tv Bulls Bears FOX Business February 19, 2020 5:00pm-6:00pm EST
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this is someone tricked them into this campaign. peta? i would say this is genius on the part of peta for infiltrating the ad campaign of burger king and tricking them into having this ad. congratulations, well played. >> yes the s&p 500 and nasdaq closing in record territory again. the dow also closed up over a hundred points. this as we await remarks from president trump in bakersfield california where he's expected to address farmers on water access. we will bring those comments to you on bulls and bears. but first, a sin city showdown with michael bloomberg finally on the hot seat tonight facing his first major test on the 2020 debate stage as the democrat presidential canada
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gear up for their ninth debate set to begin in just a few short hours. we have a live report from las vegas. good evening. i'm david. thank you for joining us. joining me on the panel is steve warr steve forbes, liz. [inaudible] the push for the left take center stage. bernie sanders is surging to a double-digit lead with joe biden numbers tumbling. peter ducey is there with what we can expect tonight. >> david, the big buzz in las vegas that you can h see here is the debate debut for bloomberg. we have not seen him alongside the top democratic hopefuls yet but the campaign is starting to signal what they want to say and who they want to go after. >> mike has what every candidate should have, passion matched with principal. the legacy extends well beyond the five boroughs so, joe
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biden has a very long record, obviously but so does michael bloomberg. the fact of the matter is. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> joe biden might not be the name to be according to the bloomberg campaign there is an internal memo circulating and we have a copy of it. they conclude this, the bottom line is that if they remain in the race despite having no path to collecting delegates on super tuesday and beyond, they will propel sanders to an insurmountable delegate lead by taking them away from michael bloomberg with no upside for themselves and as for the back-and-forth between biden and bloomberg, this is about as much animosity as we have seen between any two democrats that will share the stage in the hours ahead of a debate. something is going to happen .
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>> absolutely pewter. we know that's true. thank you for being with us. then there's that showdown between the billionaire and the socialist. liz, you wrote an op-ed question about what you would like to ask mike bloomberg tonight. my favorite of those questions is number five. we will put it up on the screen. you have promised to spend whatever it takes to defeat president trump, even if you are not the nominee. would you spend a billion dollars to elect bernie sanders even if it meant he might implement socialist policies that could hurt american workers. don't policies trump personalities? explain why this is so important. >> i think the reason he got in the race is because he was really opposed to the policies of elizabeth warren and bernie sanders who believe in medicare for all being the number one issue. i find it not credible that
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mike bloomberg is going to go to bat for bernie sanders if it turns out that he is the nominee because i don't think bloomberg really believes in what bernie sanders has to offer. i think he does believe it would hurt the economy, hurt american workers and, by the way they are doing pretty well under president trump. >> i would agree with a bunch of what was just said, there's no question he entered the race because he was nervous about varney and elizabeth being the front runners. i think that being said, there's no question he will take anyone over president trump. the animosity he has for president trump seems to be real and deep. i don't know if it's new or old but it's real. the only other thing i will say with respect to mayor burke and varney is that they do align with respect to climate change, health care, immigration reform and gun reform. as far as what i would say the cultural and social issues there definitely aligned as is all the party.
