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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 18, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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the musk i love is when he nearly lost the company in the sec lawsuit. david: he was humbled when they threw the brick against the glass and it broke. >> what is elon smoking? i which we know the answer to that question. david: see you back here next time. liz: 2020 democrats running against billionaires and millionaires now face off against mike bloomberg for the first time on the debate stage tomorrow night in nevada. with the caucus there coming up. bloomberg will face a barrage of attacks on leaked audios and videos using his own words against him tonight. tonight another new controversy surfacing there. senator warren joining joe biden blasting bernie sanders because his supporters are doing nasty attacks on nevada's biggest labor union. you won't believe what the union is saying bernie's supporters did to it now. all this after the union said no, they don't want bernie's
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single payer plan. video after fight breaking out at bernie rally in colorado. the democrat race is heating up, so is the fighting. president obama joining nancy pelosi and democrats trying to say to president trump, quote, you did not build that, we did, the strong economy. we take on this debate. what democrats are not telling you. president trump firing back. why radio silence on democrats who did not run on the supposed strength of the obama recovery including hillary clinton? questions growing on the group behind the push from 2000 former justice department officials. they want to get rid of, they want to out of attorney general william barr. the media portrays this group as grassroots apolitical. looks like they are far from anything. it is anti-trump group. we're digging in. a lot of democrats who worked under obama, schumer, schiff and more. we have details. plus the media double standard attacking attorney general william barr looking abuses into
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the president's campaign and also his presidency. we have got that. plus more where was the media on the abuses in these probes to begin with? thanks juror joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. liz: welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. michael bloomberg joining the debate stage in nevada and president trump heads out west. jonathan hunt with details. good to see you, jonathan. reporter: good to see you too, liz. president trump will land at international airport flown out of joint base andrews a few hours ago. he will head straight here to beverly hills. his first order of business to meet with the los angeles 2028
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olympics organizing committee but this swing through the west of course is not about l.a. 2028. it is about campaign 2020. the president will have a couple of events here in california. a lot of them firing up the base. a lot of them raising money. he has a fund-raiser here at the montage hotel in beverly hills later tonight. he will have another one at rancho mirage estate of oracle cofounder larry ellison tomorrow. he will be in colorado this week, in arizona and perhaps most significantly in nevada where he will in fact spend every night. no coincidence of course. that the democrats are debating in las vegas tomorrow and they hold their caucus in nevada on saturday. the president not shy about inserting himself into the democratic party race accusing former new york mayor mike bloomberg who is suddenly surging of course of trying to buy the nomination and the president earlier today. accusing the democratic party
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hierarchy of trying to steal it from bernie sanders. listen here. >> it just seems what's unfair what is happening to bernie sanders to be honest with you. i saw it happening four years ago. be careful what you wish for. i'm not wishing for everything, whoever it is i will be very happy. reporter: mike bloomberg responded to that comment via twitter saying quote, why do you want to run against bernie so badly? to which the president also responded on twitter, saying, no, mini mike, i want to run against you. so the twitter wars in full swing, liz. it will be a long eight 1/2 months until election day in november. liz: we'll have you back on. you do a great job covering it. great to see you. as jonathan just reporting the democrat race looking like a showdown pundits say between an
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enemy of capitalism, bernie sanders and a self-made billionaire. bernie sanders leads by double digits in a new npr/marist poll. could they put bernie in the lead again? we'll take it up with "fox nation" host tomi lahren. reaction to the developments. good to see you by the way. >> good to see you and i'm excited president trump is coming to california right down the road from me. we welcome him in the golden state. we could use his effect in this state, tell you that much is for sure. liz: bernie is in the lead after winning new hampshire but weakest results though in party history for that state. lower than jimmy carter's 29% in 1976. maybe bloomberg can exploit a divided field like jump in 2016. want your reaction. not a great week for bloomberg. he has had to answer for his own comment. look what he said. watch.
