tv The Claman Countdown FOX Business February 10, 2020 3:00pm-4:01pm EST
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i don't know about that marriage between the two but i do think the future is very bright for tesla and investor. >> i think the $1500 number becomes a target. a new target if you will, much higher than the 0420 number. >> we appreciate it. thank you. >> liz claman, what are you going to do that. >> i'm going to take microsoft, amazon, facebook, apple. [laughter] i'm going to take all, they are all hitting records right now. no wonder we could see a brand-new nasdaq record when the closing bell rings. tech is what is driving the bull run for all major industries as we head into the final all-important hour of trade. earnings in the u.s. economy are what are beating back the latest coronavirus fears even as the first american died from the deadly outbreak. our u.s. companies who are we opening their doors to china operations making a big mistake? the international corporate lawyers who say yes. the first primary of the 2020 election season is just hours
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away, wait till you see which candidate are speaking live in this hour. we will take you to new hampshire in the campaign trail. you have heard of blood diamonds, what about blood makeup. we have the founder and ceo of beauty counter, have you heard about this company, the founder is disrupting the entire cosmetic industry cleaning up the dirty underbelly and making money hand over fist doing it. deep coding, the human and cycle pedia who has three pics for you. he says they will spike this year for your portfolio. charlie breaks on the latest wild pitch in the sale of the new york mets. we are less than an hour to the closing bell, let's start "the claman countdown". ♪. liz: we need you to look at a company called co-diagnostics.
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this is a back scene maker, and it just resumed trading after being halted on news that it's begun to sell the screening test that is specifically designed to identify the deadly coronavirus. look at the stock now, for $3.88. it is jumping 29% because the screening devices it makes are immediately available on a research use only basis to thousands of labs across the world. later on in the program we are going to be talking to a china business expert lawyer that handles corporate deals for very big companies. he is about to predict what time limit will take for china in these companies, u.s. companies whose stock they own will be able to get out from under the crisis. they are surging after simon property group offered to buy the rival for 2.3 billion, these are big mall operators jumping above the offering price of
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$52.52. we have it at 53.13. and simon property is up 142.35. let's get the report "after the bell" tuesday. ahead of that, the stock is moving higher by six anacortes percent, as northcoast research upgrades to an all-out by encouraged by the latest results from uber. not even waiting around to upgrading. see the numbers, they look like uber's numbers and figure the sunshine will splash over left as well. on pace for the best day ever. after ibm moved all of the 350,000 employees to the app making is the biggest customer. that's good for 14 and a third% gain on slack. and sleepless nights for casper sleep investor. the mattress company trading below its ipo price of 12 bucks a share. it is at $10.10 a share.
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the second day of losses for the company since opening or public trading on thursday. t minus nine hours before the first vote are cast in the first in the nation presidential primary. the residence, the total population 12 and the last census, one of three townships to begin voting at midnight tonight. each hour between now and then has a candidate feverishly running and gunning and during this particular hour, we have senators bernie sanders and amy klobuchar along with former vice president joe biden all holding events around the granite state. those ally pictures, we will keep you posted on that but we have to tell you about the polite moments ago predefined that bernie sanders is taken front runner for the first time in the tuples. he is at 25%, joe biden is at 17%, remember former new york city mayor mike bloomberg who is sitting out the tuesday primary,
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is now at third place at 15%, senator liz warren at 14% and pete buttigieg at 10%. two, make shane in new hampshire on the ground where he has a finger on the pulse of the swing state economy. from a money standpoint, what matters to the folks in new hampshire and this is interesting about bloomberg running to their place. >> it is. that pole looks closely after tomorrow night, the national poll to see where wennberg fits into this race. if you had to pick one, it depends. i was a generally speaking democratic voters mention healthcare. in terms of the race itself in the state, it appears to be a two horse race as we headed to tomorrow's primary between bernie sanders, pete buttigieg and if the polls hold, you can see as you watch the vote, we spent some time with both of the candidates on the trail. they know they are running against each other and in fact
