tv The Evening Edit FOX Business February 24, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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ahead. david: gary if you do sell off, or sell some of it as robert is doing, what would you sell in this market? >> right now? i'm out. so i got nothing left to sell. david: leave it at that. see you tomorrow. liz: i'm elizabeth macdonald. this is the evening edit. the president with the first lady in india. the president filled the world's largest cricket stadium t was a crowd at full capacity, 110,000 raucous, cheering folks. the prime minister of india at the president's side too. india turned out the pageantry, a joyful, colorful welcome for the president and the first lady. this is the biggest rally of his political career as the president talked about a 3 billion-dollar deal involving american made military equipment with india and dramatic market selloff today, the market coming down nearly 1032 points. this is the worst day in 14 months. all major indices down more than 3%.
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energy, consumer cyclicals, let today's selloff. three new cluster of coronavirus cases out sight of china, china, italy, south korea and iran. we have edward lawrence in washington. edward? reporter: with pageantry out in india, president trump said the u.s. would sell $3 billion of american military equipment to india. that is intended to deepen the connection between the u.s. and india. president donald trump wanting to open the indian market to direct investment by u.s. companies as well as lower tariffs on u.s. products. >> we are in the early stages of discussion for an incredible trade agreement to reduce barriers of investment between the united states and india. and i am optimistic that working
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together, the prime minister and i can reach a fantastic deal that's good and even great for both of our countries. reporter: that was a huge stadium, 110,000 people as you said, filled to capacity. the president taking his message directly to the people of india. >> america loves india. america respects india. and america will always be faithful and loyal friends to the indian people. [cheering] the story of the indian nation is a tale of astounding progress, a miracle of democracy, extraordinary diversity, and above all, a strong and noble people. india's rise as a prosperous and independent nation is an example to every nation all over the world. one of the most outstanding achievements of our century. in america, and in india, we know that we are all born for a
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higher purpose, to reach toward our fullest potential, to work toward excellence and perfection and to give all glory to god. reporter: senior white house official says there was never going to be a full trade deal announced during this trip but i'm told from the official it is a very important first step to get those negotiations going. the u.s. has a trade deficit with india of $24 billion last year in 2019. liz, back to you. liz: great to see you, edward. thank you so much. for his reaction bring in retired four-star general, fox news senior strategic analyst, general jack keane. your reaction in the world's biggest cricket stadium. didn't the media claim the president is not respects overseas? >> there are some reports to that fact. i know i deal with international leaders and there is no doubt the fact there is a sense that america is stronger, its economy is certainly stronger, its
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defense is being rebuilt, we're working with allies in europe to stand up against russia. we're working with allies in the far east to stand up against china. so, yeah, i think this is the way normal leaders are dealing with the president. i'm delighted to see him there. india truly matters as we're dealing with russia and dealing with china. liz: we're just seeing the dow futures ticking and s&p futures and nasdaq going into the green right now. futures moving higher into the green. general, all of china's neighbors, 14 countries that share a land border with china announced they have either sealed their border partially or have travel restrictions on chain. turkey and pakistan shut its border with iran over the weekend. china is postponing the opening of parliament for the first time in decades. look at that map. general, your reaction to what is going on with coronavirus? >> obviously this is a very contagious virus by comparison to others. others have been more fatal but certainly it is the contagious
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nature, the fact that it is not detected and can live inside of your body for a while. meanwhile you're transmitting that to other people i think is contributing to the epidemic that is in china and not quite a pandemic yet. it has got to be a concern. the concerns over the weekend were, where it spiked in three countries, so in south korea, iran, and italy, the numbers were lower than they just jumped and i think that has got people's attention and reflects the contagious nature of this disease and how quickly it can spread. liz: now it is hitting other things. the tokyo olympics were set for july could be in jeopardy. japan has the second highest rate behind china. the torch relay for the olympics was starting next month in greece. it may not happen. what is your reaction to that? >> i had not heard that. if it does, there have to be a lot of precautions to make that possible. i do believe people are
