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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  February 25, 2020 6:00pm-7:00pm EST

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cashiers. why? i was 18, 19-year-old working at pathmark. you know what? that helped me out a lot. david: a lot are minimum wage earners. keep up minimum wage people will go electronic. see you next time. liz: i'm elizabeth macdonald this, is the evening edit. the markets sharply lower on the fourth day on coronavirus fears. we're back at november levels. markets added equity value $11 trillion under the trump administration. this as cdc warns americans to begin quote preparing for expectation that a coronavirus outbreak here in the u.s. mite be back. not a matter of if but when. hhs then says there is no immediate risk here. the virus is spreading in iran, the virus is spreading into the
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middle east and into europe. bernie sanders will be the target of the democratic debate just hours away. we have all angles covered for you. deirdre bolton on the floor of the new york stock exchange. edward lawrence on capitol hill. let's start with edward. a lost action, edward. reporter: centers for disease control warning americans be prepared for possible sustained spread of coronavirus. president donald trump has been briefed on this. today on capitol hill the administration trying to get in front of this, asking for 2 1/2 billion dollars for them to contain the coronavirus. health and human services secretary alex azar says they need the money to remain more aggressive but we will see more case. >> we cannot hermetically seal the united states off the virus. we need -- >> life goes on in some forms. >> we'll have more cases in the united states and we've been very transparent about that and we will then work to mitigate
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the impact of those. >> azar says the extra money would be used to expand surveillance systems, support state and local response and paying for test kits and hospital readiness. research, develop a vaccine and stockpile medicine. both parties grilled him about how 2 1/2 billion dollars might not be enough money. senator richard shelby calling it a low-ball figure. senator chuck schumer says the administration should be asking for $3 billion in money and not diverting any funds, extra three billion. the president has been briefed on a potential outbreak even though he is in india right now. he says this trip to india is a first step towards a trade deal. >> they're going to investing billions of dollars in our country. that was the purpose ever the trip also. we're all set for $3 million worth of helicopters. the apaches and various other types and in addition to other
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equipment. they're buying that. reporter: the president announced that they would be buying that when we was over there. hopes to get direct investment opened up for u.s. companies as well as lowering tariffs in india. the president will be back in the united states again tomorrow. he is getting briefed daily about the coronavirus in fact, twice a day in some cases. liz: interesting. edward lawrence, thank you so much. okay. let's get you an update on your money. the dow, the s&p and nasdaq all down again. the nasdaq wiping out all gains for the year joining the dow and s&p in negative territory for 2020. in fact the s&p 500 lost about $1.7 trillion in equity value combined in trading on monday and today. as for the dow, it was the biggest two-day point drop in history. deirdre bolton has more on the selloff today. deirdre? reporter: the steepest two-day selloff in two years time. the dow closing lower by 880 points in today's session after being higher by 180 points earlier on. so between these two days,
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monday and tuesday, you have about 1900 point decline. if you look at the stocks that really weighed the most heavily on the average, buying, united health, visa, apple, american express and goldman sachs. they were responsible for half of the dow's declines on tuesday. if you look at the broader markets, they really showed the fear of a potential global economic slowdown. the groups weighed most heavily, energy, materials, industrials. usually investors show enthusiasm for these groups when they think the global economy is expanding. the opposite happened today. another sign of investor fears shows up in the bond market f you look at the 10-year treasury yields they were at all-time low, 1.31%, never-before-seen. liz, back to you in the studio. liz: thank you. that helps consumers in the borrowing costs for things like mortgages. look who is here. republican tom reed from house ways and means.
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great to see you, sir. thanks for joining us. first your reaction to the warning of the possibility of a coronavirus outbreak here and the administration staying on top of it. >> i think the threat is real. i recently returned from a trip to japan where we met with the prime minister all the way down. i will tell you beyond the front line there this coronavirus is a serious threat not only to the world but here to america's shores. as you see the world become smaller and smaller this potential exposure i think is reality we have to get out in front of. liz: the state department and the cdc wrapping up travel warnings for five country as well as hong kong due to this outbreak. iran is the second biggest outbreak behind china. we're going to dig into that later in the show. the president is saying is acting fast. should there be more strict controls in the united states about this? >> i think we'll have to consider those implementation of stricter controls. liz: like what? >> potentially restricting access to america.
