rates compress like that, it doesn't do anybody any good. arguably it will be capital destruction. what will happen to the pension funds, health funds. those things will start to take it on the chin. there really isn't any white horse coming around the corner to rescue us. that is the problem powell got.
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we have 3 1/2% unemployment rate. we're not competing for wages. wages are laying there, only going up a little bit. 3.3% unemployment with 2 point gdp doesn't add up. we're still better than everybody else but the rates being at this low say there is something wrong and nobody knows what it is right now. neil: that is very interesting. scott, always good chatting with you, my friend. appreciate it. >> all righty. neil: besides sectors, one particular drugmaker getting a lot of attention in the middle of this coronavirus situation. for more on that, we're going to kristina partsinevelos with us at the new york stock exchange. kristina? reporter: the drug is on your screen. that is immune therapeutics. they launched a drug specifically for peanut allergies. the way it works a peanut powder capsule, break it on the food
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and for children 4 to 1 years old to slowly develop immunity to develop toward or not having peanut allergy reaction. you will not see peanut butter and jam sandwiches but reduces outbreaks of such a reaction. a lot of people think it will be great. people meaning wall street analysts weighing in super bullish on the stock. jmp securities has outperform rating. $44. target, outperform 64 bucks. piper overweight 66 bucks. a lot of the street is very bullish on the stock. that is what you're seeing on the screen. the reason they're bullish, the price of it is not cheap. $890, it would cost you $11,000 per year. it is expensive, but obviously a source of revenue for the company. neil, another company doing well, dbd technologies. a little less than $10 a share.
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they have a patch that may or may not get approved later this year for peanut allergies. the stock continues to climb higher if that is approved. neil, do your children have peanut allergies? neil: no they do not. i know many parents whose kids do. that is a welcome development. reporter: it is a big deal. neil: kristina, thank you very much. meantime everyone is focused on the democratic race but technically there is a republican race going on of the guy who hopes to resonate, make a difference, bill weld, after this. so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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neil: you know the focus is on the all the democrats, the dozen still running for president, 11, technically in the 2020 presidential race but a number who are challenging the president of the united states on the republican side, among
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them right now, probably the most well-known of them, bill weld, former governor of the state of massachusetts. he joins us right now. governor, thank you for joining us. >> thank you for making time for me, neil. always a pleasure. neil: you have an up hill fight, you heard that once or twice before. how do you expect to do. >> joe walsh and i are expected to do reasonably well. i think mr. walsh spent more time in the state than i have. i have a certain new hampshire centric ideas about the rhythm of the race but people are very receptive out here to the extent that we get into the coffee shops, i would say, three out of four glad you're doing what you're doing. we're around a lot of universities and meet a lot of polysci, university students and high school. i'm encouraging them all, stay in, keep tabs on it. don't let democracy die in darkness. they know exactly what i am
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talking about. neil: the two of you together, congressman walsh and yourself would have trouble scraping up 15% of the vote in iowa, minimum individually you would need to score any chance of getting delegates down the road. does that worry you, going into new hampshire you would really behind the eight ball? >> well i don't think there is any such rule in new hampshire and i have 250 days there. i think congressman walsh has been spending a good bit of time in iowa. we'll have to wait and see, but the atmospherics in terms of people we neat all over, all kinds of people, is good. and i, you know, i will go into a coffee shop, won't be able to walk over to the first tame before i am engulfed by people who are just there. there is huge interest right here in the caucuses. iowa is well aware the first cut at the rough draft of history. they're proud of it. neil: what do you think, governor, that mitt romney, who was open to witnesses has been
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disinvited to cpac? that if that wasn't proof it is donald trump's party now, there you go? >> yeah. it doesn't so much surprise me and, you know, mitt romney is a big boy. he can certainly take it and he is very popular in utah and around the country. so i just think that's a, it is a bonehead move on the part of the people who disinvited him. disinviting somebody for something like this which is not terribly controversial, except in the minds of people who are just wired to prevent any error getting into the system, that is a bonehead play. neil: what do you think of the party now? again, i keep talking about it being donald trump's party now, even people who question how he has built up deficits and debt, takes many to tango on that, i get it, but that his approach, people afraid to take him on, it is kind of dictated the new
