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tv   After the Bell  FOX Business  March 5, 2020 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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we saw this time last year. [closing bell rings] there will be weakness. we need to consider having a healthy dose of you milt considering a period of unstability. liz: tim chubb. girard. red across the screen. that will do it for "the claman countdown." connell: another day of wild swings on wall street and the health fears continue to slam stocks. all three major averages sinking. coronavirus outbreak is spreading across the country. california declared a state of emergency. that and other headlines contribute towing the dow down 972. six con soak tiff day of one -- consecutive day of 1% or more
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moves. i'm connell mcshane. deirdre: i'm deirdre bolton in for melissa francis this is after the bell. s&p 500, nasdaq closing down each more than 3%. any minute as well, president trump set to leave the white house. he is headed to scranton, pennsylvania. we'll bring you any headlines from the president. if he stops to speak to reporters on the south lawn. meantime fox business team coverage. blake burman at the white house, kristina partsinevelos on the floor of the new york stock exchange and phil flynn watching oil from the cme. kristina, if it is not plus 500 or minus 500 we're almost confused at this point. kristina: right. you know what i want to end at bright spot off the session lows we saw the markets drop 1100 points lower, so yea to that. the dow closing like you mentioned, negative 92. we've come so far over the past two weeks and talking about these record highs. volatility though, according to the traders are here to stay.
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we're seeing massive swings. we're talk about some dow losers, see it on the board, financials getting a huge hit. jpmorgan down almost 5%. united technologies down over 9%. boeing, a talk of supply parts from china and supply chains being affected as well as drop in airlines, potential airlines and demands for purchase of actual planes could hit boeing. you have all of this factoring into that with the 10-year yield fell below 1% for the first time to the lowest point we've ever seen in history. this plays on the psyche of a lot of the traders here especially the 10-year. it has come up so many times today. we see it higher off the low. nevertheless does play into it. want to end on this the face mask conundrum, we need so many face masks for medical workers. they're sold out in all kinds of stores across the country. we'll look at 3m, one of the largest producers of face masks. there has been some movement, a
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lot of volatility in the stock. because they have a contract with the government to provide face masks according to a research right now, the government here, that there needs to be about 3.5 billion face masks for medical workers. they really do have to ramp up production but the vice president, mike pence, does say that 3m plays a vital role in this. yet the stock still closed down, broad base selling off. i will end it there. psyche. volatility. we need to expect 1000 points up, 1000 points down. deirdre: looks like true certainly past few trading sessions. kristina talking about vice president mike pence who is headed to washington state. this is the u.s. location hardest hit so far by the coronavirus. meantime the senate passed the $8.3 billion emergency funding package sending it to the president's desk by friday. blake burman with more from the white house. what is the latest?
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reporter: deirdre, vice president pence is in the airheaded to washington state. he will meet there with the governor of washington state at the emergency operations center. washington is at the center of the coronavirus efforts as 10 patients in that state have died due to the coronavirus. earlier today the vice president as you heard kristina mention was in minneapolis, minnesota. he was visiting 3m, spent about 90 minutes at the company there. that of course is the company that produces the n95 respirator mask that filters part tells. it was very interesting to hear from the vice president at the mask maker, because when he was there he tried to hammer home the point time and time again the average person should not, should not, he said be buying those masks. this was his explanation as for why, listen. >> unless you are ill, you have no need to buy a mask. one of the ways that healthy americans can support our efforts, to be there for
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patients, and to be there for health care providers, is to, is to not purchase masks? >> meantime here in washington, d.c., the 8 billion-dollar coronavirus spending package was approved today up on capitol hill. that includes some $500 million to purchase those masks along with pharmaceuticals and send them where there could potentially be shortages down the line. back to you. deirdre: blake, thank you very much. connell: with us, jack otter, the "barron's roundtable" host. see that friday night on this network. jon hilsenrath with us, "wall street journal" senior writer and fox business contributor. jon, if you look on the board with the dow down 969, to some extent that is startling the point is made unfortunately we're starting to get used to it, more startling to see a 10-year note where it is .9% or thereabouts and there has been this talk go around if you guess the low in yields maybe you