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gathering in events around the world in various places and countries where there is not any presence of the disease. certainly in the united states even though there is a, there are 53 cases that is not stopping people from attending sporting events, concerts and the like. so, i think there is still a sense of normalcy out there even though a rising level of concern. liz: i want to get back to india. the president report he heedly announcing a 3 billion-dollar sale of defense equipment to india. >> india is a country that always maintained its neutrality however it had a closer relationship with russia anyone any other country and most of their defense equipment they buy outside of the country comes from russia. so the fact we're entering into a fairly significant defense deal with india is very important because that, that
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absolutely puts center stage the fact the relationship between the united states and india is moving closer together and that's a good thing. the other issue here china is intimidating and coercing india by their naval presence in the indian ocean, the economic predatory nature of the country and what they have done with other countries as well. and the united states getting closer to india is a very good thing. it is no accident that we renamed pacific command which is the command that oversees the far east and southeast asia to the indo-pacific command. that is to recognize we're pulling india in to our allies in orbit in that region to be able to geopolitically push back on china, not just economically which we're talking about here but also geopolitically. this is very important visit for the united states and for india. liz: and pushing back with pakistan and afghanistan as well. so the president is really reset
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the geopolitical stage in his three years, right, general? >> he has in the sense that, we have the defined the strategic framework we're actually confronting. the previous administration did not do that. big power competition between china and russia. iran's attempt to dominate the middle east and continuing presence of radical islam and some places the rise of it, all of those issues now are, have plans and that are being developed to deal with the reality of those issues. so, yes, he reset the strategic landscape. i mean, it is not perfect by any means. i don't want our audience to think that. there are issues like normally with execution and we've had our missteps certainly but, we got the strategic landscape in terms of what we're confronting absolutely right. liz: general, thank you and thank you for your service to our country. >> great talking to you, liz. liz: harvey weinstein, his defense team is vowing to appeal after the disgraced producer was
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convicted of first-degree criminal sexual acts related to former production assistant miriam haylei in 2006. and ripe linked to jessica mann in 2013. harvey weinstein faces up to 25 years in prison. he was led away in handcuffs, taken to rikers island after verdicts were handed down to await sentencing on march 11th. the jury found him not guilty on serious charges, of two counts of sexual assault. they also found him not guilty of first-degree rape charge. cyrus vance praised juniors for the verdict saying it is a great day that harvey weinstein has been held accountable for crimes he committed. 80 people accused harvey weinstein. he faces unrelated charges in los angeles and raping a woman and sexually assaulting another
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woman in 2013. we'll stay on that story. bernie sanders doubling down supporting cuba's fidel castro because castro pushed for literacy. donna shalala says you're whyte washing cop nfl and its atrocities? you need education on communist cuba and its atrocities. how will bernie play in swing states like florida? the debate next. ♪. that's why we go beyond the numbers. t. rowe price. invest with confidence. doctor bob, what should i take for back pain? before you take anything, i recommend applying topical relievers first. salonpas lidocaine patch blocks pain receptors for effective, non-addictive relief. salonpas lidocaine. patch, roll-on or cream. hisamitsu.
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what will you change? make the world you want. ♪. liz: okay. the next week 1/2 will determine whether bernie is the democrat nominee. first the south carolina primary this saturday. then super tuesday next week when 14 states vote. now lots of democrats could be making their final stand. this after bernie sanders nevada on saturday. pete buttigieg campaign questioning the results. they claim there are errors there. democrats entering a season of open warfare whether bernie sanders has the goods to beat the president in what could be a really brutal general election. look who is back, former republican chairman of california. your reaction to these developments. >> there was no error bernie got 40% in nevada, mayor pete. he has nationwide organization.
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he has organizations everywhere. here in california he is really strong. he will win by a huge amount, 495 delegates and what he's doing has been contacting people for weeks in each of these states whereas mayor pete and klobuchar and even biden are just now putting together their organizations in some of these states. liz: he has the ground campaign i get it, the ground game. let me get back, buttigieg slamming sanders saying senator sanders believes in inflexible idealogical revolution that would leave out most americans. this is pete buttigieg's direct quote. the capitalism is the roots of all evil. will redistrict the american economy that americans don't support. your reaction to james carville on this. >> voting for him because you think he will win the election and galvanize heretofore sleepy parts of electorate politically you're a fool. i don't think they have all the facts they need before they make this judgment going forward.