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>> i can teach everybody, even people in this room, no offense intended, to be a farmer. it is a process. you dig a hole. you put a seed in, put dirt on top add water, up comes the corn. the economy is fundamentally different because it is built around replacing people with technology. you have to have a lot more gray matter. you throw them up against the wall and frisk them. liz: reaction to that. also the washington post reprint ad gag gift, a joke gift from bloomberg's workers that included bloomberg said disparaging women. wheel show the viewers about that. he has a lot to handle on the debate stage. >> i'm excited. i will be there to see mini mike on the debate stage. finally we get to see him in action. how well he is polling nationally and polling in nevada he has been able to use his money to make a big impact in the race and bernie sanders is
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starting feel that. bernie sanders will get the radical vote and loony left. the rest will divide up the so-called moderates. i think we see a bernie victory again. i look for mike on the stage to answer for some of the thinks he said and money he spent in this country to influence elections. liz: they all are going after him. how do you think he should handle it? >> i think that he is going to handle it the way we see him handle it in the past. pretty much use his money and influence and talk about some thinks that he has done. talk about some change he has been able to create and enact. he does have a record to run on, even some conservatives might in some cases be a little more friendly to than the socialist policies of some of the rest of them but the at end of the day he has the money behind him and they will all go for the jugular much like they did with joe biden until they realized owe couldn't hack it. i think bloomberg will be the new biden, if he can stay awake. liz: bloomberg introducing his plan to reform wall street.
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it is financial transaction tax. would hit all stock trade including pension funds for labor unions. we'll monitor that. the vice president came to defense of farmers a moving speech from 1978. god made a farmer. response to michael bloomberg belittling farmers. >> it had to be somebody who employed deep and straight, not cut corners. somebody to seed, feed, reed, rake, now and plant and strain the milk. somebody bails the family together with soft strong bonds of sharing. he would laugh and sigh, reply, with smiling ice when his son says he wants to spend hits life doing what dad does. so god made a farmer. >> god made a farmer. you think bloomberg is in trouble with farmers? >> i don't think he had much shot with farmers in the first
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place or anybody in agriculture. he comes oaf as a elite lift. someone born and raised around farmers in in south dakota and ranching family. i don't think many people would vote for him in the first place in that community. i know farmers and ranchers out there. they're solidly for donald trump. liz: we have another new controversy, blame berg in in new york city made comments about african-american and hispanic men. watch this. >> there is this enormous cohort of black and latino males, age, let's say 16 to 25, that don't have jobs, don't have any prospects. don't know how to find jobs. don't know what the skillsets are. don't know how to behave in the work place. liz: okay, your reaction to that? >> can you imagine if donald trump or another conservative would have said that exact quote? it would be headline news t would be breaking news. they would have panels about it for days on end. because he is a democrat,
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michael bloomberg he will get away with it. at the end of the day he will answer for a lot of comments. i have a feeling more and more coming out with that kind of history and someone in the public eye for that long he better brace himself. it will be coming his way. liz: tomi lahren, great to see you. come back soon. >> thanks so much. liz: a shocking development in the coronavirus outbreak, it killed 51-year-old director of a major hospital in the epicenter of the outbreak in the china city wuhan. the latest fatality follows the death weeks ago of a whistleblower doctor. a 34-year-old doctor who also was in wuhan. he was allegedly harassed by authorities for attempting to bring the virus to light. more than 1700, potentially 2,000 medical workers there now infected. the market did take hits because of this. stock losses intensifying after apple the tech giant warns its revenue will likely fall short in the second quarter because of the coronavirus impact on apple's operations in china.