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figure out the low in stocks. what do you say? >> well i mean the two are going hand in hand. people are leaving stocks because they're uncertain about the outlook and you know, we saw this during the financial crisis in 2007 and 2008 as well. when people flee risk they go into u.s. treasurys. so there is this kind of great risk aversion that is driving the treasury yield down. i think it is scaring a lot of people but i also want to kind of look at a bright side here. this is an opportunity for a lot of households, if you have a mortgage, to refinance your mortgage, get yourself in better financial shape. it is also an opportunity potentially for students who are sitting on all this student loan debt, to either refinance or you know book your loans for next couple years at a lower rate. we saw in, after 9/11, things we weren't expecting, whether there was a shock, interest rates fell and economy actually weathered it all right in part because
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interest rates fell so much, bought new cars and financed all their own. connell: interesting point, we made the charlotte, lending tree ceo right at top, made point about student loans, there can be an opportunity. we're looking at financials and looking at travel, looking at the psyche of american consumer, whether airlines or surprise at. we're seeing conferences being cans he would left and right. would you want to take your kids to disney world this week? i will say, i'm a contrarian. my wife and i are actually looking into a caribbean trip in april. not on a cruise ship. i'm not that gutsy. i think in the long term, some were saying earlier in the network, do you think the class of the industry, delta, will be this low a year, two or three
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years from now? i really don't think so. i think there are buying opportunities here for people with us, drawing enough stomach to realize it. i'm not calling a bottom. these things can all go lower. i do think the strong companies with services that we will want a year, five years, 10 years from now, can do well. deirdre: there are some people talking about whether or not or not it is a good time to go on your shopping list, buy disney and other stocks. amazon down today. outperforming the s&p 500, 9% gain in that time but senator markey, democrat from massachusetts saying amazon is not doing enough to prevent related price gouging to the virus. to be clear he is not accusing amazon directly but basically amazon is not policing its third party marketplace platform well enough. amazon saying, listen we remove ad million listings. should amazon be doing more other is that enough. >> i went on amazon right before coming on the show. i could have bought two bottles
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of purell for $99.99. deirdre: that's a bargain. >> clearly they're not fully cracking down. i don't know enough about the content marketing system at amazon to know how easy or hard it is to crack down on that. they should. clearly crack down. you look at target, look at brick-and-mortar guys, you cannot buy these things. clearly third party sellers had it in the closet and trying to make a fast buck. there is a broader issue which is the disruption in our economy recent years given vast amounts of power to the platforms, whether political advertising on facebook, whether dominating search advertising on google things are happening that as a society we haven't quite figured out how to regulate, right? we don't want to put the people out of business but you guys on fox business, me at "barron's" we can't say certain things we'll lose our jobs and they're not true, put that on facebook and broadcast to broader audience than we have.
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as a society we need to figure this out. >> can i jump in on this purell point? deirdre: yeah. >> i'm going to take kind of a contrarian point of view. i don't want to excuse anyone for taking advantage of consumers but when prices go up like that it is sending a signal, it is a market signal, what happens in market economics that supply and demand are out of line and what should happen is that producers ought to say, oh, the price is going up, we'll make a lot more of this stuff to increase supply. deirdre: but you don't want bathtub, purell, do you, jon? like equivalent of bathtub gin? >> no, but whoever, i don't know who is the purell maker, they awed to be out there racking up production right now. the other thing is face masks are really overpriced right now. i would say good, we saw the vice president say, consumers shouldn't be going out buying face masks. we need it for medical personnel in hospitals. so i don't necessarily see that
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as price gouging. i see that as the market saying don't buy this stuff household, we need it for hospitals. >> fair enough, jon, thank you. jack, jon, thanks. connell: interesting point. oil has been another big story last couple weeks but today in particular it settled down about 2%. as we bring phil flynn in, tomorrow, phil, they will be watching what happens with russia and what might happen to this opec meeting with the price. so take it from there. >> you're absolutely right. you know today opec tried to get russia to go along with a major production cut, perhaps about 1.5 million barrels a day. russia so far has been saying nyet, not yet. we're hearing from the opec secretary-general says this game isn't over yet. russia is still cooperating with opec and there is a lot of market guessing they're really just playing a game to surprise the market tomorrow. we'll have to wait and see what happens. gold today, seven-year high. they'll will be interesting to watch.