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>> sounds a lot like political suicide and i think we need -- >> it is. liz: tom, here is the inside scoop. tom, you're astute at this, you're great at this. here is what democrats now fear, this is what they're seeing. the battle will be fought in the suburbs. republicans can win back largely affluent suburbs that rebelled against the republicans in 2018 when the democrats took back the house. the thinking that sanders will cost them their house majority because of the suburbs, your take. >> i've been predicting the house will flip for a long time now. the reason, there are only 18 seats and economy is doing so well. they're right about bernie but that doesn't matter in the primary process for democrats. he only needs 30% in each super tuesday state to win. he consolidated the wing of the party that agrees with him on those points or disagrees with carville. liz: we hear what you're saying. house democrat majority whip, tom, jim clyburn warning that
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south carolinaians don't want bernie's socialism. watch this. >> i do believe it will be an extra burden for to us have to carry. this is south carolina and south carolinians are pretty leery about that title socialist. and so i think that would be a real burden for us in these states or congressional districts that we have to do well in. these are basically moderate and conservative districts that we did well in. and in those districts it will be tough to hold on to these jobs if you have to make the case for accepting self-proclaimed democratic social i. >> so, we hear what you're saying about the primaries, we get it. but what we're reporting now a preview what you will see in the upcoming general election because now anonymous democrat 2020 campaign is poll testing this message in six message in
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battleground states. he is socialist and supports big government plans that will lead to higher taxes and destroy your way of life? >> i agree he will lose a national election, it will hurt him in florida what we saw with castro and the like. yeah, he is a bad candidate for him. you know what? that wing of the party is here to stay. we'll have this same discussion in four years when elizabeth warren tries to take it over or kamala harris. when socialist gets tentacles in a party she strangle it and fight hard in the beginning. >> to your point, the media pushing back against bernie sanders and his problematic math. the question for you, tom, after you hear the sound bite, have they fallen down on the job? we've been going to bernie's math the last three years. anderson cooper take on bernie. >> those are expensive propositions but we've done our best on issue after issue paying for them.
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>> do you know how much? >> do you have a price tag for you will after this. >> we do. the price tag is, it wit be substantially less than letting the current system go. i think it is about 30 trillion. >> that is just for "medicare for all." >> just "medicare for all." >> do you have a price tag for all of these things. >> no, i don't. liz: $30 trillion is not a rounding error. he can't say what it will cost. his math doesn't add up. he is says he is going to raise the minimum wage but will tax the poor 30,000 and the middle class. "green new deal," wipe out middle class jobs. tax stock trades and wealth to pay for student tuition when the tax will hit students retirement savings. it goes on and on, tom. pushback, in other words holding bernie accountable saying we don't know, 30 trillion, 60 trillion, you know what i mean? pushback seems to be starting now. >> it is and it is late. you remember they went after elizabeth warren when she wouldn't answer for her tax. they ignored bernie sanders all along because they didn't think
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crazy bernie would have the staying power but they misunderestimated it as george bush 43 would have said because he had such loyal followers. is there enough time before super tuesday for all the media to go after him saying bernie is not the kind of guy? i don't think so but eventually they will fall. liz: still in february. one final point, bernie as a 1%. look at full screen shot, bernie's credibility is at stake. he spent 1.6 million in private jets last year. flies first class. owns three hopes. worth 2 1/2 million bucks. look how much he donated to charity over the last 10 years. usually a candidate give like 10%. bernie gives 2% of his income to charity. final word? >> can't win the general election but in a crowded field he will win the democrat party nomination or at least have the most delegates. that is what i predicted march 18th. i think it still holds true. liz: come back soon. >> okay. liz: up ahead as we reported