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we're watching sanofi got a boost. the trump administration working with it on a vaccine as well as a unit of j&j. a lot of crosscurrents here. fox news jonathan serrie in atlanta to break it all down. reporter: coronavirus fears prompted russia to temporarily ban entry of all chinese nationals beginning thursday. china which today announced the death of wuhan hospital director continues to bear 99% of covid-19 cases worldwide. >> when you see the number of cases in the rest of the world, we have 804 cases and three deaths but that doesn't mean that it will not increase. for us this is a window of opportunity that we shouldn't squander. reporter: the world health organization plans to ship personal protective equipment to 12countrys in the coming weeks. by the end of this week 69 countries in africa and the americas will have the ability to do their own testing for
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covid-19. reporter: many of these countries have been sending samples to other countries for testing waiting several days for results. reporter: more than 500 people tested positive for coronavirus aboard the diamond princess cruise ship which is approaching the end of a 14-day quarantine at a japanese port. tomorrow they plan to begin the disembarkcation process for passengers that test negative. the westter dam that docked in cambodia, tested positive for the virus after traveling to malaysia. showing out difficult for screeners to test every infected person entering a country including the u.s. more than 300 americans evacuated from the cruise ship in japan began 14 daquan teens in the u.s., dozens of earlier travelers finished quarantines earlier today and are released from military bases. most cases are mild chinese
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health authorities estimate 2% are fatal making this virus 20 times more lethal than influenza. liz. liz: jonathan serrie, thank you for the report. president obama joining democrats and the new narrative saying president trump, you did not build that we did, the strong economy. we take on the debate. president firing back. this why radio silence from democrats who did not run on the supposed strength of the obama recovery including hillary clinton? the story next. ♪. i work hard and i want my money to work hard too. so i use my freedom unlimited card. even when i'm spending, i'm earning 1.5% cash back on everything i buy. earning on my favorite soup... got it. earning on that eclair. don't touch it. don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. this one? nope. this one? no. let me get them all. i'm gonna get them all. it's just the basics. can you double bag this right here?
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♪ liz: went from russia, recession, ukraine, saying president trump you didn't build that, that strong economy. that group includes president obama. here is president obama saying he is responsible for the economy. president trump didn't hold back. he didn't mince words. the president firing back. did you hear the latest con job and more. my next guest, heritage foundation gerald griffith. your reaction to all this? we did not see democrats including hillary clinton run on the strength of the obama recovery.
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your reaction? >> i think it is a little ironic, may be slightly awkward for democrats gathered tonight, that president obama seems to acknowledge we are the midst of a record-long economic boom. that will be extremely awkward for a few of the candidates tomorrow night running on a platform of class envy and trying to convince us not to believe our eyes. the bottom line under barack obama we experienced the slowest, most lethargic economic recovery post-world war ii. the tide is now beginning to turn under president trump. liz: it usually takes 27 months on average since world war ii to get jobs back to postrecession levels. under obama it took 43 months. under this president 83% of taxpayers got significant tax hike. wages are going up. 61%, highest percentage of americans in gallup survey saying better off financially than three years ago. that is the highest for an incumbent president ever. your reaction to that?
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>> look at other numbers. not just gdp and job growth. labor force participation, people working or looking to work, that number declined underneath president obama in 2009 and 2010 and 2011 and 2012 and 2013. under president trauma labor force participation is skyrocketing. we're at prerecession levels. this is people in working age prime. this is great news. look at manufacturing. real output stagnated the last three years of president obama and now we have actually recovered that and we are manufacturing at a higher out put than at anytime during president obama's presidency. this is just more great news. liz: under the obama stimulus, remember clash for clunkers, clash for flunkers, insolvent companies like solyndra. obama was asked about how it money being spent? you can go to the website. under president obama, the
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national debt doubled. near zero rates from the fed. it was weakest recovery since 1949. nearly three million jobs still lost the year after president obama signed the 2009 stimulus act. go ahead. take that on. >> we have two different approaches between president obama and president trump. president obama had the focus trying to induce growth by more spending, by more government programs. you mentioned "cash for clunkers." these are examples of the way hoped to grow the economy. if you look at what president trump has done along with congress, lowering taxes, lowering regulations. allowing the energy sector to blossom. that is having a real impact because we're seeing prolonged growth and if you look at productivity, productivity makes it possible for people to earn more in real terms, we had the highest productivity growth in a decade last year. that is translating to real wage growth for people across the board. liz: we look at what president
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barack obama even said ba his own recovery. he was downplaying. he said people face up toe new normal, 2% growth. under president obama it was 1.6% growth when he left office. 2% growth was not new normal under president obama. he was saying things like shovel-ready jobs, there is no such thing as shovel-ready jobs. some jobs will not come back. watch the sound bite from president obama. watch. >> what we have to do is to make sure that folks are trained for the jobs that are coming in now because some of those jobs of the past are just not going to come back. he is going to bring all these jobs back. well how exactly is he going to do that? what are you going to do? there is, there is no answer to it. he just says, i'm going to negotiate a better deal. how, how exactly are you going to negotiate that? what magic wand do you have?
