tv After the Bell FOX Business February 26, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm EST
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charts. so the long-term outlook looks intact. [closing bell rings] liz: brian yacktman, interesting ideas as the dow closes down 102 points. a fear trade if we've ever seen one. that will do it for "the claman countdown." connell: health fears weighing on wall street are still there. the global spread of the coronavirus has been rattling investors this week. there is a headline mere from new york that seemed to hurt stocks during the day with nassau county officials saying they're monitoring dozens people on long island who may have been exposed to the virus. melissa: monitoring them. connell: none confirmed to have it at all. the market seem to sell off. that is the environment we're in. the dow down 120 at the close. extending losses for five days in a row. good to be with you. i'm connell mcshane. melissa: i'm melissa francis. this is "after the bell."
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a lot of people say we were due for for selloff and people taking money off the table. the nasdaq ending in the green and positive territory for the years. in a few hours president trump an medical members of his coronavirus task force will hold a news conference at the white house. we'll bring you any headlines from the president this hour. fox business team coverage. kristina partsinevelos on floor of new york stock exchange. phil flynn is watching the action in oil and gold at the cme. edward lawrence is on capitol hill. blake burman at the white house. that is a lot of people. we'll start with blake. reporter: melissa, we heard from the president he would be having a news conference as he put it at 6:00 tonight. however we learned from the white house moments ago the president will be joined with members of the coronavirus task force for a news conference at 6:30. will do it in the brady briefing room. if that happens, that will be a
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first for the president, stepping into the briefing room and taking questions from reporters. we expect that 2 1/2 hours from now. i am told as it relates to that 11:00 a.m. call, that the cdc had yesterday in which they said that there was near term risk to the u.s. for coronavirus but down the line eventually there could be community spread, that president trump was a bit frustrated with the messaging from the cdc in that call. we will be able to hear from him directly a couple hours from now as to exactly where he thinks everything stands with the coronavirus. in any event earlier today, the head of the -- top doctor for infectious diseases for national institutes of health this would be his message, at least the message he thinks the president should deliver couple hours from now as it relates to coronavirus where everything stands right now and going forward. watch here. >> at the present time things are under control here but realistically, we need to be prepared for the possibility and
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maybe likelihood we will see more cases here. the degree to which we can contain them will determine the impact on the country. reporter: meantime up on capitol hill there is a bit of discrepancy how much money should be spent or requested on battling the coronavirus. the top democrat in the senate, chuck schumer today, said his figure would be $8.5 billion, however the top republican in the house, kevin mccarthy said it probably should be half of that, $4 billion. here at the white house they have only requested 2 1/2 billion dollars. senior administration officials tell me they believe at the moment that number is exactly what they need, 2 1/2, speaking of hours from now, president trump, the briefing room here with members of his task force. back to you. melissa: all right. thank you. connell: now more on that reaction from congress, alex azar, who is the health and services secretary testified today before the house appropriations subcommittee on the outbreak and edward lawrence
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is on capitol hill to bring us up to speed on that part of it. edward? reporter: house members were pointing to that centers for disease control comment a matter of when it spreads to the united states. they were talking about that in their hearing today. the world health organization saying there is a hot spot, that new cases, more new cases actually happened outside of china than happened inside of china. that is for the first time going forward. now these milestones have investors worried as a further spread could affect supply chains in china but also threatens europe as italy become as hot spot. health and human services secretary alex azar clarifying there is no light between the administration and cdc that the full threat that the coronavirus poses? >> we fully expect more cases in united states. we have to be mentally prepared and as a government prepared today. reporter: house members seemed concern about the fact that $2.5 billion may not be enough
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money. for example, congress appropriated $7 billion in 2009 to fight h5n1 in the u.s. they are working on a $8.5 billion plan that would not divert money from the ebola prevention fund. republicans agreed that more money could be spent. >> if he ever have an ebola outbreak inside of the united states it would be devastating. so i just don't think we should be penny-wise and pound foolish on that. i hope we protect that funding going forward. reporter: lawmakers are looking the way this is spreading going forward. concern there could be shortages of medical devices and medical supplies needed like those masks. azar saying that isn't the case right now but again, congress wants to make sure there is enough money so that doesn't happen. back to you. connell: edward lawrence, capitol hill. melissa: let's go to kristina
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partsinevelos for the feeling on the floor today. kristina, what are you hearing? reporter: there is a lot of jittery movements. the fact the market has been down more than 500 points today, you have the drip, drip, i keep using that. one of the traders tell me something hits wire, 83 cases, 8 cases here, minister of health in germany are using words like epidemic and pandemic, when you throw these words out into the world and media you have reaction with the algorithms. then all the traders start chitchatting about it. that added to some of the intraday selloff towards 12 p.m. eastern time. then later on in the day. we saw movement into the safe haven of those that are trying to risk off, take off risk, more specifically government bonds. if you look at 10-year yield, prices do move in the opposite direction of yields and yields hit an all-time low of .1.304%.
