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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  February 14, 2020 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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[laughter] ashley: the motor vehicle coming out of the ears. stuart: that's hotter than it's supposed to be for regular customers, i don't mind spice. [laughter] stuart: get me out of this, neil. [laughter] neil: i'm trying to look at your face, any valentine's day italian sausage, no, british show. [laughter] neil: be well, hang in there, bud. thank you, stuart, very much, the world health of international that poll team set to land in china over the weekend, china reporting better than 5,000 new coronaviruses cases, 121 new deaths in the past 24 hours, they say it is still under control but the government reportedly implement ing control, a lot of those measures are already in place in a number of cities and that's raising eyebrows across the world. benjamin hall with the very latest, hey, benjamin.
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>> hi, neil, we had the staggering figure of 15,000 new cases in 24-hour period, what we saw china do today come out and hold the press conference and they said this is not spreading like wild fire, 99% to have cases are still in china, as you pointed out another big figure today, 5,000 more in last 14 hours, 121 new deaths also in that period. now china having to implement these wartime control measures in some of the cities, earlier today also finally we have heard from the world health organization who said a team would be going to china. >> i'm glad to say that who led joined nation with china is moving forward, we expect the full team to touchdown over the weekend, the mission consists of 12 international and who experts and similar number of national
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expert from china. >> it's expected that there will be some experts also from the u.s. in that team, but still there's criticism of china's response, one chinese doctor writing a very rare critical letter of the government saying they had failed to sound a public warning even though scientists had been aware of the time of human to human transmission and 5 million people weren't allowed to leave wuhan despite warning from chinese scientists, finally happens good news, people on diamond princess cruise ship and had been quarantined over 400 american, 218 tested positive but finally today a few dozen of the older passengers who have not got the virus are finally being allowed to disembark and many more may follow, the director of cdc came out today and said that it is likely that this will have a foothold in the population in the u.s. at least till next year, scientists also working on a vaccine say that
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likely won't come until next year as well, some way to go before this is fully contained, neil. neil: benjamin, thank you very much for the report, scientists said that pharmaceuticals claim to have discovered coronavirus vaccine 3 hours after getting access to the virus and genetic sequence, pharmaceutical ceo dr. joseph kim on all of that, doctor, thank you for taking the time. >> thank you, neil. neil: tell us about this. >> well, using our dna medicine's platform, doesn't need to see or get hold of the virus to make a vaccine rather we just need the data sequencing of that, after chinese authorities made it available we are able to construct our vaccine in about 3 hours. >> when you say it's a vaccine, people who have the virus take this and they don't have it
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anymore; is that right? >> well, this is a preventive vaccine, so we would be developing this to curve the infection and -- and the outbreak. neil: all right, so i understand, for those who have it now, what happens obviously to take a vaccine, what's in store for them? >> well, there may be ways to use the vaccines to curve and maybe even help those who are infected, but certainly vaccines in history have shown to be very important in combating these type of outbreak. >> okay, let me understand this, you partnered with beijing and it's a chinese concern, much like your own to address this, the chinese authorities now saying we will get this out to the population, you know, better than a billion folks, what are they saying? >> well, you know, the first step, once we constructed our vaccine we studied the
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preclinical testing here in the u.s. right away. we are preparing for our clinical trial to start in the u.s. early this summer, at the same time, because the infection in china is most ferocious we decided to go into china for human testing as soon as possible in parallel, so we -- we are collaborating with vaccine and others so we are building a coalition of funders, collaborators, partners to attack this both here in the u.s. and abroad. >> you know what i don't understand, doctor, why even your company isn't getting a more impressive worldwide reaction, this is a very big deal itself and i'm just wondering why no one knows about it? >> well, i think -- i think people are beginning --
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>> yet the stock is up by 6 and 3 quarters percent. there's nothing dismiss, i would imagine someone is waiting for something and all indications are you got it? >> yeah, we have it and we have proven it for other infections like mers and zika in the past, have funded us with $56 million in the past to develop a vaccine for mers infection which is another coronavirus, family virus as well as fever, i think people are beginning to pay attention and we do have a modern day 21st century technology to best respond to this type of emerging infectious challenges. neil: all right, we will watch this closely, doctor, means a great deal that you chose to
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come on fox business to share news and that would be great relieve pretty much to the world, we will follow closely, doctor, thank you again. >> thank you, neil. neil: just think about that, if the doctor has done something here to at least address this spreading from where we stand right now, let's get the read from jack otter and susan li, you know, guys, i know we will talk about other things, this is big news and startling news, the company has come up with a vaccine to at least address potential spread of disease, susan, that's a game changer, what do you think? >> it is a game-changer, yes there might be a vaccine but still take a year in order to go through the critical trial in order to get it into the market. neil: right. >> you see bigger pop in 6% and in terms of impact and and give
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-- neil: a time frame here but especially given the world health report that two-thirds of the global population could catch this virus, times are wasting, don't you think? >> well, i'm not an expert in pandemics but, yeah, common sense would suggest that, i would certainly think that if i were in the city of wuhan right now i might take my chances and want to be a test patient on
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that vaccine. we certainly ought to be implementing procedures so that in a case as serious as this were god forbid there could be far more worse instances so we really ought to have a procedure in place for emergencies. neil: all right, in the meantime i mentioned in the outset that obviously this is something that the world is waiting for, vaccine or something to show that this doesn't get worse or that there's hope that, you know, around the corn every, one of the developments that that a lot of people are look at economic impact of this, susan li, one of the issues that's come up is that this is putting such a cramp on the chinese economy, now they are talking little or no growth, they might not be able to make god -- good on the initial part of the trade deal, what do you think? >> well, there's a caveat, if you look at the specific language natural disaster or