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republican party? which i guess is why you're running but where do you think the party goes? >> you know, i thought last friday was a bad day at blackrock, i really did. i thought the republicans were going to vote for more witnesses. there has never been a senate trial with no witnesses and no documents. it is not a trial at all. so i think two things. i think one, if they persist in this, emperor has a wonderful suit of new clothes i think republicans will lose the senate. we'll have a democratic senate and house next year. and i think the party, the republican party could split. donald trump would be in charge of the no-nothing party which was half of the weak party that split a century ago. you know, they were founded on anti-immigrant prejudice, violent rallies and conspiracy theories. so the lineal for bearer, for runner of the trump, the trump
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organization now. history has a way of repeating itself. the wonderful thing about the whig party splitting off the other half elected abraham lincoln. neil: i remember covering that race, governor. >> only you and i remember. neil: we'll have a lot more after this. stay with us. >> thank you,
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>> they have seven hours right now to skedaddle and make the runaround and 99 counties in iowa. bernie sanders, and amy and the others are quickly trying to match what they are doing to close the deal today. in the morning today. hours from now hillary.
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>> annual, investors are keeping an eye on iowa tonight because worst case scenario some people on wall street would be a senator bernie sanders solidifying his front runner status out of iowa into new hampshire. when ellis morning that if sanders does search, it could crock market even before november. last week, bernie's momentum could spark a near-term selloff. cement will start sure the carcass result will have an immediate impact in the market because it is just the first contest of many. but who finishes on top, could send a signal of what to expect in november. we think the market would react favorably to a trump reelection. the market might selloff but not panic if a democrat wins and we expect a sharp selloff in the market especially in financial stocks. in this to progressive, campaigning hard for the final light on the campaign trail in iowa for the carcass. lauren and sanders, counting the
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economic message that had some on wall street worried. >> this is the beginning of the moment when we tell the 1 percent, this country belongs to all of us. >> we have to change this. we need a different approach to our economy. >> and analysts wrote last week that every ten-point rise that sanders or warren gets to the polls, can translate to a 1 percent drop in the s&p. they found that a moderate democrat like mayor pete had a positive impact. and former vice but didn't have it impact at all. they continue into our live coverage that kicks off at 8:00 p.m. eastern tonight. niel: place to watch his right here
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printed in the meantime democrats may be worrying about bernie sanders surgeon that has somebody worried but it sounds familiar and what storm of presidential candidate pretty says the dnc, stacking the deck once again against senator centers. always good to have you. >> good to be with you and thank you so much. niel: hillary clinton raise your name again not too long ago. i haven't had a chance to speak with you since that time a few weeks ago but in doing so she was also talking about bernie sanders and the people don't like him. but will show the exact quote here for folks back at home. it is the first time she has made such remarks and fueled this notion that my harrison party are getting concerns. what you make of that. >> i think it is true. we see that in all kinds of ways from the stacking of the deck of
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the dnc and the democratic national committee, the committee's for the convention. these are in fact being sacked with sanders opponents. niel: but is she getting that, then nobody likes them. he tipped. >> exactly. niel: he has a legions of fans. where is she getting them printed. >> i think she is getting it from inside of her head. i think she needs a reality check because sanders actually has the most favorable rating of any active politician right now. and he is leading in national polls. he is leading in new hampshire and he has been leading or practically leading narrowly competing with biden. he served in california. i think hillary clinton is evidence again, that the
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old-timers, the insiders, of the democratic party's establishment they need a reality check. niel: they are thinking, their choosing the rules superdelegates can't vote. and now they are rethinking that. maybe they can, something that i would guess potentially benefit the joe biden but not a bernie sanders. what you think of that. >> jill: absolutely and they are talking about potentially changing those rules. but they just change the debate rules as well. in order to allow bloomberg and they refuse to change the debate rules in order to allow candidates of color dr. jill stein or the form a lot skin senator mike crivello to remain in the contention and debate. i think they are fighting a
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futile battle because if you look at opinion polls down the ages spectrum, once he gets to be below 40 years old, support for sanders is absolutely overwhelming. i think this is an epic generational struggle that is taking place right now before our very eyes and the question is who is the economy four. who is our political four. that you are essentially not delivered to but russian sort of groomed you to be in much of the distractor the hillary clinton claimed you work to rob her and certainly in these battleground states that what did you think when you read that. dr. jill: i thought it was prosperous and hysterical. i was thoroughly investigated by the senate intelligence committee with whom i turnover all of my communications and was