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they're looking at our supply chains in regards to the commerce continuing to return between making sure they're screened appropriately. i don't want to raise alarms but i will tell you this seems to be something that is growing, not decreasing and one of the problems is the lack of transparency of china and iran not being open and honest about the situation they're dealing with. liz: we should point out dow futures are in the green. world health organization not saying it is a not yet a pandemic. we have cases in switzerland, austria and spain. senator tom cotton said every conversation he had with the president in the last month how to stop spread of coronavirus. chuck schumer, house speaker nancy pelosi going after the president saying his funding request is inadequate. is this turning political? >> it appears to be. senator schumer if and when fund
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are needed officially down the road, the course of prudence president is asking for this amount of money potentially coming back down the road to see how the coronavirus down the road is prudent course. i hope senator is reminded of these words when extra money is needed. >> move to cnn's jim acosta and the president really going at it india today after jim acosta asked the president about russian interference in the upcoming election. watch. this. >> first of all i want no help from any country. i haven't been given help from any country and if you see what cnn, your wonderful network, said, i guess they apologized in a way for, didn't they apologize for the fact that they said certain things that weren't true? >> mr. president, i think our record on deliverying the truth is lot better than yours sometimes if you don't mind me saying. >> let me tell you about your record, your record is so bad you should be ashamed of
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yourself. >> i am not ashamed of anything and -- liz: let's go through the record at cnn. cnn misled about lanny davis being a source for a story about michael cohen and the trump tower meeting that donald trump, jr. was offered advanced access to the wikileaks email archive. anthony scaramucci was involved in a russian hedge fund under senate investigation. here is the story. look at that "new york times" right there. "the times" itself is backtracking on its own story saying house democrats either misheard or mistenterred a key part of the intelligence, that russians are intervening in the election to help trump. did not mean to say that. is jim acosta reading the times? >> you know, as you bring this up, one of the biggest concerns i have here, liz, is that, you know, jim is exposing this on the world stage, as the president of the united states and commander-in-chief is deployed in india and representing us there, to have the tit-for-tat there is very problematic and i got to tell
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you the history of who is reporting the truth i will let you defer to the fact-checking because you're the reporter. he should just stay in his lane, just report the facts and leave it at that. liz: i want to move on to the president announcing a 3 billion-dollar defense deal with india. the u.s., the president says, should be india's premier defense partner. i would like your reaction to what general jack keane had to say about this, and about china here. watch this. >> the fact that we're entering into a fairly significant defense deal with india is very important because that, that absolutely puts center stage the fact that the relationship between the united states and india is moving closer together. that is a good thing. the other issue here is china is intimidating and coercing india by their naval presence in the indian ocean. their economic predatory nature of the country and what they have done with other countries as well. it is no accident that we
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renamed pacific command, which is the command that oversees the far east and southeast asia to the indo-pacific command. that is to recognize we're pulling india into our allies in orbit into that region to be able to geopolitically push back on china. liz: show viewers the math of china all of it is neighbors, all the surrounding countries share land borders, shut, partially sealed it or cut off transportation traffic in and out of china. your your reaction to what the general said? >> the general is spot on. we need a relationship with india as well as japan and bring our new trade relationship between mexico and canada and bring other nations that just negotiated a deal with japan to set a uniform arrangement in regards to the rise of china and making sure that india as well as us are working together to counter the threat that rise of china represents to the region
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as well to the world. liz: great to see you, congressman. come back soon. i will note the dow futures, s&p futures dipping into the green right now. so is the russell 2000. we're watching market action for you. moving on to the next story. congressman tom reed. bernie sanders is the target tonight. will elizabeth warren go after him as the democratic debate in south carolina is hours away. house democrats increasingly worried if bernie is the nominee, democrats will lose the white house, the house and florida. florida democrats blasting bernie for his support of communist cuba. all those stories coming up. i'm your 70lb st. bernard puppy, and my lack of impulse control, is about to become your problem. ahh no, come on. i saw you eating poop earlier. my focus is on the road, and that's saving me cash with drivewise. you may have gingivitis. when you brush, and the clock could be ticking towards bad breath,
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liz: bernie sanders is the target at the democratic debate in south carolina hours away. only one week to stop bernie, super tuesday next week as bernie sanders released today, a list of tax hikes to pay for his estimated 50 trillion, $60 trillion in government plans over a 10-year period. it would make the u.s. the most heavily taxed in the world. plus bernie wants to give more money and more power to the irs to go after all of you. we are digging into his plans. also this, bierneey is doubling down on supporting communist
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dictator fidel castro. next guest, rnc national spokesperson, liz harrington. great to have you back, liz. your reaction, should senator warren go after bernie big time on all this? because house democrats, they fear if bernie is the nominee they will lose the white house, the house and florida? >> i don't think senator warren is willing to go after senator sanders because she believes the exact same things and the problem for all these democrats they really embraced the entire sanders socialist agenda. the fact every candidate on the debate stage tonight believes in some so-called free college, so-called, taxpayer-funded health care for illegal aliens, free health care with socialized medicine all getting on to a single-payer plan. these are the very ideas and ideologies millions of people have fled from socialist venezuela and communist cuba and all democrats on that stage support this radical agenda.