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unforeseen that could caveat those huge purchases that china has committed one, agricultural purchases, 75 billion on the first year on tom -- top and that just means a delay, but china is also spending a lot of money to try to liquefy and liquidate and if you look at what happened in china, february 3rd and february 4th of this month, they spent $250 billion in capital injections into the markets to make sure nothing freezes up, day after the lunar year which is worst in china, when i talked to the floor traders they said that things might get much worse than they are, we are a few points away from record levels once again. neil: you know, looking at the way things are sorting out right now, jack, we've learned, you
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know, certainly with economies just the threat of something has an effect on behavior and obviously chinese consumers not going out, certainly not traveling; i'm wondering what the impact of all of that is going to be, too soon to tell but for china i'm talking more for the world. >> sure, it is way too soon to tell, it's one small example, reporters who have gone to wuhan; this is a city with 11 million people, larger than new york city and apparently looks like ghost town, you walk in the middle of the street, you hear the occasional dog barking, imagine if this should spread and if they would actually go global, i don't want to be alarmist and i think the odds are, scientists put the odds in the single digits of this becoming a global thing but we can't discount the possibility and you're right, before something actually happens people start to get nervous about it and right now it's the markets are telling us how -- it's the best, you know,
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real-time betting operation there is, right, and the markets are showing us by the numbers that the wisdom of the crowd is this is not something to worry about too much right now. >> just to pick up on that -- to follow up on, the injection of liquidity into the chinese market is huge and the chinese government is telling lenders to open up the spigots even though they are overleveraged as it is, the fallout of this could be dramatic. neil: susan. >> neil i was looking at the market reactions, this stock should be basically in the tank, it's not, it's outperforming the s&p this year and up this week by the way 2 and a half percent, highest levels in 3 weeks because if china is going into slowdown usually you see that reflecting in commodity markets and what the markets are telling you right now is they are seeing this as contained event, is that true, i guess it will play out in the next few weeks, no one
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wants the risk heading into a 3-day weekend, there is that. neil: thank you all very much, markets are closed on monday for president's day, we are not, by the way, that's how we roll, america, you're welcome. all right, in the meantime we are focusing on michael bloomberg despite release of tapes and all of that, you know he is besting everyone else in florida in florida and it's not just there, after this. (woman) no matter what business you are in, digital transformation never stops. verizon keeps business ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business... (second man) virtualize their operations... (third man) and could even build ai into their customer experiences. we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. (woman) where machines could talk to each other
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and expertise could go anywhere. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation, verizon keeps business ready. ♪
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let's hook you up with the fastest internet from xfinity. what about wireless data options for the family? of course, you can customize and save. can you save me from this conversation? that we can't do, but come in and see what we can do. we're here to make life simple. easy. awesome. ask. shop. discover. at your local xfinity store today. and my side super soft? yes! with the sleep number 360 smart bed, on sale now, you can both adjust your comfort with your sleep number setting. but can it help keep me asleep? absolutely, it intelligently senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and snoring? no problem. ... and done. so, you can really promise better sleep? not promise... prove. and now, during the ultimate sleep number event, save 50% on the sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday neil: all right, mike bloomberg
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2020 campaign is seeking to influence younger voters, traditional advertising using instagram, that sort of thing, all this stuff is beyond me but fortunately they are young -- >> he's placing multiple instagram contracts through company called meme 2020, ads mix humor, sarcasm, they could be taken such as a joke that this is sponsored by at mike bloomberg. it all comes as attention between bloomberg and donald trump is shall we say heightening, trump calling mini
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mic. no boxes, please. he hates crazy bernie and will with enough money possibly stop him, he said, we know many of the same people in new york behind your back they laugh at you and call you a carnival barking clown, they know you inherited a fortune and squandered it with incompetence, i have the record and resources to defeat you and i will. the question, of course, neil, will all of this work because biden lost ground in iowa, wall street is saying he's got no shot, the nevada culinary unions snubbed him too not backing anybody, that could put bloomberg in a better position, but all the ads, being criticized for trying to buy the nomination and if it doesn't work, it wouldn't be a great return on investment, would it,
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neil? neil: thank you very much, jackie great job, we are getting news major candidates go out of new york try to raise as much doe as they can, joe biden had an event i believe last night and he might be a tad disappointed that charlie gasparino has more on that. >> two events last night, tat wayfair and sarah beth high-end restaurants in midtown manhattan. neil: not the olive garden. >> if you saw the list you know why, john mack, we understand the initially tally is $800,000, sounds like a lot of money for one night but they were expecting, they had pushed this for weeks and weeks, a lot of the money was coming in before iowa, so remember, this was before iowa, they were expecting a million, so if you want to
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read some tealeaves not very good and that's why another story that we have been covering why a lot of new york city dems, financial people who were generally supportive of biden that want him to win, that showed up at the fundraising last night or at least, you know, gave money during the fundraisers last night, a lot of them are worried and they are starting to say we should be moving towards biden -- excuse me, mayor bloomberg. neil: does this trickle start or slow whatever iowa and new hampshire? >> that's a great question, i don't know. they were expecting a million. okay. a million dollars for the two events. i can tell you that they are under that now, 200,000 under that now. rounding error in the long term, but i mean, this really just up the anti for biden, comes down to this for him, he has got to kill it in south carolina, if he doesn't kill it in south carolina, i mean, like a sizable win, harold ford, what was he
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saying, he has to win -- neil: can't be close. >> 30%, without sizable win based on what i'm hearing now, again, the people that are generally -- are very supportive of him, he'll lose that base of support, that's a lot of money, mayor bloomberg as you know is not raising money but, you know, he has all the money he needs, he's worth 60 billion, he will spend it, as much as he wants and you'll see people flock, they'll stay away from the biden campaign and find other candidates and get behind bloomberg with their supporting. neil: a portion of delegates help biden regardless of that -- on super tuesday, march third, you know, 1,357 delegates are at stake. even if he did 15% of that in total, you're competitive. >> right. also depends on how much momentum he got and, listen, that's what they're telling me.