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last friday it is happening. national security officials now say the briefing to house intelligence that was leaked, that russia was helping president trump was overblown, overstated. now all this calls into question "the new york times" initial story on this. more after the break. me your h! i can save you... lots of money with liberty mutual! we customize your car insurance so you only pay for what you need! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪. liz: okay, as we reported last friday, it is happening. national security officials say the briefing to house intelligence that russia was helping president trump was overblown, overstated, calling into question "the new york times" story that first claimed this. let's bring in one of our favorites. he is former whitewater counsel, former counsel to the president, he is robert ray. great to see you, sir, welcome back. >> nice to be here. liz: your reaction to this story? >> it is not a huge surprise to me because it was always fuzzy to me exactly what the "new york times" was claiming when no one seemed to know what the intelligence was to begin
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with. what you start to speculate what the significance of the intelligence is, it is pretty clear that the debriefers didn't giver the background and the actual intelligence to those that they were briefing, you know, in the house. it was always, to me subject to some question about where that was going to land because you didn't have the benefit of the actual facts. we still don't. liz: right. democrats may have been pushing u.s. intelligence official shelby pierson on russia. here and media did not give adequate context what she was saying, russia always interferes. we question what the media is covering. "the times" story had no signal intelligence, no intercepted emails or conversation or which russian unit or contractor was helping the president. so it seemed like pretty slim. >> i don't know how serious it is. if you're talking about the russians monitoring websites and engaging what i think amounts to fairly typical and routine activity that is one thing. things more serious in terms of
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trying to pick winners and losers, maybe we should be more concerned about but without having the facts i thought it was overblown to be suggesting one way or another what the significance of that actually was. liz: yeah. >> you have to understand also, it is in a political context. liz: right. >> you have people, members of congress behind closed doors with the intelligence briefing trying to push back to suggest one way, pushing one way politically or the other and you have to be very careful about that in the intelligence world about again, the conclusions that you draw and in an election year. liz: and leaking it. to your point, president trump is accusing adam schiff leaking classified information. >> what he was concerned about from the beginning. liz: watch this, watch. >> i read where russia is helping bernie sanders. nobody said it to me at all. nobody briefed me about that at all. the, what they try and do is certain people like, certain people have information, no different than it has been but i have not been briefed on that at all. nobody told me about it. they leaked it, adam schiff and
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his group, leaked it to the papers and as usual, they ought to investigate adam schiff for leaking that information. liz: then the president tweeted, i suggest calling bob mueller and 13 angry democrats to do a new mueller report democrat edition. here is the president saying he was also never briefed on russian efforts to help bernie sanders as bernie sanders says he was told about russia interfering to help the sanders campaign about a month ago. watch this. >> i say to mr. putin, if elected president, trust me, you are not going to be interfering in american elections. >> when were you briefed on this? >> i'm guessing about a month ago. as president of the united states, mr. putin, you will not interfere in our elections. thanks very much. >> how if it came out now, if the briefing was a month ago? >> i will let you guess, one day before the iowa, nevada caucus. why do you think it came out? "washington post." good friends. liz: sanders, why didn't sanders
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reveal this a month ago? now he is going after the post for reporting this? why didn't he reveal it a month ago? >> everybody understands the political sensitivity of this, why i think the intelligence community in the future needs to be much more careful about what conclusions it draws and careful in responding to questions. i think also the president is suggesting listen, i don't know why these things are going forward and i don't even know about them. i understand he is a candidate for re-election but i think, this sort of information is highly sensitive as it is, should be carefully controlled, conclusions ought to be precise and you know, engaging in sort of what does it all mean in the middle of an election cycle seems to me to be particularly problematic because it tends to have an effect on a candidacy or election. liz: that is a good point. >> we all need to be more careful. liz: facebook, facebook reportedly investigating suspicious pro-sanders content on facebook.
