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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  February 13, 2020 4:00am-5:01am EST

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business network. [♪] lou: good evening, everybody, the radical dimms moving tone a new phase of their hateful address against president trump. their new target, attorney general william barr, the house judiciary committee led by failed impeachment managerriery nadler says barr will answer ask questions on the 1st. the dimms want to know about three things. with the drawl of u.s. attorney
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jessie through's nomination. the process by which rudy giuliani can provide the doj info. and the reduced sentence for roger stone after the 9-year sentence that had been worked out by the former mueller attorneys. the attorney general for his part may well have some fun with next month's hearing. he didn't have a role in withdrawing jessie liu's nomination. it was ultimately brought down by her ties to a group that supported abortion rights and opposed the nomination of samuel alito to the supreme court. on ukraine, the attorney general says there is an open door policy for anyone to provide
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information. the white house and the department strongly denying there was intervention. the president commenting on the case and unloading on the corrupt prosecutors from robert mueller's special counsel team who were looking to put stone behind bars for nearly a decade. president trump: he was treated very badly. 9 years recommended. perhaps they were mueller people. prosecutors. they all hit the road pretty quickly. if you look at the mueller investigation. it was a scam because it was illegally set up on false documentation. you look at how many people were hurt. their lives were destroyed. and nothing happen with all the people that did it. where's comey? what's happening with mccabe and lisa and peter strzok? what's happening with them?
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it was a setup, it was a disgrace for our country and everyone knows it. they ought to apologize to a lot of the people whose lives they ruined. lou: the president talking about an apology while many people are demanding outright that they go to jail. andrew mccabe, lisa page, peter rock, rod rosenstein and sally yates. a list of about 26 people fired at the fbi and justice department. and what about the 40 agents and staff outlined in the mueller report that worked apparently tirelessly on spending $32 million in an almost two-year longest to overthrow the president. the president says it's unfair for those people to be walking free. president trump: we have killers and murderers, nothing happens. they put a man in jail and
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destroy his lived, his family, his wife, his children. 9 years in jail? it's a disgrace. in the meantime comey walks around making book dpeems the people that launches the scam investigation, it's a disgrace. hopefully it will be treated fairly. lou: the president's request for the fair and equal justice is being led by u.s. attorney john durham appointed by attorney general bill barr. durham's probe according to the attorney general is putting pressure on the deep state's actions before and after president trump's election. tom fitton telling us durham and barr have a lot of work to do. >> you see roger stone being recommended for an outrageous
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amount of time in jail. durham has a lot of cleaning up to do in the justice department. i don't see how you read the outrageous sentence recommendation as anything other than a brushoff of the president after his impeachment victory. lou: that did happen at the justice department. and obviously the attorney jeb not taking it well that he was misi formed as well as the president on the severity of the sentence the failed prosecutors were insisting in court against roger stone. joining us, davi david bossie. the president is as you saw there and heard, he's clearly passionate and committed to justice and finding out why the justice department has elements within it that are still acting
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as if they were reporting to eric holder. >> that's exactly right. the faux outrage on the left is ridiculous. they hate this president. they cannot get over his accomplishments and they will continue to hate on him for the next five years if he's president. when prosecutors go quiet like durham and you have heard nothing from him. it's time for the targets to get very nervous. prosecutors get very quiet just before they end up lowering the boom. so we'll see who gets the last laugh. but this president is going to continue. the attacks on the attorney general is ridiculous. where was the outrage when eric holder was barack obama's wingman? this is outrageous conduct by the left because they have nothing else to offer. lou: you and i both know why.
