tv Bulls Bears FOX Business February 13, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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chicken shoe. what if you have dogs, a mailman better not wear a chicken shoe. connell: it was a crazy story. melissa: it was, "bulls and bears" starts right now. david: attorney general bill barr responding to pleasure to a firestorm of criticism from the left, why he is now sounding off about the president's tweets. more on that with mr. andrew mccarthy, and but first a show down at white house this afternoon, new york governor cuomo meeting face-to-face with president trump. to strike some kind of a deal with administration after homeland security banned new yorkers from enrolling in trusted traveler program. that meets just wrapping up. we have a live report from the white house, coming up. this is "bulls and bears," thank you for joining us, i am david asman, joining me on panel today, jonathan hoenig, caroll roth, gary kaltbaum and jack howe to hillary vaughn.
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reporter: governor cuomo and president trump met for over an hour trying to work out an agreement to get the trusted traveler program ban against new yorkers lifted, he left with no deal, dhs acting secretary, said he was in meeting it was productive but discussions need to continue, the meeting got off to a rocy rocky start. the president tweeting. -- he has no plans to drop the lawsuit, if the president trying to exploit new yorkers for access to undocumented hi immigt rest their premise but, assuming for whatever reason they think they need access to themv data pace for the ttp and global entry enrollies we'll give issue.
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reporter: white house said that president will not compromise on that request for dmv records, they think it is a national security risk. >> hard to compromise on national security, but i don't think what will happen, we'll see what happens, we hope for a constructive conversation. reporter: over 250,000 applications for global entry are about to expire or in process, this ban could put some of those in limbo. david: all right hillary thank you. >> gov yor -- governor cuomo spg out before the meeting. >> if they think they are going to extort new york to give them the database of undocumented people, they are wrong. i would never do that, you don't penalize new yorkers for your political post, that is an abuse of government. david: here is head of new york state association of police chiefs, patrick phalen.
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good to see you, i see an irony. the state that suffered the most during 9/11 attack is now arguing about sharing information with homeland security. don't you fine that strange? >> that is right this state is where events of nep confident too9/11 took place,a big problen aftermath. was that we failed to effectively share information. we're talking about denying each other access to information we have. >> chief is is gary kaltbaum, your association not off everyone goes again the governor, but here is my worry between this and the cash bond situation where they basically come back said, oh, we screwed up, we have to back that up, sanctuary city situation, also, are you just worried that all of these things coming out of the government is working against law enforcement at-this-point in
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time. time? >> well yaya, there is a lot goings. we tried to talk with legislator and governor tell them we're willing to be partners with you. in the law make progress, at-this-point they are not doing that. >> chief, in new york. illegal aliens who are here can get a driver license, that is not the case every where, what is your view on that, is there an argument to be made there that improves or hurts safety? >> there is a lot of issue with that, that present a problem for public safety, the law that green light law prohibits us from sharing. dmv data with or federal partners, we work them on a daily basis. that will have ad verse effect.
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we have concerns about people using false documents from foreign country to obtain those driver licenses, new york state will issue fall to people that are not accurate in effect, that would present a serious problem. >> this is cable, caroll. i am a citizen, i can not carry's water bottle on the plane, at same time we have people who are not citizens, they will not be vetted proper properly. >> there is no precedent, we're only state in united states that does not share our dmvdata with federal government. it presents a serious issue, this is a national security issue. we -- i am constituentin sittinm several border crossings in my -- niagara falls buffalo area.
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, you pull up, first thing they do they run your license plate, they tell you if the car is stolen if owner is wanted for a violence crime that comes through the dmv system, i talk with border patrol today, they are get a blank screen, they have no information about the owner urer ship of that vehicler that person that owns it. >> governor cuomo said it would be shared on a case by case bases with court's request. we appreciate all you do as law enforcement but this smells like golfer in christi-- governor che gate scandal, making it more difficult for people too cross a bridge, how is this difficult for every day new yorker to get global entry, even trump tweeted about it said that could go away with new york would stop with lawsuits, i assume he is talking about lawsuits against his enterprise. is this political retribution?
