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tv   Trish Regan Primetime  FOX Business  February 15, 2020 8:00pm-9:00pm EST

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those sitting wonderful example. we thank you for being with us tonight. >> i commend mark esper for being so frank. night from new york. [♪] trish: tonight, a great injustice. a career fbi bureaucrat and clinton crony walks free. while a trump associate faces maybe 9 years in prison. both men are accused of flying federal investigators. but only one is paying the price. the department of justice announcing it will not pursue its indictment against andrew mccabe who was deputy director of the fbi under president obama and fired by president trump over his quote lack of candor. translation, lying. mccabe was a career government
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insider whose own wife took $700,000 of donations for her senate campaign from a clinton bundler. he was later accused of lying to federal investigators about whether he authorized two fbi officials to speak to the media over the clinton email case as well as a separate foundation. he denied having done so when fbi officials asked and later the inspector general office when they tried to determine who might have spoken to the media found out it was a total of four times he maid have been lying -- times he may have been lying and three times under oath. and misleading his boss james comey. >> i want you to say on national tv you were not a source for the
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"new york times" or any other publication considering that's what you are accused of. were you a leaker for the "new york times"? >> i never intentionally misled anyone about anything and i never have committed a crime. trish: he was lying. he got tripped up in this one. he lied on tv, and he lied under oath. august 18, 2017, mie fbi officis met with mccabe. they gathered all they could about the possible leak to the "new york times." an agent asked him point blank, did you authorize this article, were you aware of it. did you authorize it. mccabe looked at the story he
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reviewed months earlier and said yep, i did. there you go. roger stone was convicted in court of seven felonies, obstruct a congressional quir -- inquiry. he's facing years in jail for lying. granted he never should have lied. but keep in mind this was an investigation into nothing. it never should have happened in the first place. why do people around the president keep finding themselves in all this trouble. it's a question the president is asking. president trump: it's unfair to my family and a lot of great people who work in the administration. this isn't just the impeachment hoax. this is the witch hunt. i call it the russia russia
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russia nonsense. trish: the attorney general who i would say gave mccabe a sweet dl, walk away scot-free, is questioning stone's sentencing. >> we are witnessing a crisis in the rule of law in america. >> this is the sort of thing that happens in other countries, not the united states. >> if you are related to trump or a friend of trump, go out and rob a bank because he's got you covered. trish: the president has the right to question the fairness of these sentencings. and he has the right to pardon someone or issue a commutation. obama did it 212 times and,700
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times. he insisted there was no there there. with hillary clinton he was under investigation for her emails. >> do you know about hillary clinton's use of the private email server while she was secretary of state? >> no. this is not a situation in which america's national security was endangered. trish: there were a whole bunch of other cases. bottom line, i want to know why there are two didn't standards. why would an anti-trump bureaucrat whose wife took $75k while her husband investigates. a.g. barr should be asking hum self the same question.