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>> you are a democrat but your capitalist, a proud capitalist. would you take a bernie sanders over donald trump even though bernie sanders represents policies you strongly disagree with. >> i would for a few different reasons. one, i agree some of the issues like climate change is at the forefront. number two, importantly, a lot of the things varney is talking about or president trump was talking about, they cannot get done and passed in the senate and the house. it's just these far left and far right things that will not actually be happening. >> what is going to happen as we've seen with various presidents is you have enormous regulatory powers. then it will be done for your term or two terms in the white house. that can have a very damaging impact. we saw it in labor law and environmental law. it devastates regulations on manufacturing, thousands of
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regulations put on, nobody really knew why but it devastated manufacturing for years. so you don't really need congress to do a lot of harm, sadly, and how about judges appointments, supreme court appointments, hello. >> steve, if. >> if i were asking questions i would ask the same question of mike bloomberg that was asked to biden in the last debate and that was the issue of how will you win a state like ohio or pennsylvania or colorado or new mexico or texas when you say you want to put every coalminer and oil gas worker out of a job. were talking millions of people who would lose their jobs in that state and frankly it's a mystery how they think they can win those key battleground states with that kind of left wing job agenda. >> bottom-line liz, policies do matter. president trump often says you may hate me personally but you have to appreciate the policies that have led to this economic boom. >> i was speaking with someone who was on the democrat mailing list and is getting
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request first funds but it's always we hate donald trump. if you hate donald trump send in a hundred dollars or send in a thousand dollars credit so offensive to me that that is the prime motivator here where they think it is. to steve's point, i think the democrats have abandoned trying to get back those swing state voters and the blue-collar workers. i think they hope there's a huge turnout of varney army boroughs. that's how he thanks they will win the election. i don't think that's true. >> there's something else that a lot found offensive, something he said recently out one of his rallies. let me play that and get the panels reaction. >> i think back now and some of you may be familiar with nelson mandela, remember that in his fight for freedom of south africa and people marching to the polls and thinking about the civil
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rights movement, well we are fighting to change america. >> skipping the fact that bernie sanders is no nelson mandela, sanders is essentially saying america, usa is just like apartheid south africa. isn't that offensive? >> i would not have agreed with that comment but as you know there's a lot of things i don't agree with bernie sanders on. i don't think that's the question being asked. the question we are being asked is, as a democrat would we vote for bernie sanders versus donald trump. by the way, i would not put either one of them in my top two. i do think, to steve's point policies matter. democrats think more about climate change and think more about gum reform and other issues. he may not view those as his most important. no disrespect, i do. that's why we have a vote and elections matter. >> if it goes south because policies that you agree are bad policies on varney's part,
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would that negate any progress. >> we heard that before and i'm happy to debate that but that didn't happen either. >> what about this comment of sanders that if america is like apartheid south africa and he's the new nelson mandela. >> vanity. [inaudible] you are seeing that bankruptcy of the party, it's still left, left, left, americans don't like putting down their country. you can disagree on policies and principles but saying america is fundamentally bad is a bad thing. by the way, in terms of voter turnout, look at what happened in iowa and new hampshire, low voter turnout they are not turning them out the way they thought they would. >> let me move on, mike
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bloomberg is prepared to sell his media company for billions if elected president. his campaign confirms the planter box business. he started back in 1981, a move that made him a billionaire many times over after building a company worth an estimated 50 billion according to steve's publication. steve, you ran twice, if you would become president, is this a smart move. >> you would have to put it in trust and shareholders agreements so others would have to come up with the money which they might not like giving money to older brother. >> go-ahead steve moore. >> everybody is betraying bloomberg as a moderate democrat compared to bernie sanders but when you compare a lot of the policies like radicalism on climate change and gun control, abortion issues, there's not a big
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difference between these two on a lot of issues. i don't regard him as a moderate. i regard him as a pretty liberal democrat. >> president trump says more tax cuts on the way and steve moore has a suggestion for one that's focused directly on the middle class. it could make us all a little wealthier. we will tell you what that is, coming up next. liberty biberty- cut. we'll dub it. liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ ♪ ♪ everything your trip needs, for everyone you love. expedia. for everyone you love. ♪ do you recall, not long ago ♪ we would walk on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows ♪ we would only hold on to let go ♪
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as we await details from the white house on tax cuts 2.0, steve moore suggested a plan designed specifically for the middle class, tax-free investment accounts. they are laying out the details in an op-ed last night. it would dramatically increase wealth and security for average americans while reducing independence on government entitlement. it sounds too good to be true. laid out for us. >> i'd like to see donald trump and all republicans embrace this idea of a worker capitalism where we have everything a worker in america