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back to you. connell: phil, we'll check on the story back tomorrow. phil flynn in chicago. deirdre: calling it honor of a lifetime, senator warren officially dropping out of the presidential race today. we'll tell you where we think her supporters are likely to go. connell: another cruise ship held off the coast of california. the passengers were allegedly exposed to coronavirus. the governor out there dedeclared a state of emergency. deirdre: from prescription drugs, to iphone, how officials are responding to potential supply shortages as a result of the outbreak of the coronavirus. ♪. you wouldn't accept an incomplete job from any one else. why accept it from your allergy pills? flonase relieves your worst symptoms including nasal congestion, which most pills don't. flonase helps block 6 key inflammatory substances.
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only pay $149-an over 50% savings. read it again, papa? sure. i've got plenty of time. life line screening. the power of prevention. call now to learn more. deirdre: stocks sinking just one day after some investors called yesterday's activity a biden bump. senator warren dropping out of the presidential race just a few hours ago. mollie line is in boston. any guesses which candidate she will ultimately endorse? reporter: she did not give any hint this is afternoon when she stepped outside of her home here in cambridge, massachusetts but she did talk about this being the honor of a lifetime. very happy with the way that she ran this race. she says the fight will continue as she moves forward. a lot of emotion in her voice after more than a year of
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campaigning, more than a year out on the campaign trail but she did make it official she was ending her white house run, expressing a lot of gratitude to the reporters and staff expressing her regrets. she promised to stay in the fight she advocated for. wealth tax, affordable child care. she was asked about two white men men in the front runners in the field. warren said she thought about all the little girls who will have to wait four more years. what warren didn't say, who she would endorse? reporter: will you make a statement how will endorse. you spoke to biden and sanders yesterday. >> not today. i want to take a little time to think a little more. i have been spending a lot of time on the question of suspending and make sure this works the best we can for our staff, for our team, for our volunteers. reporter: meanwhile her former competitors offered praise. former vice president joe biden
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tweeting, senator warren is the fiercest of fighters for middle class families. her work in washington, massachusetts and campaign trail made a real difference in people's lives. we needed her voice in the race and continued work in the senate. senator bernie sanders tweeted, without her the progressive movement will not be as strong as it is today. to warren's backers she said this -- >> i will say to her supporters out there who there are millions, we are opening the door to you. we would love you to come on board. reporter: so, deirdre, we do not know where elizabeth warren will ultimately throw her support but the courting of her voters, her supporters is well underway. back to you. >> molly, thank you so much. connell: maybe the thing to add, from years being out on the campaign trail talking to voters over the last few weeks in a number of states a number of them, when you go to a warren event are obviously excited about voting for her but not necessarily all the time because of a stance she is taking on a
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particular issue left, far left, whatever it may be but because they think, it's time to see america's first woman president. this is a little sample what we heard. >> i voted for elizabeth warren because i want a woman to be president. >> elizabeth warren. oh, absolutely. we need a woman. we must have a woman. connell: we heard that over and over again. where do the people go now? patrice onwuka, independent women's forum. struck about iowa going to a warren event, you almost expect, she wants to go after wall street or the health care plan or whatever it may be, she was known to have a plan for everything but i got to tell you i was more struck by the people, men and women, said, no, no, time for a woman to be president. that leads me to wonder where her supporters go if they necessarily go to bernie sanders? what do you say? >> depends if bernie sanders other former vice president biden decides to pick for a running mate. democratic politics suggests
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that you have to pick a woman or even a woman of color just to balance out their ticket, they play identity politics so well. her supporters, if she is on the ticket or another woman, might go to the candidate that puts that woman up there. now, is that really right? i think that is the question to ask. do you just want to check the box, it has got to be a woman, got to be a woman of color? i think when you ask a lot of voters who they, if gender really plays that strong a role how they will vote, a lot of them say no, they want the best candidate based on issues that they're looking at. when you look at democratic voters they're looking best to beat president trump. i don't know if that is going to be a woman. connell: are you saying you think that is why warren, one of the reasons warren campaign never took off? the people telling us we want a woman to be president, that is too small of a number even in the democratic caucus to drive, to drive the support to her? >> i do. i mean certainly you have those people who are proud to be able
