tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business February 6, 2020 4:00am-5:00am EST
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lou: the senate today acquitted president trump of both charges fabricated b d by congressional democrats to carry out the most egregious partisan attack against any president in our history. president trump has been the target of the radical dimms and the deep state for more than three years now, whether fbi investigation, the special counsel investigation, then this fraud meant partisan pretend impeachment against a man they
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knew to be innocent. in their thirst for power the dimms stopped at nothing to carry out their intended presidential coup to subvert and overthrow the trump presidency. president trump has defeated the dimms. he humiliated the whole sorry lot of house democrats. >> 2/3 of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the senate adjudges donald's john trouble, the president of the united states is not guilty of the first article of impeachment. 3/of the senators present not having pronounced him guilty, the senate adjudges donald john you trump, the president of the united states is not guilty of the second article of
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impeachment. lou: in their historic failure the dimms joined today by one long republican senator, the senate's chief rino and long time never trumper. the pitiful mitt romney. >> were i to ignore the evidence that has been presented and disregard what i believe my oath and constitution the depends on me. it would be the censure of my own conscience. lou: his character obviously exposed to history. this from the same man who called the president a phoney and a fraud two week after he had taken office. and he accepted the president's endorsement for his run for the
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senate, only to lead the rino resistance against the president. this is who romney is. the house republicans have stood behind the president under the leadership of house any more the leader kevin mccarthy. he praised the president's state of the union address last night. mccarthy scolding house speaker pelosi for her childish action against the president as he concluded his address. >> we heard a great speech by the president last night. it spoke to the strength of our country and the courage and character of our fellow citizens. penal like the 100-year-old tuskeegee airman charles mcgee. stephanie davis and her lovely
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fourth grade daughter who received an opportunity scholarship. townsend williams who surprised his wife amy and their two beautiful dplirn children in the gallery. speaker pelosi tore up the copy of this speech. she had no right to tear up that document. in my hand i have an official copy of the president's state of the union address signed by the president given to me at the white house today. it will be delivered to the house clerk to be archived and preserved for prosperity. whether she likes it or not, these great american stories will be remembered by history, not erased by the speaker. lou: the speaker i am sure will be pleads to know that exoneration is forever.
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president trump says he plans to make comments about his historic victory tomorrow at the white house. the effort that was begun in part by the deep state when they spied on his 2016 campaign. tonight we are hearing more from the secretive fisa court that permitted the surveillance in a letter to congressman jim jordan and mark meadows. the court's presiding judge addresses concerns about pane obama era official overseeing the court. it will surely and purely serve in an advisory role. he claims it's the court who
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will decide surveillance reforms and we are suppose to be okay with that. joining us, member of the house judiciary committee and co-founder of the freedom caucus and great american, jim jordan. it's great to see you. and it's great to see a grin on your face. this president has been exonerated of malicious and false charges brought by radical dimms who are the most contemptible in american history. >> well said, lou. truth wins in the ends. that what happened today. we have known all along. constitutional arguments were on the president's side and the facts were on the president's side. that all played out today. the president wins which is exactly what we knew was going
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to happen. when you look at the facts and you look at the evidence. it was a good day for the country and a good day for the president. he told us what's great about this country but he showed it to us. he had that little girl, 2-year-old born at 21 weeks. the girl who got scholarship, the military family, rush limbaugh. it was a moving, great speech. it shows you how special our country is and america is back on track. lou: it was moving and powerful to watch the president of the united states promote that colonel, a man of immense history, character, obviously, an exemplar for everyone in this nation.
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for him to become the brigadier general with the commander-in-chief presiding. it was such a moving moment temperature to watch nancy pelosi. your eyes tried to avert. but to see her making those peculiar faces, pursing her lips in various directions. obviously so uncomfortable in her own skin that she was beside herself if i can create that pun. >> the american people see past all that, the faces and the tearing of the speech. the american people feel what the trump economy is like, they know they have more money in their pockets. whosthe right kinds of people oe court. they have see all that. but they don't like a party that tears down our country.
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they don't like somebody like miss pelosi. when the president talks about better days and greater days to come, i think the american people really appreciate that. lou: trumpian i thought was this moment from the speech when the president talked of conciliation and aspiration and healing. president trump: no matter the trials we face, no matter the challenges to come, we must go forward together. we must keep america first in our hearts. we must keep freedom alive in our souls. and we must always keep faith in america's destiny. lou: absolute poetry.