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if you listen closely you can hear them taking several jobs at each other. take a listen for. >> even in the newspapers today you can see candidates conferring with their donors. you are my donors. [cheering] we don't go to rich people's homes and get advice from millionaires and billionaires who are raising all kinds of money. >> there is no explanation for where the other 25 trillion is supposed to come for. how are we going to pay for it. are we going to pay for in the form of further taxes? or are we going to pay in the form of broken promises. >> i don't think there's much doubt about which either candidate is referring to. if you look at these polls, real clear politics on the average of the polls in new hampshire, senator sanders in the lead. amy klobuchar, the senator from the state of minnesota really looks like she has been making
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iran in the last few days. that the storyline we are looking at heading into tomorrow's primary. if she were to take the third place where she was in the average of the polls, that means either senator warren or former vice president biden would finish fifth which is a huge story in new hampshire. we are watching all of that. as ago back to, make one more mention where we are today, this is the fifth state we visited part of our series on swing state economies, we are coming to you from a business winery in new hampshire, you will hear much more about that. and also other business owners are saying about the economy in the state which is a key battleground state heading into not only tomorrow's election but the november election. you will see that in the next hour after the ball. liz: it is not happy hour yet. tell the crew. >> it is 5:00 o'clock somewhere. >> good to see you and stay tuned because at the top of the hour, he will have the very latest. these numbers are changing and
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each minute brings a different life event. tesla stock back on the superhighway in the final hour of trade. see shares our charging higher. the forbes article that the electric vehicle giant could be an attractive acquisition for google parent alphabet. and alphabet could actually pay upwards of $1500 per share. we have triple solvents for tesla, $777 right now. there is more good news for the house the elon bill. shanghai and giga factory has reason production and employees have returned to work after order by the chinese government to shut down the factory. that was late last month. tesla warned it would cause a 1 - 1 and a half week of a ramp-up of models threes tilt at that location. that is more bad news for the tesla bears who have been squeezed to the tune of $8.4 billion over just the last
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five weeks. compared that to last year when they lost 2.9 billion. that is nearly the same amount they lost during the first week of february alone which totaled 2.4 billion. these numbers are making my head spin but tesla is still punching higher by 85% so far this year. 320% since hitting an annual low of $176.99 on june 3. don't you wish you bought it then. and something for investors to look forward too, elon musk weeded out in the last couple of hours that tesla's april company talk will be coming from there giga new york factory where they make solar glass and other products. customers and media tours will be offered with tesla constantly define the naysayers, how should investors decode the latest message of tesla stock. you guys have seen messages from stocks over and over, what is
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the message received from tesla and how are you decoding the recent move? >> everyone is trained to figure out the historic move in tesla means the market is closer to pop, i don't think that means about all. they are trained to think of some kind of move that everyone mystifies everyone. at this time i think if you bought it over the course of the past two years, it could've changed her life. it shows the market is taking a risk in the market wants innovation, i think elon is doing a fantastic job of delivering on his message and on the product, at this point i do think do you think 950 is a historic high, i don't think so. do i think it needs a few weeks to digest the ramp-up, yes but i don't think that is a high, i think this is more upside than the months to come. >> it is been a lot of fun who are owning the stock, it is been absolute agony for the short-sellers. we were both short and long
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because we speak to all of the market. tell me what the latest messages, gain of 3% right now, $777 a share. give me a sense of where you see this going and if there is any belief google whatever by the. >> i don't know if there is but if i tell you if they did they better by elon musk with that because that is why tesla is where it's at. they will have to own elon. google has all the money in the world. and back in olden days, the big three, gm, ford, all those guys are trying to develop electric cars for 50 years. and this guy did in a couple of years. the biggest mistake you can ever make is to bet against this guy per he is a crazy genius. i'll tell you what, i own the stock and 80, i brought it up to 300. i'm never going to sell the stock then he went off the deep end, and then i thought maybe i would back off a little bit. my biggest regret. this company is different than any other countr company on the.
