tv Lou Dobbs Tonight FOX Business March 5, 2020 10:00pm-11:00pm EST
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day. what a week we've had. follow me on facebook and instagram. e-mail, kennedy at fox business. go wash your hands and your liver in titos, good night. lou: good evening, number of coronavirus cases in this country are rising.nt as expected. but there has been an unexpected response out west in one community too the virus, in king county, washington, the county in which the city of seattle is located, health officials there ares now recommending that 2.2 million residents of king county should work from home, and people over age of 60 should stay home, away from crowds, in
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last half hour vice president pepresident pence landing in washington state. he be brought up-to-date on the crisis in the state of washington. in this country, 12 people have died from the coronavirus, 11 of them died in the state of washington. 70s of country 221 cases have been confirmed in the state of washington. and earlier's today, the vice president was in minnesota. where he visited 3m plant, in january, 3m pledged to ramp up its production of protective face mask to prevent a shortage because of the virus' spread, the vice president spoke plainly just what the american people expect of their leaders. the vice president, saying that while there are enough tests for those to have believed to have been exposed there are not tests for all americans yet.
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>> we don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will beda the demand going forward. those who we believe have been exposed, for those who are showing symptoms, we have been able to provide the testing. as more americans take an interest in this or have concerns about this, we want to make sure they have access to a coronavirus test, as well, w we have made progress. lou: straight forward talk from the vice president, and today, senate passing $8 billion spending bill to fun the the --d the government's response to coronavirus, bill has been sent to president's desk for his signature. he is expected to sign it. joining us now to bring us up-to-date dr. anthony fauci, director of national institute offalle -- diseases, a member of
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president trump's coronavirus task force, and it is a always a pleasure to have you with us, dr., doctor, let's start with the issue of washington state. the nation is focused on washington state. where the vice president is. and what going on there. because it seems to be -- if you will, at the vanguard of this outbreak. >> well,an lou, that is a good point, i think what they have decided to do in washington is actuallyy quite appropriate. as you mentioned washington has what called community spread of infection. it is outto there in the community. at a certain level, not sure what level. but you say community spread you are not sure who or who was
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languaoriginal index case, you o do social distancing, that means, trying to avoid crowds, having people do telework, and certain medication of school schedules that is the thing h tt prevents the interaction among people which would lead to further spread. it falls under category of mitigation. lou: sure. and making sure that as many possible as we can protect from the virus. protect themselves, and with the help of our government at all levels. the virus itself, it is very hard to get a good sense of this, we could put up a graphic that shows worldwide the deaths, from this virus. and the number of cases. could we put up that full screen, please. there it is. it shows 3348 deaths to this point.
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almost 98,000 people infected worldwide, and recovered 54 thousand. and doctor, irl would like to start m with number recovered, t seems we see that number rising as a percentage of those who have been confirmed to have the virus. is that significant? >> well, it is. because even though the people who get into trouble. as i have mentioned before, on the show, that people who wind up getting seriously ill, and dying are usually people heavily weighted toward the elderly with underlying conditions like heart descreezdisease, where vast majf people, more than 80% do well, they may get ill, but they recover spontaneously with little medical intervention. so that is the group that the larger group. the smaller group are the vulnerable ones that is where
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mortality is high, and those who are at higher risk, they are the individuals we need to protect, the vulnerable people in that category of higher risk, as you said, correctly, the vast majority of the people will recover sta spontaneously. lou: watching response in community after community. this spread of the disease, does it amount to globally now? in all of the countries in which it is spreading, is it now by any othe by any definition, it a opinioapen pa -- pandemic. >> youke know world health organization makes that determination, they have not made that yet, they think that latest number, with 79. there is not sustained san transmission globally, there are a lot of country with cases, therehr are community spread in
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some. some of the countries particularly are problematic, one is south korea, a considerable number of cases that are community spread, certain regions in northern italy another group, japan another one. there are countries that are hit much harder than others. the reason that w.h.o. is not calling it a pandemic, they feel it has not really reached that diffuse degree of spread. but to be honest, lou, we're not going to do anything different right now, no matter what they callll it. >> it seems a matter of semantics and meaning and whatever the weight of the word is to the world he'll -- world h organization, you and other officials fighting against the coronavirus are doing what vow to do for an epidemic, what is
