tv Kennedy FOX Business February 25, 2020 9:00pm-10:01pm EST
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think you'd apologize to the other? maybe? we've got all of our coming up this week join me tomorrow congressman from texas is here, mark green is here, kennedy begins right now, see you tomorrow night. ♪ ♪. kennedy: the democratic establishment is melting down faster than a snowman in july. party leaders now doing everything they can to stop bernie sanders from winning the nomination. but can they actually prevent him from winning the 1% trying to keep above mark socialist down? cruising in a south carolina super tuesday he's got the big mo, the real clear politics national average has the burned up 11 points over second-place joe biden. that is despite the fact is now doubling down on his craze of cuban communist regime, still going pride watch. smack when fidel castro first came to power he initiated at major literacy program. i think teaching people to
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read and write is a good thing. i have been extremely consistent and critical of all authoritarian regimes all over the world. castro he destroyed freedoms in that country, he played winners and losers and put them in prison forever you don't give him a pat on the back. truth is truth. all right? kennedy: in the truth is those kids could read propaganda. so what are they doing to stop them? we are told behind the scenes there practically begging amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg to drop out to stay away for my boyfriend, they claim the pairs sucking moderate support away from joe biden and mike bloomberg. bloomberg, his campaign sharing internal polling suggesting sanders nomination will make democrats leave the house in november. candace like joe biden they are shooting themselves in the foot. yesterday in south carolina,
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sleepy joe said this. >> or i come from you don't get more unless you ask. i am joe biden i am a democratic candidate for the united states senate. give me a look at if you don't like me vote for the other guy. kennedy: hey right here, right here what? yes he's running for senate now, that's fun. what a multitasker. he also claims he worked on the 2016 paris climate accord with the chinese leader who has been dead since 1997. that's quite a ouija board. can democrats stop bernie before it's too late? or are they sinking their own ship? joining me now fox nation hope and never played that is tommy and in the other quarter we've got fox news contributor is richard fowler lady gentlemen welcome to both. >> good to see a kennedy. kennedy: great to be seen.
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think it's a much. this is getting nasty, skating a little dirty. tommy, are you surprised at all that bernie sanders is doubling down on his love for commies? >> no, was surprising to me as democrats are now all up in arms and seem to be surprised by all this. he's been providing this on silver platter for years and decades now. now democrats are all shocked when he talks about castro? this is the first or the second time and he tripled down on it last night. come on call a spade a spade. he is telling you what he is just believe him already. kennedy: sir richard, what do you believe about the calls for amy klobuchar and pete buttigieg to drop out of the race? >> listen i think we have to wait and see how voters vote in south carolina on super tuesday it's still a very young primary, none of the candidates have the 1990 votes to get the nomination right now. into answer tommy's point
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about sanders one thing we know we give her the candidate say he hasn't delivered on much. he's a lot of words but is not delivered lot of action. whether you like bernie or not, talking about the idea that everybody should have access to affordable healthcare for everybody should go to high quality public school, or everybody should go to college without millions of dollars in loan debt, that something we can all agree on. kennedy: we can agree that people should have choices to do those things, absolutely. we should also agree that i am not obligated to pay for any of it. >> i'm not saying it should. >> exactly bernie talks a lot about healthcare being human right, free college bring human right but it's not human right. it's not his human right to force people like you and me to it pay for. the wonderful thing about bernie as he talks at both sides of his mouth pretty hates billionaires but he needs billionaires to pay for everything. so if you drives off all the billionaires, who's gonna pay for all his plans customer cocom exactly just bigger government, bigger government,
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bigger government. you don't have government would have socialism. but what they're gonna do about bernie sanders i don't know what they're gonna do i think i'm seeing it tonya harding nancy carrigan absent coming real soon. [laughter] kennedy: those were the best best movies in the last three years. so this brings up a point, richard, there's no way to pay for this. even with bernie's socialist mash, does not add up. it could be $100 trillion in expenditures and he really doesn't have any way to pay for. he has made that very clear but somehow we are supposed to believe because you have intentions of where people should go to college and how we magically pay for it that you have to force rich people out of the country which then destroys your tax base. >> paying for things is really important and he should tell the americans had plans to pay for these. but donald trump should also say how she's gonna pay for everything. all we've seen of the last fears as donald trump explodes