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the national left-wing media remain complicit. they couldn't get away with this for a minute if we had a free, fair, independent press in this country. we do not. there is so much that is obvious now after three years effort on the part of the radical dimms and the deep state to overthrow this president. >> it's the one thing this president has done that no other president has before him. educating the american people on just how dishonest these people are, you can see their up ins are in the tanks as the president's rises. for these folks to be complaining about these four prosecutors, the great men at the justice department. they are four obama holdovers. they worked in the obama white
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house counsel's office. one worked for the department of national security. these are political prosecutors, nothing more, nothing less. lou: the president was candidate recently what was his greatest regret over three years. his response was i thought absolutely telling as it was the intelligent answer for a man who is commanding this entire government. that was personnel. the justice department to still be rife with these politically corrupt attorneys, fbi officials and agents is appalling. can anything reasonably be done about it in the near term? bill barr actually makes it
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clear he intends to. but we are talking about 90,000 people. >> it is a lot of people. it's a big job. but just like robert o'brien at the nsc, there will be reorganization. my only regret as four people resigned today is therein weren't more of them that resigned. the deep state is real, folks. and this is the one regret of the president if the president had fired all the obama holdovers, president trump's job would be easier to do because he wouldn't have these folks in these positions of power. lou: when he did fire people he was met with fury from the left quick media -- -- from the left-wing media. when he did fire james comey
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they triggered a special counsel investigation that was just as corrupt as any element of government anywhere. it just compounds itself. only people who have been found guilty of anything to this point. and david i keep hammering this. the only people found guilty of anything have been the investigators themselves. they are crooked, they are rotten. and by god i don't believe for a minute we identified nearly half of them. >> you are exactly right. where is the investigation of strzok and page? but mccabe had a criminal referral. mccabe had a criminal referral almost two years ago. it's outrageous. lou: the inspector general. there are -- there are
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suggestions he be fired. but i know this, the problem is immense and bill barr is doing the lord's work. >> he needs to be protected. he's an independent arbiter. lot * i heard that independent crap from james comey. he works for the people of the united states. he works for the president and he's part of the asked you i have branch and he knows his responsibilities. and i'll tell you this, that attorney general will make the house judiciary committee wish they never heard his name let alone summon him to have a discussion in front of their august probe. >> that will make corey lewandowski's hearing look like a cakewalk. lou: david, you get the last
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word. >> i'm excited bill barr is the attorney general. he must be protected to make these decisions. he's making independent decisions -- lou: you go back to that. he has the law. he has the president. >> that's exactly my point. lou: what's he independent of? >> he's independent of the deep state. you are much more articulate than i am. lou: no, i am just a little more revved up. do you believe the trump justice department will bring those dirty cops and crooked investigators of the fbi and doj to justice? cast your vote on tweeter. we would like to hear from you.
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there may be hope for public health officials trying to combat the dead lid coronavirus. we take it up with leading china expert gordon chang. the president's historic success shows up in poll numbers. when you see these poll numbers it even has to have our savant ed rollinss just a little surprised. he joins us with more on that right after these quick messages. stay with u u u u u
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lou: this may well be string of the strongest polling data of this president, and it continues to roll in for president trump. listen to these numbers. 61% of americans telling gallup they are better off than three years ago when the president took office. that number is the highest for any incumbent president in nearly three decades. another new poll from farm futures showing nearly 81% of farmers say president trump will be re-elected. farmers.
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and that follows a monmouth university poll that found 66% of all americans who saying he will definitely win a second term. that's strong polling. new hampshire narrowing down the democratic field. three dems dropping out as a result of last night's primary. andrew yang, duval patrick, ask all ended their bid for the nomination. president trump as is his wont, receiving the most votes of any inkusm bent president in -- incumbent president in history. nearly doubling what president
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obama received in 2012. joining us, political analyst ed rollins. los night ed said he believed before any of the numbers were in that biden would be basically done and have a disastrous finish and indeed great call and that is precisely what happened. >> the problem is biden doesn't realize it yet. to say to a state where he had strong support that until blacks and hispanics vote it doesn't matter. the truth is they vote like anybody else. they see him as a dead duck and they are not going to vote for him. lou: this is the ad the former vice president is running in south carolina which takes into
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some consideration his failure in iowa, his failure in new hampshire and he seeks the minority vote, particularly the african-american vote in south carolina. if you can roll that. >> we have come too far from where we started. nobody told me the road would be easy and i don't believe he brought me this far to stop now. you don't like what's going on in this country, you only have one thing to do, work. lou: biden, it may have seemed familiar, what he was saying. reverend james cleveland, 1980, a strong hillary clinton also quoted and you decide whether she had a black accent as she did so. can we roll that as well? >> i don't feel no ways tired. i come too far from where i