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leon cooper, calls himself independent, critical of president obama on the class warfare, supported mike bloomberg and he layed it out in a column, excuse me, in a feature studio that they wrote today where he just said, listen, it ain't going to happen, the country is not going to look at it this way, the country will not elect a socialist communist, he called bernie sanders a communist, elizabeth warren is pretty close to the socialist communist, pete buttigieg is a kid wet behind the ears and joe biden just doesn't have it. he thinks joe biden should vow out now, him and others are putting their chips increasingly with bloomberg, again, putting their chips, i mean, moral support, support the other candidates with money, you know, becomes a money game where bloomberg can literally beat you can bank account and we were first to report, his eyes are
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like on -- particularly if he stays in it, it's 2 billion, i don't think people understand that. >> he got into office in new york city as mayor with very effective advertising, the sky was the limit. >> i heard his campaign headquarters is insane. hillary had a big operation, but this is a very sophisticatedly big operation and smart to know comes down to 5 or 6 states, he gets the nomination, donald trump will be bombarded, same thing to him in 5 states, social media, the whole thing. neil: smart guy, to one takes that away from him as so you. happy valentine's day. >> i probation report your present, i usually bring you a rose. that's pretty good. neil: that is pretty good. >> a little frank sinatra. neil: look at the time, thank you, my friend.
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uber testing 1-800 number for people who want to ride, what could possibly go wrong? while our competition continues to talk. ♪ talk, talk while our competition continues to talk. the business of road trips... ...adventure... ...and reconnecting. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at
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neil: all right, some good news for amazon, not so much for microsoft, the federal judge ordering pentagon to stop work on the massive so-called jed icloud computing contract that it had supposedly with microsoft, hillary vaughn has the latest, hillary. >> neil, amazon is not happy that they lost 10 billion-dollar cloud-computing project so they are going scorch to earth doing anything they can to stop microsoft from making progress on project jedi with the pentagon, a judge ruling in favor to amazon. microsoft is defending their win saying in a statement, quote, we believe the facts will show they
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ran a detailed, thorough and fair process in determining the needs of war fighter, amazon's restraining order against the project could have national security implications, the dod saying this, the actions taken in this litigation have unnecessarily delayed implementing dod modernization strategy and deprived war fighters of set of capabilities they urgently need, amazon is convinced, though, neil, that they didn't get the bid because of beef between jeff bezos and president trump, they are actually call to go depots the president so he can prove amazon lost the bid fair and square, neil. neil: thank you, hillary, very much, we have uber testing out toll free number designed for users without smartphones, very much expand its business, grady has the details. grady. >> they are testing this out in arizona right now, we are used to call for uber on the appear and you would use your phone to call an uber and how it works is instead of using the app and
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uber user would call 1833 use uber to book a ride and talk to actual human, uber would text car details and arrival time of the car and they would send you a receipt, a way to uber to expand customer base as you mentioned to elderly people who don't have smartphones or don't know how to use their smart phones to call for a car and interesting fact, 19% of americans don't have smartphones, if you look at people 65 and older the number jumps up to 47 system, if this system sounds familiar, well, it's like calling a taxi and ride-share companies across the board are trying old-school methods, for example, at airports they have pickup lines for uber and lyft, both companies trying that out, a taxi line, apparently what's old is new again, neil. >> thank you my friend very much, we are just getting word right now that andrew mccabe
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will not be facing any criminal charges, his office just shared that, the u.s. attorney's office has gotten back to former number 2 at the justice department that long last justice has been done in this matter, u.s. attorney's office will not be pursuing criminal charges against him. we have more right after this. copd makes it hard to breathe
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neil: all right, former fbi
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director, he will not be facing any charges into that investigation as to whether he lied to investigators about a media leak, this is coming from his defense team that was feeling pretty good about saying we said at the outset criminal investigation almost 2 years ago that if the facts and the law result the result no charges would be brought, we are pleased that andrew mccabe and his family can go on with their lives without this cloud over hanging him, mccabe was the former number 2 at the fbi. i believe i misspoke when i said the justice department, no criminal charges against him and comes at a time when the justice department itself might be smarting from president trump's tweets or strong arming that it might be trying to prove and keep distance from the white house, no way to know, what we do know that attorney general of the united states is still going back and forth as to whether the president did put pressure on him, he said the tweeting as you
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know was a bit of a problem, edward lawrence has been following that development and has the latest, edward. >> the defense team for andrew mccabe is saying the case was close bid the department of justice, that's it, they are done with that interaction there, now a person familiar with the conversation says that attorney general barr for weeks has been talking with president donald trump about his tweets, senior administration official telling us that the president knew that barr was going to do the interview but did not know that the attorney general was going to admonish the president for his tweets, barr says that it makes it more difficult for him to do his job. >> to have public statements and tweets made about the department make it impossible for me to do my job. that's why i think it's time to stop the tweeting about the department of justice criminal cases. >> so the president's reaction, well, he tweeted again this morning, the president saying that he has never talked to
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attorney general barr about a criminal case although he went onto say this, quote, in this tweet this does not mean that i do not have as president the legal right to do so but i do have so far chosen not to, the house speaker nancy pelosi saying the president needs to be investigated for this possible breach here of trust, but again the tweets probably not mending any fences; by the way, neil, one-year anniversary that attorney general william barr has been in his bar, back to you. >> he came in on valentine's day. [laughter] >> chocolate and few tweets. neil: there is that. brilliant woman kelly james torrence, i'm throwing this at her in the last minute because she's a pro, doesn't really help
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my cause, mr. president, the justice department did a formally ending pursuing any charges against andy mccabe, what do you make of it? >> i have to say i don't think the president, neil, is going to take bill barr's advice and stop tweeting, i'm waiting any second now for a tweet, i'm sure the president is not happy about the probe being dropped against andrew mccabe and i'm surprised a little myself, he's the inspector general accused of lying at least 4 times, keep in mind that lying and found guilty of, the idea that it's against the president who seems to have done something very similar and it's not going to be charged. it's a bit of a surprise. the department was being extra careful with this case because they've been under fire so much lately. neil: they were doing the