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you're seeing movement into risk off type investments. look at leisure stocks. these are more consumer facing analysts are looking for opportunities of growth or saying you should sell off because more people are staying at home. look at these stocks. all these are ones that you have to go use. you have to get into an uber. you have to get into a lyft. you have to go into a movie theater. perhaps if the coronavirus gets worse we won't be using it or working out at planet fitness, instead working out at home. i will end on biotech winners. most have to do with the vaccines they're creating or their own drugs, having to do with the coronavirus. you can see codiagnostics up 106%. moderna working on vaccine. they're all trading higher much to do with the coronavirus. back to you guys. melissa: thank you. connell: talk about this a little bit. strange environment to try to invest through. jonathan hoenig joins us, capitalist pig hedge fund founding member. scott martin, kingsview asset
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chief managing officer. both fox news contributors. more, scott, seems like behavior human behavior component, instead of reaction on the virus itself -- give a long island example illustrates the point a little bit. today in new york officials came out hey, we have 83 people we're monitoring. none of the people we're looking at have the virus we know of. everybody we tested are negative. but we're keeping an eye. they have been to china. we want them to stay inside for a while. on that, kristina says, the market sells off. people might not go out as much but behavior, reaction to the story even if it is not a big story becomes the story. how do you work through it? >> i work through it similarly how i did on my way over here. i was coughing on the way over on the street frankly like i had the virus. it was weird they almost crossed street because i had something
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in my throat. these days which occur every year, we have pullbacks on average once or twice a year, these days feel a lot worse than they really are. as humans we forget about these times and only remember the good times when the markets go up when in reality these days come, a part of a healthy market. you get lower prices, valuations return to proper levels and we move on. frankly think we have companies with good valuations that should be started to be picked up as buys. connell: buy the dip mentality. jonathan, what are you saying? >> connell, scott is right, it seems a ridiculous a report of a few more people being observed could lead to 100 or 200 point selloff in the dow. that's the environment we're in. less than half stocks are above the 200-day moving average. what does that mean? quite simply the trend is down
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and in a down-trending market it doesn't take much to get the trend continue. we saw 1000 points lost. another thousand. another couple hundred today. i'm not saying this isn't an opportunity on your context but right now there are a lot of falling knives in this market. melissa: coronavirus misconceptions as this advances people don't know what to believe. we have the dr. amy phillips, vice president of prove dense state joseph health. she oversees medical care for the network that saw the first u.s. coronavirus patient. i understand there were four quarantine patients from the affected cruise ships in your system. first of all how are they doing now? >> everybody is doing well and stable. thanks for having -- asking. melissa: it is a scary time but i wonder if people are getting too scared. first of all what is the difference between the
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coronavirus and the flu virus? >> they're different families of viruses. the influenza virus and the coronavirus are both viruses like staff and strep are both bacteria but they're different species and behave slightly differently very similarly but slightly differently. so they do things like respond to different drugs which is part of the issue we're having today. melissa: so the reason why, we keep making this comparison to flu, we lose so many people to the flu every year, people ask why is this worse than the flu, why are we more panicked? because we just don't know how to treat it as well, or we don't know as much about it? what is the difference? >> partly we don't know how to treat it and partly it is because it is a novel virus it is not a small variation on a prior existing one. we don't have a lot what we would call herd immunity. we don't have people in our communities with antibodies to it. for everybody it is a new virus. so just the potential for it
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affecting more people. melissa: purell and hand sanitizer, does that work? there is run on it in someplace. >> it actually does work. great to wash your hands and use soap and water but that knocks off bacteria there. the alcohol based sanitizers kill the virus own your skin. they are a good option unless your hands are visibly soiled. use soap and water. they are a great thing to use between going to the sink. melissa: what about face masks? should everyone carry one around? they are sold out in so many place. >> they are sold out in so many places. they are not great to use for everybody, every single day partly because the supply is absolutely limited like you were saying. we don't have great access to more of them. for people who have coughs, sneeze, are spreading their droplets around, we want them to be using face masks, right? we want to preserve them for health care workers who have to take care of sick patients to stay healthy and on the job.