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the matter, think global but act local, never been truer than in the case of this battle against this virus. the mortality rate, there seems in national media, almost a such a sensational approach to this the death rate mortality rate, in this we're really not going to know, are we? until it does reach a more diffuse level in this country. are we? >> well, lou, again reason there is confusion about the stated mortality rate you hear, is right now the rate that w.h.o. talks about is about 2 to 3%. maybe some days 3, some day 2, but between 2 and 3%. that is a pure mag -- mag math
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-- competition, you do number of deaths divided by number of cases, do you that you get 2 to 3%, you model about individuals who might be infected but don't come to attention of any medical authorities, they are madely -- mildly symptom attic, we're not sure where it is right now. but likely is less than 2 or 3%, if you count the people who are infested but without or minimal symptoms. lou: and vice president today, vice president pence, saying clearly that we don't have the testing kits for all americans, right now, we have managed to get kits to those who are symptommic or who f think they have been exposed to the virus,
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and i have to tell you, i love the vice president's candor, i think that audience appreciates his straight forwardness, and honesty, we have come to expect from this administration. to get your sense of where we are and what we're facing in the next week or two, i know no one with certainty say, but give us a sense of what you think the next two weeks will look like. >> yeah, what almost certainly will happen we'll see more cases. we will see more cases in the seattle area, i think what they are doing with social discipline -- or social distancing will make number less than would have been. and more likely cases in other parts of the country, where it winds up will departmen depend e
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respond to it, how we respond to it, to identification and isolation and contact tracing. other regions of nation with same issue now in seattle, i under score it, i think that authorities in seattle have done the right thing, in instituting this mitigation, that will deputy on how that response occurs it difficult to predict, but to say we'll see more cases, how many more is unpredictable. lou: my last question. we understand that the virus has mutated once. have we seen evidence it has been -- there have been further mutations? >> lou, it an rnarnavirus, they mutate all of the time, whether that is functional significant
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is still unclear, likely not a significant difference. lou: dr. fauci, thank you, sir, we appreciate you being with us. >> thank you, lou. lou: dr. 4 fauci one of the great medical minds. and senator lindsey graham today once again, talking out of both sides of his mouth and speaking in only half truth. the senator met with trump at white house. they talked about the senator's interest in immigration. comprehensive immake. yoimmigration, youremember amnee supreme court would strike down the obama era daca manager proge is what graham said after he met with the president. >> we don't know what will happen in june, president put an
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off or table for 1.8 million daca eligible folks, but we wants to get something to address the underlying problem. and i think that the take away for me, if court rules in president's favor we'll not allow those folks to have their lives turned upside down but we try to put together a package that protects daca population, and there are things that address how the system broken we'll cross that bridge whether we get there. lou: i don't know what bridge graham is talking but he is speaking for the president, that an odd place for any senator on be. let's b tell you what president has said, and has done. thisd senator was speaking of te president's offer on daca from 2018. that was to be for 25 billion to secure the southern border 25 billion in funds, to build the
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wall, something that dems did not accept. there is no offer from this president on the table. and that is what senator graham left out. of his debriefing if you will. senator gra graham might look at what happened to republican party last time t he was pushing immigration reform on a president. back in 2006, senator prove so-called comprehensive immigration reform that would provide a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. you know. amnesty. >> in that year, demographs had net -- democrat had a net gain of 37 seats in house and senate, won back control of both chambers for first time since confiden1994, here we are in 20h the -- well, flexible senator from south carolina. trying to push the president
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toward immigration legislation in an elec an election year. according to gallup, by the way, 5% approval in his ratings in 2006, he did it in a week, one week, a disaster for the republican party. graham seems willing to risk the presidency, senate and house. just for a couple sound bites he gets to peddle to national left wing media, he would do well to remember only candidate who ran in 2016 promising to cut illegal ilimmigration won. >> up next, mitt romney at it again, at it again this time saying, senate republican should not be investigating the bidens or bar is -- bhe he tells who ys
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lou: breaking news tonight, justice department inspector general releasing a new report about the fbi a decisions to drop investigations of several radical islammist terrorists who later carried out deadly attacks across country, identifying 6 attacks fort hood shooting in 2009. nadaed that -- nadal hassan. and garland, texas, orlando pulse nightclub, and new york, new jersey bombing effort lausd are dale -- ft. lauderdale