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>> no, not at all, thousands of people cross that border every day. if you live in a community that near th the border people crosst daily, thousands, for, pleasure, people that live in canada work in new york and visa verse appeal that are own businesses and ontario, canada that sell products to people here in new york. and visa verse appeal travel that border every day. thousands of people, dhs and border patrol need to know who they are, that is basic law enforcement 101 that person pulls up to border you should have be able to run your plate. >> are talking about real pro po -- policing problem, during all fuss with bhorde border we heard a lot of politicians talk about border that did not run true, it sounds like you are running up
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same kinds of deaf ears of poll politician in new york as we heard with border patrol a couple months ago. >> we work with border patrol. they patrol my town. we and they make stops, they pull people over, right now they pull someone over, they can't run the license plate, they do no know anything about the car if it is stolen or if -- >> you must be relating that -- for give me, information to governor cuomo, is he giving any kind of response. acknowledging and receipt of those complaints? >> no, none, he is just doubling down and refusing to bend anyway. if he wants to come up with some sort of a system, where the federal government cannot search the database they specifically
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looking for people that are here illegally, i am sure we could work that out, reason able people could. but right now, she fla he is plt denying access to anyone in federal government to our dmv records. >> turning a blind eye to federal government and local police officers, we wish you the best, we're very appreciate schiff of the worappreciative ou thief. >> with meech typ impeachment et falling short, democrat look for their next attack on president trump, speaker pelosi new message to take down the president may be a little bit far fetched, details coming up next. ♪ ♪
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that speaker pelosi looking for her next attack, hosting a special speaker's meeting tuesday with top obama economic adviser to explain why the economy is not as strong as trump claims and how they could message that to voters. with record high confidence levels, and if -- fidelity reps that average 401(k) rose 17% last year, how can speaker pelosi say that? >> this is a finish gas lighting of americans. you cannot make this case with a person --ace. personally, why not just go after that, say economy is doing well, we'll take the high road here we'll double down on policies but with civility and work across the aisle, that
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would be having integrity. but when the bottom portions of americans do better than top in terms of growth, in their wealth, in terms of unemployment, you financially cannot make the case, up fortunately the democrats never learn that. david: jonathan. >> they are running against prosperity? away from prosperity, today what domdemocratic socialism? the american public is smarter than that. government is smaller and less the better the economy. what are they running on? they can't run on a bad economy so they will run to on the whole inequality that is on one of the central blanks. >> as a general rule of thumb, when the economy is bad, you don't need to call a meeting to
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convince people why it is bad. it show them a sta -- they know because they don't have jobs, you know. the the reason democrats are in deep trouble this fall, they don't have a message that talks about their confidence in governing, they want to convince that you economy is worse than you think, i don't like to trash talk the economy, and other argument the president a naughty boy. anyone convinced of that already will not win new vote ires. >> kansas city chiefs did not win super bowl it was the new york giants, i don't want to hear anything different. let me say, the stock market is not up 60 to 80 percent since election, we're not 3. 6% unemployment and note created 7 million jobs and 7 million people have not come off welfare it is terrible out there.
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her job is to do what she is doing to try to change the playing field, as we head to electiontio. if it is trump against bernie sanders. or elizabeth warren, or anyone else in the economy still in great shape, trump will win. david: jonathan. jack was talking about confidence in governance, i worry about confidence in business sector, i have not heard any democrat candidate talks about how he will grow the private sector it is all about growing the government. >> democrat think that by and large government is the source of wealth creation. they have a plan for that in education, and housing and healthcare. and in energy, democrats have a big government program for well the of th -- element of the eco, we know history, most free economies are most prosperous. >> and -- >> everything that -- >> caroll. >> everything that the
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government gets involved with is more expensive. something like education, since government has gotten more involved, the costs have gone up, their case, they can't make their own case, numbers don't support it. david: more expense expif more complicated. -- expectative and complicate, democrat slamming attorney general william barr as roger stone storm continues, barr is responding, details of surprising new comments that is just coming. >> and and andy mccart way ro cy weighing in on that, coming next. hi! we're glad you came in, what's on your mind?