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liz: because those same ideologies and ideas were in these regimes, you're absolutely right and by the way nothing is free. taxpayers pay for everything. >> exactly. liz: reaction to bernie doubling down on its support of cuba because the communist dictator instituted a literacy program. watch this. >> when fidel castro first came to power, was when, 59? sound right? >> 59, 60? >> you know what he did? he initiate ad major literacy program. a lot of folks in cuba at that point who were illiterate. he formed a literacy brigade. they helped people learn to read and write you know what, teaching people to read and write is a good thing. but you know, the truth is the truth and that is what happened in the first years of the castro regime. liz: critics say you can do literacy without turning the country into a gulag prison camp. just as you can build highways
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without fascism or alleviate poverty without communism. liz, here is a breaking story, four former cuban political prisoners spent combined 81 years in prison in cuba. they were tortured for their opposition to communism. they sent a letter to the democrat national committee, you have to condemn bernie here. will they do it? >> we'll see. here is the truth bernie sanders cares more about being fair to a murderous, communist thug who imprisoned and murdered thousands of his own people than he cares about the countless number of americans living in florida and elsewhere who fled that disgusting regime but it is not just bernie sanders. michael bloomberg cares more about, quote being fair to china than he cares about the coal miner or the worker in natural gas industries. all of those democrats on stage care more about taking cheap shots against president trump than they care about a terrorist, brutal terrorist that has injured thousands of
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americans qassem soleimani, while they argue on the debate stage whether or not that terrorist should be still alive. they have a problem with the radicalism in the democrat party and it is not just bernie sanders. liz: what strikes me? bernie sanders has more negative things to say about the president than he does about these dictators, liz? we've been tracking what he is saying. go ahead. >> he said last night after he played the clip, you know what the word came out the next answer? this president, the president of the united states, quote sickens me. i have never heard him say fidel castro makes him sick. in fact he said jfk fighting against communism, that made him want to puke. we know exactly who bernie sanders is. his views have not changed. the real problem is democrats across that debate stage and in their party are letting it in and they have gone way far to the left. that is why he is their front-runner because he is the most authentic socialist. he did in fact honeymoon in the soviet union. liz: by the way, gang, show the
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viewer bernie's tax hikes on the poor. he wants to tax those at 29,000 one dollar. 29,000 and a buck you will get hit with that. he want as more powerful irs. we'll show the next full screen, what bernie wants giving more power to the irs. i want to stay on this. cuban expats who talked about bernie talking about literacy in cuba. it was indoctrination. it was not about a literacy program. it was about communist indoctrination. if bernie were about denmark socialism he was talking about now, he would talk about denmark socialism the last 50 years instead of defending communist tyrants. your reaction to that. >> so true he never honeymooned in denmark, denmark says we don't want to be associated with bernie sanders. we want a free market economy. the fact remains this guy has been supporting communist regimes, socialist are regimes his entire adult life.