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airport, the shootings taking place, and terrorist attacks, rino senator mitt romney today not supporting ron jennifer john investigation to hunter biden and burisma. here is what romney rino called the investigation. >> no question but that the okayartheappearance of looking o burisma and hunter biden appears political. i think that people are tire the of these political investigations, if there is something that is significant it be done by fbi or another agency not as political as a committee our body. lou: well, that was the ultimate romney rino. we'll take up you on that worked out for him. as we take up the issue with our a-team, senator johnson threatening to sou supervisor sa
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documents related to hunter biden rule on burisma. we will remind you romney's former top adviser in 2012, in his campaign served on burisma board alongside hunter biden, and also weeks ago that mitt romney was supporting hunter biden's testimony, and in exchange for john bolton's testimony in radical dimms impeachment sham. joining us jim hansen, former u.s. army special forces. kt mcfarland. author of new book. revolution, trump, washington and we the people. >> kt, we start with you. with these fbi dropping
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investigations of terrorists. and had plenty of people to harass, and attempt to over 3 ththrow the president of united states. >> myself included, i speak from personal experience, i think that fbi has a lot of problems, a lot to answer for, they have missed terrorist attacks they seem like the keystone cops, you point out, that same time they devote a huge amount of resource in something they knew from the very beginning had nothing do it, because they wanted to take down president trump, they were doing it by taking down ern around him. lou: jim. >> you know, there was a concerted effort to decouple terrorism and islam that started during george bush's administration and got dangerously bad as we saw during obama administration. now you have to say, right now that not all muslims are
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terrorist, but islamist terrorists should be identified as dangerous, and fbi stopped doing that, that is where they stopped investigating, they have flood o blood on their hands for doing that. >> it is outrageous, that this agency that once was storied and the stuff of legends is now the subject of -- i mean investigations. the political corruption of that agency, is overwhelming. it remains so, and we're watching investigations proceed, but at a snail's pace, it as if we don't have our heart in the right place. this is a agency that has been out of control, of the american people for a very long time. the reporthereport -- respect fl
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but gone. >> i thought they were my friends until they came knocking on my door unannounced and tried to set me up with a perjury charge. i think that fbi has a lot to answer for, i am frustrated at what seems to be the slow case of investigating the investigators, even though the reports come out one excuse and delay after another, it is time it clean house. >> your thoughts. >> let's do it, sad to watch political witch-hunts go on against president trump by people who put their partisan politics ahead of their sworn report -- responsibility to do the, of the american people, it would be a blessing for american
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people ton it would not be tolerated by putting them in shackles and frog marching them out the front of the building. lou: that is where i get to say well said, both of you. >> quote from mitt romney, protesting ron johnson's investigation of the bidens and burisma. this is from mitt romney. if we could put up the full screen from january 28 this ye year: >> tonight, the ultimate romney rino, does not think so any mo more. thank you, utah for sending that -- that to us. kt and jim thank you so much. >> up next chuck schumer said he
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lou: chuck schumer, bronx thug, today offering a weak apology for his absolutely ridiculous threats against supreme court justices brett kavanaugh and neil gorsuch. >> i am from brooklyn, we speak in strong language, i should not have used words i did, but in no way was i making a threat, i would never do such a thing, leader mitch mcconnell knows that.
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>> let me be clear i'm not outraged, i think he looks like a fool, he has never been in a fist fight, plays a thug from new york then starts whining for forgiveness. is that the way they do it from brooklyn, i don't think t so. i am from texas, i am plain spoken as well. perhaps stronger than mr. schumer, i would have this thought for him, you are al awfl you ar ignor ignorant and a abse disgrace to the bronx. joins me, ed rollins, welcome, you can be plain spoken. >> i don't care about brooklyn, he is u.s. senate, she number one in senate, he there
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threatened two member of the supreme court, and warned them that wrath of god would come down on them, that is illegal, improper and outrageous for leader of a legislative body to make those kind of changes. lou: all lawyers in swamp said we can'taw make it criminal. i think it could be criminal. >> it could. lou: i leave that to justice department, but i really believe that this kind of ignorance has to have a consequence. >> a censure, i think that is why he backed away today. lou: if republicans don't, still, they -- r>> aircraft agree. lou: they are milk toast rinos that nominee is. >> i think mcconnell lead up to that today, probably have everyone but romney. lou: i would hope so, turn to warren playing victim today, the audio of warren on sexism. and the democratic primary.