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couldn't substantiate claims that russia or trump campaign or supporters were involved. so much of the media convinced that the president is a russian operative. after this now debunked "new york times" story, watch this. >> this is one of those shocking news days, if you retain the capacity to be shocked. >> the russians are coming. >> yes, they are. >> and they're coming again for their main man, donald j. trump. >> the russians are up again, up to it again. pressing information again. >> i think frankly the president welcomes it, he wants it. >> it would be bad enough to learn russians are back at it helping trump. much worse than trump appears to try to cover it up. >> what do you mean be back? they never left. >> the president is a russian operative. liz: the scandal way less than it appears. "bloomberg news" eli lake writing, schiff who was present at briefing in question knows there is no formal intelligence finding that russia is meddling on behalf of trump. that is what the sources telling
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him. >> it goes back to things you just showed. the russians have back at it. back at what? everybody needs to be more precise before you wander off into wild speculation and it is another bombshell report and this is shocking to hold on a second, it is an election year. everybody is going to play with this because they're doing it for purposes of potential political advantage and before we start running off and running off to one side of the deck of the titanic and the other, we ought to better understand what the actual facts are that back up -- liz: take a moment. >> whatever the intelligence supposedly is. i'm not suggesting we shouldn't be concerned about it, we need to be concerned about it, not tasked or divorced from facts. >> i hear what you're saying. here is what congressman john ratcliffe told maria bartiromo this. watch this. >> why russia is being so successful shaking american confidence in the integrity of our elections and the reason is, it is because democrats keep
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perpetuateing and accentuating and proliferating russian propaganda for their political gain and for their political motivation against donald trump. it is democrats that created the steele dossier and pedaled it to the law enforcement and intelligence communities. liz: you're quick reaction. >> sewing discord is easy if one side for political advantage seeking to take advantage of that and running again off into the land of wild speculation without basing the intelligence on what facts support the conclusions that you're trying to draw. liz: robert ray, you're great. will you come back. >> of course. thanks very much. good to see you. liz: wonderful robert ray. up next, florida democrat donna shalala blasting bernie sanders, saying bernie, you need an education in communism atrocities after bernie doubled down applauding cuba's fidel castro for getting his people reading? basically, basically bernie is saying castro helped people to read. weren't there other way to
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literacy to cuba without turning it into a prison camp? how does all this play in florida? the story next. ♪. you've been hearing a lot about 5g. but there's 5g... and then there's verizon 5g. we're building the most powerful 5g experience for america. it's more than 10 times faster than some other 5g networks. and it's rolling out in cities across the country. so people can experience speeds that ultra wideband can deliver. 1.7 gigs here in houston. 1.8 gigs here in frigid omaha. almost 2 gigs here in los angeles. that's outrageous. it's like an eight-lane highway compared to a two-land dirt road. i come face to face with a lot of behinds. so i know there's a big need for gas-x maximum strength.
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♪. liz: so bernie sanders says yes, he will meet with communist dictators but not with a pro-israel group. bernie says no to the american israel public affairs committee. aipac firing back, bernie's statement about us is shameful, odious. bernie calls criticism of him unfair after bernie doubled down for example, supporting cuba's communist dictators and trying to mainstream communism's atrocities. that is just for starters. watch this. >> meeting with people who are antagonistic is to me not a bad thing to do. i do not have a problem with sitting down with adversaries all over the world. liz: let's bring in the heritage foundation kelsey bolar.
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kelsey, ted cruz, ted cruz is saying basically bernie telling anderson cooper that fidel castro was great, bringing literacy to the people of cuba. here is ted cruz. really makes a difference those you murder at the firing squad can read and write. your reaction to this. >> ted cruz is absolutely right. bernie sanders has a long record of defending these communist dictators. now he is saying he will go and if he were president he would be open to forging a personal relationship with them. well look, president trump has done that i think we have to be fair but there is a big difference between what president trump is doing and what bernie sanders would do. president trump is engaging with brutal dictators that bernie sanders is defending by encouraging, doubling down on defense spending and meeting rhetoric with fire and furry and the question is, what would bernie sanders do if any of these personal relationships
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with brutal dictators went awry? would he actually use the threat of fire and fury like president trump has? i think his track record wanting to slash defense spending tell us the answer on that. liz: the question is, he is acting like an apologist and essentially whitewashing communist cuba's atrocities in other countries as well. democrat donna shalala is doing that, representing florida. bernie needs to get educated on this murderous tyrant castro. take time to speak to some constituents in florida before you sing the praises of fidel castro. bernie's point he got people reading, castro got people reading in cuba, you wonder if bernie lost florida? weren't there other ways to literacy in cuba than turning if it into aiguille large.