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this just didn't happen yesterday. the media being surprised at to learn all these stories over at other networks should be ashamed of themselves. it has all been out there for everyone to see. he has not changed. but the good news is these ideas will never succeed in our country. we have the best contrast ever in president trump showing what the free market can do, showing what happens when you get the government out of the way and the american comeback that is happening right now, none much these democrat candidates can compete with that. liz: liz harrington. great to see you. come back soon. is it make-or-break time for iran? the credibility is getting slimmer. this is about the poor handling of the coronavirus outbreak. the top official overseeing the outbreak, he was blamed for covering it up. we'll show you how he got sick from the coronavirus on camera. that story next.
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♪. liz: welcome back. watch this as stoning video. you may have never seen anything like it. of iran's top official in charge, he is the guy in charge of overseeing the coronavirus outbreak there. this guy, he is iran's deputy melt minister, he has been accused downplaying the outbreak for days as overblown but he is getting sick on camera. he is sweating. he is coughing during a news conference about the coronavirus. and today he announced he has got the coronavirus. he has been quarantined. he quarantined himself. so based on iran's official numbers, got an unusually high mortality rate, just crunching through the math. experts are watching it, a number of iranians infected may already be in the thousands, or maybe hundreds or thousands. let's bring in retired marine lieutenant colonel dakota wood. you're a research fellow at heritage foundation. is this a make-or-break time for iran? it is largest outbreak outside
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of china. good to see you, colonel. >> thank you for having me on. the credibility of the regime is at stake. that is the nature of authoritarian regimes. they are fearful of seeming weak that they're not taking care of things back home. when something like this breaks out, is the public health care system working? can you trust the data they're seeing. you see south korea, open society, .3% mortality rate. in iran it is 15%. so either they have a lot more people that are infected they're not aware of or not reporting or their public health system is so bad that once they get sick, folks die. so it is a real concern, yes. liz: you know, it is tough for iran to seal its borders because tens of millions of muslims travel to its holy sites, its shiite holy sites, the the city
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of qom. it admitted covering up shoot-down of a airplane killing 160 people on board. iran insisted they had no cases. now 95 people have been infected and multiple people are now dead. iran now to blame for cases in seven countries throughout the middle east and also in canada. talking iraq, bahrain, kuwait, u.a.e. so can you believe them? you know what i mean, can you believe them? >> i certainly don't and you have a lot of people going through dubai which is a main hub for air flights flying in and out of iran. all the cases you just mentioned are absolutely germane whether the credibility of the regime is at stake. certainly the public is it more and more put out. they can't trust their own government. they can't trust the health security. you could get external actors like the united states, world health officials coming in, that is a sign of weakness on the part of the regime.
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the nature, character of authoritarian regimes that causes these kinds of problems and they're not just limited to iran. as you said, people mo have been infected are going to other countries. so if you can go in and work with the local government, it causes problems for everyone. liz: turkey, pakistan, iraq have shut their land borders with iran. nine countries to your point imposed airline travel restrictions to and from iran. what are they seeing? what do these individuals seeing in iran and in china when they do something like seal the border? >> well,. >> see lack of movement, and businessmen going to conferences. >> i mean in terms of the outbreak? are they seeing we're not sighing in the u.s. out of the severity of outbreak? >> i think they're seeing the same thing they see in china and other locations. it is fearful of revealing the shortfalls in their own medical system and their ability to really know what is going on in
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the public health sector. it is open bear asking, loss of be embarrassings lows of face and reputation of the regime. it is probably a lot more serious than you've been indicating. the mortality rate indicate they are much more than being reported. if you can't believe what is going on in the country it is very hard to help other countries manage the flow of people in and out of the region f i with were the united states, france, germany, these other countries would be absolutely hesitant to accept anybody coming from iran because you don't have any vetting procedures in place. liz: lieutenant colonel, great toe he sue. thanks for your service in our country. >> thank you. liz: more on the cnn jim acosta attacking the president in india. should he be removed from the travel pool. the debunked report about the russia helping the president.