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extensively interviewed by. and they had absolutely zero to follow up on. this is the clinton campaign. essentially trying to justify that it has lost to a game show host. and this is the smear they throw up against all of their opponents. and we can't have a battle but i just we just try to take on your on it. these ridiculous. and the american people are not buying it. but what is really going on here is that there is a struggle of generations. you have a young generation right now that is admired and in student debt they don't have the jobs to get out of the debt interfacing the absolute lockdown of the climate. and with a recent study just published lastly, in part by the university of california saying that the models are actually off on sea level rise and we don't treat this is an emergency, we are looking at real potential not for a couple of foot sealevel rise, a potentially a level sea level rise.
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10-foot they could begin her lifetime. we really do have an emergency. we really do want to do what is right for everybody for the younger generation. and for our economy. which ultimately will be just devastated if this kind of catastrophe begins to happen. and to prevent that, we need basically in the green new deal which would be the economic revival of our dreams. to actually invest in our workforce and to invest in her comments that we need. invest in the greening of our economy. this is good for everybody. niel: qb surprise on the president disagrees with that. people can agree or disagree but you have the right to be heard. so very good having you on. and thank you again. speech of great to be with you. thank you so much. niel: join us on the iowa caucuses tonight, the only venue then you can look at the money side of the politics sign, and with foreign markets opening. i know what you are saying.
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i am in a dilemma. they are going to be offering things. what should i do. there are great stars. in the meantime, joining us right now, following that strategy, at the white house with the very latest. it is like. it. >> hi o'neill, we will be watching you. but also we will have a busy one myself included here in washington because after iowa it is in the state of the union address that the president will be giving as well. this third state of the union address and keeping the money thing going. that is what we are told that the president in part will be talking about tomorrow night which is the economy. the white house says that the president speech tomorrow night is going to be called the a great comeback and we should expect a heavy dose of the economy to be a part of the president's speech. five different themes that the president will talk about tomorrow. the blue-collar boom as they call it, they said the president
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will address the importance of the china deal, the opportunity zone and the energy revolution and also talk about the supporting and promoting working families and where he will call on congress to empower children and paid family leave he will also be discussing lowering the cost of healthcare. save an illegal immigration as he sees it and protecting americans national security work he will update the congress on efforts that are taking place all around the world. the president gave a bit of a preview over the weekend read this was during the super bowl interview with the president and also that he will be talking about va reform. >> we will talk about the achievements that we have made, nobody is made achievements like we have made pretty so many different things. i am so proud of what we have done with vets. the accountability where we can take care of our vets would be can get rid of people who aren't taking care of our pets. >> than the present since the speech will have an optimistic tone. and as he gives it tuesday
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evening, about 20 hours later, 19 hours later, wednesday at 4:00 o'clock, senators will be giving the final vote as to whether or not to impeach the president or not when asked about it. it was a whether or not the president will get into impeachment in his speech or not. and i guess we will have to say tomorrow night. neil, i get a little bit of break and i will and iowa off to you. niel: while i was in iowa. a number of people came up to me and financially told him that he's it pre- madonna. those were my things. [laughter]. i don't want to rain on their parade. thank you my friend. they love you. in the meantime, we do have special coverage of the presidents sting of the union address 8:00 p.m. eastern time. you know the drill. we'll get to a foreign market reaction. the weirdness of this is that
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blake just pointed out about 12 hours later, the impeachment vote in the senate. on whether or not to convict the president of the united states. it is a world weird world of my friend and we are covering it. >> house managers, imagine traveling hassle-free with your golf clubs. now you can, with! no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead with makes it fast & easy to get to your golf destination. with just a few clicks or a phone call, we'll pick up and deliver fox business news saves you time and money. make it simple. make it ship sticks.