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you have a guidance and visionary that everybody said it was impossible he does it anyway. >> he is an innovator but it's more than that. he is at the forefront of hurting oil prices in a way. were saying not in an outsize way but if you see the peace of crude oil in the future, he is almost making crude obsolete eventually. >> remember a couple years ago we were talking about the # oil at 45 because it stayed there for about two and half years. is tesla the new amazon for transportation? this is why the stock is going up like this. i think investors think tesla will disenfranchise all the other transportation companies because of its giga factories and the leader has an electric vehicles. and look at tesla coming into your home, putting solar panels on your roof and i'm sure they
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will e-mail everyone who's ever bought a tesla insane output solar panels on your roof, power your car, your scooters and they have such a lead to other car companies with her giga factories and what they already have in the ground and the value of that. it doesn't have much of a downside because it could always get taken out for cash in the upside is not limitless but pretty high. i think this is what's driving the stock. liz: edelman, we would love to get your perspective on this and why we were talking we want to talk upside the dow is up 126 points, we are keeping an eye on that, that's a new session high. victoria's secret is out with the closing bell ringing and 47 minutes. parent company l brand rising at this hour on the report that the laundry giant is nearing a sale to private equity firm sycamore partners. the announcement could come as soon as this week. l brand is ready up 31% since the start of 2020.
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it is gaining another one and three quarters percent. up next president trump released his budget proposal with big cuts to medicare and medicaid. the $4.8 trillion question is, forget the democrats, will his own party be the first to reject it. find out when "the claman countdown" comes right back. ♪ for the exact same drugs. but they aren't listening. they've just raised the prices of over five hundred drugs. president trump supports a bipartisan plan, that would force drug companies to lower prices. but the senate won't act. tell senate leaders to stop drug company price gouging and lower drug prices now. how bright you shine. how strong you are. how brilliant... unique... how you're... my rock.
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we have this, i know i told you at the top of the show that the nasdaq looks to close at a record high, now the s&p might very well as well. it is on pace to finish at least in record territory, it is up 17.76 points. it needs to be up more than 18-point, we are really saving here. but were less than appointive way of work needs to close to see another all-time record. and this is just hitting the tapered patrick harker ahead of the federal reserve bank is now saying that the economy is stable enough and on track to reach the elusive 2% inflation target. that is the level the fed has been trying to swat at and cannot reach it. over months and months and quarters and quarters and years and years. but at the moment patrick harker says the economy is in good enough shape to do that.
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we will be watching it very closely. but he does put in the caveat, watch out for the effect of the coronavirus. they could affect in some way shape or form, you have to watch the development. president trump $4.8 trillion budget plan was delivered a few hours ago and already turning heads at the nation's capital. big-budget slashes to the epa, environmental protection agency foreign aid, health human services department in the education department. but that has not got the eyebrows rates, it is a cuts to medicare medicaid. where will we see more spending, the department of homeland security, nafta and money allocated to his promise border wall between the u.s. and mexico. let us get to blake burman at the white house. let's talk about the social safety net cuts which i would imagine there is very little taste on the gop said let alone the democrats start to say yes to something like that. >> democrats are talking about that and along the lines we should know this budget will
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never make its way to president trump's death because the end of the day we know it is congress that has the power, rather what the white house is saying today, this is the president's budget and what it is especially in this election year is an outline of his priorities and what he would like to see going forward. the president wants to plus up the defense spending. whe also talks about decreasing mandatory spending by $2 trillion over the next decade. let me give you a few examples, $180 billion and what they are calling as reforms to food stamps, the food stamp program along with $135 billion in drug price savings and $76 billion in disability insurance reform. when you see those numbers, democrats are pouncing. they say shows the president is cutting medicare and medicaid. here was nancy posted, less than a week after promising to protect family healthcare in state of the union address, the president has brazenly inflicted savage multibillion-dollar cuts to medicare and medicaid, she