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>> we found the magic wand because we're going to be hitting 750,000 manufacturing jobs. liz: your reaction, joel? >> yeah. there is no magic wand. it is called letting free markets work. by actually lowering the burden of regulations, allowing investors to keep more what they earn in reinvested economy, that actually grows jobs. we have lowest unemployment rate in most of our lifetimes. record low unemployment for minority groups. record household income. we're allowing the private sector to flurish on its own. not giving credit to anyone saying i built that. it is the american people. they have built that. governments simply, finally getting out of the way to allow those animal spirits to flourish once again. liz: "the hill" magazine, we're tracking washington, d.c. publications, quote, democrats are worried about trump's growing strength. the final point is a lot of part-time jobs exploded under president obama because
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obamacare. remember this, not only that it came with new taxes, 21 to be exact. companies had to go pay insurance foreworkers working full time more than 0 hours a week. it was caused companies to have workers below the threshold. joel. >> stick what we know works. continue to lower regulations. let's look at ways in which to lower taxes across the board. by doing so, we can see this economic boom continue not just for next year or two more years but we can see it continue to coin for years. liz: do you think you will hear crick sets on the economy, will hear democrats on the debate stage that they're responsible for it? >> a lot directed at public, don't believe your lying eyes. liz: joel griffith, great to see you, come back soon. up next, questions growing on that group behind the push by 2,000 former doj officials to out of, get rid of attorney
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general william barr. the media is portraying this push as grassroots as apolitical. we're digging in. we have the details. it is anything but that. it is an anti-trump group. it has a lot of democrats that worked for president obama, chuck schumer, adam schiff and elizabeth warren and more. stay there. >> yeah, i do make this job harder, i do agree with that. is true. he is a straight-shooter. we have a great attorney general. he is working very hard and working against a lot of people that don't want to see good things happen. president trump warned the drug companies.
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it's unacceptable that americans pay vastly more than people in other countries, for the exact same drugs. but they aren't listening. they've just raised the prices of over five hundred drugs. president trump supports a bipartisan plan, that would force drug companies to lower prices. but the senate won't act. tell senate leaders to stop drug company price gouging
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and lower drug prices now.
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♪. >> we have bernie kerik, we have mike milken who has gone around and done an incredible job for the world with all of his research on cancer and he has done this and he suffered greatly. he paid a big price. paid a very tough price but he has done an incredible job.