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>> i think trainers, or the money that is moving the market realize that if this gets out of control which it is not right now but if it does get out of control to can cut china off from the rest of the world as far as training goes. just like a tree deal falling apart would've done. so ironic that is happening right in the hills of phase one of the trade deal. but people are dying. that is a very dangerous situation so in deserved to be watched. niel: i talk to some of these people in their paid on what they can cash in on very quickly. but they are with the art. that's the way it happens. but do you think any long-term effect of this have had great profits to a great run during this market should cool it as a result of this printed. >> no. i don't on here often neil to give guarantees but i see this as a pretty simple, one of two things happening to me that the virus wants us all out so none of it matters or get past it to there's a rally was a great time
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to buy in any pullbacks. to if you look at the other viruses to the other outbreaks that have recently affected the markets like bird flu, to sars. was are temporary issues. once the epidemic got under control, there was back to kissing on earnings to growth. i don't see it derailing anything. niel: to the other publication, more people died by the tens of thousands versus this. in leaving that aside, one of the things is the drop in interest rates. to then all of a sudden multiples for this market aren't crazy or as crazy. do you buy that. mike: i do. it really depends on your timeframe to then it depends on certain names within the market. so overall, it is hard to argue that the market after 30 percent run last year, is cheap at current valuations. niel: do you think people are using this as an excuse. a speech it could be but i think
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the day-to-day swings, the down 600 followed by a 300 this morning. i think it is more problematic training. the big fun swimming in to out of the markets based on headlights. for people watching at home, if you were to take your money where your retirement funds out of the market today, when you put them. when you put the program because of your waiting for the elect to come, just do know when the full that comes, when it is clear to get back in to then go along for the ride again. it. niel: invested question works be to know there could be a downturn in the market but historically downturns don't last very long. so know what your needs are. not you is nolan mr. but it. knowing what your individual needs are to follow your game plan. some don't trade on based on headlines the market. niel: i'm assuming you're talking about me. mike: i covered myself there. niel: well done my friend. you are very calming influence
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on these markets. keep levelheaded about that. in the meantime, there's a new letter in the alphabet that could make or break the tech giant. we are on that. coming up.
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niel: there are new questions right now the tech giant report earnings after the bell begins in to out of this evaluation with the back-and-forth on the coronavirus. susan is moderating it all. >> learnings after the bell today, to first report card with obits new ceo, at the home because larry page to since then, the cofounders of subway from day-to-day management of the company. they have been ceo at google for a number of years. susan: this will be a tough one for alphabet to live up to since their high expectations on the market but we are looking for profits to fall from a year ago.
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we should see sales of around 2n why profits are falling is because they are spending more in terms of these self driving in traffic accusations cost to also cloud infrastructure build that as well but it will be interesting after the bell if anything but antitrust, is really under the microscope. launching their probe into the dominance when it comes to searching. 90 percent of the market to also online advertising as well which controls more than 70 percent of the market along with facebook as well. so the key components here in terms of what we are actually push the earnings higher will be three parts. surge, how much advertising or the taking to by getting people to click on google so to look at us where they are going on the internet to also youtube. they also on that which has more than 2 million monthly active users to how are they monetizing. to cloud revenues. to that is the future where amazon to microsoft have been
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vastly growing. google is behind here. since they only have 5 percent of the market share compared to 60 percent for amazon which had a six year head start. the interesting one to see is if they live up to the expectations today. niel: i always forget they own youtube. thank you very much susan. first 2022 begin, they say there are usually three tickets of iowa. could there be four or five. i will explain.