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the deficit. kennedy: if your tongue but exploding the deficit, presidents bush and obama did a far more egregious job at this point in their presidency. no, i want to get back to no, no, no, no no no no no no no. i'm actually going to get back to biden and bloomberg. michael bloomberg, he is now doubling down that he is the only person who can save the party. that joe biden is toast. what are some of your establishment democrat friends is saying about the state of the moderate lane? >> listen i think it's way too early to tell. we have to see how voters vote in south carolina. all the show biden will have the victory here. then we can make a determination for the moderate lane is. kennedy: he was up by 12 and isolate by four. see meghan inc. the race is tightening that's very clear i've been in south carolina from us four days a lot of voters here are very much with
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joe biden. let's were member michael bloomberg is not on the bout in south carolina. he does not show up on the bow till super tuesday. kennedy: what does joe biden have to do in south carolina's ahead that commanding victory that shifts it momentum, desperately needed momentum in his direction? >> i would suggest probably not talking. that would be a good start, he doesn't even know what he's running for. so when they say joe biden's gonna do on south carolina maybe he will but what is that tell you about the democratic party? they are either going to put up a socialist or they're gonna vote for a joe biden who doesn't even know where he is and really can't put a sentence together without a major gap? or their gonna vote for mike bloomberg who just paid his way through the race. it really speaks to the state of the democratic party right now. it's kind of hilarious, but kinda sad. >> it is sad but this has been a primary, it's kind of a shallow bench at this point, richard. >> i will tell you what it
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tells about about the democratic vote especially here in south carolina. they will say joe biden and barack obama administration was in the port of charleston. they created one in 12 jobs in charleston because of joe biden and obama. they will say he's a conversation with black american voters that donald trump is not willing to have. and that's why they will elect him out of south carolina and they will stay at the democratic party this election and win and beat them up trump in 2020. kennedy: you know i love about richard, your optimism. it's completely misguided but i really appreciate that you are truly an optimistic person tommy and richard thank you so much please return shortly. kennedy: meanwhile let's get back to bernie, we obsessed within a we look away. i don't office like it car crash or dumpster fire or two people driving dumpsters that collided in the whole thing caught on fire, while is finally answering that long avoided question we have been teasing a little bit, bernie
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how are you gonna pay for? >> you are happy could you think well that's a great idea, how does he pay for, right? did i read your mind on that one? [laughter] the answer is a minutes exactly how we pay for. we pay for it through a rather modest tact on wall street speculation. that's how we pay for that. kennedy: does even begin to cover it. thanks though following this performance last night he released a fact sheet laying out his plans for financing his sweeping government proposals, plural, which includes limiting health pack expenditures that he says would be no longer necessary under medicare for all raising the marginal tax rate to 52% on income over $10 million reducing defense spending by more than 1.2 trillion, and of course there's much more but even cnn's chris chroma says freighter are you buying this crazy bernie nonsense? >> it's not matching the price tag that some put it at about
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$30 trillion for the medicare for all transition. you have lots of different ideas in your, not saying you don't. begin about halfway there, the question becomes how to get the rest like? kennedy: we get there because i say we get there. i'm knocking safer on a bus or some sort of communist trolley but were getting at there. basically it's free plans really means hefty price tags for taxpayers and especially the middle classes bernie's fuzzy math burning up. >> so adding up? we have a host of "sincerely kat" it's kat timpf. an attorney and young voices senior contribute tyler and here she is back in the flesh national taxpayers union senior fellow and forward strategy president mattie is here. let's talk about the money. there's no way you can raise the marginal tax rates connie contacts wall street speculation shooting of these vague proposals, first of all you are never going to get them past.