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statements and tweets made about the department about people in the department, or men and women here. about cases pending in the department, and about judges before whom we have cases, make it impossible for me to do my job. david: attorney general william barr speaking out to abc news after facing heat from democrat after roger stone's suggested sentencing, joining us now, andy mccarthy. barr pushing back again the presidential tweeting. how do you think he handled himself t on that. >> i think he made sure to make people understand that the problem is more apparent than real. that does not mean we don't have a real problem, but we would have a major problem if president of the actually orchestrating actions by the department of justice, he is
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aing that president never asked him to do anything in a criminal case. but the legitimacy of criminal justice system, depends on the knowinknow understanding of pubc that things are based on rule of law not political direction. if the president who is the head of the executive branch, and who the attorney general answers to, asked the attorney general or appears to be asking the attorney general to do things that scrape at limits of what the law allows maybe beyond that say big problem for justice department, the attorney general had to address that. >> thank you, andy this is jonathan hoenig. you say some tweets from president are inaproip yeah inp. i think if obama administration or his administration did that, the republicans would flip. don't you think that president's tweets make it more difficult
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for everyone in government to do his job. >> jonathan, i have been saying that since president's term started, i ca speak to it, as se who prosecuted cases and had to deal with outside influences on the process that were generated -- government sources, and if they come from the justice department or anyone that justice department to answer to, that compromises the ability of prosecutors to do their job. >> why doesn't he listen then? >> john hope to be, yo jonathany something, i said last time, the president is a 73-year-old guy who probably thinks he did not need andy's device because he got to be president. >> this caroll, a lot of people who love the fact that the president feels like he can
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speak to the american public directly. he is takes control of that through twitter, but. twitter has become his unofficial press secretary. and it is causing a lot of problems, what do you think given fact he is 73, the likelihood maybe he will have his tweets run by a few people before sending them out to twitter sphere. >> i think a lot has to do with context, there are certain political situation, the twitter is a good them, to my mind you would want to run things past people to get a sounding board, if you talk about pending criminal cases. where we want those decided by the rule of law, in court, and we don't want to create the impression that political pressure is determining who gets indicted or the result, that is never a good context to be tweeting in. david: i wanted to -- this is
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not takes place in a political vacuum. something else out there, a lot of democrats have been suggests before that interview, that william barr should be dismissed or god forbid impeached, a sound bite from nancy pelosi. >> we can't let this moment go unremarked. what the attorney general has done, we should be calls for resignation of the attorney general. and if he won't resign, attorney general can bis impeached. david: that was not nancy pelosi that was elizabeth warren but they are saying the same. is there anything bill barr has done that deserves impeachment? >> that is about as frivolous and ridiculous as anything i heard, that is saying something. , here is what barr did, sentences guidelines, tel themss lit alone justice department
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commentary are not binding on federal judges, who know sentences law as well as prosecuters do. what the barr did was justice department has revised a nonbinding re recommendation abt sentencing guideline to a district judge who does not have to follow it frequently does not follow what justice department asks and does not have legal effect, she could still sentence him, to whatever she decided within the guidelines, he can ignore the guidelines and justice department and sentence him from 0 to 50 years, depending on statutory you know. that he violated in this case. >> so we're talking about changing have 9 years to 4 years, a nonbinding regulation of recommendation for 67-year-old defen defendant in l
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health a first offender with no prior record, not a mafia guy whose sentencing enhancement is what that -- >> this president is lebron james of twitter. he is not changing a thing, ask you, some of my lefty friends they saw this, they said, bill barr would not have said these unless he got permission from the president to look like he suddenly taking a stand on this issue, do you think any credibility to to that argument. >> i am happy to say i know bill barr for over 20 years, i am absolutely confident he said what was on his mind. and i heard him say it before, in othero context, she at a pois at a point in his life, he is great in this job. he does not need this job, if i
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were president, i would -- here i am giving him advice again, you hav have a goal mine gold md listen to him? andrew, thank you. david: thank you so for being here. >> great. david: coronavirus skyrocketing china confirms thousands more infected and hundred more dead, u.s. administration sources tell fox business they don't believe we're getting full story on this. gordon chang on china's handling coming next. fun fact: 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. and most of that debt is actually from credit cards. it's just not right. but with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your credit card debt into one monthly payment. including your interest rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. and you can get your money right with sofi.