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the times backtracked on its own story. saying quote, they misinterpreted or miss heard the u.s. intelligence. the story coming out. unlimited card. even when i'm spending, i'm earning 1.5% cash back on everything i buy. earning on my favorite soup... got it. earning on that eclair. don't touch it. don't touch it yet. let me get the big one. nope. this one? nope. this one? no. let me get them all. i'm gonna get them all. it's just the basics. can you double bag this right here? earn 1.5% cash back on everything you buy with freedom unlimited. can you also tell me what it is? chase. make more of what's yours. you've been hearing a lot about 5g. but there's 5g... and then there's verizon 5g. we're building the most powerful 5g experience for america. it's more than 10 times faster than some other 5g networks. and it's rolling out in cities across the country. so people can experience speeds that ultra wideband can deliver.
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♪. liz: house democrat adam schiff again attacks president trump and attorney general william barr as the attorney general met with senate republicans today. watch adam schiff. >> who is that he wants to do an investigation of you? would this be your fellow congressman? >> actually, no. much more malicious than that he wants the justice department, his hand-picked hack at the attorney general's office. >> yes. bill barr. >> bill barr, to investigate his political enemies. liz: welcome my next guest, former u.s. attorney for the district of utah. he is bret toleman.
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bret also works with the justice action network on criminal justice reform measures. great to see you, bret. what was your reaction to that sound bite? >> only political investigation that appears to have occurred has been at the hands of adam schiff who is been, you know, cagey and difficult to pin down in terms of the basis for the investigation. not only that but the support for the investigation. i know bill barr. i know what kind of man he is. i think he cares about facts and he cares about the law and that's it. liz: you know, this "new york times" story, now "the new york times" is backtracking on its own now debunked initial story that russia was interfering to help the president again. now "the times" is reporting house democrats, quote misheard or misinterpreted it and clearly it was leaked. cnn's jim acosta attack the president in india over this even though "the times" is backing off of it. the office of the director of national intelligence says they have not seen the intelligence.
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they oversee 16 intelligence agencies. and nsa, national security advisor robert o'brien pushing back on abc saying this is inaccurate media coverage. your take on all of this? >> there was a time we could really rely on attempts to accurately report especially in the intelligence community, those things that do eventually get revealed to congress. but those days are behind us. we have not had a lot of accuracy. we have a lot of unidentified sources. those are concerning especially when you're dealing with intelligence and sensitive issues like fisa warrants and other authorizations that come under the patriot act. liz: but the president was attacked on the world stage about a now debunked report by cnn reporter. your reaction to that? >> well, i have interacted with this white house. i have seen up close their
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responses, the men and women working every single day to try to do right by their country. i don't always agree with the president. i don't think anybody does but the reality is it is very damaging to our country, it gives a lot of strength to our adversaries when we have the kind of reporting, the attacks that are occurring on this presidency and i don't like to see it because i did deal with a lot of the counterterrorism measures as u.s. attorney and as a federal prosecutor and it does hurt our efforts when you see the press attacking the head of the country or the head of agencies in our intelligence communities. it is disheartening. >> let's move on to this story. house republicans led by devin nunez, former chair of house intelligence, reports coming in they have found evidence that the mueller team, that put together the mueller report and the mueller dossier team, devin nunez reportedly found, quote, glaring evidence that
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contradicts the mueller report. nunes is considering possible criminal referral to the justice department to investigate these individuals. your reaction to that? >> well, i think that in this day and age, maybe the only deterrence that can occur for abuse that may come in our most powerful agencies, whether it is the fbi and the manipulation of the facts or the department of justice, until we see real repercussions an consequences for misdoing and wrongdoing, willful wrongdoing, we may have to see criminal prosecutions. maybe the john durham investigation is looking at individuals but if they willfully and knowingly misrepresented to, whether it is the court or to, whether congress they should have the same, they should suffer the same consequences -- liz: devin nunez says hopes the criminal prosecutor, john durham, he is running the criminal probe, the russia probe, he can get to the bottom of the conduct of the mueller