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he just installed an outside prosecutor to review the case against michael flynn. he doesn't trust his own investigator. it's time the swample really and truly be drained. that's tonight's intel. kt mcfarland, good to see you tonight. does this seem fair to you. >> no. i was in the middle of all this. i was general flynn's deputy. general flynn was set up by the same people who are now being somebody like mccabe, perhaps brennan, who knows. but the real thing to watch is the fact that as you just pointed out, attorney general barr doesn't trust his own justice department enough to give a fair assessment of what
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happened with flynn. he has taken an outside counsel to review. the durham report, john durham is looking at the orjifnt investigators. what were they trying to do? were they setting up flynn? were they setting up trump? were they setting up all the people around trump? if so who did it and why did they do it. that one maybe happens this summer. that could shake the intelligence community, the justice department and the fbi, shake it to its roots. trish: it's disturbing to see this play out. just going through the whole mueller thing and come out 2 1/, 3 years later, there was no there there. a waste of taxpayer money. then you have the other
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investigations going on. you feel michael flynn was set up. what does this tell you about effectively the swamp, the deep state. i know you were there and saw a lot of it firsthand. and you were also there, i believe, during the nixon administration as well? what happened over that time frame? did it just get worse and worse? >> it's not the deep state as much as it's the broad state. the professional bureaucrats. they didn't like donald trump. when we walked into the white house necessity looked at us like an alien invading army. someone came into my office and said there is a transcript of general flynn's conversation with the russian ambassador and the "washington post" has the
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transcript. >> i had the highest security clearance there were and i didn't know it existed. what was the intelligence community doing handing that over to "the washington post." trish: we know this now because he told investigators and we have the readout of that meeting. he said yep yep that was me. i did. the idea that they are out there handing this to the "washington post," the "new york times" or any other outlet that will listen tells you the story of an actual coup, kt. >> i think there were people at the highest levels of the intelligence community potentially even the national security council and the obama white house who were setting this up. i was there january 6 when the intelligence community, we call the four chiefs who briefed
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president-elect trump. and that's where comey handed trump parts of the steele dossier. this was a setup from the beginning by people who didn't think he would win and once he one, they wanted the leak. trish: then it was an excuse to get into the whole steele dossier. >> that's what started the russia investigation, the mueller report, the russia hoax. all this started with the poison sauce fruit of people in the intelligence community who decided to get trump and the weakling was flynn. i was suppose to be somebody who pleaded guilty to a crime i didn't commit. when i wouldn't do it, they went away. it was the hardest thing i ever did. but they determined trump must be guilty of something. let's find a crime. trish: i know you get into this
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in your book. thank you so many for joining me. american mayor and president trump's personal attorney, rudy giuliani telling me last night he has the smoking gun on biden ukraine corruption. >> we'll reveal the whole thing. this is a document, what you call a smoking gun. it took me years to get this. trish: we got it. mayor giuliani gave me the document and i am showing it to you exclusively tonight. pro trump college conservatives not getting a lot of love at georgetown. >> would you date someone on the opposite side of the political spectrum. >> i would not, no. >> probably not. trish: we'll play some of the
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liberal students' crazy reasons why. kamala harris has dropped out of the presidential race but that hasn't
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almost. president trump: while we work together to protect our country and save countless lives. unfortunately the far left in our country want to do things that are so bad for our country and so bad for security. trish: that's president trump talking about the men and women who are constantly getting run down by the left. >> one interpretation abolishing i.c.e. which i support. >> start by replacing i.c.e. with something that reflects our morality. >> we examine i.c.e. and its role and the way it's being administered and we need to think about starting from scratch. trish: this is all they want to do every single day and night is fight. they should try out for the wwe.
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kamala harris is introducing a resolution to condemn stephen miller. harris claims steven mirl is a race -- miller is a racist. she writes he's the evil force behind the cruel and xenophobic policies that have defined the trump administration. when it's a trump-sponsored idea. the idea of a wall, the idea of securing our border. but when it's the democrats' idea, it's good policy. until not was all the democrats' idea. illegal immigration they said was wrong. >> it's wrong and ultimately self-defeating. >> we simply cannot allow people
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to pour into the united states undetected, undocumented, unchecked. >> we don't what to do anything to encourage more illegal immigration. >> mexico must do its share. the day when america could be the welfare system for mexico is gone. >> we need more resources at the border and that includes a fence. we have people waiting to come in legally, and we have people coming in illegally. that's not right. we need to get order at the border. trish: so you hate him so much you are willing to sacrifice america in the process. kamala harris is targeting him. she says he's a racist. stephen miller says she has got it all wrong.
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>> they say you are a white nationalist, are you? >> not only am i not anything of the sort, but i finds the accusation to be profoundly offensive and completely outrageous. to say to a jewish person that you hold the ideology that persecuted your own family is so profoundly inappropriate. trish: wouldn't it be nice if the democrats legislated forward a change? that's ask why they were sent there. if they tried they could get meaningful immigration reform done. but all they want to do is fight. joining me, women or trump national chairman, gina loudon. they should get spot at the wwe.