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goes on to say americans quality, affordable healthcare will never be saved with president trump. however, the white house and the president are saying medicare and medicaid numbers will be increasing and decreases our reforms or savings as they put it. here's a president earlier today. >> we are not decreasing medicaid but were doing a lot of things that are very great tremendous waste and tremendous fraud. >> also as well, earlier today at the white house, there was a nation's governor, two thirds of them sitting down getting some facetime in one-on-one with the president. we should know there were ten of the 24 democratic governors, democrats from democratic states, we believe that the white house, we did not see a sighting of gavin newsom or
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andrew cuomo i was told the near governor did at one point confirm his attendance but the governor decided to pull out at the last moment. back to the president's budget, i guess on medicare and medicaid, how do you say, are these reforms on savings or are these cuts? part of the messaging from democrats and republicans. >> i would expect that nancy pelosi would call them dramatic cuts, but with the wall street journal puts out the headline that says steep reductions and social safety net programs and specifically outlined medicare and medicaid, people are going to look at the headline and see that the promise of the president has made during the 2016 campaign might be broken. >> the president in the white house has to put out a budget everything we are. they are saying, these are our priorities, again, none of this will get enacted, congress has it say pre-by headlines like that are part of -- i do want to say danger but how you interpret
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it and what can be used against prince president because you and i both know in new hampshire today and tomorrow they will hit the headline hard. liz: if anybody is confused, all you have to look at the pharmacy and the big pharma companies, the hospital, stocks are all over the place. makes pictures everywhere. like thank you. cozy on the block with the closing bell ringing and 37 minutes break up 124. the beauty company that scooped up kylie jenner's cosmetics last year, it may have a suitor of its own. there are fresh reports out that kkr reportedly is hiring j.p. morgan bankers to work on a pillion bid that owns rands and other names. the stock is down three quarters in a percent. speaking of makeup, one company is looking to give cosmetics quite a makeover by disrupting
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transparency, the truth about micah. micah is a mineral used in the cosmetics to create the shimmering glow in the highlighter. but much of it is mind by the hands of children forced to toil under dangerous working conditions. here is a business success part of the story. the number of beauty counters is growing by the minute as its founder uses her company to shine a light on the very ugly underbelly of the cosmetic industry. we welcome the founder and ceo of beauty counter gregg renfrew. is it a stunning and upsetting thing in the documentary. but why are you the ceo and founder of this cosmetic company spending the time and money to produce a documentary that i'm guessing was costly and not easy to watch. >> thank you for asking the question. i think since day one beauty counter has pioneered and led
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the claim beauty movement. if you look back when we first launched seven years ago, clean beauty was defined by ingredient, do we have a restricted and list of ingredients that take out chemicals of concern. as a leader we felt necessary for us to continue to tell the story of the beauty industry and shed light on issues and what are the major issues facing today is a lack of transparency in supply chain and specifically in micah where children are being used to mind for this mineral widely used across the industry. liz: we know about blood diamonds, the ones undermined by children under horrific labor conditions in the congo and elsewhere, this is almost as we look at it almost blood makeup. it is a tough thing to say but tell me how you discovered this and what do you think you as a single company, quite wrinkly a startup can do about it. >> i think at the end of the day, we need to shed light on issues, beauty counter since day one has been focused on a couple
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of things, first and foremost on education. we aim to our people with education so they can make better informed choices. when we went out up and down our supply chain to take our business beyond the initial definition of clean which was to restrict ingredients, we found some of our manufacturers or some of our supply partners would give us false information about what was happening at the mine level. so we decided to take this into our own hands and conduct a worldwide audit to understand where mica an is coming from. we learn the truth and decided to expose them and take the consumer along the journey and an endeavor to move not only the beauty industry but also industries using mica today. liz: i want to broaden this, you also have the never list, thousands of products that should be banded makeup, one of them when you bring up mica, immediately looked in my highlighter and it says might contain mica. but of all the other ingredients, there are