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to elect a woman but i think they're also serious problems with elizabeth sanders or elizabeth warren. i mean she had fuzzy math answer to how she would pay for "medicare for all." certainly had a lot of plans but the plans never impressed black voters for example. she was never able to make headway there. her constituency tended to be liberal, well-educated americans. that's great but how does she break past those to the blue-collar workers, working class workers, irdon't think are necessarily driven by a woman in office but the right candidate in office. connell: favorability numbers, biden, sanders, 51 each. warren 45 from the recent "fox news poll." pa patrice, you were talking about running mates. you didn't mention senator warren as a possible pick. >> maybe, what does she bring to the ticket you have to ask? she could not deliver the home state of massachusetts by the way where i grew up. maybe she want deliver liberal voters but what joe biden
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already delivers are minorities. he delivers black voters. he gets those folks. she does not deliver the middle of the country in the midwest. maybe can get some coastal votes. if you look at a bernie sanders ticket, he already got california. he already gets a lot of urban centers. what does she bring to the table maybe a lot of policy ideas on paper again backed up by fuzzy math. that is really us taxpayers paying more. connell: for now we wonder where her supporters go. they may be more split than you think. patrice, good to see as always. thanks for coming on. >> good to see you to. deirdre: president trump getting ready to go to pennsylvania for a fox news town hall tonight. we'll take you to scranton next. ♪. i love you! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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deirdre: heading to pennsylvania president trump just leaving the white house ahead after fox news town hall in scranton. of course joe biden's hometown. fox news's john roberts is on the ground in pennsylvania.
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john, what is the feeling like there? reporter: i mean, there is a lot of people who are excited about president trump coming here to scranton tonight. he lost this county by three points back in 2016 though he did win the state by about 1%, some 44,000. the reason why people are excited, this is his first town hall of the 2020 election campaign. it is also his first appearance back here in pennsylvania for the 2020 campaign. so a lot of people have been waiting a long time to see him. they lined up around the block to get into the town hall today. when you look at the issues here, a lot of it is bread and butter issues. economy, health care. people are worried about the things like coronavirus is another thing that the audience will be wondering about. we'll look for answers from the president for. we did talk to some people who were outside, lining up, waiting to get in. to a person they all seemed to be trump supporters but they all had questions and concerns that they are looking for answers for
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tonight. listen here. >> i'm hoping the president will mention more about immigration and where he is up to, with closing the borders. >> health care, i'm very interested in health care. hope that is taken care of. >> interest rates are so low, and economy is rolling i think they should have been a little higher myself. >> i would like to know what mr. trump's plans are for preexisting conditions. >> how he will beat the democratic candidate come november and most importantly the economy. reporter: you heard the one fellow say that he thought interest rates should be higher. the president has been pressuring the fed chairman to lower interest rates but one guy thinks they should be higher, maybe a hedge against inflation. as i said the coronavirus will likely be a big topic of conversation here as well. the big market selloff today, a lot of people have their retirement investment in their 401(k)s, they're seeing it go up and down. they are looking for words of comfort from the president, issue of the economy. i should point out too, deirdre,
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the fact this is being held in scranton which is joe biden's hometown is really coincidental because the location for this was set well before super tuesday. and now happens to just be a coincidence that joe biden really launched him just a couple days ago. now the president is in his his hometown. deirdre: glad you mentioned that. that is an interesting point. i was thinking knowing president trump's character, they went on purpose, right? >> right. deirdre: okay. reporter: no -- deirdre: just coincidental. connell: didn't mean to cut john off. if the guy get as question on interest rates, that will be very interesting. deirdre: all of sudden that meeting, that town hall will run a little long. connell: what he said about the fed chairman. rates should be higher. at any rate we'll have that. on the virus, doubling to 22 overnight the number of cases in new york has been surging. california, meantime joining a list of states declared a state of emergency. deirdre: officials are warning
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of potential supply shortages in response to the outbreak. we'll bring you the very latest on how the trump administration is responding. ♪. it all starts with an invitation.
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the coast until passengers are tested and cleared but, alex, we want to start with you in the newsroom. what's the very latest. reporter: deirdre, the number of cases in new york doubling, 1000 people are under quarantine. many new cases we're seeing are not people who traveled abroad but from it spreading in local communities. governor andrew cuomo announcing 11 new cases today, bringing that total up to 22 in the state. eight of those new cases are tied to a 50-year-old westchester county attor the number will continue it must because we are continuing to test more and more you test the higher number you will have. reporter: among some of the new cases in the city, there is a woman in her 80s and a man in his 40s. both are hospitalized, isolated and undergoing testing. new jersey reporting its first, second case today.