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>> the american people appreciate that. they know how great this country is. they appreciate that and they appreciate a president who understands that and is truly trying -- this idea that the country is so divide and polarized. they are not going to stop. chairman nadler said they are going to subpoena john bolton. they started before he was even elected. they started in july of 2016 when they opened up the trump russia investigation and went to a secret court and took a document there, the dossier and lied to the court 17 times. they did all that because they were so bent on getting after this president. it's not healthy for our culture and for our country. hopefully it ends soon.
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lou: i think it will because of the president. he has shown such strength in all of this, standing against vicious attacks from every corner. then to hear the fisa court, you and congressman meadows talking about the lies of the fbi in this and chris, the aobama appointee -- the obama oh pointee to oversee the nice a courts. the chief justice denied there was anything such thing as an obama judge. he said not to worry because he will be in charge. i am worried and i know you are. >> the reauthorization of this is coming up in a few weeks. one of the things i finds
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interesting. one of the democrats' witnesses, fiona hill. we asked her, did christopher steele get played? was this a russian disinformation campaign? dr. hill said it was. christopher steele got played. they convinced him it was legit and he took it to the fbi. either they all got played or there was such bias and animus to go after his president they used it anyway. we have to have the right kind of process and safeguards in place so this doesn't happen again. remember what emmet flood said several months back. if they can do this to a president, imagine what they can do to you and i, what they can do to regular americans. lou: congratulations on all you and the legal team did for this
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president and the nation. up next. president trump stands exonerated of all charges. nancy pelosi can't make the same claim nor can the radical dimms with whom see conspired. they will all be held together. rudy giuliani joins us later in the hour. add together radical dimms' defeat, the president's approval rating is at an all-time high up there with the economy. [ fast-paced drumming ]
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i put it out there with a godaddy website. [♪] president trump: consumer confidence just reached amazing new highs. all of those millions of people, the 401ks and pensions have been doing far better than they ever have before with increases of 60, 70, 80, 90 and 100% and more. lou: stocks again today soaring to record highs.
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the indianapolis bac -- the nas. the trade deficit shrinking 2%, and all as a result of the trump trade policies. the u.s. trade deficit with china fell 18% last year. a reminder to listen to my reports three times a day coast to coast on the salem radio network. if you had nip questio -- any qt whether investors liked the president's address to the nation, according to gallup a record 59% of americans saying they are better off financially
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than a year ago. 74% say they will be better off financially in a year's time. fox once again dominating the tell vision ratings for last night's state of the union. 37 million viewers watched the president's address. more than 11 million on fox news. fox news had two times the combined audience of cnn and msnbc. i take that as something of an indicator. i want to congratulate our colleagues and fox news channel. radical dimms at the state of the union failing to acknowledge how this country has improved. president trump: unemployment rate for women reached the
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lowest level and women filled 72% of alln jobs add. the united states of america should be a sanctuary for law abiding americans, not criminal aliens. the u.s. military executed a flaw best precision strike that killed som soleimani and ended s reign of terror. lou: former reagan political direct imroorn fox news political analyst, ed rollins. who are those lumps? they don't do anything except attack the president and america. >> they are the big losers and the american people got to see
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them. the president gave one of the great, great speeches last night. the speech was reaganesque. it was hopeful, and i sensed the president was in the game. he really knew what he was doing last night. lou: the president didn't shake hands with nancy pelosi. this is important. i'm sow prou -- i'm so proud the didn't. >> this woman has tortured him or tried to torture him. she should be punished for the rest of her life as we watch that over and over again. lou: she and adam schiff in my view are the big losers.
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romney will be associated with brutus and a benedict arnold. she is just noxious. >> she knew months ago this was a disaster course to go down and she still forced them to go down it. lou: mitch mcconnell gave a great analysis. let's put that up. the interview with the majority leader mitch mcconnell on the issue on the role of the speaker of the house in this travesty of impeachment inquiry. speaking of romney -- mcconnell, he's just -- >> he did an extraordinary job. >> romney said when he ran for
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the senate, i'm not. lou: he's actually operating as if he's got several personalities. and all of them coming together for this one vote today in which he simply is pitiful. >> he was so gutless. if he was going to vote against the president he should have voted against him on both issues. lou: in the most self-important, silly son of a gun. >> he's an historical footnote as the nominee against obama. lou: something that shocked me last night. van jones over on cnn, left wing central. let's listen to van jones as he talks about this president's appeal to african-americans and
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the potential for the black vote come november. >> what he was saying to african-americans can be effective. you may note like it. but he mentioned hbcus, he threw a lifeline to them in real life and his budget. he talked about that. he talked about criminal justice reform. it's going to be effective. lou: this president has done more for the african-americans in this country than any president since lincoln. >> he said it so well last night, he's obviously an expert on african-american voters. james carville said democrats wake up, you are not going to win.