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unregulated chemicals, carcinogens that cause breast cancer and learning development problems. i would imagine the big makeup names, we can put some of the stocks on her screen, are pretty frightened of somebody like you. you are stepping on them from millennial's who care about this stuff and quite wrinkly what woman no matter what her age does not care about carcinogens and makeup. >> i think all women would agree it's important on what they put on their body everything they. when i realized there were many ingredients being used in our products not just in her makeup but are skincare and deodorant and bubble bath that were linked to reproductive, endocrine and cancer, i was truly outraged. i thought we needed to create a brand and also a movement to change in industry and i think at the end of the day we do not speak about one of the companies are doing because they may or may not be scared about what we are doing but i think we have an opportunity to lead the industry to a much better place. liz: final question, what if an
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estée lauder or some other big company says i am ready to buy you for multi-multimillions, billions, whatever, would you sell? >> that's a great question, where privately held company, our noses down trying to build the business. i think we are always looking to how to have a significant impact on the industry and how do we help other companies like the larger companies that you mentioned do better by the american consumer. liz: come back. we like what you're doing. you are getting customers hand over fist of beauty contributing counterpart good luck to you. check out the documentary. because i think that is pretty important. a hotbed of coronavirus just got hotter. leaving an important question out there. if you quarantine healthy people with the sick, will the healthy who are stuck with them turned sick? we have 27 minutes before the closing bell. carnival cruise lines stock done 70% since the mystery virus reared its head, it is taking
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another leg down by 1% as the number of confirmed cases on the quarantine diamond princess cruise ship in japan spikes from 69 to 135. a corporate attorney has traveled to china 75 times, why he is mystified that companies are restarting operations again on the ground as a virus continues to spread. ♪ and when you open a new brokerage account, your cash is automatically invested at a great rate. that's why fidelity leads the industry in value while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk
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liz: it is extending its cancellation on all flights to and from mainland china until april 1. mainland china already taken the brunt of the coronavirus ductile all but two of the now 908 desk are there on mainland china. why is tesla restarting car production in qinghai, why is foxconn resuming production. corporate attorney malcolm mcneil has traveled 75 times to
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china and represent multiple chinese companies advising them on opportunities and investments in chinese and the u.s. malcolm, did you see this, chinese leaders xi jinping now wearing a mask in public. what should that tell businesses who are already reopening? >> the starting point to tell them that they are going to have some serious issues because they cannot predict the things that are unpredictable. we all know that business does not like unpredictability. and i think president xi jinping is sending the wrong message because he should be out there telling everybody that the government will engage in transparency, they will give us information that is reliable so people like me can give clients advice that will be reliable in return and likewise liability. liz: let's not wait around for the chinese government that's never been transparent to do that. you send a message right now to
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companies, whether you represent them or not, should they be reopening today? >> the short answer is no. just this morning we have an ipo transaction that has been on the spence for 15 days, i received my e-mail from my counterpart in shanghai who apologized refusal for the delay of the last 15 days and for the said our offices remain close for the foreseeable future as to 90% of the businesses. that was this morning. so what that tells you, as of now, there is no specific time when those businesses will reopen in the major law firm, at least this one is shut down. so how does business get conducted in the environment? i mystify myself about tesla, i think there may be other motivations for making such an announcement for the fact that
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they should be thinking about business as usual in china. liz: why is tesla reopening in shanghai? why are these companies now saying coast is clear especially considering we have 40600 plus cases, 910 people dead, china spending billions, british airways saying we are done, we are not playing in or out of the region for another month and a half. why are they doing this? >> it is probably an issue of trying to create some stability at the bottom, i am a director in hong kong association based in los angeles and we know that hong kong airways, everybody has counseled flights for the foreseeable future. liz: let me interrupt, general motors is supposed to restart production on the ground in china for break 15, that is days away. if they were asking you, what would you tell them? >> i would tell them that they better consider the liability risks to their employees, they better consider the economic