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>> they should. but the problem iser time they make a move on this president he uses their move on them and body slams them and ends up winning. if i were a democrat strategist, i would advise our candidates and the democrats at large to do two things. one is identity politics. the second is unfounded attacks on trump and his administration. and yet like an old dog who cannot possibly learn new tricks, like reagan said, here they go again. trish: they said the definition of insanity is doing things over and over again thinking you will get a different outcome. here we are in witch hunt 2.0. i wouldn't be surprised if they
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play the impeachment card again. they are playing the same measure, to use a musical term. it's really --en i know you are a psychologist, but it's a fascinating thing to see. >> i have seen human behavior all my life, and i have never been so confounded by sociological group think as watching the democrats continue to destroy them receives from within as their party implodes all around them. this with stephen miller is particularly concerning. it makes you wonder how tone deaf they are. this isn't the first time they attacked steve stephen miller o. they tried it before the impeachment and it didn't work then either. isn't it anti-semitic to attack steven mirl, a jewish man?
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trish: look what ilhan omar is saying or rashida tlaib. what they are he bracing lewis farrakhan or linda sarsour, and they are not denouncing them, you have a problem in the democratic party. jewish americans have to be looking around saying this isn't for me anymore. >> they are losing that base. we see 23% and upwards of the people who show up at rallies. i think it was at 26% at the last rally for president trump. the number of democrats who show up to trump rallies. if i were democrats i would find that particularly disturbing. not to mention his own popularity continues to
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increase. trish: we as a nation are above politics. when you talk to your average person, they don't have that group think. they just want what's best for their country and their neighbors and their country. this president has reached out actually across the aisle and tackled something that democrats traditionally would have owned. these are things that the democrats could have embraced, but instead they sold out to big corporations a long time ago. they didn't care about your average man or woman in america. and your arm man or woman in america knows that, don't they, gina. >> have have always talked such a big game they never gave it results. and to prisoners this president
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has read. there is no president like this before. while they continue to divide. while the country is begging for a uniter, and the president of the united states has become that uniter. trish: american mayor and president trump's personal attorney rudy giuliani telling me he has the smoking gun on biden ukraine corruption. >> this is what you call a smoking gun. it took me years to get this. >> i have it exclusively. i will show it to you. also, jip acosta -- jim acosta is blaming the rise in bullying on president trump. remember when they slandered the
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pro actual high school taken nick sandmann? the dem 2020 candidates are far from moderate. he single one of them embracing socialists. we are not just talking about bernie. that's next. >> pete buttigieg and amy klobuchar are fighting it out for the moderate democrats. >> senator bernie sanders what's important to you. saving for ava's college. being able to retire on our terms. taking care of dad. why ameriprise financial? my advisor cares about my personal goals. he gives us comprehensive advice. i feel prepared for what's expected in life and even what's not. she helps us feel confident.
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trish: the left still pretending pete buttigieg is moderate. they are trying to convince people that this kid from
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indiana is somehow moderate. when i dared to point out the obvious that he's not, because i read his proposals. those on the left started criticizing me saying i'm not talking about his policies enough. his policies are pretty much identical to sanders. both of them are socialists. listen to both of these guys talk side by side. first you will hear sanders, then you will hear buttigieg. >> we know that climate change is very real and an existential crisis for our planet. >> climate approaching the point of no return. >> healthcare is a human right, not a privilege. >> that goal we share of universal healthcare. >> i believe we should make public colleges and universities tuition free. >> i have a way to make college
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free for almost everybody. >> we need to reform our electoral system. >> i think the electoral college has run its course. trish: bernie sanders and pete buttigieg want to around you the moon. free this, free that, free everything. >> free, free, free. >> i put forward a plan so no one would miss the chance to go to college because of of costs. i have a plan to make college free for almost everybody. >> we'll make college free. trish: there is no policy plan for either of these guys to pay for it. zero. nada. but what can we expect from marxists like pete and bernie. bernie sanders on his website is promising a bump in individual rates by at least 4%. both you and i know it will be'
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more than that for the middle class. an overall increase for all businesses. remember right, if you are a socialist like bernie, business is bad. he's going to target businesses who also pay their ceos too much. he decides what is too much. what else is government more. shareholders, property owners, they have no say. property doesn't matter if that socialist utopia. meanwhile the mini sanders, pete buttigieg has no plan. check out his website. there is nothing there. no tax plan whatsoever. by this time, way earlier in the race in 2016, pretty mucher conservative out there who was serious put forward a tax plan. i reader single one -- i read