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started from. nobody told me that the road would be easy. lou: both indeed discover be that the road isn't easy. your thoughts about following this same playbook and template, if not outright imitating hillary clinton. >> biden tied himself to obama from the get-go. obama strategists haven't supported him. both said he shouldn't run. lou: president trump famously saying to joe, you don't have to do this, you know. he apparently did not know. i won't use the cliche' about
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elephants in the room, but bloomberg is a man lurking in the shadows, waiting to pounce here. is the -- are the conditions created now that he can do so with buttigieg and bernie shoulder to shoulder with each other at the top, and above them amy klobuchar. >> when your momentum catches up to your lack of organization, you fall to new hampshire. bernie basically -- he may have a following over time and i think he could be one of the two finalists. lou: you are saying a multi-billionaire candidate can buy his way into the democratic party into the top of the
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primary process. >> and facing off against bernie sanders or somebody else who is totally against billionaires. lou: somebody pointed out, they noted bernie sanders is no longer blasting million airs and billionaires, just billionaires. the observer point out that's because bernie sanders is now a millionaire. do you want to call south carolina? >> let's wait a week. thanks so much. we would like to hear your thoughts on all of this. share your comments. follow knee on twitter @loudobbs. corey lewandowski, kt mcfarland and customs and border with protection's mark
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morgan. how a group of house republicans took a courageous stand against corrupt adam schiff. we take it up with house minority whip steve scalise. what the white house is saying about huawei's access to your data. gordon chang joins us after this quick break.
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[♪] lou: breaking news tonight. and it is big news on the coronavirus outbreak. the number of coronavirus cases spiking in the reporting today. 15,000 cases in one day reported from china. 15,000. overall now over 60,000 people are infected with the virus.
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the number was just about 45,000 earlier today. and the chinese updated their cases. and 1,363 deaths. and again 99% of those cases in china. there were reports earlier today, the cases were starting to decline. but today's spike certainly has ended that speculation and certainly hope. u.s. officials are claiming the chinese company huawei is a significant threat and maintaining it now across all of government it seems, that huawei has had a back door * access to telecom networks throughout the world including the united states for a decade. huawei equipment is built with the ability to preserve
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information on networks that is reserved only for la law enforcement. robert o'brien says this alarming because chinese companies by law must comply with directors of the chinese communist party. we see a company that can use its position in the market to advance the aims of the chinese communist party. it's hard to see how any telecomuns firm could view the company as a trusted company. huawei claimed quote u.s. allegations of huawei using unlawful intersection are nothing but a smoke screen. they don't adhere to any accepted form of logic in the cyber security ask domain. let's turn to our good friends
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gordon chang, columnist, author and senior fellow at the gates stone institute. let's start with the charges robert o'brien brought. but he is saying point blank, this is a national security threat that no government, no country can ignore. >> he's absolutely right. the 2017 national intelligence law requires any chinese company to spy if the government demands. in china it's a top-down system. nobody can resist. lou: why is the u.k., germany, france, and other companies resisting the united states -- it's a demand if they want to
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share intelligence with the united states, to get huawei the hell out of their 5g networks and anywhere else that huawei can use its technology for surveillance. >> china bought elites in a number of these countries, including the u.k. even though president trump had a conversation with boris johnston, the prime minister, there are a lot of people in the u.k. benefited by china and by huawei. that's the best explanation for an otherwise inexplicable decision. lou: what is patently obvious, secretary of state over the weekend in scene important speech at the hudson institute declaring that everyone must be aware in this country that the chinese have insinuated spies,
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surveillance agents into our society in every state in the union. and at the same time we are trying to build a relationship with an authoritarian government that is frankly insisting on dominating the entire world. >> secretary of state mike pompeo said china is attacking the u.s. across the board. lou: to his credit, vice president -- the vice president mike pence said the same thing in a couple of speeches. secretary of state pompeo as i understand it is going to address this again. he has spoken i believed three, four times on this issue. and it seems there is an effort within the administration to awaken now the entire country to the threat posed by communist
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china. >> it started in 208 with the vice president's -- in 2018 with the vice president's speech at the hudson institute. then of course you had the hudson institute speech of the secretary of state you just allude to. and you have the long telegram of 1946. that was george kennon shifting the paradigm on how americans look at the soviet union. lou: gordon is talking about shifting the mindset and consciousness of the american people towards the threats that were to last for some time led by the soviet union as well as china. you are right, the analog is precise. let's bring this into now the
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current crisis with the coronavirus and the u.s. working hard as we can to help the chinese providing medical assistance as well as health and human services secretary, alex azar. they are doing a lot to help. but at this point we can't even rely on information when you get 15,000 cases dplopped one day. >> secretary pol second -- secro talked about send over medical spries and protective equipment. beijing has said the u.s. hasn't been doing anything. pompeo's words that he warned us on show the hostility of china's government to the u.s.