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engaged in invested in the stock market so when american companies from apple to walmart do better, every worker does better. the idea is very simple. let people put money, cash free into an index fund and let that money accumulate in value. by the way, i kind of stole this idea from my good friend steve forbes who ran for president 20 years ago. it's a good idea today as when you ran on the idea with social security accounts many years ago. >> why stop with that, let's go all the way and have a flat tax. >> i knew you would say that. let's really get it going. the challenge is going to be, in terms of people who don't pay income tax, how do you get the money into their accounts. >> anything wrong with the tax-free savings account for the middle class. >> no. >> wow, but i'm told that it doesn't mean i agree with your cuts on entitlement. that's a different question. but i've always believed if
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you have a poor savings account, there's nothing better than that because actually you wake up one day and you realize, you know what, i'm not spending more than i'm making. >> i think that's exactly right. plus it relieves some of the pressure on these entitlement programs which i think we can all agree are not sufficient to keep people in decent shape for 20 or 30 years which is now the case. we do need entitlement reform. we need to increase retirement age of people under 40 years or 45 years of age but also we do need to encourage savings. people used to feel it was their obligation to save for a rainy day. save for the future. same for the kids education but we no longer have that ethic in this country. >> one good thing steve moore's idea does is that people realize the retirement benefits come from their labor, their sweat, not washington politicians and they will have less tolerance of bad policies that could hurt what they created. >> and steve, just to put a fine point on exactly how this
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would work, say i'm a twentysomething or thirtysomething worker, i'm well within the middle class making less than a hundred thousand a year, how much could i end up with at retirement if i just put $4000 in every year. >> if you put roughly $4000. year in or little bit more than ten dollars a day, you would, by the time you're 65 have a million dollars. i'm so glad that robert is open-minded to this idea because this should be a bipartisan issue. how do we reduce income and wealth inequality in this country? i think this would be one of the top ways of doing it. >> what's interest read is what you're really doing is extrapolating 4o1k and 529. that's what you're doing and i think it makes a lot of sense. the question i would have is, i know you say put it into equity. what would be great is if we had some sort of annuity that had a little more than 0% but we used to put our 4o1k back
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in an option for a 10% annuity. think about that compounding. i think this is really good idea because what's happened in america today is us versus them. they look at this as an enterprise that's out to gouge the worker. i must say, i was going to ask how this is better than the idea of having workers sort of automatically invest in the stock of their countries which is sometimes a higher priority. >> you remember what happened the enron. >> you suggest to counter the fears of the left that this would just increase the divide
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and you wouldn't give this benefits people making over 200,000 a year. is that correct. >> i'm taking some slack on that but the idea is to aimless toward the middle class and how do we get them invested. , absolutely, your singing our song. and another virtue of these plans is that you get to choose your retirement age. you can annuitize it or pass it on to your air or your favorite dog. >> any sign to the white house as whether or not they're open to this idea. >> larry is tightlipped about it but i think he likes it. >> there's only one person that really matters from that
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group. >> that's true. we all like it, democrats, republicans and everyone. and they're calling this beltway rumors. greg is here to weigh in on this and so much more. stay withd us. about vehicle quality. and when they were done, chevy earned more j.d. power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. so on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say "thank you, real people." you're welcome. we're gonna need a bigger room.
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he's a man with incredible integrity. social media has been very important for me because it gives me a voice. joining us now is legal analyst and author of the witchhunt, greg jarrett. good to see you. >> can barr live with the trump tweet. >> sure he can. >> christian ball he was overstating the case, the tweets don't make his job impossible, it makes it difficult. so what. it ain't an easy job being the attorney general of the united states so quit whining about tweets and try to clean up the mess in the department of justice which is a column i wrote recently. >> can he do that question want. can he clean up the mark. >> i think he needs to deal with the brouhaha. people who have pre-judged him
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on bar made a point of talking to abc news because he didn't want to wait until his march testimony and he laid it out that there is no evidence the white house was involved in his decision to the roger stone sentencing. it's disturbing to me that these are former prosecutors who rush to judgment without bothering to consider the facts of the merit. did they ever consider what these prosecutors were asking for was wildly inappropriate and excessive? i'll just say it's not surprising that he's not residing because no one believed he was resigning or that even cares about tweets and i think most people find him disingenuous.
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>> they find bar disingenuous. >> yes. >> i think he cares less about politics and deeply about the rule of law. >> i can find 5000 d.o.j. prosecutors outside what he was doing and reducing the recommendation and leaving it up to the judge was entirely inappropriate probe these petitions are usually signed by people with the political bias. >> can ag really clean out the permanent state with inside the justice department nothing serve their own universe.