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every single one. bernie sanders -- mayor pete won a competition praising bernie sanders. he said he will do away with president trump's highly successful tax plan -- his words, not mine -- on every one, except the lowest levels. he wants to go back to where we started because those obama years worked out well, didn't they? these people are a joke. they are lining up trying to control us. control our money. control our future and our families. and we need to take this seriously. this is beyond politics. this is basic right versus wrong. do people keep what they earn or
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do they have to turn it over to big government so big government gets to decide. joining us, niger innis. >> you are outstanding, please keep going. i could listen to you all night. trish: i don't think this needs to be an issue of politics. jfk cut taxes. this is about what is right for our country. what is right for our families. if you are going to take everything we earn, that's just not right. >> it's worse than not right. it's evil. the republican party has been labeled the party of the rich for decades. the republican party is not the party for the rich. it's the party for those that want to be relationship. those that are rich already, the
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mega corporations that bernie talks about that he's going to go after, and blah, blah, blah, usually those with the most wealth and power often get into bed with the government. and you have a partnership -- a new reality of crony capitalism and socialist power structures. meanwhile the small businessman or woman for that matter. the number of women-owned businesses are exploding. the so-called tax is a swing at those not paying taxes. trish: they find their way out. you know what? if you are in that bottom -- rung, you are almost operating in a cash economy.
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but you get a lot of benefits that make it easier. it's again the middle class work as' jobs as they can to put food on the table. and they wind up being the ones who are stuck and the policies don't work for them. the socialism nonsense has to stop. >> they try to throw this -- we'll be like western europe. norway is not nevada. it is not. the fact is western europe is in a cultural crisis right now. they are failing to assimilate their minorities. and there is a growing anger in western europe. and it's rising and it's not working. we are the beacon for the world. that's part of the reason why the british left europe. they want to be more like america is supposed to be. donald trump has done that, continuing to make america
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great. trish: rudy giuliani has the smoking gun on fighting ukraine corruption. >> this is a document -- this is what you call a smoking gun. it took me years to get this. trish: guess what, i have it right here. exclusively coming up. first last night i exposed tameka hart, the forewoman in the roger stone trial. as a struggling actor, i need all the breaks that i can get. at liberty butchumal- cut. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ but when i started seeing i knew aboutthings,emors. i didn't know what was happening...
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trish: the mainstream media blind by its own bias. president trump's friend and associate roger stone. the foreperson on that stone
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jury tomeka hart made multiple antitrump social media posts including calling out trump supporters as racist. she plead to an article -- she replied to an article on trump supporters saying defending a racist makes you a racist. and she made fun of roger stone's arrest. just exactly how much time did the evening news shows devote to exposing her clear total bias? zero minutes. nothing. not one single second did they give to this. my next guest is not surprised. dan gainor. this news just crossing. roger stone filed a request for
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a new trial. i would say the guy kind of deserves given the head of the jury clearly had it in for him and anybody who supported trump. >> on the face of it, no matter which side you are on, it seems it would deserve coverage and would be worthy of getting a new trial. it looks like a horrible injustice. but abc, cbs, and nbc used horrible judgment. even "the washington post" wrote about this. the president tweeted about it. generally speaking when the president tweets about something, it kind of indicates it's newsworthy. the media loves to beat him up but in this case they are freezing him out. trish: having been in this business for a while, it's
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reached a level we have never seen. cnn is out there pretending to be journalists. and they are effectively anything but. jim acosta is blaming president trump for bullying that happens in school. saying trump's red rick has changed the way kids are bullied in class. this after a man assaulting a 15-year-old boy who was at the voting booth and wearing a red hot. that man felt entitled to assault him. you see, the escalation in violence. we are the only ones covering it. if it were vice versa, if it were trump supporters going after the left it would be all
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over the evening news. but you don't see it when it's the left going after the trump supporters, do you, dan? >> this is how the media sets the narrative. this started with a "washington post" piece that talked about elections and comments the president made swept itself into the schools. then jim acosta tweeted out, the lawsuit buried points about trump supporters that are bull fled school. you can find tons of examples about it. trish: not to mention that jim acosta's own network had to settle with the covington catholic boy because they exposed him in a way that was ruthless in a way that's hard to recover from. it reminds me of what the media
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did to the kid at duke university with the lacrosse team. -- ruthless and reckless. they went with a story that hadn't been checked out. is that not a form of bullying in and of itself? >> the nick sandmann case probably got more coverage than the entire time trump has been running. rounds the clock coverage for this kid who did absolutely nothing. trish: you know, there is a time when you like to see the lawyers prevail on those kids who didn't deserve any of that. coming up next. i have it right here for you. rudy giuliani's smoking gun on
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[♪] >> this is what you call a smoking gun money laundering case. trish: tonight i have that smoking gun. i have it right here in my hand.