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large -- gulag. >> these people fled castro's regime. they know the truth of what a communist dictatorship actually looks like. when bernie sanders goes out and defends this because they have a good literacy program, these people know better. they have been there. it is really defenseless. liz: to your point, bernie sanders already refused to recognize venezuela's opposition interim president juan guaido who stands for freedom and bernie refuses to condemn venezuela's communist dictator maduro for his atrocities. watch this. >> do you consider juan guaido the legitimate president of venezuela? >> no. i think what has to happen right now, i think there are serious questions about the recent election. there are many people who feel it was a fraudulent election. >> why have you stopped short of calling maduro of venezuela a dictator? >> well, he, i think it's, it's
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fair to say that the last election was undemocrattic but there are still democratic operations taking place in that country. liz: gang, show the scroll of venezuela's communist atrocities. nearly 10,000 murdered by the venezuelan communist security forces since 2018. more than 32,000 protests of venezuela. three million, maybe four million have fled. nearly 13,000 people arrested arbitrary torture. venezuela people are eating out of garbage cans under the communist dictatorship. they're taking teenagers, handcuffing them to steering wheels, according to sources in venezuela, shooting them in the chest. more executions by security forces there. bernie sanders is not being held accountable here. >> he is not, look often on the debate stage, oh, no, the policies i'm talking about are policies happening in denmark.
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i'm not talking about what is happening in venezuela. why is he out there defending venezuela? these remarks don't add up. liz: they don't add up. you know, thousands, by the way, thousands of political prisoners, maternal mortality up 2/3. an fant mortality up 30%. malaria up 76%. i think end of chavez's regime and start of maduro's regime. bernie sanders gave a shoutout to huge huge in 2003, kelsey. >> more he becomes the front-runner, the more we learn about these very problematic remarks he has had consistently throughout his time as a government official. he is out there defending the most brutal dictators and again there are people in florida, there are people all over this country who have come here to flee these types of regimes. they will be insulted by his defense of them.
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liz: you can't win the white house without winning florida. kelsey, great to see you. >> great to see you. liz: look who is here. lou dobbs with a look what some ecology up on his show. great to see you. >> great to see you, liz. you're exactly right, you don't win without florida. joining us congressman doug collins, director of institute of allergy and infectious diseases on what is a worsening pandemic. dr. fauci. ed rollins joining us a does "judicial watch" tom fitton. bill lee. managing director at moody's john lonski on what happened on wall street today and around the world in stock markets that lost trillions of dollars. we'll take all of that up at the top of the hour. please be with us. liz. liz: we'll be watching, lou. great to see you. good to see you. lou dobbs there. now the media in full panic mode over the democrat race saying quote, nominating bernie sanders is political suicide for the democrats. we have a top establishment
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nominee. watch this. >> i thought it was a great night for bernie sanders. i thought it was a great night for donald trump. i thought it was a terrible night for the democrats. >> bernie sanders is on a trajectory to be the democratic nominee. >> to me, i just don't see him having any shot in a general election and i am panicked. i am absolutely panicked. >> no one but bernie, stephanie. come on, he is a anarchist. he would love to burn down the united states. >> bernie, you're full of it. none of this is going to get past. you will be a miserable president, frustrated from the first day because you will not get "medicare for all." you will not get free college tuition for public universities. you will not pay off student loans. none of this is going to happen. liz: my next guest former california republican gubernatorial candidate john cox. great to see you. >> liz, great to be with you. liz: your reaction. >> so interesting, so interesting to see the liberal pundits in such a panic mode. that is really what it is but you know, liz, i'm looking forward to this.