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>> they are intoxicated by power and are a heavy part of the swamp. >> i think he's taking steps in a good step with implementing john durham who is a no nonsense, tough as nails investigator to get to the bottom of the origins of hopes. the fbi didn't follow the federal law and guidelines in launching the fbi learned that it was all a hoax. >> let me ask you about one of the members of that hoax or the people that constructed that was andy mccabe, the former deputy director of the fbi. he lied in front of congress and admitted he lied and he got off on a charge that roger stone was convicted for. why did he get a pass when roger stone did not?
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>> because there's still an equal justice and prosecution in the halls of the department of justice. it's disappointing that barr chose not to go after mccabe. think about this. he was the acting director of the fbi and he lied not once but four times. three times under oath to federal investigators when caught and confronted with the evidence that he had authorized the leak to the media. he gets away with it in a guy like michael flynn who told the truth gets prosecuted for line? >> you think it's part of a larger picture where mccabe will turn. >> i don't think so. mccabe and brennan and klapper and comey were all in on it. i doubt very much if they will point the finger of blame at each other. >> steve moore, our apologies to you, we will give you extra
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time. witchhunt is the name of the book and we are glad to have you with us. housing starts falling after getting buster move in december. will it stay strong through the election? we have the details you need to know, coming up next because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price invest with confidence. the new rx. crafted by lexus. lease the 2020 rx 350 for $419 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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year high. the january pullback was less than expected. are we on a steady footing for housing heading into the election. let's bring in roger. thank you for being here. are americans going to feel good about the housing market going into the election. >> no, sir, they're going to feel great. we have great news that continues to pop up and just because it slowed down a little bit does not mean demand is not there. we have so many great things going on with the country whether it's an election year or not. the biggest driver for the next few years is going to be my buddies the millennial's. >> do you think with interest rates low that we can get to 2 million starts. >> once upon a time we had that. >> it's economics 101. i don't think we will have a housing bubble. i think we will have a steady increase of demands.
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>> and how do you see the baby boomers? will they want new houses even if they're smaller than what they're selling? >> i don't think they want new houses. i think the forgotten generation is my generation. i'm 39 years old and right on the cusp of millennial and gen x. gen x is starting to make real money and they're going out to purchase properties for the first time ever and will probably start to downsize. we have five alien millennial's turning 30 this year which is amazing but we have baby boomers retiring everything the base was an opportunity for people like me to it get into a larger house for maybe a better price. if they're gonna go get a new house it'll probably be something we haven't seen before and that's a single-story new construction home which will change the way the game has been played for the past 20 or 30 years. >> i've been looking at buying a house in florida where everybody wants to buy health and you say it's a good housing market. it depends whether you're the buyer or the seller.
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you have houses selling within a day. you can't bargain down prices at least in some of these hot areas and so my question is, how long will this hot market last we see an inventory of new houses coming on. in five years they've doubled in price. >> and again, when i can see what happened eight or nine or ten years ago were a big shortage occurred in most people lost. >> why not? >> because the smart people are talking like you are every single day and their actually listening. >> good answer. and everybody and their mom wanted to be a homebuilder and now the qualifications are little bit more difficult and they have people advising them. the biggest thing we will see as far as a great exodus will be with realtors. we have realtors coming on the
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scene more than we ever have before. in my city alone of dallas texas we have over 60000 realtors. when i got in the business 19 years ago there were less than 10000. >> still have to divide between the red states and blue states. >> to go back to the gentleman's point about florida, people will continue to move to places with low or no state income taxes there's a reason they're moving out but now i want have a lifestyle i can afford. it's going to continue to change and you will see places like florida and texas and places like nevada continue to do this. >> i think you're pretty optimistic about this industry over the next year or two. going back to steve's comment it seems that you could get up
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to 2000 starts. year. were looking at formations doing extremely well, that generation was considered special and they were gonna buy houses but that seems to be changing. i would think this is a pretty good search ahead of us. >> i agree but you calm special and i call him entitled. >> they want their parents home. >> i moved out when i was 18 but i think mostly 5% of millennial still live at home and they go up to age 39 so i think there's a lot of statistics to study. these homebuilders will continue to build what is to be in areas that normally people would not want to go and make their first choice. >> that's what is going to ask you. with millennial's were living in a world with this chain economy. the idea of being a homeowner