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second of all if you have all of that stuff would it be enough to cover the tab? >> no, not even close kennedy. not only does the math not add up it's not very creative either. he has always ideas to fund the plans and a been trading other countries and have failed miserably. wealth track and trend taxes been tried in 12 different countries parts 75% of the countries have tried it's failed. dabbler tricks and corporate taxation even those he's depending on those corporate to fund these plans? you are going to reduce the number of revenues from businesses. he keeps saying the rich people are going to be the one to pick up the tab, you increase that top marginal rate to 52%? the rich people what happens to the revenue from the income that's potentially they are supposed be generating question when it falls because they find either other places to put it or they can't use that income productively anymore and you can't get revenues out of it anymore. kennedy: that means a price of gold is going up that's great
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news for me and william deveined but it's funny because people that are less than 29000 people according to bernie, will be totally exempt from paying for healthcare which is not true because if bernie has this 15-dollar an hour federally mandated minimum wage, the average person works 30 to 40 hours is can make more than $29000 a year. so is basically securing everybody. he's the will chamberlain of politics. [laughter] what it boils down to is the fact that democrats are very good at spending other people's money. when you think about the fact that the $13.1 trillion climate change proposal that bernie sanders has at the same time as the medicare proposals happening, the pool and money in part is there's a been diagram of part of it comes from individual taxpayers. if you think that the people on wall street are making millions and billions of dollars a year, if you think they are going to invest their money in the government, i've
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got a big bridge to sell you. the fact that there are so many different levels of investment that allow people to buy a car, buy a house, it's that dries up people are going to. kennedy: you're hurting poor people its people are retiring have money in their 401(k) and then all the sudden there is a wall street speculation tax, so people are no longer investing their money. the stock market plunges and so does the money and people their 401ks. you are not hurting rich people they will find a way around this tax. that's why these fail. [inaudible] [laughter] >> is also an interesting legal question where there's the thought of how do they force, part of this in the way the rich people make money and certainly wall street traders, ship to force them to sell and
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trade stock in order to make money off them selling stock. steve. >> so what is that happen? >> i don't know the you can people to do it. kennedy: bernie and liz would love to deal but their billionaires they have multiple properties and they still don't know how their personal economics of function. >> i remember back in 2016 was trump saying mexico is go to pay for the wall, everyone was saying that was bananas. and you are right, it was bananas. i agree it was bananas. but now a lot of those same people are saying that bernie is gonna pay for something that cost 30 trillion with a 17.5 trillion. and that's just as bad it's also worse because it's not funny unlike the other thing is funny. kennedy: it's not funny it's not cute. is there a sea monkey see you add something to it that magically doubles? morgan a build it out as sea monkeys.
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>> is $97 trillion of spending less than 40 trillion in new men and try revenues. that map does not add up the matter highest slice it. kennedy: i'm glad you brought that up because that means china is now funding our healthcare. that's where we are to borrow money from. we talk about corporate taxation and taxing the wealthy, one thing we have to realize that corporate tax are borne by workers. the whole notion were paying workers more in there get a bill for their healthcare because begin to give them subsidies work, simply isn't true. phil also have less earning potential and opportunity because that's the fall those workers. kennedy: he's hosing then into oblivion and that means the economy is going to drop and they're out more people gonna die. the party panels to stick around and where in the heck is former president obama been during these primaries? i am looking for you. my monologues coming up next. ♪
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endorsement from the waning party leader, barack obama. biden's bs when he said he has president obama not to endorse. yahweh knew that was a steaming pile of malarkey. but now the party's passing biden by, a little help from his bestie would have been nice. except the former president knows joe's brain is softer than warm yogurt. and about as appetizing to voters. biden is too clumsy to catch obama's presidential baton and if another person drops the ball, obama will be ball list. enter bernie sanders wins nomination and the presidency new row 44 will have his legacy pertinently dismantled. it is rumored a few months ago that a bernie surge, peeved obama so thoroughly he was threatening to get off his kingly keister and make himself lame to voters that getting a mothball socialist was uncouth and unacceptable. so where's president obama?