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niel: final push in iowa. what happened tonight could shake the race. a lot of people question whether it will ultimately produce a nominee but it does wiggle down, but potential. connell mcshane is joining is now out of des moines. >> whether you're democratic or rib public. advantage of the caucuses in town the visitors bureau was telling us in the wake up to the caucus, leading up to the carcass they expect $11 million in additional economic activity which is important because none of the caucus in town, this time of year is usually pretty quiet. >> the first part of preparing for the caucuses. the physical material but the second part is just getting mentally prepared for all of the
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attention. connell: mike is behind this quirky t-shirt shop, known for its creative catchphrases. >> hi do you live here or you currently running for president. about the midwest in politics. it ever the danville. to bernie came into his picture taken with us in the chart printed. connell: let's talk about 2020 a little bit. tommy what else you have in terms of the candidate charts. they're selling well. >> we carry all of the candidates information so we can really actually reenact the debate. like did you call me a liar, what, did you call me a liar. connell: a big boost during caucus years in the mowing business owners must be prepared. >> normally we staff way down for january to december but you will usually have about 10 percent more staff in january during the caucuses as you would enter sales over a regular january are going to be of from 25 to 30 percent. connell: you sharing the wealth.
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baker brittany haskins, owns one sweet kitchen. she teamed up with ray to sell cookies in his shop. >> we will put anything on the cookie to we have iowa shaped cookie so we reach out to them in the bond of a few different slogans most of which to they are ready sell insurance to we put them on cookies. >> was put some numbers behind that. speedo tell me about this january say last january. it. >> the 20 percent more revenue just from cookies to the caucuses this january as opposed to last january the cool thing about that is all of the foot traffic like they get, the trickle-down effect may call down later cookies. connell: i am sold. these are very good cookies. so this thing you know, they were very good cookies. to maybe know all this already but it can be quite challenging to use your broadcast voice to, eat a cookie at the same time.
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be one please. i have submarine sandwiches appear. what are you talking about. exactly my friend. it's been great reporting out there to we appreciate it. in the meantime there is concerned that cookies are not withstanding. misinformation that could spread in this campaign. in iowa, no different. secretary of state of ima, joining us on the phone. thank you for joining us for stuff. what are you noticing. anything odd. do you usually find about it in one shape or form after the caucuses. what do you here printed. >> fortunately we haven't seen a lot, we did have an incident with judicial watch was putting out information today that is not accurate. were trying to make sure the folks know that they get the accurate information to go straight to the secretary of state website or the local county official election officials. too much disinformation.
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niel: what is getting out from this it dislodged the you're trying to clarify. it. >> there trying to indicate that we have more registered voters here in eligible voters to circuit counties. it is absolutely not correct. we work very hard to make sure the numbers are accurate. our county auditors in her office update goes on a regular basis. in my opinion they're just trying to make it look like we got ghost as potential voters in our state. to that's just ugly not true printed. niel: i don't know about that but i do know that your state has tried hard. to you've lead this effort to make sure that everything is transparent to no one will doubt the outcome. but it could be a confusing outcome right. this pursuit of transparency you could have democratic sign multiple winners here, to can be confusing for folks. what do you think. >> it can, is one of those
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challenges that we know we have every responsibility. we also recognize that the media to the rest of the country want those results right away. to when you push back, things can fall through the cracks. so think they are putting every effort into trying to be sure how they collect the votes tonight, will be accurate to on a timely basis. but they are human. at the end of the night, someone will make sure we get it all accurate. to they have a pecking order as a going to new hampshire. suet will watch closely so thank you very very much. in the meantime, it was among the lowest paid quarterbacks in all of the nfl. but something tells me all of that will change now. after this.