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or a car owner is changing dramatically. we are seeing that in the numbers. how do you think that will impact homes. >> i think will continue to do well were talking about baby boomers and millennial's. they're making $300,000 for the first time there and help the urban poor a lot and rocking. the permits have gone crazy. lyons prices also reached a point like rental rates to where they both got so expensive that you either find a new place to build or you rent a place that you probably didn't want to buy in the first place. >> please come back and see us again. we could have you on for hours. >> continuing to push for medicare for all even after his most progressive allies say that is a socialist bridge too far. we will renew his shocking jabs at his allies, coming up
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bernie sanders faces more questions about a government takeover of healthcare even going so far to split with one of his most local allies after she suggested he compromise on his plan. here is his response to her call for a compromise. listen. >> medicare perl bill that we wrote is already a compromise. it's a four year transition period. all of you know that right now, to be eligible for medicaid you had to be 65. what we do is in the first year we go from 65 down to 55, next year 45, next year 35 and then we cover everybody. >> sounds like a five-year plan but if that's too much socialism for aoc, is it too much for american voters? >> thank you for finally giving me a softball because on valentine's day i said thank you for clarifying the
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aspiration for medicare for all but the realistic goal of just expanding the public option. i think she's spot on. i'm glad she pivoted and obviously i don't agree. the one thing i will say is the number of uninsured under president trump has gone up by a million. that is a good narrative for him on the uninsured. >> isn't this the problem with bernie sanders, if he has no compromise in his soul. i think you said earlier robert, were in a vote her varney because he's not really gonna get done all the things he wants to get done. what a terrible way to vote for some money. i want to vote for someone whose policies i believe in, not summary whose policies are so crazy. a better person then the one in the white house. i don't get that. >> one thing, i found myself with. grudging admiration, the guy i
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think he really does believe in this stuff. it's nice to see someone who is principled but i like the fact that he doesn't back down. i think would be terrible for the country but he's not a panderer. >> which is good because he will go the way of george mcgovern back in 1972 who lost 49 out of 52 states in terms of medicare for all why they use medicare when he's going to destroy one of the biggest parts of it that people love, medicare advantage which uses private companies. over 20 million people have it. >> you would also destroy some of these gold plans that the unions have, that they work very hard to bang out. some of them are better than anything you and i have and they of course would be consumed by the socialized medicine. >> to be clear, for over a year i have been very clear that i'm not for medicare for all. the way i would do that is to extend the public option.
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i would agree with steve, i would keep our private insurance and the people can have a decision. that's what we should have. >> my point is, what happens when it usually goes toward the progressives. >> i think this is one of the most boneheaded things that has happened in this entire cycle. how are they going to go about getting them? they're going to throw out the healthcare problems that they have hard-fought to win for 15 years. that is their biggest benefit that they have the rest of the country doesn't have. >> that means they lose ohio and pennsylvania and all these union states, trump will get them again like he did in 2016. >> obviously the unions don't like medicare for all but there's another demographic that hates it and that senior citizens. they like medicare and they understand it's going to become the titanic if you put
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everybody on it. i'm not gonna let robert get away with this idea that somehow the public option is some kind of middle ground because all that is, the public option is just medicare for all in slow motion. >> as you know we been waiting, he's been president for three years to put anything on the table that the republican party believes should be a medical and healthcare plan which you guys have failed. >> hold on. he put it on the table and there was one republican vote. >> all he did. >> that's not true. all he did was put on the table something he didn't want. we have not seen the gop plan on healthcare today. >> vouchers. there's a lot of plans out there and i think you will see the republicans consolidate them in the campaign in terms of more portability and in terms of nevada will be very interesting, the culinary union as opposed to varney but even the divided field, he
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could still win the battle. >> we have to leave it at that. officials in malibu beach california say they have a plan to tackle homelessness, but they're getting fed up with plans that don't work. details, coming up next. >> you have needles and things we don't want to discuss all over the streets, flowing into the ocean. you have beaches and it should happen and if they can't do it themselves we will do it. the federal government will take over and do it.t. all on the sidewalk ♪ ♪ all around the wind blows ♪ we would only hold on to let go ♪ ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ blow a kiss into the sun ♪ all we needed somebody to lean on ♪ w xc90 plug-in hybrid electric. xc90. recharged.