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cuomo telling the public not to panic but to stay informed. >> i'm a little bit worried. >> a lot with the media hype right now. >> i am a little worried about taking the subway. i think that is my biggest hesitation. >> we came over here from belfast. people were talking about canceling trips and stuff but we didn't have any second thoughts about it. >> i clean my home better and have a young daughter. i take care of her a lot more. >> stock market. i worry more about that. i don't like seeing it go down like it has. >> i think in the long run till with be okay. >> hand sanitizer. got to have it. reporter: more companies taking containment into their own hands canceling work trips. big companies in seattle, amazon, google, facebook, microsoft, ordering some to go home. some suggesting that the employees work there all month long. deirdre. deirdre: alex, thank you so much. we'll take you to the west coast. claudia cowan on the ground in san francisco, right? connell: claudia, we know the coast guard rushed the kits, the
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testing kits to the ship, the grand princess ship. how are those passengers doing now? what is the latest as we know it? reporter: well, that's right. we have more than 3,000 passengers essentially stranded at sea while health officials race to try to identify anyone who may have contracted covid-19 and investigate an outbreak on a previous cruise. now at a press conference here in san francisco this morning officials did confirm a number of people who are on board this ship have gotten sick, but, the news is not all bad. take a listen. >> a total of 35 have shown flu-like symptoms during the course of this 15-day cruise. many of those people have recovered and are no longer showing flu-like symptoms. once we have results from the tests, the cdc and the state will determine the most appropriate location for the
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ship to birth. reporter: as you mentioned a coast guard helicopter is airlifting hundreds of test kits to the ship. samples are being corrected and results sent to a bay area lab with results expected as soon as tomorrow. when the ship sailed to mexico last month, at least two people contracted covid-19, including a man who died yesterday near sacramento. when the ship returned here to san francisco february 21st, 62 people never took off and continued on the next cruise which sailed to hawaii. since they have possibly been exposed, they have all been ordered to stay quarantined inside of their cabins. for now, no word on when this cruise ship will be allowed to return. it was scheduled to come back here to peer 27 on saturday. that is probably optimistic. and in the meantime, now 55 confirmed cases of covid-19 here in california, the most of any
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state. connell: claudia, thank you. claudia cowan for us out west. travel obviously as she has been reporting on is a big part of the story and worry over the outbreak. airlines in addition to the cruise industry, the other one we're looking at that, as that projection industrywide, the virus could drop off and cost the airlines $113 billion in losses. so here to give us some perspective, some medical perspective how we should be handling this, dr. robert quigley, medical sos regional director. doctor, let me ask you this, a lot is consumers obviously being afraid, not flying the airlines, but if on the corporate side, if one of the airlines were to come, how should we handle it? how do we know it is safe to travel a certain route, what kind of advice would you give that person? >> it all depends on the risk appetite of that ceo that you just alluded to. i think one of the beauties of that industry however they do
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communicate and they do have forums where they try to standardize their best practice. the issues they have to take into consideration include but not limited to their own financial status but whether or not they could be potentially be harming their passengers and one thing i can say is that all airlines with whom i have had the privilege of working with always put that as the number one priority. so that means they have to take a second look whether or not they want it travel to some of these areas where there have been multiple cases. and furthermore, when they're traveling with passengers, as i'm sure you have heard before, the principle of social distancing can't apply very well in an airplane despite the fact most of them are equipped with hepa filters. those consideration have to be made. a variety of issues come into play to determine whether or not the ceos of whatever airline wants to fly somewhere. connell: let's take it then to the consumer or just the regular
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person's perspective using that term we've become familiar with last couple weeks, the term you brought up, social distancing what advice you give to people not in severe outbreak, but getting couple cases? think about the weekend, should i go to the basketball game or concert, or whatever the case may be? what types of considerations, they want to be rational should they be taking? >> go back to the human species and everybody think as little bit differently. many of these decisions will be made for us by the authorities as we continue to up through this epidemic and potential pandemic. the advice i would give in the circumstance i would describe would be universal precautions. making sure you're washing your hands. that in and by itself is fundamental mitigating against the spread. we as consumers have to take