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president's bidding, i understand not to pursue charges against somebody, that will raise questions. the justice department with concerns of how everything looks. >> exactly, that's what we are hearing, of course, we heard yesterday from the attorney general, he said he's not going to be bullied by anyone congress, editorial board sadly or the president, so it's a little inexplicable and i'm sure president trump will be tweeting about it and people will be asking why, why did he lie about and what did it involve, he apparently threatened and the person receiving them considered them jokes, perhaps looking at what the damage was done and who the victim was, but still when you have a guy who lied to the fbi and to the justice department inspector general which is what andrew mccabe did,
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you to think that the victim there is the american government and the american people, so i'm a little surprised by this. >> you know, the president has always had rocky relationship with the departments, and i'm wondering if this is me, i don't want to make -- either they are getting -- you are free to tweet, do what you want but we are also free to ignore what you say and i -- i'm wondering the significance of that because every republican i've talked to prominent including john and host of others said we wish he couldn't do the tweeting thing particularly in matters like this, the good markets which is something that is unequivocally to his advantage, something is clanging here. >> i think you're right, neil, some of them are making the argument, not those people but others making the argument that trump is actually being very transparent. neil: absolutely. >> now we know what he thinks,
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not that we couldn't guess anyway. neil: subtle pressure or targeting or saying it's about the agencies that are looking into or you want them to look into issues near and dear to you, they are coming back with statements like this, we hear you, we just are ignoring you. >> exactly. when you looked at tweet thanking attorney general bill barr for taking charge of the roger stone case that looked to some -- >> that i think prompted that interview. >> exactly, i think bill barr we wanted to make it clear that it's nothing that the president said. all of the people they have to know that the highest profile cases like ones that the president is likely to tweet about everybody in the country is going to be looking at their decision so i don't imagine they made this decision lightly and i'll be interested to see if there's an explanation as to why they decide today drop it. neil: thank you very much.
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you handled it well. >> thank you, neil. neil: literally the last second, we told you earlier in the week that a number of big-tech companies had canceled out of this tech summit that was going to go on in barcelona, spain claiming on the coronavirus situation, a number of companies have canceled out of it and we are learning from the san francisco chronical that facebook is going to cancel its marketing summit that was later to take place in san francisco, so you're seeing more and more of these tech, no matter the city, which were china is more pow than wow. a little more after this. so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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successful mid-century american man. he had a whole life that i didn't know anything about. he was just my beloved grandpa. bring your family history to life like never before. get started for free at neil: all right, $3.8 billion in pentagon funding being transferred to the border wall and democrats are crying foul,
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my next guest running on border platform, hope to go turn the méxico second congressional district red, the congressional candidate claire chase, we put calls to congressman, incumbent, we've not heard back. let me get your take on this because a lot of people are saying money appropriated for one thing can't be reappropriated for another, you obviously disagree, why? >> neil, thank you so much for having me this morning, i think that when it comes to national security everything needs to be put on the table, moving funds to bill the border wall is a crisis and certainly needs to be -- the border needs to be secure and this has been amazing on what he has done on the bored on protecting and making military strong, i have face in the world that he will make that whole.
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>> so to you it's perfectly legal and questioning whether funds provided aren't more than enough as they stand because the did get the very thing you want. >> we see, we live with the facts of not having a secure border every single day. albuquerque was named one of the 7 most dangerous cities named in the country because the democratic leadership has failed us not only congress but we have the cartel living here, operating here every single day, i want to raise my kids in the state, crime rates are through the roof and we have got to secure the border in order to fix that, as i minged the president have been very strong? military and i know he's not going to take anything away that he can't in short make full.
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neil: we will see what happens. thank you very much. again, we put out calls from the incumbent, hope to hear him back, in the meantime would you cross party lines for love on this valentine's day? we are putting it out there. ♪ ♪
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neil: placing where a person stands politically at the top of their profile, so how important is it that your significant
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other either now or in the future, i'm just saying their politics, fox news contributor kat temp and fox business very own lauren simonetti who by the way tried to poison stuart varney. lauren: apparently we don't share the same political beliefs. neil: let me ask you about that, the politics of your significant other is important? >> now it is increasingly so, happened right after the 2016 election, you noticed at the top of profiles 5 million profiles or half of them on e-harmony, don't say republican or democrat, they say trump. 7 in 10 woman want to make sure the person that they are dates has the same political beliefs as they do. neil: they don't want a trump pro. lauren: want someone that
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believes exactly what they believe. >> i think you need to know the person exactly. marry -- marie madeline, politics was their life and they have been married for years. >> it's a dating app you should be picking who to date based on appearance only. no, i'm sorry. [laughter] >> that's really what they are. >> i agree with carley, i don't care if somebody put on there that they had the exact political views that i have, i still wouldn't want to be around you because like get over
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yourself. #resist. >> this person is just one note, all they care about is one thing. >> makes easier to find each other, though, right. neil: right? first date with all of different times, maybe the guy who is trying to say, well,i will be whatever carley is. >> people should change their opinions. [laughter] >> that's exactly how these -- lauren: i don't remember coming up actually. >> we disagree on a lot of things politically, we agree on some things and disagree on a lot of things and it's not an issue even a little bit because it's possible everyone to disagree and still respect another individual as a person. neil: but if he had opinions that were totally opposite -- >> yeah, that might -- neil: might be a problem.