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lou: nationwide, 3.5% unemployment. this is why the venal, vicious left can't leave this president alone. they continue to attack him without soul or mercy or integrity of any kind. they know their b.s. has been called by this president. he's showing america what a working president and effective president can do. >> stronger, better than ever. lou: to coin a phrase, the best is yet to come. >> thank you. lou: be sure to vote in our poll tonight. should the gop throw rino senator mitt romney out of the party? what do you think? cast your vote on twitter @loudobbs. up next. there is a happy fella. there he is.
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he's jerry nadler, leader of the nasty left-wing losers. he's a loser, but he's not a quirt. he apparent -- he's not a quitter. he apparently wants another political beat-down. you can see we'll take it up with the president's personal attorney, rudy giuliani joining us. the latest on the spread of the coronavirus. dr. marc siegel joins us.
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virus during a recent trip to beijing. the individual is isolated at home and is said to be doing well. new flights, two of them, arriving at u.s. military bases in california carrying 350 americans from the province in china where the virus originated in wuhan. they will be quarantined for 14 days. worldwide there are now more than 27,000 people who are infected. there are 564 who have been killed by the virus. all but two of those deaths occurring in china, one in hong kong, one in the philippines. joining us to take up all that is happening right now.
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dr. marc siegel. let's start with the spread of this. the numbers are growing as we expected them to. but do they rise? i suspect many of our in our audience want to know, what will require this to be called a pandemic? pandemic sounds and is meant to sound much more severe than an outbreak. when does it become by definition a pandemic. >> the word pandemic by public health means sustained spread in more than one country, different countries around the world. it's not isolated cases. it's not 1 cases in the -- it's not 12 cases in the united states.
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but secondary spread, we would say the u.s. is the second country. it's semantics. you have got 27,000 cases in a country with 1.5 billion people in it. lou: more people dead in terms of total numbers than sars. >> sars was 800. but this is more contagious. lou: the world health organization, the cdc trying to get into china. in talk with alex azar, he said the chinese have been rebuffing the efforts of the u.s. to send
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medical teams in there. >> i spoke to the cdc official in charge of the center of immunization and respiratory diseases. she said to illustrate your point, they have chosen the people they want, they have the names, they submitted them to china and they haven't been approved for travel over there, and, boy, do they need it. lou: we are trying to figure this out. we also have a raging flu, i guess we could call it an epidemic this year. we have huge numbers dying. >> we are 20 million people having it. we are 10,000 to 15,000 people died from it. lou: there is so little understood about flu.
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how concerned should we be? >> people need to get flu shots. with all this focus and fear about the coronavirus. i want to make sure the viewers understand they are two different things. coronavirus is a huge problem in china. the infrastructure isn't what we have. because people can't get the supplies. >> we have been at this for just a little over two weeks. i think people are taking this very calmly and rationally. and public health officials have been so quick to explain what is happening. but i do have one question i want to ask you. these 12 cases in the united states, how long before -- will it be before we know they have been cured? >> that's a great question.
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jerry nadler not giving up despite his failures in the specious efforts to try to overthrow president trump. listen to what nadler wants to do next. >> just to put a final point on it, you said it's likely your committee or some combination of committees will subpoena john bolton. has the speaker signed off on it? lou: president trump's personal attorney, rudy giuliani. >> he looked like he got heck kicked out of him. lou: he did. adam schiff kind of retired. we couldn't find him anywhere. >> he's trying to find the
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whistleblower. lou: i want to start with the president's speech last night. it was -- your thoughts about -- >> i didn't think i would ever see better state of the subon s- state of the union speeches. i was the last plane out of the airport before that plane went down. so people not i died on that plane. when he brought lenny i had to say hello to him and congratulate him. but you can't find anything wrong with that speech last night. it was brilliant. he stayed away from the whole impeachment thing. you know he was dying to. it was less partisan than obama
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and clinton speeches. lou: i'm so glad to hear you say you thought it was better than reagan. >> i didn't think i would ever say that. lou: i heard many people say the was reaganesque. it's meant to be a high compliment. but it was better than that. he was saying what he meant speaking directly to the american people. they represent special interest groups. the president has once again been exonerated. the radical dimms have been humiliated after trying to -- at some point, and you are the
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prosecutor, and legal scholar. how many times is it required that the radical dimms be schooled on american jurisprudence and the person being guilty if you are going to go after him? >> as long as we have a corrupt media they can go on forever. i am more upset about the condition of our media. the dems are going to lose. they will get rejected by the people. all they have is impeachment. nadler was there, he was dumfounded. he didn't know what to say. what alternative do they have in the other thing the president did last night was a version of clinton's triangulation. he took away their agenda. and he promised he would do
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this. lou: president trump as a candidate promised the american people that all americans would participate as he restored prosperity and he has done it. he points out that african-american employment is the highest ever. and the democrats don't applaud to that. that's not good because a republican did it. we would rather have the unemployment. they hate trump so much, and they love their country less. and they love their people less. and somehow the national left-wing media mass take that as an acceptable rationalization. because they hate him so much -- >> they have failed. almost any american city under consistent democratic
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governments is in terrible shape. terrible shape. some are catastrophic. chicago is the murder capital. los angeles and san francisco, if they don't do something about homelessness we'll have the playing. the reason we did away -- the reason we did inside plumbing was because of the playing. you can't have people living on the streets. when i was the mayor of new york city i got rid of homelessness. i did it to help the homeless people. if i don't engage, i don't love you. i am going to let you stay on the street? if my brother was on the street, i would try to get him in a shelter or to a psychologist. lou: there has been a strange suspension of responsibility? california for enforcing laws.