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penning's memoirs, spitball and projects for netflix, basking in martha vineyards moonglow, organizing a community of oligarchs too post his post presidential nest? president obama's been a master politician for one person only, himself. he was bad at pulling down ballot dems into the in zone, and blew his two terms by picking wrong declaring i am with her. so what happened? obama will wait too long to make a difference in this race, bernie will further triumph in the primaries joe will have to bow out with no dignity, and his legacy in tatters. the only obama to keep their branded tech will be michelle. and maybe sasha. everyone loves sasha. there is no band-aid big enough to close the chasm that swallowing the democrat party hole, and that is a wonderful thing is damaged establishment gets sucked into the unkind void of what once was totally unable to preserve whatever will be the fading party. and that's the memo.
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♪ ♪. kennedy: former president obama is like a haunting ghost to presidencies passed, his name, his legacy it's in the back of everyone's mind including the current president, according to you go obama and sean both have a 98% name recognition. that's incredible. but you gums pulling says obama is enjoying a 55% positive rating being out of the limelight really helped his complexion. trumps it is very comfortable, and predictable 38%. that's some serious star power that could make a difference when it comes to the general, so how long is he gonna wait until the elephant in the room, or donkey rather, rears his head? the party panel has returned cats tyler and maddie.
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let's talk about this kat. on one hand i see why president obama does not whet any part of this third-party it is an absolute disaster fee puts his way behind joe, joe is going to lose and he will have picked wrong again. eddie becomes out swinging his bernie and bernie wins he looks completely bad. >> also is taking such a huge risk. because everybody loves him right now. democrats love him, republicans now that bernie is up there like we miss obama, that was great. and he is no benefit of getting into something controversial. who are the most famous people in the country now? kardashians. what are they like? their own butts, that's all we know. he doesn't have a lipstick line i rest my case. kennedy: so where is the lift
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kit? >> he's too busy to unmount controversy nothing that's the one thing holding them back. [laughter] kennedy: i'm a libertarian. [laughter] this is what president obama set a bernie sanders and it says a lot. he is an icon, clearly, the democratic party, i've absolute confidence that he will play a vigorous vote. what is that even mean? >> nobody has a vigorous primary, that's a bad adjective. kennedy: but present obama i can't believe he'd say nothing in spring pretty words together that are meaningless. he would lecture us about guns and make the speeches that had no point. >> i think president obama probably considers himself the last great american statesman president. the fact that he views himself. kennedy: that was ronald reagan, no offense. wh bill roger clinton, no offense to any but it was. >> he views himself to be
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above the primary politics and whinny once a coal 71 around whatever the primary candidate is. kennedy: that's lazy though. >> you want to pick a winner. >> you want to pick a winner but once the winner to be picks would have do the work. the politics of a? that is not the fun part of it. >> we have to blame barack obama for this himself. if you look at the legacy he left for democrats it's not a good when he decimated the democratic ventral whose president p they lost statehouses, governorships, state, local, federal to the tune of over a thousand seats. his democratic leadership was so bad because the parties looking leftward they were saying there were liberal with their moderates in the party and rather than confused about the big ten overture to the voters, he suffered with them. that left all the voters who turned away from hillary clinton to trump right for the taking because they did not have a party responding to their needs. >> barack obama is also one of these people -- the 2008
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barack obama was different than 2012 which is different than 2016. so when he looks ahead he looks at ideologues that support a bernie sanders and they supported the same exact style bernie sanders the entire time he's been bernie sanders. i don't think he finds himself, at least from identity perspective at home in the democratic party. kennedy: he said identity and i think that's what matty was touching on it turned off so many voters and maybe they were union members. >> maybe was that and suits. [laughter] see mickey didn't do anything wrong but where pantsuit. not like you're right and mom jeans. [laughter] and then he tried to have the beer summit that all thing went down. >> that was the least dumb thing that happens. the beer step i would love the beer stuff right now. >> i realize it's about obama now, he was very unauthentic they love of the city and bernie loves i love the soviet