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david: markets taking a bit of a hit, cdc confirms 15 case of coronavirus in u.s., worldwide cases skyrocketing to over 60 thousand, as doctors use new ways to diagnose the virus, revealing i national 10,000 -- additional 15,000 new case, two sources from china sell fox news they believe china is under reporting their numbers, expert gordon chang has been sounding alarm about chinese government reporting since the beginning, he is joining us, thank you. >> as shocking as new numbers are, i am wondering if the chinese are still under reporting. >> yeah. i think so. i think so for a number of reasons.
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they are all these anecdotal reports about hundreds of cremations a day in walke -- wu, and china is blocking the cdc . david: we have been told they are in china but not on site, to me means not in wuhan. >> i do not believe, they are not allowed to do anything in terms of investigating. that is a concern. you have w.h.o. delegation there that includes cdc personnel, they might as well be someplace else. >> gordon, i woke up 4:30 this morning to see stock futures they were down last night, i knew what it had to be that china changed their numbers, and reason why, i am thinking did they just make up a reason to up the numbers, because, they were looking so bad.
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everyone knew they were full of you know what, how much do you worry we did this against and again. >> a great suggested. this is what crossed my mind, i don't have proof of, that but we do know is that china has been under reporting right now communist party under xi jinping, the ruler has been suppressing information more vigorously, that is a concern, this is like a virus, we have flu, it kills a lot of people, but why is this causing such panic, reason is beijing has been suppressing information. >> do have you any sense of the scale of the under reporting, we learn a little bit today, the stock market took a bit of a dip. but much larger than that, maybe we're talking about something like a dramatic stock decline coming. hit the global economy harder what should investor think about how bad it could already be. >> no scenario is off the table right now, because, we just don't know. that is really the thing that is
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driving panic among people who look at this you just don't know where they are. and problem is communist party, they within through it with sars, they got a lesson, but they are doing the same thing, they allow this viewer to us -- viewer to us spreavirus to spred january, they have had 3 or 4 days of transpersonality, they havhave -- tran transparency, te gone back. people should be concerned. >> like the communist party in the soviet union, oh, chernobyl, no big deal. they were under wantin reportin. terrible devastation,e fear get forget the economics, keep an eye on the american companies.
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you have to wonder if some of the plans might be under estimated given nature of communist government in china. >> beijing has canceled the april session of the canton trade fair, that is the big exposition are chinese exporters that is an enormous deal, china does not think it will be solved until april, it might be worse. >> gordon. >> gary kaltbaum, the alley ba-ba-bbabaceo said this our bl, they have to quarantine 15 to 16 million people, they are worse than they are letting on. >> i think other population centers are under various norms of lockdown, this is not just wuhan central china but now many other parts that and i think the story, that southern china it might be shanghai, could be a
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lot of places in addition to wuhan. david: caroll. >> i guess given all of lack of tran persotransparency, how much confidence should we have in chinese government the ability to contain is no is -- not prevt spread to united states. >> zero, they are doing all of the wrong things. you would say, that is what china is doing, they are spreading panic. david: they have a trillion in u.s. bonds we're told, will they sell them to fulfill pha trade f from u.s.? >> i don't know. they are trying to get out of phase one commitment. we saw this in the february 5 and 6, we had a number of suggests floated in beijing by global times a by communist party, and chinese foreign ministry floated that, they want relief from the phase
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one deal, this will be contentious, when they signed that deal on january 15 they knew about this virus. david: good point, gordon thank you. >> two ivy league universities under investigation for alleged secret foreign funding of hundreds of millions, details next on a shocking story, you want to hear. ♪ ♪ ♪ don't just plan to retire. plan to live. an annuity helps cover your essential monthly expenses, so you're free to live the life you want. find out how an annuity can give you lifetime income at can give you lifetime income my body is truly powerful. i have the power to lower my blood sugar and a1c.