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niel: stocks are posting stronger than expected. manufacturing report in january early on, christina is here to break down what is driving these markets up. at least a little bit more up to they have been a little while ago prayed. >> we did just see that see a brain on your screen over there but let's take a look at over those some of those winter starting with the dow because there are coming up on the highs but still the dow is up a hundred to 71 points. this should be nike is the first one as well as while disney in june. to nike is trading higher because of the upgrade. they believe that the company has logged in the pipeline products innovation to while disney is on there because earnings are coming up will play close attention to disney plus subscribers that is a big number there. your screen using the s&p 500 winners to i want to focus on this service because they are
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working on a trial for the coronavirus. this you see the stock price of over 5 percent to there's a big mover there. to nike most 4 percent higher on the ubs upgrade. invest, the least, nasdaq case that potentially tesla could climb to $7000 a share. to previously they said $6000 a share. so given that upgrade over there, so price of 16 percent. quite a ride for this company. but one company that is had moving in the opposite direction is jcpenney's. this company this party got a warning letter from the guys about me from the new york stock exchange think the jcpenney, stock does not comply with the new york stock exchange. it needs to be the closing price a dollar of our 30 day. to it seems to be hovering as we can see at 72 cents right now. in the company that was trying
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to turn itself around, they will be doing a reverse stock which will reduce the outstanding shares, they hired six new executives to help with that turnaround to then marie started with some of the stores remodeling. if near earnings the company expected at the end of the month for february 27th, to fortunately or exciting the cells develop even though cash flow is expected to be positive. jcpenney's is still low. people go shopping there printed the sales numbers are not showing that. be one they get lost in the sauce here. christina, great job. let's go to making money. on the whole tesla thing if you will indulge me charles, how do you do with your client is able to get in on this is a great momentum is another amazon on steroids. how do you guide to folks with a stock like that. charles: no one has asked me. we got out too soon. to it is so funny, i was bragging about how two days ago
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when elon musk took on the analyst community to had a really tough conference call in the stock was hammered in may. we went long in june at 300 to 315 we made a lot of money on it. obviously hindsight is 2020 but nobody really wants to buy year printed to some people are kind of worried because this kind of move, this kind of parabolic move, it does harken back to the bone. to the tech boom, the tech bubble if you will. just a moment ago, tristan e talking about argus $12808. but you do have firms like an arc investment, which is a very brilliant people there to they do see it going to the multi thousand dollars over the next ten years. another way, these are folks who just jumped on the bandwagon recently, these are people who better seeing this when wall street was heavily on the stock so you've got to camp here. one thing since is the mind boggling thing that goes way beyond any shortcomings another cancer believes that this is just the beginning of the next
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ten years. tesla will dominate. niel: $7000 a share. charles: it is hard to believe. it is mind-boggling. to yet i am watching it like golly, i could never chase it at this point without an adequate pullback. niel: amazing to thank you my friend printed in the meantime, super bowl winning kansas city chiefs back, a lot of tesla stock. it looks like a historic payday. certainly after this last night. take a look. it. >> to the touchdown. niel: the football star couldn't land nfl's first $200 million contract with of course it is everyday change. dle agency doug. good to have you. that sounds like a nice conduct but not out of the question.