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it has been 40 years since ronald reagan warned us about the dangers of communism. it is 30 plus years since the berlin wall fell. we've got a whole generation of young people who don't know much about the degradations of socialism or communism, its cousin. this is where government takes over everything and freedom leaves. ronald reagan warned us about it. we saw it in lenin and stalin. most of today's young people no very little about lenin and stalin. they can read about venezuela. they can read about what happens in argentina but they just don't have a full understanding. this is going to be a teaching moment and the fact that these liberal pundits are so afraid, really betrays the fact they know what happened to walter mondale and george mcgovern. they lost huge. liz: you know who is old enough to know about communism is bernie sanders. he is in his 40s in '70s
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and0's. want your reaction to this sound bite, bernie on fidel castro of cuba. >> we're very opposed to authoritarian nature of cuba. it is unfair to simply say everything is bad. you know, when fidel castro came into office you know what he did? he had a massive literacy program? is that a pad thing even though fidel castro did it. >> a lot of dissidents didn't -- >> that's right. we condemned that. liz: this comes to u.n. united nations study. 9.3 million people in venezuela, a third of the population are starving or moderately food insecure. remember, bernie said food lines are a good thing. all the stuff is coming back. you know what i mean, john? >> it is horrible. this reminds me of when castro died, justin trudeau, kind of lost prime minister of canada tweeted some note of, that he was wonderful and there was, this whole discussion about how you know, castro did good
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things, while he took away freedoms and future of so many people. you know, you're absolutely right, liz. bernie sanders cannot win the election without florida and the cubans who are exile there remember what happened with castro. they're going to hold that against bernie sanders, no question about it. i don't think he has a chance. that is what they're freaked out about. liz: the democrat think tank, called third way, old line establishment think tank, democrats you have to stand up to bernie now or we're all going to lose. they say he has a stunning radical history. he campaigned for candidates in the socialist workers party. he stood in solidarity with iran during the iran hostage crisis. he is hopelessly out of touch with views on taxes. he says that americans would be quote delighted to pay more in taxes. listen to chris matthews on this. listen to what chris matthews is saying. watch this. >> i with carville all the way
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in terms of dangers what lies ahead in november. i'm very much aware. they're sitting on so much opo research on bernie, what he said in the past about world affairs, how far left he is. i'm reading last night about the fall of france in summer of 1940 and the general, renault, calls up churchhill and says it's over! and churchhill says, how can it be? you ever the greatest army in europe, how can it be over? liz: chris matthews getting criticism for basically bringing up the nazi regime comparison there. bernie's family members were lost in the holocaust, bernie is jewish. reaction to everything chris matthews said? >> so interesting to see chris matthews who ought to know better frankly. he has been on television forever. when you compare anything to the nazis or hitler you expect to get some blow back because it is such a sensitive top i can but the message is that bernie has really wrapped up this nomination. that is why they are really
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freaking out, liz and it is going to be very interesting to see what happens on super tuesday and going forward. liz: john, great to see you. come back soon. just ahead supreme court justice sonia sotomayor accuse conservative supreme court justice appointed by republicans of bias in favor of the trump administration. we'll explain that next. on everything i buy. earning on my favorite soup... got it. earning on that eclair. don't touch it. don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. this one? nope. this one? no. let me get them all. i'm gonna get them all. it's just the basics. can you double bag this right here? earn 1.5% cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. can you also tell me what it is? chase. make more of what's yours. ..
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sotomayor accusing republican-appointed justices of bias towards the trump administration. she said they upends the normal appellate process putting a thumb on the scale of the party that won a stay. what is your reaction when you saw this story? >> i was actually a bit surprised and more than a little disappointed. to give this issue context. the notion of public charge as a basis for denying applicants a visa permanent immigration status has not been used since
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1882. liz: the satellite went down. we'll get him on the phone. the ambassador was just saying with senator cotton is saying. the resistance judges appointed by obama or clinton or carter saying they are the ones taking unprecedented action. senator cotton is saying quote the supreme court is simply stepping in and saying we have had enough with the female judge shutting down what is a basic regulation. this so-called public charge rule is probably the oldest principle of american immigration law. do we have the american ambassador back? you may have heard about this. it's called the new way forward. it would give free healthcare to
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illegal aliens. it would abolish i.c.e. and border patrol. it would prohibit the deportation of aliens for criminal activity, carrying a minimum sentence of less than 5 years. it removes the automatic deportation of criminal illegals and lets back into the country criminal aliens who have committed child abuse, rape and even manslaughter. that individual can return back in. the bill declares that up a criminal alien has a right to come home. we have so much news happening on this front. the tsa banned workers from using chinese owned video app tiktok. at "the evening edit," we stay on the border news. we'll have the ambassador back.
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we are starry for the technical difficulties. thank you for watching. lou dobbs next on the fox business network. have a good evening. [♪] lou: good evening, everybody. hundreds of have welcomed president trump and the first lady to india. 100,000 greeting and cheering the president's motorcade to mammoterra stadium. the president speaking to the crowd for almost an hour hailing the represent between the united states and india. president trump: since my inauguration, commerce between power two nat
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