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tv   Lou Dobbs Tonight  FOX Business  March 7, 2020 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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us. that's it for this week's show. thanks to my panel. thanks a all of you for watching. i'm paul gigot, hope to see you all here next week.maria" on fo. hope you start your day every day with us on foxbusiness. that will do it for us tonight, see you again next time. >> the number of coronavirus cases in this country are rising. is expected but there has been an unexpected response out west in one community to that virus. in king county washington the county in which the city of seattle is located health officials there are now recommending the 2.2 million residents of king county should work from home and people over the age of 60 should stay home and away from crowds.
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in the last hour mike pence landed in washingtontate, very he is meeting with governor jay ensley to talk about the pandemic and to be brought up to date on the crisis in the state of washington. and earlier today the vice president was in minnesota where he visited the 3m plant in january, 3m pledged to ramp up its production of protective facemasks to prevent a shortage because of the virus's spread. during his visit the vice president spoke plainly, candidly just what the american people expect a leaders. the vice president saying that while there are enough tests for those believed to have been exposed, there aren't enough tests available for all americans yet. >> we don't have enough tests today to meet what we anticipate will be the demand going forward. for those who we believe have
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been exposed, those were showing symptoms we have been able to provide the testing. as more americans take an interest in this or have concerns we want to make sure they have access to a coronavirus test as well. >> straightforward talk from the vice president, just what we would expect. the senate passing an $8 billion spending bill to fund the government's responsible coronavirus, the bill has been sent to the president's desk for his signature. is expected to sign it. joining us now to bring us up to date, doctor anthony fsuici, one of the leaders on whom we depend and always a pleasure to
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have you with us. let's start with the issue of washington state, the nation is focused on washington state where the vice president is and what is going on there because it seems to be at the vanguard of this outbreak. >> a very good point and i think what they have decided to do in washington is quite appropriate. as you mentioned washington has what is called community spread of infection. is out there in the community at a certain level, not completely sure what level but when you say community spread you are not really sure who or what was the original index case so what you need to do is called social distancing and that is what the governor and the state decided to do. that means trying to avoid crowds, having people do
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telework, have certain modifications to school schedules, that is the kind of thing that prevents the interaction among people which would lead to further spread. it falls under the category of what we call mitigation. >> and making sure as many protect themselves from the virus with the help of our government at all levels. the virus itself, hard to get a good sense of this. i want to start with a number recovered. the percentage of those confirmed to have the virus, is that significant? >> it is because the people who get into trouble, who wind up getting seriously ill and dying are usually people very heavily weighted toward the elderly who
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have heart disease, chronic lung disease, diabetes and things like that where more than 80% of people do really well. they may get bill but recover spontaneously with very little medical intervention. obviously a smaller group are the vulnerable ones for which the mortality is clearly high and those higher risk. these are the individuals we need to protect, the vulnerable people who are in that category of the high-risk. as you said correctly the vast majority of the people actually recover spontaneously. lou: as we watch the response in community after community, this spread of the disease, does it amount to globally now in all of the countries in which it is spreading, is it now by any definition, isn't it
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a pandemic? >> the who makes the determination. they've not done that yet because even though there are considerable territories that think the latest number was 79, there isn't sustained transmission globally throughout. a lot of countries have cases. there is community spread in some. some of the countries particularly are problematic and one of those is south korea has a considerable number of cases of community spread, certain regions in northern italy, japan is another group. there are countries that are hit much harder than others. the reason the who is not falling a pandemic is they feel it hasn't reached that diffuse degree of spread in multiple
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countries but to be honest with you we are not going to do anything different no matter what they call it because we know how to address this. lou: it seems a matter of semantics in whatever the weight of the word is to the world health organization you and the other officials leading this fight against the coronavirus are doing precisely what you have to do for an epidemic, global but act local has never been true then it seems in the case of this battle against this virus. the mortality rate, this seems in the national media almost such a sensational approach to this, the death rate, the mortality rate in this, we are not really going to know until it does reach a more diffuse, is the word you use, level in this country, are we?
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>> the reason there is confusion about the stated mortality rate that you hear is right now the mortality rate the who talks about is somewhere between 2% to 3%. maybe someday 3, some days to but let's say between 2% and 3%. that is a pure arithmetic mathematical computation. what it is is the number of deaths divided by the number of cases. when you do that you get the 2 percent-2% but if you model it about individuals who might be infected but don't come to the attention of any medical authorities because they are even mildly symptomatic or asymptomatic than the denominator gets bigger and as the denominator gets bigger, what is called case fatality rate will come down. we are not exactly sure where it is right now but it is
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likely less than the 2 percent-3% if you count the people who are infected but without minimal symptoms. lou: vice president penn state very clearly that we don't have the testing kits for all americans right now but we've managed to get kids to those who are symptomatic, who think they have been exposed to the virus and i have to tell you i personally loved the vice president's candor. this audience appreciates his straightforwardness, his honesty, what we have come to expect from this administration. to get your sense of where we are and what we are facing in the next week or two, i know no one can with certainty say but give us a sense of for you think the next two weeks will look like.