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team, not just fbi officials involved who base the russia probe using opposition research paid for by democrats in hillary clinton's campaign. that is what the ig of the doj found. nunes says one unanswered question remains, when did the fbi know they were investigating the trump campaign based on opo research paid for by democrats? that is the only question we don't know. at what point did the fbi know that they were using dirty clinton operation, opo research that was merged into the fbi? sir, we went to the ig report. we found it was sometime possibly in the summer of 2016 or fall of 2016 that they knew that this was paid for by democrats. your reaction? >> i think anybody who has interacted with the fbi read 302s and dug into misrepresentations and not every fbi agent is bad, of course not
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but this day and age you can see some acted out of absolute political bias against the president and this administration. they did know early on. they knew what they presidented to the fisa court. this is small community of individuals that would have been involved in these things. so i'm not going to disagree with nunez and it is important we find it out. at the end of this, i hope there are consequences, criminal consequences for those if they did it knowingly. liz: you say of course stop russian meddling. of course investigate russian meddling and stop it. russia has been meddling for years. >> that's right. liz: you're saying how all of this went down at the fbi with the mueller report? your final word. >> you have individuals within the fbi who clearly staked out a position, they were not, they were going to do everything they could to prevent this president whether becoming president or whether he would maintain as president and whether their strategy would shift to some
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other form like impeachment. you saw that at the hands of those individuals who hold the most power in our government. they used the secret court, the fisa court, which has the some of the most powerful tools at its disposal to do it. that should shake everyone's confidence of our institutions and the need for change and immediate change. liz: bret, great to see you. come back soon. >> thank you, elizabeth. liz: appreciate your insights. we'll have you back on. florida democrats now slamming bernie sanders. bernie sanders doubling down, tripling down, quadrupling down and then some on his respect for communist and socialist dictators like fidel castro. responsible for some of the worst crimes against humanity. we're bringing on florida senator rick scott. we'll ask him do democrats, will they lose florida if bernie is the nominee? that is coming up. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job
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♪. liz: guess who is here. lou dobbs, with a lock what is coming up on his show. lou, always great to see you. >> it is great to see you. i will write you new material, liz. liz: please do. i need it. >> joining us at the top of the hour secretary of health and human services department, the president's lead man on the coronavirus task force,
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secretary alex azar. he briefed the senate today on what is now on our broadcast referred to as the coronavirus pandemic. there is no question of what it is. we'll be getting our own briefing on the broadcast from secretary azar. we hope you will join us. the hudson institute michael pillsbury on what in the world is happening in china. also joining us, congressman jim jordan on the "spygate" investigation and what lies ahead and former reagan white house political director, the savant himself, ed rollins will be with us for that. we look forward to seeing you at the top of the hour. liz, great to see you. liz: i will call you in the morning about my script writing. >> as early as you wish. liz: lou dobbs, thank you. democratic debate in south carolina hours away. bernie sanders is the target. bernie is blasting criticisms of his support for communist cuba fidel castro. remember this dates back to the '70s and other communist leaders in latin america. bernie refused to apologize for
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supporting fidel castro. made know mention of castro's firing squads, political purges, mass arrests in cuba. bernie praised china. he wants to give more power, more money to the irs to come after taxpayers to pay for his big government plans. watch this. >> when fidel castro first came to power which was when, fifth at '59? >> '59' 60. >> it he initiate ad major literacy program a lot ever folks in cuba were illiterate. he formed a literacy brigade. he went out to help people to learn and write. you know what? i think teaching people to read and write is a good thing. [applause] i happened toe believe in democracy and authoritarianism. take china is another example. china is authoritarian country.
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but can anyone deny, the facts are clear they have taken more people out of extreme poverty in history. why do you criticize? i say that is the truth. liz: critics saying not the truth. capitalism is lifted more people out of poverty than communist china. you don't need to turn cuba into a gulag to do literacy. that is what critics are saying. cubans are saying that. cubans are telling us it wasn't literacy. it was mass communist indoctrination. florida democrats, including donna shalala outraged by bernie sanders. watch this. >> he hasn't been down here to talk to residents, to understand how our community, not just the cuban community but the venezuelan community, nicaraguan community, feel about socialism and about communism. >> [inaudible]. >> he made more than a mistake. it is what he believes and it is unacceptable to our community. liz: with us now, florida republican senator rick scott.