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>> gender in this race, you know, that is the question for every woman. if you say yeah, there were sexism in this race, everyone says whiner. and if you say no, there was no sexism, about a bazillion women think what planet do you live on. lou: there have you it, sexism, and victim was elizabeth warren, ending the baton off to no one. >> she started as a front-runner, raised a ton of money, had a great organization and lost big time, h she was ner mistreated, she was given full forum on every stage, she could not make her sale, hillary clinton, won popular vote 4 years ago, that is not sexism, that is a politics. lou: turn to georgia, and senate race that is shaping up between
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lefler and collins, congressman from georgia. let's look at some of the backing that she has, the senate majority leader mitch mcconnell senate leadership on consider club formc growth, susan b anthy group, all backing her. and doug collins, president his choice -- he was the choice of the president to fill that seat. >> i can tell you great america pak. i am chairman. a collins a fantastic member, we believed in primaries, ronald reagan never let gone get involved in a primary. he primaried ford and was pleased when he almost beat him, my sense, this is ridiculous of the senate committee to always defend any candidate. lou: and the establishment rino
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romneys or -- >> she gave a lot of money. lou: nikki haley down to go for lefler. >> no one fought harder for the president than doug collins, if i lived in georgia i would be out front and center for him. lou: ed thank you. >> up next, the secret of -- there were babies involved... and they weren't saying much. i envisioned what it's like for babies to have diapers around them. that's what we do at 3m, we listen to people, even those who don't have a voice. at the end of the day, we are people helping people.
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protect integrity of fisa process, he wrote this -- fbi personnel under disciplinary review in relation to work on fisa application accordingly should not participate in submitting such application to court while a review is pending and adds same restriction apply to any justice department attorney. under disciplinary review and personnel who are subject of a criminal referral. -- that is the conclusion to this point. it is not reform of any kind. joining us now president trump's personal attorney, former new york city mayor, rudy guliani. great american and host of the common sense podcast, rudy, great to have you with us. -- >> how are you. lou: great. i have to say this is one of those days that keeps your blood pressure higher.
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>> absolutely. lou: i mean, we're watching a white wash across the spectrum. where fisa court or it is the fbi personnel involved. they can't apply for people fisa warrants, good tohe know, but it is not reform is it? > no, if you make a false statement on a fisa application, you should be prosecute the for perjury. only way to assure integrity of the process. i know a lot about fisa court, i was there from the beginning, it a very special responsibility, you have as justice department employee. does not get reviewed by anyone, there is no defense lawyer. and prosecutors, even good ones with a bias. have you to take that bias out of your head and play both sides, they did not do that. what comey and his gang of
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unbelievably embe embarrass fbi agents did they undermined credibility of fisa and took something thatat is supposed toe fair, and turned it to a hit job on president trump. lou: i have to say, that strikes me as seeking to reform the process to those courts, what really, right now is still searching for answer. the problem is we have three elements that are going to sunset from fisa law, on march 15, and w we have a congress ana senate after watches what that court and that fbi and that department of justice did to the president of the united states, are still willing to reauthorize it without reform, that to me is outrageous. >> it is. there -- first there should be a hearing, really a hearing about
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fisa abuses. so that members of congress can get informed about reform that is necessary, i give you one, that should at least be thought about, that is to have a someone representing the other side. to have someone who is a devil's advocate to go over the work of fbi and doj so we're not left in their hands again. the fbi and doj in general are terrific, but comey became a political animal, i was going do say a worse word. i mean, he was no longer a prosecutor. here is from someone who prosecute the probably some of most significant cases in last century,y, i respect prosecutors very much. hillary clintonon case, was a f. a complete fix, all witnesses you could have used against the hillary clinton were given immunity and investigation of president trump, every witness was put in jail. they trapped flynn to perjury,
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they gave every one of hillary clinton people,th 12, immunity without ever trying to turn them on her, where someone like weisman tortured mana -- manafort. kept him in solitaire confinement for 7 months, you couldn't fool me. comey fixed the hillary investigation that came from the white house that was a noninvestigation from the verye beginning. that is why the attorney general told don't call it an investigation, she is at least being honest. lou: we're overtime, quickly. ron johnson, senator johnson is going after and says within next month or two he will have a report on his investigation to bidens, your thought? >> my thought and i would take him seriously. very seriously, i would not discount the fact that from what
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i have seen, and i hate to say this, one of the few, that seems to haves the courage to face up to the fact that these things -- crimes have to be try the like crimes -- have to be treated by crimes, we have to change the double standard. i would have confidence in him. lou: senator johnson is only one at-this-point in the republican senate who has such guts. rudy guliani. no shortage of guts from you, we appreciate it, thank you so anmuch. >> thank you, lou. lou: a programming note, i want you to know i will be defending my title tonight on tucker carlson's final exam, my o opponent, the extraordinary bill hemmer, he has been rehearsing for weeks, we will meet in intellectual combats of a high order, tucker carlson, 8 p.m., eastern on fox news channel, do you not want to miss that.