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it was quite is occasion. i wonder how often it comes up. politics generally comes up much later in the relationship. lauren: not anymore. >> there are political opinions like if you are pro-choice, pro-life, things like that that are really important. i just think that it's better if you don't make that the focus, trump derangement syndrome, i can't believe, you like this guy, i can't stay married to you. relationships that broke up over that. [laughter]
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>> but trump -- lauren: the first thing we want to see -- >> the hubba hub effect. lauren: there's race and religion and right under that is politics. it's up there with the more traditional things that we used -- neil: some politics at the top, new hampshire and iowa. you run up to a lot of people, politics is front and center, it's the most important thing. >> you actually bring a good point. neil: i do all of the time. we are making fun of this, but everybody always says older generations says that younger people need to be more politically active and now we are like not like that. [laughter] neil: be passionate about something and just calm down. >> he's the president now, makes it more accessible to talk about, nobody talked about politics this much ever before he became the president and now
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everyone is a lawyer, everyone is an economist, everyone is a foreign policy expert. neil: a lot of people debating ronald reagan, two-term governor of california, what's the deal with that guy, you know, i can remember barack obama, wait a minute. [laughter] >> it's really because the president like i said is such a polarizing person, it's created the sort of atmosphere whether you are either for him or -- >> me and my boyfriend. [laughter] lauren: doesn't like president trump. neil: is that right, that's what i can figure out. thank you very much, politics zero interest to you. it's nice -- >> we talk about it but it's nice to disagree a little bit. yeah, we are fine. we are still together.
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neil: there you go, a lot more coming up including surprise move out of the justice department not to seek criminal charges against andrew mccabe, the president has not commented on that but i'm sure he will. stay with us and then there's verizon 5g. we're building the most powerful 5g experience for america. it's more than 10x faster than some other 5g networks. and it's rolling out in cities across the country so people can experience speeds that ultra wideband can deliver. 1.7 gigs here in houston. 1.8 gigs here in frigid omaha. almost 2 gigs here in los angeles. that's outrageous! it's like an eight-lane highway compared to a two-lane dirt road. ♪
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robert: we want to get into this with andrew mccabe case, the number 2 at the fbi and the source of a lot of impacts from the president of the united states for lying under oath and who he was talking to or not talking to. the justice department decided to drop criminal charges against mister mccabe. his legal team is celebrating this was the applications from a justice department that appears to be keeping its
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distance from the president and one interprets to be strong-arming from the president including no less then the guy who runs the justice department, attorney general of the united states, william barr. tweets from the president, the job would be easier without them. the intel ceo, we have the wall street journal associate editor and capital markets chief economist, i hasten to add there was no market take on this. it was a bit of a surprise, the coronavirus is more than these political developments. for the president, is not going to like it. >> a tweet will be forthcoming. mccabe he considered an enemy of his and criticized him for his lack of transparency on issues in the fbi.
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yesterday the attorney general was suggesting he be at arms length from the president. with that kind of kabuki was a way of showing the public and people in the justice department that he is in fact independent of the president. this decision is going to be substantially a show of independence for the president because it does not do what donald trump wanted the justice department to do to mccabe. neil: there is some irony that michael flynn could be facing nine years in prison for lying to congress. here is a guy many republicans say lied under oath repeatedly on a number of issues and now investigation, no pursuit from the justice department, that was meeting out and wanting to investigate general flynn. it is weird.
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>> it is and we are seeing a hyper politicized environment tainting what would be a normal process under other circumstances. we have seen it whether it is with this or impeachment or other accusations ever since brett kavanaugh was up for questioning. i can't wait for 2020 to the over. neil: i am just wondering, even though they are ignoring this, the market moving event comes at a time when there appears to be a growing rift, the justice department with the president, what he says and does, it is not a mystery or fox news alert but it is out there. >> whether the attorney general stays on the trump team we will see. neil: voluntarily or not. >> what may be troublesome for
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the market is if trump can go any direction at any time, don't know what he is going to say when he tweets and it could be very disruptive to the outlook for business activity to the equity market performance. he is a wildcard, that means don't write off any of these presidential candidates. neil: it is a point i got into with a number of republican guests who have been saying the president, the strong economy, the strong markets, to a man or woman when asked what they think of the president's tweeting they get to the point the only one who can defeat donald trump is donald trump. listen to the answer that came from senator john food. >> the only person who can defeat donald trump is donald trump and development like these and the firing of folks and dismissal of folks who have harsh words to say about him,
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the president denies and this development just adds fuel to the fire that the president created. to you by that? >> the best thing for him to do is to rise above that and just keep moving america forward and continue to put policies in place that are going to improve the everyday lives of americans in this country. if he does that he will win in a landslide. neil: not the bite i remembered. the one at the end where he said i prefer he be quiet and the president is not being quiet. republicans are concerned enough to say you have so many things going for you, record low unemployment, don't screw it up. >> first i don't think william barr -- he is firmly on it and -- neil: was this discussed between them? >> william barr will be able to say no but the signals i
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suspect yes, the white house knew it was coming down but on the economy it is true the president has a good economic story to tell, low unemployment, consumer confidence, retail sales numbers were not that bad for january. they were not terrific but they were fine and the consumer seems confidence, two thirds of the economy, what the markets are looking at is not just, they are driven by earnings, markets are looking, they will be looking around the next corner in the next corner after that. of the president continues to tweet in a manner that suggests he is going to inflame a part of the electorate he needs to get and improve the chances of a democrat getting elected the markets will respond to that because a democrat getting elected will likely mean a revisit of tax policy and a lot of other issues the market is sensitive to.