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david: education deputy launches investigation to harvard and yale, for not reporting gifts from foreign countries, edward. >> all of this started at beginning with china, and protecting our intellectual property. in is a government approach to protect research, this investigation from an unlikely source, the department of education, they found 6.5
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billion dollars in unregistered or unannounced foreign money going in to their coffers of universities since last july, when they -- harvard and yale meant to send a message to all school, concern that china and other countries see universities as soft targets and use money as influence to steal research, they have identified 15 universities from 12 to 18 getting more than 15 billion from hand band, a pro a prop prm of the chinese government. the prosecutor says that this is just opening salvo. >> it doesn't much matter whether it is effective, whether financial inducements are being made or foreign inthrough senses
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happening, reality is that government of united states, is watching closely. reporter: he said the universities need to change their behavior and start reporting some of this, some have, it is working, 10 universities have stepped forward, and announced they had previously undisclosed foreign gifts 3.6 billion dollars, among those 10 universities, to protect that engine ne -- >> thank you. >> jack, how big a deal is this. >> is it more about reporting or what money is potentially used for? david: both. >> souped soups like universitie changing their opportunity a little bit. david: jonathan. >> a foreign policy issue. schools here get foreign aid, the kids from saudi arabia they are known state sponsored of
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terrorism, the more they say university is leakeed -- elite, the more corrupt it is. david: i don't know if that is always the case. >> not not just ideology, this s something that justice department should look at. david: there was a harvard chemischemistry chairman arrestr dealing with china, getting 15 million from china to fund his research, there are realism cakeimplications. >> i have been calling places like harvard that have 40 plus billion dollar under management and their endo endowment hedge , these are institutions that don't need the money, and on top of that, in addition to their endow aendowment they get perksm
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the government there needs to be an additional level of scrutiny. >> at the same time, you would expect there to be a an exchange of ideas between two of world's major economies. that does not mean we're saying 6 billion spend on -- >> this guy was arrested for a particular reasons. and by the way, federal prosecutor in new york, are now filing new charges again huawei, accusing this chinese tech giants of a decade long scheme to steal intellectual property for u.s. companies, this is part of a whole picture isn't it. >> first thing i thought of, 6.5 billion in last year, 15 billion since 2020. felicity huffman went to jail for 15,000 dollar check, here is the question. who is getting in trouble for this, they broke the law by not disclosing this and columbo in
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me asks where would they not be disclosing this, i believe there is a bigger story it may have some legs moving forward. >> without question, i think caroll is -- the universities have so much government support, for so long. i think it makes infractions like this easier to disguise, this is not just a question of reporting, this is a foreign policy issue, many cases, governments that are antagonistic to american and american ideals inthroug influet vuller ivulnerable young peoplee elite schools. >> this ties fo too to trump's k crackdown on intellectual property. >> it is now, all part of one new view that we have of china, we didn't have before the trump came into office. before we head to break, what is
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oncoming up on evening edit. >> a lot of big fights breaking news. between democrat and attorney general barr, president trump and governor cuomo. president trump and bloomberg. bernie sanders attacking james carvel for attacking him, and bernie's campaign attacking a nevada labor union before the caucus there. also bernie's campaign fighting with aoc . >> and fight between obama insider and a mi member of joe biden family, if you watch wear a hardhat. david: a lot of fun stuff, thank you. >> democrat propose a plan that could have you playing more at the pump if you live in a particular state. which state? we'll tell you, next. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need.
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david: drivers in illinois beware, potential new law they raise you gas prices. critics say it will raise gas prices, just after the state doubled gas tax last year, darrecarolland jonathan you livn chicago, how much more are you going to take. >> this whole thing is like trying to explain crazy. seems that politician of illinois hate choice, they hate basic economics, they mate commohatedcommon since, forcing individuals and businesses to leave the state.