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liz: the president today said he will pardon former new york city police commissioner bernie kerik, financeer michael milken, former san francisco 49ers owner edward debartolo, jr., and commute the sentencing for former illinois governor rod blagojevich. blagojevich was still serving his 14-year sentence in federal prison for attempting to essentially sell barack obama's senatorial vacant seat when he was president-elect. that was happening there. milken charged with insider trading. pleaded guilty in 1990 to securities tax and other violations and to the headlines this, look at this, more than 2,000 former doj officials are calling for attorney general william barr to step down after the attorney general recommended a three to four year sentence for roger stone, not the initial seven to nine years. so sentencing is still scheduled for thursday. let's bring in kt mcfarland, former deputy national security
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advisor. kt has a new book, revolution, trump, washington and we the people. there is a big controversy. your reaction, kt? >> look, somebody in washington is getting very, very nervous about what the durham report, john durham, the attorney in connecticut who has been asked to investigate the investigators look into the origins of the russia probe, the russia hoax, impeachment, all of this. he is going to absolutely have criminal charges leveled against some high officials in the obama administration and the intelligence community. impaneled a grand jury. he turned it into a criminal investigation. i think there are a lot of people in washington, the swamp creatures, who are very, very nervous about where this goes. they're particularly trying to take a preemptive strike not only against durham but particularly against attorney general barr because they know he is not afraid of taking the investigation where it needs to
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go, even if it uncover as lot of wrongdoing but some very high officials of the previous administration. liz: we've been covering it and tracking it. we found the fbi did have informants on the trump campaign, informants going well into the campaign. fbi fisa abuses. back to the sentencing, npr and "wall street journal" kimberly strassel said top prosecutors were blindsided if he they will excessive recommendations up to nine years. two of the prosecutors worked with special counsel robert mueller. your take on that. >> yeah. well, look i dealt with a lot of those people. i too was targeted by the mueller investigation and i do feel that they abused their power. they took all the files and records and phone logs that i and others had. they wouldn't give us access to them. then they basically said, what did you say on this phone call? you would say, i don't really remember, or i don't remember quite that way. they were in a position to say,
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ah-ha, we caught you in a lie, perjury. in the enemy case i refused to plead guilty for crimes i didn't commit. i refused to say that other people did things which i knew they didn't do. as a result, i called their bluff they went away. but other people they did pressure them. i think general flynn was set up. i do think he succumbed to their pressure and probably did plead guilty to crimes he didn't commit. liz: to your point, prosecutorial abuse, prosecutors are not infallible. crossfire hurricane probe had an fbi agent doing a debrief of then candidate trump and michael flynn. he was doing surveillance, getting information out of michael flynn to put into the fbi probe. didn't tell michael flynn or candidate trump miranda rights on this. mainstream media, cnn, "new york times," makes this
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group 2,000 doj officials, trying to make like it is not partisan. in fact it is an anti-trump group. it is called protect democracy. kt, has a long list of former democrat staffers who worked for adam schiff, chuck schumer, elizabeth warren and former obama administration officials. this is not a non-partisan group trying to get rid of ag barr. >> no. it is a very partisan group. former attorney general mike mukasey probably better than anybody. he says this is the same group of people who for two years sat around in panel discussions on cable news and they inhaled their own exhaust fumes and they got high on it and they kept saying there was collusion, there was wrongdoing, trump would be hauled out of the white house in chains. none of it came to pass. now this same group is taking their last swing. they tried the russia hoax. they tried the mueller investigation. they tried impeachment. they are now going to try to get rid of attorney general barr. why? because i think he is getting
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very close to uncovering the abuses that went on in the previous administration and using the power of the federal government to target political opponents. liz: to your point it is an important one you just made, open secrets is the watchdog group, found that justice department officials gave more to the hillary clinton campaign than to the trump campaign by a ratio of 18 to 1. i want to talk quickly about the thing about sentence disparity when it comes to roger stone. i mean we have, for example, the justice department in 2016 under president obama overruled the recommendation to pursue charges against hsbc. remember that? it was accused of laundering a billion bucks to drug traffickers. chelsea manning sentence was commuted. lesser known parents in the college admission scandals, they are getting twice the sentence than tv star felicity huffman. your final word, kt. >> i think the mueller
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investigation, the left over people from that are being very vin dick i have. they have prosecutorial discretion, so what they have done? obama people like deputy fbi director, no charge for him for doing the same crime they recommended an excessive sentence for roger stone. that isn't blind justice. that is one rule for you and one rule for me. liz: kt, you're great. come back soon. love having you on. >> thank you, liz. liz: breaking news. "the wall street journal" is saying michael bloomberg will sell his business, bloomberg, lp. that is the financial data and media company. put it in a blind trust. eventually sell it if he is elected president. coming up video emerging after fight breaking out right in the middle of a bernie sanders rally in colorado. that state has a primary on super tuesday. as this race is heating up so are the attacks and fighting in the bernie campaign. attacks on the bernie campaign against a nevada union. you won't believe the story that is coming up.