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>> depends which democrat takes the presidency. michael bloomberg they can live with that, bernie sanders. neil: they have not been living in a scenario that involves any of those guys but development like these to john's point make the market think you are the one screwing it up. >> he is his own worst enemy. that hasn't changed, unpredictable, we don't know how his future behavior might influence the outcome of the election. neil: too early to tell. >> at the end of the day the top issue no matter what poll or research you look at his jobs and the economy and people will make decisions with their pocketbooks without impact their families, their businesses. neil: that explains polls. he should be up by double digits. >> a lot of people are not admitting they are okay with the policies. neil: we are getting a little
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more on this from david spunt. >> reporter: andrew mccabe is the former acting fbi director after james comey left. he will not be charged by the department of justice now. mccabe was accused of leaking information to a reporter at the wall street journal, then lying about it to investigators but ultimately the justice department not going to charge him. it will be interesting to see what donald trump has to say. mccabe has frequently been a target of donald trump and other members of the white house as has former fbi director james comey the headline, mccabe will not be charged, his attorney put out a statement saying mister mccabe can move forward from this. we expect some sort of statement from mccabe but it has been a busy weekend for the department of justice not just with the mccabe news but also the roger stone moves, after
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was already put forward. than that interview yesterday with attorney general william barr and basically saying to donald trump stop the tweeting, it is not helpful. i found out through a senior at ministration source that william barr has been complaining to donald trump for weeks privately to ask him to stop tweeting, stop the tweeting, stop the commentary, believing it undercuts him and what he is doing at the department of justice but ultimately donald trump tweeted again today about the apartment of justice saying he has the right to do what he wants to do when it comes to the apartment of justice. neil: we are waiting for the statement, the latest developments from the white house. it wasn't the president tweeting but the white house tweeting a response, the president feels free to state his mind and there is nothing wrong with that despite what the attorney general said. the mccabe matter is another matter. more after this. they help us wh achievable steps along the way... we can spend a bit now,
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knowing we're prepared for the future. surprise! we renovated the guest room, so you can live with us. oooh, well... i'm good at my condo. oh. i love her condo. nana throws the best parties. well planned, well invested, well protected. voya. be confident to and through retirement. there's a company that's talked than me: jd power.people 448,134 to be exact. they answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room.
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neil: a political moving event. they are not facing criminal charges with the fbi. was dropped if considered at all. andrew mccabe was out to get him and the entire fbi would seem to target him when he was a candidate for the presidency of the united states. the democratic candidates on the stump, many spread across the country in places like south carolina. we are monitoring that. that is on the heels of fundraising effort on the part
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of democrats were busy passing around the tin cup hoping to get the money. joe biden was one of the more prominent ones in manhattan scoring 800,$000. we heard from charlie gasparino the hope was this would be $1 million, could this be a sign the money folks are easing off when it comes to joe biden and where is the money going? bernie sanders, beneficiary of that, they are looking for support. he excuses the big money crowd. the democratic candidate hope to seize on developments. are they making traction?
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the best read i had, how much money they are raising or not but the latest news on biden is an encouragement. >> we are seeing numbers, the fragmentation of the party. all the time you have bernie sanders, they are nervous what that means. electability is of concern for him, too far left, biden is more to the center. he does have enough money. everyone else is bickering up against it which is a dysfunctional way of going into a race, finding one that we carry their voice. it is very dysfunctional. neil: not to endorse anybody, i wonder why it is. sanders and medicare for all, excusing very generous plans. >> they were worried about sanders asking, promoting medicare for all.
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and the healthcare they have, in las vegas. they were not endorsing anybody yet, and they were able to carry the flag, numbers for biden are concerning. it is an inflection of the fact the two states, with a diverse population of the united states. what happens in south carolina, not a lot of great retail politician. the hunter biden stuff with ukraine as much as it has to do with what the president claims. maybe it looks like he was trading on the biden name.
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there are a lot of moderate candidates like biden that could carry the flag. culinary union and the population for primary states are all taken a look. >> joe biden has run for president previously and came up short a couple times. 77 years old. it is a very tall hill to climb. robert: what about the graphs? >> it is quite unique. he didn't do well. neil: didn't have a problem with the age. >> he has not really shined in the debates or press interviews. >> i agree with what we have seen so far, the changing face of america on voters is
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important for swing states like colorado. i'm curious, it will be a better portrait of the 40% of americans who are hispanic. >> even south carolina won't tell us, super tuesday will tell us. california will get all the states that give a better sense of the true nature - adam: it starts the momentum and you see what it gets from momentum. jonathan hunt is joining us. that will be a scene of a contest a week from saturday. they will have the same technology that i have. what are you hearing. >> they scrapped the idea of using the same apps in iowa.
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they use google pin numbers and paper ballots. they are hoping it all goes smoothly but before we get to actual caucus day next saturday, february 20 second we have a democratic debate in vegas and michael bloomberg might be on the debate stage for the first time, getting a lot of tension and training all of his attention on donald trump. >> donald trump is an accidental threat to our country and values, he is a disgrace to the oval office and it is up to all of us to remove him from office this november. >> reporter: bloomberg's democratic presidential nomination opponents don't like the way he is doing this, avoiding of the early states and showering money on an ad campaign to those states voting
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in supertuesday, listen to senator elizabeth warren. >> michael bloomberg came in on the billionaire plan. just buy yourself a nomination. >> all of the candidates who are on the ballot are doing their best to win over the potentially decisive union vote. the front-runner at the moment, senator bernie sanders. listen here. >> if we are going to grow the middle class in this country, if we are going to have decent wages, see wages go up for our workers, we need workers to have the opportunity to come into unions. >> reporter: senator sanders clashed with a powerful culinary union. mayor pete buttigieg among the democratic candidates jumping on that, expressing concern
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about claims that sanders supporters have harassed union leaders online. >> especially upset to see union leadership was being attacked for standing up for their workers. >> early voting starts tomorrow. the caucus itself the following saturday february 20 second and a democratic debate in between and a visit here next thursday from donald trump. what happens in vegas over the next eight days most certainly is not going to stay in vegas. neil: you have parlayed the upcoming caucus into quite the long trip in vegas and wondering how you pulled that off. >> i am going home to see my wife on valentine's day. i make exceptions for her always. neil: today is valentine's day? jonathan hunt in the middle of that.