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it is a wonderful state but we're held hostage. from a high school economyf of classes, they are taking seriously, government regulation like this, they don't create jobs, they destroy jobs, they destroy wealth, they force tax payers to pay for unproductive things, we could create a lot of jobs. hire someone to tell them a bid bedtime story. david: now some politician will do that. >> what is what idiot politicians are suggesting. >> my favorite part when government continues to tell people they are stupid. if you are those who do the pumping it a safety issue, we may get fires, yeah. sure. it is simple, if they an account an act arule or regulation, prio
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up, mark my word, a year after they already raise the gas tax, it never ends in the state. >> i am sitting in florida, i am a little disappointed, i want to argue with someone, here, but, you have to give me something to work on. i need a -- >> it is tough. >> an idea from corner of crazy town that is like never standing a chance. >> over there. >> this might happen you are not allowed to pump your own gas. >> like hiring people to dig holes and fill them back up again, that is what we're doing in illinois. >> i like that idea. >> nobody has lit themselve on fire that i am aware of, atlanta gas -- at a gas station, not like the violent problem we have in chicago. >> or spending problem. david: you mentioned choice, it comes to -- there are times maybe you want to pay a couple pennies more to have someone pump your gas. it is raining or you are later
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on whatever. but there are other times we should have the choice, that is what -- >> right. david: that is the free market. >> that is whole point, if there is a demand for this, the market will solve it, when you allow for choice you get the different options, and when you put a government program in place it takes away options this is basic. david: politicians don't care about our choices or price of things -- all they care about is getting reelected, thank you. >> moving on list of america's healthiest u.s. cities is out, but the choice for the top spot raising some eyebrows, we have details coming next. at fisher investments, we do things differently and other money managers don't understand why. because our way works great for us! but not for your clients. that's why we're a fiduciary, obligated to put clients first. so, what do you provide? cookie cutter portfolios? nope. we tailor portfolios to our client's needs. but you do sell investments that earn you high commissions,
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of food and overall health but when you see pictures, and hear stories about filthy homeless camps needle parks, does this feel like it is the healthiest city in the nation, gary? >> i hear the survey was done by a company called pelosi and associates. david: no. >> just kidding. just kidding. look, i've been to sedona, arizona. i've been to cheyenne, wyoming, vail, colorado, i can name much better and healthier than that place. sorry, can't help you with this one. >> this is a place where you need an app to help navigate where there is human feces on the sidewalk. >> stop. >> if you need to check your app to get around feces and needles i think you -- david: you probably used to live there, carol? >> i did. for five years. unfortunately had to leave. every time we go back it just deteriorates and deteriorates. a lot of conferences moved out
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of san francisco because they're concerned to go to the areas where the convention centers are. >> we know it is not healthiest but one of the wealthiest. median income is 75,000. there is real wealth there. unfortunately democratic policies make it more difficult for anyone to actually achieve that wealth. if they do, to actually keep it, put it in the bank. >> you guys are talking about feces and needles. i mean, every time you move down the street you got to do a game of hopscotch. that is cardio. part of why san francisco is so healthy. david: i see. by the way when you fly in there from the air still geographically the most beautiful city in the world i think or at least in america. just gorgeous. but then you get down on the ground, you see what's happening. carol it must break your heart. you met your husband there as well, right? >> yeah. my husband is from the bay area. every time you go back it is very sad because of all the places used to be very beautiful and are very dirty. >> it is policies.
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not the weather. david: good news is, when i moved to new york, we had times square which was a cesspool. it is now a terrific place. so you can turn things around with the right policies. that's it for "bulls & bears." see you back here next lots of t all over the place. democrats attacking attorney general william barr, president trump fighting with michael bloomberg and governor andrew cuomo. bernie sanders attacking james carville for criticizing him. even bernie sanders campaign attacking nevada's biggest powerful labor union ahead of the nevada caucuses. bernie's campaign fighting with alexandria ocasio-cortez? now this, a fight between an obama insider and member of joe biden's family. that member of biden's family call him a jerk with a microphone. we'll bring you the blow by blow. all of it. behind the fighting now senate democratsea
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