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>> what almost certainly will happen as we will see more cases, we will almost certainly see more cases in the seattle area. what they are doing with the social discipline, the social distancing will make that number less than what it would have been if they did not do that. we also likely will see more cases springing up in other parts of the country. where it ultimately winds up is going to depend on a lot of things. it is going to depend on how we respond to it, our ability to do identification, isolation and contact tracing and if, a big if we get other regions of the country that have the same issue we are seeing now in seattle and i underscore the authorities in seattle have done the right thing in instituting this mitigation it will depend on how that response occurs so it is difficult to predict except to say we will see more cases. how many more his unpredictable.
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lou: i promise my last question. the virus has mutated at least once. have we seen evidence that there have been further mutations? >> it is an rna virus, one of the rules as they mutate all time. whether that is of any functional significance, does it make any difference how the virus acts, is not a significant difference. lou: we appreciate your knowledge. >> good to be with you. >> one of the great medical minds in infectious diseases and immunology if not the nation's leading immunologist. senator lindsey graham today once again talking out of both sides of his mouth and speaking in only half truths. the senator met with donald
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trump at the white house, they apparently talked about the senator's interest in immigration, comprehensive immigration, amnesty in case the supreme court were to strike down the obama era daca program, here's what graham had to say after he met with the president. >> we don't know what will happen in june. the president put an offer on the table for 1.8 million eligible folks who have a pathway to citizenship but he has to address the underlying problem. the take away from me as if the court rules and the president's favor we are not going to allow these folks to have their lives turned upside down but we will put together a package that protects the population, but does some things to address how the system is so broken and we will cross that bridge when we get there. >> we don't know what bridge graham is crossing but he is speaking for the president and
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that is an odd place for any senator to be. let's tell you what the president has said and what he has done. the senator was speaking of the president's offer on daca from 2018 and that was to be in exchange for $25 billion to secure the southern border, $25 billion in funds to build the wall, something the dems didn't accept. there is no offer from this president on the table and that is what senator graham left out of his debriefing if you will. senator graham might take a look at what happened to the republican party the last time he was pushing immigration reform on a president. back in 2006 the senate approved the comprehensive immigration reform act that would have provided a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants, you know, amnesty.
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in that year democrats had a net gain of 37 seats in the house and the senate. the democrats won back control of both chambers for the first time since 1994 and here we are in 2020 with the immensely flexible senator from south carolina trying to push the president toward immigration legislation in an election year. we have yet to find a single achievement on the part of senator graham legislatively or politically. and according to gallup by the way, in 2006, he lost 5% approval of his ratings back in 2006, did it in a week. a disaster for the republican party, graham seems willing to risk the presidency, the senate
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and the house just for couple of soundbites he gets to pedal the national left-wing media. he would do well to remember the only candidate who ran in 2016 promising to cut illegal immigration won. up next, mitt romney is at it again this time saying senate republicans should not be investigating the bidens or burisma. he talks out of both sides of his mouth and we will tell you who he is recommending be in charge of those investigations, i take that up with rudy giuliani and the disturbing report about the fbi's failure in stopping terrorist attacks in this country. it seems when you spy on a president you don't have time to spy on terrorists. we take that up with our a-team we take that up with our a-team panel hehehehehe
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lou: the justice department inspector general releasing a new report about the fbi's decision to drop investigations of several radical islamic terrorists who later carried out deadly attacks across the country.
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the report identifies six such attacks. the fourth who shooting in 2009. let's put up a full screen so people can follow along with this. the fourth hood shooting, i guess we don't have that. that is unfortunate and garland, texas, orlando pulse nightclub, new york new jersey bombing attacks, fort lauderdale airport, all the shootings taking place in terrorist attacks. mitt romney not supporting ron johnson's investigation into hunter biden and ukrainian gas company burisma. here's what the ultimate romney rino called the investigation. >> no question but the appearance of looking into burisma and hunter biden appears political and i think people are tired of these kind of political investigations and hope there is something of significance that needs to be
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evaluated it should be done by the fbi or some other agency that is not as political as a committee of our body. lou: that was the ultimate romney rino blathering along, we will take up how that worked out for him as we take up the issue with our a team coming up, senator johnson threatening to subpoena documents related to hunter biden's role, hasn't said if he will support that subpoena but we will remind you that romney's former top advisor joseph black in 2012 served on burisma's board of directors alongside hunter biden and only weeks ago mitt romney was supporting hunter biden's testimony in exchange for john bolton's testimony in the impeachment sham.