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mr. is not, by jc pull over in tesla. but when you consider 24 years hundred 38 days patrick mahon's just became the youngest player to win both the lead in bp to super bowl trophy. doug: opening talk about the nfl of 30 to 40 bucks in the nation the survey, he is one in 10 million, when you look at his numbers, is arguably one to a hundred million. to he has a historic pay in the horizon. niel: it is what it is but he was one of the lowest pay. to now we will be among the highest. how did this sort out when they get a big contract like that. doesn't take the him out of the change of how they played. it is on the card back right. it's two things. the contract that is playing out, that was his rookie deal. he signed a four-year deal to is a pic, the mean the team had an option for the fifth year printed as a slotted contract meaning the amounts are largely predetermined. he is playing on no loan number
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based on his accomplishments. in terms of the attitude to execution once again the big payday, this dependent on each player to all we have thus far are height watermarks when it comes to patrick mahon's' attitude to ability is off field appealed to his on-field executions. just shy of 24 to a half this guy has a decade plus of excellence ahead of him. the whole tom brady thing. i'm wondering, what is he saying. is he likely to say with the patriots. 30 million-dollar deal. i get it. it's kind of like what he was giving up in order for the team to share the load with others but can you update me on that. doug: if we knew that we would about the tesla stock long before it hits 7000. interesting sunoco to tom brady is normally the champion of all champion. he is the greatest quarter back
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maybe the greatest player in nfl history but one thing he did on the way is can a hometown discount he i will my legacy to be to spouse joe montana. to the steelers, i want to go out the greatest of all time. judged by a number of chairmanships that one to the prize that i brought to the city. in order to do so because of the collective bargaining. establish an essentially a budget, we consistently he took less than the market would've provided. to i love the free market, he could've maxed out every year but chose not to. to in so doing, he kicked back more so the team could collect more weapons around him. he does not have that need anymore. now it's an opportunity to say i don't know longer need to give the home town. discount. to oh almost 20 years in my career, consider what the other options are. i don't know where he will go but as an agent, healthy maximizes value to as a fan i hope he stays to breaks one more title to the patriots.
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niel: there is the issue, he is a young 42 or whatever yes, that he would have to start firms going anywhere else. he would be unlikely to do that wouldn't he. doug: there is both an argument for to against. he won't build a backup because he is 42, not 24. he would authentically go to a team that has all of the pieces in place before that cornerback the boys in the pedigree to the performance to take them over the top. persisting in new england where he has the familiarity. the system was built around him. he is all of the tools with hopefully a couple of more weapons to succeed but again this is a situation where at 42 to a couple of young children to a mother that thankfully is overcome illness back on the west coast, he's in a great position. for the first time in his career, he has leverage. in any negotiation, that is the ultimate catalyst. to tom brady for the first time has it to hope he uses it. niel: very well put. thank you very much. in the meantime, the nasdaq,
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after absorbing one of the worst weeks we have seen in four months. but his touch to go on this to trying to get a real handle on this coronavirus. to how much of an impact it really will have. no one seems to really know for sure. with sofi, get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. and get your interest rate right so you can save big. get a no-fee personal loan up to $100k. yeah? who's peter? well sweetie, he's your great-great grandfather. here, does he look like me? yeah. your family's story is waiting to be shared. at
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niel: with the economy doing so well, can democrats really run against it. i asked presidential candidate, this very question over the niel: is the economy better than it was when barack obama to office.
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>> no. mr. trump. niel: with me like the president or not, we have record low unemployment over key groups. if you're going to the american people in the present is made it worse, that will be a very tough sell wanted. >> is it a good economy of the economy grows but the money goes only to the rich people. it is like a good economy. >> if you have record low unemployment. >> but you can't live on the job. niel: downtown later had this to say on the campaign trail right after that. take a look. >> i did this this morning on "fox news". no kidding. i think the guys name is neil to he basically said that. you can't beat him. the economy is crashing. to i said baloney neil. mr. trump is now said that he is now going to balance the budget.