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melissa: what is the biggest misconception you're hearing? >> hearing lots of misconceptions. there is a kind of a fact-free zone going on in social media at the moment. so cover your cough. cover your hands. don't believe home remedies. stay away from social media at the moment. stick with tried and true vetted real information sources. >> dr. compton phillips, thank you for that. >> thank you. connell: quick reaction from scott and jonathan that have been listening along, our non-experts in the medical field have to be experts making investment decisions. is that helpful, jonathan? calm look at things? the same advice we're dealing with the common cold or whatever it may be, what do you say? >> i'm heeding that advice, connell. especially -- >> oh, my gosh. >> when it comes to hand sanitizer. >> i wondered why that was in there. >> no matter where you live in the world, connell, for investors enumerable large
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companies in china, middle east, europe, having swarms and swarms of staff impacted by the terrible virus which is growing. in fact so much information as the doctor mentioned has not been forthcoming from nationalities and countries worldwide, part of reason you're seeing panic. connell: quick, scott, you want to share some ideas you have on buy on the dip stuff? >> those great ideas i saved for you, connell. looking at market dips, oversold conditions and how big volume is absolutely gigantic. look at macd. moving average convergence divergence. i did not make that up, that really exists. those are brown out of the water with respect how far down they are. when market bottoms are put in. connell: i'm sorry i asked. >> i warned you. connell: scott, jonathan, appreciate it. melissa: oil extending its slide, 13-month low. phil flynn on that. go. >> we're concerned about demand and what we're seeing right now,
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melissa in the price of oil. we're following the stock market a little bit. when president trump said hey we'll talk about the virus today the oil prices really rallied they got higher on the day. later in the more coronavirus concerns caused the prices really to dip to the lowest level we saw since late 2018. what is interesting about that, we got a report from the department of energy that really shows you a snapshot of demand destruction. the demand for jet fuel is 8% lower than it was a year ago. so we're really seeing real demand destruction in those numbers. it is not just about fear. for fear you usually go to gold. not today, not the last two days. there is a lot of concern on gold that consumers will stop buying gold because they're concerned about the economy. there is also a lot of talk that people are losing money in the stock market have profits in gold are taking their profits on gold and trying to put them in bonds. so it has been a crazy day. who knows what's next. back to you. melissa: phil, thank you.
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connell: so empty streets overseas, that is where the economic impact has been real. we have growing list of u.s. colleges now canceling study abroad programs. so as virus continuing to spread. in fact we'll talk to one u.s. student studying in florence about the risks, the struggle to get back home. melissa: plus unauthorized access to billions of photos. details on the massive breach that put one company's entire customer list at risk. connell: also today, a tax the wealthy warning. political leaders in illinois pushing for progressive income tax and putting the state's population at risk. ♪. what do you think? i don't see it. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ it's surprising how the bigger a city gets... the smaller it starts to feel.