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risks for the foreseeable future because the demand is at a standstill right now, where will those vehicles be sold, who is going to buy them, and what time. the liability risks, i know one major pharmaceutical company that has advised its employee that it is not to deliver any goods or services or travel to anywhere in the asia-pacific region. that is from singapore to japan and not just related to china related travel. so the fact that they are taking a major step to say we do not want our employees exposed to anything no matter what the risk should be a message to other businesses. liz: when will you go back to china or hong kong? >> that's a good question. i'm scheduled to go back for the hong kong trade show which is a major trade show each year in the third week of march. and i heard your announcement regarding british airways canceling all of its flights
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until the first of april. we know of 25000 other flights that have been canceled. café has dramatically reduced its flights from l.a. to hong kong and there is a possibility the show will be canceled, if it is canceled i have to decide if the other business that i would do is something unprepared to do and to go for. i think i will be on a wait and see and see what transpires over the next several weeks. liz: malcolm mcneil, binder china 75 times and we will wait for the 76 time. thank you so much for joining us. the closing bell ringing in 17 minutes. the owners of the new york mets looking for new partner with whom to walk down the aisle. after their $2.6 billion deal with the hedge fund billionaire blew up. do they have anybody to put a ring on it with? charlie breaks it next. last friday, the latest million are to be sentenced in the
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varsity blues admission scandal, the judge slapping former ceo hodge with nine months in prison for paying a hundred 54 his kids phony athletic recruits. and then this gentleman darius, foster kid from chicago who discovered it would cost him half a million dollars minimum to pay for a four-year university. so how entirely on his own did he honestly and legally secure more than $1 million in scholarship money to attend university and get his masters degree proved darius' story is stunning and humbling. here it on my podcast, everyone talks to liz, apple, google, fox news "the claman countdown" is coming right back. i hope you listen to it and tell me what do you think. only pay for what you need... only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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liz: a new for-sale sign has been posted outside of city field, the home of the new york mets after potential sale of a billionaire investor steve cohen imploded. does any of you guys out there have the cash on hand to buy a major league baseball team? anybody emerging, anyone? [laughter] >> lots of ones in here. i see 50, five, 20. are we almost there, we can get a gofundme going. we should point out the fox business was the first to report that cohen had walked away from the deal. it was thursday of last week. since then there has been a lot of wrangling inside the controlling family, fred wilpon, the matriarch -- the patriots of those two. here's what we know, since then
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since cohen walked away, they are now selling it, chopping it. i cannot tell you who they are shopping enter, do they have an investment baker or not, the for-sale is on the mets and here's what we know so far, granted something might change the minute i finish this report were someone has $3 billion to buy it. liz: is that the price ? >> that's what i hear. cohen was going to buy 80% for $2.6 billion. so if you game out the rest you're talking about a 3 billion-dollar team or maybe more. and that is the amount of money from what i understand, the 3 billion-dollar plus area that they want and will give total control. but that's a multiple, that's insane. in sports it might not be so insane because remember the marlins were selling a couple of years ago, that was a franchise in deep distress. liz: how could i forget about the marlins. >> we did that story 100 times. liz: 50000 times.
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>> it got great ratings for reason. because people like sports business stories. >> so do we. >> that went for holy huge multiple and it's not a you new york team. this is a huge multiple. the problem there's not a lot of people that can pay him. what we do know as of now, there are no real buyers at that level. that does not mean they won't find someone at a lower level or cut a crazy deal. but the notion that they will sell the whole thing or 80% for that multiple is not in the cards as of now. we should also point out that steve cohen theoretically can come back if they say we will give you control. that is not out of the question. we should also point out this, there is not a lot of people without type of coin. david, the hedge fund i wanted to buy -- he can't really do and are, why, he's taken a huge loss on tessa, he assured tessa. liz: how about ackman, he just made billions on starbucks.