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great to see you, senator. your reaction to all of this? >> don't you want bernie to keep talking? this is crazy. just think that people that got away from castro, got away from maduro in venezuela, got away from ortega in nicaragua will vote for this guy? castro is there because he kill ad lot of people. it was indoctrination. it is what it was. it wasn't literacy. indoctrinating, if you didn't go along with him he killed you. maduro kills peaceful protesters. that is what happens in socialism. it is death and it is squalor. talk about china, you have a million people in prison just because of their religion. and this, bernie's for this? i mean i hope he keeps talking. if you look at the democrats have gone, they're becoming, they have become socialists, everything is for free. take away everybody's health care, put everybody on government programs. it will not sell in florida i can tell you that.
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liz: are democrats going to lose florida? >> yeah. liz: would liberal broward county flip to republicans? >> here is what you don't know, they will not vote, a lot of dislike for donald trump on democrat side. they don't like, they will not vote to get rid of all their health care and turn it into "medicare for all." they will not vote to bring socialism to this country. whether they show up and vote for trump or just don't vote, who knows what they will do. trump will have a big win in florida. liz: because now other florida democrats, debbie powell and stephanie murphy stepping up about bernie saying he is quote unacceptable, ill-informed, insulting. senator, bernie sanders said no to attending aipac, pro-israel group's annual conference. he says they're bigoted. your take? >> i was in israel for a week this last summer looking at all of the borders, watching what hamas is doing and hezbollah is doing. israel is a democracy.
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they, they're a great ally to this country. they, so bernie sanders for whatever reason, he is, doesn't like them but he likes fidel castro. just the most fascinating thing going on right now. it won't play well in florida. we also have a big jewish population, and they're very supportive of israel. so i don't know what bernie is talking about but he won't win florida. liz: city of miami is putting on an anti-communist concert in opposition to bernie sanders. telemundo poll found they reject candidates of socialists across the board. your final word. >> we want jobs. we want our kids to have a good education. we want toe have a secure border, all the things bernie is not focused on. liz: senator rick scott, thanks for joining us. come back soon. >> see you. liz: senate democrats ripping
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into homeland security chief chad wolf on capitol hill. it is getting ugly. we have tom homan, one of the top border guys out there responding to this fight coming up. ♪. because your investments deserve the full story. t. rowe price invest with confidence. it's surprising how the bigger a city gets... the smaller it starts to feel. which makes it even more surprising, how big it feels in here. with sliding rear seats... and more available second row legroom than say... a chevy suburban. this is the completely reimagined 2020 ford escape.
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liz: democrats attacking acting homeland security secretary chad wolf over the president's request for border security
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funding and the border wall funding. >> now we are being asked to fund another $billion for dhs. not one dime of this has been paid forward by mexico as the president promised. all these dollars have been paid for by the american taxpayers. >> i don't think the problem is congress. i think the problem is the administration level. it's not your department make that decision, you have to tell us who is making that decision. i have a whole bunch of businesses in new hampshire this supper who won't be able to do their business if they don't have those workers. liz: your reaction to that? >> i'm not surprised. these democrats in congress, they have nothing to offer as far as how to secure the border,
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how to fix the border. they got a bad message. you have the president who on his own without any help from anybody in congress got illegal crossing down on the border by 72%. he's beating them on this issue. it will be the continuation of the people who agree with the president and his immigration policies. liz: watching secretary wolf get attacked. it reminded us of how you got attacked. >> mr. homan, as a fellow american i want you to know your contribution of acting director of i.c.e. will be remembered pass ruthless and i humane treatment of asylum seekers. >> in my 34 years i haven't seen such hate towards law enforcement. if you don't like it, legislate.
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liz: we brought that up because the democrats attack elected officials attack but they don't respond. >> chad wolf, the acting secretary of homeland security is doing a fantastic job. i have full confidence in him. they don't want to hear the facts. the testimony you see about identifying a problem, giving the legislators some facts so they can propose a budget to address the issues. it's not like that any more since they took over congress. they want to attack the administration and especially the men and would even who serve this administration. the president has won on this issue since day one and they don't know how to deal with
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that. liz: lou dobbs is next on the fox business network. have a good evening. [♪] lou: good evening, the coronavirus and deputy i can continue --coronavirus pandemics to spread around the world an italian national tested positive for the coronavirus. government officials changing their tone and text of the message they are delivering to the american people about the coronavirus. the centers for disease control. principal deputy director said the virus is not


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