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now a sanctuary state as the president point out last night suspending public health standards, and assistance in many cases. >> i start sad podcast i call "common sense." i think we lack common sense. this is a very psychological analysis, being a new yorker for many years and understanding the liberal mindset. they really can't govern. they live in a fantasy world. that's why they couldn't count votes in see you what. health insurance for everybody. you are going to knock out one-third of the hospitals. lou: let me turn to the president, he will address the nation tomorrow and give us his thinking. how is this battle going to be joined at the next -- in the
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next confrontation? where will it be and what form will it take? you have been attacked viciously by the left-wing media and the president as well. the president is not under any illusions. that this is what should be a fitting end to what has been a national nightmare. it may be just a concluding event. >> my advice would be for the president to move on, to do what he did in the state of the union speech which was entirely positive. but sat the same time, keep his guard up. they will come after him again. they are going to come after him again. they have nothing else to run on. they have nothing else to say. and they are going to either try to relitigate all this with a bunch of liars they have. and it really is necessary that we find out hot whistleblower
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lou: joining us tonight, expert on china, dr. john than ward. the author of "china's vision of victory." jonathan ie i -- i want to start with the national security implications and the wait trump administration has handled this. your thoughts about how the country is doing in the post phase one world. >> china is busy building a war machine. they are investing the dividends into a massive blue water navy, a bomber fleet in the south china sea and it's meant to be a bigger strategy. this will be the foundation with
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which they would project power in the -- in the 21st century. lou: they are trying to defeat a virus that has overwhelmed an entire province. close to 500 fatalities. your thoughts about the strategic impact. >> there will be a big economic hit in the first quarter. with you haynes an economic center. lew alou: as well as u.s. and european auto companies. >> in the next 10 years is the decisive decade. that's where they may surpass us
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economically and build a military that can defeat us. lou: are you impressed, we have the report today, generally the trade deficit for the first time in six years with china has fallen. we are look at a remarkable impact it seems to me in terms of the trump tariffs and his policies. how are they doing in balancing the national security and geopolitical and economic interests. >> i think the issue you have now, the government understands and the national security community understands. but american business leaders still do not. they are look to go into the chain a market and our finance community is looking to fund the rise of china. we have to get business and national security on the same page. lou: the how is the intriguing
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question. it's the question we'll take up next with ontha d with jonathaha ♪ limu emu & doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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and understanding of partnership with the federal government for the good of the nation. >> we'll have to go back into a partnership with government and industry. fortune 500 companies thinking long term how strategies will work. lou: wall street blanks are telling everybody to go to hell, they are going to do business in beijing. >> if wall street is funding the chinese competitors, they will have a double problem. we need restrictions on u.s. capital into china. lou: i think that's direct. thank you. in our poll we asked you if americans and the president have the right to know the name of the so-called whistleblower. 97% of you said yes in our
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highly scientific poll. we thank you for being with us. peter schweizer and congressman matt gaetz are among our guests tomorrow. good night from new cheryl: it is 5:00 a.m. here are your top stories at this hour. breaking overnight, china cutting tariffs in half on 75 a billion dollars worth of u.s. goods as another confirmed case of coronavirus hits the united states. is china's money move in good faith? lauren: punishment for pelosi, the new push for the house speaker to be censured after her paper play at the state of the union as a new video reveals it may have been premeditated. cheryl: and how one brewery is putting pets over profits to help save man's best friend and find them a fur-ever home. it is thursday, february 6 and
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