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pacific coast highway. this is prime real estate. beachgoers and everything else. fox news robert gray is in malibu with more. >> that's right david, these motorhomes are coming and their parking in public parking spots with access to the beach but they're clogging it up with so many of their rvs that other people can't come and access the beach to go surfing or enjoy their time on the beach. i'm talking to local officials and they say it's much more than just an access issue. >> the motorhomes have 50-gallon capacities in the septic system. there dumping those right onto the rocks or onto the beach, into the public right-of-way. there dumping sewage into the right-of-way. it's a health violation and humanitarian violation. it's me above everybody else. >> another big concern for folks in the area is fire safety. many of the home still being rebuilt from the boldly fire a year ago. they are concerned about open fire cooking and heating that could spark another wildfire.
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wegner and other officials are working to create a 24 hour safe zone parking lot. they are changing the sign, working with the california coastal commission that controls pacific coast highway so people cannot park overnight and would need to move every couple hours to get them to move to these lots. they've also accessed a new statewide program to help combat homelessness and trying to get more funds for vouchers for affordable housing. one hitch is that they tried to offer some of these people vouchers but they refused to move inland to the more affordable housing instead choosing to stay here by the sea. >> thank you ray much. with real concerns about public safety is the homeless rights crowd losing the public relations battle. >> look, i think this is an unbelievable cynical situation. these people are only paying attention to these rvs mucking up a very high-end beachfront area because it offends people of lots of money who finally have to come face-to-face with this homeless problem in
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california. generally speaking, the people who are spread out all over the streets of san francisco and los angeles don't bother the people in these mega- mansions in california. now they are so you know what, now they're going to do something about it. the fact that these people won't leave this place to go to affordable housing, unacceptabl unacceptable. >> if you're going to take public assistance of any kind, you have to play by the rules david and california has to face up to it but parts of los angeles where you don't go because you're going to get diseases, you wouldn't even get in a third world. >> we are in the midst of a pandemic or at least close to a pandemic because of this virus that started with very poor hygiene in chinese, in these open air animal places where they sell live animals. hygiene is very important when you're talking about public safety and doesn't that trump the issues that the homeless bring to the table. >> i was just in hollywood hills los angeles just this
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past week, a very ritzy area and liz is exactly right. now you're seeing them move into these areas. it is such a problem. by the way, the first thing you do to solve this, i'm not an expert on the homeless problem but you enforce the law. there are vagrancy laws and laws for public health. you can't take your septic sink tank and drop it into the ocean. i'm all in favor of shelters and getting people off the street and giving them housing, but the idea that the people can just violate the law is making this epidemic even worse. >> is a terrible problem. thank you very much. burger king has the most unusual way ever used to lure hungry customers. you will not believe the ad you are about to see, coming up next and that's saving me cash with drivewise.
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>> our day, i know, in my heart the difference is you ♪ ♪. david:burging king is serving up the most unappetizing ad campaign for a food product that i have ever seen, showing a time lapse video of its whopper decomposing every 34 days, eventually growing a thick fur of mold. the fast-food chain highlights the company's goal keeping artificial preservatives out of its whoppers unlike the competition. steve fobs is this the best way to sell a burger. >> the big whopper has become a big. it is so unappetizing i'm going to big macs. david: by the way. you can see a live shot of president trump. he is in bakersfield, california. he is there talking to the assembled this is the same day of the big debate in las vegas among democrats.
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the president doing the best he can to divert attention away from that. i believe that is andy mccarthy. let's listen in to the president. he is in bakersfield, california. we understand he will be talking a lot about the water use issue which is very big among farmers in california. let ace lessen in as the president does his bit with the crowd. ♪. ♪ i'm proud to be an american where at least i know i'm free, and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me ♪ ♪ and i gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today -- david: once again this is what the president does.
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you listen to a little bit of the song there. that is kevin mccarthy. of course. he is a california representative who may become speaker of the house if republicans win the house in november. let's listen in. ♪. where at least i know i'm free, and i won't forget the men who died who gave that right to me and i gladly stand up, next to you and defend her still today ♪ liz: president speaking in bakersfield, california, how he is helping farmers. the president is moving underneath what california has been doing, the president is about to say california has been undercutting farmers. the president is taking a counterpoint there to explain to farmers, how he is helping them. here is the president. >> hi
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