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we are giving aid and they are denying we are doing that. they are doing that to try to poison the views of the chinese people against us. lou: we'll take some of this up with congressman steve scalise about dirty cops and bad guys in
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man: there he goes. announcer: it's just one of the many parenting tools from the experts at boys town. visit to receive your 10 ways to praise magnet. it's a great reminder to keep it positive, and that helpful parenting advice is just a click away. lou: a new report shows state
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attorneys general have filed 103 lawsuits against president trump's administration in just his first three years in office. that outnumbers vastly the 78 lawsuits that were filed over the 8 years of the obama administration, and the 76 lawsuits of the 8 years of president george w. bush. what's going on? it appears' of those orange traded lawsuits have -- orchestrated lawsuits have nothing more than partisan purpose. several of them supported by george soros and his left wing organizations. republicans boycotted a hearing and accusing committee chair adam schiff of ignoring fisa abuses and being indifferent to
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finding out, bringing to justice, the people responsible. intelligence committee ranking member devin anyone's and congress maine chris stuart wrote a letter to schiff saying quote under your chairmanship the house intelligence committee has strayed far from its main date overseeing the intelligence community impact. we have gone months where we hardly held any oversight hearings at all. joining us tonight, minority whip steve scalise. your conference, focusing now on dirty cops as the president refers to them. and investigating the investigators. this an extraordinary moment in history. >> it's a long time coming. it's so unfortunate what
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happened. there were some people over at fbi, a small number. but significant number of people who abused their power to literally try to take down a candidate for president of the united states. they broke the law and i think people made to go to jail to send a message that nobody should think of doing that again and restore the good name of the intelligence agencies that play such a critical role in our intelligence communities and they ought to pay the price. lou: the fbi has a checkered background and checkered standing in the eyes of the american people. you say a handful, small number of people at the fbi. i'm looking at a list of the people who have been fired. agents and officials of the fbi, and we are looking at a list of almost approaching 30 names, and there has not been a one of them held accountable. >> that's why i'm look at the
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durham report. ultimately it allows the attorney general to go after these people and hold them accountable. those people need to go to jail that abuse their power. all the good people at the fbi have been drug down by this. we have seen emails and texts of people trying to say this is an insurance policy, we'll use our position to stop president trump. luckily they didn't. but they sure tried. people like devin nunes and other people know this. we need to make sure no president should have to go through this. that's why they need to go to jail and be held accountable. lou: robert o'brien is doing just that in reducing the size of the national security council. john durham, the u.s. attorney
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for connecticut that barr asigned to investigate the investigators. we know right now the fbi lied 17 times on fisa applications. we know 20 attorneys and fbi agents spend two years on the mueller probe and came with nothing. now they are attacking people as former prosecutors for mueller in this administration. it's sordid corrupt politics within the justice department itself. >> president trump called them dirty cops and that's what they are. they are corrupt people who abused their power. to go in and lie to a fisa judge who signed a warrant in dark of night, not knowing all the facts. and if they are misleading the judge, if i'm the judge, i want to go after those guys.