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this is romney at his best, joining me is jim hansen, special forces president of the security studies group at the national security think tank, k t mcfarland, national security adviser to donald trump author of the brand-new book, we recommend it to you highly, revolution, trump, washington and we the people. let's start with the fbi dropping investigations of terrorists and apparently had plenty of people to harass, assail and attempt to overthrow the president of the united states for an excessive three years. >> myself included. i can speak from personal experience. the fbi has a lot to answer for. they have missed terrorist attacks, they seem like the keystone cops, couldn't pay attention to those and at the same time they devote an enormous amount of resources into something they knew from the beginning had nothing to it
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because they wanted to take down donald trump and they were going to do it by taking down everybody around him. >> there was a concerted effort to decouple terrorism and islam that started during george bush's administration and got dangerously bad during obama's administration. not all muslims are terrorists but islamist terrorists should be identified as dangerous and the fbi stopped doing that which is why they stopped investigating these people. obama for telling them to do it in the fbi for failing to follow through and protect the american people. lou: it is outrageous this agency that once was story that, the stuff of legends is now the subject of
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investigations, political corruption of that agency is overwhelming. it remains so and we are watching investigations proceed at a snail's pace. it is as if we don't have our heart in the right place. this is an agency that has been out of control of the american people for a long time. the respect to that organization is all but gone. >> i always thought the fbi were our friends and we were on the same side until they came knocking at my door unannounced and tried to set me up with a perjury trap so i would plead guilty to a crime i didn't commit or say that others committed crimes which i knew they didn't including the president of the united states. the fbi has a lot to answer for. i'm frustrated and what seems to be the slow pace of investigating the investigators and even though all these reports keep coming out, one excuse after another, one delay after another it is time to
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clean that house and shake the foundation. >> let's do it. it is sad to watch these political witchhunts going on against donald trump by people who put their partisan politics ahead of this sworn responsibility to do the business of the american people so at this point we have investigations we keep hearing about. it would be a blessing for the american people to know that will not be tolerated by putting some of these people in shackles and marching them out the front of that building. >> that is where i get to say well said, both of you. i want to close with a quote from mitt romney is protesting ron johnson's investigation of the bidens and burisma, this is from mitt romney if we put up the full screen from january 20 eighth of this year, quote, i think if you heard from one side, if you heard from one
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side you probably ought to have the chance to hear from a witness from the other side and of course tonight the ultimate romney rino doesn't think so anymore. thank you, utah for sending that to us. thanks so much, chuck schumer says he's sorry for yesterday's threats against two supreme court justices. even cowardly blamed his childhood home for his remarks.
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maria: chuck schumer bronx photographic a very weak
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apology for his absolutely ridiculous threats against supreme court justices brett kavanaugh and neil gorsuch. listen to this. >> i am from brooklyn, we speak in strong language. i shouldn't have used the words i did but in no way was i making a threat. i never ever would do such a thing and leader mcconnell knows that and republicans who are busy manufacturing outrage over these comments know that too. lou: i'm not outraged at all. i think he looks like a full. the man has never been in a fistfight. he plays the thugs from new york and then starts whining for forgiveness. is that the way they do it in brooklyn? i don't think so. i'm from texas and that makes me plainspoken as well mister minority leader. perhaps a little stronger than mister schumer. i would have this thought for him, you're awful, you're ignorant and you are an absolute disgrace to the bronx.