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tomorrow? who knows. age is just an illusion. how you show up for the world, that's what's real. what's your idea? i put it out there with a godaddy website. make the world you want. ♪. melissa: sweeping across the globe, at least four u.s. universities have canceled or suspended study abroad programs in florence, italy, and are urging students to leave the country on fears of the virus spreading earlier. joining us via skype, nick bidwell, syracuse university student currently studying abroad in florence trying to make his way home. first of all, are you disappointed to go home? were you looking forward to the semester? are you disappointed? >> we're definitely disappointed. the spirit of on campus is
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disappointing. we've been here only six weeks arc little over a month. melissa: is there anyone you come in contact with or seen that is sick? do you feel like it is taking over the area or feel like it is a lot of precaution? >> i think a lot of it is precaution. everybody that sneezes at this point you get a little skeptical but for the most part i think, you know, it is mostly just nerves. melissa: yeah. i understand you were trying to get out. your flight was canceled due to weather or having a hard time getting out and getting back to the u.s.? >> yeah. they told us because it was like wind advisories today but also, florence airport was mobbed with people today. it was extremely packed. so i don't know how much that had to do with it. melissa: is everybody going home? is there anyone you're there with deciding to ride it out and stay? >> i know the school told us we should be try to get out by sunday but i know some people
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will travel europe a little bit more. some are going to london or spain a little while. but for the most part everyone is trying to get out and get home. melissa: what happens to the study you've done? will you lose the semester? will you go back to school? what do you do? >> as far as syracuse university goes they gave us a couple options. some students can return back to syracuse university, campus in new york to resume their classes or take alternate classes but i think a majority of us will resume the same classes online for remainder of the semester. melissa: do your study online abroad from home? >> do my study abroad domestically. melissa: yeah, that is disappointing. well, at least you're healthy. i hope no one gets sick. that is what is really important. nick, thank you, safe travels. >> thank you for having me. connell: "fox business alert" now from california. l.a. has a story that orange county is declaring a local
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health emergency in response to the coronavirus and orange county had one confirmed case of the virus. a guy in his 50s who has now recovered. had it, has now recovered but they are still declaring this state of emergency. santa clara, san diego counties issued similar declarations. these things are about resources, getting money -- melissa: money, yeah. i understand you want to be prepared ahead of time but then, the emergency? i wonder. like we said, they're not the first one in california to do this. melissa: san francisco too. bernie sanders cracking down on silicon valley but one of his biggest supporters is looking to expand big tech all over the country on the federal government's dime. what a great idea. the legal debate on how much influence the federal government has on voluntary quarantines as the number of coronavirus cases are expected to increase. we will ask the judge.
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♪. connell: new plan out there same to expand the tech boom into america's heartland. california congressman ro khanna proposing what he calls the 21st century jobs bill, would ask the government to spend $900 billion over the course of the next decade. that money would fund research and development initiatives that targeted communities that have been mostly left behind during the tech boom that other parts of the country have seen. this proposal is estimated to create as many as three million jobs if it were ever to become law. the man behind it, democratic congressman from silicon valley ro khanna joins us now. he also happens to be, by the way, the national co-chair for bernie sanders for president campaign which we can talk about in a moment. i want to talk about this plan first, congressman. the president talks about all the time about, we talk on our show about jobs of future, and
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what types of adjustments we make in the workforce. the president will say something like well, we have to keep jobs here or bring jobs back home. seems to me you're contrasting that by saying we need different jobs, people working in tech who really never worked in tech. how would this actually work? >> absolutely. i'm all for bringing as many manufacturing jobs home as we can but we need to think about the jobs of the future. 200,000 i.t. jobs have been outsourced. there is no reason for that. we should be able to have people in communities work remotely. that was the promise of technology. what this bill does, it says we will invest with universities to train a workforce, credential folks, some may be college degree or some may be 15-month course and work with the private sector to get the skills so no person has to leave their hometown to simply get a good paying jobs. connell: 900 million over 10 years, this kind of spending, this bill to get it out there to make a point?
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have you had any conversation about making this law? talked to republicans about it, talked to the administration about it, anything like that? >> i have. this could be bipartisan. at the height of the cold war when the russians launched sputnik we said we need to win the space race. science and technology was 3% of our gdp. additional 900 billion over next 10 years would take science and research to 1% gdp, far less than the cold war. i want america to win in artificial intelligence and quantum computing. connell: how do you see the president and administration work with you? i understand you're supporting senator sanders i get it. someone like ivanka trump talked about the issue us. would you be open to working? >> i am. the president signed two of my bills i worked with the white house innovation office. one to help provide tech opportunities for veterans. another one was to modernize government and have federal websites match up to the private sector. i would be absolutely open to
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working with the white house office of innovation or senator rob portman, republican from ohio. i don't want to make this partisan. connell: one thing before we run out of time, you described this, you were interviewed a few months ago by charles payne on this network. you guys were talking, well, i'm a progressive capitalist. >> yeah. connell: right, isn't that right? but you support the democratic socialist for president and now you're talking about public/private partnerships stuff, another democrat might talk about but i don't imagine bernie sanders talking about them? does he support this or? >> he supports these kind of investors. here is what i think bernie sanders is actually is. he is new dealer. talking about completing roosevelt's new deal. reality 85% of the jobs are private sector job. 15% are public sector jobs. he talks about giving people education -- connell: you talk about socialist, i'm a capitalist. how do you square it? >> we have a difference of opinion on that.