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some responsibility besides the containment efforts being made by the governments, by the c-suites of so many corporations in so many sectors. it is going to be a real effort that is going to be required by everybody. and if it means not attending sports events or any other gatherings, even churches and so forth, where people do assemble and social distancing is violated, one wants to second think whether that is justified. connell: dr. robert quigley, thank you for your time, expertise. thank you for coming on. deirdre. deirdre: investors worried about the coronavirus one that would have effect on the globe economy. in fact goldman sachs went so far that american companies will not generate any earnings growth this year as a result. jack otter, jon hilsenrath back with me both. jack, i want to ask you quickly, what do you think, will the coronavirus wipe out u.s. profit growth this year? >> i don't have strong
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conviction on that. i don't see anything wrong with what goldman is saying, analysts don't really know either. one example, google is taking a hit from travel advertising, makes sense, they have 10 billion-dollars a year in travel advertising. analysts are taking that out to june because they don't know if the virus will be around after that. they're extrapolating $1.5 billion hit through google earnings through june. if we're done, great, if not, there is a 3 billion-dollar hit. flat is fine. what is significant about flat earnings this year that would be two years in a row of no earnings growth. all the market gains that we had last year, we'll see where this year ends up would be from multiple expansion, not because companies were actually earning more. deirdre: jon, hop in. >> i want to throw out a thought which is profits are probably going to take a hit. certainly concentrated in a few industries like airlines or hotels but what really, really matters for most americans, and
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for the economy is how companies respond to that profit hit. what we've seen over the last 25 years is, when ever profit margins are in jeopardy, companies start laying off workers. the economy takes a hit if we get layoffs out of this. i will say, this is very early. right now i'm slightly encouraged. i was going back to look at what airlines did after 9/11. within 10 days of the september 11th terror attacks they laid off 100,000 workers t was huge effect. a huge response. we've seen united airlines saying they will freeze hiring but we aren't seeing the a major layoff announcements. deirdre: that is a great point. a great contextal point. b, at least these companies are managing it so far. >> they're managing it. there are a couple things going on. because the unemployment rate is so low. they don't want to lose workers. so hard to find them right now.
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that is one thing. the other thing companies and ceos have taken a lot of heat abandoning their communities over the last 25 years and moving jobs overseas and laying off whenever profit margins get hit. the business roundtable came out with a statement last august they will be more mindful of their constituencies and communities. the proof will be in the pudding right now. how will they respond to this scare? are they going to let workers go or will they hang with them? deirdre: jack, jon, thank you very much for your thoughts, appreciate it. connell: we've been talking about various companies and various companies hit by the virus. two more joining amazon and facebook pack backing out of the big event in south by southwest in texas. we'll talk about the effect on the tech industry as we continue i can save you... lots of money with liberty mutual! we customize your car insurance
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deirdre: numerous companies restrict the northern essential travel, other emcompanies said employees work at home. south by southwest in texas is still scheduled for next week but numerous tech companies are skipping it. among them, it is a growing list, microsoft, twitter, intel, apple, netflix. here is "axios" market editor
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deion rabaou think. is this the whole point to go to southwest by southwest to mix and mingle with people? >> this is a tough one. southwest by southwest doesn't want to be shut down. if they go there and get coronavirus. deirdre: they could sue the company. >> that is bad news for everyone with. people are making due diligence, not doing more harm than good. south by southwest is great opportunity but if an employee comes back and infects everyone and that can turn on you to make things a whole lot worse. we at "axios" are sending a couple people down to south by southwest. there is fear what we should do about the coronavirus issue. the imf world bank meetings are happening in a few weeks. those are moved to virtual only. no one is going to washington d.c. obviously people are starting to really take precautions. i personally don't see how south by southwest goes on. deirdre: i don't either.