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lou: congressman, the house intelligence committee, devin nunes and i join you in the characterization of the congressman as a hero in all of this for this country, sending a letter to adam schiff saying until the committee prioritizes oversight activities related to critical and urgent concerns, republican members cannot support distractions from our core responsibilities. that's a straight shot saying republicans are not going to be participants in the shams and farces perpetrated by the party of hate in the your house of representatives. >> devin has done a great job of exposing that there were a lot
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abusing their power. you saw adam schiff use the committee to carry out his personal vendetta. and nancy pelosi ripping up the speech because they hate hip so much. they have a job to do that they derelicted in their main duty. lou: they tried to overthrow a president. >> they were part of it. did adam schiff have any contact with the whistleblower? we know his staff surely did. did he? they are trying to undo the results of the 2016 election and stop people from carrying out their will in the 2020 election and we won't let it happen. lou: the house is insisting the judiciary committee, that
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attorney general barr and he has agreed to do so, testify. they are coming after him now. are you, the republican members of the leadership, is the conference going to stand united with this president and the attorney general as they did in the last vote 197-0? >> absolutely. we worked hard to make sure members had all the information. adam schiff was trying to hide the facts from you the press, the american people and members of congress. 75% of congress were not able to see the facts. we have this president's back and we'll have the attorney general's back doing their jobs while nancy pelosi, nadler and schiff are focused on these political vendettas. this president is work and dlifertion for the hard working people of this country.
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lou: you have seen classified information that shows people ought to be in jail. the american people haven't seen the classified information. but i think most americans know paul the people we referred to need to be held accountable. look forward to talking to you soon. up next, a pair of i'veive league schools under investigation for taking money from this country's enemies. we'll have that and much more after this quick break. when it comes to using data,
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lou: on wall street today, all three major indexes at record highs. the dow surging 275 points. the s & p 500 up 22 and the nasdaq up 87 points. 4 billion shares traded. all three those indexes at all-time record highs. the united states department of education today opened investigation intohard harvard and yale for the possible
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failure to report $6.5 billion of donations from foreign nations including china, russia and saudi arabia. the university is accused of receiving funds from nations hostile to the u.s. and using funding to gain opportunities to research, spread propaganda and carried out espionage. our next guest has been a prom houston nantd -- a prominent evangelical backer of president trump. and we want to talk to him about the use of foreign money in universities. jerry falwell, jr. is the president of liberty university. harvard, yale, other universities taking money as part of a chinese effort to steal intellectual capital. it's that straightforward.
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your thoughts about it? >> it doesn't surprise me. ivy league schools long ago left their roots, and they stopped making students their top priority. at liberty university we operate like a business, we treat students like customers. ivy league schools have become oh he lettist -- michael bloomberg, the former mayor of new york city, he's the one who outlawed tall some of the drinks. but he said in a speech at harvard when obama was president that 96% of ivy league schools faculty and staff donated to obama in the previous election. he was chastising them. he said how can you have academic freedom and free exchange of ideas when 96% of
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the a kill thin -- of the faculy think the same way. lou: 66% of the americans surveyed say the president will win reelection. >> it doesn't surprise me. the best state of the union address evidence ever heard. he didn't have the senate the first three years because of three turncoats in the senate and republican side. he had the impeachment investigation going on and yet he still accomplished more than i have seen any president accomplish in such a short time. lot * we'll be back in just one minute. ♪ limu emu & doug and now for their service to the community, we present limu emu & doug with this key to the city. [ applause ] it's an honor to tell you that liberty mutual customizes your car insurance
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so you only pay for what you need. and now we need to get back to work. [ applause and band playing ] only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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when you think of miami you think of,you know,rich,glamour but 5 miles away from the beach there's people who have never seen a beach. i was confused why somebody was in this situation especially in america. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh so when i started joshua's heart foundation it was a key thing to be able to engage youth in the foundation. to help them participate. ♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh i think passing on the torch and lighting a new flame in another person to do good is probably the point of the bigger missions i have. ♪music:aha,aha,aha so we are each making a bigger difference.
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♪music:oooh,oooh,oooh that's it! just giving back and producing love for everybody.
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lou: we are back with jerry falwell, jr. do you believe mitt romney should be thrown out of the party for going against the president? >> i think he's going to leave the party. i hear he's positioning himself to be a vice presidential candidate for one of the democrats. i think it' the honest thing to do because he's more in line with their beliefs than the republican party. this is his move to come clean. lou: jerry falwell, jr. come
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back soon. that it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us. good night from new york. see you tomorrow. lauren: 5:00 a.m., top stories at this hour, 14th coronavirus case confirmed right here in the u.s. as more than 15,000 new cases diagnosed in china, new warnings the outbreak will certainly take a toll on u.s. economy,. blake: now one to have presidential candidates already talking about impeachment. lauren: what is the key to happy marriage? new trend shaking up the real estate market, february 13th,
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