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telling about the andy mccabe stuff, william barr, from the new york times, cited outside prosecutor scrutinized the criminal case against michael flynn. we were discussing that earlier about how it is andrew mccabe could be let off for lying to congress and michael flynn for essentially not getting penalized for lying to congress. they are looking for ways to limit that jail time. the review is highly unusual and could consider trigger more conditions of political interference by top justice department officials. it adds fuel to the fire. whether it has anything to do with the escalating, probably not. the situation with the justice department whose investigations are valid, who is doing bidding for the president and who is
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adam: are we having a problem with the economy. the confluence of that, a rising retail sales with surprising problems among department stores, and anomaly, not a huge one but one that a lot of economists are watching with retail sales numbers and picked them all apart. >> these numbers are considered the possibility economy. retail sales match what economists predicted. like neil mentioned it is our shopping habits that continue to stand out. department store sales dropped
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5.5% in january versus last year, that is the worst performance of all retail segments. we are more likely to click a button or talk to a device to order goods. i am convinced that alexa is listening but online retailers see a surge of 8% versus last year. it is a widening gap, so many department stores, sears, macy's, nordstrom, are closing stores was the pressure is on for brick and mortar to create an. you can't get online. nordstrom served in different locations. they are opening a restaurant in one of its stores. other department stores like macy's getting out of malls and moving to the off mall smaller locations. it is all an attempt to improve the relationship with customers, get them out of the
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house and bring them back to physical stores. we know this is not an easy feat these days. neil: you go to a mall, it is tough. >> the american dream mall in new jersey, the fact you can take your family there, it is like disneyland in a mall. neil: if you have to do that to entice people to go in and shop that could be the problem right there. >> nothing is free in life. neil: thank you very much. with these latest developments, the details here, the way they change the math to say it is worse than thought. the number of organizations canceling shindigs even though they were supposed to be far
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from the conference in barcelona. the facebook content, to beijing. we will have more. at comcast, we didn't build the nation's largest gig-speed network just to make businesses run faster.
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we built it to help them go beyond. because beyond risk... welcome to the neighborhood, guys. there is reward. ♪ ♪ beyond work and life... who else could he be? there is the moment. beyond technology... there is human ingenuity. ♪ ♪ every day, comcast business is helping businesses go beyond the expected, to do the extraordinary. take your business beyond.
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adam: facebook canceling a global marketing summit slated
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for next month fighting coronavirus concerns. it was scheduled for san francisco and follows telecom international summit that was scheduled to go off in barcelona, spain and we are hearing more companies rethinking any of their contests in this environment, how many are canceled outright and how many are rescheduled. we know people cancel first and then readjust as other questions later. they are not at the latter point yet. john busy from the wall street journal, moody's analytic capital markets chief economist, all of this, sometimes it might make people more fearful than rational. the better part of valor is to cancel conferences, hold off on people going to or from a region and see what happens. seeing what happens contract on a while. >> it is the fear of the unknown and there is liability when it is a corporate event
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because god for bid something does happen in the way the virus is transferring from human to human creates a huge liability and is better to cancel it but that has a huge ripple effect not just on the event itself but the suppliers slated to contract around it and also what that creates in terms of the sentiment of the people. we need to figure out a vaccine, it is surprising big pharma hasn't stepped in stronger to come up with an innovation because this is only going to get worse as it is spreading fast as we see. neil: there is a process to it. you covered the whole thing 2002-2003. how did this compare with the latest developments? >> sars shutdown the asian economy and this is doing the same thing and from a global economic standpoint we cannot underestimate how much damper affective not a serious contraction effect it will
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have. people will be fearful of going to china or being allowed in this country and a lot of uncertainty about the management of the center chinese government declaring corn teen but very late to moving on the virus at the beginning. the problem for the populace when you have a regime that lies all the time. do you trust the leadership when it tells you the truth about something and you can't? you don't know the extent of the problem in china, the world health organization is a little late to the game praising china's efforts when there's not a lot to praise. we are at the beginning of this one. it is continuing to spread and the question is going to be how much will the human petri dish allow it to mutate into something even worse or better. maybe it is mild.
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neil: economically we say a bastion of strength, you have to trade and maybe you are unable or incapacitated. you can't help but be affected. >> the defendants of apple that manufactures iphones in china, this has to create issues for them. and globally interdependent in this case and you worry about the affect on travel. one of the strongest components of the january retail sales report restaurant sales linked to travel up one% for the month, at 8% from a year ago. that category would be hurt of people pulled back on traveling and then you would worry about east asian economies particularly taiwan, vietnam and malaysia. their exports to china come to 20%, one fifth of their
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collective gdp. if you want to keep an eye on how this is affecting the world economy look at industrial commodity prices, price of copper is off considerably, we know the price of crude oil has declined. we have an index of industrial metal pricing. recently that closed at its slowest level since june of 2017 which happens to be before the worsening of the crisis between the united states and china. corona could be more damaging to the world economy than the trade conflict between the us and china. >> sales by us companies in china with factories shutdown and people not out and about in the chinese have been saying don't put up restrictions to travel. we got it under control, you should allow chinese to cross
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borders. at the beginning of this as infectious as this is, worse than sars, the chinese have not been welcoming us scientists into the country to figure it out. you have to put up those barriers, a sense of what is happening, you can relieve those restrictions if warranted. neil: on the team whether the chinese have written off -- we will see. we are awaiting a meeting with the border patrol council. you know the drill, sometimes other subjects come up. we will be there. let's get down to business.
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the business of hard work... ...hustle... ...and high fives. modernized comfort inn's and suites have been refreshed because our business is you. get the lowest price guaranteed on all choice hotels when you book direct at how bright you shine. how strong you are. how brilliant... unique... how you're... my rock. my diamond. for the diamond in your life, there's only one diamond store. it's the valentine's day sale. get 25% off everything. including these special deals. at zales, the diamond store.
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neil: 100,000 people flocking to florida for the 70 ninth annual miami boat show. cheryl casone is there right now. >> reporter: good afternoon from sunny, hot miami. 36 countries represented here. at this show, no shocker to anybody, florida is the largest state in the country when it comes to boat sales, 1000 small businesses in the marine industry. it is brunswick. the boston whaler which i am on and they focus, it is all about the toys and technology and self driving boats. listen.