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by going after entitlements. what does that mean. medicare, medicaid to social security to i said no, you think that is a good deal for working americans the rich people get a tax cut in the get paid for by healthcare. that is a terrible deal. or their social security. this o'neill said, were going to a commercial. to what do i think the neil as they dissented. i know he does not. niel: first of all, we didn't go to commercial to secondly, i don't position my interviews to do anyone on the right or the left. the argument that we made was pretty clear. if you're running against the president of the united states in an economy like this whether you find the job good one or not, you have an uphill battle. having said that though, you're welcome for coming on the show. in the meantime, we have the market institute for economic
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research, to new york post editorial board member kelly. i was just grateful you got my name right. niel: this argument is a tough one. the silliness of it notwithstanding. the videos. you could make an argument, there are more of them in record numbers of them to it is a tough sell in an election year to face an opponent overseeing a strong economy like god or not pretty. >> irregular. i did watch the full interview to he was doing his best to avoid answering your question. so his way of describing it as a little bit different than what i saw on tv. niel: the actual quotes. >> is not just a great economy with low in unemployment in great numbers for groups like his phonics to black americans. we also see the way skin, they were really gone to the bottom percent of people in the bottom
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percent, i can't remember the exact numbers but the bottom 20 percent i think have seen much better wage growth to people at the top. so yes of course there's always more work to be done to working towards the quality but the games that we have seen, for people who are for example not college educated, people with this high school degree. we have seen great economy to you have to be honest, to figure out what you are going to do that is different that is going to be better. you can't just ate well, this economy is great but i'm just going to ignore that. niel: whether you're republican or democrat, remember mitt romney made a of a time that things were worse in 2012 to they were in 2000 to eight when was taking on barack obama. because they were better. know whether you wanted to give the present credit for that, we were well off of the debates for that. i get that. but you can't reinvent history there. the reality is you are finding a guy whether you like him or not
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was overseeing a pretty strong economy. >> that is exactly right, deregulation, tax cuts leading to more investment in the economy. a lot of people said it was help the corporations. in the race but kelly is the hub hundred percent right we can see this showing up in record low unemployment rates among all demographic groups. minorities two. it's what does this resonate with the debates of the quality of the jobs are there, what you say. >> all groups, wages have been going up. over the past few decades to their is a story, make-believe story, we are all poor. we need to bring the 1970s. the data, the economic data just doesn't show it. we are happy to we have more money now. >> in consumer spending shows that too. we've had a record holiday we just came off of. home starts right up there. i think the average american, seems to be feeling pretty good. so if i'm tom styron i have an
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economic plan that would drastically change that, i would worry about how to prevent that are present that to the market people. niel: is very interesting to play off that was really not the focus of the interview. that they have robbed the entitlement for the protection that they needed for the more the president to even talk about bringing the growth in. it's talking about abandoning. >> these programs have always been actuarially unsound. niel: is like a third rail, they don't want to touch it. you think the president would be a rent reelected, do you think you would printed. >> i think the spending has not been under control, i like the tax cuts but i think he really needs to get the spending problem under control. >> 1 trillion-dollar deficit rhino. niel: the both parties are there. >> exactly, george w. bush raised deficits president barack
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obama. it is so easy to kick it down the road. no politician wants to say hey you know what, let's be real. we can afford this anymore. you are about to retire. you will be okay but let's rates the age for other people. people do not like that idea. is very unpopular but i would give kudos, maybe a peace prize to somebody who recognizes it. niel: a peace prize. [laughter]. all right guys thank you very much. i'm stating the obvious year. were not doing anyone's bidding here for them. where do you base the economy here. we would just ask the same for barack obama's surrogates. whether you are hearing this or not. it is what it is.
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neil: it is going to be a long night but a very riveting night. catch our prime time coverage of
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the iowa caucuses beginning 8:00 p.m. eastern time. what is curious about this how we concurrently see how foreign markets are reacting to all of it, our own futures markets. who the democrats are leaning towards putting up as a potential nominee. charles payne right now. charles: wall street will be watching more than anyone else. neil: think you're right. >> good afternoon, i'm charles payne. this is "making money." markets are higher today. big relief coming from positive surprises on manufacturing numbers. investors grappling with the notion of buying as coronavirus continues to grow. we talk about what does buying on the dip really mean? is it time to do so? megarally. mike, amazon, google, apple. maga. we'll have a preview. bernie's to lose.


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