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according to this document which i obtained exclusively from rudy giuliani hunter biden's shady business dealing go beyond ukraine. this is a letter from 2016. the latvian government flagged prosecutors in 2016 saying according to publicly available information what rise ma and its director hunter biden are involved in a corruption affair it goes on to show how loan payments were sent to burisma and belize and the u.k. by way of a ukrainian bank. joining me to dissect this, brad
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blakeman. brad, look at this, mayor giuliani said it took him quite some time to get. but he's got it. it suggests there was some bad stuff, some shady stuff going on between burisma and hunter biden. wow. >> it shouldn't be surprising. joe biden tried to help a prodigal son. there was a conspiracy for his son to profit off the vice president's office in ukraine and china as well. thank god rudy giuliani uncovered it. trish: the left is trying to say it's a conspiracy theory. he's saying i have documentation. this prosecution office is in the republic of latvia. >> these documents predate the
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allegations made against the president meddling. the president wasn't meddling at all. he was uncovering corruption. trish: the 18th of february, 2016 this is dated. from july of 2015 to december of 2015 is one of the periods cite as well as july 2012. $17 million going through some of these accounts. and winding up in the hands of devon archer and hunter biden. >> hunter biden spoke the truth when he said the only reason i got this job and others was because of my father's position. was he duped in the conspiracy
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to launder money or was he a mastermind? we don't know. but it's not good for a vice president's son to receive this kind of money for work that could be deemed illegal. laundering money is illegal. trish: one of the things mayor giuliani pointed out on this program is there was much more to this story. it wasn't just hunter biden, but there were other people who profited unfairly or unjustly off basically money that was being given to various countries around the world. what do you think of that? is there big business in that? >> you bet there is. if they can finds people to act as truemen and women to be a source of funds to be funneled through illegally, that's a big plus. it divert attention away from
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illegal activity. but for rudy giuliani's work as a sleuth sifting through this evidence and presenting it to the justice department, we may not have known this. joe biden bragged quite openly about getting a prosecutor fired and withholding american funds due to the ukraine necessary was fired. trish: coming up next. pro trump conservatives not getting much love at georgetown university. >> would you ever date someone ononononon
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shows how divided we are. these kids, on a college campus, they won't even talk to the other side, let alone go have a copy with them. anyway i hope you difference a presidential campaign makes for her. have a great night, see you back here tomorrow. kennedy's next. kennedy: the race for the presidency could be turning into a battle of the billionaires. president trump versus michael bloomberg and man on marcy is the thing getting utterly quick. in a sign that the chump campaign sees the new york city mayor as a major threat, they have been dolling up the attacks 211 and trump is basically being trump. he's going for the jugular. specifically bloomberg height, tweeting many mike bloomberg is a loser who has money but can't debate and has the presence. you will see. he reminds me of a tiny version of jab, low energy bush. but jeb has more political skill and has treated the


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