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>> docking is one of the most visceral elements of boating. cameras are everywhere. it helps you with a docking like you have in your car. it helps with the process. we are working towards fully docking boats but we are not quite there yet. one step forward. >> we are ready for self driving cars or boats but i will take the self talking technology because these are tough to manage. a joystick instead of a wheel. let's send it back to you. this is the boston whaler, they collect the unthinkable boat. how is that for confident if you are a boat manufacturer? neil: i get nervous when they do that. you are right in your element whether it is condos, you are
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in your element. great work. thank you very much. in the meantime we are meeting with the border patrol council, issues could come up, making money with charles payne. so many items so fast, this concern about the president's role in the justice department, double standard on treatment. what do you think? charles: it is difficult because donald trump has issues prior presidents have but expresses them different, he fights back differently, he is a street fighter, counterpunch or and that got him to the white house and from time to time it can be a double-edged sword but he does -- i am sure he must be seething and upset about the news on mccabe. it is going to go on.
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anything he does is amplified. anything he does is the worst anyone has ever seen. there is a considered effort to constantly get rid of him. he lives under tremendous amount of pressure. to be honest how he compartmentalizes these different things, at least publicly because it is a lot. charles: he will look at the double standard at the justice department pursuing michael flynn and a 9 year prison sentence for lying to congress and andrew mccabe lied to more folks than just congress gets a pass. i'm sure that will come up in a tweet. charles: we have jenna ellis coming up, donald trump's personal attorney, she speaks to him almost every day so she will give us great insight into what is happening here and these are the moments when occasionally he does something that may surprise us. he may let the chips land where
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they are, take a course of action that is not as public but we are all waiting. in my hour he will be speaking about the border and that will not be the only thing. neil: enjoy your valentine's day. you don't have a red tie. charles: bible it today. neil: in the meantime it is valentine's day. coming up, if this couple is in sync. ♪ love will keep us together ♪ think of me babe ♪ whenever ♪ sweet talking girl ♪ singing a song hi guys. this is the chevy silverado with the world's first invisible trailer.
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invisible trailer? and it's not the trailer right next to us? this guy? you don't believe me? hop in. good lookin' pickup, i will say that. oh wow. silverado offers an optional technology package with up to 15 different views - including one enhanced view that makes your trailer appear invisible. wow. - that's pretty sweet. - that's cool. oooohh! that's awesome. where'd the trailer go? i love it. it's magic.
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[ fast-paced drumming ]
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>> if you're a bird i am a bird. >> what do you want? you want the moon? say the word and i will throw a lasso around it and pull it down. >> i'm flying, jack. ♪ ♪ i will always love you ♪ neil: excuse me one second. you know what? let's get away from all the depressing breaking news and do something for valentine's day and i am glad i did.
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i know the couple here. they give me hope. her husband chris, big nfl star. they are celebrating their ten year anniversary today but we are not going to make it easy on them. they both join us right now. time for a quiz. ten years into this. >> easier than the economy, politics. neil: the exchange rate, i want to try to get you under the gun if you are okay with that. you are a little further from me. if i ask any tough questions it will not go well for me. this is stuff you should know about each other. she has had a chance to answer the questions i am going to ask you and vice versa. are you ready? >> yes. ready.
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neil: what is your favorite vacation spot and type of vacation? >> my favorite vacation spot is not a spot. it is one where i can sleep. neil: that is what you said. >> we have two little kids. parent out there, working parents can relate to it. neil: nothing - you just said nothing. he was not being kind. what is your worst habit? >> it happened this morning. >> lily is supremely organized. it has to be something with organization. the container store is her happy place. neil: what do you do that annoys that part of her? >> i'm a very organized person. i don't know.
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neil: apparently you leave a wet towel on the bed. there are worse things. >> every day. neil: you are picky. >> it's okay. i pick it up. neil: i want to be understanding, there are more important things. what is your worst pet peeve? >> my worst pet peeve of lily? >> your own. >> my own worst pet peeve? >> it is hilarious actually. >> i don't even know. >> every day also. neil: this is a tough one. apparently not knowing the time in the middle of the night. >> clocks. neil: you need to know that. >> when i was playing football if you are late for practice it
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is over so i was always so petrified of being late that i would set up a battery clock, a powered clock, alarm on my phone. if i can't wake up and see the time. neil: maybe if you didn't throw wet towels on the clock. >> maybe that is what it is. neil: you thought you were going to get up late? where did you go on your first date? >> that is easy, a cuban restaurant downtown. that is funny. all the way downtown, downtown. neil: what is your worst habit? it has got to be worse than throwing wet towels on the bed. >> i play with my fingers and you don't like that. is it that when? >> know. neil: you say yes too much? >> that is my 2020 resolution.
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it is yes for work. >> a human being, superinspiring. when people say will you speak at my thing, she is like yes. she has got to throttle back. neil: i thought she would yell at me more about the towel thing. what is your favorite tv show besides this one? >> i'm so embarrassed. it is the bachelor right now. it is my brain candy. i want to do nothing and smiled giggley. >> the bachelor's name is peter, he is a pilot and i think he should marry the girl madison.
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neil: happy ten years. what is the secret of staying together? >> faith, family and fun. neil: she came up with that. >> we subscribe to that, faith, family, fun, in that order, those priorities. if you get them screwed up your marriage will be screwed up. if you keep them in order everything works out. neil: that is profound, you kids are not that bad. thank you very much. today is valentine's day. i'm frantically looking for something. we will have more after this. ♪ ♪
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neil: all right, throwing it to my friend charles payne who was featured i don't know taylor swift documentary. [laughter] neil: by the way, charles, taylor swift did respond to us if not to you on this whole issue. [laughter] neil: you know, kevin fitzgerald so say it's a pleasure to meet
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you, regrettably we are holding on appearances due to our schedule, please do keep in touch and thank you and, neil, as in cavuto and not charles payne for incredible by kind invitation. [laughter] neil: to you, hello. charles: game on. wait till i say what i am going to get from adele. have a great weekend. neil: you go. charles: good afternoon, i'm charles payne and this is making money, the market has been lethargic all day long, uphill climb, really not to close down for sixth friday out of 7 past fridays plus how is it that a republican billionaire raking in from the left, michael bloomberg donations that would make


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