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joining me now, foxbusiness political analyst and rawlins. you can be plainspoken. aren't you impressed that he was a thug on one day at a whining coward the next. >> i don't care about brooklyn but i care about the united states senate and he is the number one democrat in the senate and threaten two members of the supreme court, warned them that if they didn't vote right on the abortion issue the wrath of god was going to come down on them. that is absolutely illegal, improper and outrageous from one member of the legislative body, leader of the legislative body. >> nearly all the lawyers in the swamp are saying we can't make it criminal. i think it could be criminal and i will leave that to the justice department but i really believe that this kind of ignorance has to have a consequence. >> the minimum is a center which is why he backed away, the republicans are ready -- >> of republicans don't censure
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him still, they are the milquetoast -- >> mcconnell lit up to that and the reality is you could have everybody but romney. >> let's turn to warren playing the victim today. could be rolled this audio of warren on sexism in the democratic primary? >> gender in this race, you know it is a trap question for every one. if you say yes there was sexism in this race everyone says weiner and if you say no, there was no sexism, a zillion woman say what planet do you live on? lou: there you have it. it is sexism. the victim, elizabeth warren, handing the baton to know one. >> she raised a ton of money, had a great organization and
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she lost big time. i don't think she was ever mistreated, was given full form on every stage she was ever on and she couldn't make her sale. she forgets her predecessor hillary clinton won the popular vote four years ago. >> let's turn to the senate race that is shaping up between kelly leffler and doug collins, congressman from georgia, let's look at the backing she has, the senate majority leader, mitch mcconnell's senate leadership, the conservative club for growth, susan b anthony group all backing her and doug collins, the president was the choice of the president to fill that seat. >> we are going to support
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collins because collins was a fantastic member. we always believed in primaries, ronald reagan never let anybody get involved in a primary, he primary gerald ford was pleased when he almost paid him. my sense is that is ridiculous of the senate committee to always be defending any candidates, a brand-new member, give a lot of money to people like romney and others. lou: and the establishment romney - nikki haley down to go for leffler. >> no one is a potholder for the president like doug collins. >> up next the secretive fisa court, we take that up.
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fisa process, and wrote this, quote, fbi personnel under disciplinary review in relation to their work on fisa applications accordingly should not participate in drafting verifying or reviewing or submitting such application to the court while the review is pending. he adds the same restrictions apply to any justice department attorney under disciplinary review as well as any doj or fbi personnel who are the subject of a criminal referral related to their work on fisa applications and that is the conclusion to this point. it isn't reform of any kind. joining us is new york city mayor rudy giuliani, great american and host of the common sense podcast. i have to say this is one of those days that keeps your blood pressure a little higher because we are watching a whitewash here across the spectrum whether it is the fisa
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court's, the fbi, they can't apply, people involved can't apply for fisa warrants, good to know but isn't reform. >> if you make a false statement on a fisa application you should be prosecuted for perjury. that is the only way to ensure the integrity of the process. i know a lot about the fisa court. i was there from the beginning of it and it is a special responsibility you have to the justice department, i probably reviewed hundred of them. it doesn't get reviewed by anybody, there is no defense lawyer and prosecutors, even good ones have a bias, you've got to take that bias out of your head and play both sides and they obviously didn't do that. what comey and his gang of fbi agents did was undermined the
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credibility of fisa and took something that is supposed to be fair and evenhanded and turned it into a -- >> judge bos berg ccs seeking to reform the process to those courts but what really right now is still searching for an answer. the problem is we have three elements that are going to sunset fisa law on march 15th and we have a congress and the senate, after watching what that court and that fbi and the department of justice did to the president of the united states are still willing to reauthorize it without reform. that to me is outrageous. >> there should be a hearing about the fisa abuses so members of congress can get informed about the kinds of reforms that are necessary.
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i will give you one that should at least be thought about and that is to have someone representing the other side, to have someone who is a devils advocate go over the work of the fbi and the doj so we are never left again in their hands because the fbi and the doj in general are terrific but comey became a political animal. i was going to say worse word. he was no longer a prosecutor. here is from someone who prosecuted some of the most significant cases in the last century and i respect prosecutors very much, the hillary clinton case was a complete fix. all the witnesses you could have used against hillary were given immunity whereas in the investigation of donald trump every witness was tripped in jail, they gave every one of hillary's people immunity
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without ever trying to turn them on here where someone like wiseman tortured manafort, kept him in solitary confinement to turn him, can't fool me. i know when a prosecutor is corrupt. comey fixed the hillary investigation and that came right from the white house. that was a non-investigation from the beginning. that is why the attorney general said don't call it an investigation. should at least be honest. lou: i want to ask quickly, senator johnson is going after in the next month or two he will have a report on his investigation into the bidens. you are thought. >> i would taken very seriously. i would not discount from what i have seen, i hate to say this. is one of the few that seems to have the courage to face up to
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the fact that these things, crimes have to be treated like crimes whether they are committed by republicans or democrats and we have to change this double standard. i have confidence. lou: senator johnson is the only one in the republican-led senate who has such guts. no shortage of guts from you, we appreciate it as always, programming note. i want you to know i will be defeating my type on tucker carlson's final exam, my opponent the extraordinary bill him or has been rehearsing for this for weeks and we will meet in intellectual combat of a very high order i assure you. tucker carlson tonight at 8:00 pm eastern on the fox news channel. you do not want to miss this. up next more lindsey graham's push for amnesty.