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♪. liz: video surfacing of a brawl breaking out at a bernie rally in colorado. that state has its primary on super tuesday on march third. let's bring in former special assistant to president trump, kelly sadler. there is a lot of nasty fighting going on out there. >> yeah. it is getting into a real race where you have michael bloomberg pouring millions of dollars, hundreds of millions of dollars to come in on super tuesday and sweep it. then you have bernie sanders who has legitimate supporters, albeit perhaps a little aggressive online. and soming a agressive surrogates like rashida tlaib who basically booed hillary clinton on stage but they're looking for a real revolution. they're revolutionaries that want to upturn the capitalist system into socialist one. it will be interesting to see how tomorrow night's debate pans
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out. it will definitely have some sparks in it. liz: what is interesting, beyond interesting -- let me back up. a nevada newspaper, nevada independent, saying two top culinary officials, nevada's biggest unionses faced threatening phone calls, e-mails, tweets and their personal information was shared online by bernie supporters. in tweets the bernie crowd is going after the union and its leadership. they have been referred to as a whole host of have garretts that we can't say on on 6:00 show. bernie said stop the bullying but his supporters are not letting up. >> they are passionate and -- liz: but they're vulgar and vicious. >> there is so much you can do as a candidate to stop these vicious vulgar online attacks. he would like the rhetoric to be calmed down. his supporters were disappointed
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in the fact that the culinary union did not make an endorsement and came out against "medicare for all" and against his campaign as he looks to win the nevada caucus. liz: that union has more than half of its members are latina women. bernie, the bernie bros and their vicious attacks, look what michael bloomberg campaign is doing with that. watch this. ♪ ♪. [bell ringing] liz: thinking is that bernie bros could disrupt the
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democratic convention. the final word? >> that is likely if the democratic establishment takes away the bernie in second round. seems like he is paying off a lot of people to endorse him and he is winning, going up in the polls. so bernie supporters are real and come out and protest if it doesn't go his way. liz: kelly, great having you on. up next the media double standard now attacking attorney general william barr for looking into justice department and fbi abuses in their probes into president trump. where were they on those abuses to begin with? the story next. >> he is a man of great integrity. the attorney general is a man with incredible integrity. just so you understand, i chose not to be involved. i'm allowed to be totally involved. as a doctor, i agree with cdc guidance.
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homeland security acting deputy secretary ken cuccinelli. china expert michael pillsbury and security expert, fred fleitz, sebastian gorka, former strategist with the president. we have all that at the top of the hour. hope you will be with us. liz: thank you, lou. media blasting attorney general william barr appointing federal prosecutors to review the justice department investigations of the trump administration and michael flynn and more. the media claims that the media is weaponizing the justice department. the media was all for the justice department investigations of trump but where was the media when it resulted in wide range of abuses and more? ag barr says the american people need to know the truth what happens. but now the media attacking william barr. >> you look at bill barr and what's done and you look at the fact that he has started a
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search and destroy mission against all of the president's political, perceived political opponents. >> he wants what he wants. his attorney general seems to be happy to give it to him, exactly that, what he wants. >> with regard to how the doj is being run, i think the doj is being trumpified. liz: former gop congressional candidate out of the california, darrell issa. your reaction to this story? >> i think the lead-in is perfectly accurate. we have had a failure to prosecute, lying to congress and other criminal activities for a very long time. so perhaps the democrats who begged for the president to be hauled up on treason charges essentially collusion, when they failed, now want to go back to the status quo which is, hillary clinton's secret server and its classified information, comey lying to congress. clapper lying to congress. they want to pretend that didn't
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happen but i will tell you, in the 50th congressional district, everywhere i go in the united states, they want some level of accountability besides hearings. only way to get it is an independent department of justice doing their job. liz: president trump again threatening, he is saying he will sue, could sue over the mueller probe, darrell, i would like your reaction to senator lindsey graham, what he said about this. watch this. >> i trust bill barr as much as anybody i have ever met in the law and he is going to do the right thing by the country. now my job is to make sure crossfire hurricane never occurs again. i think it wreaked with political bias. 1000 people who want barr to resign are doing a political hit job on him. the four front line mueller prosecutors are asking for seven-to nine year sentence that is totally unjustified. there is no threat to a witness that would justify increasing