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i mean i represent silicon valley and entrepreneurial community. i believe entrepreneurs and free markets do create a lot of value but we need a strong social safety net. the reason i'm supporting senator sanders his investors in health care, his investments in education and infrastructure but i think on this proposal i would like to see everyone in congress get behind technology hubs across america. i really don't think this is a partisan issue. connell: keep us up to date. thanks for talking about it. we appreciate it. >> thank you. connell: congressman ro khanna. melissa: one dallas-based exterminator uptick in business from uber and lyft drivers are treating cars for bedbugs. he sees about 10 vehicles per week. dallas-ft. worth is one of the most bug infested cities in the nation according to term minute minute -- only new york and
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philadelphia topping the list on bedbugs. connell: bedbugs? melissa: what about attorney/client privilege? why is that exterminator telling the news -- connell: the judge is coming. we could get into that. melissa: yeah. connell: growing trouble for controversial facial recognition remember clear view ai? its database has 3 billion photos. it just experienced its first major data breach. melissa: oh, boy. a new study with four states with slowest population growth have one thing in common. tax on wealthiest individuals. go figure. connell: force is still strong for the baby yoda toys. hasbro's child an animatronic d? melissa: baby yoda. connell: sold them out one week after the debut at toy fair in new york. next delivery not expected until december. people love this baby yoda.
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melissa: good thing i got you one already. connell: no, don't do that. (woman) no matter what business you are in, digital transformation never stops. verizon keeps business ready for what's next. (man) we weave security into their business... (second man) virtualize their operations... (third man) and could even build ai into their customer experiences. we also keep them ready for the next big opportunity. like 5g. (woman) where machines could talk to each other and expertise could go anywhere. (woman) when it comes to digital transformation, verizon keeps business ready. ♪
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options tripled and some cases quadrupled. brett larson fox news 24/7 anchor. nothing great than giant pain nick for prices. >> that is information superhighway robbery. melissa: i like that. >> amazon is telling their third party sellers, telling their sellers on the site, try not to do this, try not to raise prices really high. some sellers are going ahead doing it anyway. changing say, the list price. well these masks list for $20. i will sell them for 18. in reality two weeks ago they may have sold five dollars for a box of 10. melissa: right. >> amazon is trying to keep an eye on that. the problem is though, as you mentioned, this is how capitalism works and they are running out of these masks. melissa: right. >> so you can't have them for, 99 cents for 10 kind of thing, oh, that's great. i will buy a box of 100. so i can sort of understand what
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amazon is doing here. not the first time they have had to dole with this they had to deal with this back during one of the hurricanes that hit florida. there have been several of them. when ever that happens they end up having to do the same thing, people say, generator that was $100 a week ago is now $1000. a flat of bottled water -- melissa: demand. >> the price goes way up. so it is understandable but good for them for keeping an eye on. >> i like this story. good guys versus the bad guys. apple prohibiting movie villains from using iphones on camera? this is according to the ryan johnson directed "knives out" and "the last jedi." i don't know if i'm pronouncing his name right. if carry as iphone, if it is a murder mystery they did not do it. >> in the article he was interviewed in "vanity fair," all the movie directors are killing me because i gave away the ending. melissa: why did he say? >> it was a thing he had to do
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with ""knives"knives out." it is product not placement. they don't a bad guy to have iphone t ad as layer of complex. you have to pay attention. is he using iphone or samsung galaxy. if he is using a samsung galaxy he is a bad guy. genius marketing on apple's part. melissa: no it is not. >> gives await ending. melissa: the girls like the bad guys. so i don't know -- >> there is some truth. melissa: you want squeaky-clean, people to have the apple phone? no. >> right. >> anyway. clear view a.i., new facial recognition app confirming its entire client list was stolen in a data breach. the app claims it can identify anyone with a single image. it has more than three billion photos in its database. bret, they got them off the internet. so they stole relatively public photos. i don't get that. >> clear view a.i. have been on