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why does this senator think he can speak for the president of the united states on almost anything but particularly immigration reform. what is he thinking about? i will ask customs and border protection commissioner mark morgan that very question next, stay with us. when you move homes, you move more than just yourself.
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lou: another selloff on wall street, the dow fell 970 points, the nasdaq down 279, 5 of the big board 5.6 million shares, the average 30 year fixed extra straight mortgage falling to 3.29%, its lowest level since 1971. amazing, almost half a century. mortgage applications surging 10%, mortgage interest rates hit an all-time low and a reminder to listen to my report 3 times a day coast-to-coast on the salem radio network, donald trump saying his administration will begin withholding money
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from sanctuary cities as recent federal court rulings, the federal government will be withholding funds from sanctuary cities, they should change their status and go non-sanctuary, do not protect criminals. be sure to vote in tonight's paul. are you sick of lindsey graham speaking out of both sides of his mouth? cast your vote on twitter, we would like to hear from you, i'm sure lindsey graham would like to hear from you. joining us is acting customs and border protection commissioner mark morgan. great to have you with us and let me start, senator lindsey graham speaking for the president as if he had offered 1.8 million theaca recipients a deal and forgot to tell everyone that was contingent on $25 billion in the president's offer from 2018 for $25 billion for the border wall. did you find that a material omission on the part of the
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senator? otherwise i'm sure he was extraordinary careful with his words. >> i'm not going to -- i make sure you are, come on, it is just you and me. >> as commissioner of cvp i am not going to weigh in on the political aspects of a conversation between the senator and the president but what we have talked about before his as a commissioner what we need congress to do is get off the sidelines and pass a couple pieces of legislation that will address this crisis. lou: how soon do you think that would happen? i will say this to you, good try. you and i both know the left in this country is just as out of its mind as could possibly be. let's turn to what is going on at that border and that is more
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illegal immigrants moving toward the border, few are getting through. your thoughts? >> what we have seen in the past couple months, because of this strategy, you know me, i'm a law enforcement career professionals. lou: and a great american but i tell you we have more tools in our toolbox but we have been removing more illegal aliens than we have been apprehending, since the height in may to last january, this past january we have dramatically reduced the number of people we were releasing in the united states, dramatically reduced, all but ended catch and release because of this president's initiative and this president's tools he has provided us. lou: the ignorance remark from
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senator graham about daca f democrats give them the $25 million, this is the same guy who worked under the mccain kennedy legislation of 2006 in which they. away the republicans with comprehensive immigration reform, destroyed the republican control of the house and the senate in 2006 because of the -- it wasn't the romney -- it was the mccain kennedy bill and now because of romney like rhinos like lindsey graham they would destroy this presidency and this senate held by republicans, forfeit the opportunity to take control of the house. it is stunning to me this president has already, using tariffs, created for the first time cooperation with the mexican government in securing that border for the first time
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achieving real border security. >> as a commission what i am concerned about is any deal that is done we have to be careful we are not going to undo what the president has done. we are worried if we don't do this the right way we will send the wrong message to the migrants and create another surge. congress needs to be careful about agreement they put forward. lou: good to have you with us, lou: good to have you with us, congratulations, keep it going, hi, i'm bob harper, and i recently had a heart attack. it changed my life. but i'm a survivor. after my heart attack, my doctor prescribed brilinta. it's for people who have been hospitalized for a heart attack. brilinta is taken with a low-dose aspirin. no more than 100 milligrams as it affects how well brilinta works. brilinta helps keep platelets from sticking together and forming a clot. in a clinical study, brilinta worked better than plavix. brilinta reduced the chance of having another heart attack... ...or dying from one. don't stop taking brilinta without talking to your doctor,
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lou: in our poll last night we asked you if chuck schumer should be held accountable for his outrageous threats against brett kavanaugh and neil gorsuch, 82% of you said yes. 18%, people may be surprised to find how large our liberal audience members are, shows open-mindedness for the dobbs tonight show and we appreciate it, donald trump addressing the coronavirus of the fox news townhall in scranton, pennsylvania and mike pence in washington saying the president will sign the coronavirus
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funding bill tomorrow and that is it for us tonight. we thank you for being with us tonight, tomorrow evening we will be joined by others, among them john solomon, gordon chang, pastor robert jeffress trish: jobs, creating tons of them. it's great news. new data proves it, but all hollywood dick todays and the liberal -- dictators and liberal left can do is complain. it's an extraordinary example between the elites and mainstream americans. the elites who only want to complain about a president they just don't like while his policies continue to generate more jobs than we have seen in modern history. good evening, everyone, i am trish regan. the contrast, it's startling. tonight that the u.s. economied added 273,000 jobs in the last month while we're also learning we added more jobs in the


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