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3 1/2 to four 1/2 recommendations from the guide lines. liz: ask my team to throw up full screens what we found in the justice department watchdog report on fbi abuses. darrell, even guys is a court judge rosemary collier called out the fbi for abuses. your reaction to the durham report, kt mcfarland says what is going on they are afraid of john durham's criminal probe. >> of course they're afraid after u.s. attorney to go find criminality in past conduct but lindsey graham and i worked together on benghazi and fast and furious. when he says bill barr is a man to be trusted, bill barr was a man to be trusted until the democrats didn't like what he was doing. they said nothing but good things about him. now they're questioning the fact that he actually told an independent u.s. attorney, go find out what happened and now they're upset. liz: so this is a point. we don't want to turn into east
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germany. we don't want our intelligence community used to spy on an opposition campaign period. we found in our digging, fbi informants were in the trump campaign despite the media and other pundits saying no, they weren't. it is in the watchdog report. we're digging into the footnotes. your final word. we have got to go go. >> just like lindsey, needs to be reformed, somebody there besides the judge has the ability to find out whether he is being lied to. we can never trust one side. liz: to your point, final word, the informants were looking at upcoming trump administration, not just the campaign. that is jumping the shark. congressman, great to see. >> you thank you. liz: coming up president trump criticized by democrats about his immigration policies when president obama had the same policies. thomas homan joins us next.
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when i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture, i waited to get treated. thought surgery was my only option. but then i found out about nonsurgical treatments. it was a total game changer. learn more about the condition at [♪] liz: 2020 democrat senator elizabeth warren signed on to a letter to homeland security blasting the move to deploy border immigration officials to sanctuary cities to apprehends illegal aliens. joining me, tom homan. your reaction to this letter?
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>> it's ridiculous. the politicians, anything that trump does, they will finds fault with. they are sitting senators. they don't like this, they can change the in a day. let i.c.e. have access to the jail so they can put their hands on these criminals. they control the situation and could change it tomorrow if they wanted to. liz: we are talking about criminal illegal aliens that have been arrested for murder and sex assaults. the president's ask treatment of latinos at the border, 30% of hispanics support the president according to pew research. that's up from 20% in 2018.
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>> the president is concentrating on the worst of the worst. so he's concentrating on the worst of the worst. legal immigrants finds no problem with that. they don't want criminals in their neighborhood. liz: it's not about immigration, it's about crime. >> the mayor of houston said the obama administration, we didn't lock people in cages. but you actually did. liz: it turns out families were separated under the obama administration. the white house did try to keep families together but they were
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separated. the obama administration had unaccompanied children in tent cities. so this administration is picking up where the obama administration left off. no? >> thank you for saying that. i have been spending a year and a half trying to get the truth out to the american people that the trump administration is using the facilities i built. that's why i was saying the lies about the trump administration are just that, lies. one more thing the obama administration did. we held families in detention centers up to 50 days to see a judge. 90% lost their case, and they went home. liz: tom homan, wish we had more
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time. thank you for your service to our country. and thank you for joining us. lou dobbs is next. have a good evening. [♪] lou: good evening, everybody. president trump threatening the radical dimms and the deep state. the president making it clear he's willing to do whatever it takes to eliminate corruption and to drain the d.c. swamp. the president tweeted he may fuel everyone responsible for the fiction-fueled farce of the special counsel saying it was all predicated on lies. president trump: i think the mueller scam is just exactly what the people are calling it. it was started illegally. it was started by abuse, it was phon


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