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up next, more on lindsey graham push for amest in amnesty and wy el helse he thinks about. i willl ask custom and border protect commissioner mark morgan that question, next. stay with us. (howling wind) you've been hearing a lot about 5g. but there's 5g... and then there's verizon 5g. we're building the most powerful 5g experience for america. it's more than 10 times faster than some other 5g networks. and it's rolling out in cities across the country. so people can experience speeds that ultra wideband can deliver. 1.7 gigs here in houston.
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lou: another sell-off on wall street, dow fell 970, s&p down 106, and nasdaq down 279. the average 30-year fixin fixin- mortgage falling to lowest level since 1971. amazing. mortgage cappin applications sug 10%. and a reminder to listen to my report 3 times a day coast-to-coast on salem radio other. network. >> president trump saying his administration will begin withholding money from sanctuary cities, tweeting this:
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lou: vote in tonight's poll, question is, are youick o sick f lindsey graham speaking out of both sides of his mouth, cast your vote at @loudobbs. >> joining us. mark, let me start with senator graham. speaking for the president, as if he offered 1.8 million daca recipients a deal, he forgot to tell everyone that was content contingent on 25 billion in president's offer from 2018. for 25 billion for the border wall, did you fine that an
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eomission. >> i am not going to weigh in. lou: sure you are, come on, mark we've known each another a long time, it's just you and me. >> we have, that is why you know i'm not weighing in on political aspects of conversation. but we have talked about before, you and i, what as a commissioner, represents men and women of cdp, we need congress to do get off the sidelines, and pass a couple of pieces of legislation that will address this crisis that is what we need. lou: how soon do you think that would happen? >> i am not going to hold my breath. lou: i will say this to you good try, we both know that left here is just out of this -- its mind. let's turn to what is going on at the border, right now. and that is more illegal immigrants, moving for the border. -- fewer getting through. your thoughts? >> so, i think right now, we
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have seen in past couple months, lou, this is what we're getting out there now, because of this president strategy, you know me, i am a law enforcement career to professional. lou: a great american i might add. >> i appreciate that, i tell you that president's strategy had given us more tools in our tool box than we've ever had if last 5 months we've been removing more illegal aliens than apprehending since height in may to this january, we have dram at ibl-- dramatically reduced numbr of people we are releasing to united states, we reduced almost all but catch and release, because of this president's initiative and tools he provided us. lou: i think back to -- and in the ignor ignorant remark from r graham that president made about
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daca. he -- this is a same guy who worked with under the mccain, kennedy legislation of 2006, they blew away the republicans. with comprehensive immigration reform, they destroyed the republican control of the house. and the senate in 2006. because of the rom -- excuse me. not romney, it was the mccain-kennedy bill, now because of romney like rinos like lindsey graham they would destroy this presidency and this senate held by republicans and forfeit opportunity to take control of the house, this is stunning to me what this president already using tariffs created for first time, cooperation with the mexican government in securing the border, first time, achieving real border security.
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>> that is right, lou, a commissioner, i am concerned any deal that done, we have to be careful that we'll not undoe what the president has done. we're absolutely worried if we don't do this the right way we'll send a wrong message to my granding anmigrants and create r surge congress has to be very careful. lou: mark, thank you, keep it going. >> thank you very much. >> thank you. lou: stay with us we're welcoming right book. plan -- we're coming right back. wherever we want to go, autosave your way there with chase. chase. make more of what's yours.
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schwab. a modern approach to wealth management. ♪ ♪ lou: in our poll last night we asked you if chuck schumer should be held accountable for his threats again the justices, 82% of you said yes, 18%, you know people, you know maybe surprised, to fine how large our liberal audience members are, shows open mindedness here. we appreciate it. president trump addressing the coronavirus tonight in a fox news town hall in pennsylvania. vice president pence in washington state, saying that president will sign the coronavirus funding bill tomorrow. that is it for us, tonight, thank you for being with us,
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tomorrow evening we'll be joined byni others but among them john salomon, gordon chang, pastor robert jeffers, we hope you will be with us, follow me on twitter at lou dobbs and good night from new york. jeffries. good night from new york. trish: the liberal media trying to find some justification for chuck schumer's threat to our supreme court justices while schumer himself, finally, makes a very weak attempt at an apology. who is this guy? i mean, he's supposed to be the minority leader of the u.s. senate. but i'm setting the record straight tonight. chuck seem schumer is nothing -- chuck schumer is nothing but a political animal who symbolizes all that is wrong with american politics. i'm trish regan. trying to shrug off his outrageous, dangerous, hateful commentses that he made on the steps of the supreme court. we're going to get to those comments in just a second, but
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