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fox at least twice. melissa: us too. they were on the show. >> they talked about their artificial intelligence powered spotter, basically. it can take a photo literally of anyone and match you with photos online from a 3 billion-dollar, or 3 billion person database. they say right there, is the statement, security is a top priority. unfortunately there has been a data breach. what you got in that data breach was not the three billion photos. if you want those they're publicly available online. scrape facebook and get a similar outcome. it is their client list and also the search queries from the client lists. if it is a police department that is using it, you will know the police department and there is a chance you might figure out who they were searching for. good news for bad guys there because if you're worried about running from the law you could check to see anybody looking for pictures of me? it is bad for them in terms of it being a data breach because it will make people scratch their chin, now, hold on a second, what you guys are doing
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is pretty serious in terms of privacy violations. you're working with law enforcement which is great. if you're working with law enforcement you need to lock things down a little better than whatever mistakes they were making with their database someone was able to get in there. melissa: bret, thank you. >> thanks for having me. connell: switching back to politics for a moment. talking about a key endorsement we saw from the democratic congressman james clyburn in south carolina, officially announcing his support for former vice president joe biden ahead of the primary that will take place this weekend. fox's ellison barber in north charleston with details. ellison? reporter: connell, representative clyburn is an incredibly big deal in this state. arguably one of the most influential politicians in the state of south carolina. he is the highest ranking african-american in the united states congress. he holds a lot of weight. people listen to his opinions closely in the democratic party at large. people had been waiting,
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wondering who he would endorse and today he made that endorsement. >> i'm voting for joe biden. south carolina should be voting for joe biden. this country is great. >> that's right. >> that is not what our challenge is. our challenge is making the greatness of country of this country accessible, affordable for all. reporter: clyburn's endorsement is an endorsement can move the needle. the latest nbc marist poll has biden leading in south carol lie but just narrowly. 27% of likely democratic primary voters support biden. 23% said they support senator sanders. on debate stage last night biden made an incredibly bold prediction. listen here. >> i intend to win south carolina and i will win the african-american vote in
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south carolina. >> if you don't win south carolina will you continue? >> i will win south carolina. reporter: come saturday we'll see if he is right. i spoke to one of sanders key campaign advisors after the debate. he told me this will be a close race in in south carolina. he said senator sanders made up a lot of ground in the state when you look how poorly he did in 2016. connell: as much of a win as you can have for joe biden. >> countries scrambling to stop the coronavirus from spreading but what could be legal repercussions from some of the most extreme measures? the judge is next. the pope's advice for those trying to decide what to give up for lent. connell: i will see what the pope says. melissa: good idea. connell: no trolling. so you focus only on what you want. okay, it's got screeners and watchlists.
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it's our most dangerous addiction. and to get the whole world clean? that takes a lot more than an alternative. so we took our worst vice, and turned it into the dna for a better system. materials made from recycled plastic woven and molded into all the things we consume. we created bionic and put the word out with godaddy. what will you change? make the world you want. connell: there are more than 81,000 individual cases confirmed worldwide of the coronavirus and local authorities imposing quarantines or many cases asking individuals to self-isolate to contain the spread of virus. for example, we talked about this earlier in the u.s. today, new york officials asking 83 people outside of new york city in nassau county to quarantine themselves for two weeks after
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they return from areas where they might have been exposed. so this does raise perhaps some legal questions. the judge joins us, judge andrew napolitano, fox news senior legal judicial analyst, liberty file on "fox nation." people are wondering about some of these things, judge. for most part the government asking rather than requiring but could they require? >> the federal government can certainly require. of the congress enacted statutes under the commerce clause. the commerce clause lets congress regulate interstate commerce and commerce after effecting interstate commerce. stated differently, the congress gave the united states public health service, part of the department of health and human services the ability to order mandatory quarantines. there are quarantines and there are quarantines. one is a quarantine in your home where they can't watch you because they don't have resources to do that. the other is a quarantine in a federal hospital where they can