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union i say prudent, because i liked gorbachev come that's the only soviet union i want. >> i want to build read propaganda for they line me up and kill you. >> i don't love that but i love the truth and commies are great. [laughter] >> pete booted jed should dive in there and say honestly, i've got the obama endorsement, i don't know it but i've got it some claim victory. >> that would be really funny. none of chelsea's getting medical have to go. the panel returns will bit later coming up the coronavirus outbreak is freaking people out, man. give your mass? the stock market sinking in like bernie's sweaters, your stinking. that's next. ♪ ♪ no more lugging your clubs through the airport or risk having your clubs lost or damaged by the airlines. sending your own clubs ahead
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top cdc dr. while discussing how hard the coronavirus can hit the u.s. virus confirmed today and for new countries. top health officials warning it could spread to the u.s. and it will because that is inevitability that is. tonight the head of the coronavirus task force, alex told her burial blue dobbs nothing to fear, sound or control. >> we have been preparing for decades, for spread of virus like this. we know what we do, and part of the message to the american people as we need to take a bit of a deep breath here, the government is working on this you got the right people on this, we are working with congress to make sure he got the right resourcing. the president is providing the aggressive leadership on this. >> write the cds says keep the u.s. safe during the outbreak will require super dose of transparency to the public. can we count on that from our
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government? joining me now board certified in family doctor, it's doctor jenness. welcome. it's nice to see you. we are seeing a spike in cases in italy is now pretty much on lockdown because what is happening there. but the good news, this is what i printed is the free market is going to provide the answer because you've got to companies who are racing to get a vaccine. tell me about. >> they re-created 500 vials and they say in april it's going to start the first phase one of trials. human trials will take 25 healthy people and they are looking to see if they will be able to be immune to the coronavirus with two doses. so that's just around the corner. it's going to take many months for this to be approved by the fda, up to even a year or more. but the good news is, its
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underway comments and trials, and will hopefully will see it. kennedy: >> we are work with nih in order to try to get these patients who are specially have comorbid diseases, asthma, diabetes, heart disease and have a high risk of complications to get them protected so we can prevent more lives being lost from this virus. kennedy: whoever comes up with that's going to make a lot of money so that gives you a lot more incentive than people just sitting around saying let's do good. >> that's true. kennedy: that's it free market at work it's people who want to make money i don't care if they make money. general to more of a concern kennedy? the flu, the flu has affected millions of americans. kennedy: and killed seven thousands americans? >> in 2019 to 2020 season we've had about 40000 deaths with the flu. no one is talking about the flu i'm talking to my show a
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month ago. the flu is so much worse. and we have a vaccine fort and treatment for. the good news is with the coronavirus we had it contained in the united states. kennedy: just came in for work on the coronavirus? some pharmaceutical country sent hiv medicines and antivirals to chided to see if that could help with some patients. kennedy: but china studied let the cdc into howard that we know if you're using it appropriate? i read this could have been a leak from a lab and wuhan is that true? >> it's a possibility i don't think it's intentional but it's definitely a possibility in the study might have made its way into an animal and from an animal to human. they make a bunch of losers don't say that. please come back and visit us because a single one anywhere anytime soon.
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hopefully but when it warms up it will. kennedy: yeah it'll be fine we'll all be in bikinis laughing at people with facemasks. coronavirus is not a sub problem for the affected broad, here in the u.s. the dow has dropped more than 1900 points of the last two days. it is the worst percentage slide into years. analysts say it has to do with fears of the virus is going to trigger globally. this is including larry kudlow. >> i echo the words of who this is don't overreact, i think that is important. my own view is don't panic. don't panic, i'm an old guy been around a long time, i've seen these things come and go. timing is impossible to know. kennedy: it's just impossible. so should be all be hoarding foods and buy gold? i do that already. as the pandemic panic overblown? the party panel is back to discuss. kat, tyler, matt t.