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they have confirmed at the moment it is still happening. it is true if nobody participates i don't know what the point is. let me ask you something about apple this is more of a hardware question. tim cook says there may be a two to four-week iphone part shortages because of the supply chain disruptions, keeping in mind that apple has factories in china, south korea and italy, three countries that have been hit particularly hard. how many tech companies will have longer term issues? apple is fundamentally pretty strong? >> this issue we wrote about in the "axios" market newsletter february 1th. i was going back through the issue today. apple had its issues and pushed back on the guidance back then and we pointed out they probably only spot about 25 to 30 days worth of supply left and we're starting to hit that time right about now. so apple says, yeah, we've got enough stuff to get by. we're having a couple outages but, this is where the rubber meets the road on the numbers
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from china. the chinese government says they're seeing less cases. more folks are getting healthy. they're starting to pull back those quarantines but there is a lot of doubt about that. if you do start seeing fewer workers returning to work in these factories. if you do continue to see the cities quarantined with the factories still operating at half to 60 to 70% capacity, you start to wonder, is it actually, are things worse in china than what the government is saying? that could send the market lower even further, even if it is just for a couple of companies like apple because, again, if those supply chains are not getting back online, apple is not getting those parts and let's remember the infected region. connell: wuhan, hebei state is huge manufacturing hub. that is a huge manufacturing part of the economy and they rely on it a lot. deirdre: it touches a lot of industries. quickly twitter may let, not certain yet, may let users flag what they consider to be fake news with these bright red and orange badges. the company of course facing
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criticism as many social media companies are about the spread of misinformation and quote, manipulated media. what do you think of this, this idea of, if i think that something that a candidate says, for example is wrong, i can just put my own sticker on it? >> i think twitter is opening a can of worms on this one. politicians like to bend and manipulate and fudge the truth a little bit. even if something is true, you could have if the president says something, maybe bernie sanders ah, that is false, i don't believe it, we have entered an age where people want to see information agrees with their perspective than their perspective agree with their information. you will get a lot of trolling on this and a lot things are labeled. twitter has a whole new headache on its hands. put people in charge. deirdre: novel idea. >> hey, this is false. we're taking this off because we at twitter say so. not because users flagged it. not because ai flagged it. we think it is false, take it down, take some initiative.
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deirdre: plus one for humans. thank you. connell: fox news alert. back to how things are in china which you guys were talking about, we just heard from starbucks. starbucks talking about the impact of business in china. they closed down their stores a period of time. in an open letter to stakeholders, the ceo of starbucks, kevin johnson, expects china sales for stores open at least a year to fall 50% in the second quarter, in the second quarter due to the coronavirus outbreak but as of now they say there are no per acceptable signs of the virus signs on u.s. sales. that is what they're saying. those could be still to come. you expect the china sales to be in past months. u.s. problems could be in future times. we'll see. deirdre: on a somewhat related theme, running short on medical supplies. what is being done to keep americans healthy as the coronavirus continues to spread. we'll bring you details next. ♪. than some other 5g networks.
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connell: tens of millions of americans rely on prescription and nonprescription medications sourced outside of united states, thanks to coronavirus we've seen a significant drop in supply. jillian turner following that in dc. reporter: bracing for a potential drug shortage in near future. lawmakers in dc say this week, coronavirus outbreak in china highlights severe and longstanding weaknesses in our medical supply chain. more than unfortunate, it is a danger to public health, key according to president trump is finding alternative supply chains. >> a lot of places make different drugs and things we need so badly, it not good to be dealing with one or two country. >> he is working on plans to make america self sufficient.
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>> coronavirus shows the important of bringing manufacturing back to america, so we are producing at home, the medicines and equipment that we need to protect the public health. reporter: lawmakers are onboard, passes an emergency package that alcoa kates00 -- allocates hundreds of millions to pharmaceutical. >> we need a made in america strategy, we look at regulations and tax code to see what we could do to drive more of the medical development in manufacturing back here to the united states. >> administration sources say another idea in work to make fda responsible for flagging potential shortages, house bill including about 61 million dollars for the fda, that is mimicked in senate bill, a chunk used to monitor and mitigate any product shortage.
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all sides here in dc working on a solution. connell: something worth watching thank you. >> and thank you for joining us -- dierdre: thank you. "bulls and bears" starts right now. >> welcome to "bulls and bears," i am kristina partsinevelos in for david asman. markets slammed as coronavirus cases in united states climb, spooking investors, dow closing almost 1,000 points lower, vice president pence onboard air force 2 and traveling to washington state to meet with the governor and health officials. washington remaining one of hardest hit from the coronavirus, number of cases is now to 71 reported today, dan springer is in seattle with the latest. reporter: number of cases in washington state continue to go up, 71 case ands here, one additional death for


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