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watch you. connell: right. >> the third, most odious is quarantine at federal military facility where they can hold you. connell: from from the perspective civil liberties some boxes have to be checked and if so what are the boxes? >> the boxes are not civil liberty boxes but are health boxes. the law is clear, can't be based on politics or socioeconomic status t can be based on geography. the public service, i don't want to scare people, but the public health service can say there is so much exposure in fill in the blank zip code we'll quarantine everybody in the code to do that. can you challenge the quarantine? connell: yeah. >> yes you can. connell: how do you do that. >> you can't physically go into court unless you break the quarantine. you have to hire someone to go into court to say you have not been exposed or have symptoms itself or that the federal government abused its authority
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when it imposed the quarantine. such a challenge might be moot because these quarantines only last two weeks. try to get a federal judge -- connell: it would be over by then. quick question before we go, we understand a lot of these things are speculative by nature because they haven't happened yet but people who travel overseas, a young man studying overseas on earlier with us or other people with a trip or vacation, what if something happens i'm away and they're not letting people in or something like that. is that a realistic concern to have? >> yes. i saw the interview with that young man and he could land at jfk and stay there for two weeks and the federal government would have the authority to do that. his family would have to hire a lawyer and doctor to examine him to present the evidence to a federal judge tentering him. otherwise he will spend two weeks there. that is realistic possibility at this point, not probability. people arriving at jfk from any
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other international airport could be confined there two weeks. connell: not always because of the virus itself but reaction to it and behavior that it leads to, thank you, judge for explaining it. >> you're welcome. connell: appreciate it. melissa: i have giving up trolling for lent. the pope is asking catholics to stop making fun of each other on social media. will people listen to the pope and be civil for 40 days? who better to ask but our own david asman. this is a very specific request. >> at least he is not talking about capitalism. as you know i'm a recent convert to catholicism. happened over a year ago but must say as a recent convert i'm not crazy about his politics. social media will not hurt anybody. he said we're at risk a worldliness that atrophies our hearts. talking about social media and how bad it has become. i agree with him.
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people get stucked into vortex of it and can't get out. on this i'm in agreement with the pope. on a lot of other things i have problems to be honest. melissa: there is something you could give up. making fun much other people or being mean on social media. i don't like any attacks on comedy. >> how about alcohol? how about boxed wine, melissa, could you give that up? melissa: certainly. i'm sure i could. why don't we talk about what is coming up on your show later tonight? >> look, we have a dream team tonight. we have lou dobbs, dagen mcdowell, charlie gasparino and deirdre bolton, all here for the full hour. connell: oh, wow. >> to talk about all the subjects in the news. melissa: a-team, you got the a-team. i'm not giving up any wine. >> we call it the dream team but you can call it the a-team. connell: that will be a nice calm show i'm sure. wealth tax beware, details on exodus from high-taxed states.
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attacks for wealthy, a new study showing four out of five states with the slowest population growth also have a graduated income tax. now illinois wants to join the club. jeff is in chicago with the details. jeff: i am walking what i guess is the rodeo drive chicago, oak street here. a lot of fancy shops in all piping. he's of the folks that bear the burden if the new amendment to the old constitution goes into effect which would implement a graduated tax. you mentioned the slowest growing states, look at the fastest growing states. put those up there. utah, texas, colorado, florida. what do they all have in common? the either had a flat income tax or no income tax at all. the slowest growing states on the upper their hand, all except
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illinois, they have a graduated tax. illinois trying to raise about $3.7 billion the tax on higher earners with a higher rate. the fear is that people believe the state. they are already doing that. last year, 2019, about 105,000 people left illinois. one person every five minutes. that continues. his new study done by my policy group, a nonpartisan group says if the governor tries to treat illinois as cash cows, they will likely leave before he gets to milk them. i guess that remains to be seen. a cold day in chicago and if you are a big earner, it gets a lot colder. >> thank you for that. i'm not sure about that. have i ever mentioned i hate
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taxes? [laughter] >> i've never known that. we are excited about "bulls & bears" about ten seconds away. they're going to mop the floor. >> especially casper arena. "bulls & bears", here it goes. ♪ >> president trump said to hold a news conference in a little over an hour from now. he is expected to address his administration's response to the coronavirus outbreak. we will bring that to you cliff as soon as it begins. "wall street" is digesting with 83 people, they are now being monitored for possible exposure. this is "bulls & bears". we've got a very special edition of "bulls & bears" tonight. foxbusiness green panel is in for the hour. lou dobbs. charlie casper arena i
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