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tyler tell me about this who are you get us to your lawyer. >> i think people are over blowing it i think the crisis on the docks indicate short of a sort term analysis but will what people fear i think overall they bounce back. sars, ebola, swine flu, berkeley had the market react immediately and the market realizing we can bounce back with ease. i think what it really boils down to is whether or not the trump administration plans to spend $2.1 billion to combat this. people are already being cured of this disease. we took my people infected, but everybody that was infected in vietnam is been cured. there's a lot of people in china kicked cured if it comes united states, we usually forget the fact of the chinese live so close together the amount of people that get infected by any amount the disease, virus, it happened because the can density of the chinese people is so small
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relative to the united states. we are going to be able to react to this much much faster. the market, as long as supply lines aren't affected. kennedy: but that's the worry we get some of our drugs from china. fennel heroin math,. >> so in some sense is that may be very strong here maybe it's helpful we had the trade war leading up to this year because companies have already started to shift the supply chains out of china. that is the question moving forward. most experts looking at this years economy are saying any recession we are in the ghetto back off at those because the global economy look good. that one big pressure of the u.s. china trade is relenting for it with the coronavirus that's a black swan event. it's coming out of nowhere we don't how long it's going to go. kennedy: and we don't know how to control it, but is our economy stronger? >> our economy is absolutely strong enough to withstand it. the question is our politics?
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what will it do to our political than it does to the actual economy. the economy can take care of this no problem. it's whether or not trump gets blamed for the response for you said $2.1 billion : from washington, let's see how washington handles a response of this and what how that affects voter attitude. kennedy: is a get to be the bush response to katrina. >> it would be totally unfair to blame trump for a bad economy. he gets to take all the credit when it's a good, but you can't have them take credit when it's bad. you've gotta stop being such a never trump her. [laughter] that would be bad for him. kennedy: do have tds? >> no i don't think i've tedious i think i have consistent cds. [laughter] i'm not concerned about the coronavirus and it's not because i'm one of these healthy people that can beat it. i woke up on saturday with my back and neck really hurting and i still haven't been able to move my head fully, that's
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thing that was gop's lawmakers to discuss the overdue reforms. the president has talked about fixing the fisa court and especially senses of former campaign adviser, carter page, was wiretapped because of a suspiciously and erroneously obtained by the warrants. our lawmakers going to tame the community customer at this time to break it down rock combat veteran, purple heart recipient bryan suits. welcome back. and thank you for your service. >> thank you for thanking me for my service constantly. kennedy: so let's discuss. obviously this provision, and the isa act is bad and it allows for systemic corruption and abuse. how do you scale back? >> i don't want to eliminate it because it's a very valuable tool. like a gun in my hands is a good thing. but you scale it back by, is
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representative jim jordan said by having -- us devilish in an office of an auditor or inspector general. because right now the fisa court is completely ex parte proceeding. kennedy: it's totally opaque there's no oversight and we don't know what happened truly, once those warrants applications are received. >> so before verizon gets a subpoena, i want somebody -- i want another review process so a domestic american citizen in the continental united states are getting this metadata that we did name now existed handed to a secret federal court. that being said, that court is 40000 approved and 85 disappeared. because those are such tight warrants and it's usually
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approved. we don't know their wins, it's that secret. when they when we don't know. kennedy: we also don't know when there's losses and have a much hysterical people running around sick we have to get the bad guys, we don't get the bad guys in the good people die. so then show some proof of that. because often time that's the argument that they make, but they never really back that up with actual data. ed now, i've talked to carter page or couple of times, and you realize how easy it was to spy on someone who is helping out the cia. but get that critical piece of information was left off the phis awards application. then all of a sudden because you have an unsavory politician, this entire apparatus is now trained upon them. that can happen over and over again if you don't make some changes. >> here's the thing if there's a minority report and they have a three-judge panel or something like the ninth circuit court or any court of
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appeals, before they do the full judge thing, there is a three-judge panel. it can still be just a secret, that's fine. kennedy: i don't like secrets at the core batted secrets. >> i don't mind it being unclassified down the road. but the entire point of this is to defeat our enemies overseas but not spy on americans. i would recommend something like what jordan said, three-judge panel and may be expanded beyond the chief justice appoints those judges. maybe a panel of supreme court justices appoint three panel judge. three-judge panel. kennedy: ii think we should appoint the judds. i now just ashley, in order to oversee the whole thing. >> i want to fix it before we all lose faith in it. believe me it works. kennedy: but now they abuse it and what happens if the next
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person may deem to be in a whole gets unfortunately have to go on that. i love everything about you bryan suits thanks so much. topical storm is next, or is it? ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ i come face to face with a lot of behinds. so i know there's a big need for gas-x maximum strength. it works fast. relieving pressure, bloating, and discomfort before you know it. so no one needs to know you've got gas. gas-x
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so no one needs t(whistling) know you've got gas. doprevagen is the number oneild mempharmacist-recommendeding? memory support brand. you can find it in the vitamin aisle in stores everywhere. prevagen. healthier brain. better life. and mine super soft? with the sleep number 360 smart bed, it can... with your sleep number setting. can it help keep me asleep? yes! it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. and now, save up to $600 on select sleep number 360 smart beds. only for a limited time. it's more than just fast. it keeps all your devices running smoothly. with built-in security that protects your kids... matter what they're up to. it protects your info...