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>> he is a very rich guy and we throw around numbers, he is probably worth a billion dollars, steve cohen was worth about 15 million liquid. he could take it out. so then you have to say if you don't have hedge fund guys that are not doing as well as they used to do, who can pony up? maybe tech guys, jeff bezos. liz: he just bought an apartment. >> jeff bezos is partnering with the yankees, and the s network. >> conflict of interest. >> anyway, it is simple math, there's not a lot of people with this type of money. steve cohen is one of those people. what i understand right now, slow going, we will see what happens and give you the developing details, i would not be surprised, i was talking with one of our many bosses around here that steve cohen comes
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back. it just seems so logical, he has the money, give them the control, the families are warring with a each other. except for jeff who has been running for so long. anyway. liz: the yankees are worth 4.6 billion according to forbes, mets 3 billion. ♪ my blood sugar and a1c. because i can still make my own insulin. and trulicity activates my body to release it like it's supposed to. trulicity is for people with type 2 diabetes. it's not insulin. i take it once a week. it starts acting in my body from the first dose. trulicity isn't for people with type 1 diabetes or diabetic ketoacidosis. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, or severe stomach pain.
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serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with a sulfonylurea or insulin increases low blood sugar risk. side effects include nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, belly pain, and decreased appetite, which lead to dehydration and may worsen kidney problems. i have it within me to lower my a1c. ul. .
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♪. liz. okay, folks, s&p is hitting a brand new record. we are at session highs across the board. nasdaq a new record. we need to tell you though, slack, the workplace messaging giant, we already talked about today, has been halted. shares are halted pending news. they were last up 15 plus percent. susan li what is going on here? susan: up as much as 20%. word that ibm might move all the employees over to slack. that is 350,000 employees.
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this account would be worth $35 million. more importantly shows slack can scale especially in the face of mounting competition from microsoft. they have a product very similar to slack as well. this is very important for slack to prove to the market it can make money and can compete with microsoft and scale. back to you. liz: i'm still perplexed at the news. maybe it is solidification of the report that ibm will put 350,000 employees on slack. susan: big account. connell: watch microsoft a, big competitor there. a man with 20,000 etfs. are there 20,000 in the world? >> that is a lot. liz: more than 15,000 on the tip of his tongue not usual i-share or vanguard or s&p names. consider fra head of mutual fund research todd rosenblatt is one of these people. how many have you rated in your head? you're an incredible etf expert here? >> thank you. at cfra rate 1800 etfs from
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cost perspective. we're looking forward, not backward. liz: with all of those in there, i said todd, pick three or four thaw freel are poised to run but that aren't the usual overcrowded s&p basket trades. let's begin with your first one. >> sure. so sdog. this is one of them. a list of s&p 500 companies based on the dividend yield within each sector. so the highest yielding companies in each sector, equally diversified. strong blue chip companies overall. this is great way of getting dividend exposure to the s&p 500, again from companies fallen out of favor. liz: the top holdings, l brands, western digital, southern, moulson, duke energy, they have big dividends. i find it interesting. not just splashing all the s&p companies into one basket, it is ones that pay dividends. what is the second one you like? >> the second play of the
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s&p 500 is nolb. pro-share aeries toy kratz this is nice sounding name. these companies raised the dividend 25 or more years. blue chip companies if you raise it 25 plus years, good chance you will do that for foreseeable future. we like what is inside of the portfolio. liz: old scale long term names. mcdonald's, coca-cola. coke is hitting a brand new high. archer daniel else midland, colgate. defensive overcyclicals is your third. that is a mouthful. break it down. >> which like new and niche oriented products this is way to play defensive sectors, health care, utilities that will do better than more cyclical sectors. we're at all-time high for the s&p 500. you could see a pullback in the cyclical sectors. rwdc is good way to get at
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those. liz: todd rosenbluth the human encyclopedia. [closing bell rings] a record for the s&p and record for the nasdaq. that will do it for "the claman countdown." we'll see you tomorrow. >> happy monday, kicking off the week with new records on wall street. stocks on the rise of strong corporate profits outweigh fears of the coronavirus. the dow closing up 175 points at session highs. the s&p 500 though, hitting all time high in the final moments of trading, ending in record territory. the nasdaq closing at a new record high as well. its 11th record close of the year. i'm melissa francis in new york and this is "after the bell." hey, connell. connell: i'm connell mcshane live from amherst, new hampshire. hello, melissa, as we continue the swing state economy series. we're one day out from the first-in-the-nation primary
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