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kennedy: the errors of the hot pockets fortune has been sent to five months in prison for trying to buy heard starr's way into elite colleges. okay, but when is she just going to fake justice for burning off my tongue. those pre-cheesy. this is a topical's storm topic number one, the love music but hate musicians that we have the perfect concert series for you. ♪ ♪. kennedy: yes whitney will be belting from beyond with her hologram going on a european tour. it's the first recension ghosted us in 2012. but it's okay, start saving all of your love and your money through the greatest hologram of all maybe think watching a hollow imitation sing and dance sounded ridiculous, remember, you are already watching one run for president. hi guys, topic number two.
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how right turning up you hearing aid for the casting call of a lifetime. the producers of the bachelor now seeking senior citizens for an elderly version of the show. grab your teeth in your viagra, you are about to come down with the ultimate heart condition. on this version of the show the contestants get eliminated by god. it's not the final roaster mode it's a dirt nap. the girls tell all include details of the suffrage movement and fantasy suites or salt water taffy file blog complaints on the beach and candlelit dinners at 3:00 p.m. and start yelling at booktv we will get you signed up. unfortunately they will be no elderly paradise spinoff but contestants will get there soon enough. [laughter] miss you already.
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[laughter] i think they just embalm people or can they still keep going? they say fashion acidic cyclical check out the track as being recycled now. oh my garden take a sniff the near posting molds making a comeback the hairstylists as i dare you to give a job at this time it's popular among women. they talk about dilate doggy sell icon myra lee cyrus. the mullet is seeing a resurgence in paris london new york city. style essay the benefits are voluminous it's easy to maintain also be your social calendar when you actually get one. if you haven't been rocking it outside of a restaurant strangers will stop and give you their leftovers. topic number four, a florida man is in custody after running up and tackling a deacon in church. help me lord. to be fair it was football
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sunday but look at that tackle. he could not even bring down an old man. with skills like that he could play for the giants. thomas iso was arrested on charges of battery disturbing the peace. look at the replay. it shows he's clearly off size which was with a deacon was doing a hail mary. he was already on probation for another charge of battery of a person over 65. he has a history of attacking old people. i think it what i'm thinking? yes the most dramatic. [laughter] [inaudible] i'm in a breaker ribs i love you so much. be right back. ing better. that's easily adjustable has no penalties or advisory fee. and we can monitor to see that we're on track. like schwab intelligent income. schwab! introducing schwab intelligent income. a simple, modern way to pay yourself from your portfolio. oh, that's cool... i mean, we don't have that. schwab. a modern approach to
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10:00 pm
usaa kennedy: thank you for watching the best of your date tonight alexander wilkes, chris wilson. plus of got a huge interview. ee coronavirus and deputy i can continue --coronavirus pandemics to spread around the world an italian national tested positive for the coronavirus. government officials changing their tone and text of the message they are delivering to the american people about the coronavirus. the centers for disease control. principal deputy director said the virus is not an immediate
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